akka.stream.impl.Modules.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.stream.impl
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.annotation.{ DoNotInherit, InternalApi }
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.impl.StreamLayout.AtomicModule
import org.reactivestreams._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import akka.event.Logging
@DoNotInherit private[akka] abstract class SourceModule[+Out, +Mat](val shape: SourceShape[Out])
extends AtomicModule[SourceShape[Out], Mat] {
protected def label: String = Logging.simpleName(this)
final override def toString: String = f"$label [${System.identityHashCode(this)}%08x]"
def create(context: MaterializationContext): (Publisher[Out] @uncheckedVariance, Mat)
// TODO: Remove this, no longer needed?
protected def newInstance(shape: SourceShape[Out] @uncheckedVariance): SourceModule[Out, Mat]
// TODO: Amendshape changed the name of ports. Is it needed anymore?
def attributes: Attributes
protected def amendShape(attr: Attributes): SourceShape[Out] = {
val thisN = traversalBuilder.attributes.nameOrDefault(null)
val thatN = attr.nameOrDefault(null)
if ((thatN eq null) || thisN == thatN) shape
else shape.copy(out = Outlet(thatN + ".out"))
override private[stream] def traversalBuilder =
LinearTraversalBuilder.fromModule(this, attributes).makeIsland(SourceModuleIslandTag)
* Holds a `Subscriber` representing the input side of the flow.
* The `Subscriber` can later be connected to an upstream `Publisher`.
@InternalApi private[akka] final class SubscriberSource[Out](val attributes: Attributes, shape: SourceShape[Out])
extends SourceModule[Out, Subscriber[Out]](shape) {
override def create(context: MaterializationContext): (Publisher[Out], Subscriber[Out]) = {
val processor = new VirtualProcessor[Out]
(processor, processor)
override protected def newInstance(shape: SourceShape[Out]): SourceModule[Out, Subscriber[Out]] =
new SubscriberSource[Out](attributes, shape)
override def withAttributes(attr: Attributes): SourceModule[Out, Subscriber[Out]] =
new SubscriberSource[Out](attr, amendShape(attr))
* Construct a transformation starting with given publisher. The transformation steps
* are executed by a series of [[org.reactivestreams.Processor]] instances
* that mediate the flow of elements downstream and the propagation of
* back-pressure upstream.
@InternalApi private[akka] final class PublisherSource[Out](
p: Publisher[Out],
val attributes: Attributes,
shape: SourceShape[Out])
extends SourceModule[Out, NotUsed](shape) {
override protected def label: String = s"PublisherSource($p)"
override def create(context: MaterializationContext) = (p, NotUsed)
override protected def newInstance(shape: SourceShape[Out]): SourceModule[Out, NotUsed] =
new PublisherSource[Out](p, attributes, shape)
override def withAttributes(attr: Attributes): SourceModule[Out, NotUsed] =
new PublisherSource[Out](p, attr, amendShape(attr))