org.aiddl.common.scala.search.GenericTreeSearch.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.aiddl.common.scala.search
import org.aiddl.common.scala.Common.NIL
import org.aiddl.common.scala.math.graph.Graph2Dot
import org.aiddl.common.scala.math.graph.GraphType.Directed
import org.aiddl.common.scala.math.graph.Terms.{Attributes, EdgeAttributes, Edges, Labels, Nodes}
import org.aiddl.core.scala.function.{Function, Initializable, Verbose}
import org.aiddl.core.scala.representation
import org.aiddl.core.scala.representation.*
import org.aiddl.core.scala.util.logger.Logger
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
trait GenericTreeSearch[T, S] extends Verbose with Iterator[S] {
var cDeadEnd = 0
var cConsistentNodes = 0
/** Allow to prune incomplete branches with the costAcceptable method. */
var allowEarlyCostPruning = false
var choice: List[T] = Nil
var searchSpace: List[Seq[T]] = Nil
var searchIdx: List[Int] = Nil
var depth = 0
var solution: Option[S] = None
var best: Num = InfPos()
var failed = false
val Expand = Sym("expand")
val Next = Sym("next")
val loggerName = "TreeSearch"
var traceFlag: Boolean = false
private var traceNodes: List[Term] = Nil
private var traceEdges: Map[Term, List[Term]] = Map.empty.withDefaultValue(Nil)
private var traceChoices: Map[(Term, Term), T] = Map.empty
private var traceNodeLabels: Map[Term, Term] = Map.empty
private var traceNodeShapes: Map[Term, Term] = Map.empty
private var traceNodeFill: Map[Term, Term] = Map.empty
private var traceNodeStyle: Map[Term, Term] = Map.empty
private def traceEdge(from: Term, choice: T, to: Term): Unit = {
traceNodes = to :: traceNodes
traceEdges = traceEdges.updated(from, to :: traceEdges(from))
traceChoices = traceChoices.updated((from, to), choice)
private def traceNodeId(searchIdx: List[Int]): Term =
if searchIdx.isEmpty
then Sym("root")
else Sym(s"n${searchIdx.mkString("-")}")
def node(choices: Seq[T]): Option[Term] =
val nil: T
def expand: Option[Seq[T]]
def isConsistent: Boolean =
def cost( choice: List[T] ): Option[Num] =
def choiceHook: Unit = ()
def expandHook: Unit = ()
def backtrackHook: Unit = ()
def solutionFoundHook: Unit = ()
def assembleSolution( choice: List[T] ): Option[S]
def cost: Option[Num] = cost(choice)
def costAcceptable(c: Num): Boolean = c < best
def reset: Unit = {
choice = Nil
searchSpace = Nil
searchIdx = Nil
solution = None
best = InfPos()
depth = 0
failed = false
cDeadEnd = 0
cConsistentNodes = 0
final def optimal: Option[S] = {
search match {
case None => solution
case _ => optimal
final def search: Option[S] = {
if ( failed ) None
else {
logger.info(s"Expanding: $choice")
expand match {
case None =>
val isNewBest = cost match {
case Some(c) =>
if (costAcceptable(c)) {
best = c
} else false
case None => true
if ( isNewBest ) {
solution = assembleSolution(choice)
if ( traceFlag ) {
val solutionNodeId = this.traceNodeId(searchIdx)
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(solutionNodeId, Sym("doubleoctagon"))
this.traceNodeStyle = this.traceNodeStyle.updated(solutionNodeId, Sym("filled"))
this.traceNodeFill = this.traceNodeFill.updated(solutionNodeId, Sym("lightgrey"))
val costStr = if cost(choice).isDefined then s"${cost(choice).get}" else ""
//val solutionStr = if solution.isDefined then solution.get.toString else ""
val currentLabel = this.traceNodeLabels.getOrElse(solutionNodeId, Sym("root"))
val newLabel =
if currentLabel == Str("")
then Str(costStr)
else Str(currentLabel.toString + s"\\n$costStr")
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(solutionNodeId, newLabel)
logger.info(s"Solution: $solution")
} else {
if (traceFlag) {
val rejectedNodeId = this.traceNodeId(searchIdx)
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("doublecircle"))
this.traceNodeStyle = this.traceNodeStyle.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("filled"))
this.traceNodeFill = this.traceNodeFill.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("lightgrey"))
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(rejectedNodeId, Str("<"))
case Some(exp) => {
logger.info(s" Expansion: $exp")
searchSpace = exp :: searchSpace
searchIdx = -1 :: searchIdx
choice = nil :: choice
depth += 1
if ( traceFlag ) {
val nodeFromId = this.traceNodeId(searchIdx.tail)
if (nodeFromId == Sym("root")) {
traceNodes = nodeFromId :: traceNodes
this.node(choice.tail) match {
case Some(label) => {
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(nodeFromId, label)
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(nodeFromId, Sym("ellipse"))
case None => {
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(nodeFromId, Str(""))
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(nodeFromId, Sym("point"))
exp.zipWithIndex.foreach( (c, idx) => {
val nodeToId = this.traceNodeId(idx :: searchIdx.tail)
this.traceEdge(nodeFromId, c, nodeToId)
this.node(c :: choice.tail) match {
case Some(label) => {
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(nodeToId, label)
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(nodeToId, Sym("ellipse"))
case None => {
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(nodeToId, Str(""))
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(nodeToId, Sym("point"))
if (backtrack.isEmpty) {
logger.info(s" Done!")
failed = true
} else {
final def backtrack: Option[List[T]] = {
logger.info(s"Backtracking: $choice")
searchIdx = searchIdx.dropWhile( idx => {
val noChoice = idx+1 >= searchSpace.head.size;
if (noChoice) {
searchSpace = searchSpace.tail;
choice = choice.tail
depth -= 1
if (searchSpace.isEmpty) {
logger.info("Search space exhausted")
failed = true
} else {
val idx = searchIdx.head + 1
searchIdx = idx :: searchIdx.tail
choice = searchSpace.head(idx) :: choice.tail
val consistent = isConsistent
if ( consistent && (!allowEarlyCostPruning || cost.flatMap(c => Some(costAcceptable(c))).getOrElse(true)) ) {
cConsistentNodes += 1
logger.info(s"Backtracked to: $choice")
} else {
logger.info(s"Rejected: $choice")
cDeadEnd += 1
if (traceFlag) {
val rejectedNodeId = this.traceNodeId(searchIdx)
this.traceNodeShapes = this.traceNodeShapes.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("doublecircle"))
this.traceNodeStyle = this.traceNodeStyle.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("filled"))
this.traceNodeFill = this.traceNodeFill.updated(rejectedNodeId, Sym("lightgrey"))
this.traceNodeLabels = this.traceNodeLabels.updated(rejectedNodeId, Str(if !consistent then "X" else "<"))
def searchGraph2File(name: String): Unit = {
val gt2 = new Graph2Dot(Directed)
gt2.graph2file(this.graph, name)
def graph: Term = {
var nodeAtts: Map[Term, Set[Term]] = Map.empty
traceNodeLabels.foreach((node, label) => {
nodeAtts = nodeAtts.updated(node, Set(KeyVal(Sym("label"), label)))})
traceNodeShapes.foreach((node, shape) => nodeAtts = nodeAtts.updated(node, nodeAtts(node) + KeyVal(Sym("shape"), shape)))
traceNodeStyle.foreach((node, style) => nodeAtts = nodeAtts.updated(node, nodeAtts(node) + KeyVal(Sym("style"), style)))
traceNodeFill.foreach((node, color) => nodeAtts = nodeAtts.updated(node, nodeAtts(node) + KeyVal(Sym("fillcolor"), color)))
KeyVal(Nodes, ListTerm(traceNodes.reverse)),
KeyVal(Edges, ListTerm(traceEdges.flatMap( (source, targets) => targets.reverse.map( Tuple(source, _) )).toList)),
KeyVal(Attributes, SetTerm(nodeAtts.map( (node, atts) => KeyVal(node, SetTerm(atts))).toSet)),
KeyVal(Labels, SetTerm(traceChoices.map( (edge, label) => {
val (a, b) = edge
KeyVal(Tuple(a, b), Str(label.toString))
override def hasNext: Boolean =
if failed then false
else {
this.solution = this.search
this.failed = this.failed || this.solution.isEmpty
override def next(): S = {
if this.solution.isEmpty
then this.solution = this.search
this.solution match {
case Some(item) =>
this.solution = None
case None =>
throw new NoSuchElementException()
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