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import akka.{ actor ⇒ a }
import java.util.concurrent.{ CompletionStage, ThreadFactory }

import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContextExecutor, Future }

import{ ActorSystemAdapter, PropsAdapter }
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.annotation.DoNotInherit
import akka.annotation.ApiMayChange

 * An ActorSystem is home to a hierarchy of Actors. It is created using
 * [[ActorSystem#apply]] from a [[Behavior]] object that describes the root
 * Actor of this hierarchy and which will create all other Actors beneath it.
 * A system also implements the [[ActorRef]] type, and sending a message to
 * the system directs that message to the root Actor.
 * Not for user extension.
abstract class ActorSystem[-T] extends ActorRef[T] with Extensions { this: InternalRecipientRef[T] ⇒
   * The name of this actor system, used to distinguish multiple ones within
   * the same JVM & class loader.
  def name: String

   * The core settings extracted from the supplied configuration.
  def settings: Settings

   * Log the configuration.
  def logConfiguration(): Unit

   * A [[]] that can be used to emit log messages
   * without specifying a more detailed source. Typically it is desirable to
   * use the dedicated `Logger` available from each Actor’s [[ActorContext]]
   * as that ties the log entries to the actor.
  def log: Logger

   * Start-up time in milliseconds since the epoch.
  def startTime: Long

   * Up-time of this actor system in seconds.
  def uptime: Long

   * A ThreadFactory that can be used if the transport needs to create any Threads
  def threadFactory: ThreadFactory

   * ClassLoader wrapper which is used for reflective accesses internally. This is set
   * to use the context class loader, if one is set, or the class loader which
   * loaded the ActorSystem implementation. The context class loader is also
   * set on all threads created by the ActorSystem, if one was set during
   * creation.
  def dynamicAccess: a.DynamicAccess

   * A generic scheduler that can initiate the execution of tasks after some delay.
   * It is recommended to use the ActorContext’s scheduling capabilities for sending
   * messages to actors instead of registering a Runnable for execution using this facility.
  def scheduler: a.Scheduler

   * Facilities for lookup up thread-pools from configuration.
  def dispatchers: Dispatchers

   * The default thread pool of this ActorSystem, configured with settings in ``.
  implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor

   * Terminates this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn
   * will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian
   * (below which the logging actors reside).
  def terminate(): Future[Terminated]

   * Returns a Future which will be completed after the ActorSystem has been terminated
   * and termination hooks have been executed.
  def whenTerminated: Future[Terminated]

   * Returns a CompletionStage which will be completed after the ActorSystem has been terminated
   * and termination hooks have been executed.
  def getWhenTerminated: CompletionStage[Terminated]

   * The deadLetter address is a destination that will accept (and discard)
   * every message sent to it.
  def deadLetters[U]: ActorRef[U]

   * Create a string representation of the actor hierarchy within this system
   * for debugging purposes.
   * The format of the string is subject to change, i.e. no stable “API”.
  def printTree: String

   * Create an actor in the "/system" namespace. This actor will be shut down
   * during system.terminate only after all user actors have terminated.
   * The returned Future of [[ActorRef]] may be converted into an [[ActorRef]]
   * to which messages can immediately be sent by using the `ActorRef.apply`
   * method.
  def systemActorOf[U](behavior: Behavior[U], name: String, props: Props = Props.empty)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[ActorRef[U]]

   * Return a reference to this system’s [[]].
  def receptionist: ActorRef[Receptionist.Command] =

object ActorSystem {

   * Scala API: Create an ActorSystem
  def apply[T](
    guardianBehavior: Behavior[T],
    name:             String
  ): ActorSystem[T] = createInternal(name, guardianBehavior, Props.empty, ActorSystemSetup.create(BootstrapSetup()))

   * Scala API: Create an ActorSystem
  def apply[T](
    guardianBehavior: Behavior[T],
    name:             String,
    config:           Config
  ): ActorSystem[T] =
    createInternal(name, guardianBehavior, Props.empty, ActorSystemSetup.create(BootstrapSetup(config)))

   * Scala API: Creates a new actor system with the specified name and settings
   * The core actor system settings are defined in [[BootstrapSetup]]
  def apply[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String, setup: ActorSystemSetup, guardianProps: Props = Props.empty): ActorSystem[T] = {
    createInternal(name, guardianBehavior, guardianProps, setup)

   * Scala API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings.
   * Same behavior as calling `ActorSystem(name, ActorSystemSetup(bootstrapSetup))`
  def apply[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String, bootstrapSetup: BootstrapSetup): ActorSystem[T] =
    apply(guardianBehavior, name, ActorSystemSetup.create(bootstrapSetup))

   * Java API: Create an ActorSystem
  def create[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String): ActorSystem[T] =
    apply(guardianBehavior, name)

   * Java API: Create an ActorSystem
  def create[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String, config: Config): ActorSystem[T] =
    apply(guardianBehavior, name, config)

   * Java API: Creates a new actor system with the specified name and settings
   * The core actor system settings are defined in [[BootstrapSetup]]
  def create[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String, setups: ActorSystemSetup): ActorSystem[T] =
    apply(guardianBehavior, name, setups)

   * Java API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings.
   * Same behavior as calling `ActorSystem.create(name, ActorSystemSetup.create(bootstrapSettings))`
  def create[T](guardianBehavior: Behavior[T], name: String, bootstrapSetup: BootstrapSetup): ActorSystem[T] =
    create(guardianBehavior, name, ActorSystemSetup.create(bootstrapSetup))

   * Create an ActorSystem based on the untyped [[]]
   * which runs Akka Typed [[Behavior]] on an emulation layer. In this
   * system typed and untyped actors can coexist.
  private def createInternal[T](name: String, guardianBehavior: Behavior[T],
                                guardianProps: Props,
                                setup:         ActorSystemSetup): ActorSystem[T] = {


    val bootstrapSettings = setup.get[BootstrapSetup]
    val cl = bootstrapSettings.flatMap(_.classLoader).getOrElse(
    val appConfig = bootstrapSettings.flatMap(_.config).getOrElse(ConfigFactory.load(cl))
    val executionContext = bootstrapSettings.flatMap(_.defaultExecutionContext)

    val untyped = new a.ActorSystemImpl(name, appConfig, cl, executionContext,
      Some(PropsAdapter(() ⇒ guardianBehavior, guardianProps, isGuardian = true)), setup)
    untyped.start() ! GuardianActorAdapter.Start

   * Wrap an untyped [[]] such that it can be used from
   * Akka Typed [[Behavior]].
  def wrap(untyped: a.ActorSystem): ActorSystem[Nothing] = ActorSystemAdapter.AdapterExtension(untyped.asInstanceOf[a.ActorSystemImpl]).adapter

 * The configuration settings that were parsed from the config by an [[ActorSystem]].
 * This class is immutable.
final class Settings(val config: Config, val untyped: a.ActorSystem.Settings, val name: String) {
  def this(_cl: ClassLoader, _config: Config, name: String) = this({
    val config = _config.withFallback(ConfigFactory.defaultReference(_cl))
    config.checkValid(ConfigFactory.defaultReference(_cl), "akka")
  }, new a.ActorSystem.Settings(_cl, _config, name), name)

  def this(untyped: a.ActorSystem.Settings) = this(untyped.config, untyped,

  private var foundSettings = List.empty[String]

  foundSettings = foundSettings.reverse

  def setup: ActorSystemSetup = untyped.setup

  override def toString: String = s"Settings($name,\n  ${foundSettings.mkString("\n  ")})"

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