org.armedbear.lisp.dump-class.lisp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
;;; dump-class.lisp
;;; Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Peter Graves
;;; $Id$
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
;;; or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
;;; obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
;;; exception statement from your version.
(require '#:jvm-instructions)
(in-package #:jvm)
(defvar *pool* nil)
(defun read-u1 (stream)
(read-byte stream))
(defun read-u2 (stream)
(+ (ash (read-byte stream) 8) (read-byte stream)))
(defun read-u4 (stream)
(+ (ash (read-u2 stream) 16) (read-u2 stream)))
(defun lookup-utf8 (index)
(let ((entry (svref *pool* index)))
(when (eql (car entry) 1)
(caddr entry))))
(defun read-constant-pool-entry (stream)
(let ((tag (read-u1 stream)))
(case tag
((7 8)
(list tag (read-u2 stream)))
` (let* ((len (read-u2 stream))
(s (make-string len)))
(dotimes (i len)
(setf (char s i) (code-char (read-u1 stream))))
(list tag len s)))
((3 4)
(list tag (read-u4 stream)))
((5 6)
(list tag (read-u4 stream) (read-u4 stream)))
((12 9 10 11)
(list tag (read-u2 stream) (read-u2 stream)))
(error "READ-CONSTANT-POOL-ENTRY unhandled tag ~D" tag)))))
(defvar *indent* 0)
(defparameter *spaces* (make-string 256 :initial-element #\space))
(defmacro out (&rest args)
`(progn (format t (subseq *spaces* 0 *indent*)) (format t ,@args)))
(defun dump-code (code)
(let ((code-length (length code)))
(do ((i 0))
((>= i code-length))
(let* ((opcode (svref code i))
(size (opcode-size opcode)))
(out "~D: ~D (#x~X) ~A~%" i opcode opcode (opcode-name opcode))
(incf i)
(dotimes (j (1- size))
(let ((byte (svref code i)))
(out "~D: ~D (#x~X)~%" i byte byte))
(incf i))))))
(defun dump-code-attribute (stream)
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(out "Stack: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "Locals: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(let* ((code-length (read-u4 stream))
(code (make-array code-length)))
(out "Code length: ~D~%" code-length)
(out "Code:~%")
(dotimes (i code-length)
(setf (svref code i) (read-u1 stream)))
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dump-code code)))
(let ((exception-table-length (read-u2 stream)))
(out "Exception table length: ~D~%" exception-table-length)
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dotimes (i exception-table-length)
(out "Start PC: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "End PC: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "Handler PC: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "Catch type: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream)))))
(let ((attributes-count (read-u2 stream)))
(out "Number of attributes: ~D~%" attributes-count)
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dotimes (i attributes-count)
(read-attribute i stream))))))
(defun dump-exceptions (stream)
(declare (ignore stream))
(defun read-attribute (index stream)
(let* ((name-index (read-u2 stream))
(name (lookup-utf8 name-index))
(length (read-u4 stream))
(*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(out "Attribute ~D: Name index: ~D (~S)~%" index name-index name)
(out "Attribute ~D: Length: ~D~%" index length)
(cond ((string= name "Code")
(dump-code-attribute stream))
((string= name "Exceptions")
(let ((count (read-u2 stream)))
(out "Attribute ~D: Number of exceptions: ~D~%" index count)
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dotimes (i count)
(out "Exception ~D: ~D~%" i (read-u2 stream))))))
((string= name "SourceFile")
(let ((source-file-index (read-u2 stream)))
(out "Attribute ~D: Source file index: ~D (~S)~%"
index source-file-index (lookup-utf8 source-file-index))))
(dotimes (i length)
(read-u1 stream))))))
(defun read-info (index stream type)
(let* ((access-flags (read-u2 stream))
(name-index (read-u2 stream))
(descriptor-index (read-u2 stream))
(attributes-count (read-u2 stream))
(*indent* (+ *indent* 2))
(type (case type
('field "Field")
('method "Method"))))
(out "~A ~D: Access flags: #x~X~%" type index access-flags)
(out "~A ~D: Name index: ~D (~S)~%" type index name-index (lookup-utf8 name-index))
(out "~A ~D: Descriptor index: ~D~%" type index descriptor-index)
(out "~A ~D: Number of attributes: ~D~%" type index attributes-count)
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dotimes (i attributes-count)
(read-attribute i stream)))))
(defun dump-class (filename)
(let ((*indent* 0)
(*pool* nil))
(with-open-file (stream filename :direction :input :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
(handler-bind ((end-of-file
#'(lambda (c) (return-from dump-class c))))
(out "Magic number: #x~X~%" (read-u4 stream))
(let ((minor (read-u2 stream))
(major (read-u2 stream)))
(out "Version: ~D.~D~%" major minor))
;; Constant pool.
(let ((count (read-u2 stream))
entry type)
(out "Constant pool (~D entries):~%" count)
(setq *pool* (make-array count))
(let ((*indent* (+ *indent* 2)))
(dotimes (index (1- count))
(setq entry (read-constant-pool-entry stream))
(setf (svref *pool* (1+ index)) entry)
(setq type (case (car entry)
(7 'class)
(9 'field)
(10 'method)
(11 'interface)
(8 'string)
(3 'integer)
(4 'float)
(5 'long)
(6 'double)
(12 'name-and-type)
(1 'utf8)))
(out "~D: ~A ~S~%" (1+ index) type entry))))
(out "Access flags: #x~X~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "This class: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
(out "Superclass: ~D~%" (read-u2 stream))
;; Interfaces.
(let ((count (read-u2 stream)))
(cond ((zerop count)
(out "No interfaces~%"))
(out "Interfaces (~D):~%" count)
(dotimes (i count)
(out " ~D: ~D~%" i (read-u2 stream))))))
;; Fields.
(let ((count (read-u2 stream)))
(cond ((zerop count)
(out "No fields~%"))
(out "Fields (~D):~%" count)))
(dotimes (index count)
(read-info index stream 'field)))
;; Methods.
(let ((count (read-u2 stream)))
(cond ((zerop count)
(out "No methods~%"))
(out "Methods (~D):~%" count)))
(dotimes (index count)
(read-info index stream 'method)))
;; Attributes.
(let ((count (read-u2 stream)))
(cond ((zerop count)
(out "No attributes~%"))
(out "Attributes (~D):~%" count)))
(dotimes (index count)
(read-attribute index stream))))))