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* Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import akka.NotUsed
import{ ActorRef, Terminated }
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.util.{ OptionVal, PrettyDuration }
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
/** INTERNAL API: Implementation class, not intended to be touched directly by end-users */
private[stream] final case class SourceRefImpl[T](initialPartnerRef: ActorRef) extends SourceRef[T] {
def source: Source[T, NotUsed] =
Source.fromGraph(new SourceRefStageImpl(OptionVal.Some(initialPartnerRef))).mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed)
@InternalApi private[stream] object SourceRefStageImpl {
private sealed trait ActorRefStage { def ref: ActorRef }
object WatermarkRequestStrategy {
* Create [[WatermarkRequestStrategy]] with `lowWatermark` as half of
* the specified `highWatermark`.
def apply(highWatermark: Int): WatermarkRequestStrategy = new WatermarkRequestStrategy(highWatermark)
* Requests up to the `highWatermark` when the `remainingRequested` is
* below the `lowWatermark`. This a good strategy when the actor performs work itself.
final case class WatermarkRequestStrategy(highWatermark: Int, lowWatermark: Int) {
require(lowWatermark >= 0, "lowWatermark must be >= 0")
require(highWatermark >= lowWatermark, "highWatermark must be >= lowWatermark")
* Create [[WatermarkRequestStrategy]] with `lowWatermark` as half of
* the specified `highWatermark`.
def this(highWatermark: Int) = this(highWatermark, lowWatermark = math.max(1, highWatermark / 2))
* Invoked after each incoming message to determine how many more elements to request from the stream.
* @param remainingRequested current remaining number of elements that
* have been requested from upstream but not received yet
* @return demand of more elements from the stream, returning 0 means that no
* more elements will be requested for now
def requestDemand(remainingRequested: Int): Int =
if (remainingRequested < lowWatermark)
highWatermark - remainingRequested
else 0
private sealed trait State
private sealed trait WeKnowPartner extends State {
def partner: ActorRef
// we are the "origin", and awaiting the other side to start when we'll receive this ref
private case object AwaitingPartner extends State
// we're the "remote" for an already active Source on the other side (the "origin")
private case class AwaitingSubscription(partner: ActorRef) extends WeKnowPartner
// subscription aquired and up and running
private final case class Running(partner: ActorRef) extends WeKnowPartner
// downstream cancelled or failed, waiting for remote upstream to ack
private final case class WaitingForCancelAck(partner: ActorRef, cause: Throwable) extends WeKnowPartner
// upstream completed, we are waiting to allow
private final case class UpstreamCompleted(partner: ActorRef) extends WeKnowPartner
private final case class UpstreamTerminated(partner: ActorRef) extends State
val SubscriptionTimeoutTimerKey = "SubscriptionTimeoutKey"
val DemandRedeliveryTimerKey = "DemandRedeliveryTimerKey"
val TerminationDeadlineTimerKey = "TerminationDeadlineTimerKey"
val CancellationDeadlineTimerKey = "CancellationDeadlineTimerKey"
* INTERNAL API: Actual operator implementation backing [[SourceRef]]s.
* If initialPartnerRef is set, then the remote side is already set up.
* If it is none, then we are the side creating the ref.
private[stream] final class SourceRefStageImpl[Out](val initialPartnerRef: OptionVal[ActorRef])
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[SourceShape[Out], SinkRef[Out]] { stage =>
import SourceRefStageImpl._
val out: Outlet[Out] = Outlet[Out](s"${Logging.simpleName(getClass)}.out")
override def shape = SourceShape.of(out)
private def initialRefName =
initialPartnerRef match {
case OptionVal.Some(ref) => ref.toString
case _ => ""
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, SinkRef[Out]) =
throw new IllegalStateException("Not supported")
private[akka] override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(
inheritedAttributes: Attributes,
eagerMaterializer: Materializer): (GraphStageLogic, SinkRef[Out]) = {
val logic = new TimerGraphStageLogic(shape) with StageLogging with ActorRefStage with OutHandler {
override protected def logSource: Class[_] = classOf[SourceRefStageImpl[_]]
private[this] val streamRefsMaster = StreamRefsMaster(eagerMaterializer.system)
// settings ---
import StreamRefAttributes._
@silent("deprecated") // can't remove this settings access without breaking compat
private[this] val settings = eagerMaterializer.settings.streamRefSettings
@silent("deprecated") // can't remove this settings access without breaking compat
private[this] val subscriptionTimeout = inheritedAttributes.get[StreamRefAttributes.SubscriptionTimeout](
@silent("deprecated") // can't remove this settings access without breaking compat
private[this] val bufferCapacity = inheritedAttributes
@silent("deprecated") // can't remove this settings access without breaking compat
private[this] val demandRedeliveryInterval = inheritedAttributes
@silent("deprecated") // can't remove this settings access without breaking compat
private[this] val finalTerminationSignalDeadline =
// end of settings ---
override protected val stageActorName: String = streamRefsMaster.nextSourceRefStageName()
private[this] val self: GraphStageLogic.StageActor =
getEagerStageActor(eagerMaterializer, poisonPillCompatibility = false)(receiveRemoteMessage)
override val ref: ActorRef = self.ref
private[this] implicit def selfSender: ActorRef = ref
// demand management ---
private var state: State = initialPartnerRef match {
case OptionVal.Some(ref) =>
// this means we're the "remote" for an already active Source on the other side (the "origin")
case OptionVal.None =>
// we are the "origin", and awaiting the other side to start when we'll receive their partherRef
private var expectingSeqNr: Long = 0L
private var localCumulativeDemand: Long = 0L
private var localRemainingRequested: Int = 0
private val receiveBuffer = FixedSizeBuffer[Out](bufferCapacity)
private val requestStrategy = WatermarkRequestStrategy(highWatermark = receiveBuffer.capacity)
// end of demand management ---
override def preStart(): Unit = {
"[{}] Starting up with, self ref: {}, state: {}, subscription timeout: {}",
// This timer will be cancelled if we receive the handshake from the remote SinkRef
// either created in this method and provided as self.ref as initialPartnerRef
// or as the response to first CumulativeDemand request sent to remote SinkRef
scheduleOnce(SubscriptionTimeoutTimerKey, subscriptionTimeout.timeout)
override def onPull(): Unit = {
def receiveRemoteMessage: ((ActorRef, Any)) => Unit = {
case (sender, msg @ StreamRefsProtocol.OnSubscribeHandshake(remoteRef)) =>
state match {
case AwaitingPartner =>
"[{}] Received on subscribe handshake {} while awaiting partner from {}",
state = Running(remoteRef)
case AwaitingSubscription(partner) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
"[{}] Received on subscribe handshake {} while awaiting subscription from {}",
state = Running(remoteRef)
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"[$stageActorName] Got unexpected $msg in state $other")
case (sender, msg @ StreamRefsProtocol.SequencedOnNext(seqNr, payload: Out @unchecked)) =>
observeAndValidateSequenceNr(seqNr, "Illegal sequence nr in SequencedOnNext")
state match {
case AwaitingSubscription(partner) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
log.debug("[{}] Received seq {} from {}", stageActorName, msg, sender)
state = Running(partner)
case Running(partner) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
case AwaitingPartner =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"[$stageActorName] Got $msg from $sender while AwaitingPartner")
case WaitingForCancelAck(partner, _) =>
// awaiting cancellation ack from remote
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
"[{}] Got element from remote but downstream cancelled, dropping element of type {}",
case UpstreamCompleted(partner) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"[$stageActorName] Got completion and then received more elements from $sender, this is not supposed to happen.")
case UpstreamTerminated(partner) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
log.debug("[{}] Received element after partner terminated")
case (sender, StreamRefsProtocol.RemoteStreamCompleted(seqNr)) =>
observeAndValidateSequenceNr(seqNr, "Illegal sequence nr in RemoteSinkCompleted")
state match {
case Running(partner) =>
// upstream completed, continue running until we have emitted every element in buffer
// or downstream cancels
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
"[{}] The remote stream has completed, emitting {} elements left in buffer before completing",
state = UpstreamCompleted(partner)
case WaitingForCancelAck(_, _) =>
// upstream completed while we were waiting for it to receive cancellation and ack
// upstream may stop without seeing cancellation, but we may not see termination
// let the cancel timeout hit
log.debug("[{}] Upstream completed while waiting for cancel ack", stageActorName)
case other =>
// UpstreamCompleted, AwaitingPartner or AwaitingSubscription(_) all means a bug here
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"[$stageActorName] Saw RemoteStreamCompleted($seqNr) while in state $other, should never happen")
case (sender, StreamRefsProtocol.RemoteStreamFailure(reason)) =>
state match {
case weKnoPartner: WeKnowPartner =>
val partner = weKnoPartner.partner
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
log.debug("[{}] The remote stream has failed, failing (reason: {})", stageActorName, reason)
s"[$stageActorName] Remote stream (${sender.path}) failed, reason: $reason"))
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"[$stageActorName] got RemoteStreamFailure($reason) when in state $other, should never happen")
case (sender, StreamRefsProtocol.Ack) =>
state match {
case WaitingForCancelAck(partner, cause) =>
verifyPartner(sender, partner)
log.debug(s"[$stageActorName] Got cancellation ack from remote, canceling", stageActorName)
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"[$stageActorName] Got an Ack when in state $other")
case (_, Terminated(p)) =>
state match {
case weKnowPartner: WeKnowPartner =>
if (weKnowPartner.partner != p)
throw RemoteStreamRefActorTerminatedException(
s"[$stageActorName] Received UNEXPECTED Terminated($p) message! " +
s"This actor was NOT our trusted remote partner, which was: ${weKnowPartner.partner}. Tearing down.")
// we need to start a delayed shutdown in case we were network partitioned and the final signal complete/fail
// will never reach us; so after the given timeout we need to forcefully terminate this side of the stream ref
// the other (sending) side terminates by default once it gets a Terminated signal so no special handling is needed there.
scheduleOnce(TerminationDeadlineTimerKey, finalTerminationSignalDeadline)
"[{}] Partner terminated, starting delayed shutdown, deadline: [{}]",
state = UpstreamTerminated(weKnowPartner.partner)
case weDontKnowPartner =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"[$stageActorName] Unexpected deathwatch message for $p before we knew partner ref, state $weDontKnowPartner")
case (sender, msg) =>
// should never happen but keep the compiler happy (stage actor receive is total)
throw new IllegalStateException(s"[$stageActorName] Unexpected message in state $state: $msg from $sender")
override protected def onTimer(timerKey: Any): Unit = timerKey match {
case SubscriptionTimeoutTimerKey =>
state match {
case AwaitingPartner | AwaitingSubscription(_) =>
val ex = StreamRefSubscriptionTimeoutException(
// we know the future has been competed by now, since it is in preStart
s"[$stageActorName] Remote side did not subscribe (materialize) handed out Sink reference [$ref]," +
s"within subscription timeout: ${PrettyDuration.format(subscriptionTimeout.timeout)}!")
throw ex // this will also log the exception, unlike failStage; this should fail rarely, but would be good to have it "loud"
case other =>
// this is fine
log.debug("[{}] Ignoring subscription timeout in state [{}]", stageActorName, other)
case DemandRedeliveryTimerKey =>
state match {
case Running(ref) =>
log.debug("[{}] Scheduled re-delivery of demand until [{}]", stageActorName, localCumulativeDemand)
ref ! StreamRefsProtocol.CumulativeDemand(localCumulativeDemand)
case other =>
log.debug("[{}] Ignoring demand redelivery timeout in state [{}]", stageActorName, other)
case TerminationDeadlineTimerKey =>
state match {
case UpstreamTerminated(partner) =>
"[{}] Remote partner [{}] has terminated unexpectedly and no clean completion/failure message was received",
s"[$stageActorName] Remote partner [$partner] has terminated unexpectedly and no clean completion/failure message was received " +
"(possible reasons: network partition or subscription timeout triggered termination of partner). Tearing down."))
case AwaitingPartner =>
log.debug("[{}] Downstream cancelled, but timeout hit before we saw a partner", stageActorName)
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"TerminationDeadlineTimerKey can't happen in state $other")
case CancellationDeadlineTimerKey =>
state match {
case WaitingForCancelAck(partner, cause) =>
"[{}] Waiting for remote ack from [{}] for downstream failure timed out, failing stage with original downstream failure",
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"[$stageActorName] CancellationDeadlineTimerKey can't happen in state $other")
override def onDownstreamFinish(cause: Throwable): Unit = {
state match {
case Running(ref) =>
triggerCancellationExchange(ref, cause)
case AwaitingPartner =>
// we can't do a graceful cancellation dance in this case, wait for partner and then cancel
// or timeout if we never get a partner
scheduleOnce(TerminationDeadlineTimerKey, finalTerminationSignalDeadline)
case AwaitingSubscription(ref) =>
// we didn't get an a first demand yet but have access to the partner - try a cancellation dance
triggerCancellationExchange(ref, cause)
case UpstreamCompleted(_) =>
// we saw upstream complete so let's just complete
if (receiveBuffer.nonEmpty)
"[{}] Downstream cancelled with elements [{}] in buffer, dropping elements",
cause match {
case _: SubscriptionWithCancelException => completeStage()
case failure => failStage(failure)
case WaitingForCancelAck(_, _) =>
// downstream can't finish twice
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"[$stageActorName] Didn't expect state $state when downstream finished with $cause")
case UpstreamTerminated(_) =>
log.debug("[{}] Downstream cancelled with elements [{}] in buffer", stageActorName, receiveBuffer.used)
if (receiveBuffer.isEmpty)
failStage(RemoteStreamRefActorTerminatedException(s"[$stageActorName] unexpectedly terminated"))
// if there are elements left in the buffer we try to emit those
private def triggerCancellationExchange(partner: ActorRef, cause: Throwable): Unit = {
if (receiveBuffer.nonEmpty)
log.debug("Downstream cancelled with elements [{}] in buffer, dropping elements", receiveBuffer.used)
val message = cause match {
case _: SubscriptionWithCancelException.NonFailureCancellation =>
log.debug("[{}] Deferred stop on downstream cancel", stageActorName)
StreamRefsProtocol.RemoteStreamCompleted(expectingSeqNr) // seNr not really used in this case
case streamFailure =>
log.debug("[{}] Deferred stop on downstream failure: {}", stageActorName, streamFailure)
StreamRefsProtocol.RemoteStreamFailure("Downstream failed")
// sending the cancellation means it is ok for the partner to terminate
// we either get a response or hit a timeout and shutdown
partner ! message
state = WaitingForCancelAck(partner, cause)
scheduleOnce(CancellationDeadlineTimerKey, subscriptionTimeout.timeout)
def triggerCumulativeDemand(): Unit = {
val i = receiveBuffer.remainingCapacity - localRemainingRequested
if (i > 0) {
val addDemand = requestStrategy.requestDemand(receiveBuffer.used + localRemainingRequested)
// only if demand has increased we shoot it right away
// otherwise it's the same demand level, so it'd be triggered via redelivery anyway
if (addDemand > 0) {
def sendDemand(partner: ActorRef): Unit = {
localCumulativeDemand += addDemand
localRemainingRequested += addDemand
val demand = StreamRefsProtocol.CumulativeDemand(localCumulativeDemand)
partner ! demand
state match {
case Running(partner) =>
log.debug("[{}] Demanding until [{}] (+{})", stageActorName, localCumulativeDemand, addDemand)
case AwaitingSubscription(partner) =>
"[{}] Demanding, before subscription seen, until [{}] (+{})",
case other =>
log.debug("[{}] Partner ref not set up in state {}, demanding elements deferred", stageActorName, other)
private def tryPush(): Unit =
if (receiveBuffer.nonEmpty && isAvailable(out)) {
val element = receiveBuffer.dequeue()
push(out, element)
} else if (receiveBuffer.isEmpty)
state match {
case UpstreamCompleted(_) => completeStage()
case _ => // all other are ok
private def onReceiveElement(payload: Out): Unit = {
localRemainingRequested -= 1
if (receiveBuffer.isEmpty && isAvailable(out)) {
push(out, payload)
} else if (receiveBuffer.isFull) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Attempted to overflow buffer! " +
s"Capacity: ${receiveBuffer.capacity}, incoming element: $payload, " +
s"localRemainingRequested: $localRemainingRequested, localCumulativeDemand: $localCumulativeDemand")
} else {
private def verifyPartner(sender: ActorRef, partner: ActorRef): Unit = {
if (sender != partner)
throw InvalidPartnerActorException(
s"[$stageActorName] Received message from UNEXPECTED sender [$sender]! " +
s"This actor is NOT our trusted remote partner, which is [$partner]. Tearing down.")
/** @throws InvalidSequenceNumberException when sequence number is invalid */
private def observeAndValidateSequenceNr(seqNr: Long, msg: String): Unit =
if (isInvalidSequenceNr(seqNr)) {
log.warning("[{}] {}, expected {} but was {}", stageActorName, msg, expectingSeqNr, seqNr)
throw InvalidSequenceNumberException(expectingSeqNr, seqNr, msg)
} else {
expectingSeqNr += 1
private def isInvalidSequenceNr(seqNr: Long): Boolean =
seqNr != expectingSeqNr
private def scheduleDemandRedelivery(): Unit =
scheduleOnce(DemandRedeliveryTimerKey, demandRedeliveryInterval)
setHandler(out, this)
(logic, SinkRefImpl(logic.ref))
override def toString: String =