akka.stream.impl.ActorPublisher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.stream.impl
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorRef, Terminated }
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import org.reactivestreams.{ Publisher, Subscriber }
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription
@InternalApi private[akka] object ActorPublisher {
val NormalShutdownReasonMessage = "Cannot subscribe to shut-down Publisher"
class NormalShutdownException extends IllegalStateException(NormalShutdownReasonMessage) with NoStackTrace
val NormalShutdownReason: Throwable = new NormalShutdownException
val SomeNormalShutdownReason: Some[Throwable] = Some(NormalShutdownReason)
def apply[T](impl: ActorRef): ActorPublisher[T] = {
val a = new ActorPublisher[T](impl)
// Resolve cyclic dependency with actor. This MUST be the first message no matter what.
impl ! ExposedPublisher(a.asInstanceOf[ActorPublisher[Any]])
* When you instantiate this class, or its subclasses, you MUST send an ExposedPublisher message to the wrapped
* ActorRef! If you don't need to subclass, prefer the apply() method on the companion object which takes care of this.
@InternalApi private[akka] class ActorPublisher[T](val impl: ActorRef) extends Publisher[T] {
import ReactiveStreamsCompliance._
// The subscriber of an subscription attempt is first placed in this list of pending subscribers.
// The actor will call takePendingSubscribers to remove it from the list when it has received the
// SubscribePending message. The AtomicReference is set to null by the shutdown method, which is
// called by the actor from postStop. Pending (unregistered) subscription attempts are denied by
// the shutdown method. Subscription attempts after shutdown can be denied immediately.
private val pendingSubscribers = new AtomicReference[immutable.Seq[Subscriber[_ >: T]]](Nil)
protected val wakeUpMsg: Any = SubscribePending
override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: T]): Unit = {
@tailrec def doSubscribe(): Unit = {
val current = pendingSubscribers.get
if (current eq null)
else {
if (pendingSubscribers.compareAndSet(current, subscriber +: current))
impl ! wakeUpMsg
doSubscribe() // CAS retry
def takePendingSubscribers(): immutable.Seq[Subscriber[_ >: T]] = {
val pending = pendingSubscribers.getAndSet(Nil)
if (pending eq null) Nil else pending.reverse
def shutdown(reason: Option[Throwable]): Unit = {
shutdownReason = reason
pendingSubscribers.getAndSet(null) match {
case null => // already called earlier
case pending => pending.foreach(reportSubscribeFailure)
@volatile private var shutdownReason: Option[Throwable] = None
private def reportSubscribeFailure(subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: T]): Unit =
try shutdownReason match {
case Some(_: SpecViolation) => // ok, not allowed to call onError
case Some(e) =>
tryOnSubscribe(subscriber, CancelledSubscription)
tryOnError(subscriber, e)
case None =>
tryOnSubscribe(subscriber, CancelledSubscription)
} catch {
case _: SpecViolation => // nothing to do
@InternalApi private[akka] class ActorSubscription[T](
final val impl: ActorRef,
final val subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: T])
extends Subscription {
override def request(elements: Long): Unit = impl ! RequestMore(this, elements)
override def cancel(): Unit = impl ! Cancel(this)
@InternalApi private[akka] class ActorSubscriptionWithCursor[T](_impl: ActorRef, _subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: T])
extends ActorSubscription[T](_impl, _subscriber)
with SubscriptionWithCursor[T]
@InternalApi private[akka] trait SoftShutdown { this: Actor =>
def softShutdown(): Unit = {
val children = context.children
if (children.isEmpty) {
} else {
context.become {
case Terminated(_) => if (context.children.isEmpty) context.stop(self)
case _ => // ignore all the rest, we’re practically dead