org.aksw.jenax.graphql.sparql.GraphQlUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.aksw.jenax.graphql.sparql;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.aksw.commons.path.core.Path;
import org.aksw.commons.path.core.PathStr;
import org.aksw.facete.v3.api.TreeDataMap;
import org.aksw.jenax.arq.util.expr.NodeValueUtils;
import org.aksw.jenax.arq.util.var.VarUtils;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps;
import graphql.language.Argument;
import graphql.language.ArrayValue;
import graphql.language.AstTransformer;
import graphql.language.BooleanValue;
import graphql.language.Directive;
import graphql.language.DirectivesContainer;
import graphql.language.Document;
import graphql.language.EnumValue;
import graphql.language.Field;
import graphql.language.FloatValue;
import graphql.language.IntValue;
import graphql.language.Node;
import graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub;
import graphql.language.ObjectField;
import graphql.language.ObjectValue;
import graphql.language.ScalarValue;
import graphql.language.SelectionSet;
import graphql.language.StringValue;
import graphql.language.Value;
import graphql.language.VariableReference;
public class GraphQlUtils {
/** FIXME Update to the graphqls pec*/
public static boolean isValidCharForFieldName(int ch) {
return VarUtils.isValidFirstCharForVarName(ch);
/** Replaces any invalid char with '_' and returns null on empty string */
public static String safeFieldName(String name) {
return VarUtils.safeIdentifier(name, '_', GraphQlUtils::isValidCharForFieldName);
public static Optional> tryGetNode(Node> node, String ... path) {
Node> result = node;
for (String segment : path) {
if (result == null) {
result = result.getNamedChildren().getChildOrNull(segment);
return Optional.ofNullable(result);
public static Number getNumber(Node> node, String ... path) {
return tryGetNode(node, path).map(GraphQlUtils::toNumber).orElse(null);
public static Long getLong(Node> node, String ... path) {
Number number = getNumber(node, path);
return number == null ? null : number.longValue();
public static String getString(Node> node, String ... path) {
return tryGetNode(node, path)
/** Bridge graphql nodes to jena NodeValues (the latter has a nicer API) */
public static NodeValue toNodeValue(Node> node) {
NodeValue result = null;
if (node instanceof IntValue) {
result = NodeValue.makeInteger(((IntValue)node).getValue());
} else if (node instanceof FloatValue) {
result = NodeValue.makeDecimal(((FloatValue)node).getValue());
} else if (node instanceof BooleanValue) {
result = NodeValue.makeBoolean(((BooleanValue)node).isValue());
} else if (node instanceof StringValue) {
result = NodeValue.makeString(((StringValue)node).getValue());
} else if (node instanceof EnumValue) {
result = NodeValue.makeString(((EnumValue)node).getName());
return result;
public static ScalarValue> toScalarValue(NodeValue nv) {
ScalarValue> result;
if (nv.isString()) {
result = StringValue.newStringValue(nv.getString()).build();
} else if (nv.isInteger()) {
result = IntValue.newIntValue(nv.getInteger()).build();
} else if (nv.isBoolean()) {
result = BooleanValue.newBooleanValue(nv.getBoolean()).build();
} else if (nv.isDecimal()) {
result = FloatValue.newFloatValue(nv.getDecimal()).build();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot convert: " + nv);
return result;
public static Boolean getArgAsBoolean(Directive directive, String argName) {
Boolean result = getArgAsBoolean(directive, argName, null);
return result;
public static String getArgAsString(Directive directive, String argName) {
String result = GraphQlUtils.toString(GraphQlUtils.getValue(directive.getArgument(argName)));
return result;
/** Expand strings to lists */
public static List getArgAsStrings(Directive directive, String argName) {
Value> raw = GraphQlUtils.getValue(directive.getArgument(argName));
List result = raw == null
? null
: raw instanceof ArrayValue arr
? arr.getValues().stream().map(v -> toString(v)).toList()
: List.of(toString(raw));
return result;
public static String toString(Node> node) {
NodeValue nv = toNodeValue(node);
String result = nv == null ? null : nv.getString();
return result;
public static Boolean toBoolean(Node> node) {
NodeValue nv = toNodeValue(node);
Boolean result = nv == null ? null : nv.getBoolean();
return result;
public static Number toNumber(Node> node) {
NodeValue nv = toNodeValue(node);
Number result = nv == null ? null : NodeValueUtils.getNumber(nv);
return result;
public static Long toLong(Node> node) {
Number number = toNumber(node);
Long result = number == null ? null : number.longValue();
return result;
public static Multimap> indexArguments(Field field) {
Multimap> result = Multimaps.transformValues(
Multimaps.index(field.getArguments(), Argument::getName), Argument::getValue);
return result;
// field.getArguments().stream().collect(null)
public static Multimap> indexValues(ObjectValue field) {
Multimap> result = Multimaps.transformValues(
Multimaps.index(field.getObjectFields(), ObjectField::getName), ObjectField::getValue);
return result;
public static Value> getArgumentValue(Multimap> args, String argName) {
Collection> a = args.get(argName);
Value> result = Iterables.getOnlyElement(a, null);
//Value> result = arg == null ? null : arg.getValue();
return result;
public static Value> getArgumentValue(Multimap> args, String argName, Map> assignments) {
return resolveValue(getArgumentValue(args, argName), assignments);
public static Optional> tryGetArgumentValue(Multimap> args, String argName) {
Value> value = getArgumentValue(args, argName);
return Optional.ofNullable(value);
public static Value> getValue(Argument arg) {
return arg == null ? null : arg.getValue();
public static TreeDataMap, Field> indexFields(SelectionSet selectionSet) {
TreeDataMap, Field> result = new TreeDataMap<>();
Path path = PathStr.newAbsolutePath();
indexFields(result, path, selectionSet);
return result;
public static void indexFields(TreeDataMap, Field> tree, Path path, SelectionSet selection) {
if (selection != null) {
List list = selection.getSelectionsOfType(Field.class);
if (list != null) {
for (Field childField : list) {
indexField(tree, path, childField);
public static Long getArgAsLong(Field field, String name, Map> assignments) {
return getArgAsLong(field.getArguments(), name, assignments);
public static Long getArgAsLong(List arguments, String name, Map> assignments) {
return toLong(resolveValue(getValue(findArgument(arguments, name)), assignments));
public static Argument findArgument(List arguments, String name) {
return arguments.stream()
.filter(arg -> name.equals(arg.getName()))
public static Value> getArgValue(Directive directive, String argName) {
Argument arg = directive.getArgument(argName);
Value> result = arg == null ? null : arg.getValue();
return result;
public static String getArgValueAsString(Directive directive, String argName, Map> assignments) {
String result = toString(resolveValue(getValue(directive.getArgument(argName)), assignments));
return result;
public static Boolean getArgAsBoolean(Directive directive, String argName, Map> assignments) {
Boolean result = toBoolean(resolveValue(getValue(directive.getArgument(argName)), assignments));
return result;
public static void indexField(TreeDataMap, Field> tree, Path path, Field field) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
Path fieldPath = path.resolve(fieldName);
tree.putItem(fieldPath, Path::getParent);
tree.put(fieldPath, field);
SelectionSet selectionSet = field.getSelectionSet();
indexFields(tree, fieldPath, selectionSet);
/** Resolves variable references once against the given map of assignments. Null if there is no assignment. */
public static Value> resolveValue(Value> value, Map> assignments) {
Value> result;
if (value instanceof VariableReference ref) {
String varName = ref.getName();
result = assignments.get(varName);
} else {
result = value;
return result;
public static Map> mapToGraphQl(Map assignments) {
Map> result = assignments == null
? null
: assignments.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
Entry::getKey, v -> (Value>)GraphQlUtils.toScalarValue(NodeValue.makeNode(v.getValue()))));
return result;
public static Map mapToJena(Map> assignments) {
Map result = assignments == null
? null
: assignments.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
Entry::getKey, v -> GraphQlUtils.toNodeValue(v.getValue()).asNode()));
return result;
public static Document applyTransform(Document doc, NodeVisitorStub visitor) {
AstTransformer transformer = new AstTransformer();
Node> node = transformer.transform(doc, visitor);
Document result = (Document)node;
return result;
public static Directive expectAtMostOneDirective(DirectivesContainer> container, String name) {
List directives = container.getDirectives(name);
if (directives.size() > 1) {
// TODO log error and return last
System.err.println("Only one directive expected: " + name);
return directives.isEmpty() ? null : directives.get(0);
// public static Object transform(Node root, NodeVisitor enterVisitor, NodeVisitor leaveVisitor) {
// assertNotNull(root);
// assertNotNull(enterVisitor);
// assertNotNull(leaveVisitor);
// TraverserVisitor traverserVisitor = new TraverserVisitor() {
// @Override
// public TraversalControl enter(TraverserContext context) {
// return context.thisNode().accept(context, enterVisitor);
// }
// @Override
// public TraversalControl leave(TraverserContext context) {
// return context.thisNode().accept(context, leaveVisitor);
// }
// };
// // TraverserVisitor traverserVisitor = AstTransformer.getNodeTraverserVisitor(nodeVisitor);
// TreeTransformer treeTransformer = new TreeTransformer<>(AST_NODE_ADAPTER);
// return treeTransformer.transform(root, traverserVisitor);
// }
// public static Directive expectOneDirective(DirectivesContainer> container, String name) {
// Directive result = expectAtMostOneDirective(container, name);
// if (result == null) {
// thro
// }
// }
public static ArrayValue toArrayValue(List strs) {
return ArrayValue.newArrayValue().values(strs.stream().map(x -> (Value)StringValue.of(x)).toList()).build();
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