org.akkajs.shocon.ConfigParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.akkajs.shocon
import fastparse._
import NoWhitespace._ // or we can refactor to use an upstream whitespace handler
object ConfigParser {
case class NamedFunction[T, V](f: T => V, name: String) extends (T => V){
def apply(t: T) = f(t)
override def toString() = name
val isWhitespace = (c: Char) =>
c match {
// try to hit the most common ASCII ones first, then the nonbreaking
// spaces that Java brokenly leaves out of isWhitespace.
case ' '|'\n'|'\u00A0'|'\u2007'|'\u202F'|'\uFEFF' /* BOM */ => true;
case _ => Character.isWhitespace(c);
val isWhitespaceNoNl = (c: Char) => c != '\n' && isWhitespace(c)
// *** Lexing ***
// val Whitespace = NamedFunction(isWhitespace, "Whitespace")
def letter[_ : P] = P( lowercase | uppercase )
def lowercase[_ : P] = P( CharIn("a-z") )
def uppercase[_ : P] = P( CharIn("A-Z") )
def digit[_ : P] = P( CharIn("0-9") )
val Digits = NamedFunction('0' to '9' contains (_: Char), "Digits")
val StringChars = NamedFunction(!"\"\\".contains(_: Char), "StringChars")
val UnquotedStringChars = NamedFunction(!isWhitespaceNoNl(_: Char), "UnquotedStringChars ")
def keyValueSeparator[_ : P] = P( CharIn(":="))
// whitespace
def comment[_ : P] = P( ("//" | "#") ~ CharsWhile(_ != '\n', 0) )
def nlspace[_ : P] = P( (CharsWhile(isWhitespace, 1) | comment ).rep )
def space[_ : P] = P( ( CharsWhile(isWhitespaceNoNl, 1) | comment ).rep )
def hexDigit[_ : P] = P( CharIn("0-9", "a-f", "A-F") )
def unicodeEscape[_ : P] = P( "u" ~ hexDigit ~ hexDigit ~ hexDigit ~ hexDigit )
def escape[_ : P] = P( "\\" ~ (CharIn("\"/\\bfnrt") | unicodeEscape) )
// strings
def strChars[_ : P] = P( CharsWhile(StringChars) )
def quotedString[_ : P] = P( "\"" ~/ (strChars | escape).rep.! ~ "\"")
def unquotedString[_ : P] = P ( ( (letter | digit | "_" | "-" | "." | "/").rep(1).! ).rep(1,CharsWhile(_.isSpaceChar)).! )
def string[_ : P] = P(nlspace) ~ P(quotedString|unquotedString|CharsWhile(_.isSpaceChar).!) // bit of an hack: this would parse whitespace to the end of line
.rep(1).map(_.mkString.trim) // so we will trim the remaining right-side
// *** Parsing ***
def array[_: P]: P[Seq[Config.Value]] = P( "[" ~ nlspace ~/ jsonExpr.rep(sep=itemSeparator) ~ nlspace ~ ",".? ~ nlspace ~ "]")
def repeatedArray[_ :P]: P[Config.Array] =
array.rep(min = 1, sep=nlspace).map( ( arrays: Seq[Seq[Config.Value]] ) => Config.Array ( arrays.flatten ) )
def pair[_: P]: P[(String, Config.Value)] = P( ~/ space ~
((keyValueSeparator ~/ jsonExpr )
|(repeatedObj ~ space)) )
def obj[_: P]: P[Seq[(String, Config.Value)]] = P( "{" ~/ objBody ~ "}")
def repeatedObj[_: P]: P[Config.Object] =
obj.rep(min = 1, sep=nlspace).map(fields => Config.Object(Map( fields.flatten :_*) ))
def itemSeparator[_: P] = P(("\n" ~ nlspace ~ ",".?)|(("," ~ nlspace).?))
def objBody[_: P] = P( pair.rep(sep=itemSeparator) ~ nlspace ) // .log()
def jsonExpr[_: P] = P( space ~ (repeatedObj | repeatedArray | string) ~ space ) // .log()
def root[_: P] = P( (&(space ~ "{") ~/ obj )|(objBody) ~ End ).map( x => Config.Object.fromPairs(x) ) // .log()
def parseString(str: String) = parse(str, root(_))
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