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* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import akka.{ Done, NotUsed }
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
* Creates shared or single kill switches which can be used to control completion of graphs from the outside.
* - The factory ``shared()`` returns a [[SharedKillSwitch]] which provides a [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that can be
* used in arbitrary number of graphs and materializations. The switch simultaneously
* controls completion in all of those graphs.
* - The factory ``single()`` returns a [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to a [[UniqueKillSwitch]]
* which is always unique
* to that materialized Flow itself.
* Creates a [[SharedKillSwitch]] that can be used to externally control the completion of various streams.
object KillSwitches {
* Creates a new [[SharedKillSwitch]] with the given name that can be used to control the completion of multiple
* streams from the outside simultaneously.
* @see SharedKillSwitch
def shared(name: String): SharedKillSwitch = new SharedKillSwitch(name)
* Creates a new [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion
* of that unique materialization. Different materializations result in different, independent switches.
* For a Bidi version see [[KillSwitch#singleBidi]]
def single[T]: Graph[FlowShape[T, T], UniqueKillSwitch] =
UniqueKillSwitchStage.asInstanceOf[Graph[FlowShape[T, T], UniqueKillSwitch]]
* Creates a new [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion
* of that unique materialization. Different materializations result in different, independent switches.
* For a Flow version see [[KillSwitch#single]]
def singleBidi[T1, T2]: Graph[BidiShape[T1, T1, T2, T2], UniqueKillSwitch] =
UniqueBidiKillSwitchStage.asInstanceOf[Graph[BidiShape[T1, T1, T2, T2], UniqueKillSwitch]]
abstract class KillableGraphStageLogic(val terminationSignal: Future[Done], _shape: Shape)
extends GraphStageLogic(_shape) {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
terminationSignal.value match {
case Some(status) => onSwitch(status)
case _ =>
// callback.invoke is a simple actor send, so it is fine to run on the invoking thread
private def onSwitch(mode: Try[Done]): Unit = mode match {
case Success(_) => completeStage()
case Failure(ex) => failStage(ex)
private[stream] object UniqueKillSwitchStage
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[FlowShape[Any, Any], UniqueKillSwitch] {
override val initialAttributes ="breaker")
override val shape = FlowShape(Inlet[Any](""), Outlet[Any]("KillSwitch.out"))
override def toString: String = "UniqueKillSwitchFlow"
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(attr: Attributes) = {
val promise = Promise[Done]
val switch = new UniqueKillSwitch(promise)
val logic = new KillableGraphStageLogic(promise.future, shape) with InHandler with OutHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = push(shape.out, grab(
override def onPull(): Unit = pull(
setHandler(, this)
setHandler(shape.out, this)
(logic, switch)
private[stream] object UniqueBidiKillSwitchStage
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[BidiShape[Any, Any, Any, Any], UniqueKillSwitch] {
override val initialAttributes ="breaker")
override val shape = BidiShape(
override def toString: String = "UniqueKillSwitchBidi"
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(attr: Attributes) = {
val promise = Promise[Done]
val switch = new UniqueKillSwitch(promise)
val logic = new KillableGraphStageLogic(promise.future, shape) {
setHandler(shape.in1, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = push(shape.out1, grab(shape.in1))
override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = complete(shape.out1)
override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = fail(shape.out1, ex)
setHandler(shape.in2, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = push(shape.out2, grab(shape.in2))
override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = complete(shape.out2)
override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = fail(shape.out2, ex)
setHandler(shape.out1, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = pull(shape.in1)
override def onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable): Unit = cancel(shape.in1, cause)
setHandler(shape.out2, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = pull(shape.in2)
override def onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable): Unit = cancel(shape.in2, cause)
(logic, switch)
* A [[KillSwitch]] allows completion of [[Graph]]s from the outside by completing [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] linked
* to the switch. Depending on whether the [[KillSwitch]] is a [[UniqueKillSwitch]] or a [[SharedKillSwitch]] one or
* multiple streams might be linked with the switch. For details see the documentation of the concrete subclasses of
* this interface.
trait KillSwitch {
* After calling [[KillSwitch#shutdown]] the linked [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] are completed normally.
def shutdown(): Unit
* After calling [[KillSwitch#abort]] the linked [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] are failed.
def abort(ex: Throwable): Unit
private[stream] final class TerminationSignal {
final class Listener private[TerminationSignal] {
private[TerminationSignal] val promise = Promise[Done]
def future: Future[Done] = promise.future
def unregister(): Unit = removeListener(this)
private[this] val _listeners = TrieMap.empty[Listener, NotUsed]
private[this] val _completedWith: AtomicReference[Option[Try[Done]]] = new AtomicReference(None)
def tryComplete(result: Try[Done]): Unit = {
if (_completedWith.compareAndSet(None, Some(result))) {
for ((listener, _) <- _listeners) listener.promise.tryComplete(result)
def createListener(): Listener = {
val listener = new Listener
if (_completedWith.get.isEmpty) {
_listeners += (listener -> NotUsed)
_completedWith.get match {
case Some(result) => listener.promise.tryComplete(result)
case None => // Ignore.
private def removeListener(listener: Listener): Unit = {
_listeners -= listener
* A [[UniqueKillSwitch]] is always a result of a materialization (unlike [[SharedKillSwitch]] which is constructed
* before any materialization) and it always controls that graph and operator which yielded the materialized value.
* After calling [[UniqueKillSwitch#shutdown]] the running instance of the [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materialized to the
* [[UniqueKillSwitch]] will complete its downstream and cancel its upstream (unless if finished or failed already in which
* case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of completion commands will be ignored.
* After calling [[UniqueKillSwitch#abort]] the running instance of the [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materialized to the
* [[UniqueKillSwitch]] will fail its downstream with the provided exception and cancel its upstream
* (unless if finished or failed already in which case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of
* completion commands will be ignored.
* It is also possible to individually cancel, complete or fail upstream and downstream parts by calling the corresponding
* methods.
final class UniqueKillSwitch private[stream] (private val promise: Promise[Done]) extends KillSwitch {
* After calling [[UniqueKillSwitch#shutdown]] the running instance of the [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materialized to the
* [[UniqueKillSwitch]] will complete its downstream and cancel its upstream (unless if finished or failed already in which
* case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of completion commands will be ignored.
def shutdown(): Unit = promise.trySuccess(Done)
* After calling [[UniqueKillSwitch#abort]] the running instance of the [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materialized to the
* [[UniqueKillSwitch]] will fail its downstream with the provided exception and cancel its upstream
* (unless if finished or failed already in which case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of
* completion commands will be ignored.
def abort(ex: Throwable): Unit = promise.tryFailure(ex)
override def toString: String = s"SingleKillSwitch($hashCode)"
* A [[SharedKillSwitch]] is a provider for [[Graph]]s of [[FlowShape]] that can be completed or failed from the outside.
* A [[Graph]] returned by the switch can be materialized arbitrary amount of times: every newly materialized [[Graph]]
* belongs to the switch from which it was acquired. Multiple [[SharedKillSwitch]] instances are isolated from each other,
* shutting down or aborting on instance does not affect the [[Graph]]s provided by another instance.
* After calling [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] all materialized, running instances of all [[Graph]]s provided by the
* [[SharedKillSwitch]] will complete their downstreams and cancel their upstreams (unless if finished or failed already in which
* case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] and [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] will be
* ignored.
* After calling [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] all materialized, running instances of all [[Graph]]s provided by the
* [[SharedKillSwitch]] will fail their downstreams with the provided exception and cancel their upstreams
* (unless it finished or failed already in which case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of
* [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] and [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] will be ignored.
* The [[Graph]]s provided by the [[SharedKillSwitch]] do not modify the passed through elements in any way or affect
* backpressure in the stream. All provided [[Graph]]s provide the parent [[SharedKillSwitch]] as materialized value.
* This class is thread-safe, the instance can be passed safely among threads and its methods may be invoked concurrently.
final class SharedKillSwitch private[stream] (val name: String) extends KillSwitch {
private[this] val terminationSignal = new TerminationSignal
private[this] val _flow: Graph[FlowShape[Any, Any], SharedKillSwitch] = new SharedKillSwitchFlow
* After calling [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] all materialized, running instances of all [[Graph]]s provided by the
* [[SharedKillSwitch]] will complete their downstreams and cancel their upstreams (unless if finished or failed already in which
* case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] and [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] will be
* ignored.
def shutdown(): Unit = terminationSignal.tryComplete(Success(Done))
* After calling [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] all materialized, running instances of all [[Graph]]s provided by the
* [[SharedKillSwitch]] will fail their downstreams with the provided exception and cancel their upstreams
* (unless it finished or failed already in which case the command is ignored). Subsequent invocations of
* [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] and [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] will be ignored.
* These provided [[Graph]]s materialize to their owning switch. This might make certain integrations simpler than
* passing around the switch instance itself.
* @param reason The exception to be used for failing the linked [[Graph]]s
def abort(reason: Throwable): Unit = terminationSignal.tryComplete(Failure(reason))
* Returns a typed Flow of a requested type that will be linked to this [[SharedKillSwitch]] instance. By invoking
* [[SharedKillSwitch#shutdown]] or [[SharedKillSwitch#abort]] all running instances of all provided [[Graph]]s by this
* switch will be stopped normally or failed.
* @tparam T Type of the elements the Flow will forward
* @return A reusable [[Graph]] that is linked with the switch. The materialized value provided is this switch itself.
def flow[T]: Graph[FlowShape[T, T], SharedKillSwitch] = _flow.asInstanceOf[Graph[FlowShape[T, T], SharedKillSwitch]]
override def toString: String = s"KillSwitch($name)"
private class SharedKillSwitchFlow extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[FlowShape[Any, Any], SharedKillSwitch] {
override val shape: FlowShape[Any, Any] = FlowShape(Inlet[Any](""), Outlet[Any]("KillSwitch.out"))
override def toString: String = s"SharedKillSwitchFlow(switch: $name)"
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(
inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, SharedKillSwitch) = {
val shutdownListener = terminationSignal.createListener()
val logic = new KillSwitches.KillableGraphStageLogic(shutdownListener.future, shape)
with InHandler
with OutHandler {
setHandler(, this)
setHandler(shape.out, this)
override def onPush(): Unit = push(shape.out, grab(
override def onPull(): Unit = pull(
override def postStop(): Unit = {
(logic, SharedKillSwitch.this)