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* Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import java.util.Optional
import akka.event.Logging
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.{ classTag, ClassTag }
import akka.japi.function
import java.time.Duration
import akka.annotation.ApiMayChange
import akka.annotation.DoNotInherit
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.util.JavaDurationConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._
import akka.util.{ ByteString, OptionVal }
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
* Holds attributes which can be used to alter [[]] / [[]]
* or [[]] / [[]] materialization.
* Note that more attributes for the [[Materializer]] are defined in [[ActorAttributes]].
* The ``attributeList`` is ordered with the most specific attribute first, least specific last.
* Note that the order was the opposite in Akka 2.4.x.
* Operators should in general not access the `attributeList` but instead use `get` to get the expected
* value of an attribute.
final case class Attributes(attributeList: List[Attributes.Attribute] = Nil) {
import Attributes._
* Note that this must only be used during traversal building and not during materialization
* as it will then always return true because of the defaults from the ActorMaterializerSettings
private[stream] def isAsync: Boolean = {
attributeList.nonEmpty && attributeList.exists {
case AsyncBoundary => true
case ActorAttributes.Dispatcher(_) => true
case _ => false
* Java API: Get the most specific attribute value for a given Attribute type or subclass thereof.
* If no such attribute exists, return a `default` value.
* The most specific value is the value that was added closest to the graph or operator itself or if
* the same attribute was added multiple times to the same graph, the last to be added.
* This is the expected way for operators to access attributes.
def getAttribute[T <: Attribute](c: Class[T], default: T): T =
* Java API: Get the most specific attribute value for a given Attribute type or subclass thereof.
* The most specific value is the value that was added closest to the graph or operator itself or if
* the same attribute was added multiple times to the same graph, the last to be added.
* This is the expected way for operators to access attributes.
def getAttribute[T <: Attribute](c: Class[T]): Optional[T] =
attributeList.collectFirst { case attr if c.isInstance(attr) => c.cast(attr) }.asJava
* Scala API: Get the most specific attribute value for a given Attribute type or subclass thereof or
* if no such attribute exists, return a default value.
* The most specific value is the value that was added closest to the graph or operator itself or if
* the same attribute was added multiple times to the same graph, the last to be added.
* This is the expected way for operators to access attributes.
def get[T <: Attribute: ClassTag](default: T): T =
get[T] match {
case Some(a) => a
case None => default
* Scala API: Get the most specific attribute value for a given Attribute type or subclass thereof.
* The most specific value is the value that was added closest to the graph or operator itself or if
* the same attribute was added multiple times to the same graph, the last to be added.
* This is the expected way for operators to access attributes.
* @see [[Attributes#get]] For providing a default value if the attribute was not set
def get[T <: Attribute: ClassTag]: Option[T] = {
val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
attributeList.collectFirst { case attr if c.isInstance(attr) => c.cast(attr) }
* Scala API: Get the most specific of one of the mandatory attributes. Mandatory attributes are guaranteed
* to always be among the attributes when the attributes are coming from a materialization.
def mandatoryAttribute[T <: MandatoryAttribute: ClassTag]: T = {
val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
* Java API: Get the most specific of one of the mandatory attributes. Mandatory attributes are guaranteed
* to always be among the attributes when the attributes are coming from a materialization.
* @param c A class that is a subtype of [[MandatoryAttribute]]
def getMandatoryAttribute[T <: MandatoryAttribute](c: Class[T]): T = {
def find(list: List[Attribute]): OptionVal[Attribute] = list match {
case Nil => OptionVal.None
case head :: tail =>
if (c.isInstance(head)) OptionVal.Some(head)
else find(tail)
find(attributeList) match {
case OptionVal.Some(t) => t.asInstanceOf[T]
case OptionVal.None => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Mandatory attribute [$c] not found")
* Adds given attributes. Added attributes are considered more specific than
* already existing attributes of the same type.
def and(other: Attributes): Attributes = {
if (attributeList.isEmpty) other
else if (other.attributeList.isEmpty) this
else if (other.attributeList.tail.isEmpty) Attributes(other.attributeList.head :: attributeList)
else Attributes(other.attributeList ::: attributeList)
* Adds given attribute. Added attribute is considered more specific than
* already existing attributes of the same type.
def and(other: Attribute): Attributes =
Attributes(other :: attributeList)
* Extracts Name attributes and concatenates them.
def nameLifted: Option[String] = {
@tailrec def concatNames(i: Iterator[Attribute], first: String, buf: java.lang.StringBuilder): String =
if (i.hasNext) match {
case Name(n) =>
if (buf ne null) concatNames(i, null, buf.append('-').append(n))
else if (first ne null) {
val b = new java.lang.StringBuilder((first.length + n.length) * 2)
concatNames(i, null, b.append(first).append('-').append(n))
} else concatNames(i, n, null)
case _ => concatNames(i, first, buf)
} else if (buf eq null) first
else buf.toString
Option(concatNames(attributeList.reverseIterator, null, null))
@InternalApi def nameOrDefault(default: String = "unnamed"): String = {
@tailrec def find(attrs: List[Attribute]): String = attrs match {
case Attributes.Name(name) :: _ => name
case _ :: tail => find(tail)
case Nil => default
* Test whether the given attribute is contained within this attributes list.
* Note that operators in general should not inspect the whole hierarchy but instead use
* `get` to get the most specific attribute value.
def contains(attr: Attribute): Boolean = attributeList.contains(attr)
* Java API
* The list is ordered with the most specific attribute first, least specific last.
* Note that the order was the opposite in Akka 2.4.x.
* Note that operators in general should not inspect the whole hierarchy but instead use
* `get` to get the most specific attribute value.
def getAttributeList(): java.util.List[Attribute] = {
import akka.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
* Java API: Get all attributes of a given `Class` or
* subclass thereof.
* The list is ordered with the most specific attribute first, least specific last.
* Note that the order was the opposite in Akka 2.4.x.
* Note that operators in general should not inspect the whole hierarchy but instead use
* `get` to get the most specific attribute value.
def getAttributeList[T <: Attribute](c: Class[T]): java.util.List[T] =
if (attributeList.isEmpty) java.util.Collections.emptyList()
else {
val result = new java.util.ArrayList[T]
attributeList.foreach { a =>
if (c.isInstance(a))
* Scala API: Get all attributes of a given type (or subtypes thereof).
* Note that operators in general should not inspect the whole hierarchy but instead use
* `get` to get the most specific attribute value.
* The list is ordered with the most specific attribute first, least specific last.
* Note that the order was the opposite in Akka 2.4.x.
def filtered[T <: Attribute: ClassTag]: List[T] = {
val c = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
attributeList.collect { case attr if c.isAssignableFrom(attr.getClass) => c.cast(attr) }
* Java API: Get the least specific attribute (added first) of a given `Class` or subclass thereof.
* If no such attribute exists the `default` value is returned.
@deprecated("Attributes should always be most specific, use getAttribute[T]", "2.5.7")
def getFirstAttribute[T <: Attribute](c: Class[T], default: T): T =
* Java API: Get the least specific attribute (added first) of a given `Class` or subclass thereof.
@deprecated("Attributes should always be most specific, use get[T]", "2.5.7")
def getFirstAttribute[T <: Attribute](c: Class[T]): Optional[T] =
attributeList.reverseIterator.collectFirst { case attr if c.isInstance(attr) => c.cast(attr) }.asJava
* Scala API: Get the least specific attribute (added first) of a given type parameter T `Class` or subclass thereof.
* If no such attribute exists the `default` value is returned.
@deprecated("Attributes should always be most specific, use get[T]", "2.5.7")
def getFirst[T <: Attribute: ClassTag](default: T): T = {
getFirst[T] match {
case Some(a) => a
case None => default
* Scala API: Get the least specific attribute (added first) of a given type parameter T `Class` or subclass thereof.
@deprecated("Attributes should always be most specific, use get[T]", "2.5.7")
def getFirst[T <: Attribute: ClassTag]: Option[T] = {
val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
attributeList.reverseIterator.collectFirst { case attr if c.isInstance(attr) => c.cast(attr) }
* Note that more attributes for the [[Materializer]] are defined in [[ActorAttributes]].
object Attributes {
trait Attribute
* Attributes that are always present (is defined with default values by the materializer)
* Not for user extension
sealed trait MandatoryAttribute extends Attribute
final case class Name(n: String) extends Attribute
* Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor
* that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape. This attribute configures
* the initial and maximal input buffer in number of elements for each inlet.
* Use factory method [[Attributes#inputBuffer]] to create instances.
final case class InputBuffer(initial: Int, max: Int) extends MandatoryAttribute
final case class LogLevels(onElement: Logging.LogLevel, onFinish: Logging.LogLevel, onFailure: Logging.LogLevel)
extends Attribute
final case object AsyncBoundary extends Attribute
* Cancellation strategies provide a way to configure the behavior of a stage when `cancelStage` is called.
* It is only relevant for stream components that have more than one output and do not define a custom cancellation
* behavior by overriding `onDownstreamFinish`. In those cases, if the first output is cancelled, the default behavior
* is to call `cancelStage` which shuts down the stage completely. The given strategy will allow customization of how
* the shutdown procedure should be done precisely.
final case class CancellationStrategy(strategy: CancellationStrategy.Strategy) extends MandatoryAttribute
object CancellationStrategy {
private[stream] val Default: CancellationStrategy = CancellationStrategy(PropagateFailure)
sealed trait Strategy
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` the same as `completeStage`, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the
* cancellation cause) and all outlets are regularly completed.
* This used to be the default behavior before Akka 2.6.
* This behavior can be problematic in stacks of BidiFlows where different layers of the stack are both connected
* through inputs and outputs. In this case, an error in a doubly connected component triggers both a cancellation
* going upstream and an error going downstream. Since the stack might be connected to those components with inlets and
* outlets, a race starts whether the cancellation or the error arrives first. If the error arrives first, that's usually
* good because then the error can be propagated both on inlets and outlets. However, if the cancellation arrives first,
* the previous default behavior to complete the stage will lead other outputs to be completed regularly. The error
* which arrive late at the other hand will just be ignored (that connection will have been cancelled already and also
* the paths through which the error could propagates are already shut down).
case object CompleteStage extends Strategy
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` the same as `failStage`, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the
* cancellation cause) and all outlets are failed propagating the cause from cancellation.
case object FailStage extends Strategy
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` in different ways depending on the cause that was given to the cancellation.
* If the cause was a regular, active cancellation (`SubscriptionWithCancelException.NoMoreElementsNeeded`), the stage
* receiving this cancellation is completed regularly.
* If another cause was given, this is treated as an error and the behavior is the same as with `failStage`.
* This is a good default strategy.
case object PropagateFailure extends Strategy
* Strategy that allows to delay any action when `cancelStage` is invoked.
* The idea of this strategy is to delay any action on cancellation because it is expected that the stage is completed
* through another path in the meantime. The downside is that a stage and a stream may live longer than expected if no
* such signal is received and cancellation is invoked later on. In streams with many stages that all apply this strategy,
* this strategy might significantly delay the propagation of a cancellation signal because each upstream stage might impose
* such a delay. During this time, the stream will be mostly "silent", i.e. it cannot make progress because of backpressure,
* but you might still be able observe a long delay at the ultimate source.
final case class AfterDelay(delay: FiniteDuration, strategy: Strategy) extends Strategy
* Java API
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` the same as `completeStage`, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the
* cancellation cause) and all outlets are regularly completed.
* This used to be the default behavior before Akka 2.6.
* This behavior can be problematic in stacks of BidiFlows where different layers of the stack are both connected
* through inputs and outputs. In this case, an error in a doubly connected component triggers both a cancellation
* going upstream and an error going downstream. Since the stack might be connected to those components with inlets and
* outlets, a race starts whether the cancellation or the error arrives first. If the error arrives first, that's usually
* good because then the error can be propagated both on inlets and outlets. However, if the cancellation arrives first,
* the previous default behavior to complete the stage will lead other outputs to be completed regularly. The error
* which arrive late at the other hand will just be ignored (that connection will have been cancelled already and also
* the paths through which the error could propagates are already shut down).
def cancellationStrategyCompleteState: CancellationStrategy.Strategy = CancellationStrategy.CompleteStage
* Java API
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` the same as `failStage`, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the
* cancellation cause) and all outlets are failed propagating the cause from cancellation.
def cancellationStrategyFailStage: CancellationStrategy.Strategy = CancellationStrategy.FailStage
* Java API
* Strategy that treats `cancelStage` in different ways depending on the cause that was given to the cancellation.
* If the cause was a regular, active cancellation (`SubscriptionWithCancelException.NoMoreElementsNeeded`), the stage
* receiving this cancellation is completed regularly.
* If another cause was given, this is treated as an error and the behavior is the same as with `failStage`.
* This is a good default strategy.
def cancellationStrategyPropagateFailure: CancellationStrategy.Strategy = CancellationStrategy.PropagateFailure
* Java API
* Strategy that allows to delay any action when `cancelStage` is invoked.
* The idea of this strategy is to delay any action on cancellation because it is expected that the stage is completed
* through another path in the meantime. The downside is that a stage and a stream may live longer than expected if no
* such signal is received and cancellation is invoked later on. In streams with many stages that all apply this strategy,
* this strategy might significantly delay the propagation of a cancellation signal because each upstream stage might impose
* such a delay. During this time, the stream will be mostly "silent", i.e. it cannot make progress because of backpressure,
* but you might still be able observe a long delay at the ultimate source.
def cancellationStrategyAfterDelay(
delay: FiniteDuration,
strategy: CancellationStrategy.Strategy): CancellationStrategy.Strategy =
CancellationStrategy.AfterDelay(delay, strategy)
object LogLevels {
/** Use to disable logging on certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#logLevels]] */
final val Off: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.levelFor("off").get
/** Use to enable logging at ERROR level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#logLevels]] */
final val Error: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.ErrorLevel
/** Use to enable logging at WARNING level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#logLevels]] */
final val Warning: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.WarningLevel
/** Use to enable logging at INFO level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#logLevels]] */
final val Info: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.InfoLevel
/** Use to enable logging at DEBUG level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#logLevels]] */
final val Debug: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel
/** Java API: Use to disable logging on certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#createLogLevels]] */
def logLevelOff: Logging.LogLevel = LogLevels.Off
/** Java API: Use to enable logging at ERROR level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#createLogLevels]] */
def logLevelError: Logging.LogLevel = LogLevels.Error
/** Java API: Use to enable logging at WARNING level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#createLogLevels]] */
def logLevelWarning: Logging.LogLevel = LogLevels.Warning
/** Java API: Use to enable logging at INFO level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#createLogLevels]] */
def logLevelInfo: Logging.LogLevel = LogLevels.Info
/** Java API: Use to enable logging at DEBUG level for certain operations when configuring [[Attributes#createLogLevels]] */
def logLevelDebug: Logging.LogLevel = LogLevels.Debug
def apply(attribute: Attribute): Attributes =
apply(attribute :: Nil)
val none: Attributes = Attributes()
val asyncBoundary: Attributes = Attributes(AsyncBoundary)
* Specifies the name of the operation.
* If the name is null or empty the name is ignored, i.e. [[#none]] is returned.
* When using this method the name is encoded with URLEncoder with UTF-8 because
* the name is sometimes used as part of actor name. If that is not desired
* the name can be added in it's raw format using `.addAttributes(Attributes(Name(name)))`.
def name(name: String): Attributes =
if (name == null || name.isEmpty) none
else Attributes(Name(URLEncoder.encode(name, ByteString.UTF_8)))
* Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor
* that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape. This attribute configures
* the initial and maximal input buffer in number of elements for each inlet.
def inputBuffer(initial: Int, max: Int): Attributes = Attributes(InputBuffer(initial, max))
* Java API
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[Attributes#logLevelOff]].
def createLogLevels(
onElement: Logging.LogLevel,
onFinish: Logging.LogLevel,
onFailure: Logging.LogLevel): Attributes =
logLevels(onElement, onFinish, onFailure)
* Java API
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging onElement.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[Attributes#logLevelOff]].
def createLogLevels(onElement: Logging.LogLevel): Attributes =
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[LogLevels.Off]].
* See [[Attributes.createLogLevels]] for Java API
def logLevels(
onElement: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel,
onFinish: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel,
onFailure: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.ErrorLevel) =
Attributes(LogLevels(onElement, onFinish, onFailure))
* Compute a name by concatenating all Name attributes that the given module
* has, returning the given default value if none are found.
def extractName(builder: TraversalBuilder, default: String): String = {
* Attributes for the [[Materializer]].
* Note that more attributes defined in [[Attributes]].
object ActorAttributes {
import Attributes._
* Configures the dispatcher to be used by streams.
* Use factory method [[ActorAttributes#dispatcher]] to create instances.
final case class Dispatcher(dispatcher: String) extends MandatoryAttribute
final case class SupervisionStrategy(decider: Supervision.Decider) extends MandatoryAttribute
val IODispatcher: Dispatcher = ActorAttributes.Dispatcher("")
* Specifies the name of the dispatcher. This also adds an async boundary.
def dispatcher(dispatcher: String): Attributes = Attributes(Dispatcher(dispatcher))
* Scala API: Decides how exceptions from user are to be handled.
* Operators supporting supervision strategies explicitly document that they do so. If a operator does not document
* support for these, it should be assumed it does not support supervision.
* For the Java API see [[#withSupervisionStrategy]]
def supervisionStrategy(decider: Supervision.Decider): Attributes =
* Java API: Decides how exceptions from application code are to be handled.
* Operators supporting supervision strategies explicitly document that they do so. If a operator does not document
* support for these, it should be assumed it does not support supervision.
* For the Scala API see [[#supervisionStrategy]]
def withSupervisionStrategy(decider: function.Function[Throwable, Supervision.Directive]): Attributes =
* Java API
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[Attributes#logLevelOff]].
def createLogLevels(
onElement: Logging.LogLevel,
onFinish: Logging.LogLevel,
onFailure: Logging.LogLevel): Attributes =
logLevels(onElement, onFinish, onFailure)
* Java API
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging onElement.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[Attributes#logLevelOff]].
def createLogLevels(onElement: Logging.LogLevel): Attributes =
* Configures `log()` operator log-levels to be used when logging.
* Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using [[LogLevels.Off]].
* See [[Attributes.createLogLevels]] for Java API
def logLevels(
onElement: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel,
onFinish: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel,
onFailure: Logging.LogLevel = Logging.ErrorLevel) =
Attributes(LogLevels(onElement, onFinish, onFailure))
* Enables additional low level troubleshooting logging at DEBUG log level
* Use factory method [[#debugLogging]] to create.
final case class DebugLogging(enabled: Boolean) extends MandatoryAttribute
* Enables additional low level troubleshooting logging at DEBUG log level
def debugLogging(enabled: Boolean): Attributes =
* Defines a timeout for stream subscription and what action to take when that hits.
* Use factory method `streamSubscriptionTimeout` to create.
final case class StreamSubscriptionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration, mode: StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode)
extends MandatoryAttribute
* Scala API: Defines a timeout for stream subscription and what action to take when that hits.
def streamSubscriptionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration, mode: StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode): Attributes =
Attributes(StreamSubscriptionTimeout(timeout, mode))
* Java API: Defines a timeout for stream subscription and what action to take when that hits.
def streamSubscriptionTimeout(timeout: Duration, mode: StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode): Attributes =
streamSubscriptionTimeout(timeout.asScala, mode)
* Maximum number of elements emitted in batch if downstream signals large demand.
* Use factory method [[#outputBurstLimit]] to create.
final case class OutputBurstLimit(limit: Int) extends MandatoryAttribute
* Maximum number of elements emitted in batch if downstream signals large demand.
def outputBurstLimit(limit: Int): Attributes =
* Test utility: fuzzing mode means that GraphStage events are not processed
* in FIFO order within a fused subgraph, but randomized.
* Use factory method [[#fuzzingMode]] to create.
final case class FuzzingMode(enabled: Boolean) extends MandatoryAttribute
* Test utility: fuzzing mode means that GraphStage events are not processed
* in FIFO order within a fused subgraph, but randomized.
def fuzzingMode(enabled: Boolean): Attributes =
* Configure the maximum buffer size for which a FixedSizeBuffer will be preallocated.
* This defaults to a large value because it is usually better to fail early when
* system memory is not sufficient to hold the buffer.
* Use factory method [[#maxFixedBufferSize]] to create.
final case class MaxFixedBufferSize(size: Int) extends MandatoryAttribute
* Configure the maximum buffer size for which a FixedSizeBuffer will be preallocated.
* This defaults to a large value because it is usually better to fail early when
* system memory is not sufficient to hold the buffer.
def maxFixedBufferSize(size: Int): Attributes =
Attributes(MaxFixedBufferSize(size: Int))
* Limit for number of messages that can be processed synchronously in stream to substream communication.
* Use factory method [[#syncProcessingLimit]] to create.
final case class SyncProcessingLimit(limit: Int) extends MandatoryAttribute
* Limit for number of messages that can be processed synchronously in stream to substream communication
def syncProcessingLimit(limit: Int): Attributes =
* Attributes for stream refs ([[]] and [[]]).
* Note that more attributes defined in [[Attributes]] and [[ActorAttributes]].
object StreamRefAttributes {
import Attributes._
/** Attributes specific to stream refs.
* Not for user extension.
sealed trait StreamRefAttribute extends Attribute
final case class SubscriptionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration) extends StreamRefAttribute
final case class BufferCapacity(capacity: Int) extends StreamRefAttribute {
require(capacity > 0, "Buffer capacity must be > 0")
final case class DemandRedeliveryInterval(timeout: FiniteDuration) extends StreamRefAttribute
final case class FinalTerminationSignalDeadline(timeout: FiniteDuration) extends StreamRefAttribute
* Scala API: Specifies the subscription timeout within which the remote side MUST subscribe to the handed out stream reference.
def subscriptionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): Attributes = Attributes(SubscriptionTimeout(timeout))
* Java API: Specifies the subscription timeout within which the remote side MUST subscribe to the handed out stream reference.
def subscriptionTimeout(timeout: Duration): Attributes = subscriptionTimeout(timeout.asScala)
* Specifies the size of the buffer on the receiving side that is eagerly filled even without demand.
def bufferCapacity(capacity: Int): Attributes = Attributes(BufferCapacity(capacity))
* Scala API: If no new elements arrive within this timeout, demand is redelivered.
def demandRedeliveryInterval(timeout: FiniteDuration): Attributes =
* Java API: If no new elements arrive within this timeout, demand is redelivered.
def demandRedeliveryInterval(timeout: Duration): Attributes =
* Scala API: The time between the Terminated signal being received and when the local SourceRef determines to fail itself
def finalTerminationSignalDeadline(timeout: FiniteDuration): Attributes =
* Java API: The time between the Terminated signal being received and when the local SourceRef determines to fail itself
def finalTerminationSignalDeadline(timeout: Duration): Attributes =