akka.testkit.WithLogCapturing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.testkit
import java.io.{ OutputStream, PrintStream }
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.event.Logging._
import org.scalatest.{ Outcome, SuiteMixin, TestSuite }
* Mixin this trait to a test to make log lines appear only when the test failed.
trait WithLogCapturing
// trait WithLogCapturing extends SuiteMixin { this: TestSuite =>
// implicit def system: ActorSystem
// abstract override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = {
// // When filtering just collects events into this var (yeah, it's a hack to do that in a filter).
// // We assume that the filter will always ever be used from a single actor, so a regular var should be fine.
// var events: List[LogEvent] = Nil
// object LogEventCollector extends EventFilter(Int.MaxValue) {
// override protected def matches(event: Logging.LogEvent): Boolean = {
// events ::= event
// true
// }
// }
// val myLogger = Logging(system, classOf[WithLogCapturing])
// val res = LogEventCollector.intercept {
// myLogger.debug(s"Logging started for test [${test.name}]")
// val r = test()
// myLogger.debug(s"Logging finished for test [${test.name}]")
// r
// }
// if (!(res.isSucceeded || res.isPending)) {
// println(s"--> [${Console.BLUE}${test.name}${Console.RESET}] Start of log messages of test that [$res]")
// val logger = new StdOutLogger {}
// withPrefixedOut("| ") { events.reverse.foreach(logger.print) }
// println(s"<-- [${Console.BLUE}${test.name}${Console.RESET}] End of log messages of test that [$res]")
// }
// res
// }
// /** Adds a prefix to every line printed out during execution of the thunk. */
// private def withPrefixedOut[T](prefix: String)(thunk: => T): T = {
// val oldOut = Console.out
// val prefixingOut =
// new PrintStream(new OutputStream {
// override def write(b: Int): Unit = oldOut.write(b)
// }) {
// override def println(x: Any): Unit =
// oldOut.println(prefix + String.valueOf(x).replaceAllLiterally("\n", s"\n$prefix"))
// }
// Console.withOut(prefixingOut) {
// thunk
// }
// }
// }
* An adaption of TestEventListener that never prints debug logs itself. Use together with [[akka.testkit.WithLogCapturing]].
* It allows to enable noisy DEBUG logging for tests and silence pre/post test DEBUG output completely while still showing
* test-specific DEBUG output selectively
class DebugLogSilencingTestEventListener extends TestEventListener {
override def print(event: Any): Unit = event match {
case _: Debug => // ignore
case _ => super.print(event)
* An adaption of TestEventListener that does not print out any logs. Use together with [[akka.testkit.WithLogCapturing]].
* It allows to enable noisy logging for tests and silence pre/post test log output completely while still showing
* test-specific log output selectively on failures.
class SilenceAllTestEventListener extends TestEventListener {
override def print(event: Any): Unit = ()