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import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.util.{ LineNumbers, OptionVal }
import akka.annotation.{ ApiMayChange, DoNotInherit, InternalApi }
import{ ActorContext ⇒ SAC }

 * The behavior of an actor defines how it reacts to the messages that it
 * receives. The message may either be of the type that the Actor declares
 * and which is part of the [[ActorRef]] signature, or it may be a system
 * [[Signal]] that expresses a lifecycle event of either this actor or one of
 * its child actors.
 * Behaviors can be formulated in a number of different ways, either by
 * using the DSLs in [[]] and [[]]
 * or extending the abstract [[ExtensibleBehavior]] class.
 * Closing over ActorContext makes a Behavior immobile: it cannot be moved to
 * another context and executed there, and therefore it cannot be replicated or
 * forked either.
 * This base class is not meant to be extended by user code. If you do so, you may
 * lose binary compatibility.
 * Not for user extension.
sealed abstract class Behavior[T] { behavior ⇒
   * Narrow the type of this Behavior, which is always a safe operation. This
   * method is necessary to implement the contravariant nature of Behavior
   * (which cannot be expressed directly due to type inference problems).
  final def narrow[U <: T]: Behavior[U] = this.asInstanceOf[Behavior[U]]

   * Composes this `Behavior with a fallback `Behavior` which
   * is used when this `Behavior` doesn't handle the message or signal, i.e.
   * when `unhandled` is returned.
   *  @param that the fallback `Behavior`
  final def orElse(that: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T] = Behavior.DeferredBehavior[T] { ctx ⇒
    new OrElseBehavior[T](Behavior.start(this, ctx), Behavior.start(that, ctx))

 * Extension point for implementing custom behaviors in addition to the existing
 * set of behaviors available through the DSLs in [[]] and [[]]
 * Note that behaviors that keep an inner behavior, and intercepts messages for it should not be implemented as
 * an extensible behavior but should instead use the [[BehaviorInterceptor]]
abstract class ExtensibleBehavior[T] extends Behavior[T] {
   * Process an incoming message and return the next behavior.
   * The returned behavior can in addition to normal behaviors be one of the
   * canned special objects:
   *  * returning `stopped` will terminate this Behavior
   *  * returning `same` designates to reuse the current Behavior
   *  * returning `unhandled` keeps the same Behavior and signals that the message was not yet handled
   * Code calling this method should use [[Behavior$]] `canonicalize` to replace
   * the special objects with real Behaviors.
  def receive(ctx: ActorContext[T], msg: T): Behavior[T]

   * Process an incoming [[Signal]] and return the next behavior. This means
   * that all lifecycle hooks, ReceiveTimeout, Terminated and Failed messages
   * can initiate a behavior change.
   * The returned behavior can in addition to normal behaviors be one of the
   * canned special objects:
   *  * returning `stopped` will terminate this Behavior
   *  * returning `same` designates to reuse the current Behavior
   *  * returning `unhandled` keeps the same Behavior and signals that the message was not yet handled
   * Code calling this method should use [[Behavior$]] `canonicalize` to replace
   * the special objects with real Behaviors.
  def receiveSignal(ctx: ActorContext[T], msg: Signal): Behavior[T]

object Behavior {

  final implicit class BehaviorDecorators[T](val behavior: Behavior[T]) extends AnyVal {
     * Widen the wrapped Behavior by placing a funnel in front of it: the supplied
     * PartialFunction decides which message to pull in (those that it is defined
     * at) and may transform the incoming message to place them into the wrapped
     * Behavior’s type hierarchy. Signals are not transformed.
     * Example:
     * {{{
     * receive[String] { (ctx, msg) => println(msg); same }.widen[Number] {
     *   case b: BigDecimal => s"BigDecimal($b)"
     *   case i: BigInteger => s"BigInteger($i)"
     *   // all other kinds of Number will be `unhandled`
     * }
     * }}}
     * Scheduled messages via [[]] can currently
     * not be used together with `widen`, see issue #25318.
    def widen[U](matcher: PartialFunction[U, T]): Behavior[U] =
      BehaviorImpl.widened(behavior, matcher)


   * Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the
   * system to reuse the previous behavior. This is provided in order to
   * avoid the allocation overhead of recreating the current behavior where
   * that is not necessary.
  def same[T]: Behavior[T] = SameBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

   * Return this behavior from message processing in order to advise the
   * system to reuse the previous behavior, including the hint that the
   * message has not been handled. This hint may be used by composite
   * behaviors that delegate (partial) handling to other behaviors.
  def unhandled[T]: Behavior[T] = UnhandledBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

   * Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor
   * shall terminate voluntarily. If this actor has created child actors then
   * these will be stopped as part of the shutdown procedure.
   * The PostStop signal that results from stopping this actor will be passed to the
   * current behavior. All other messages and signals will effectively be
   * ignored.
  def stopped[T]: Behavior[T] = StoppedBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

   * Return this behavior from message processing to signal that this actor
   * shall terminate voluntarily. If this actor has created child actors then
   * these will be stopped as part of the shutdown procedure.
   * The PostStop signal that results from stopping this actor will be passed to the
   * given `postStop` behavior. All other messages and signals will effectively be
   * ignored.
  def stopped[T](postStop: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T] =
    new StoppedBehavior(OptionVal.Some(postStop))

   * A behavior that treats every incoming message as unhandled.
  def empty[T]: Behavior[T] = EmptyBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

   * A behavior that ignores every incoming message and returns “same”.
  def ignore[T]: Behavior[T] = IgnoreBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

  private[akka] object EmptyBehavior extends Behavior[Any] {
    override def toString = "Empty"

  private[akka] object IgnoreBehavior extends Behavior[Any] {
    override def toString = "Ignore"

  private[akka] object UnhandledBehavior extends Behavior[Nothing] {
    override def toString = "Unhandled"

  private[akka] def failed[T](cause: Throwable): Behavior[T] = new FailedBehavior(cause).asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]

  @InternalApi private[akka] val unhandledSignal: PartialFunction[(ActorContext[Nothing], Signal), Behavior[Nothing]] = {
    case (_, _) ⇒ UnhandledBehavior

   * Not placed in internal.BehaviorImpl because Behavior is sealed.
  private[akka] abstract class DeferredBehavior[T] extends Behavior[T] {
    def apply(ctx: ActorContext[T]): Behavior[T]
  private[akka] object DeferredBehavior {
    def apply[T](factory: SAC[T] ⇒ Behavior[T]): Behavior[T] =
      new DeferredBehavior[T] {
        def apply(ctx: ActorContext[T]): Behavior[T] = factory(ctx.asScala)
        override def toString: String = s"Deferred(${LineNumbers(factory)})"

  private[akka] object SameBehavior extends Behavior[Nothing] {
    override def toString = "Same"

  private[akka] class FailedBehavior(val cause: Throwable) extends Behavior[Nothing] {
    override def toString: String = s"Failed($cause)"

  private[akka] object StoppedBehavior extends StoppedBehavior[Nothing](OptionVal.None)

   * INTERNAL API: When the cell is stopping this behavior is used, so
   * that PostStop can be sent to previous behavior from `finishTerminate`.
  private[akka] class StoppedBehavior[T](val postStop: OptionVal[Behavior[T]]) extends Behavior[T] {

    private final def validatePostStop(postStop: OptionVal[Behavior[T]]): Unit = {
      postStop match {
        case OptionVal.Some(b: DeferredBehavior[_]) ⇒
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Behavior used as `postStop` behavior in Stopped(...) was a deferred one [${b.toString}], which is not supported (it would never be evaluated).")
        case _ ⇒ // all good

    override def toString = "Stopped" + {
      postStop match {
        case OptionVal.Some(_) ⇒ "(postStop)"
        case _                 ⇒ "()"

   * Given a possibly special behavior (same or unhandled) and a
   * “current” behavior (which defines the meaning of encountering a `same`
   * behavior) this method computes the next behavior, suitable for passing a
   * message or signal.
  def canonicalize[T](behavior: Behavior[T], current: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T]): Behavior[T] =
    behavior match {
      case SameBehavior                  ⇒ current
      case UnhandledBehavior             ⇒ current
      case deferred: DeferredBehavior[T] ⇒ canonicalize(deferred(ctx), deferred, ctx)
      case other                         ⇒ other

   * Return special behaviors as is, start deferred, if behavior is "non-special" apply the wrap function `f` to get
   * and return the result from that. Useful for cases where a [[Behavior]] implementation that is decorating another
   * behavior has processed a message and needs to re-wrap the resulting behavior with itself.
  private[akka] def wrap[T, U](currentBehavior: Behavior[_], nextBehavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T])(f: Behavior[T] ⇒ Behavior[U]): Behavior[U] =
    nextBehavior match {
      case SameBehavior | `currentBehavior` ⇒ same
      case UnhandledBehavior                ⇒ unhandled
      case stopped: StoppedBehavior[T]      ⇒ stopped.asInstanceOf[Behavior[U]] // won't receive more messages so cast is safe
      case deferred: DeferredBehavior[T]    ⇒ wrap(currentBehavior, start(deferred, ctx), ctx)(f)
      case other                            ⇒ f(other)

   * Starts deferred behavior and nested deferred behaviors until all deferred behaviors in the stack are started
   * and then the resulting behavior is returned.
  def start[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T]): Behavior[T] = {
    // TODO can this be made @tailrec?
    behavior match {
      case innerDeferred: DeferredBehavior[T] ⇒ start(innerDeferred(ctx), ctx)
      case wrapped: WrappingBehavior[T, Any] @unchecked ⇒
        // make sure that a deferred behavior wrapped inside some other behavior is also started
        val startedInner = start(wrapped.nestedBehavior, ctx.asInstanceOf[ActorContext[Any]])
        if (startedInner eq wrapped.nestedBehavior) wrapped
        else wrapped.replaceNested(startedInner)
      case _ ⇒ behavior

   * Go through the behavior stack and apply a predicate to see if any nested behavior
   * satisfies it. The stack must not contain any unstarted deferred behavior or an `IllegalArgumentException`
   * will be thrown.
  def existsInStack[T](behavior: Behavior[T])(p: Behavior[T] ⇒ Boolean): Boolean = {
    def loop(b: Behavior[T]): Boolean =
      b match {
        case _ if p(b) ⇒ true
        case wrappingBehavior: WrappingBehavior[T, T] @unchecked ⇒
        case d: DeferredBehavior[T] ⇒
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Cannot verify behavior existence when there are deferred in the behavior stack, " +
              s"Behavior.start the stack first. This is probably a bug, please create an issue. $d")
        case _ ⇒ false


   * Validate the given behavior as a suitable initial actor behavior; most
   * notably the behavior can neither be `same` nor `unhandled`. Starting
   * out with a `Stopped` behavior is allowed, though.
  def validateAsInitial[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T] =
    behavior match {
      case SameBehavior | UnhandledBehavior ⇒
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"cannot use $behavior as initial behavior")
      case x ⇒ x

   * Returns true if the given behavior is not stopped.
  def isAlive[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean = behavior match {
    case _: StoppedBehavior[_] ⇒ false
    case _: FailedBehavior     ⇒ false
    case _                     ⇒ true

   * Returns true if the given behavior is the special `unhandled` marker.
  def isUnhandled[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean = behavior eq UnhandledBehavior

   * Returns true if the given behavior is the special `Unhandled` marker.
  def isDeferred[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): Boolean = behavior match {
    case _: DeferredBehavior[T] ⇒ true
    case _                      ⇒ false

   * Execute the behavior with the given message
  def interpretMessage[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T], msg: T): Behavior[T] =
    interpret(behavior, ctx, msg)

   * Execute the behavior with the given signal
  def interpretSignal[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T], signal: Signal): Behavior[T] = {
    val result = interpret(behavior, ctx, signal)
    // we need to throw here to allow supervision of deathpact exception
    signal match {
      case Terminated(ref) if result == UnhandledBehavior ⇒ throw DeathPactException(ref)
      case _ ⇒ result

  private def interpret[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T], msg: Any): Behavior[T] = {
    behavior match {
      case null ⇒ throw new InvalidMessageException("[null] is not an allowed behavior")
      case SameBehavior | UnhandledBehavior ⇒
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"cannot execute with [$behavior] as behavior")
      case d: DeferredBehavior[_] ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"deferred [$d] should not be passed to interpreter")
      case IgnoreBehavior         ⇒ SameBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]
      case s: StoppedBehavior[T]  ⇒ s
      case f: FailedBehavior      ⇒ f
      case EmptyBehavior          ⇒ UnhandledBehavior.asInstanceOf[Behavior[T]]
      case ext: ExtensibleBehavior[T] ⇒
        val possiblyDeferredResult = msg match {
          case signal: Signal ⇒ ext.receiveSignal(ctx, signal)
          case m              ⇒ ext.receive(ctx, m.asInstanceOf[T])
        start(possiblyDeferredResult, ctx)

   * Execute the behavior with the given messages (or signals).
   * The returned [[Behavior]] from each processed message is used for the next message.
  @InternalApi private[akka] def interpretMessages[T](behavior: Behavior[T], ctx: ActorContext[T], messages: Iterator[T]): Behavior[T] = {
    @tailrec def interpretOne(b: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T] = {
      val b2 = Behavior.start(b, ctx)
      if (!Behavior.isAlive(b2) || !messages.hasNext) b2
      else {
        val nextB = match {
          case sig: Signal ⇒ Behavior.interpretSignal(b2, ctx, sig)
          case msg         ⇒ Behavior.interpretMessage(b2, ctx, msg)
        interpretOne(Behavior.canonicalize(nextB, b, ctx)) // recursive

    interpretOne(Behavior.start(behavior, ctx))


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