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* Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.reactivestreams.{ Subscriber, Subscription }
@InternalApi private[stream] object ReactiveStreamsCompliance {
final val CanNotSubscribeTheSameSubscriberMultipleTimes =
"can not subscribe the same subscriber multiple times (see reactive-streams specification, rules 1.10 and 2.12)"
final val SupportsOnlyASingleSubscriber =
"only supports one subscriber (which is allowed, see reactive-streams specification, rule 1.12)"
final val NumberOfElementsInRequestMustBePositiveMsg =
"The number of requested elements must be > 0 (see reactive-streams specification, rule 3.9)"
final val SubscriberMustNotBeNullMsg = "Subscriber must not be null, rule 1.9"
final val ExceptionMustNotBeNullMsg = "Exception must not be null, rule 2.13"
final val ElementMustNotBeNullMsg = "Element must not be null, rule 2.13"
final val SubscriptionMustNotBeNullMsg = "Subscription must not be null, rule 2.13"
final def numberOfElementsInRequestMustBePositiveException: Throwable =
new IllegalArgumentException(NumberOfElementsInRequestMustBePositiveMsg)
final def canNotSubscribeTheSameSubscriberMultipleTimesException: Throwable =
new IllegalStateException(CanNotSubscribeTheSameSubscriberMultipleTimes)
final def subscriberMustNotBeNullException: Throwable =
new NullPointerException(SubscriberMustNotBeNullMsg)
final def exceptionMustNotBeNullException: Throwable =
new NullPointerException(ExceptionMustNotBeNullMsg)
final def elementMustNotBeNullException: Throwable =
new NullPointerException(ElementMustNotBeNullMsg)
final def subscriptionMustNotBeNullException: Throwable =
new NullPointerException(SubscriptionMustNotBeNullMsg)
final def rejectDuplicateSubscriber[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): Unit = {
// since it is already subscribed it has received the subscription first
// and we can emit onError immediately
tryOnError(subscriber, canNotSubscribeTheSameSubscriberMultipleTimesException)
final def rejectAdditionalSubscriber[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T], rejector: String): Unit = {
tryOnSubscribe(subscriber, CancelledSubscription)
tryOnError(subscriber, new IllegalStateException(s"$rejector $SupportsOnlyASingleSubscriber"))
final def rejectDueToNonPositiveDemand[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): Unit =
tryOnError(subscriber, numberOfElementsInRequestMustBePositiveException)
final def requireNonNullSubscriber[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): Unit =
if (subscriber eq null) throw subscriberMustNotBeNullException
final def requireNonNullException(cause: Throwable): Unit =
if (cause eq null) throw exceptionMustNotBeNullException
final def requireNonNullElement[T](element: T): Unit =
if (element == null) throw elementMustNotBeNullException
final def requireNonNullSubscription(subscription: Subscription): Unit =
if (subscription == null) throw subscriptionMustNotBeNullException
sealed trait SpecViolation extends Throwable
final class SignalThrewException(message: String, cause: Throwable)
extends IllegalStateException(message, cause)
with SpecViolation
final def tryOnError[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T], error: Throwable): Unit =
error match {
case sv: SpecViolation =>
throw new IllegalStateException("It is not legal to try to signal onError with a SpecViolation", sv)
case other =>
try subscriber.onError(other)
catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new SignalThrewException(s"${subscriber}.onError", t)
final def tryOnNext[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T], element: T): Unit = {
try subscriber.onNext(element)
catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new SignalThrewException(s"${subscriber}.onNext", t)
final def tryOnSubscribe[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T], subscription: Subscription): Unit = {
try subscriber.onSubscribe(subscription)
catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new SignalThrewException(s"${subscriber}.onSubscribe", t)
final def tryOnComplete[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]): Unit = {
try subscriber.onComplete()
catch {
case NonFatal(t) => throw new SignalThrewException(s"${subscriber}.onComplete", t)
final def tryRequest(subscription: Subscription, demand: Long): Unit = {
if (subscription eq null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Subscription must be not null on request() call, rule 1.3")
try subscription.request(demand)
catch {
case NonFatal(t) =>
throw new SignalThrewException("It is illegal to throw exceptions from request(), rule 3.16", t)
final def tryCancel(subscription: Subscription, cause: Throwable): Unit = {
if (subscription eq null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Subscription must be not null on cancel() call, rule 1.3")
try subscription match {
case s: SubscriptionWithCancelException => s.cancel(cause)
case s => s.cancel()
} catch {
case NonFatal(t) =>
throw new SignalThrewException("It is illegal to throw exceptions from cancel(), rule 3.15", t)