org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Acegi Technology Pty Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap;
import org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException;
import org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException;
import org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority;
import org.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken;
import org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider;
import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetails;
import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.ldap.LdapUserDetails;
import org.acegisecurity.userdetails.ldap.LdapUserDetailsImpl;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* An {@link org.acegisecurity.providers.AuthenticationProvider} implementation that provides integration with an
* LDAP server.There are many ways in which an LDAP directory can be configured so this class delegates most of
* its responsibilites to two separate strategy interfaces, {@link LdapAuthenticator} and {@link
* LdapAuthoritiesPopulator}.
* LdapAuthenticator
This interface is responsible for performing the user authentication and retrieving
* the user's information from the directory. Example implementations are {@link
* org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator BindAuthenticator} which authenticates the user by
* "binding" as that user, and {@link org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.PasswordComparisonAuthenticator
* PasswordComparisonAuthenticator} which performs a comparison of the supplied password with the value stored in the
* directory, either by retrieving the password or performing an LDAP "compare" operation.The task of retrieving
* the user attributes is delegated to the authenticator because the permissions on the attributes may depend on the
* type of authentication being used; for example, if binding as the user, it may be necessary to read them with the
* user's own permissions (using the same context used for the bind operation).
* LdapAuthoritiesPopulator
Once the user has been authenticated, this interface is called to obtain the
* set of granted authorities for the user. The {@link
* org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator} can be
* configured to obtain user role information from the user's attributes and/or to perform a search for "groups" that
* the user is a member of and map these to roles.A custom implementation could obtain the roles from a
* completely different source, for example from a database.
* Configuration
A simple configuration might be as follows:
* <bean id="initialDirContextFactory" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.DefaultInitialDirContextFactory">
* <constructor-arg value="ldap://monkeymachine:389/dc=acegisecurity,dc=org"/>
* <property name="managerDn"><value>cn=manager,dc=acegisecurity,dc=org</value></property>
* <property name="managerPassword"><value>password</value></property> </bean>
* <bean id="ldapAuthProvider" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.LdapAuthenticationProvider">
* <constructor-arg> <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator">
* <constructor-arg><ref local="initialDirContextFactory"/></constructor-arg>
* <property name="userDnPatterns"><list><value>uid={0},ou=people</value></list></property>
* </bean> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg>
* <bean class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator">
* <constructor-arg><ref local="initialDirContextFactory"/></constructor-arg>
* <constructor-arg><value>ou=groups</value></constructor-arg>
* <property name="groupRoleAttribute"><value>ou</value></property> </bean>
* </constructor-arg> </bean>
This would set up the provider to access an LDAP server with URL
* ldap://monkeymachine:389/dc=acegisecurity,dc=org. Authentication will be performed by attempting to bind
* with the DN uid=<user-login-name>,ou=people,dc=acegisecurity,dc=org. After successful
* authentication, roles will be assigned to the user by searching under the DN
* ou=groups,dc=acegisecurity,dc=org with the default filter (member=<user's-DN>). The role
* name will be taken from the "ou" attribute of each match.
* @author Luke Taylor
* @version $Id: 1496 2006-05-23 13:38:33Z benalex $
* @see org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.BindAuthenticator
* @see org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.populator.DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator
public class LdapAuthenticationProvider extends AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider {
//~ Static fields/initializers =====================================================================================
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LdapAuthenticationProvider.class);
//~ Instance fields ================================================================================================
private LdapAuthenticator authenticator;
private LdapAuthoritiesPopulator authoritiesPopulator;
//~ Constructors ===================================================================================================
public LdapAuthenticationProvider(LdapAuthenticator authenticator, LdapAuthoritiesPopulator authoritiesPopulator) {
Assert.notNull(authenticator, "An LdapAuthenticator must be supplied");
Assert.notNull(authoritiesPopulator, "An LdapAuthoritiesPopulator must be supplied");
this.authenticator = authenticator;
this.authoritiesPopulator = authoritiesPopulator;
//~ Methods ========================================================================================================
protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails,
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
if (!userDetails.getPassword().equals(authentication.getCredentials().toString())) {
throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage(
"AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"), userDetails);
* Creates the final UserDetails object that will be returned by the provider once the user has
* been authenticated.The LdapAuthoritiesPopulator will be used to create the granted
* authorites for the user.
* Can be overridden to customize the creation of the final UserDetails instance. The default will
* merge any additional authorities retrieved from the populator with the propertis of original ldapUser
* object and set the values of the username and password.
* @param ldapUser The intermediate LdapUserDetails instance returned by the authenticator.
* @param username the username submitted to the provider
* @param password the password submitted to the provider
* @return The UserDetails for the successfully authenticated user.
protected UserDetails createUserDetails(LdapUserDetails ldapUser, String username, String password) {
LdapUserDetailsImpl.Essence user = new LdapUserDetailsImpl.Essence(ldapUser);
GrantedAuthority[] extraAuthorities = authoritiesPopulator.getGrantedAuthorities(ldapUser);
for (int i = 0; i < extraAuthorities.length; i++) {
return user.createUserDetails();
protected LdapAuthoritiesPopulator getAuthoritiesPoulator() {
return authoritiesPopulator;
protected UserDetails retrieveUser(String username, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(username)) {
throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage("LdapAuthenticationProvider.emptyUsername",
"Empty Username"));
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Retrieving user " + username);
String password = (String) authentication.getCredentials();
Assert.notNull(password, "Null password was supplied in authentication token");
LdapUserDetails ldapUser = authenticator.authenticate(username, password);
return createUserDetails(ldapUser, username, password);