org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.SqlTranslationUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.aksw.commons.util.factory.Factory2;
import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.exprs_ext.E_StrConcatPermissive;
import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.DnfUtils;
import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ExprUtils;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Equals;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_GreaterThan;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_GreaterThanOrEqual;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LessThan;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LessThanOrEqual;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalAnd;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_StrConcat;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction2;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.FunctionLabel;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.sse.Tags;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Iterator for iterating all of a list's subLists with a given offset (default 0)
* and increasing size.
* @author raven
* @param
//class SubListIterator
// extends SinglePrefetchIterator>
// private List list;
// private int startIndex;
// private int endIndex;
// public SubListIterator(List list) {
// this.list = list;
// this.startIndex = 0;
// endIndex = this.startIndex;
// }
// @Override
// protected List prefetch() throws Exception {
// ++endIndex;
// List result = list.subList(startIndex, endIndex);
// return result;
// }
public class SqlTranslationUtils {
public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlTranslationUtils.class);
public static E_RdfTerm asRdfTerm(Expr expr) {
E_RdfTerm result = null;
if(expr instanceof E_RdfTerm) {
result = (E_RdfTerm)expr;
else if(expr instanceof E_Function) {
// TODO Should not be needed anymore
E_Function func = (E_Function)expr;
if(func.getFunctionIRI().equals(SparqlifyConstants.rdfTermLabel)) {
result = new E_RdfTerm(func.getArgs());
}* /
return result;
public static final NodeValue TYPE_BLANK = NodeValue.makeInteger(0);
public static final NodeValue TYPE_URI = NodeValue.makeInteger(1);
public static final NodeValue TYPE_PLAIN_LITERAL = NodeValue.makeInteger(2);
public static final NodeValue TYPE_TYPED_LITERAL = NodeValue.makeInteger(3);
public static Expr getTypeOrExpr(Expr expr) {
Expr result = null;
if(expr.isConstant()) {
Node node = expr.getConstant().getNode();
if(node.isBlank()) {
result = TYPE_BLANK;
} else if(node.isURI()) {
result = TYPE_URI;
} else if(node.isLiteral()) {
String datatype = node.getLiteral().getDatatypeURI();
if(datatype == null || datatype.trim().isEmpty()) {
} else {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unkown node type: " + expr);
} else if(expr.isFunction()) {
E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = expandRdfTerm(expr.getFunction());
if(rdfTerm != null) {
result = rdfTerm.getType();
} else {
//throw new RuntimeException("Could not transform 'lang' function for: " + expr);
result = null;
return result;
* TODO: If we really want the ___lexical value___, we
* need to apply a transformation to value field based
* on its type and on the RDF datatype.
* @param expr
* @return
public static Expr getLexicalValueOrExpr(Expr expr) {
Expr result;
if(expr.isFunction()) {
E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = expandRdfTerm(expr.getFunction());
if(rdfTerm != null) {
result = rdfTerm.getLexicalValue();
} else {
result = expr;
} else {
result = expr;
//throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet");
E_RdfTerm term = asRdfTerm(expr);
Expr result = (term != null) ? term.getLexicalValue() : expr;
return result;
public static Expr getDatatypeOrExpr(Expr expr) {
Expr result = null;
if(expr.isConstant()) {
Node node = expr.getConstant().getNode();
if(node.isLiteral()) {
String datatype = node.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
// Prevent null values
datatype = datatype == null ? "" : datatype;
result = NodeValue.makeString(datatype);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen");
//result = NodeValue.nvNothing;
} else if(expr.isFunction()) {
E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = expandRdfTerm(expr.getFunction());
if(rdfTerm != null) {
result = rdfTerm.getDatatype();
} else {
//throw new RuntimeException("Could not transform 'lang' function for: " + expr);
result = null;
return result;
public static Expr extractLanguageTag(Expr expr) {
Expr result = null;
if(expr.isConstant()) {
Node node = expr.getConstant().getNode();
if(node.isLiteral()) {
String lang = node.getLiteralLanguage();
// Prevent null values
lang = lang == null ? "" : lang;
result = NodeValue.makeString(lang);
} else {
result = NodeValue.nvNothing;
} else if(expr.isFunction()) {
E_RdfTerm rdfTerm = expandRdfTerm(expr.getFunction());
if(rdfTerm != null) {
result = rdfTerm.getLanguageTag();
} else {
//throw new RuntimeException("Could not transform 'lang' function for: " + expr);
result = null;
return result;
* Expands both constants and functions to RDF terms
* I don't want to touch the legacy function - thats why this function has this name
* @param expr
* @return
public static E_RdfTerm expandAnyToTerm(Expr expr) {
E_RdfTerm result;
if(expr.isConstant()) {
result = expandConstant(expr);
} else {
result = expandRdfTerm(expr);
return result;
public static E_RdfTerm expandRdfTerm(Expr expr) {
E_RdfTerm result = null;
if(expr.isFunction()) {
result = expandRdfTerm(expr.getFunction());
else if(expr.isConstant()) {
result = expandConstant(expr);
return result;
* Expands blankNode, uri, plainLiteral and typedLiteral to E_RdfTerm.
* Returns the expr if it already is of type E_RdfTerm.
* Return null for any other function, variable or constant.
* @param expr
* @return
public static E_RdfTerm expandRdfTerm(ExprFunction expr) {
if(expr instanceof E_RdfTerm) {
return (E_RdfTerm)expr;
} else if(SparqlifyConstants.rdfTermLabel.equals(expr.getFunctionIRI())) {
if(expr.getArgs().size() != 4) {
throw new RuntimeException("RdfTerm requires 4 arguments, instead got: " + expr);
return new E_RdfTerm(
expr.getArg(1), expr.getArg(2), expr.getArg(3), expr.getArg(4));
} else if (SparqlifyConstants.uriLabel.equals(expr.getFunctionIRI())) {
return new E_RdfTerm(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(1), expr.getArgs().get(0),
NodeValue.makeString(""), NodeValue.makeString(""));
} else if (SparqlifyConstants.plainLiteralLabel.equals(expr.getFunctionIRI())) {
// The second argument is optional
// If it is null, "", or not present, it will be treated as ""
Expr lang = NodeValue.makeString("");
if (expr.getArgs().size() == 2) {
Expr tmp = expr.getArgs().get(1);
if (tmp != null) {
lang = tmp;
return new E_RdfTerm(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(2), expr.getArgs().get(0), lang,
} else if (SparqlifyConstants.typedLiteralLabel.equals(expr.getFunctionIRI())) {
return new E_RdfTerm(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(3), expr.getArgs().get(0),
NodeValue.makeString(""), expr.getArgs().get(1));
} else if (SparqlifyConstants.blankNodeLabel.equals(expr.getFunctionIRI())) {
return new E_RdfTerm(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(0), expr.getArgs().get(0),
NodeValue.makeString(""), NodeValue.makeString(""));
return null;
public static E_RdfTerm expandConstant(Expr expr) {
E_RdfTerm result = null;
if(expr.isConstant()) {
result = expandConstant(expr.getConstant().asNode());
return result;
public static E_RdfTerm expandConstant(Node node) {
int type;
Object val = "";
String lang = null;
String dt = null;
if(node.isBlank()) {
type = 0;
val = node.getBlankNodeId().getLabelString();
} else if(node.isURI()) {
type = 1;
val = node.getURI();
} else if(node.isLiteral()) {
val = node.getLiteral().getValue();
//lex = node.getLiteralLexicalForm();
String datatype = node.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
if(datatype == null || datatype.isEmpty()) {
//System.err.println("Treating plain literals as typed ones");
logger.warn("Treating plain literals as typed ones");
type = 2;
lang = node.getLiteralLanguage();
} else {
type = 3;
dt = node.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen");
String dtStr = dt == null ? "" : dt;
String langStr = lang == null ? "" : lang;
return new E_RdfTerm(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(type), NodeValue.makeNode(val.toString(), lang, dt),
NodeValue.makeString(langStr), NodeValue.makeString(dtStr));
return new E_Function(SparqlifyConstants.rdfTermLabel, SparqlSubstitute.makeExprList(
NodeValue.makeDecimal(type), NodeValue.makeNode(lex.toString(), lang, dt),
NodeValue.makeString(lang), NodeValue.makeString(dt)));
* Converts op(f(argsA), f(argsB)) -> op1(op2(argsA[1], argsB[2]), ...,
* op2(...)) This is mainly used for translating Equals(rdfTerm(argsA),
* rdfTerm(argsB)) to And(Equals(argsA[0], argsB[0]), Equals(...), ...)
* Example: f(argsA) = f(argsB) -> argsA = argsB -> argsA.1 = argsB.1 &&
* argsA.2 = argsB.2 && ...
* TODO: How to account for extra information that might be available on the
* constraints on the variables, such as argX.y is a constant?
* Note: This does not work it many cases for e.g. concat : concat("ab",
* "c") = concat("a", "bc")
* @param expr
* @return
public static Expr optimizeRdfTerm(E_Equals expr) {
Expr result = expr;
// TODO Check if the arguments are simple or functions
// An expression such as f(vector1) = f(vector2) can be translated into
// vector1 = vector2 iff
// . f is stateless/deterministic.
// . f is not overloaded (we do not take that case into account)
Expr a = expr.getArg1();
Expr b = expr.getArg2();
if (a.isFunction() && b.isFunction()) {
ExprFunction fa = a.getFunction();
ExprFunction fb = b.getFunction();
FunctionLabel la = fa.getFunctionSymbol();
FunctionLabel lb = fb.getFunctionSymbol();
// TODO Vector label
if (fa.getArgs().size() == fb.getArgs().size() && la.equals(lb)) {
List exprs = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < fa.getArgs().size(); ++i) {
Expr ea = fa.getArgs().get(i);
Expr eb = fb.getArgs().get(i);
exprs.add(new E_Equals(ea, eb));
result = ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(exprs);
return result;
* Merges arguments that are constants together
* Used for concat: concat("a", "b", "c") becomes concat("abc");
* @param concat
* @return
public static ExprList mergeConsecutiveConstants(Iterable exprs) {
String prev = null;
ExprList newExprs = new ExprList();
for (Expr expr : exprs) {
if (expr.isConstant()) {
prev = (prev == null ? "" : prev)
+ expr.getConstant().asString();
} else {
if (prev != null) {
prev = null;
if (prev != null) {
return newExprs;
public static boolean isConcatExpr(Expr expr) {
return expr instanceof E_StrConcat || expr instanceof E_StrConcatPermissive;
* Optimizes Equals(Concat(argsA), Concat(argsB)) FIXME: An combinations,
* where there are constants - Equals(Concat(args), const)
* //Assumes optimized form (the whole prefix in a single arg)
* The following cases are being handled: concat(prefixA, restA) =
* concat(prefixB, restB) If none of the prefixes is a substring of the
* other, the whole expression evaluated to false. otherwise, if the
* prefixes are equal, they will be removed. if only one further argument
* remains, the concat will be removed.
* Also, if one of the arguments is a constant, then it is treated as
* Concat(const), and theabove rules are applied
* @param expr
* @return
public static Expr optimizeEqualsConcat(ExprFunction fn) {
if(fn instanceof ExprFunction2) {
ExprFunction2 tmp = (ExprFunction2)fn;
Expr result = optimizeEqualsConcat(tmp);
return result;
return fn;
public static Expr optimizeOpConcat(ExprFunction fn) {
if(fn instanceof ExprFunction2) {
ExprFunction2 tmp = (ExprFunction2)fn;
Expr result = optimizeOpConcat(tmp);
return result;
return fn;
public static Expr optimizeOpConcat(ExprFunction2 fn) {
Expr ta = fn.getArg1();
Expr tb = fn.getArg2();
Expr result;
if(!isOpConcatExpr(ta, tb)) {
result = fn;
} else {
String fnId = ExprUtils.getFunctionId(fn);
if(fnId.equals(Tags.symEQ)) {
result = optimizeEqualsConcat(ta, tb);
} else {
Factory2 exprFactory = ExprFactoryUtils.getFactory2(fnId);
assert exprFactory != null : "No expr factory for " + fnId;
result = optimizeOpConcat(ta, tb, exprFactory);
//result = optimizeOpConcat(ta, tb);
return result;
public static Expr optimizeEqualsConcat(ExprFunction2 fn) {
Expr ta = fn.getArg1();
Expr tb = fn.getArg2();
Expr result;
if(!isEqualsConcatExpr(ta, tb)) {
result = fn;
} else {
result = optimizeEqualsConcat(ta, tb);
return result;
public static Expr optimizeEqualsConcat(Expr ta, Expr tb) {
List> ors = splitEqualsConcat(ta, tb);
Expr result = DnfUtils.toExpr(ors);
return result;
public static Expr optimizeOpConcat(Expr ta, Expr tb, Factory2 exprFactory) {
List ors = splitOpConcat(ta, tb, exprFactory);
Expr result = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors);
return result;
public static boolean isOpConcatExpr(Expr ta, Expr tb) {
if (isConcatExpr(ta) || isConcatExpr(tb)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param expr
* @return
public static List getOptimizedConcatArgs(Expr expr) {
List args = isConcatExpr(expr)
? expr.getFunction().getArgs()
: Collections.singletonList(expr);
List result = mergeConsecutiveConstants(args).getList();
return result;
* @param ta The first concat expression
* @param tb The second concat expression
* @return
public static List> splitEqualsConcat(Expr ta, Expr tb) {
// Create a list of concat-arguments (if not a concat, treat the expression
// as an argument
List la = getOptimizedConcatArgs(ta);
List lb = getOptimizedConcatArgs(tb);
List> result = SqlTranslationUtils.splitEqualsConcat(la, lb); //optimizeEqualsConcatAlign(la, lb);
return result;
public static List splitOpConcat(Expr ta, Expr tb, Factory2 exprFactory) {
// Create a list of concat-arguments (if not a concat, treat the expression
// as an argument
List la = getOptimizedConcatArgs(ta);
List lb = getOptimizedConcatArgs(tb);
List result = SqlTranslationUtils.splitOpConcat(la, lb, exprFactory); //optimizeEqualsConcatAlign(la, lb);
return result;
* [(a1, b1)], [(a1, b1), (a2, b2)]
* @param la
* @param lb
* @return
public static List splitOpConcat(List la, List lb, Factory2 exprFactory) {
List cs = SqlExprOptimizer.align(la, lb);
List ors = new ArrayList();
for(Alignment c : cs) {
if(c.isSameSize()) {
Expr headExpr = null;
for(int i = 0; i < c.getKey().size(); ++i) {
Expr ea = c.getKey().get(i);
Expr eb = c.getValue().get(i);
if(ea.isConstant() && ea.equals(eb)) {
// Create the inequality expression (e.g. a > b)
Expr tmpExpr = exprFactory.create(ea, eb);
// Prepend all 'head' conditions (e.g. ?x = ?y)
Expr expr;
if(headExpr == null) {
expr = tmpExpr;
} else {
expr = new E_LogicalAnd(headExpr, tmpExpr);
// Try to add an additional condition to the head expr
// TODO Detect unsatisfiability early
E_Equals eq = new E_Equals(ea, eb);
headExpr = new E_LogicalAnd(headExpr, eq);
} else {
new E_Equals(
new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getKey())),
new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getValue()))
return ors;
* Returns a list of alternatives (ors), whereas each alternative
* is a list of Equals expressions:
* [ [Equals("x", "x"), Equals(?a, ?b)], [...], ... ]
* @param la
* @param lb
* @return
public static List> splitEqualsConcat(List la, List lb) {
List cs = SqlExprOptimizer.align(la, lb);
List> ors = new ArrayList>();
for(Alignment c : cs) {
List ands = new ArrayList();
if(c.isSameSize()) {
for(int i = 0; i < c.getKey().size(); ++i) {
Expr ea = c.getKey().get(i);
if(i >= c.getValue().size()) {
Expr eb = c.getValue().get(i);
if(ea.isConstant() && ea.equals(eb)) {
E_Equals eq = new E_Equals(ea, eb);
} else {
new E_Equals(
new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getKey())),
new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getValue()))
return ors;
public static Expr optimizeEqualsConcatAlign(List la, List lb)
List> ors = splitEqualsConcat(la, lb);
List tmpOrs = new ArrayList();
for(List ands : ors) {
Expr and = ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(ands);
if(ors.size() == 0) {
return NodeValue.FALSE;
Expr result = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(tmpOrs);
return result;
// List cs = SqlExprOptimizer.align(la, lb);
// List ors = new ArrayList();
// for(Alignment c : cs) {
// List ands = new ArrayList();
// if(c.isSameSize()) {
// for(int i = 0; i < c.getKey().size(); ++i) {
// Expr ea = c.getKey().get(i);
// /*
// if(i >= c.getValue().size()) {
// System.out.println("OOpps");
// }
// */
// Expr eb = c.getValue().get(i);
// if(ea.isConstant() && ea.equals(eb)) {
// continue;
// }
// E_Equals eq = new E_Equals(ea, eb);
// ands.add(eq);
// }
// } else {
// ands.add(
// new E_Equals(
// new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getKey())),
// new E_StrConcatPermissive(new ExprList(c.getValue()))
// ));
// }
// Expr and = ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(ands);
// ors.add(and);
// }
// if(ors.size() == 0) {
// return NodeValue.FALSE;
// }
// Expr result = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(ors);
// return result;
* The expression (a < b), where a and b are
* RdfTerm(type, obj, lang, datatype),
* could become:
* Worst case:
* a.type < b.type ||
* a.type = b.type && a.obj < b.obj ||
* a.type = b.type && a.type = 2 && a.obj = b.obj && a.lang < b.lang ||
* a.type = b.type && a.type = 3 && a.obj = b.obj && a.datatype < b.datatype ||
* Optimization: Skip datatype and language in comparisions.
* TODO We have to consider datatypes to rule out invalid
* comparisions (in regard to the datatypes).
* However, this should be done on the SQL level.
public static Expr translate(E_LessThan expr) {
return translateCompare(expr);
public static Expr translate(E_LessThanOrEqual expr) {
return translateCompare(expr);
public static Expr translate(E_GreaterThan expr) {
return translateCompare(expr);
public static Expr translate(E_GreaterThanOrEqual expr) {
return translateCompare(expr);
public static Expr optimize(E_LogicalAnd expr) {
Expr a = optimizeMM(expr.getArg1());
Expr b = optimizeMM(expr.getArg1());
logger.debug("TODO Handle type error correctly");
if(a.equals(NodeValue.FALSE) || b.equals(NodeValue.FALSE)) {
return NodeValue.FALSE;
if(a.equals(NodeValue.TRUE) && b.equals(NodeValue.TRUE)) {
return NodeValue.TRUE;
} else {
return new E_LogicalAnd(a, b);
class Factory2Ctor
implements IFactory2
private Class clazz;
public Factory2Ctor(Class clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
public T create(T a, T b) {
Constructor ctor = clazz.getConstructor(a, b);
return ctor.newInstance(a, b);
public static Expr translateCompare(ExprFunction2 expr) {
return translateCompare(expr.getArg1(), expr.getArg2(), expr.getClass());
public static Expr translateCompare(Expr a, Expr b, final Class> clazz) {
Factory2 factory = new Factory2() {
public Expr create(final Expr a, final Expr b) {
try {
// FIXME We assume that jena's first constructor for
// E_LessThan, E_LessThanOrEqual, etc. classes is
// the one that takes two arguments of type Expr
Constructor> ctor = clazz.getConstructors()[0]; //getConstructor(a.getClass(), b.getClass());
return (Expr)ctor.newInstance(a, b);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return translateCompare(a, b, factory);
* FIXME The following expression is crap. I must have written it before I was clear about type errors...
* a.type < b.type ||
* a.type = b.type && a.obj < b.obj ||
* a.type = b.type && a.type = 2 && a.obj = b.obj && a.lang < b.lang ||
* a.type = b.type && a.type = 3 && a.obj = b.obj && a.datatype < b.datatype ||
* @param a
* @param b
* @param exprFactory Factory for creating a comparision expression
* @return
public static Expr translateCompare(Expr ea, Expr eb, Factory2 factory) {
E_RdfTerm a = SqlPrePusher.asRdfTerm(ea);
E_RdfTerm b = SqlPrePusher.asRdfTerm(eb);
if(a == null || b == null) {
//throw new RuntimeException("Arguments are no ExprRdfTerms");
logger.warn("Arguments are no ExprRdfTerms");
return factory.create(ea, eb);
NodeValue zero = NodeValue.makeInteger(0);
NodeValue one = NodeValue.makeInteger(1);
NodeValue two = NodeValue.makeInteger(2);
NodeValue three = NodeValue.makeInteger(3);
// This is the simple version that does not compare language and datatype
Expr result =
factory.create(a.getType(), b.getType()),
ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(new E_Equals(a.getType(), b.getType()), factory.create(a.getLexicalValue(), b.getLexicalValue()))
Expr result =
ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(new E_Equals(a.getType(), b.getType()), factory.create(a.getLexicalValue(), b.getLexicalValue()));
Expr result =
ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(factory.create(a.getLexicalValue(), b.getLexicalValue()));
return result;
public static ExprEvaluator createDefaultEvaluator() {
ExprEvaluatorPartial evaluator = new ExprEvaluatorPartial(FunctionRegistry.get());
return evaluator;
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