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import akka.annotation.{ DoNotInherit, InternalApi }
import{ AnyFunction1, AnyFunction2 }
import akka.util.OptionVal
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.collection.immutable.Map.Map1
import akka.util.unused
* Graphs to be materialized are defined by their traversal. There is no explicit graph information tracked, instead
* a sequence of steps required to "reconstruct" the graph.
* "Reconstructing" a graph here has a very clear-cut definition: assign a gapless range of integers from
* 0..connectionCount to inputs and outputs of modules, so that those that are wired together receive the same
* number (and those which are not receive different numbers). This feature can be used to
* - materialize a graph, using the slots as indices to an array of Publishers/Subscribers that need to be wired
* together
* - fuse a graph, using the slots to construct a [[]] which
* uses a similar layout
* - create a DOT formatted output for visualization
* - convert the graph to another data structure
* The Traversal is designed to be position independent so that multiple traversals can be composed relatively
* simply. This particular feature also avoids issues with multiply imported modules where the identity must
* be encoded somehow. The two imports don't need any special treatment as they are at different positions in
* the traversal. See [[MaterializeAtomic]] and comments in for more details.
@InternalApi private[akka] sealed trait Traversal {
* Concatenates two traversals building a new Traversal which traverses both.
def concat(that: Traversal): Traversal = {
Concat.normalizeConcat(this, that)
def rewireFirstTo(@unused relativeOffset: Int): Traversal = null
@InternalApi private[akka] object Concat {
* An optimizatzion to remove cheaply recognizable patterns of redundancy, for example PushNotUsed immediately
* followed by a Pop. It also rotates the tree to make it more left-leaning, which makes the tree more readable
* and require less stack-space when traversing. This is only a single rotation, otherwise this implementation
* would be O(N^2).
def normalizeConcat(first: Traversal, second: Traversal): Traversal = {
if (second eq EmptyTraversal) first
else if (first eq PushNotUsed) {
// No need to push NotUsed and Pop it immediately
second match {
case Pop => EmptyTraversal
case Concat(Pop, rest) => rest
case _ => Concat(PushNotUsed, second)
} else {
// Limit the tree by rotations
first match {
case Concat(firstfirst, firstsecond) =>
// Note that we DON'T use firstfirst.concat(firstsecond.concat(second)) here,
// although that would fully linearize the tree.
// The reason is to simply avoid going n^2. The rotation below is of constant time and good enough.
Concat(firstfirst, Concat(firstsecond, second))
case _ => Concat(first, second)
* A Traversal that consists of two traversals. The linked traversals must be traversed in first, next order.
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class Concat(first: Traversal, next: Traversal) extends Traversal {
override def rewireFirstTo(relativeOffset: Int): Traversal = {
val firstResult = first.rewireFirstTo(relativeOffset)
if (firstResult ne null)
* Arriving at this step means that an atomic module needs to be materialized (or any other activity which
* assigns something to wired output-input port pairs).
* The traversing party must assign port numbers in the following way:
* - input ports are implicitly assigned to numbers. Every module's input ports are assigned to consecutive numbers
* according to their order in the shape. In other words, the materializer only needs to keep a counter and
* increment it for every visited input port.
* - the assigned number of the first input port for every module should be saved while materializing the module.
* every output port should be assigned to (base + outToSlots( where base is the number of the first
* input port of the module (or the last unused input number if it has no input ports) and outToSlots is the
* array provided by the traversal step.
* Since the above two rules always require local only computations (except a counter) this achieves
* positional independence of materializations.
* See the `TraversalTestUtils` class and the `testMaterialize` method for a simple example.
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class MaterializeAtomic(module: AtomicModule[Shape, Any], outToSlots: Array[Int])
extends Traversal {
override def toString: String = s"MaterializeAtomic($module, ${outToSlots.mkString("[", ", ", "]")})"
override def rewireFirstTo(relativeOffset: Int): Traversal = copy(outToSlots = Array(relativeOffset))
* Traversal with no steps.
@InternalApi private[akka] object EmptyTraversal extends Traversal {
override def concat(that: Traversal): Traversal = that
@InternalApi private[akka] sealed trait MaterializedValueOp extends Traversal
@InternalApi private[akka] case object Pop extends MaterializedValueOp
@InternalApi private[akka] case object PushNotUsed extends MaterializedValueOp
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class Transform(mapper: AnyFunction1) extends MaterializedValueOp {
def apply(arg: Any): Any = mapper.asInstanceOf[Any => Any](arg)
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class Compose(composer: AnyFunction2, reverse: Boolean = false)
extends MaterializedValueOp {
def apply(arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Any = {
if (reverse)
composer.asInstanceOf[(Any, Any) => Any](arg2, arg1)
composer.asInstanceOf[(Any, Any) => Any](arg1, arg2)
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class PushAttributes(attributes: Attributes) extends Traversal
@InternalApi private[akka] final case object PopAttributes extends Traversal
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class EnterIsland(islandTag: IslandTag) extends Traversal
@InternalApi private[akka] final case object ExitIsland extends Traversal
@InternalApi private[akka] object TraversalBuilder {
// The most generic function1 and function2 (also completely useless, as we have thrown away all types)
// needs to be casted once to be useful (pending runtime exception in cases of bugs).
type AnyFunction1 = Nothing => Any
type AnyFunction2 = (Nothing, Nothing) => Any
private val cachedEmptyCompleted = CompletedTraversalBuilder(PushNotUsed, 0, Map.empty, Attributes.none)
* Assign ports their id, which is their position inside the Shape. This is used both by the GraphInterpreter
* and the layout system here.
@InternalApi private[impl] def initShape(shape: Shape): Unit = {
// Initialize port IDs
val inlets = shape.inlets
if (inlets.nonEmpty) {
if (Shape.hasOnePort(inlets)) = 0
else {
val inIter = inlets.iterator
var i = 0
while (inIter.hasNext) { = i
i += 1
val outlets = shape.outlets
if (outlets.nonEmpty) {
if (Shape.hasOnePort(outlets)) = 0
else {
val outIter = shape.outlets.iterator
var i = 0
while (outIter.hasNext) { = i
i += 1
@InternalApi private[akka] def empty(attributes: Attributes = Attributes.none): TraversalBuilder = {
if (attributes eq Attributes.none) cachedEmptyCompleted
else CompletedTraversalBuilder(PushNotUsed, 0, Map.empty, attributes)
* Create a generic traversal builder starting from an atomic module.
@InternalApi private[akka] def atomic(module: AtomicModule[Shape, Any], attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder = {
val builder =
if (module.shape.outlets.isEmpty) {
val b = CompletedTraversalBuilder(
traversalSoFar = MaterializeAtomic(module, new Array[Int](module.shape.outlets.size)),
inSlots = module.shape.inlets.size,
inToOffset = => in ->,
} else {
new Array[Int](module.shape.outlets.size),
// important to use setAttributes because it will create island for async (dispatcher attribute)
@InternalApi private[impl] def printTraversal(t: Traversal, indent: Int = 0): Unit = {
var current: Traversal = t
def prindent(s: String): Unit = println(" | " * indent + s)
while (current != EmptyTraversal) {
var nextStep: Traversal = EmptyTraversal
current match {
case PushNotUsed => prindent("push NotUsed")
case Pop => prindent("pop mat")
case _: Transform => prindent("transform mat")
case Compose(_, false) => prindent("compose mat")
case Compose(_, true) => prindent("compose reversed mat")
case PushAttributes(attr) => prindent("push attr " + attr)
case PopAttributes => prindent("pop attr")
case EnterIsland(tag) => prindent("enter island " + tag)
case ExitIsland => prindent("exit island")
case MaterializeAtomic(mod, outToSlots) =>
prindent("materialize " + mod + " " + outToSlots.mkString("[", ", ", "]"))
case Concat(first, next) =>
printTraversal(first, indent + 1)
nextStep = next
case _ =>
current = nextStep
@InternalApi private[impl] def printWiring(t: Traversal, baseSlot: Int = 0): Int = {
var current: Traversal = t
var slot = baseSlot
while (current != EmptyTraversal) {
var nextStep: Traversal = EmptyTraversal
current match {
case MaterializeAtomic(mod, outToSlots) =>
println(s"materialize $mod")
val base = slot
mod.shape.inlets.foreach { in =>
println(s" wiring $in to $slot")
slot += 1
mod.shape.outlets.foreach { out =>
println(s" wiring $out to ${base + outToSlots(}")
case Concat(first, next) =>
slot = printWiring(first, slot)
nextStep = next
case _ =>
current = nextStep
* Try to find `SingleSource` or wrapped such. This is used as a
* performance optimization in FlattenMerge and possibly other places.
def getSingleSource[A >: Null](graph: Graph[SourceShape[A], _]): OptionVal[SingleSource[A]] = {
graph match {
case single: SingleSource[A] @unchecked => OptionVal.Some(single)
case _ =>
graph.traversalBuilder match {
case l: LinearTraversalBuilder =>
l.pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.Some(a: AtomicTraversalBuilder) =>
a.module match {
case m: GraphStageModule[_, _] =>
m.stage match {
case single: SingleSource[A] @unchecked =>
// It would be != EmptyTraversal if mapMaterializedValue was used and then we can't optimize.
if ((l.traversalSoFar eq EmptyTraversal) && !l.attributes.isAsync)
else OptionVal.None
case _ => OptionVal.None
case _ => OptionVal.None
case _ => OptionVal.None
case _ => OptionVal.None
* A builder for a Traversal. The purpose of subclasses of this trait is to eventually build a Traversal that
* describes the graph. Depending on whether the graph is linear or generic different approaches can be used but
* they still result in a Traversal.
* The resulting Traversal can be accessed via the `traversal` method once the graph is completed (all ports are
* wired). The Traversal may be accessed earlier, depending on the type of the builder and certain conditions.
* See [[CompositeTraversalBuilder]] and [[LinearTraversalBuilder]], also comments in for more details.
@DoNotInherit private[akka] sealed trait TraversalBuilder {
* Adds a module to the builder. It is possible to add a module with a different Shape (import), in this
* case the ports of the shape MUST have their `mappedTo` field pointing to the original ports. The act of being
* imported will not be reflected in the final Traversal, the Shape is only used by the builder to disambiguate
* between multiple imported instances of the same module.
* See append in the [[LinearTraversalBuilder]] for a more efficient alternative for linear graphs.
def add(submodule: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, combineMat: AnyFunction2): TraversalBuilder
* Maps the materialized value produced by the module built-up so far with the provided function, providing a new
* TraversalBuilder returning the mapped materialized value.
def transformMat(f: AnyFunction1): TraversalBuilder
protected def internalSetAttributes(attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder
def setAttributes(attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder = {
if (attributes.isAsync) this.makeIsland(GraphStageTag).internalSetAttributes(attributes)
else internalSetAttributes(attributes)
def attributes: Attributes
* Connects two unwired ports in the graph. For imported modules, use the ports of their "import shape". These
* ports must have their `mappedTo` field set and point to the original ports.
* See append in the [[LinearTraversalBuilder]] for a more efficient alternative for linear graphs.
def wire(out: OutPort, in: InPort): TraversalBuilder
* Returns the base offset (the first number an input port would receive if there is any) of the module to which
* the port belongs *relative to this builder*. This is used to calculate the relative offset of output port mappings
* (see [[MaterializeAtomic]]).
* This method only guarantees to return the offset of modules for output ports that have not been wired.
def offsetOfModule(out: OutPort): Int
* Returns whether the given output port has been wired in the graph or not.
def isUnwired(out: OutPort): Boolean
* Returns whether the given input port has been wired in the graph or not.
def isUnwired(in: InPort): Boolean
* Returns the number assigned to a certain input port *relative* to this module.
* This method only guarantees to return the offset of input ports that have not been wired.
def offsetOf(in: InPort): Int
* Finish the wiring of an output port to an input port by assigning the relative slot for the output port.
* (see [[MaterializeAtomic]] for details of the resolution process)
def assign(out: OutPort, relativeSlot: Int): TraversalBuilder
* Returns true if the Traversal is available. Not all builders are able to build up the Traversal incrementally.
* Generally a traversal is complete if there are no unwired output ports.
def isTraversalComplete: Boolean
* The total number of input ports encountered so far. Gives the first slot to which a new input port can be
* assigned (if a new module is added).
def inSlots: Int
* Returns the Traversal if ready for this (sub)graph.
def traversal: Traversal = throw new IllegalStateException("Traversal can be only acquired from a completed builder")
* The number of output ports that have not been wired.
def unwiredOuts: Int
* Wraps the builder in an island that can be materialized differently, using async boundaries to bridge
* between islands.
def makeIsland(islandTag: IslandTag): TraversalBuilder
* Returned by [[CompositeTraversalBuilder]] once all output ports of a subgraph has been wired.
* See comments in for more details.
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class CompletedTraversalBuilder(
traversalSoFar: Traversal,
inSlots: Int,
inToOffset: Map[InPort, Int],
attributes: Attributes,
islandTag: OptionVal[IslandTag] = OptionVal.None)
extends TraversalBuilder {
override def add(submodule: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, combineMat: AnyFunction2): TraversalBuilder = {
val key = new BuilderKey
reverseBuildSteps = key :: Nil,
inSlots = inSlots,
inOffsets = inToOffset,
pendingBuilders = Map(key -> this),
attributes = attributes).add(submodule, shape, combineMat)
override def traversal: Traversal = {
val withIsland = islandTag match {
case OptionVal.Some(tag) => EnterIsland(tag).concat(traversalSoFar).concat(ExitIsland)
case _ => traversalSoFar
if (attributes eq Attributes.none) withIsland
else PushAttributes(attributes).concat(withIsland).concat(PopAttributes)
override def transformMat(f: AnyFunction1): TraversalBuilder =
copy(traversalSoFar = traversalSoFar.concat(Transform(f)))
override def offsetOf(in: InPort): Int = inToOffset(in)
override def isTraversalComplete: Boolean = true
override def wire(out: OutPort, in: InPort): TraversalBuilder =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Cannot wire ports in a completed builder. ${out.mappedTo} ~> ${in.mappedTo}")
override def internalSetAttributes(attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder =
copy(attributes = attributes)
override def unwiredOuts: Int = 0
override def makeIsland(islandTag: IslandTag): TraversalBuilder =
this.islandTag match {
case OptionVal.None => copy(islandTag = OptionVal(islandTag))
case OptionVal.Some(_) => this
override def assign(out: OutPort, relativeSlot: Int): TraversalBuilder =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot assign ports to slots in a completed builder.")
override def offsetOfModule(out: OutPort): Int =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot look up offsets in a completed builder.")
override def isUnwired(out: OutPort): Boolean = false
override def isUnwired(in: InPort): Boolean = inToOffset.contains(in)
* Represents a builder that contains a single atomic module. Its primary purpose is to track and build the
* outToSlot array which will be then embedded in a [[MaterializeAtomic]] Traversal step.
* See comments in for more details.
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class AtomicTraversalBuilder(
module: AtomicModule[Shape, Any],
outToSlot: Array[Int],
unwiredOuts: Int,
attributes: Attributes)
extends TraversalBuilder {
override def add(submodule: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, combineMat: AnyFunction2): TraversalBuilder = {
// TODO: Use automatically a linear builder if applicable
// Create a composite, add ourselves, then the other.
CompositeTraversalBuilder(attributes = attributes)
.add(this, module.shape, Keep.right)
.add(submodule, shape, combineMat)
override def transformMat(f: AnyFunction1): TraversalBuilder =
TraversalBuilder.empty().add(this, module.shape, Keep.right).transformMat(f)
override val inSlots: Int = module.shape.inlets.size
override def offsetOfModule(out: OutPort): Int = 0
override def offsetOf(in: InPort): Int =
override def isTraversalComplete: Boolean = false
override def isUnwired(out: OutPort): Boolean = true
override def isUnwired(in: InPort): Boolean = true
override def wire(out: OutPort, in: InPort): TraversalBuilder = {
assign(out, offsetOf(in) - offsetOfModule(out))
override def assign(out: OutPort, relativeSlot: Int): TraversalBuilder = {
// Create a new array, with the output port assigned to its relative slot
val newOutToSlot = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(outToSlot, outToSlot.length)
newOutToSlot( = relativeSlot
// Check if every output port has been assigned, if yes, we have a Traversal for this module.
val newUnwiredOuts = unwiredOuts - 1
if (newUnwiredOuts == 0) {
val inToOffset: Map[InPort, Int] = {
val inlets = module.shape.inlets
if (inlets.isEmpty) Map.empty
else if (Shape.hasOnePort(inlets)) new Map1(inlets.head,
else => in.asInstanceOf[InPort] ->
traversalSoFar = MaterializeAtomic(module, newOutToSlot),
} else copy(outToSlot = newOutToSlot, unwiredOuts = newUnwiredOuts)
override def internalSetAttributes(attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder =
copy(attributes = attributes)
override def makeIsland(islandTag: IslandTag): TraversalBuilder =
TraversalBuilder.empty().add(this, module.shape, Keep.right).makeIsland(islandTag)
@InternalApi private[akka] object LinearTraversalBuilder {
// TODO: Remove
private val cachedEmptyLinear =
LinearTraversalBuilder(OptionVal.None, OptionVal.None, 0, 0, PushNotUsed, OptionVal.None, Attributes.none)
private[this] final val wireBackward: Array[Int] = Array(-1)
private[this] final val noWire: Array[Int] = Array()
def empty(attributes: Attributes = Attributes.none): LinearTraversalBuilder =
if (attributes eq Attributes.none) cachedEmptyLinear
* Create a traversal builder specialized for linear graphs. This is designed to be much faster and lightweight
* than its generic counterpart. It can be freely mixed with the generic builder in both ways.
def fromModule(module: AtomicModule[Shape, Any], attributes: Attributes): LinearTraversalBuilder = {
if (module.shape.inlets.size > 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Modules with more than one input port cannot be linear.")
if (module.shape.outlets.size > 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Modules with more than one output port cannot be linear.")
val inPortOpt = OptionVal(module.shape.inlets.headOption.orNull)
val outPortOpt = OptionVal(module.shape.outlets.headOption.orNull)
val wiring = if (outPortOpt.isDefined) wireBackward else noWire
inOffset = 0,
if (inPortOpt.isDefined) 1 else 0,
traversalSoFar = MaterializeAtomic(module, wiring),
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.None,
def addMatCompose(t: Traversal, matCompose: AnyFunction2): Traversal = {
if (matCompose eq Keep.left)
else if (matCompose eq Keep.right)
else if (matCompose eq Keep.none)
t.concat(Compose(matCompose, reverse = true))
def fromBuilder(
traversalBuilder: TraversalBuilder,
shape: Shape,
combine: AnyFunction2 = Keep.right): LinearTraversalBuilder = {
traversalBuilder match {
case linear: LinearTraversalBuilder =>
if (combine eq Keep.right) linear
else empty().append(linear, combine)
case completed: CompletedTraversalBuilder =>
val inOpt = OptionVal(shape.inlets.headOption.orNull)
val inOffs = inOpt match {
case OptionVal.Some(in) => completed.offsetOf(in)
case OptionVal.None => 0
inPort = OptionVal(inOpt.orNull),
outPort = OptionVal.None,
inOffset = inOffs,
inSlots = completed.inSlots,
completed.traversal.concat(addMatCompose(PushNotUsed, combine)),
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.None,
case composite =>
val inOpt = OptionVal(shape.inlets.headOption.orNull)
val out = shape.outlets.head // Cannot be empty, otherwise it would be a CompletedTraversalBuilder
val inOffs = inOpt match {
case OptionVal.Some(in) => composite.offsetOf(in)
case OptionVal.None => 0
inPort = OptionVal(inOpt.orNull),
outPort = OptionVal.Some(out),
inOffset = inOffs,
inSlots = composite.inSlots,
addMatCompose(PushNotUsed, combine),
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.Some(composite),
beforeBuilder = EmptyTraversal)
* Traversal builder that is optimized for linear graphs (those that contain modules with at most one input and
* at most one output port). The Traversal is simply built up in reverse order and output ports are automatically
* assigned to -1 due to the nature of the graph. The only exception is when composites created by
* [[CompositeTraversalBuilder]] are embedded. These are not guaranteed to have their unwired input/output ports
* in a fixed location, therefore the last step of the Traversal might need to be changed in those cases from the
* -1 relative offset to something else (see rewireLastOutTo).
* See comments in for more details.
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class LinearTraversalBuilder(
inPort: OptionVal[InPort],
outPort: OptionVal[OutPort],
inOffset: Int,
override val inSlots: Int,
traversalSoFar: Traversal,
pendingBuilder: OptionVal[TraversalBuilder],
attributes: Attributes,
beforeBuilder: Traversal = EmptyTraversal,
islandTag: OptionVal[IslandTag] = OptionVal.None)
extends TraversalBuilder {
protected def isEmpty: Boolean = inSlots == 0 && outPort.isEmpty
override def add(submodule: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, combineMat: AnyFunction2): TraversalBuilder = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"LinearTraversal does not support free-form addition. Add it into a" +
"composite builder instead and add the second module to that.")
* This builder can always return a traversal.
override def traversal: Traversal = {
if (outPort.isDefined)
throw new IllegalStateException("Traversal cannot be acquired until all output ports have been wired")
override def internalSetAttributes(attributes: Attributes): LinearTraversalBuilder =
copy(attributes = attributes)
override def setAttributes(attributes: Attributes): LinearTraversalBuilder = {
if (attributes.isAsync) this.makeIsland(GraphStageTag).internalSetAttributes(attributes)
else internalSetAttributes(attributes)
private def applyIslandAndAttributes(t: Traversal): Traversal = {
val withIslandTag = islandTag match {
case OptionVal.None => t
case OptionVal.Some(tag) => EnterIsland(tag).concat(t).concat(ExitIsland)
if (attributes eq Attributes.none) withIslandTag
else PushAttributes(attributes).concat(withIslandTag).concat(PopAttributes)
* In case the default relative wiring of -1 is not applicable (due to for example an embedded composite
* [[CompositeTraversalBuilder]] created traversal) we need to change the mapping for the module we added
* last. This method tears down the traversal until it finds that [[MaterializeAtomic]], changes the mapping,
* then rebuilds the Traversal.
private def rewireLastOutTo(traversal: Traversal, relativeOffset: Int): Traversal = {
// If, by luck, the offset is the same as it would be in the normal case, no transformation is needed
if (relativeOffset == -1) traversal
else traversal.rewireFirstTo(relativeOffset)
* Since this is a linear traversal, this should not be called in most of the cases. The only notable
* exception is when a Flow is wired to itself.
override def wire(out: OutPort, in: InPort): TraversalBuilder = {
if (outPort.contains(out) && inPort.contains(in)) {
pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.Some(composite) =>
inPort = OptionVal.None,
outPort = OptionVal.None,
traversalSoFar = applyIslandAndAttributes(
.concat(composite.assign(out, inOffset - composite.offsetOfModule(out)).traversal)
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.None,
beforeBuilder = EmptyTraversal)
case OptionVal.None =>
inPort = OptionVal.None,
outPort = OptionVal.None,
traversalSoFar = rewireLastOutTo(traversalSoFar, inOffset))
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The ports $in and $out cannot be accessed in this builder.")
override def offsetOfModule(out: OutPort): Int = {
if (outPort.contains(out)) {
pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.Some(composite) => composite.offsetOfModule(out)
case OptionVal.None => 0 // Output belongs to the last module, which will be materialized *first*
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Port $out cannot be accessed in this builder")
override def isUnwired(out: OutPort): Boolean = outPort.contains(out)
override def isUnwired(in: InPort): Boolean = inPort.contains(in)
override def offsetOf(in: InPort): Int = {
if (inPort.contains(in)) inOffset
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Port $in cannot be accessed in this builder")
override def assign(out: OutPort, relativeSlot: Int): TraversalBuilder = {
if (outPort.contains(out)) {
pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.Some(composite) =>
outPort = OptionVal.None,
traversalSoFar = applyIslandAndAttributes(
beforeBuilder.concat(composite.assign(out, relativeSlot).traversal.concat(traversalSoFar))),
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.None,
beforeBuilder = EmptyTraversal)
case OptionVal.None =>
copy(outPort = OptionVal.None, traversalSoFar = rewireLastOutTo(traversalSoFar, relativeSlot))
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Port $out cannot be assigned in this builder")
override def isTraversalComplete: Boolean = outPort.isEmpty
override def unwiredOuts: Int = if (outPort.isDefined) 1 else 0
def append(toAppend: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, matCompose: AnyFunction2): LinearTraversalBuilder =
append(LinearTraversalBuilder.fromBuilder(toAppend, shape, Keep.right), matCompose)
// We don't really need the Shape for the linear append, but it is nicer to keep the API uniform here
* Append any builder that is linear shaped (have at most one input and at most one output port) to the
* end of this graph, connecting the output of the last module to the input of the appended module.
def append(toAppend: LinearTraversalBuilder, matCompose: AnyFunction2): LinearTraversalBuilder = {
if (toAppend.isEmpty) {
copy(traversalSoFar = PushNotUsed.concat(LinearTraversalBuilder.addMatCompose(traversalSoFar, matCompose)))
} else if (this.isEmpty) {
traversalSoFar = toAppend.traversalSoFar.concat(LinearTraversalBuilder.addMatCompose(traversal, matCompose)))
} else {
if (outPort.isDefined) {
if (toAppend.inPort.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Appended linear module must have an unwired input port because there is a dangling output.")
* To understand how append works, first the general structure of the LinearTraversalBuilder must be
* understood. The most general structure of LinearTraversalBuilder looks like this (in Flow DSL order):
* traversalSoFar ~ pendingBuilder ~ beforeBuilder
* The reason for this is that composite builders cannot provide a Traversal until all of their output
* ports have been wired, so we cannot just concat their traversal to traversalSoFar until a new
* LinearTraversalBuilder is appended (which will wire the output port and hence finish the traversal).
* The reason for beforeBuilder (which is a Traversal) is to collect PushAttribute and EnterIsland steps
* which need to be applied before visiting the Traversal that will be returned by pendingBuilder.
* Remember also, that the Traversal is built in _reverse_ order, hence, if you look at the ordering from
* the Traversal perspective it will look like this:
* beforeBuilder ~ pendingBuilder ~ traversalSoFar
* If the LinearTraversalBuilder had a "pure" LinearTraversalBuilder appended last, then the structure is
* simply:
* traversalSoFar
* This is because pure LinearTraversalBuilders can always provide the full Traversal. This is achieved by
* the last output port assigned to the -1 relative offset, optimistically. Remember that Traversal is
* built in the _reverse_ order, hence downstreams are visited before upstreams, and hence output ports
* are wired _back_. The assignment to -1 is sometimes incorrect though, because an appended Traversal, even
* if it is a pure linear at that point might had a composite included at some point (which is now completed).
* If the input port of that composite is exposed, it is not guaranteed that it is the last input port that
* is visited in the (reverse) Traversal order. In this case this optimistic assignment to -1 needs to be
* corrected, which is what rewireLastOutTo is used for.
* Please refer to the comments detailing these steps below.
* As a first step, we construct the full traversal for the LinearTraversalBuilder that is appended to.
* Depending whether we have a composite builder as our last step or not, composition will be somewhat
* different.
val assembledTraversalForThis = this.pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.None =>
* This is the case where we are a pure linear builder (all composites have been already completed),
* which means that traversalSoFar contains everything already, except the final attributes and islands
* applied.
* Since the exposed output port has been wired optimistically to -1, we need to check if this is correct,
* and correct if necessary. This is the step below:
if (toAppend.inOffset == (toAppend.inSlots - 1)) {
* if the builder we want to append (remember that is _prepend_ from the Traversal's perspective)
* has its exposed input port at the last location (which is toAppend.inSlots - 1 because input
* port offsets start with 0), then -1 is the correct wiring. I.e.
* 1. Visit the appended module first in the traversal, its input port is the last
* 2. Visit this module second in the traversal, wire the output port back to the previous input port (-1)
} else {
* The optimistic mapping to -1 is not correct, we need to unfold the Traversal to find our last module
* (which is the _first_ module in the Traversal) and rewire the output assignment to the correct offset.
* Since we will be visited second (and the appended toAppend first), we need to
* 1. go backward toAppend.inSlots slots to reach the beginning offset of toAppend
* 2. now go forward toAppend.inOffset to reach the correct location
* <-------------- (-toAppend.inSlots)
* -------> (+toAppend.inOffset)
* --------in----|[out module]----------
* toAppend this
rewireLastOutTo(traversalSoFar, toAppend.inOffset - toAppend.inSlots)
case OptionVal.Some(composite) =>
* This is the case where our last module is a composite, and since it does not have its output port
* wired yet, the traversal is split into the parts, traversalSoFar, pendingBuilder and beforeBuilder.
* Since we will wire now the output port, we can assemble everything together:
val out = outPort.get
* Since we will be visited second (and the appended toAppend first), we need to
* 1. go back to the start of the composite module, i.e. composite.offsetOfModule(out) steps. This
* is necessary because the composite might not have the internal module as the first visited
* module in the Traversal and hence not have a base offset of 0 in the composite
* 2. go backward toAppend.inSlots slots to reach the beginning offset of toAppend
* 3. now go forward toAppend.inOffset to reach the correct location
* <------- (-composite.offsetOfModule(out))
* <-------------- (-toAppend.inSlots)
* -------> (+toAppend.inOffset)
* --------in----|-------[out module]----------
* toAppend this
val compositeTraversal = composite
.assign(out, -composite.offsetOfModule(out) - toAppend.inSlots + toAppend.inOffset)
.traversal // All output ports are finished, so we can finally call this now
* Now we can assemble the pieces for the final Traversal of _this_ builder.
* beforeBuilder ~ compositeTraversal ~ traversalSoFar
* (remember that this is the _reverse_ of the Flow DSL order)
* We have almost finished the traversal for _this_ builder, we only need to apply attributes and islands.
val finalTraversalForThis = {
// Now add the island tags, attributes, and the opcodes that will compose the materialized values with toAppend
LinearTraversalBuilder.addMatCompose(applyIslandAndAttributes(assembledTraversalForThis), matCompose)
* We have finished "this" builder, now we need to construct the new builder as the result of appending.
* There are two variants, depending whether toAppend is purely linear or if it has a composite at the end.
toAppend.pendingBuilder match {
case OptionVal.None =>
* This is the simple case, when the other is purely linear. We just concatenate the traversals
* and do some bookkeeping.
inPort = inPort,
outPort = toAppend.outPort,
inSlots = inSlots + toAppend.inSlots, // we have now more input ports than before
// the inOffset of _this_ gets shifted by toAppend.inSlots, because the traversal of toAppend is _prepended_
inOffset = inOffset + toAppend.inSlots,
// Build in reverse so it yields a more efficient layout for left-to-right building
traversalSoFar = toAppend.applyIslandAndAttributes(toAppend.traversalSoFar).concat(finalTraversalForThis),
pendingBuilder = OptionVal.None,
attributes = Attributes.none, // attributes are none for the new enclosing builder
beforeBuilder = EmptyTraversal, // no need for beforeBuilder as there are no composites
islandTag = OptionVal.None // islandTag is reset for the new enclosing builder
case OptionVal.Some(_) =>
* In this case we need to assemble as much as we can, and create a new "sandwich" of
* beforeBuilder ~ pendingBuilder ~ traversalSoFar
* We need to apply the attributes and islandTags of the appended builder, but we cannot do it in one
* step, instead we need to append half of the steps to traversalSoFar, and the other half to
* beforeBuilder.
var newTraversalSoFar = finalTraversalForThis
var newBeforeTraversal = toAppend.beforeBuilder
// First prepare island enter and exit if tags are present
toAppend.islandTag match {
case OptionVal.None => // Nothing changes
case OptionVal.Some(tag) =>
// Enter the island just before the appended builder (keeping the toAppend.beforeBuilder steps)
newBeforeTraversal = EnterIsland(tag).concat(newBeforeTraversal)
// Exit the island just after the appended builder (they should not applied to _this_ builder)
newTraversalSoFar = ExitIsland.concat(newTraversalSoFar)
// Secondly, prepare attribute push and pop if Attributes are present
if (toAppend.attributes ne Attributes.none) {
// Push the attributes just before the appended builder.
newBeforeTraversal = PushAttributes(toAppend.attributes).concat(newBeforeTraversal)
// Pop the attributes immediately after the appended builder (they should not applied to _this_ builder)
newTraversalSoFar = PopAttributes.concat(newTraversalSoFar)
// This is roughly how things will look like in the end:
// newBeforeTraversal newTraversalSoFar
// [PushAttributes ~ EnterIsland] ~ composite ~ [toAppend.traversalSoFar ~ ExitIsland ~ PopAttributes ~ finalTraversalForThis]
// Finally add the already completed part of toAppend to newTraversalSoFar
newTraversalSoFar = toAppend.traversalSoFar.concat(newTraversalSoFar)
inPort = inPort,
outPort = toAppend.outPort,
inSlots = inSlots + toAppend.inSlots, // we have now more input ports than before
// the inOffset of _this_ gets shifted by toAppend.inSlots, because the traversal of toAppend is _prepended_
inOffset = inOffset + toAppend.inSlots,
// Build in reverse so it yields a more efficient layout for left-to-right building. We cannot
// apply the full traversal, only the completed part of it
traversalSoFar = newTraversalSoFar,
// Last composite of toAppend is still pending
pendingBuilder = toAppend.pendingBuilder,
attributes = Attributes.none, // attributes are none for the new enclosing builder
beforeBuilder = newBeforeTraversal, // no need for beforeBuilder as there are no composites
islandTag = OptionVal.None // islandTag is reset for the new enclosing builder
} else throw new Exception("should this happen?")
override def transformMat(f: AnyFunction1): LinearTraversalBuilder = {
copy(traversalSoFar = traversalSoFar.concat(Transform(f)))
* Wraps the builder in an island that can be materialized differently, using async boundaries to bridge
* between islands.
override def makeIsland(islandTag: IslandTag): LinearTraversalBuilder =
this.islandTag match {
case OptionVal.Some(_) =>
this // Wrapping with an island, then immediately re-wrapping makes the second island empty, so can be omitted
case OptionVal.None => copy(islandTag = OptionVal.Some(islandTag))
@DoNotInherit private[akka] sealed trait TraversalBuildStep
* Helper class that is only used to identify a [[TraversalBuilder]] in a [[CompositeTraversalBuilder]]. The
* reason why this is needed is because the builder is referenced at various places, while it needs to be mutated.
* In an immutable data structure this is best done with an indirection, i.e. places refer to this immutable key and
* look up the current state in an extra Map.
* See comments in for more details.
@InternalApi private[akka] final class BuilderKey extends TraversalBuildStep {
override def toString = s"K:$hashCode"
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class AppendTraversal(traversal: Traversal) extends TraversalBuildStep
* A generic builder that builds a traversal for graphs of arbitrary shape. The memory retained by this class
* usually decreases as ports are wired since auxiliary data is only maintained for ports that are unwired.
* This builder MUST construct its Traversal in the *exact* same order as its modules were added, since the first
* (and subsequent) input port of a module is implicitly assigned by its traversal order. Emitting Traversal nodes
* in a non-deterministic order (depending on wiring order) would mess up all relative addressing. This is the
* primary technical reason why a reverseTraversal list is maintained and the Traversal can only be completed once
* all output ports have been wired.
* See comments in for more details.
* @param reverseBuildSteps Keeps track of traversal steps that needs to be concatenated. This is basically
* a "queue" of BuilderKeys that point to builders of submodules/subgraphs. Since it is
* unknown in which order will the submodules "complete" (have all of their outputs assigned)
* we delay the creation of the actual Traversal.
* @param inSlots The number of input ports this graph has in total.
* @param inOffsets Map to look up the offset of input ports not yet wired
* @param inBaseOffsetForOut Map to look up the base (input) offset of a module that owns the given output port
* @param pendingBuilders Map to contain the "mutable" builders referred by BuilderKeys
* @param outOwners Map of output ports to their parent builders (actually the BuilderKey)
* @param unwiredOuts Number of output ports that have not yet been wired/assigned
@InternalApi private[akka] final case class CompositeTraversalBuilder(
finalSteps: Traversal = EmptyTraversal,
reverseBuildSteps: List[TraversalBuildStep] = AppendTraversal(PushNotUsed) :: Nil,
inSlots: Int = 0,
inOffsets: Map[InPort, Int] = Map.empty,
inBaseOffsetForOut: Map[OutPort, Int] = Map.empty,
pendingBuilders: Map[BuilderKey, TraversalBuilder] = Map.empty,
outOwners: Map[OutPort, BuilderKey] = Map.empty,
unwiredOuts: Int = 0,
attributes: Attributes,
islandTag: OptionVal[IslandTag] = OptionVal.None)
extends TraversalBuilder {
override def toString: String =
| reverseTraversal = $reverseBuildSteps
| pendingBuilders = $pendingBuilders
| inSlots = $inSlots
| inOffsets = $inOffsets
| inBaseOffsetForOut = $inBaseOffsetForOut
| outOwners = $outOwners
| unwiredOuts = $unwiredOuts
override def offsetOfModule(out: OutPort): Int = inBaseOffsetForOut(out)
override def isUnwired(out: OutPort): Boolean = inBaseOffsetForOut.contains(out)
override def isUnwired(in: InPort): Boolean = inOffsets.contains(in)
override def offsetOf(in: InPort): Int = inOffsets(in)
override def isTraversalComplete = false
override def internalSetAttributes(attributes: Attributes): TraversalBuilder =
copy(attributes = attributes)
* Convert this builder to a [[CompletedTraversalBuilder]] if there are no more unwired outputs.
def completeIfPossible: TraversalBuilder = {
if (unwiredOuts == 0) {
var traversal: Traversal = finalSteps
var remaining = reverseBuildSteps
while (remaining.nonEmpty) {
remaining.head match {
case key: BuilderKey =>
// At this point all the builders we have are completed and we can finally build our traversal
traversal = pendingBuilders(key).traversal.concat(traversal)
case AppendTraversal(toAppend) =>
traversal = toAppend.concat(traversal)
remaining = remaining.tail
val finalTraversal = islandTag match {
case OptionVal.None => traversal
case OptionVal.Some(tag) => EnterIsland(tag).concat(traversal).concat(ExitIsland)
// The CompleteTraversalBuilder only keeps the minimum amount of necessary information that is needed for it
// to be embedded in a larger graph, making partial graph reuse much more efficient.
CompletedTraversalBuilder(traversalSoFar = finalTraversal, inSlots, inOffsets, attributes)
} else this
* Assign an output port a relative slot (relative to the base input slot of its module, see [[MaterializeAtomic]])
override def assign(out: OutPort, relativeSlot: Int): TraversalBuilder = {
// Which module out belongs to (indirection via BuilderKey and pendingBuilders)
val builderKey = outOwners(out)
val submodule = pendingBuilders(builderKey)
// Do the assignment in the submodule
val result = submodule.assign(out.mappedTo, relativeSlot)
val wired = if (result.isTraversalComplete) {
// Remove the builder (and associated data).
// We can't simply append its Traversal as there might be uncompleted builders that come earlier in the
// final traversal (remember, input ports are assigned in traversal order of modules, and the inOffsets
// and inBaseOffseForOut Maps are updated when adding a module; we must respect addition order).
inBaseOffsetForOut = inBaseOffsetForOut - out,
outOwners = outOwners - out,
// TODO Optimize Map access
pendingBuilders = pendingBuilders.updated(builderKey, result),
// pendingBuilders = pendingBuilders - builderKey,
unwiredOuts = unwiredOuts - 1)
} else {
// Update structures with result
inBaseOffsetForOut = inBaseOffsetForOut - out,
unwiredOuts = unwiredOuts - 1,
pendingBuilders = pendingBuilders.updated(builderKey, result))
// If we have no more unconnected outputs, we can finally build the Traversal and shed most of the auxiliary data.
// Requires that a remapped Shape's ports contain the same ID as their target ports!
def add(submodule: TraversalBuilder, shape: Shape, combineMat: AnyFunction2): TraversalBuilder = {
val builderKey = new BuilderKey
val newBuildSteps =
if (combineMat == Keep.left) {
AppendTraversal(Pop) ::
builderKey ::
} else if (combineMat == Keep.right) {
builderKey ::
AppendTraversal(Pop) ::
} else if (combineMat == Keep.none) {
AppendTraversal(PushNotUsed) ::
AppendTraversal(Pop) ::
AppendTraversal(Pop) ::
builderKey ::
} else {
AppendTraversal(Compose(combineMat)) ::
builderKey ::
val added = if (submodule.isTraversalComplete) {
// We only need to keep track of the offsets of unwired inputs. Outputs have all been wired
// (isTraversalComplete = true).
var newInOffsets = inOffsets
val inIterator = shape.inlets.iterator
while (inIterator.hasNext) {
val in =
// Calculate offset in the current scope. This is the our first unused input slot plus
// the relative offset of the input port in the submodule.
// TODO Optimize Map access
newInOffsets = newInOffsets.updated(in, inSlots + submodule.offsetOf(in.mappedTo))
reverseBuildSteps = newBuildSteps,
inSlots = inSlots + submodule.inSlots,
pendingBuilders = pendingBuilders.updated(builderKey, submodule),
inOffsets = newInOffsets)
} else {
// Added module have unwired outputs.
var newInOffsets = inOffsets
var newBaseOffsetsForOut = inBaseOffsetForOut
var newOutOwners = outOwners
// See the other if case for explanation of this
val inIterator = shape.inlets.iterator
while (inIterator.hasNext) {
val in =
// Calculate offset in the current scope
// TODO Optimize Map access
newInOffsets = newInOffsets.updated(in, inSlots + submodule.offsetOf(in.mappedTo))
val outIterator = shape.outlets.iterator
while (outIterator.hasNext) {
val out =
// Record the base offsets of all the modules we included and which have unwired output ports. We need
// to adjust their offset by inSlots as that would be their new position in this module.
newBaseOffsetsForOut = newBaseOffsetsForOut.updated(out, inSlots + submodule.offsetOfModule(out.mappedTo))
// TODO Optimize Map access
newOutOwners = newOutOwners.updated(out, builderKey)
reverseBuildSteps = newBuildSteps,
inSlots = inSlots + submodule.inSlots,
inOffsets = newInOffsets,
inBaseOffsetForOut = newBaseOffsetsForOut,
outOwners = newOutOwners,
pendingBuilders = pendingBuilders.updated(builderKey, submodule),
unwiredOuts = unwiredOuts + submodule.unwiredOuts)
def wire(out: OutPort, in: InPort): TraversalBuilder = {
copy(inOffsets = inOffsets - in).assign(out, offsetOf(in) - offsetOfModule(out))
override def transformMat(f: AnyFunction1): TraversalBuilder = {
copy(finalSteps = finalSteps.concat(Transform(f)))
override def makeIsland(islandTag: IslandTag): TraversalBuilder = {
this.islandTag match {
case OptionVal.None => copy(islandTag = OptionVal(islandTag))
case _ =>
this // Wrapping with an island, then immediately re-wrapping makes the second island empty, so can be omitted