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* Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts
import akka.util.ConstantFun
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
* Shared stream operations for [[FlowWithContext]] and [[SourceWithContext]] that automatically propagate a context
* element with each data element.
trait FlowWithContextOps[+Out, +Ctx, +Mat] {
type ReprMat[+O, +C, +M] <: FlowWithContextOps[O, C, M] {
type ReprMat[+OO, +CC, +MatMat] = FlowWithContextOps.this.ReprMat[OO, CC, MatMat]
type Repr[+O, +C] = ReprMat[O, C, Mat @uncheckedVariance]
* Transform this flow by the regular flow. The given flow must support manual context propagation by
* taking and producing tuples of (data, context).
* This can be used as an escape hatch for operations that are not (yet) provided with automatic
* context propagation here.
* @see [[]]
def via[Out2, Ctx2, Mat2](flow: Graph[FlowShape[(Out, Ctx), (Out2, Ctx2)], Mat2]): Repr[Out2, Ctx2]
* Transform this flow by the regular flow. The given flow must support manual context propagation by
* taking and producing tuples of (data, context).
* This can be used as an escape hatch for operations that are not (yet) provided with automatic
* context propagation here.
* The `combine` function is used to compose the materialized values of this flow and that
* flow into the materialized value of the resulting Flow.
* @see [[]]
def viaMat[Out2, Ctx2, Mat2, Mat3](flow: Graph[FlowShape[(Out, Ctx), (Out2, Ctx2)], Mat2])(
combine: (Mat, Mat2) => Mat3): ReprMat[Out2, Ctx2, Mat3]
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* @see [[]]
def map[Out2](f: Out => Out2): Repr[Out2, Ctx] =
via( { case (e, ctx) => (f(e), ctx) })
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* @see [[]]
def mapError(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Throwable]): Repr[Out, Ctx] =
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* @see [[]]
def mapAsync[Out2](parallelism: Int)(f: Out => Future[Out2]): Repr[Out2, Ctx] =
via(flow.mapAsync(parallelism) {
case (e, ctx) => f(e).map(o => (o, ctx))(ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext)
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* Note, that the context of elements that are filtered out is skipped as well.
* @see [[]]
def collect[Out2](f: PartialFunction[Out, Out2]): Repr[Out2, Ctx] =
via(flow.collect {
case (e, ctx) if f.isDefinedAt(e) => (f(e), ctx)
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* Note, that the context of elements that are filtered out is skipped as well.
* @see [[]]
def filter(pred: Out => Boolean): Repr[Out, Ctx] =
collect { case e if pred(e) => e }
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* Note, that the context of elements that are filtered out is skipped as well.
* @see [[]]
def filterNot(pred: Out => Boolean): Repr[Out, Ctx] =
collect { case e if !pred(e) => e }
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* Each output group will be associated with a `Seq` of corresponding context elements.
* @see [[]]
def grouped(n: Int): Repr[immutable.Seq[Out], immutable.Seq[Ctx]] =
via(flow.grouped(n).map { elsWithContext =>
val (els, ctxs) = elsWithContext.unzip
(els, ctxs)
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* Each output group will be associated with a `Seq` of corresponding context elements.
* @see [[]]
def sliding(n: Int, step: Int = 1): Repr[immutable.Seq[Out], immutable.Seq[Ctx]] =
via(flow.sliding(n, step).map { elsWithContext =>
val (els, ctxs) = elsWithContext.unzip
(els, ctxs)
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* The context of the input element will be associated with each of the output elements calculated from
* this input element.
* Example:
* ```
* def dup(element: String) = Seq(element, element)
* Input:
* ("a", 1)
* ("b", 2)
* inputElements.mapConcat(dup)
* Output:
* ("a", 1)
* ("a", 1)
* ("b", 2)
* ("b", 2)
* ```
* @see [[]]
def mapConcat[Out2](f: Out => immutable.Iterable[Out2]): Repr[Out2, Ctx] =
via(flow.mapConcat {
case (e, ctx) => f(e).map(_ -> ctx)
* Apply the given function to each context element (leaving the data elements unchanged).
def mapContext[Ctx2](f: Ctx => Ctx2): Repr[Out, Ctx2] =
via( { case (e, ctx) => (e, f(ctx)) })
* Context-preserving variant of [[]].
* @see [[]]
def log(name: String, extract: Out => Any = ConstantFun.scalaIdentityFunction)(
implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Repr[Out, Ctx] = {
val extractWithContext: ((Out, Ctx)) => Any = { case (e, _) => extract(e) }
via(flow.log(name, extractWithContext)(log))
private[akka] def flow[T, C]: Flow[(T, C), (T, C), NotUsed] = Flow[(T, C)]