org.aksw.commons.collections.trees.TreeUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.aksw.commons.collections.trees;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.MultimapUtils;
public class TreeUtils {
public static T getRoot(T item, Function super T, ? extends T> predecessor) {
T result = findSuccessor(item, predecessor, (n, pred) -> pred == null);
return result;
* @param item
* @param successor
* @param predicate Receives the current item and its successor
* @return
public static T findSuccessor(T item, Function super T, ? extends T> successor, BiPredicate super T, ? super T> predicate) {
T result = item;
while(true) {
T parentItem = successor.apply(result);
boolean test = predicate.test(result, parentItem) || (result == null && parentItem == null);
if(test) {
result = parentItem;
return result;
public static T findAncestor(T node, Function super T, ? extends T> getParent, java.util.function.Predicate predicate) {
T current = node;
do {
boolean isMatch = predicate.test(current);
if(isMatch) {
current = getParent.apply(current);
} while(current != null);
return current;
public static T findRoot(T start, Function super T, ? extends T> getParent) {
T result = findAncestor(start, getParent, x -> getParent.apply(x) == null);
return result;
public static Multimap groupByParent(Tree tree, Collection nodes, Multimap result) {
MultimapUtils.groupBy(nodes, tree::getParent, result);
return result;
// Predicate p = x -> !(x instanceof OpService);
* Given a predicate, return the minimum set of nodes, for which all nodes in their subtree satisfy the predicate.
* The algo starts with the set X of leaf nodes satisfying the predicate, and moves upwards.
* If all children of a parent satisfy the predicate, the children are removed from X and the parent is added instead.
* Note: Uses IdentityHashSet
* @param tree
* @param predicate
* @return
public static Set propagateBottomUpLabel(Tree tree, Predicate predicate) {
Collection leafs = TreeUtils.getLeafs(tree);
Set result =
for(;;) {
//List parents = levels.get(i);
Set parents =
.filter(x -> x != null)
boolean anyMatch = false;
for(T parent : parents) {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(parent);
boolean allChildrenTagged =;
if(allChildrenTagged) {
anyMatch = true;
if(!anyMatch) {
return result;
// TODO We may want to add a sub-tree function, which allows using any of a base-tree's node as the root
public static Tree subTree(Tree tree, T newRoot) {
Tree result = new SubTree<>(tree, newRoot);
return result;
public static long nodeCount(Tree tree) {
long result = Collections.singleton(tree.getRoot()).stream()
.flatMap(x -> tree.getChildren(x).stream())
return result;
public static long depth(Tree tree) {
T root = tree.getRoot();
long result = depth(tree, root);
return result;
public static long depth(Tree tree, T node) {
long result;
if(node == null) {
result = 0;
} else {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(node);
result = 1l +
.mapToLong(child -> depth(tree, child))
return result;
public static int childIndexOf(TreeOps2 ops, T node) {
List children = ops.getParentToChildren().apply(node);
int result = children.indexOf(node);
return result;
// Replaces a node in the tree - returns a new tree object.
public static Tree replace(Tree tree, T node, T replacement) {
// TODO Make the equivalence test configurable
T newRoot = replaceNode(tree, node, replacement, (a, b) -> a == b);
Tree result = tree.createNew(newRoot); //TreeImpl.create(newRoot, tree.getOps());
return result;
public static int indexOf(List list, T find, BiPredicate super T, ? super T> isEquiv) {
Iterator it = list.iterator();
int i = 0;
boolean found = false;
while(it.hasNext()) {
T item =;
found = isEquiv.test(item, find);
if(found) {
int result = found ? i : -1;
return result;
public static T replaceNode(Tree tree, T node, T replacement, BiPredicate super T, ? super T> isEquiv) {
T result;
if(node == null) {
result = replacement;
} else {
T parent = tree.getParent(node);
List children = new ArrayList(tree.getChildren(parent));
int i = indexOf(children, node, isEquiv);
//int i = children.indexOf(node);
children.set(i, replacement);
T parentReplacement = tree.copy(parent, children);
result = replaceNode(tree, parent, parentReplacement, isEquiv);
return result;
public static T substitute(
T node,
boolean descendIntoSubst,
TreeOps2 ops,
Function super T, ? extends T> transformFn
T result = substitute(node, descendIntoSubst, ops.getParentToChildren(), transformFn, ops.getReplaceChildren());
return result;
public static T substitute(
T node,
boolean descendIntoSubst,
Function super T, ? extends Collection extends T>> getChildrenFn,
Function super T, ? extends T> transformFn,
BiFunction, T> copyFn)
T tmp = transformFn.apply(node);
// Descend into op if tmp was null (assigned in statement after this)
// or descend into the replacement op
boolean descend = tmp == null || descendIntoSubst;
// Use op if tmp is null
tmp = tmp == null ? node : tmp;
T result;
if(descend) {
List newSubOps = getChildrenFn.apply(tmp).stream()
.map(subOp -> substitute(subOp, descendIntoSubst, getChildrenFn, transformFn, copyFn))
result = copyFn.apply(node, newSubOps); //OpUtils.copy(op, newSubOps);
} else {
result = tmp;
return result;
* Find the first ancestor for which the predicate evaluates to true
* @param tree
* @param node
* @param predicate
* TODO Make use of find successor()
* @return
public static T findAncestor(Tree tree, T node, java.util.function.Predicate predicate) {
T current = node;
do {
current = tree.getParent(current);
} while(current != null && !predicate.test(current));
return current;
public static Stream inOrderSearch(T node, Function> parentToChildren) {
Stream result = Stream.of(node);
Iterable children = parentToChildren.apply(node);
Stream childStream =, false);
result = Stream.concat(
childStream.flatMap(c -> inOrderSearch(
return result;
* In-order-search starting from the given node and descending into the tree.
* Each node may be mapped to a value.
* A predicate determines whether to stop descending further into a sub-tree.
* Useful for extracting patterns from a tree.
* @param node
* @param parentToChildren
* @param nodeToValue
* @param doDescend
* @return
public static Stream> inOrderSearch(
T node,
Function> parentToChildren,
Function super T, V> nodeToValue,
BiPredicate doDescend
) {
V value = nodeToValue.apply(node);
Entry e = new SimpleEntry<>(node, value);
boolean descend = doDescend.test(node, value);
Stream> result = Stream.of(e);
if(descend) {
Iterable children = parentToChildren.apply(node);
Stream childStream =, false);
result = Stream.concat(
childStream.flatMap(c -> inOrderSearch(
return result;
* For each level, yield the inner nodes
* The root node will always be part of the list, even if it does not have children
public static List> innerNodesPerLevel(Tree tree) {
List> result = new ArrayList<>();
//Set current = Collections.singleton(tree.getRoot());
T root = tree.getRoot();
List current = Collections.singletonList(root);
while(!current.isEmpty()) {
List next = new ArrayList<>();//current.size());
// result.add(current);
//Set next = new LinkedHashSet<>();
//List next = new ArrayList<>(current.size());
for(T node : current) {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(node);
if(!children.isEmpty() || node == root) {
if(!next.isEmpty()) {
current = next;
return result;
* Returns the set of nodes in each level of the tree
* The set containing the root will be the first item in the list
* @param tree
* @return
public static List> nodesPerLevel(Tree tree) {
List> result = new ArrayList<>();
//Set current = Collections.singleton(tree.getRoot());
List current = Collections.singletonList(tree.getRoot());
while(!current.isEmpty()) {
//Set next = new LinkedHashSet<>();
List next = new ArrayList<>();
for(T node : current) {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(node);
current = next;
return result;
public static Stream leafStream(Tree tree) {
T root = tree.getRoot();
Stream result = inOrderSearch(root, tree::getChildren)
.filter(node -> node == null ? root != null : tree.getChildren(node).isEmpty());
// List result = new ArrayList();
// T root = tree.getRoot();
// getLeafs(result, tree, root);
return result;
public static List getLeafs(Tree tree) {
List result = leafStream(tree).collect(Collectors.toList());
return result;
public static void getLeafs(Collection result, Tree tree, T node) {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(node);
if(children.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for(T child : children) {
getLeafs(result, tree, child);
* Get the set of immediate parents for a given set of children
* @param tree
* @param children
* @return
public static Set getParentsOf(Tree tree, Iterable children) {
Set result = new HashSet();
for(T child: children) {
T parent = tree.getParent(child);
return result;
* Traverse an op structure and create a map from each subOp to its immediate parent
* NOTE It must be ensured that common sub expressions are different objects,
* since we are using an identity hash map for mapping children to parents
* @param op
* @return
public static Map parentMap(T root, Function> parentToChildren) {
Map result = new IdentityHashMap();
result.put(root, null);
parentMap(result, root, parentToChildren);
return result;
public static void parentMap(Map result, T parent, Function> parentToChildren) {
List children = parentToChildren.apply(parent);
for(T child : children) {
result.put(child, parent);
parentMap(result, child, parentToChildren);
* Create a new tree object which has certain nodes remapped with *leaf* nodes
* @param tree
* @param remapFn
* @return
public static Tree remapSubTreesToLeafs(Tree tree, Function super T, ? extends T> remapFn) {
Map fwd = TreeUtils
(opNode, value) -> value == null) // descend while the value is null
.filter(e -> e.getValue() != null)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue, (a, b) -> b, IdentityHashMap::new));
Map bwd = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for(Entry e : fwd.entrySet()) {
bwd.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey());
Tree result = new TreeReplace<>(tree, fwd, bwd);
return result;
public static Tree removeUnaryNodes(Tree tree) {
ListMultimap parentToChildren = MultimapUtils.newIdentityListMultimap(); //ArrayListMultimap.create();
T newRoot = removeUnaryNodes(tree, tree.getRoot(), parentToChildren);
Tree result = newRoot == null
? null
: TreeImpl.create(newRoot, (node) -> parentToChildren.get(node));
return result;
public static T removeUnaryNodes(Tree tree, T node, ListMultimap parentToChildren) {
Collection children = tree.getChildren(node);
int childCount = children.size();
T result;
switch(childCount) {
case 0:
result = node;
case 1:
T child = children.iterator().next();
result = removeUnaryNodes(tree, child, parentToChildren);
result = node;
for(T c : children) {
T newChild = removeUnaryNodes(tree, c, parentToChildren);
parentToChildren.put(node, newChild);
return result;
// TODO: Another output format: Map, Multimap>
* Input: A mapping from cache nodes to candidate query nodes represented as a Multimap.
* Output: The mapping partitioned by each node's first multiary ancestor.
* Output could also be: Multimap - fmaToNodesCache
* For every cacheFma, map to the corresponding queryFmas - and for
* each of these mappings yield the candidate node mappings of the children
* Multimap>>
* Q: What if cache nodes do not have a fma?
* A: In this case the fma would be null, which means that there can only be a single cache node
* which would be grouped with a null fma.
* In the query, we can then check whether we are pairing a union with another union or null.
* We always map from cache to query.
* Map
* So the challenge is now again how to represent all the facts and how to perform
* the permutations / combinations...
* @param cacheTree
* @param tree
* @param cacheToQueryCands
* @return
public static Map> clusterNodesByFirstMultiaryAncestor(Tree tree, Multimap mapping) { //Collection nodes) {
Map> result = new HashMap<>();
Set>> entries = mapping.asMap().entrySet();
for(Entry> entry : entries) {
T node = entry.getKey();
//T multiaryAncestor = firstMultiaryAncestor(tree, cacheNode);
T multiaryAncestor = tree.getParent(node);
Collection queryNodes = entry.getValue();
for(T targetNode : queryNodes) {
Multimap mm = result.computeIfAbsent(multiaryAncestor, (k) -> HashMultimap.create());
mm.put(node, targetNode);
return result;
public static T getFirstMultiaryAncestor(Tree tree, T node) {
T result = node;
do {
result = tree.getParent(result);
} while(result != null && tree.getChildren(result).size() == 1);
return result;
* Return a node's first ancestor having an arity > 1
* null if there is none.
* @param tree
* @param node
* @return
public static T firstMultiaryAncestor(Tree tree, T node) {
T result = null;
T current = node;
while(current != null) {
T parent = tree.getParent(result);
Collection children = tree.getChildren(parent);
int arity = children.size();
if(arity > 1) {
result = parent;
current = parent;
return result;
public static List getUnaryAncestors(X x, Tree tree, Tree multiaryTree) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
X ancestor = multiaryTree.getParent(x);
X currentNode = x;
while((currentNode = tree.getParent(currentNode)) != null && !currentNode.equals(ancestor)) {
return result;
// TODO How to handle root nodes / null values?
* Given a mapping of child nodes, determine which parents may be mapped to each other.
* For any nodes mapped in 'childMapping', their parents may be mapped as well.
* @param aTree
* @param bTree
* @param childMapping
* @return
public static Multimap deriveParentMapping(Tree aTree, Tree bTree, Multimap childMapping) {
Multimap result = HashMultimap.create();
Set as = childMapping.keySet();
for(A a : as) {
A aParent = aTree.getParent(a);
Collection bs = childMapping.get(a);
Set bParents = getParentsOf(bTree, bs);
result.putAll(aParent, bParents);
return result;
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