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one.empty3.library.ZBufferImplRasterVersion Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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3D rendering engine. Plus modeling. Expected glsl textures 3d and 2d rendering
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023. Manuel Daniel Dahmen
* Copyright 2012-2023 Manuel Daniel Dahmen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package one.empty3.library;
import one.empty3.library.core.nurbs.*;
import one.empty3.pointset.PCont;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* * Classe de rendu graphique
public class ZBufferImplRasterVersion extends Representable implements ZBuffer {
public static final int DISPLAY_ALL = 0;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_TEXT_QUADS = 1;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_TEXT_TRI = 2;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_COL_QUADS = 4;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_COL_TRI = 8;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_LINES = 16;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS = 32;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS_DEEP = 64;
public static final int SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS_LARGE = 128;
public static int CURVES_MAX_SIZE = 10000;
public static int SURFAS_MAX_SIZE = 1000000;
public static int CURVES_MAX_DEEP = 10;
public static int SURFAS_MAX_DEEP = 10;
public static double INFINITY_DEEP = 1E10;
public static Point3D INFINITY = new Point3D(0d, 0d, INFINITY_DEEP);
public ImageMap ime;
public Box2D box;
protected boolean colorationActive = false;
protected double angleX = Math.PI / 3;
protected double angleY = Math.PI / 3;
protected ECBufferedImage bi;
protected int ha;
protected int la;
ZBufferImplRasterVersion that;
private float zoom = 1.05f;
private boolean locked = false;
private int idImg = 0;
private int dimx;
private int dimy;
private Point3D[][] Scordinate;
private long[][] Simeid;
private double[][] Simeprof;
private Scene currentScene;
private int displayType = SURFACE_DISPLAY_TEXT_TRI;
private boolean FORCE_POSITIVE_NORMALS = true;
public ZBufferImplRasterVersion() {
that = this;
scene = new Scene();
texture(new TextureCol(Color.BLACK));
public ZBufferImplRasterVersion(int l, int h) {
la = l;
ha = h;
dimx = la;
dimy = ha;
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "width,height(" + la + ", " + ha + ")");
this.ime = new ImageMap(la, ha);
public ZBufferImplRasterVersion(Resolution resolution) {
this(resolution.x(), resolution.y());
public void copyResourceFiles(File destDirectory) {
protected long idImg() {
return idImg;
public Camera camera() {
return scene().cameraActive();
public void camera(Camera c) {
public synchronized void draw() {
public Point3D rotate(Point3D p0, Representable ref) {
return p0;
//return camera().calculerPointDansRepere(super.rotate(p0, ref));
public synchronized void draw(Collection collection) {
collection.forEach(new Consumer() {
public void accept(Object o) {
if(o instanceof Representable) {
draw((Representable) o);
} else if(o instanceof Collection)
draw((Collection) o);
public synchronized void draw(Representable r) {
if (r == null) {
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "r is null return");
if (r instanceof Scene) {
Scene scene = (Scene) r;
scene.getObjets().getData1d().forEach(representable -> draw(representable));
} else if (r instanceof RepresentableConteneur) {
((RepresentableConteneur) r).getListRepresentable().forEach(representable -> draw(representable));
if (r instanceof Point3D) {
Point3D p = (Point3D) r;
} else if (r instanceof ThickSurface) {
// Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Surface");
ThickSurface n = (ThickSurface) r;
// TODO Dessiner les bords
for (double u = n.getStartU(); u <= n.getEndU(); u += n.getIncrU()) {
// Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "(u,v) = ("+u+","+")");
for (double v = n.getStartU(); v <= n.getEndV(); v += n.getIncrV()) {
Point3D p1, p2, p3, p4;
p1 = n.calculerPoint3D(u, v);
p2 = n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v);
p3 = n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV());
p4 = n.calculerPoint3D(u, v + n.getIncrV());
switch (displayType) {
tracerQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n.texture(), u, u + n.getIncrU(), v, v + n.getIncrV(), n);
n.calculerPoint3D(u, v),
n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v),
n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(),
v + n.getIncrV()),
u, v, u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getEndV());
n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(),
v + n.getIncrV()),
n.calculerPoint3D(u, v + n.getIncrV()),
n.calculerPoint3D(u, v),
u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getEndV(),
u, v + n.getIncrV()
tracerLines(p1, p2, p3, p4, n.texture(), u, u + n.getIncrU(), v, v + n.getIncrV(), n);
} else if (r instanceof TRI) {
//System.out.print("Draw TRI");
TRI tri = (TRI) r;
if (displayType == SURFACE_DISPLAY_LINES) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
line(rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem(i), r),
rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem((i + 1) % 3), r)
, tri.texture);
} else if (displayType == SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ime.testDeep(rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem(i), r)
, tri.texture);
} else {
tracerTriangle(rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem(0), r),
rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem(1), r),
rotate(tri.getSommet().getElem(2), r)
, tri.texture());
} else if (r instanceof ParametricSurface) {
ParametricSurface n = (ParametricSurface) r;
// Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Surface");
//Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "class" + n.getClass());
// TODO Dessiner les bords
for (double u = n.getStartU(); u + n.getIncrU() <= n.getEndU(); u += n.getIncrU()) {
// Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "(u,v) = ("+u+","+")");
for (double v = n.getStartV(); v + n.getIncrV() <= n.getEndV(); v += n.getIncrV()) {
Point3D p1, p2, p3, p4;
p1 = n.calculerPoint3D(u, v);
p2 = n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v);
p3 = n.calculerPoint3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV());
p4 = n.calculerPoint3D(u, v + n.getIncrV());
if (n instanceof HeightMapSurface) {
Point3D n1, n2, n3, n4;
HeightMapSurface h = (HeightMapSurface) n;
n1 = n.calculerNormale3D(u, v);
n2 = n.calculerNormale3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v);
n3 = n.calculerNormale3D(u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV());
n4 = n.calculerNormale3D(u, v + n.getIncrV());
p1 =, v)));
p2 = + n.getIncrU(), v)));
p3 = + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV())));
p4 =, v + n.getIncrV())));
ime.testDeep(p1, n.texture(), u, v, n);
double v1 = maxDistance(camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p1, this), camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2, this),
camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p3, this), camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p4, this));
if (v1 > 1 && v1 < la && v1 < ha) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < v1; i += 1)
for (j = 0; j < v1; j += 1) {
double u2 = u + n.getIncrU() / (1 + v1) * i;
double v2 = v + n.getIncrV() / (1 + v1) * j;
ime.testDeep(n.calculerPoint3D(u2, v2), n.texture(), u2, v2, n);
} else if (displayType == SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS_LARGE) {
tracerQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n.texture(), u, u + n.getIncrU(), v, v + n.getStartV(), n);
} else if (displayType == SURFACE_DISPLAY_LINES) {
tracerLines(p1, p2, p3, p4, n.texture(), u, u + n.getIncrU(), v, v + n.getIncrV(), n);
} else if (displayType == SURFACE_DISPLAY_COL_TRI ||
tracerTriangle(p1, p2, p3, n.texture(), u, v, u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV());
tracerTriangle(p3, p4, p1, n.texture(), u + n.getIncrU(), v + n.getIncrV(), u, v);
} else {
if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null && p4 != null) {
tracerQuad(p1, p2, p3, p4, n.texture(), u, u + n.getIncrU(), v, v + n.getIncrV(), n);
} else if (r instanceof TRIGenerable) {
r = ((TRIGenerable) r).generate();
} else if (r instanceof PGenerator) {
r = ((PGenerator) r).generatePO();
} else if (r instanceof TRIConteneur) {
r = ((TRIConteneur) r).getObj();
} else
if (r instanceof TRIObject) {
TRIObject o = (TRIObject) r;
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Objets triangle n°" + ((TRIObject) r).getTriangles().size());
for (TRI t : o.getTriangles()) {
} else if (r instanceof Point3DS) {
Point3D p = ((Point3DS) r).calculerPoint3D(0);
ime.testDeep(rotate(p, r), r.texture());
} else if (r instanceof LineSegment) {
LineSegment s = (LineSegment) r;
Point3D pO = s.getOrigine();
Point3D pE = s.getExtremite();
line(pO, pE, s.texture());
} else if (r instanceof BezierCubique) {
BezierCubique b = (BezierCubique) r;
int nt = largeur() / 10;
Point3D p0 = b.calculerPoint3D(0.0);
for (double t = 0; t < 1.0; t += 1.0 / nt) {
try {
Point3D p1 = b.calculerPoint3D(t);
line(rotate(p0, r), rotate(p1, r), b.texture());
p0 = p1;
} catch (Exception ex) {
} else if (r instanceof BezierCubique2D) {
BezierCubique2D b = (BezierCubique2D) r;
int i1 = BezierCubique2D.DIM1, i2 = BezierCubique2D.DIM2;
for (int i = 0; i < i1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i2; j++) {
double tx = (Math.max(i - 1, 0)) * 1d / i1;
double ty = (Math.max(j - 1, 0)) * 1d / i2;
draw(new one.empty3.library.Polygon(new Point3D[]{
rotate(b.calculerPoint3D(tx, (j) * 1d / i2), r),
rotate(b.calculerPoint3D((i) * 1d / i1, (j) * 1d / i2), r),
rotate(b.calculerPoint3D((i) * 1d / i1, ty), r),
rotate(b.calculerPoint3D(tx, ty), r)},
} else if (r instanceof PCont) {
PCont b = (PCont) r;
b.getPoints().forEach(o -> ime.testDeep(rotate((Point3D) o, b)
, ((Point3D) o).texture().getColorAt(0, 0)));
} else if (r instanceof POConteneur) {
POConteneur c = (POConteneur) r;
for (Point3D p : c.iterable()) {
ime.testDeep(rotate(p, r), p.texture());
} else if (r instanceof TRIConteneur) {
for (TRI t : ((TRIConteneur) r).iterable()) {
} else if (r instanceof ParametricCurve) {
ParametricCurve n = (ParametricCurve) r;
double incr = n.getIncrU().getData0d();
for (double u = n.start(); u <= n.endU(); u += incr) {
if (n.isConnected() && displayType != SURFACE_DISPLAY_POINTS) {
n.calculerPoint3D(u + incr),
n.texture(), u, u + incr, n);
} else {
ime.testDeep(n.calculerPoint3D(u), n.texture().getColorAt(0.5, 0.5));
} else if (r instanceof Polygon) {
Polygon p = (Polygon) r;
List points = p.getPoints().getData1d();
int length = points.size();
Point3D centre = Point3D.O0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
centre =;
centre = centre.mult(1.0 / points.size());
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (getDisplayType() <= SURFACE_DISPLAY_COL_TRI) {
draw(new TRI(points.get(i), points.get((i + 1) % points.size()), centre, p.texture()));
} else {
line(points.get((i % length)), points.get((i + 1) % length), p.texture);
} else if (r instanceof RPv) {
drawElementVolume(((RPv) r).getRepresentable(), (RPv) r);
private void tracerLines(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, Point3D p3, Point3D p4, ITexture texture, double u1, double v1,
double u2, double v2, ParametricSurface n) {
line(p1, p2, texture, u1, v1, u2, v1, n);
line(p2, p3, texture, u2, v1, u2, v2, n);
line(p3, p4, texture, u2, v2, u1, v2, n);
line(p4, p1, texture, u1, v2, u1, v1, n);
public double echelleEcran() {
return box.echelleEcran();
public int getColorAt(Point p) {
if (ime.getIME().getElementProf((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY()) >= INFINITY_DEEP) {
return ime.getIME().getElementCouleur((int) p.getX(), (int) p.getY());
} else {
return Color.TRANSLUCENT;
public WritableRaster getData() {
return ime.getIME().wr;
public ZBuffer getInstance(int x, int y) {
return new ZBufferImpl(x, y);
public ECBufferedImage image() {
return imageFromRaster();
public ECBufferedImage imageInvX() {
return null;
* @return hauteur du zbuffer
public int hauteur() {
return ha;
public void setDimension(int width, int height) {
la = width;
ha = height;
public ECBufferedImage imageFromRaster() {
ECBufferedImage bi2 = new ECBufferedImage(la, ha, ECBufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
return bi2;
public boolean isLocked() {
return locked;
public void isobox(boolean isBox) {
* @return largeur du zbuffer
public int largeur() {
return la;
* @param p1 first point
* @param p2 second point
* @param t colour of de la line
public void line(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, ITexture t) {
Point x1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p1, this);
Point x2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2, this);
if (x1 == null || x2 == null) {
Point3D n = p1.moins(p2).norme1();
double itere = Math.max(Math.abs(x1.getX() - x2.getX()), Math.abs(x1.getY() - x2.getY())) * 4 + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < itere; i++) {
Point3D p = / itere));
ime.testDeep(p, t.getColorAt(0.5, 0.5));
public void line(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, ITexture t, double u, double u1, ParametricCurve curve) {
Point x1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p1, this);
Point x2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2, this);
if (x1 == null || x2 == null) {
Point3D n = p1.moins(p2).norme1();
double itere = Math.max(Math.abs(x1.getX() - x2.getX()), Math.abs(x1.getY() - x2.getY())) * 4 + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < itere; i++) {
Point3D p = / itere));
double u0 = i / itere;
if (curve != null)
p = rotate(curve.calculerPoint3D(u0), curve);
ime.testDeep(p, t, u, 0.0, curve);
public void line(Point3D p1, Point3D p2, ITexture texture, double u1, double v1, double u2, double v2,
ParametricSurface surface) {
// TODO Check
Point x1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p1, this);
Point x2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2, this);
if (x1 == null || x2 == null) {
Point3D n = p2.moins(p1).norme1();
double itere = Math.sqrt((x1.getX() - x2.getX()) * (x1.getX() - x2.getX())
+ (x1.getY() - x2.getY()) * (x1.getY() - x2.getY())) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < itere; i++) {
Point3D p = / itere));
double u = u1 + i / itere * (u2 - u1);
double v = v1 + i / itere * (v2 - v1);
if (surface != null) {
//p = surface.calculerPoint3D(u2, v2);
ime.testDeep(p, texture, u, v, surface);
} else {
ime.testDeep(p, texture.getColorAt(u, v));
public boolean lock() {
if (locked) {
return false;
locked = true;
return true;
public Lumiere lumiereActive() {
return currentScene.lumiereActive();
public double[][] map() {
double[][] Map = new double[la][ha];
for (int i = 0; i < la; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ha; j++) {
if (ime.getIME().getElementPoint(i, j) != null) {
Map[i][j] = ime.getIME().getElementPoint(i, j).getZ();
} else {
Map[i][j] = INFINITY_DEEP;
return Map;
private double maxDistance(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) {
double max = Math.max(Math.max(Point.distance(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y), Point.distance(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y)),
Point.distance(p3.x, p3.y, p1.x, p1.y));
return max;
public double maxDistance(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) {
return Math
.max(Math.max(Math.max(Point.distance(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y), Point.distance(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y)),
Point.distance(p3.x, p3.y, p4.x, p4.y)), Point.distance(p4.x, p4.y, p1.x, p1.y));
public void testDeep(Point3D pFinal, ITexture texture, double u, double v, ParametricSurface n) {
ime.testDeep(pFinal, texture, u, v, n);
public int la() {
return la;
public int ha() {
return ha;
public void itereMaxDist(List points, ParametricCurve pc, double pStart, double pEnd, ParametricVolume v) {
Point3D p2start = v.calculerPoint3D(pc.calculerPoint3D(pStart));
Point3D p2End = v.calculerPoint3D(pc.calculerPoint3D(pEnd));
double dist = Point2D.dist(
new Point2D(camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2start, this)),
new Point2D(camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2End, this)));
if (dist <= 1.0) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
itereMaxDist(points, pc, pStart + (pEnd - pStart) * i / 10.0, pStart + (pEnd - pStart) * (i + 1) / 10.0, v);
public void itereMaxDist(List polygons, ParametricSurface ps,
double u0, double u1, double v0, double v1, ParametricVolume v) {
Point3D p1 = v.calculerPoint3D(ps.calculerPoint3D(u0, v0));
Point3D p2 = v.calculerPoint3D(ps.calculerPoint3D(u1, v0));
Point3D p3 = v.calculerPoint3D(ps.calculerPoint3D(u1, v1));
Point3D p4 = v.calculerPoint3D(ps.calculerPoint3D(u0, v1));
double dist = maxDistance(camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p1, this), camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p2, this),
camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p3, this), camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p4, this)
if (dist <= 1.0) {
polygons.add(new Double[]{u0, u1, v0, v1});
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
itereMaxDist(polygons, ps,
u0 + (u1 - u0) * i / 10.0, u0 + (u1 - u0) * (i + 1) / 10.0, v0 + (v1 - v0) * j / 10.0, v0 + (v1 - v0) * (j + 1) / 10.0, v);
public void plotPoint(Color color, Point3D p) {
if (p != null && color != null) {
ime.testDeep(p, color.getRGB());
public void plotPoint(Point3D p) {
if (p != null && p.texture() != null) {
ime.dessine(p, p.texture());
public void plotPoint(Point3D p, Color c) {
if (p != null && c != null) {
ime.dessine(p, c);
public Image rendu() {
return null;
public int resX() {
return largeur();
public int resY() {
return hauteur();
public Scene scene() {
return currentScene;
public void scene(Scene s) {
this.currentScene = s;
public void setAngles(double angleXRad, double angleYRad) {
this.angleX = angleXRad;
this.angleY = angleYRad;
public void setColoration(boolean a) {
this.colorationActive = a;
public void next() {
if (texture() instanceof TextureMov) {
((TextureMov) texture()).nextFrame();
public void testDeep(Point3D p, Color c) {
ime.testDeep(p, c);
ime.testDeep(p, c);
public void testDeep(Point3D p, int c) {
ime.testDeep(p, c);
ime.testDeep(p, c);
public void testDeep(Point3D p) {
if (p != null && p.texture() != null) {
ime.testDeep(p, p.texture().getColorAt(0., 0.));
public void testPoint(Point3D p, Color c) {
int cc = c.getRGB();
cc = scene().lumiereActive().getCouleur(c.getRGB(), p, p.getNormale());
ime.testDeep(p, cc);
ime.testDeep(p, cc);
private void tracerAretes(Point3D point3d, Point3D point3d2, Color c) {
Point p1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(point3d, this);
Point p2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(point3d2, this);
if (p1 == null || p2 == null) {
double iteres = Math.abs(p1.getX() - p2.getX()) + Math.abs(p1.getY() - p2.getY() + 1);
for (double a = 0; a < 1.0; a += 1 / iteres) {
Point pp = new Point(p1);
Point3D p = point3d.mult(a).plus(point3d2.mult(1 - a));
pp.setLocation(p1.getX() + (int) (a * (p2.getX() - p1.getX())),
p1.getY() + (int) (a * (p2.getY() - p1.getY())));
ime.testDeep(p, c.getRGB());
public void tracerLumineux() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); // To
// change
// body
// of
// generated
// methods,
// choose
// Tools
// |
// Templates.
public double mathUtilPow2(Point p1, Point p2) {
return Math.sqrt(
((p1.getX() - p2.getX()) * (p1.getX() - p2.getX())) +
((p1.getY() - p2.getY()) * (p1.getY() - p2.getY()))
public void tracerTriangle(Point3D pp1, Point3D pp2, Point3D pp3,
ITexture t,
double u0, double v0, double u1, double v1) {
Point p1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp1, this);
Point p2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp2, this);
Point p3 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp3, this);
if (p1 == null || p2 == null || p3 == null) {
Point3D [] uvs = new Point3D[]
{Point3D.n(u0, v0, 0.0), Point3D.n(u1, v0, 0.0), Point3D.n(u1, v1, 0.0),
Point3D.n(u0, v1, 0.0)};
Point3D n = pp1.moins(pp2).prodVect(pp3.moins(pp2)).norme1();
int col = t.getColorAt(u0, v0);
double iteres1 = 1.0 / (1 + mathUtilPow2(p1, p2));
for (double a = 0; a < 1.0; a += iteres1) {
Point3D p3a =;
Point3D uv3a = uvs[0].plus(uvs[1].moins(uvs[0]).mult(a));
Point pp = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p3a, this);
if (pp != null) {
double iteres2 = 1.0 / (1 + mathUtilPow2(p3, pp));
Point3D p3ab;
for (double b = 0; b<=1.0/*Math.sqrt(p3a.moins(pp3).norme()*p3a.moins(pp3).norme()
-pp2.moins(pp1).norme()*pp2.moins(pp1).norme())>=b*/; b += iteres2) {
p3ab =;
Point3D uv3ab =[2].moins(uv3a).mult(b));
// Corriger la méthode.
// Point p22 = coordonneesPoint2D(p);
if (displayType <= SURFACE_DISPLAY_TEXT_TRI) {
//ime.testDeep(p3ab, t.getColorAt(u0 + a * (u1 - u0), v0 + b * (v1 - v0)));
ime.testDeep(p3ab, t.getColorAt(uv3ab.getX(), uv3ab.getY()));
} else if (displayType >= SURFACE_DISPLAY_COL_TRI)
ime.testDeep(p3ab, col);
public boolean checkScreen(Point p1) {
if (p1 != null && p1.getX() >= 0d && p1.getY() < la
&& p1.getY() >= 0d && p1.getY() < ha)
return true;
return false;
public void tracerQuad(Point3D pp1, Point3D pp2, Point3D pp3, Point3D pp4, ITexture texture, double u0, double u1,
double v0, double v1, ParametricSurface n) {
Point p1, p2, p3, p4;
p1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp1, this);
p2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp2, this);
p3 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp3, this);
p4 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp4, this);
if (!checkScreen(p1))
if (!checkScreen(p2))
if (!checkScreen(p3))
if (!checkScreen(p4))
int col = texture.getColorAt(u0, v0);
if (p1 == null || p2 == null || p3 == null || p4 == null)
TRI triBas = new TRI(pp1, pp2, pp3, texture);
Point3D normale = triBas.normale();
double inter = 1 / (maxDistance(p1, p2, p3, p4) + 1) / 3;
for (double a = 0; a < 1.0; a += inter) {
Point3D pElevation1 =;
Point3D pElevation2 =;
for (double b = 0; b < 1.0; b += inter) {
Point3D pFinal = (;
pFinal.setNormale(n.calculerNormale3D(u0 + (u1 - u0) * a, v0 + (v1 - v0) * b));
if (n != null) {
if (displayType == DISPLAY_ALL) {
pFinal = n.calculerPoint3D(u0 + (u1 - u0) * a, v0 + (v1 - v0) * b);
} else {
double u = u0 + (u1 - u0) * a;
double v = v0 + (v1 - v0) * b;
ime.testDeep(pFinal, n.texture().getColorAt(u, v));
} else if (displayType <= SURFACE_DISPLAY_TEXT_QUADS) {
double u = u0 + (u1 - u0) * a;
double v = v0 + (v1 - v0) * b;
ime.testDeep(pFinal, n.texture(),
u, v, n);
} else {
ime.testDeep(pFinal, col);
public void tracerTriangle(Point3D pp1, Point3D pp2, Point3D pp3, ITexture c) {
Point p1, p2, p3;
p1 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp1, this);
p2 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp2, this);
p3 = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pp3, this);
Point3D n = (pp3.moins(pp1)).prodVect(pp2.moins(pp1)).norme1();
if (p1 == null || p2 == null || p3 == null) {
double iteres1 = 1.0 / (maxDistance(p1, p2, p3) + 1) / 3;
for (double a = 0; a < 1.0; a += iteres1) {
Point3D p11 =;
double iteres2 = 1.0 / maxDistance(p1, p2, p3) / 3;
for (double b = 0; b < 1.0; b += iteres2) {
Point3D p21 =;
public boolean unlock() {
if (!locked) {
return false;
locked = false;
return true;
public void zoom(float z) {
if (z > 0) {
zoom = z;
public ITexture backgroundTexture() {
return texture();
public void couleurDeFond(ITexture couleurFond) {
public void backgroundTexture(ITexture texture) {
if (texture != null) {
public void applyTex() {
if (texture instanceof TextureMov) {
for (int i = 0; i < la; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ha; j++) {
ime.ime.setElementCouleur(i, j, texture().getColorAt(1.0 * i / la, 1.0 * j / ha));
public void dessine(Point3D p, ITexture texture) {
ime.dessine(p, new Color(texture.getColorAt(0.5, 0.5)));
public Point3D clickAt(double x, double y) {
return clickAt((int) (x * largeur()), (int) y * hauteur());
* @param x Coordonnees de l'image ds ZBuffer
* @param y Coordonnees de l'image ds ZBuffer
* @return Point3D avec texture. Si vide Point3D.INFINI
public Point3D clickAt(int x, int y) {
Point3D p = ime.getIME().getElementPoint(x, y);
p.texture(new TextureCol(ime.getIME().getElementCouleur(x, y)));
return p;
* @param x Coordonnees de l'image ds ZBuffer
* @param y Coordonnees de l'image ds ZBuffer
* @return Point3D avec texture. Si vide Point3D.INFINI
public Representable representableAt(int x, int y) {
Representable p = ime.getIME().getElementRepresentable(x, y);
return p;
* @param p point 3D à inverser dans le repère de la caméra
* @param camera Caméra null=""
* @return point3d inversion
* P = M(P-E)
* MT p' = P-E
* P = MT p' + E
public Point3D invert(Point3D p, Camera camera, double returnedDist) {
p = new Point3D(p);
p.setX(p.getX() * returnedDist);
p.setY(p.getY() * returnedDist);
return camera.getMatrice().tild()
public int getDisplayType() {
return displayType;
public void setDisplayType(int displayType) {
this.displayType = displayType;
public int idz() {
return idImg;
public void drawElementVolume(Representable representable, ParametricVolume volume) {
if (representable instanceof ParametricSurface) {
ParametricSurface ps = (ParametricSurface) representable;
List doubles = new ArrayList<>();
itereMaxDist(doubles, ps, 0., 1., 0., 1., volume);
// Tracer les points
doubles.forEach(new Consumer() {
public void accept(Double[] doubles) {
ps.calculerPoint3D(doubles[0], doubles[2]),
ps.calculerPoint3D(doubles[1], doubles[2]),
ps.calculerPoint3D(doubles[1], doubles[3]),
ps.calculerPoint3D(doubles[0], doubles[3]),
doubles[0], doubles[1], doubles[2], doubles[3], ps
} else if (representable instanceof ParametricCurve) {
ParametricCurve pc = (ParametricCurve) representable;
List doubles = new ArrayList<>();
itereMaxDist(doubles, pc, 0., 1., volume);
double start = doubles.get(0);
double end = doubles.get(1);
for (int i = 0; i < doubles.size(); i++) {
line(pc.calculerPoint3D(start), pc.calculerPoint3D(end), pc.texture(), start, end, pc);
start = end;
end += doubles.get(i + 1);
} else if (representable instanceof RepresentableConteneur) {
((RepresentableConteneur) representable).getListRepresentable().forEach(new Consumer() {
public void accept(Representable representable) {
drawElementVolume(representable, volume);
} else if (representable instanceof Point3D) {
draw(volume.calculerPoint3D((Point3D) representable));
} else if (representable instanceof TRI) {
TRI t = (TRI) representable;
tracerTriangle(t.getSommet().getElem(0), t.getSommet().getElem(1), t.getSommet().getElem(2), t.texture());
} else if (representable instanceof Polygon) {
Polygon t = (Polygon) representable;
for (int i = 0; i < t.getPoints().getData1d().size(); i++)
tracerTriangle(t.getPoints().getElem(0), t.getPoints().getElem((i + 1) % t.getPoints().getData1d().size()),
t.getIsocentre(), t.texture());
public void idzpp() {
ime = new ImageMap(la, ha);
/* for(int i=0;i it = currentScene.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Representable r =;
if (r instanceof TRIGenerable) {
r = ((TRIGenerable) r).generate();
} else if (r instanceof PGenerator) {
r = ((PGenerator) r).generatePO();
} else if (r instanceof TRIConteneur) {
r = ((TRIConteneur) r).getObj();
if (r instanceof TRIObject) {
TRIObject o = (TRIObject) r;
Iterator ts = o.iterator();
while (ts.hasNext()) {
TRI t =;
for (Point3D p : t.getSommet().getData1d()) {
} else if (r instanceof Point3D) {
Point3D p = (Point3D) r;
} else if (r instanceof LineSegment) {
LineSegment p = (LineSegment) r;
} else if (r instanceof TRI) {
TRI t = (TRI) r;
} /*else if (r instanceof BSpline) {
BSpline b = (BSpline) r;
Iterator ts = b.iterator();
while (ts.hasNext()) {
Point3D p =;
}(*/ else if (r instanceof BezierCubique) {
BezierCubique b = (BezierCubique) r;
Iterator ts = b.iterator();
while (ts.hasNext()) {
Point3D p =;
} else if (r instanceof BezierCubique2D) {
BezierCubique2D b = (BezierCubique2D) r;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Point3D p = b.getControle(i, j);
} else if (r instanceof POConteneur) {
for (Point3D p : ((POConteneur) r).iterable()) {
} else if (r instanceof PObjet) {
for (Point3D p : ((PObjet) r).iterable()) {
} else if (r instanceof RepresentableConteneur) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Conteneur non supporté");
// Adapter en fonction du ratio largeur/hauteur
double ratioEcran = 1.0 * la / ha;
double ratioBox = (maxx - minx) / (maxy - miny);
double minx2 = minx, miny2 = miny, maxx2 = maxx, maxy2 = maxy;
if (ratioEcran > ratioBox) {
// Ajouter des points en coordArr
minx2 = minx - (1 / ratioBox * ratioEcran / 2) * (maxx - minx);
maxx2 = maxx + (1 / ratioBox * ratioEcran / 2) * (maxx - minx);
} else if (ratioEcran < ratioBox) {
// Ajouter des points en y
miny2 = miny - (ratioBox / ratioEcran / 2) * (maxy - miny);
maxy2 = maxy + (ratioBox / ratioEcran / 2) * (maxy - miny);
minx = minx2;
miny = miny2;
maxx = maxx2;
maxy = maxy2;
double ajuste = zoom - 1.0;
minx2 = minx - ajuste * (maxx - minx);
miny2 = miny - ajuste * (maxy - miny);
maxx2 = maxx + ajuste * (maxx - minx);
maxy2 = maxy + ajuste * (maxy - miny);
minx = minx2;
miny = miny2;
maxx = maxx2;
maxy = maxy2;
public boolean checkPoint(Point3D p) {
return p.getX() > minx & p.getX() < maxx & p.getY() > miny & p.getY() < maxy;
public double echelleEcran() {
return (box.getMaxx() - box.getMinx()) / la;
public double getMaxx() {
return maxx;
public void setMaxx(double maxx) {
this.maxx = maxx;
public double getMaxy() {
return maxy;
public void setMaxy(double maxy) {
this.maxy = maxy;
public double getMaxz() {
return maxz;
public void setMaxz(double maxz) {
this.maxz = maxz;
public double getMinx() {
return minx;
public void setMinx(double minx) {
this.minx = minx;
public double getMiny() {
return miny;
public void setMiny(double miny) {
this.miny = miny;
public double getMinz() {
return minz;
public void setMinz(double minz) {
this.minz = minz;
public Rectangle rectangle() {
return new Rectangle((int) minx, (int) miny, (int) maxx, (int) maxy);
private void test(Point3D p) {
if (p.getX() < minx) {
minx = p.getX();
if (p.getY() < miny) {
miny = p.getY();
if (p.getZ() < minz) {
minz = p.getZ();
if (p.getX() > maxx) {
maxx = p.getX();
if (p.getY() > maxy) {
maxy = p.getY();
if (p.getZ() > maxz) {
maxz = p.getZ();
public class Box2DPerspective {
public float d = -10.0f;
public float w = 10.0f;
public float h = w * la / ha;
* @param scene
public Box2DPerspective(Scene scene) {
public class ImageMap {
protected ImageMapElement ime;
public ImageMap(int x, int y) {
ime = new ImageMapElement();
la = x;
ha = y;
public void dessine(Point3D x3d, Color c) {
Point ce = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(x3d, that);
if (ce == null) {
double prof = -1000;
int x = (int) ce.getX();
int y = (int) ce.getY();
if (x >= 0 & x < la & y >= 0 & y < ha && c.getAlpha() == 255) {
ime.setElementID(x, y, idImg);
ime.setElementPoint(x, y, x3d);
ime.wr.setPixel(x, y, Lumiere.getRgb(c));
ime.setDeep(x, y, prof);
} else if (checkScreen(ce)) {
int elementCouleur = ime.getElementCouleur(x, y);
double[] nc = Lumiere.getRgb(c);
double[] ac = Lumiere.getDoubles(elementCouleur);
double[] b = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
b[i] = nc[i] * c.getAlpha() / 255. + (1 - c.getAlpha() / 255.) * ac[i];
int anInt = Lumiere.getInt(b);
ime.setElementID(x, y, idImg);
ime.setElementPoint(x, y, x3d);
ime.wr.setPixel(x, y, Lumiere.getDoubles(anInt));
ime.setDeep(x, y, prof);
public int getDimx() {
return dimx;
public int getDimy() {
return dimy;
public ImageMapElement getIME() {
return ime;
public void reinit() {
* private boolean checkCoordinates(int coordArr, int y) { if (coordArr >= 0 & coordArr < la & y >= 0
* & y < ha) { return true; } return false; }
public void setIME(int x, int y) {
ime.setElementID(x, y, idImg);
public boolean testDeep(Point3D x3d, int c) {
if (x3d == null)
return false;
//x3d = camera().calculerPointDansRepere(x3d);
if (x3d == null)
return false;
int cc = c;
Point ce = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(x3d, that);
if (ce == null)
return false;
int x = (int) ce.getX();
int y = (int) ce.getY();
double deep = camera().distanceCamera(x3d);
if (x >= 0 & x < la & y >= 0 & y < ha
&& (deep < ime.getElementProf(x, y))) {
Point3D n = x3d.getNormale();
// Vérifier : n.eye>0 sinon n = -n Avoir toutes les normales
// dans la même direction par rapport à la caméra.
if (n == null || n.norme() == 0)
n = x3d.moins(camera().getEye());
else if (FORCE_POSITIVE_NORMALS && n.norme1().dot(scene().cameraActive().getEye().norme1()) < 0)
n = n.mult(-1);
cc = scene().lumiereTotaleCouleur(c, x3d, n);
ime.setElementID(x, y, idImg);
ime.setElementCouleur(x, y, cc);
ime.setDeep(x, y, deep);
ime.setElementPoint(x, y, x3d);
return true;
return false;
public void testDeep(Point3D p, Point3D n, Color c) {
// Color cc = c.getCouleur();
testDeep(p, c.getRGB());
public void testDeep(Point3D p, Point3D n, int c) {
testDeep(p, n, new Color(c));
public boolean testDeep(Point3D p, ITexture texture, double u, double v, Representable representable) {
if (testDeep(p, texture.getColorAt(u, v))) {
Point point = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(p, that);
int x = point.x, y = point.y;
ime.getuMap()[x][y] = u;
ime.getvMap()[x][y] = v;
ime.getrMap()[x][y] = representable;
return true;
return false;
public boolean testDeep(Point3D p, ITexture texture) {
if (testDeep(p, texture.getColorAt(0.5, 0.5)))
return true;
return false;
public void dessine(Point3D p, ITexture texture) {
dessine(p, new Color(texture.getColorAt(0.5, 0.5)));
public void testDeep(Point3D p) {
testDeep(p, (p != null && p.texture() != null) ? p.texture() : CFAST);//WTF
public void testDeep(Point3D p, Color c) {
testDeep(p, p.getNormale(), c);
public void testDeep(Point3D pFinal, Point3D point3D, int colorAt, Representable n) {
testDeep(pFinal, point3D, colorAt);
Point point = camera().coordonneesPoint2D(pFinal, that);
if (ime != null && point != null) {
ime.setElementRepresentable((int) point.getX(), (int) point.getY(), n);
public void testDeep(Point3D pFinal, int colorAt, Representable n) {
testDeep(pFinal, pFinal.getNormale(), colorAt, n);
// public void drawElementVolume(RPv rPv) {
// Representable representable = rPv.getRepresentable();
// if (representable instanceof ParametricVolume) {
// for (double u = 0.0; u <= 1.0; u += ParametricVolume.incrU()) {
// for (double v = 0.0; v <= 1.0; v += ParametricVolume.incrV()) {
// for (double w = 0.0; w <= 1.0; w += ParametricVolume.incrW()) {
// Point3D point3D = ((ParametricVolume) representable).calculerPoint3D(P.n(u, v, w));
// if (point3D == null) return;
// testDeep(point3D);
// }
// }
// }
// } else if (representable instanceof ParametricSurface) {
// ParametricSurface s = (ParametricSurface) representable;
// for (double u = 0.0; u <= 1.0; u += ParametricSurface.getGlobals().getIncrU()) {
// for (double v = 0.0; v <= 1.0; v += ParametricSurface.getGlobals().getIncrV()) {
// Point3D point3D = ((ParametricSurface) representable).calculerPoint3D(u, v);
// if (point3D == null) return;
// /*tracerQuad(s.calculerPoint3D(u, v), s.calculerPoint3D(u+s.getIncrU(), v),
// s.calculerPoint3D(u+s.getIncrU(), v+s.getIncrV()), s.calculerPoint3D(u, v+s.getIncrV()),
// s.texture(), u, u+s.getIncrU(), v, v+s.getIncrV(), s);
// );
// */
// testDeep(point3D);
// }
// }
// } else if (representable instanceof ParametricCurve) {
// for (double u = 0.0; u <= 1.0; u += ParametricCurve.getGlobals().getIncrU()) {
// Point3D point3D = ((ParametricCurve) representable).calculerPoint3D(u);
// if (point3D == null) return;
// testDeep(point3D);
// }
// }
// }
public class ImageMapElement {
protected WritableRaster wr;
protected int couleur_fond_int = -1;
private ImageMapElement instance;
private Representable[][] Simerepresentable;
private double[][] uMap;
private double[][] vMap;
private Representable[][] rMap;
public ImageMapElement() {
Scordinate = new Point3D[la][ha];
Simeid = new long[la][ha];
Simeprof = new double[la][ha];
Simerepresentable = new Representable[la][ha];
uMap = new double[la][ha];
vMap = new double[la][ha];
rMap = new Representable[la][ha];
for (int i = 0; i < la; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ha; j++) {
Simeprof[i][j] = INFINITY.getZ();
Simeid[i][j] = idImg;
Simerepresentable[i][j] = null;
if(wr==null) {
bi = new ECBufferedImage(new BufferedImage(la, ha, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB));
wr = bi.getRaster();
public Representable getElementRepresentable(int x, int y) {
if (checkCordinates(x, y)) {
return Simerepresentable[x][y];
return null;
public void setElementRepresentable(int x, int y, Representable representable) {
Simerepresentable[x][y] = representable;
public boolean checkCordinates(int x, int y) {
return x >= 0 && x < la && y >= 0 && y < ha;
public int COULEUR_FOND_INT(int x, int y) {
couleur_fond_int = texture().getColorAt(1.0 * x / largeur(), 1.0 * y / hauteur());
return couleur_fond_int;
double[] defaultArray = new double[3];
public int getElementCouleur(int x, int y) {
if (checkCordinates(x, y)
&& Simeid[x][y] == idImg
&& Simeprof[x][y] < INFINITY.getZ()) {
defaultArray = wr.getPixel(x, y,defaultArray);
return Lumiere.getInt(defaultArray);
} else {
return COULEUR_FOND_INT(x, y);
public long getElementID(int x, int y) {
return Simeid[x][y];
public Point3D getElementPoint(int x, int y) {
return Scordinate[x][y];
private double getElementProf(int x, int y) {
return Simeprof[x][y];
public ImageMapElement getInstance(int x, int y) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ImageMapElement();
return instance;
private int getRGBInt(int[] sc, int x, int y) {
return sc[x + y * la];
public void setElementCouleur(int x, int y, int pc) {
setElementID(x, y, idImg);
wr.setPixel(x, y, Lumiere.getDoubles(pc));
public void setElementID(int x, int y, long id) {
Simeid[x][y] = idImg;
public void setElementPoint(int x, int y, Point3D px) {
setElementID(x, y, idImg);
Scordinate[x][y] = px;
public double[][] getuMap() {
return uMap;
public void setuMap(double[][] uMap) {
this.uMap = uMap;
public double[][] getvMap() {
return vMap;
public void setvMap(double[][] vMap) {
this.vMap = vMap;
public Representable[][] getrMap() {
return rMap;
public void setrMap(Representable[][] rMap) {
this.rMap = rMap;
private void setDeep(int x, int y, double d) {
if (checkCordinates(x, y)) {
Simeprof[x][y] = (float) d;
private void setRGBInts(int rgb, int[] sc, int x, int y) {
sc[x + y * la] = rgb;
public void setElementProf(int i, int j, double pr) {
Simeprof[i][j] = pr;
public boolean isFORCE_POSITIVE_NORMALS() {