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import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.util.OptionVal
import org.reactivestreams.Processor
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

@InternalApi private[stream] object StreamLayout {

  // compile-time constant
  final val Debug = false

   * This is the only extension point for the sealed type hierarchy: composition
   * (i.e. the module tree) is managed strictly within this file, only leaf nodes
   * may be declared elsewhere.
  trait AtomicModule[+S <: Shape, +M] extends Graph[S, M]

@InternalApi private[stream] object VirtualProcessor {

  // intentional syntax to make compile time constant
  final val Debug = false

  sealed trait HasActualSubscriber {
    def subscriber: Subscriber[Any]
  case object Inert {
    val subscriber = new CancellingSubscriber[Any]
  final case class Both(subscriber: Subscriber[Any]) extends HasActualSubscriber

  final case class Establishing(
      subscriber: Subscriber[Any],
      onCompleteBuffered: Boolean = false,
      onErrorBuffered: OptionVal[Throwable] = OptionVal.None)
      extends HasActualSubscriber
  object Establishing {
    def create(s: Subscriber[_]) = Establishing(s.asInstanceOf[Subscriber[Any]])

 * This is a transparent processor that shall consume as little resources as
 * possible. Due to the possibility of receiving uncoordinated inputs from both
 * downstream and upstream, this needs an atomic state machine which looks a
 * little like this:
 *      +--------+     (2)     +---------------+
 *      |  null  +------------>+   Subscriber  |
 *      +---+----+             +-----+---------+
 *          |                        |
 *       (1)|                        | (1)
 *          v                        v
 *      +---+----------+  (2)  +-----+---------+
 *      | Subscription +------>+  Establishing |
 *      +---+----------+       +-----+---------+
 *          |                        |
 *          |                        |  (4)
 *          |                        v
 *          |                  +-----+---------+ ---
 *          | (3)              |    Both       |    | (5)
 *          |                  +-----+---------+ <--
 *          |                        |
 *          |                        |
 *          v                        v
 *      +---+----------+  (2)  +-----+---------+ ---
 *      |  Publisher   +-----> |    Inert      |    | (5, *)
 *      +--------------+       +---------------+ <--
 * The idea is to keep the major state in only one atomic reference. The actions
 * that can happen are:
 *  (1) onSubscribe
 *  (2) subscribe
 *  (3) onError / onComplete
 *  (4) establishing subscription completes
 *  (5) onNext
 *      (*) Inert can be reached also by cancellation after which onNext is still fine
 *          so we just silently ignore possible spec violations here
 * Any event that occurs in a state where no matching outgoing arrow can be found
 * is a spec violation, leading to the shutdown of this processor (meaning that
 * the state is updated such that all following actions match that of a failed
 * Publisher or a cancelling Subscriber, and the non-guilty party is informed if
 * already connected).
 * request() can only be called after the Subscriber has received the Subscription
 * and that also means that onNext() will only happen after having transitioned into
 * the Both state as well. The Publisher state means that if the real
 * Publisher terminates before we get the Subscriber, we can just forget about the
 * real one and keep an already finished one around for the Subscriber.
 * The Subscription that is offered to the Subscriber must cancel the original
 * Publisher if things go wrong (like `request(0)` coming in from downstream) and
 * it must ensure that we drop the Subscriber reference when `cancel` is invoked.
@InternalApi private[stream] final class VirtualProcessor[T] extends AtomicReference[AnyRef] with Processor[T, T] {
  import ReactiveStreamsCompliance._
  import VirtualProcessor._

  override def toString: String = s"VirtualProcessor(${this.hashCode()})"
  if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"created: $this")

  override def subscribe(s: Subscriber[_ >: T]): Unit = {
    @tailrec def rec(sub: Subscriber[Any]): Unit = {
      get() match {
        case null =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(null).subscribe.rec($s) -> sub")
          if (!compareAndSet(null, s)) rec(sub)
        case subscription: Subscription =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($subscription).subscribe.rec($s) -> Establishing(sub)")
          val establishing = Establishing(sub, false)
          if (compareAndSet(subscription, establishing)) establishSubscription(establishing, subscription)
          else rec(sub)
        case pub: Publisher[_] =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($pub).subscribe.rec($s) -> Inert")
          if (compareAndSet(pub, Inert)) pub.subscribe(sub)
          else rec(sub)
        case other =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($other).subscribe.rec($s): rejectAdditionalSubscriber")
          rejectAdditionalSubscriber(sub, "VirtualProcessor")

    if (s == null) {
      val ex = subscriberMustNotBeNullException
      try rec(Inert.subscriber)
      finally throw ex // must throw NPE, rule 2:13
    } else rec(s.asInstanceOf[Subscriber[Any]])

  override def onSubscribe(s: Subscription): Unit = {
    @tailrec def rec(obj: AnyRef): Unit = {
      get() match {
        case null =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(null).onSubscribe.rec($obj) -> ${obj.getClass}")
          if (!compareAndSet(null, obj)) rec(obj)
        case subscriber: Subscriber[_] =>
          obj match {
            case subscription: Subscription =>
              if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
                println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($subscriber).onSubscribe.rec($obj) -> Establishing")
              val establishing = Establishing.create(subscriber)
              if (compareAndSet(subscriber, establishing)) establishSubscription(establishing, subscription)
              else rec(obj)
            case pub: Publisher[_] =>
              if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
                println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($subscriber).onSubscribe.rec($obj) -> INert")
              getAndSet(Inert) match {
                case Inert => // nothing to be done
                case _     => pub.subscribe(subscriber.asInstanceOf[Subscriber[Any]])
        case state @ _ =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(_).onSubscribe.rec($s) spec violation")
          // spec violation
          tryCancel(s, new IllegalStateException(s"VirtualProcessor in wrong state [$state]. Spec violation"))

    if (s == null) {
      val ex = subscriptionMustNotBeNullException
      try rec(ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor"))
      finally throw ex // must throw NPE, rule 2:13
    } else rec(s)

  private def establishSubscription(establishing: Establishing, subscription: Subscription): Unit = {
    val wrapped = new WrappedSubscription(subscription)
    try {
      if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode.establishSubscription(wrapped)")

      // while we were establishing some stuff could have happened
      // most likely case, nobody changed it while we where establishing
      if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
        println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode.establishSubscription.rec($establishing) -> Both")
      if (compareAndSet(establishing, Both(establishing.subscriber))) {
        // cas won - life is good
        // Requests will be only allowed once onSubscribe has returned to avoid reentering on an onNext before
        // onSubscribe completed
      } else {
        // changed by someone else
        get() match {
          case Establishing(sub, _, OptionVal.Some(error)) =>
            // there was an onError while establishing
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
              println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode.establishSubscription.rec(Establishing(buffered-error) -> Inert")
            tryOnError(sub, error)

          case Establishing(sub, true, _) =>
            // there was on onComplete while we were establishing
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
              println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode.establishSubscription.rec(Establishing(buffered-complete) -> Inert")

          case Inert =>
            tryCancel(subscription, new IllegalStateException("VirtualProcessor was already subscribed to."))

          case other =>
            throw new IllegalStateException(
              s"Unexpected state while establishing: [$other], if this ever happens it is a bug.")

    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        tryCancel(subscription, ex)
        tryOnError(establishing.subscriber, ex)

  override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit = {
     * `ex` is always a reasonable Throwable that we should communicate downstream,
     * but if `t` was `null` then the spec requires us to throw an NPE (which `ex`
     * will be in this case).
    @tailrec def rec(ex: Throwable): Unit =
      get() match {
        case null =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(null).onError(${ex.getMessage}) -> ErrorPublisher")
          if (!compareAndSet(null, ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor"))) rec(ex)
        case s: Subscription =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onError(${ex.getMessage}) -> ErrorPublisher")
          if (!compareAndSet(s, ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor"))) rec(ex)
        case Both(s) =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(Both($s)).onError(${ex.getMessage}) -> ErrorPublisher")
          tryOnError(s, ex)
        case s: Subscriber[_] => // spec violation
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onError(${ex.getMessage}) -> Inert")
          getAndSet(Inert) match {
            case Inert => // nothing to be done
            case _     => ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor").subscribe(s)
        case est @ Establishing(_, false, OptionVal.None) =>
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($est).onError(${ex.getMessage}), loop")
          if (!compareAndSet(est, est.copy(onErrorBuffered = OptionVal.Some(ex)))) rec(ex)
        case other =>
          // spec violation or cancellation race, but nothing we can do
          if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
              s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($other).onError(${ex.getMessage}). spec violation or cancellation race")

    val ex = if (t == null) exceptionMustNotBeNullException else t
    // must throw NPE, rule 2.13
    if (t == null) throw ex

  @tailrec override def onComplete(): Unit = {
    get() match {
      case null =>
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(null).onComplete -> EmptyPublisher")
        if (!compareAndSet(null, EmptyPublisher)) onComplete()
      case s: Subscription =>
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onComplete -> EmptyPublisher")
        if (!compareAndSet(s, EmptyPublisher)) onComplete()
      case _ @Both(s) =>
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onComplete -> Inert")
      case s: Subscriber[_] => // spec violation
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onComplete -> Inert")
      case est @ Establishing(_, false, OptionVal.None) =>
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
          println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($est).onComplete -> Establishing with buffered complete")
        if (!est.onCompleteBuffered && !compareAndSet(est, est.copy(onCompleteBuffered = true))) onComplete()
      case other =>
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($other).onComplete spec violation")
      // spec violation or cancellation race, but nothing we can do

  override def onNext(t: T): Unit =
    if (t == null) {
      val ex = elementMustNotBeNullException
      if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode.onNext(null)")
      @tailrec def rec(): Unit =
        get() match {
          case x @ (null | _: Subscription) =>
            if (!compareAndSet(x, ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor"))) rec()
          case s: Subscriber[_] =>
            try s.onError(ex)
            catch { case NonFatal(_) => } finally set(Inert)
          case Both(s) =>
            try s.onError(ex)
            catch { case NonFatal(_) => } finally set(Inert)
          case _ => // spec violation or cancellation race, but nothing we can do
      throw ex // must throw NPE, rule 2:13
    } else {
      @tailrec def rec(): Unit = {
        get() match {
          case h: HasActualSubscriber =>
            val s = h.subscriber
            try {
              if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
            } catch {
              case NonFatal(e) =>
                if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
                  println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(Both($s)).onNext($t) threw, spec violation -> Inert")
                throw new IllegalStateException("Subscriber threw exception, this is in violation of rule 2:13", e)

          case s: Subscriber[_] => // spec violation
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
              println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($s).onNext($t).rec(): spec violation -> Inert")
            val ex = new IllegalStateException(noDemand)
            getAndSet(Inert) match {
              case Inert => // nothing to be done
              case _     => ErrorPublisher(ex, "failed-VirtualProcessor").subscribe(s)
            throw ex
          case Inert | _: Publisher[_] =>
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode(Inert|Publisher).onNext($t).rec(): nop")
          // nothing to be done
          case other =>
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
              println(s"VirtualPublisher#$hashCode($other).onNext($t).rec() -> ErrorPublisher")
            val pub = ErrorPublisher(new IllegalStateException(noDemand), "failed-VirtualPublisher")
            if (!compareAndSet(other, pub)) rec()
            else throw pub.t

  private def noDemand = "spec violation: onNext was signaled from upstream without demand"

  object WrappedSubscription {
    sealed trait SubscriptionState { def demand: Long }
    case object PassThrough extends SubscriptionState { override def demand: Long = 0 }
    case class Buffering(demand: Long) extends SubscriptionState

    val NoBufferedDemand = Buffering(0)

  // Extdending AtomicReference to make the hot memory location share the same cache line with the Subscription
  private class WrappedSubscription(real: Subscription)
      extends AtomicReference[WrappedSubscription.SubscriptionState](WrappedSubscription.NoBufferedDemand)
      with Subscription {
    import WrappedSubscription._

    // Release
    def ungateDemandAndRequestBuffered(): Unit = {
      if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
      // Ungate demand
      val requests = getAndSet(PassThrough).demand
      // And request buffered demand
      if (requests > 0) real.request(requests)

    override def request(n: Long): Unit = {
      if (n < 1) {
        if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
        tryCancel(real, new IllegalArgumentException(s"Demand must not be < 1 but was $n"))
        VirtualProcessor.this.getAndSet(Inert) match {
          case Both(subscriber)  => rejectDueToNonPositiveDemand(subscriber)
          case est: Establishing => rejectDueToNonPositiveDemand(est.subscriber)
          case Inert             => // another failure has won the race
          case _                 => // this cannot possibly happen, but signaling errors is impossible at this point
      } else {
        // NOTE: At this point, batched requests might not have been dispatched, i.e. this can reorder requests.
        // This does not violate the Spec though, since we are a "Processor" here and although we, in reality,
        // proxy downstream requests, it is virtually *us* that emit the requests here and we are free to follow
        // any pattern of emitting them.
        // The only invariant we need to keep is to never emit more requests than the downstream emitted so far.
        @tailrec def bufferDemand(n: Long): Unit = {
          val current = get()
          if (current eq PassThrough) {
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
                s"VirtualPublisher#${VirtualProcessor.this.hashCode}WrappedSubscription($real).bufferDemand($n) passthrough")
          } else if (!compareAndSet(current, Buffering(current.demand + n))) {
            if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
                s"VirtualPublisher#${VirtualProcessor.this.hashCode}WrappedSubscription($real).bufferDemand($n) buffering")
    override def cancel(): Unit = {
      if (VirtualProcessor.Debug)
        println(s"VirtualPublisher#${VirtualProcessor.this.hashCode}WrappedSubscription.cancel() -> Inert")

 * The implementation of `Sink.asPublisher` needs to offer a `Publisher` that
 * defers to the upstream that is connected during materialization. This would
 * be trivial if it were not for materialized value computations that may even
 * spawn the code that does `pub.subscribe(sub)` in a Future, running concurrently
 * with the actual materialization. Therefore we implement a minimal shell here
 * that plugs the downstream and the upstream together as soon as both are known.
 * Using a VirtualProcessor would technically also work, but it would defeat the
 * purpose of subscription timeouts—the subscription would always already be
 * established from the Actor’s perspective, regardless of whether a downstream
 * will ever be connected.
 * One important consideration is that this `Publisher` must not retain a reference
 * to the `Subscriber` after having hooked it up with the real `Publisher`, hence
 * the use of `Inert.subscriber` as a tombstone.
@InternalApi private[impl] class VirtualPublisher[T] extends AtomicReference[AnyRef] with Publisher[T] {

  import ReactiveStreamsCompliance._
  import VirtualProcessor.Inert
  override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: T]): Unit = {
    if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"$this.subscribe: $subscriber")
    @tailrec def rec(): Unit = {
      get() match {
        case null =>
          if (!compareAndSet(null, subscriber)) rec() // retry

        case pub: Publisher[_] =>
          if (compareAndSet(pub, Inert.subscriber)) {
          } else rec() // retry

        case _: Subscriber[_] =>
          rejectAdditionalSubscriber(subscriber, "Sink.asPublisher(fanout = false)")
    rec() // return value is boolean only to make the expressions above compile

  @tailrec final def registerPublisher(pub: Publisher[_]): Unit = {
    if (VirtualProcessor.Debug) println(s"$this.registerPublisher: $pub")
    get() match {
      case null =>
        if (!compareAndSet(null, pub)) registerPublisher(pub) // retry

      case sub: Subscriber[r] =>

      case p: Publisher[_] =>
        throw new IllegalStateException(
          s"internal error, already registered [$p], yet attempted to register 2nd publisher [$pub]!")

      case unexpected =>
        throw new IllegalStateException(s"internal error, unexpected state: $unexpected")

  // this is when the subscription timeout hits, implemented like this to
  // avoid allocating a separate object for that
  def onSubscriptionTimeout(am: Materializer, mode: StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode): Unit = {
    import StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode._
    get() match {
      case null | _: Publisher[_] =>
        mode match {
          case CancelTermination => subscribe(new CancellingSubscriber[T])
          case WarnTermination =>
            am.logger.warning("Subscription timeout for {}", this)
          case NoopTermination => // never happens

      case _ => // we're ok

  override def toString: String = s"VirtualPublisher(state = ${get()})"

@InternalApi private[akka] final case class ProcessorModule[In, Out, Mat](
    val createProcessor: () => (Processor[In, Out], Mat),
    attributes: Attributes = DefaultAttributes.processor)
    extends StreamLayout.AtomicModule[FlowShape[In, Out], Mat] {
  val inPort = Inlet[In]("")
  val outPort = Outlet[Out]("ProcessorModule.out")
  override val shape = new FlowShape(inPort, outPort)

  override def withAttributes(attributes: Attributes) = copy(attributes = attributes)
  override def toString: String = f"ProcessorModule [${System.identityHashCode(this)}%08x]"

  override private[stream] def traversalBuilder =
    LinearTraversalBuilder.fromModule(this, attributes).makeIsland(ProcessorModuleIslandTag)

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