org.aesh.readline.Buffer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
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package org.aesh.readline;
import org.aesh.utils.Config;
import org.aesh.readline.util.IntArrayBuilder;
import org.aesh.utils.ANSI;
import org.aesh.readline.util.LoggerUtil;
import org.aesh.readline.util.Parser;
import org.aesh.readline.util.WcWidth;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.aesh.readline.cursor.CursorLocator;
* Buffer to keep track of text and cursor position in the console.
* Is using ANSI-codes to clear text and move cursor in the terminal.
* @author Ståle W. Pedersen
public class Buffer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerUtil.getLogger(Buffer.class.getName());
private int[] line;
private int cursor;
private int size;
private Prompt prompt;
private int delta; //need to keep track of a delta for ansi terminal
//if delta happens at the end of the buffer, we can optimize
//how we update the tty
private boolean deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = true;
private boolean disablePrompt = false;
private boolean multiLine = false;
private int[] multiLineBuffer = new int[0];
private boolean isPromptDisplayed = false;
private boolean deletingBackward = true;
private final CursorLocator locator;
Buffer() {
line = new int[1024];
prompt = new Prompt("");
locator = new CursorLocator(this);
Buffer(Prompt prompt) {
line = new int[1024];
if(prompt != null)
this.prompt = prompt;
this.prompt = new Prompt("");
locator = new CursorLocator(this);
public Buffer(Buffer buf) {
line = buf.line.clone();
cursor = buf.cursor;
size = buf.size;
prompt = buf.prompt.copy();
locator = new CursorLocator(this);
public CursorLocator getCursorLocator() {
return locator;
public int get(int pos) {
if(pos > -1 && pos <= size)
return line[pos];
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
public int cursor() {
return cursor;
public int multiCursor() {
if (multiLine) {
return multiLineBuffer.length + cursor;
return cursor;
public boolean isMasking() {
return prompt.isMasking();
public boolean isMultiLine() {
return multiLine;
public String asString() {
return Parser.fromCodePoints(multiLine());
public void reset() {
cursor = 0;
for(int i=0; i out, int width) {
if(prompt != null) {
delta = prompt.getLength() - this.prompt.getLength();
this.prompt = prompt;
print(out, width);
public Prompt prompt() {
return prompt;
public int length() {
if(isMasking() && prompt.getMask() == 0)
return 1;
return size;
private int promptLength() {
return disablePrompt ? 0 : prompt.getLength();
public void setMultiLine(boolean multi) {
multiLine = multi;
* Some completion occured, do not try to compute character index location.
* This could be revisited to implement a strategy.
public void invalidateCursorLocation() {
if (isMultiLine()) {
public void updateMultiLineBuffer() {
int originalSize = multiLineBuffer.length;
// Store the size of each line.
int cmdSize;
if (lineEndsWithBackslash()) {
cmdSize = size - 1;
multiLineBuffer = Arrays.copyOf(multiLineBuffer, originalSize + size-1);
System.arraycopy(line, 0, multiLineBuffer, originalSize, size-1);
//here we have an open quote, so we need to feed a new-line into the buffer
else {
cmdSize = size + Config.getLineSeparator().length();
multiLineBuffer = Arrays.copyOf(multiLineBuffer, originalSize + cmdSize);
System.arraycopy(line, 0, multiLineBuffer, originalSize, size);
// add new line
int[] lineSeparator = Parser.toCodePoints(Config.getLineSeparator());
System.arraycopy(lineSeparator, 0, multiLineBuffer, originalSize+size, lineSeparator.length);
locator.addLine(cmdSize, prompt.getLength());
prompt = new Prompt("> ");
cursor = 0;
size = 0;
private boolean lineEndsWithBackslash() {
return (size > 0 && line[size-1] == '\\');
* Insert text at cursor position
* @param data text
public void insert(Consumer out, int[] data, int width) {
printInsertedData(out, width);
* Insert at cursor position.
* @param data char
public void insert(Consumer out, int data, int width) {
printInsertedData(out, width);
private void doInsert(int data) {
int width = WcWidth.width(data);
if(width == -1) {
//todo: handle control chars...
else if(width == 1) {
if(cursor < size)
System.arraycopy(line, cursor, line, cursor + 1, size - cursor);
line[cursor++] = data;
if(size == line.length)
line = Arrays.copyOf(line, line.length + line.length/2);
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = (size == cursor);
private void doInsert(int[] data) {
boolean gotControlChar = false;
for (int aData : data) {
int width = WcWidth.width(aData);
if (width == -1) {
gotControlChar = true;
//todo: handle control chars...
if(!gotControlChar) {
private void doActualInsert(int[] data) {
if(data.length > (line.length-size))
line = Arrays.copyOf(line, line.length+ data.length +1);
if(cursor < size)
System.arraycopy(line, cursor, line, cursor + data.length, size - cursor);
for (int aData : data)
line[cursor++] = aData;
size += data.length;
delta += data.length;
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = (size == cursor);
* Move the cursor left if the param is negative, right if its positive.
* @param out stream
* @param move where to move
* @param termWidth terminal width
public void move(Consumer out, int move, int termWidth) {
move(out, move, termWidth, false);
* Move the cursor left if the param is negative, right if its positive.
* If viMode is true, the cursor will not move beyond the current buffer size
* @param out stream
* @param move where to move
* @param termWidth terminal width
* @param viMode edit mode (vi or emacs)
public void move(Consumer out, int move, int termWidth, boolean viMode) {
move = calculateActualMovement(move, viMode);
//quick exit
if(move == 0)
// 0 Masking separates the UI cursor position from the 'real' cursor position.
// Cursor movement still has to occur, via calculateActualMovement and setCursor above,
// to put new characters in the correct location in the invisible line,
// but this method should always return an empty character so the UI cursor does not move.
if(isMasking() && prompt.getMask() == 0){
out.accept( syncCursor(promptLength()+cursor, promptLength()+cursor+move, termWidth));
cursor = cursor + move;
private int[] syncCursor(int currentPos, int newPos, int width) {
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
if(newPos < 0)
newPos = 0;
if(currentPos / width == newPos / width) {
if(currentPos > newPos)
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(currentPos-newPos, 'D'));
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(newPos-currentPos, 'C'));
//if cursor and end of buffer is on different lines, we need to move the cursor
else {
int moveToLine = currentPos / width - newPos / width;
int moveToColumn = currentPos % width - newPos % width;
char rowDirection = 'A';
if(moveToLine < 0) {
rowDirection = 'B';
moveToLine = Math.abs(moveToLine);
builder.append( moveNumberOfColumnsAndRows( moveToLine, rowDirection, moveToColumn));
return builder.toArray();
* This is a special case when we have a insert and the buffer is at the
* terminal edge.
* Move cursor to the correct line if its not on the same line.
* Move cursor to the beginning of the line, then move it to its correct position
* @param currentPos current position
* @param newPos end position
* @param width terminal width
* @return out buffer
private int[] syncCursorWhenBufferIsAtTerminalEdge(int currentPos, int newPos, int width) {
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
if((currentPos-1) / width == newPos / width) {
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(width, 'D'));
else {
//if cursor and end of buffer is on different lines, we need to move the cursor
int moveToLine = (currentPos - 1) / width - newPos / width;
int moveToColumn = -currentPos;
char rowDirection = 'A';
if (moveToLine < 0) {
rowDirection = 'B';
moveToLine = Math.abs(moveToLine);
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumnsAndRows(moveToLine, rowDirection, width));
//now the cursor should be on the correct line and at position 0
// we then need to move it to newPos
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(newPos % width, 'C'));
return builder.toArray();
public int[] moveNumberOfColumns(int column, char direction) {
if(column < 10) {
int[] out = new int[4];
out[0] = 27; // esc
out[1] = '['; // [
out[2] = 48 + column;
out[3] = direction;
return out;
else {
int[] asciiColumn = intToAsciiInts(column);
int[] out = new int[3+asciiColumn.length];
out[0] = 27; // esc
out[1] = '['; // [
//for(int i=0; i < asciiColumn.length; i++)
// out[2+i] = asciiColumn[i];
System.arraycopy(asciiColumn, 0, out, 2, asciiColumn.length);
out[out.length-1] = direction;
return out;
private int[] moveNumberOfColumnsAndRows(int row, char rowCommand, int column) {
char direction = 'D'; //forward
if(column < 0) {
column = Math.abs(column);
direction = 'C';
if(row < 10 && column < 10) {
int[] out = new int[8];
out[0] = 27; //esc, \033
out[1] = '[';
out[2] = 48 + row;
out[3] = rowCommand;
out[4] = 27;
out[5] = '[';
out[6] = 48 + column;
out[7] = direction;
return out;
else {
int[] asciiRow = intToAsciiInts(row);
int[] asciiColumn = intToAsciiInts(column);
int[] out = new int[6+asciiColumn.length+asciiRow.length];
out[0] = 27; //esc, \033
out[1] = '[';
//for(int i=0; i < asciiRow.length; i++)
// out[2+i] = asciiRow[i];
System.arraycopy(asciiRow, 0, out, 2, asciiRow.length);
out[2+asciiRow.length] = rowCommand;
out[3+asciiRow.length] = 27;
out[4+asciiRow.length] = '[';
for(int i=0; i < asciiColumn.length; i++)
out[5+asciiRow.length+i] = asciiColumn[i];
out[out.length-1] = direction;
return out;
* Make sure that the cursor do not move ob (out of bounds)
* @param move left if its negative, right if its positive
* @param viMode if viMode we need other restrictions compared
* to emacs movement
* @return adjusted movement
private int calculateActualMovement(final int move, boolean viMode) {
// cant move to a negative value
if(cursor() == 0 && move <=0 )
return 0;
// cant move longer than the length of the line
if(viMode) {
if(cursor() == length()-1 && (move > 0))
return 0;
else {
if(cursor() == length() && (move > 0))
return 0;
// dont move out of bounds
if(cursor() + move <= 0)
return -cursor();
if(viMode) {
if(cursor() + move > length()-1)
return (length()-1- cursor());
else {
if(cursor() + move > length())
return (length()- cursor());
return move;
private int[] getLineFrom(int position) {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(line, position, size);
public int[] getLineMasked() {
return Arrays.copyOf(line, size);
else {
if(size > 0 && prompt.getMask() != '\u0000') {
int[] tmpLine = new int[size];
Arrays.fill(tmpLine, prompt.getMask());
return tmpLine;
return new int[0];
private int[] getLine() {
return Arrays.copyOf(line, size);
public void clear() {
Arrays.fill(this.line, 0, size, 0);
cursor = 0;
size = 0;
isPromptDisplayed = false;
* If delta > 0 * print from cursor
* if keepCursor, move cursor back to previous position
* if delta < 0
* if deltaChangedAtEndOf buffer {
* if delta == -1 {
* clear line from cursor
* move cursor back
* }
* else if cursor + delta > width {
* check if we need to delete more than the current line
* }
* }
* @param out output
* @param width terminal size
void print(Consumer out, int width) {
print(out, width, false);
private void print(Consumer out, int width, boolean viMode) {
if(delta >= 0)
printInsertedData(out, width);
else {
printDeletedData(out, width, viMode);
delta = 0;
private void printInsertedData(Consumer out, int width) {
//print out prompt first if needed
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
if(!isPromptDisplayed) {
//only print the prompt if its longer than 0
if(promptLength() > 0)
isPromptDisplayed = true;
//need to print the entire buffer
//force that by setting delta = cursor if delta is 0
if(delta == 0)
delta = cursor;
//quick exit if buffer is empty
if(size == 0) {
if(isMasking()) {
if(prompt.getMask() != 0) {
int[] mask = new int[delta];
Arrays.fill(mask, prompt.getMask());
//a quick exit if we're masking with a no output mask
else {
delta = 0;
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = true;
else {
if (deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer) {
if (delta == 1 || delta == 0) {
if(cursor > 0)
builder.append(new int[]{line[cursor - 1]});
builder.append(new int[]{line[0]});
builder.append(Arrays.copyOfRange(line, cursor - delta, cursor));
} else {
builder.append(Arrays.copyOfRange(line, cursor - delta, size));
//pad if we are at the end of the terminal
if((size + promptLength()) % width == 0 && deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer) {
builder.append(new int[]{32, 13});
//make sure we sync the cursor back
if(!deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer) {
if((size + promptLength()) % width == 0 && Config.isOSPOSIXCompatible()) {
builder.append(syncCursorWhenBufferIsAtTerminalEdge(size + promptLength(), cursor + promptLength(), width));
builder.append(syncCursor(size+promptLength(), cursor+promptLength(), width));
delta = 0;
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = true;
private void printDeletedData(Consumer out, int width, boolean viMode) {
//if we're masking and the mask is no output we just return
if(isMasking() && prompt.getMask() == 0)
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
if(size+promptLength()+Math.abs(delta) >= width) {
if(deletingBackward) {
//lets optimize deletes at the end
if(deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer &&
((size+promptLength()+1) % width > Math.abs(delta))) {
quickDeleteAtEnd(out, viMode);
else {
width, cursor + promptLength() + Math.abs(delta),
size + promptLength() + Math.abs(delta));
width, cursor + promptLength(),
size + promptLength() + Math.abs(delta));
if((size+promptLength()+1) < width && deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer)
quickDeleteAtEnd(out, viMode);
moveCursorToStartAndPrint(out, builder, width, false, viMode);
private void quickDeleteAtEnd(Consumer out, boolean viMode) {
//move cursor delta then clear the rest of the line
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
//only have to move when deleting backwards
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(Math.abs(delta), 'D'));
if(viMode && cursor == size) {
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(1, 'D'));
* Replace the entire current buffer with the given line.
* The new line will be pushed to the consumer
* Cursor will be moved to the end of the new buffer line
* @param out stream
* @param line new buffer line
* @param width term width
public void replace(Consumer out, String line, int width) {
replace(out, Parser.toCodePoints(line), width);
public void replace(Consumer out, int[] line, int width) {
//quick exit
if(line == null || size == 0 && line.length == 0)
int tmpDelta = line.length - size;
int oldSize = size+promptLength();
int oldCursor = cursor + promptLength();
delta = tmpDelta;
//deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = false;
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = (cursor == size);
IntArrayBuilder builder = new IntArrayBuilder();
if(oldSize >= width)
clearAllLinesAndReturnToFirstLine(builder, width, oldCursor, oldSize);
moveCursorToStartAndPrint(out, builder, width, true, false);
delta = 0;
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = true;
* All parameter values are included the prompt length
* @param builder int[] builder
* @param width terminal size
* @param oldCursor prev position
* @param oldSize prev terminal size
private void clearAllLinesAndReturnToFirstLine(IntArrayBuilder builder, int width,
int oldCursor, int oldSize) {
if(oldSize >= width) {
int cursorRow = oldCursor / width;
int totalRows = oldSize / width;
if((oldSize) % width == 0 && oldSize == oldCursor) {
cursorRow = (oldCursor-1) / width;
//if total row > cursor row it means that the cursor is not at the last line of the row
//then we need to move down number of rows first
//TODO: we can optimize here by going the number of rows down in one step
if(totalRows > cursorRow && delta < 0) {
for(int i=0; i < (totalRows-cursorRow); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
else {
for (int i = 0; i < cursorRow; i++) {
if (delta < 0) {
private void moveCursorToStartAndPrint(Consumer out, IntArrayBuilder builder,
int width, boolean replace, boolean viMode) {
if(cursor > 0 || delta < 0) {
//if we replace we do a quick way of moving to the beginning
if(replace) {
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(width, 'D'));
else {
int length = promptLength() + cursor;
if(length > 0 && (length % width == 0))
length = width;
else {
length = length % width;
//if not deleting backward the cursor should not move
if(delta < 0 && deletingBackward)
length += Math.abs(delta);
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(length, 'D'));
//TODO: could optimize this i think if delta > 0 it should not be needed
if(promptLength() > 0)
//dont print out the line if its empty
if(size > 0) {
if(isMasking()) {
//no output
if(prompt.getMask() != '\u0000') {
//only output the masked char
int[] mask = new int[size];
Arrays.fill(mask, prompt.getMask());
//pad if we are at the end of the terminal
if((size + promptLength()) % width == 0 && cursor == size) {
builder.append(new int[]{32, 13});
//make sure we sync the cursor back
if(!deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer) {
if((size + promptLength()) % width == 0 && Config.isOSPOSIXCompatible())
builder.append(syncCursor(size+promptLength()-1, cursor+promptLength(), width));
builder.append(syncCursor(size+promptLength(), cursor+promptLength(), width));
//end of buffer and vi mode
else if(viMode && cursor == size) {
builder.append(moveNumberOfColumns(1, 'D'));
isPromptDisplayed = true;
public int[] multiLine() {
if (multiLine) {
int[] tmpLine = Arrays.copyOf(multiLineBuffer, multiLineBuffer.length + size);
System.arraycopy(line, 0, tmpLine, multiLineBuffer.length, size);
return tmpLine;
else {
return getLine();
* Delete from cursor position and backwards if delta is < 0
* Delete from cursor position and forwards if delta is > 0
* @param delta difference
public void delete(Consumer out, int delta, int width) {
delete(out, delta, width, false);
public void delete(Consumer out, int delta, int width, boolean viMode) {
if (delta > 0) {
delta = Math.min(delta, size - cursor);
if(delta > 0) {
System.arraycopy(line, cursor + delta, line, cursor, size - cursor + delta);
size -= delta;
this.delta = -delta;
deletingBackward = false;
//quick return if delta is 0
else if (delta < 0) {
delta = -Math.min(-delta, cursor);
System.arraycopy(line, cursor, line, cursor + delta, size - cursor);
size += delta;
cursor += delta;
this.delta =+ delta;
deletingBackward = true;
//only do any changes if there are any
if(this.delta < 0) {
// Erase the remaining.
Arrays.fill(line, size, line.length, 0);
deltaChangedAtEndOfBuffer = (cursor == size);
//finally print our changes
print(out, width, viMode);
* Write a string to the line and update cursor accordingly
* @param out consumer
* @param str string
public void insert(Consumer out, final String str, int width) {
insert(out, Parser.toCodePoints(str), width);
* Switch case if the current character is a letter.
void changeCase(Consumer out) {
if(Character.isLetter(line[cursor])) {
line[cursor] = Character.toUpperCase(line[cursor]);
line[cursor] = Character.toLowerCase(line[cursor]);
out.accept(new int[]{line[cursor]});
* Up case if the current character is a letter
void upCase(Consumer out) {
if(Character.isLetter(line[cursor])) {
line[cursor] = Character.toUpperCase(line[cursor]);
out.accept(new int[]{line[cursor]});
* Lower case if the current character is a letter
void downCase(Consumer out) {
if(Character.isLetter(line[cursor])) {
line[cursor] = Character.toLowerCase(line[cursor]);
out.accept(new int[]{line[cursor]});
* Replace the current character
public void replace(Consumer out, char rChar) {
doReplace(out, cursor(), rChar);
private void doReplace(Consumer out, int pos, int rChar) {
if(pos > -1 && pos <= size) {
line[pos] = rChar;
out.accept(new int[]{rChar});
* we assume that value is > 0
* @param value int value (non ascii value)
* @return ascii represented int value
private int[] intToAsciiInts(int value) {
int length = getAsciiSize(value);
int[] asciiValue = new int[length];
if(length == 1) {
asciiValue[0] = 48+value;
else {
while(length > 0) {
int num = value % 10;
asciiValue[length] = 48+num;
value = value / 10;
return asciiValue;
private int getAsciiSize(int value) {
if(value < 10)
return 1;
//very simple way of getting the length
if(value > 9 && value < 99)
return 2;
else if(value > 99 && value < 999)
return 3;
else if(value > 999 && value < 9999)
return 4;
return 5;
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