akka.stream.snapshot.MaterializerState.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.stream.snapshot
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.actor.{ ActorPath, ActorRef }
import akka.annotation.{ ApiMayChange, DoNotInherit, InternalApi }
import akka.stream.impl.{ PhasedFusingActorMaterializer, StreamSupervisor }
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.stream.SystemMaterializer
import akka.stream.impl.fusing.ActorGraphInterpreter
import akka.stream.{ Attributes, Materializer }
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Debug utility to dump the running streams of a materializers in a structure describing the graph layout
* and "waits-on" relationships.
* Some of the data extracted may be off unless the stream has settled, for example in when deadlocked, but the
* structure should be valid regardless. Extracting the information often will have an impact on the performance
* of the running streams.
object MaterializerState {
* Dump stream snapshots of all streams of the default system materializer.
def streamSnapshots(system: ActorSystem): Future[immutable.Seq[StreamSnapshot]] = {
SystemMaterializer(system).materializer match {
case impl: PhasedFusingActorMaterializer =>
* Dump stream snapshots of all streams of the given materializer.
def streamSnapshots(mat: Materializer): Future[immutable.Seq[StreamSnapshot]] = {
mat match {
case impl: PhasedFusingActorMaterializer =>
private[akka] def requestFromSupervisor(supervisor: ActorRef)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[immutable.Seq[StreamSnapshot]] = {
// Arbitrary timeout: operation should always be quick, when it times out it will be because the materializer stopped
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 10.seconds
(supervisor ? StreamSupervisor.GetChildrenSnapshots).mapTo[StreamSupervisor.ChildrenSnapshots].map(_.seq)
private[akka] def requestFromChild(child: ActorRef): Future[StreamSnapshot] = {
// FIXME arbitrary timeout
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 10.seconds
(child ? ActorGraphInterpreter.Snapshot).mapTo[StreamSnapshot]
* A snapshot of one running stream
* Not for user extension
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait StreamSnapshot {
* Running interpreters
def activeInterpreters: Seq[RunningInterpreter]
* Interpreters that has been created but not yet initialized - the stream is not yet running
def newShells: Seq[UninitializedInterpreter]
* A snapshot of one interpreter - contains a set of logics running in the same underlying actor. Note that
* multiple interpreters may be running in the same actor (because of submaterialization)
* Not for user extension
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait InterpreterSnapshot {
def logics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot]
* A stream interpreter that was not yet initialized when the snapshot was taken
* Not for user extension
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait UninitializedInterpreter extends InterpreterSnapshot
* A stream interpreter that is running/has been started
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait RunningInterpreter extends InterpreterSnapshot {
* Each of the materialized graph stage logics running inside the interpreter
def logics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot]
* Each connection between logics in the interpreter
def connections: immutable.Seq[ConnectionSnapshot]
* Total number of non-stopped logics in the interpreter
def runningLogicsCount: Int
* All logics that has completed and is no longer executing
def stoppedLogics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot]
* Not for user extension
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait LogicSnapshot {
def label: String
def attributes: Attributes
object ConnectionSnapshot {
sealed trait ConnectionState
case object ShouldPull extends ConnectionState
case object ShouldPush extends ConnectionState
case object Closed extends ConnectionState
* Not for user extension
@DoNotInherit @ApiMayChange
sealed trait ConnectionSnapshot {
def in: LogicSnapshot
def out: LogicSnapshot
def state: ConnectionSnapshot.ConnectionState
final private[akka] case class StreamSnapshotImpl(
self: ActorPath,
activeInterpreters: Seq[RunningInterpreter],
newShells: Seq[UninitializedInterpreter])
extends StreamSnapshot
with HideImpl
private[akka] final case class UninitializedInterpreterImpl(logics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot])
extends UninitializedInterpreter
private[akka] final case class RunningInterpreterImpl(
logics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot],
connections: immutable.Seq[ConnectionSnapshot],
queueStatus: String,
runningLogicsCount: Int,
stoppedLogics: immutable.Seq[LogicSnapshot])
extends RunningInterpreter
with HideImpl
private[akka] final case class LogicSnapshotImpl(index: Int, label: String, attributes: Attributes)
extends LogicSnapshot
with HideImpl {
override def toString: String = s"Logic($label)"
private[akka] final case class ConnectionSnapshotImpl(
id: Int,
in: LogicSnapshot,
out: LogicSnapshot,
state: ConnectionSnapshot.ConnectionState)
extends ConnectionSnapshot
with HideImpl
trait HideImpl {
override def toString: String = super.toString.replaceFirst("Impl", "")