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* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import akka.util.Collections.EmptyImmutableSeq
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
* An input port of a StreamLayout.Module. This type logically belongs
* into the impl package but must live here due to how `sealed` works.
* It is also used in the Java DSL for “classic Inlets” as a work-around
* for otherwise unreasonable existential types.
sealed abstract class InPort { self: Inlet[_] =>
final override def hashCode: Int = super.hashCode
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
@volatile private[stream] var id: Int = -1
@volatile private[stream] var mappedTo: InPort = this
private[stream] def inlet: Inlet[_] = this
* An output port of a StreamLayout.Module. This type logically belongs
* into the impl package but must live here due to how `sealed` works.
* It is also used in the Java DSL for “classic Outlets” as a work-around
* for otherwise unreasonable existential types.
sealed abstract class OutPort { self: Outlet[_] =>
final override def hashCode: Int = super.hashCode
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
@volatile private[stream] var id: Int = -1
@volatile private[stream] var mappedTo: OutPort = this
private[stream] def outlet: Outlet[_] = this
* An Inlet is a typed input to a Shape. Its partner in the Module view
* is the InPort (which does not bear an element type because Modules only
* express the internal structural hierarchy of stream topologies).
object Inlet {
* Scala API
* Creates a new Inlet with the given name. The name will be used when
* displaying debug information or error messages involving the port.
def apply[T](name: String): Inlet[T] = new Inlet[T](name)
* Creates a new Inlet with the given name. The name will be used when
* displaying debug information or error messages involving the port.
def create[T](name: String): Inlet[T] = Inlet(name)
final class Inlet[T] private (val s: String) extends InPort {
def carbonCopy(): Inlet[T] = {
val in = Inlet[T](s)
in.mappedTo = this
def as[U]: Inlet[U] = this.asInstanceOf[Inlet[U]]
override def toString: String =
s + "(" + this.hashCode + ")" +
(if (mappedTo eq this) ""
else s" mapped to $mappedTo")
* An Outlet is a typed output to a Shape. Its partner in the Module view
* is the OutPort (which does not bear an element type because Modules only
* express the internal structural hierarchy of stream topologies).
object Outlet {
* Scala API
* Creates a new Outlet with the given name. The name will be used when
* displaying debug information or error messages involving the port.
def apply[T](name: String): Outlet[T] = new Outlet[T](name)
* Creates a new Outlet with the given name. The name will be used when
* displaying debug information or error messages involving the port.
def create[T](name: String): Outlet[T] = Outlet(name)
final class Outlet[T] private (val s: String) extends OutPort {
def carbonCopy(): Outlet[T] = {
val out = Outlet[T](s)
out.mappedTo = this
def as[U]: Outlet[U] = this.asInstanceOf[Outlet[U]]
override def toString: String =
s + "(" + this.hashCode + ")" +
(if (mappedTo eq this) ""
else s" mapped to $mappedTo")
@InternalApi private[akka] object Shape {
* `inlets` and `outlets` can be `Vector` or `List` so this method
* checks the size of 1 in an optimized way.
def hasOnePort(ports: immutable.Seq[_]): Boolean = {
ports.nonEmpty && (ports match {
case l: List[_] => l.tail.isEmpty // assuming List is most common
case _ => ports.size == 1 // e.g. Vector
* A Shape describes the inlets and outlets of a [[Graph]]. In keeping with the
* philosophy that a Graph is a freely reusable blueprint, everything that
* matters from the outside are the connections that can be made with it,
* otherwise it is just a black box.
abstract class Shape {
* Scala API: get a list of all input ports
def inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]]
* Scala API: get a list of all output ports
def outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]]
* Create a copy of this Shape object, returning the same type as the
* original; this constraint can unfortunately not be expressed in the
* type system.
def deepCopy(): Shape
* Java API: get a list of all input ports
def getInlets: java.util.List[Inlet[_]] = inlets.asJava
* Java API: get a list of all output ports
def getOutlets: java.util.List[Outlet[_]] = outlets.asJava
* Compare this to another shape and determine whether the set of ports is the same (ignoring their ordering).
def hasSamePortsAs(s: Shape): Boolean =
inlets.toSet == s.inlets.toSet && outlets.toSet == s.outlets.toSet
* Compare this to another shape and determine whether the arrangement of ports is the same (including their ordering).
def hasSamePortsAndShapeAs(s: Shape): Boolean =
inlets == s.inlets && outlets == s.outlets
* Asserting version of [[#hasSamePortsAs]].
def requireSamePortsAs(s: Shape): Unit = require(hasSamePortsAs(s), nonCorrespondingMessage(s))
* Asserting version of [[#hasSamePortsAndShapeAs]].
def requireSamePortsAndShapeAs(s: Shape): Unit = require(hasSamePortsAndShapeAs(s), nonCorrespondingMessage(s))
private def nonCorrespondingMessage(s: Shape) =
s"The inlets [${s.inlets.mkString(", ")}] and outlets [${s.outlets.mkString(", ")}] must correspond to the inlets [${inlets
.mkString(", ")}] and outlets [${outlets.mkString(", ")}]"
* Java API for creating custom [[Shape]] types.
abstract class AbstractShape extends Shape {
* Provide the list of all input ports of this shape.
def allInlets: java.util.List[Inlet[_]]
* Provide the list of all output ports of this shape.
def allOutlets: java.util.List[Outlet[_]]
final override lazy val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = allInlets.asScala.toList
final override lazy val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = allOutlets.asScala.toList
final override def getInlets = allInlets
final override def getOutlets = allOutlets
* This [[Shape]] is used for graphs that have neither open inputs nor open
* outputs. Only such a [[Graph]] can be materialized by a [[Materializer]].
sealed abstract class ClosedShape extends Shape
object ClosedShape extends ClosedShape {
override val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = EmptyImmutableSeq
override val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = EmptyImmutableSeq
override def deepCopy() = this
* Java API: obtain ClosedShape instance
def getInstance: ClosedShape = this
override def toString: String = "ClosedShape"
* This type of [[Shape]] can express any number of inputs and outputs at the
* expense of forgetting about their specific types. It is used mainly in the
* implementation of the [[Graph]] builders and typically replaced by a more
* meaningful type of Shape when the building is finished.
case class AmorphousShape(inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]], outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]]) extends Shape {
override def deepCopy() = AmorphousShape(,
* A Source [[Shape]] has exactly one output and no inputs, it models a source
* of data.
final case class SourceShape[+T](out: Outlet[T @uncheckedVariance]) extends Shape {
override val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = EmptyImmutableSeq
override val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = out :: Nil
override def deepCopy(): SourceShape[T] = SourceShape(out.carbonCopy())
object SourceShape {
/** Java API */
def of[T](outlet: Outlet[T @uncheckedVariance]): SourceShape[T] =
* A Flow [[Shape]] has exactly one input and one output, it looks from the
* outside like a pipe (but it can be a complex topology of streams within of
* course).
final case class FlowShape[-I, +O](in: Inlet[I @uncheckedVariance], out: Outlet[O @uncheckedVariance]) extends Shape {
override val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = in :: Nil
override val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = out :: Nil
override def deepCopy(): FlowShape[I, O] = FlowShape(in.carbonCopy(), out.carbonCopy())
object FlowShape {
/** Java API */
def of[I, O](inlet: Inlet[I @uncheckedVariance], outlet: Outlet[O @uncheckedVariance]): FlowShape[I, O] =
FlowShape(inlet, outlet)
* A Sink [[Shape]] has exactly one input and no outputs, it models a data sink.
final case class SinkShape[-T](in: Inlet[T @uncheckedVariance]) extends Shape {
override val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = in :: Nil
override val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = EmptyImmutableSeq
override def deepCopy(): SinkShape[T] = SinkShape(in.carbonCopy())
object SinkShape {
/** Java API */
def of[T](inlet: Inlet[T @uncheckedVariance]): SinkShape[T] =
* A bidirectional flow of elements that consequently has two inputs and two
* outputs, arranged like this:
* {{{
* +------+
* In1 ~>| |~> Out1
* | bidi |
* Out2 <~| |<~ In2
* +------+
* }}}
final case class BidiShape[-In1, +Out1, -In2, +Out2](
in1: Inlet[In1 @uncheckedVariance],
out1: Outlet[Out1 @uncheckedVariance],
in2: Inlet[In2 @uncheckedVariance],
out2: Outlet[Out2 @uncheckedVariance])
extends Shape {
override val inlets: immutable.Seq[Inlet[_]] = in1 :: in2 :: Nil
override val outlets: immutable.Seq[Outlet[_]] = out1 :: out2 :: Nil
* Java API for creating from a pair of unidirectional flows.
def this(top: FlowShape[In1, Out1], bottom: FlowShape[In2, Out2]) = this(, top.out,, bottom.out)
override def deepCopy(): BidiShape[In1, Out1, In2, Out2] =
BidiShape(in1.carbonCopy(), out1.carbonCopy(), in2.carbonCopy(), out2.carbonCopy())
object BidiShape {
def fromFlows[I1, O1, I2, O2](top: FlowShape[I1, O1], bottom: FlowShape[I2, O2]): BidiShape[I1, O1, I2, O2] =
BidiShape(, top.out,, bottom.out)
/** Java API */
def of[In1, Out1, In2, Out2](
in1: Inlet[In1 @uncheckedVariance],
out1: Outlet[Out1 @uncheckedVariance],
in2: Inlet[In2 @uncheckedVariance],
out2: Outlet[Out2 @uncheckedVariance]): BidiShape[In1, Out1, In2, Out2] =
BidiShape(in1, out1, in2, out2)