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* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Lightbend Inc.
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicReference }
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.dispatch.AbstractNodeQueue
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.mutable.LongMap
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.annotation.DoNotInherit
* A MergeHub is a special streaming hub that is able to collect streamed elements from a dynamic set of
* producers. It consists of two parts, a [[Source]] and a [[Sink]]. The [[Source]] streams the element to a consumer from
* its merged inputs. Once the consumer has been materialized, the [[Source]] returns a materialized value which is
* the corresponding [[Sink]]. This [[Sink]] can then be materialized arbitrary many times, where each of the new
* materializations will feed its consumed elements to the original [[Source]].
object MergeHub {
private val Cancel = -1
* Creates a [[Source]] that emits elements merged from a dynamic set of producers. After the [[Source]] returned
* by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Sink]] as a materialized value. This [[Sink]] can be materialized
* arbitrary many times and each of the materializations will feed the elements into the original [[Source]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Source]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Sink]] for feeding that materialization.
* Completed or failed [[Sink]]s are simply removed. Once the [[Source]] is cancelled, the Hub is considered closed
* and any new producers using the [[Sink]] will be cancelled.
* @param perProducerBufferSize Buffer space used per producer. Default value is 16.
def source[T](perProducerBufferSize: Int): Source[T, Sink[T, NotUsed]] =
Source.fromGraph(new MergeHub[T](perProducerBufferSize))
* Creates a [[Source]] that emits elements merged from a dynamic set of producers. After the [[Source]] returned
* by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Sink]] as a materialized value. This [[Sink]] can be materialized
* arbitrary many times and each of the materializations will feed the elements into the original [[Source]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Source]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Sink]] for feeding that materialization.
* Completed or failed [[Sink]]s are simply removed. Once the [[Source]] is cancelled, the Hub is considered closed
* and any new producers using the [[Sink]] will be cancelled.
def source[T]: Source[T, Sink[T, NotUsed]] = source(perProducerBufferSize = 16)
final class ProducerFailed(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause)
private[akka] class MergeHub[T](perProducerBufferSize: Int)
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[SourceShape[T], Sink[T, NotUsed]] {
require(perProducerBufferSize > 0, "Buffer size must be positive")
val out: Outlet[T] = Outlet("MergeHub.out")
override val shape: SourceShape[T] = SourceShape(out)
// Half of buffer size, rounded up
private[this] val DemandThreshold = (perProducerBufferSize / 2) + (perProducerBufferSize % 2)
private sealed trait Event {
def id: Long
// these 3 can't be final because of SI-4440
private case class Element(id: Long, elem: T) extends Event
private case class Register(id: Long, demandCallback: AsyncCallback[Long]) extends Event
private case class Deregister(id: Long) extends Event
final class InputState(signalDemand: AsyncCallback[Long]) {
private var untilNextDemandSignal = DemandThreshold
def onElement(): Unit = {
untilNextDemandSignal -= 1
if (untilNextDemandSignal == 0) {
untilNextDemandSignal = DemandThreshold
def close(): Unit = signalDemand.invoke(MergeHub.Cancel)
final class MergedSourceLogic(_shape: Shape) extends GraphStageLogic(_shape) with OutHandler {
* Basically all merged messages are shared in this queue. Individual buffer sizes are enforced by tracking
* demand per producer in the 'demands' Map. One twist here is that the same queue contains control messages,
* too. Since the queue is read only if the output port has been pulled, downstream backpressure can delay
* processing of control messages. This causes no issues though, see the explanation in 'tryProcessNext'.
private val queue = new AbstractNodeQueue[Event] {}
@volatile private[this] var needWakeup = false
@volatile private[this] var shuttingDown = false
private[this] val demands = scala.collection.mutable.LongMap.empty[InputState]
private[this] val wakeupCallback = getAsyncCallback[NotUsed](
(_) =>
// We are only allowed to dequeue if we are not backpressured. See comment in tryProcessNext() for details.
if (isAvailable(out)) tryProcessNext(firstAttempt = true))
setHandler(out, this)
// Returns true when we have not consumed demand, false otherwise
private def onEvent(ev: Event): Boolean = ev match {
case Element(id, elem) =>
push(out, elem)
case Register(id, callback) =>
demands.put(id, new InputState(callback))
case Deregister(id) =>
override def onPull(): Unit = tryProcessNext(firstAttempt = true)
@tailrec private def tryProcessNext(firstAttempt: Boolean): Unit = {
val nextElem = queue.poll()
// That we dequeue elements from the queue when there is demand means that Register and Deregister messages
// might be delayed for arbitrary long. This is not a problem as Register is only interesting if it is followed
// by actual elements, which would be delayed anyway by the backpressure.
// Unregister is only used to keep the map growing too large, but otherwise it is not critical to process it
// timely. In fact, the only way the map could keep growing would mean that we dequeue Registers from the
// queue, but then we will eventually reach the Deregister message, too.
if (nextElem ne null) {
needWakeup = false
if (onEvent(nextElem)) tryProcessNext(firstAttempt = true)
} else {
needWakeup = true
// additional poll() to grab any elements that might missed the needWakeup
// and have been enqueued just after it
if (firstAttempt)
tryProcessNext(firstAttempt = false)
def isShuttingDown: Boolean = shuttingDown
// External API
def enqueue(ev: Event): Unit = {
* Simple volatile var is enough, there is no need for a CAS here. The first important thing to note
* that we don't care about double-wakeups. Since the "wakeup" is actually handled by an actor message
* (AsyncCallback) we don't need to handle this case, a double-wakeup will be idempotent (only wasting some cycles).
* The only case that we care about is a missed wakeup. The characteristics of a missed wakeup are the following:
* (1) there is at least one message in the queue
* (2) the consumer is not running right now
* (3) no wakeupCallbacks are pending
* (4) all producers exited this method
* From the above we can deduce that
* (5) needWakeup = true at some point in time. This is implied by (1) and (2) and the
* 'tryProcessNext' method
* (6) There must have been one producer that observed needWakeup = false. This follows from (4) and (3)
* and the implementation of this method. In addition, this producer arrived after needWakeup = true,
* since before that, every queued elements have been consumed.
* (7) There have been at least one producer that observed needWakeup = true and enqueued an element and
* a wakeup signal. This follows from (5) and (6), and the fact that either this method sets
* needWakeup = false, or the 'tryProcessNext' method, i.e. a wakeup must happened since (5)
* (8) If there were multiple producers satisfying (6) take the last one. Due to (6), (3) and (4) we know
* there cannot be a wakeup pending, and we just enqueued an element, so (1) holds. Since we are the last
* one, (2) must be true or there is no lost wakeup. However, due to (7) we know there was at least one
* wakeup (otherwise needWakeup = true). Now, if the consumer is still running (2) is violated,
* if not running then needWakeup = false is violated (which comes from (6)). No matter what,
* contradiction. QED.
if (needWakeup) {
needWakeup = false
override def postStop(): Unit = {
// First announce that we are shutting down. This will notify late-comers to not even put anything in the queue
shuttingDown = true
// Anybody that missed the announcement needs to be notified.
var event = queue.poll()
while (event ne null) {
event match {
case Register(_, demandCallback) => demandCallback.invoke(MergeHub.Cancel)
case _ =>
event = queue.poll()
// Kill everyone else
val states = demands.valuesIterator
while (states.hasNext) {
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, Sink[T, NotUsed]) = {
val idCounter = new AtomicLong()
val logic: MergedSourceLogic = new MergedSourceLogic(shape)
val sink = new GraphStage[SinkShape[T]] {
val in: Inlet[T] = Inlet("")
override val shape: SinkShape[T] = SinkShape(in)
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
new GraphStageLogic(shape) with InHandler {
// Start from non-zero demand to avoid initial delays.
// The HUB will expect this behavior.
private[this] var demand: Long = perProducerBufferSize
private[this] val id = idCounter.getAndIncrement()
override def preStart(): Unit = {
if (!logic.isShuttingDown) {
logic.enqueue(Register(id, getAsyncCallback(onDemand)))
// At this point, we could be in the unfortunate situation that:
// - we missed the shutdown announcement and entered this arm of the if statement
// - *before* we enqueued our Register event, the Hub already finished looking at the queue
// and is now dead, so we are never notified again.
// To safeguard against this, we MUST check the announcement again. This is enough:
// if the Hub is no longer looking at the queue, then it must be that isShuttingDown must be already true.
if (!logic.isShuttingDown) pullWithDemand()
else completeStage()
} else {
override def postStop(): Unit = {
// Unlike in the case of preStart, we don't care about the Hub no longer looking at the queue.
if (!logic.isShuttingDown) logic.enqueue(Deregister(id))
override def onPush(): Unit = {
logic.enqueue(Element(id, grab(in)))
if (demand > 0) pullWithDemand()
private def pullWithDemand(): Unit = {
demand -= 1
// Make some noise
override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
throw new MergeHub.ProducerFailed(
"Upstream producer failed with exception, " +
"removing from MergeHub now",
private def onDemand(moreDemand: Long): Unit = {
if (moreDemand == MergeHub.Cancel) completeStage()
else {
demand += moreDemand
if (!hasBeenPulled(in)) pullWithDemand()
setHandler(in, this)
// propagate LogLevels attribute so that MergeHub can be used with onFailure = LogLevels.Off
val sinkWithAttributes = inheritedAttributes.get[LogLevels] match {
case Some(a) => Sink.fromGraph(sink).addAttributes(Attributes(a))
case None => Sink.fromGraph(sink)
(logic, sinkWithAttributes)
* A BroadcastHub is a special streaming hub that is able to broadcast streamed elements to a dynamic set of consumers.
* It consists of two parts, a [[Sink]] and a [[Source]]. The [[Sink]] broadcasts elements from a producer to the
* actually live consumers it has. Once the producer has been materialized, the [[Sink]] it feeds into returns a
* materialized value which is the corresponding [[Source]]. This [[Source]] can be materialized an arbitrary number
* of times, where each of the new materializations will receive their elements from the original [[Sink]].
object BroadcastHub {
* Creates a [[Sink]] that receives elements from its upstream producer and broadcasts them to a dynamic set
* of consumers. After the [[Sink]] returned by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Source]] as materialized
* value. This [[Source]] can be materialized an arbitrary number of times and each materialization will receive the
* broadcast elements from the original [[Sink]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Sink]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Source]] for consuming the [[Sink]] of that materialization.
* If the original [[Sink]] is failed, then the failure is immediately propagated to all of its materialized
* [[Source]]s (possibly jumping over already buffered elements). If the original [[Sink]] is completed, then
* all corresponding [[Source]]s are completed. Both failure and normal completion is "remembered" and later
* materializations of the [[Source]] will see the same (failure or completion) state. [[Source]]s that are
* cancelled are simply removed from the dynamic set of consumers.
* @param bufferSize Buffer size used by the producer. Gives an upper bound on how "far" from each other two
* concurrent consumers can be in terms of element. If this buffer is full, the producer
* is backpressured. Must be a power of two and less than 4096.
def sink[T](bufferSize: Int): Sink[T, Source[T, NotUsed]] = Sink.fromGraph(new BroadcastHub[T](bufferSize))
* Creates a [[Sink]] that receives elements from its upstream producer and broadcasts them to a dynamic set
* of consumers. After the [[Sink]] returned by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Source]] as materialized
* value. This [[Source]] can be materialized arbitrary many times and each materialization will receive the
* broadcast elements from the original [[Sink]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Sink]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Source]] for consuming the [[Sink]] of that materialization.
* If the original [[Sink]] is failed, then the failure is immediately propagated to all of its materialized
* [[Source]]s (possibly jumping over already buffered elements). If the original [[Sink]] is completed, then
* all corresponding [[Source]]s are completed. Both failure and normal completion is "remembered" and later
* materializations of the [[Source]] will see the same (failure or completion) state. [[Source]]s that are
* cancelled are simply removed from the dynamic set of consumers.
def sink[T]: Sink[T, Source[T, NotUsed]] = sink(bufferSize = 256)
private[akka] class BroadcastHub[T](bufferSize: Int)
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[SinkShape[T], Source[T, NotUsed]] {
require(bufferSize > 0, "Buffer size must be positive")
require(bufferSize < 4096, "Buffer size larger then 4095 is not allowed")
require((bufferSize & bufferSize - 1) == 0, "Buffer size must be a power of two")
private val Mask = bufferSize - 1
private val WheelMask = (bufferSize * 2) - 1
val in: Inlet[T] = Inlet("")
override val shape: SinkShape[T] = SinkShape(in)
// Half of buffer size, rounded up
private[this] val DemandThreshold = (bufferSize / 2) + (bufferSize % 2)
private sealed trait HubEvent
private object RegistrationPending extends HubEvent
// these 4 next classes can't be final because of SI-4440
private case class UnRegister(id: Long, previousOffset: Int, finalOffset: Int) extends HubEvent
private case class Advance(id: Long, previousOffset: Int) extends HubEvent
private case class NeedWakeup(id: Long, previousOffset: Int, currentOffset: Int) extends HubEvent
private case class Consumer(id: Long, callback: AsyncCallback[ConsumerEvent])
private object Completed
private sealed trait HubState
private case class Open(callbackFuture: Future[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]], registrations: List[Consumer])
extends HubState
private case class Closed(failure: Option[Throwable]) extends HubState
private class BroadcastSinkLogic(_shape: Shape) extends GraphStageLogic(_shape) with InHandler {
private[this] val callbackPromise: Promise[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]] = Promise()
private[this] val noRegistrationsState = Open(callbackPromise.future, Nil)
val state = new AtomicReference[HubState](noRegistrationsState)
// Start from values that will almost immediately overflow. This has no effect on performance, any starting
// number will do, however, this protects from regressions as these values *almost surely* overflow and fail
// tests if someone makes a mistake.
@volatile private[this] var tail = Int.MaxValue
private[this] var head = Int.MaxValue
* An Array with a published tail ("latest message") and a privately maintained head ("earliest buffered message").
* Elements are published by simply putting them into the array and bumping the tail. If necessary, certain
* consumers are sent a wakeup message through an AsyncCallback.
private[this] val queue = new Array[AnyRef](bufferSize)
/* This is basically a classic Bucket Queue:
* (in fact, this is the variant described in the Optimizations section, where the given set
* of priorities always fall to a range
* This wheel tracks the position of Consumers relative to the slowest ones. Every slot
* contains a list of Consumers being known at that location (this might be out of date!).
* Consumers from time to time send Advance messages to indicate that they have progressed
* by reading from the broadcast queue. Consumers that are blocked (due to reaching tail) request
* a wakeup and update their position at the same time.
private[this] val consumerWheel = Array.fill[List[Consumer]](bufferSize * 2)(Nil)
private[this] var activeConsumers = 0
override def preStart(): Unit = {
// Cannot complete immediately if there is no space in the queue to put the completion marker
override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = if (!isFull) complete()
override def onPush(): Unit = {
if (!isFull) pull(in)
private def onEvent(ev: HubEvent): Unit = {
ev match {
case RegistrationPending =>
state.getAndSet(noRegistrationsState).asInstanceOf[Open].registrations.foreach { consumer =>
val startFrom = head
activeConsumers += 1
addConsumer(consumer, startFrom)
// in case the consumer is already stopped we need to undo registration
implicit val ec = materializer.executionContext
consumer.callback.invokeWithFeedback(Initialize(startFrom)).failed.foreach {
case _: StreamDetachedException =>
callbackPromise.future.foreach(callback =>
callback.invoke(UnRegister(, startFrom, startFrom)))
case _ => ()
case UnRegister(id, previousOffset, finalOffset) =>
if (findAndRemoveConsumer(id, previousOffset) != null)
activeConsumers -= 1
if (activeConsumers == 0) {
if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
else if (head != finalOffset) {
// If our final consumer goes away, we roll forward the buffer so a subsequent consumer does not
// see the already consumed elements. This feature is quite handy.
while (head != finalOffset) {
queue(head & Mask) = null
head += 1
head = finalOffset
if (!hasBeenPulled(in)) pull(in)
} else checkUnblock(previousOffset)
case Advance(id, previousOffset) =>
val newOffset = previousOffset + DemandThreshold
// Move the consumer from its last known offset to its new one. Check if we are unblocked.
val consumer = findAndRemoveConsumer(id, previousOffset)
addConsumer(consumer, newOffset)
case NeedWakeup(id, previousOffset, currentOffset) =>
// Move the consumer from its last known offset to its new one. Check if we are unblocked.
val consumer = findAndRemoveConsumer(id, previousOffset)
addConsumer(consumer, currentOffset)
// Also check if the consumer is now unblocked since we published an element since it went asleep.
if (currentOffset != tail) consumer.callback.invoke(Wakeup)
// Producer API
// We are full if the distance between the slowest (known) consumer and the fastest (known) consumer is
// the buffer size. We must wait until the slowest either advances, or cancels.
private def isFull: Boolean = tail - head == bufferSize
override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
val failMessage = HubCompleted(Some(ex))
// Notify pending consumers and set tombstone
state.getAndSet(Closed(Some(ex))).asInstanceOf[Open].registrations.foreach { consumer =>
// Notify registered consumers
consumerWheel.iterator.flatMap(_.iterator).foreach { consumer =>
* This method removes a consumer with a given ID from the known offset and returns it.
* NB: You cannot remove a consumer without knowing its last offset! Consumers on the Source side always must
* track this so this can be a fast operation.
private def findAndRemoveConsumer(id: Long, offset: Int): Consumer = {
// TODO: Try to eliminate modulo division somehow...
val wheelSlot = offset & WheelMask
var consumersInSlot = consumerWheel(wheelSlot)
//debug(s"consumers before removal $consumersInSlot")
var remainingConsumersInSlot: List[Consumer] = Nil
var removedConsumer: Consumer = null
while (consumersInSlot.nonEmpty) {
val consumer = consumersInSlot.head
if ( != id) remainingConsumersInSlot = consumer :: remainingConsumersInSlot
else removedConsumer = consumer
consumersInSlot = consumersInSlot.tail
consumerWheel(wheelSlot) = remainingConsumersInSlot
* After removing a Consumer from a wheel slot (because it cancelled, or we moved it because it advanced)
* we need to check if it was blocking us from advancing (being the slowest).
private def checkUnblock(offsetOfConsumerRemoved: Int): Unit = {
if (unblockIfPossible(offsetOfConsumerRemoved)) {
if (isClosed(in)) complete()
else if (!hasBeenPulled(in)) pull(in)
private def unblockIfPossible(offsetOfConsumerRemoved: Int): Boolean = {
var unblocked = false
if (offsetOfConsumerRemoved == head) {
// Try to advance along the wheel. We can skip any wheel slots which have no waiting Consumers, until
// we either find a nonempty one, or we reached the end of the buffer.
while (consumerWheel(head & WheelMask).isEmpty && head != tail) {
queue(head & Mask) = null
head += 1
unblocked = true
private def addConsumer(consumer: Consumer, offset: Int): Unit = {
val slot = offset & WheelMask
consumerWheel(slot) = consumer :: consumerWheel(slot)
* Send a wakeup signal to all the Consumers at a certain wheel index. Note, this needs the actual index,
* which is offset modulo (bufferSize + 1).
private def wakeupIdx(idx: Int): Unit = {
val itr = consumerWheel(idx).iterator
while (itr.hasNext)
private def complete(): Unit = {
val idx = tail & Mask
val wheelSlot = tail & WheelMask
queue(idx) = Completed
tail = tail + 1
if (activeConsumers == 0) {
// Existing consumers have already consumed all elements and will see completion status in the queue
override def postStop(): Unit = {
// Notify pending consumers and set tombstone
@tailrec def tryClose(): Unit = state.get() match {
case Closed(_) => // Already closed, ignore
case open: Open =>
if (state.compareAndSet(open, Closed(None))) {
val completedMessage = HubCompleted(None)
open.registrations.foreach { consumer =>
} else tryClose()
private def publish(elem: T): Unit = {
val idx = tail & Mask
val wheelSlot = tail & WheelMask
queue(idx) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
// Publish the new tail before calling the wakeup
tail = tail + 1
// Consumer API
def poll(offset: Int): AnyRef = {
if (offset == tail) null
else queue(offset & Mask)
setHandler(in, this)
private sealed trait ConsumerEvent
private object Wakeup extends ConsumerEvent
// these two can't be final because of SI-4440
private case class HubCompleted(failure: Option[Throwable]) extends ConsumerEvent
private case class Initialize(offset: Int) extends ConsumerEvent
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(
inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, Source[T, NotUsed]) = {
val idCounter = new AtomicLong()
val logic = new BroadcastSinkLogic(shape)
val source = new GraphStage[SourceShape[T]] {
val out: Outlet[T] = Outlet("BroadcastHub.out")
override val shape: SourceShape[T] = SourceShape(out)
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
new GraphStageLogic(shape) with OutHandler {
private[this] var untilNextAdvanceSignal = DemandThreshold
private[this] val id = idCounter.getAndIncrement()
private[this] var offsetInitialized = false
private[this] var hubCallback: AsyncCallback[HubEvent] = _
* We need to track our last offset that we published to the Hub. The reason is, that for efficiency reasons,
* the Hub can only look up and move/remove Consumers with known wheel slots. This means that no extra hash-map
* is needed, but it also means that we need to keep track of both our current offset, and the last one that
* we published.
private[this] var previousPublishedOffset = 0
private[this] var offset = 0
override def preStart(): Unit = {
val callback = getAsyncCallback(onCommand)
val onHubReady: Try[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]] => Unit = {
case Success(callback) =>
hubCallback = callback
if (isAvailable(out) && offsetInitialized) onPull()
case Failure(ex) =>
@tailrec def register(): Unit = {
logic.state.get() match {
case Closed(Some(ex)) => failStage(ex)
case Closed(None) => completeStage()
case previousState @ Open(callbackFuture, registrations) =>
val newRegistrations = Consumer(id, callback) :: registrations
if (logic.state.compareAndSet(previousState, Open(callbackFuture, newRegistrations))) {
} else register()
* Note that there is a potential race here. First we add ourselves to the pending registrations, then
* we send RegistrationPending. However, another downstream might have triggered our registration by its
* own RegistrationPending message, since we are in the list already.
* This means we might receive an onCommand(Initialize(offset)) *before* onHubReady fires so it is important
* to only serve elements after both offsetInitialized = true and hubCallback is not null.
override def onPull(): Unit = {
if (offsetInitialized && (hubCallback ne null)) {
val elem = logic.poll(offset)
elem match {
case null =>
hubCallback.invoke(NeedWakeup(id, previousPublishedOffset, offset))
previousPublishedOffset = offset
untilNextAdvanceSignal = DemandThreshold
case Completed =>
case _ =>
push(out, elem.asInstanceOf[T])
offset += 1
untilNextAdvanceSignal -= 1
if (untilNextAdvanceSignal == 0) {
untilNextAdvanceSignal = DemandThreshold
val previousOffset = previousPublishedOffset
previousPublishedOffset += DemandThreshold
hubCallback.invoke(Advance(id, previousOffset))
override def postStop(): Unit = {
if (hubCallback ne null)
hubCallback.invoke(UnRegister(id, previousPublishedOffset, offset))
private def onCommand(cmd: ConsumerEvent): Unit = cmd match {
case HubCompleted(Some(ex)) => failStage(ex)
case HubCompleted(None) => completeStage()
case Wakeup =>
if (isAvailable(out)) onPull()
case Initialize(initialOffset) =>
offsetInitialized = true
previousPublishedOffset = initialOffset
offset = initialOffset
if (isAvailable(out) && (hubCallback ne null)) onPull()
setHandler(out, this)
(logic, Source.fromGraph(source))
* A `PartitionHub` is a special streaming hub that is able to route streamed elements to a dynamic set of consumers.
* It consists of two parts, a [[Sink]] and a [[Source]]. The [[Sink]] e elements from a producer to the
* actually live consumers it has. The selection of consumer is done with a function. Each element can be routed to
* only one consumer. Once the producer has been materialized, the [[Sink]] it feeds into returns a
* materialized value which is the corresponding [[Source]]. This [[Source]] can be materialized an arbitrary number
* of times, where each of the new materializations will receive their elements from the original [[Sink]].
object PartitionHub {
@InternalApi private[akka] val defaultBufferSize = 256
* Creates a [[Sink]] that receives elements from its upstream producer and routes them to a dynamic set
* of consumers. After the [[Sink]] returned by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Source]] as materialized
* value. This [[Source]] can be materialized an arbitrary number of times and each materialization will receive the
* elements from the original [[Sink]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Sink]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Source]] for consuming the [[Sink]] of that materialization.
* If the original [[Sink]] is failed, then the failure is immediately propagated to all of its materialized
* [[Source]]s (possibly jumping over already buffered elements). If the original [[Sink]] is completed, then
* all corresponding [[Source]]s are completed. Both failure and normal completion is "remembered" and later
* materializations of the [[Source]] will see the same (failure or completion) state. [[Source]]s that are
* cancelled are simply removed from the dynamic set of consumers.
* This `statefulSink` should be used when there is a need to keep mutable state in the partition function,
* e.g. for implementing round-robin or sticky session kind of routing. If state is not needed the [[#sink]] can
* be more convenient to use.
* @param partitioner Function that decides where to route an element. It is a factory of a function to
* to be able to hold stateful variables that are unique for each materialization. The function
* takes two parameters; the first is information about active consumers, including an array of consumer
* identifiers and the second is the stream element. The function should return the selected consumer
* identifier for the given element. The function will never be called when there are no active consumers,
* i.e. there is always at least one element in the array of identifiers.
* @param startAfterNrOfConsumers Elements are buffered until this number of consumers have been connected.
* This is only used initially when the operator is starting up, i.e. it is not honored when consumers have
* been removed (canceled).
* @param bufferSize Total number of elements that can be buffered. If this buffer is full, the producer
* is backpressured.
def statefulSink[T](
partitioner: () => (ConsumerInfo, T) => Long,
startAfterNrOfConsumers: Int,
bufferSize: Int = defaultBufferSize): Sink[T, Source[T, NotUsed]] =
Sink.fromGraph(new PartitionHub[T](partitioner, startAfterNrOfConsumers, bufferSize))
* Creates a [[Sink]] that receives elements from its upstream producer and routes them to a dynamic set
* of consumers. After the [[Sink]] returned by this method is materialized, it returns a [[Source]] as materialized
* value. This [[Source]] can be materialized an arbitrary number of times and each materialization will receive the
* elements from the original [[Sink]].
* Every new materialization of the [[Sink]] results in a new, independent hub, which materializes to its own
* [[Source]] for consuming the [[Sink]] of that materialization.
* If the original [[Sink]] is failed, then the failure is immediately propagated to all of its materialized
* [[Source]]s (possibly jumping over already buffered elements). If the original [[Sink]] is completed, then
* all corresponding [[Source]]s are completed. Both failure and normal completion is "remembered" and later
* materializations of the [[Source]] will see the same (failure or completion) state. [[Source]]s that are
* cancelled are simply removed from the dynamic set of consumers.
* This `sink` should be used when the routing function is stateless, e.g. based on a hashed value of the
* elements. Otherwise the [[#statefulSink]] can be used to implement more advanced routing logic.
* @param partitioner Function that decides where to route an element. The function takes two parameters;
* the first is the number of active consumers and the second is the stream element. The function should
* return the index of the selected consumer for the given element, i.e. int greater than or equal to 0
* and less than number of consumers. E.g. `(size, elem) => math.abs(elem.hashCode % size)`. It's also
* possible to use `-1` to drop the element.
* @param startAfterNrOfConsumers Elements are buffered until this number of consumers have been connected.
* This is only used initially when the operator is starting up, i.e. it is not honored when consumers have
* been removed (canceled).
* @param bufferSize Total number of elements that can be buffered. If this buffer is full, the producer
* is backpressured.
def sink[T](
partitioner: (Int, T) => Int,
startAfterNrOfConsumers: Int,
bufferSize: Int = defaultBufferSize): Sink[T, Source[T, NotUsed]] = {
val fun: (ConsumerInfo, T) => Long = { (info, elem) =>
val idx = partitioner(info.size, elem)
if (idx < 0) -1L
else info.consumerIdByIdx(idx)
statefulSink(() => fun, startAfterNrOfConsumers, bufferSize)
@DoNotInherit trait ConsumerInfo extends {
* Sequence of all identifiers of current consumers.
* Use this method only if you need to enumerate consumer existing ids.
* When selecting a specific consumerId by its index, prefer using the dedicated [[#consumerIdByIdx]] method instead,
* which is optimised for this use case.
def consumerIds: immutable.IndexedSeq[Long]
/** Obtain consumer identifier by index */
def consumerIdByIdx(idx: Int): Long
* Approximate number of buffered elements for a consumer.
* Larger value than other consumers could be an indication of
* that the consumer is slow.
* Note that this is a moving target since the elements are
* consumed concurrently.
def queueSize(consumerId: Long): Int
* Number of attached consumers.
def size: Int
@InternalApi private[akka] object Internal {
sealed trait ConsumerEvent
case object Wakeup extends ConsumerEvent
final case class HubCompleted(failure: Option[Throwable]) extends ConsumerEvent
case object Initialize extends ConsumerEvent
sealed trait HubEvent
case object RegistrationPending extends HubEvent
final case class UnRegister(id: Long) extends HubEvent
final case class NeedWakeup(consumer: Consumer) extends HubEvent
final case class Consumer(id: Long, callback: AsyncCallback[ConsumerEvent])
case object TryPull extends HubEvent
case object Completed
sealed trait HubState
final case class Open(callbackFuture: Future[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]], registrations: List[Consumer])
extends HubState
final case class Closed(failure: Option[Throwable]) extends HubState
// The reason for the two implementations here is that the common case (as I see it) is to have a few (< 100)
// consumers over the lifetime of the hub but we must of course also support more.
// FixedQueues is more efficient than ConcurrentHashMap so we use that for the first 128 consumers.
private val FixedQueues = 128
// Need the queue to be pluggable to be able to use a more performant (less general)
// queue in Artery
trait PartitionQueue {
def init(id: Long): Unit
def totalSize: Int
def size(id: Long): Int
def isEmpty(id: Long): Boolean
def nonEmpty(id: Long): Boolean
def offer(id: Long, elem: Any): Unit
def poll(id: Long): AnyRef
def remove(id: Long): Unit
object ConsumerQueue {
val empty = ConsumerQueue(Queue.empty, 0)
final case class ConsumerQueue(queue: Queue[Any], size: Int) {
def enqueue(elem: Any): ConsumerQueue =
new ConsumerQueue(queue.enqueue(elem), size + 1)
def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
def head: Any = queue.head
def tail: ConsumerQueue =
new ConsumerQueue(queue.tail, size - 1)
class PartitionQueueImpl extends PartitionQueue {
private val queues1 = new AtomicReferenceArray[ConsumerQueue](FixedQueues)
private val queues2 = new ConcurrentHashMap[Long, ConsumerQueue]
private val _totalSize = new AtomicInteger
override def init(id: Long): Unit = {
if (id < FixedQueues)
queues1.set(id.toInt, ConsumerQueue.empty)
queues2.put(id, ConsumerQueue.empty)
override def totalSize: Int = _totalSize.get
def size(id: Long): Int = {
val queue =
if (id < FixedQueues) queues1.get(id.toInt)
else queues2.get(id)
if (queue eq null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid stream identifier: $id")
override def isEmpty(id: Long): Boolean = {
val queue =
if (id < FixedQueues) queues1.get(id.toInt)
else queues2.get(id)
if (queue eq null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid stream identifier: $id")
override def nonEmpty(id: Long): Boolean = !isEmpty(id)
override def offer(id: Long, elem: Any): Unit = {
@tailrec def offer1(): Unit = {
val i = id.toInt
val queue = queues1.get(i)
if (queue eq null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid stream identifier: $id")
if (queues1.compareAndSet(i, queue, queue.enqueue(elem)))
offer1() // CAS failed, retry
@tailrec def offer2(): Unit = {
val queue = queues2.get(id)
if (queue eq null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid stream identifier: $id")
if (queues2.replace(id, queue, queue.enqueue(elem))) {
} else
offer2() // CAS failed, retry
if (id < FixedQueues) offer1() else offer2()
override def poll(id: Long): AnyRef = {
@tailrec def poll1(): AnyRef = {
val i = id.toInt
val queue = queues1.get(i)
if ((queue eq null) || queue.isEmpty) null
else if (queues1.compareAndSet(i, queue, queue.tail)) {
} else
poll1() // CAS failed, try again
@tailrec def poll2(): AnyRef = {
val queue = queues2.get(id)
if ((queue eq null) || queue.isEmpty) null
else if (queues2.replace(id, queue, queue.tail)) {
} else
poll2() // CAS failed, try again
if (id < FixedQueues) poll1() else poll2()
override def remove(id: Long): Unit = {
(if (id < FixedQueues) queues1.getAndSet(id.toInt, null)
else queues2.remove(id)) match {
case null =>
case queue => _totalSize.addAndGet(-queue.size)
@InternalApi private[akka] class PartitionHub[T](
partitioner: () => (PartitionHub.ConsumerInfo, T) => Long,
startAfterNrOfConsumers: Int,
bufferSize: Int)
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[SinkShape[T], Source[T, NotUsed]] {
import PartitionHub.Internal._
import PartitionHub.ConsumerInfo
val in: Inlet[T] = Inlet("")
override val shape: SinkShape[T] = SinkShape(in)
// Need the queue to be pluggable to be able to use a more performant (less general)
// queue in Artery
def createQueue(): PartitionQueue = new PartitionQueueImpl
private class PartitionSinkLogic(_shape: Shape) extends GraphStageLogic(_shape) with InHandler {
// Half of buffer size, rounded up
private val DemandThreshold = (bufferSize / 2) + (bufferSize % 2)
private val materializedPartitioner = partitioner()
private val callbackPromise: Promise[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]] = Promise()
private val noRegistrationsState = Open(callbackPromise.future, Nil)
val state = new AtomicReference[HubState](noRegistrationsState)
private var initialized = false
private val queue = createQueue()
private var pending = Vector.empty[T]
private var consumerInfo: ConsumerInfoImpl = new ConsumerInfoImpl(Vector.empty)
private val needWakeup: LongMap[Consumer] = LongMap.empty
private var callbackCount = 0L
private final class ConsumerInfoImpl(val consumers: Vector[Consumer]) extends ConsumerInfo { info =>
override def queueSize(consumerId: Long): Int =
override def size: Int = consumers.size
override def consumerIds: immutable.IndexedSeq[Long] =
override def consumerIdByIdx(idx: Int): Long =
override def getConsumerIds: java.util.List[Long] =
new util.AbstractList[Long] {
override def get(idx: Int): Long = info.consumerIdByIdx(idx)
override def size(): Int = info.size
override def preStart(): Unit = {
if (startAfterNrOfConsumers == 0)
override def onPush(): Unit = {
if (!isFull) pull(in)
private def isFull: Boolean = {
(queue.totalSize + pending.size) >= bufferSize
private def publish(elem: T): Unit = {
if (!initialized || consumerInfo.consumers.isEmpty) {
// will be published when first consumers are registered
pending :+= elem
} else {
val id = materializedPartitioner(consumerInfo, elem)
if (id >= 0) { // negative id is a way to drop the element
queue.offer(id, elem)
private def wakeup(id: Long): Unit = {
needWakeup.get(id) match {
case None => // ignore
case Some(consumer) =>
needWakeup -= id
override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = {
if (consumerInfo.consumers.isEmpty)
else {
consumerInfo.consumers.foreach(c => complete(
private def complete(id: Long): Unit = {
queue.offer(id, Completed)
private def tryPull(): Unit = {
if (initialized && !isClosed(in) && !hasBeenPulled(in) && !isFull)
private def onEvent(ev: HubEvent): Unit = {
callbackCount += 1
ev match {
case NeedWakeup(consumer) =>
// Also check if the consumer is now unblocked since we published an element since it went asleep.
if (queue.nonEmpty(
else {
needWakeup.update(, consumer)
case TryPull =>
case RegistrationPending =>
state.getAndSet(noRegistrationsState).asInstanceOf[Open].registrations.foreach { consumer =>
val newConsumers = (consumerInfo.consumers :+ consumer).sortBy(
consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfoImpl(newConsumers)
if (newConsumers.size >= startAfterNrOfConsumers) {
initialized = true
if (initialized && pending.nonEmpty) {
pending = Vector.empty[T]
case UnRegister(id) =>
val newConsumers = consumerInfo.consumers.filterNot( == id)
consumerInfo = new ConsumerInfoImpl(newConsumers)
if (newConsumers.isEmpty) {
if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
} else
override def onUpstreamFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
val failMessage = HubCompleted(Some(ex))
// Notify pending consumers and set tombstone
state.getAndSet(Closed(Some(ex))).asInstanceOf[Open].registrations.foreach { consumer =>
// Notify registered consumers
consumerInfo.consumers.foreach { consumer =>
override def postStop(): Unit = {
// Notify pending consumers and set tombstone
@tailrec def tryClose(): Unit = state.get() match {
case Closed(_) => // Already closed, ignore
case open: Open =>
if (state.compareAndSet(open, Closed(None))) {
val completedMessage = HubCompleted(None)
open.registrations.foreach { consumer =>
} else tryClose()
// Consumer API
def poll(id: Long, hubCallback: AsyncCallback[HubEvent]): AnyRef = {
// try pull via async callback when half full
// this is racy with other threads doing poll but doesn't matter
if (queue.totalSize == DemandThreshold)
setHandler(in, this)
override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(
inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, Source[T, NotUsed]) = {
val idCounter = new AtomicLong
val logic = new PartitionSinkLogic(shape)
val source = new GraphStage[SourceShape[T]] {
val out: Outlet[T] = Outlet("PartitionHub.out")
override val shape: SourceShape[T] = SourceShape(out)
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic =
new GraphStageLogic(shape) with OutHandler {
private val id = idCounter.getAndIncrement()
private var hubCallback: AsyncCallback[HubEvent] = _
private val callback = getAsyncCallback(onCommand)
private val consumer = Consumer(id, callback)
private var callbackCount = 0L
override def preStart(): Unit = {
val onHubReady: Try[AsyncCallback[HubEvent]] => Unit = {
case Success(callback) =>
hubCallback = callback
if (isAvailable(out)) onPull()
case Failure(ex) =>
@tailrec def register(): Unit = {
logic.state.get() match {
case Closed(Some(ex)) => failStage(ex)
case Closed(None) => completeStage()
case previousState @ Open(callbackFuture, registrations) =>
val newRegistrations = consumer :: registrations
if (logic.state.compareAndSet(previousState, Open(callbackFuture, newRegistrations))) {
} else register()
override def onPull(): Unit = {
if (hubCallback ne null) {
val elem = logic.poll(id, hubCallback)
elem match {
case null =>
case Completed =>
case _ =>
push(out, elem.asInstanceOf[T])
override def postStop(): Unit = {
if (hubCallback ne null)
private def onCommand(cmd: ConsumerEvent): Unit = {
callbackCount += 1
cmd match {
case HubCompleted(Some(ex)) => failStage(ex)
case HubCompleted(None) => completeStage()
case Wakeup =>
if (isAvailable(out)) onPull()
case Initialize =>
if (isAvailable(out) && (hubCallback ne null)) onPull()
setHandler(out, this)
(logic, Source.fromGraph(source))