sp2.bin-ext.rdf2schema.pl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
use strict;
### check cmd line args
if ($#ARGV!=1) {
&abort("Main","Wrong number of arguments; "
. "expecting --mysql/--oracle/--monet and file");
} elsif (!($ARGV[0] eq "--mysql"
|| $ARGV[0] eq "--oracle"
|| $ARGV[0] eq "--monet")) {
&abort("Main","Illegal first argument; expected --mysql/--oracle/--monet");
### global variables
my $last_refblank_id;
my $last_refblank;
############# STEP 0: process cmd line and prepare
my $db_type;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--mysql") {
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--oracle") {
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--monet") {
my $infile=$ARGV[1];
my $outfile="./out.sql"; # fixed
&abort("Main","Input file '$infile' could not be opened.")
if (!open(IN,"<$infile"));
&abort("Main","Output file '$outfile' could not be opened.")
if (!open(OUT,">$outfile"));
########### STEP 1: create tables
my $shortstring;
my $mediumstring;
my $largestring;
my $integer;
if ($db_type==$TYPE_MYSQL) {
} elsif ($db_type==$TYPE_ORACLE) {
} elsif ($db_type==$TYPE_MONET) {
} else {
&abort("Main","Undefined SQL database type");
### here we store delayed editors
# (sometimes editors are written before the corresponding person is defined;
# in this case, we have to insert them right at the end of processing)
my @delay;
my %venue_types=(
"journal" => 0,
"proceedings" => 1);
my %publication_types=(
"article" => 0,
"inproceedings" => 1,
"book" => 2,
"incollection" => 3,
"www" => 4,
"phdthesis" => 5,
"mastersthesis" => 6);
### Doc table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $tbl_doc="Document";
my %doc_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"address" => $shortstring,
"booktitle" => $shortstring,
"isbn" => $shortstring,
"issued" => $integer,
"mnth" => $integer,
"note" => $mediumstring,
"nr" => $integer,
"publisher" => $shortstring,
"series" => $shortstring,
"stringid" => $shortstring,
"title" => $mediumstring,
"volume" => $integer);
my $doc_attributes_pkey="ID";
my %doc_multi_attributes=(
"homepage" => $mediumstring,
"seeAlso" => $mediumstring);
my @doc_fk=();
### Venue type table
my $tbl_venue_type="VenueType";
my %venue_type_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"name" => $shortstring);
my $venue_type_attributes_pkey="ID";
### Venue table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $tbl_venue="Venue";
my %venue_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"fk_document" => $integer,
"fk_venue_type" => $integer);
my $venue_attributes_pkey="ID";
my %venue_multi_attributes=();
my %venue_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_doc,
"fk_document" => "ID");
my %venue_fk2=(
"DEST" => $tbl_venue_type,
"fk_venue_type" => "ID");
my @venue_fk=(\%venue_fk1,\%venue_fk2);
### Publication type table
my $tbl_publication_type="PublicationType";
my %publication_type_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"name" => $shortstring);
my $publication_type_attributes_pkey="ID";
### Publication table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $tbl_publication="Publication";
my %publication_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"chapter" => $integer,
"fk_document" => $integer,
"fk_publication_type" => $integer,
"fk_venue" => $integer,
"pages" => $integer);
my $publication_attributes_pkey="ID";
my %publication_multi_attributes=(
"cdrom" => $mediumstring
my %publication_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_doc,
"fk_document" => "ID");
my %publication_fk2=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication_type,
"fk_publication_type" => "ID");
my %publication_fk3=(
"DEST" => $tbl_venue,
"fk_venue" => "ID");
my @publication_fk=(\%publication_fk1,\%publication_fk2,
### Peron table
my $tbl_person="Person";
my %person_attributes=(
"ID" => $integer,
"name" => $shortstring,
"stringid" => $shortstring);
my $person_attributes_pkey="ID";
### References table
my $tbl_references="Reference";
my %references_attributes=(
"fk_from" => $integer,
"fk_to" => $integer);
my $references_attributes_pkey=0; # external primary key
my %references_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication,
"fk_from" => "ID");
my %references_fk2=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication,
"fk_to" => "ID");
my @references_fk=(\%references_fk1,\%references_fk2);
### Abstract table
my $tbl_abstract="Abstract";
my %abstract_attributes=(
"fk_publication" => $integer,
"txt" => $largestring);
my $abstract_attributes_pkey="fk_publication";
my %abstract_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication,
"fk_publication" => "ID");
my @abstract_fk=(\%abstract_fk1);
### Author table
my $tbl_author="Author";
my %author_attributes=(
"fk_person" => $integer,
"fk_publication" => $integer);
my $author_attributes_pkey="fk_person,fk_publication";
my %author_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_person,
"fk_person" => "ID");
my %author_fk2=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication,
"fk_publication" => "ID");
my @author_fk=(\%author_fk1,\%author_fk2);
### Editor table
my $tbl_editor="Editor";
my %editor_attributes=(
"fk_document" => $integer,
"fk_person" => $integer);
my $editor_attributes_pkey="fk_person,fk_document";
my %editor_fk1=(
"DEST" => $tbl_person,
"fk_person" => "ID");
my %editor_fk2=(
"DEST" => $tbl_doc,
"fk_document" => "ID");
my @editor_fk=(\%editor_fk1,\%editor_fk2);
###### Table creation
### Document table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $sql_document=
my $sql_repeat_document=
### Publication table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $sql_publication=
my $sql_repeat_publication=
### Publication type table
my $sql_publication_type=
### Venue table (and corresponding multi attribute tables)
my $sql_venue=
my $sql_repeat_venue=
### Venue type table
my $sql_venue_type=
### Peron table
my $sql_person=
### References table
my $sql_references=
### Abstract table
my $sql_abstract=
### Author table
my $sql_author=
### Editor table
my $sql_editor=
### Fixed inserts
my $sql_venue_journal="INSERT INTO $tbl_venue_type VALUES "
. "(" . $venue_types{"journal"} . ",'Journal');";
my $sql_venue_proceeding="INSERT INTO $tbl_venue_type VALUES "
. "(" . $venue_types{"proceedings"} . ",'Proceedings');";
my $sql_publication_article="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"article"} . ",'Article');";
my $sql_publication_inproceeding="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"inproceedings"} . ",'Inproceedings');";
my $sql_publication_book="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"book"} . ",'Book');";
my $sql_publication_incollection="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"incollection"} . ",'Incollection');";
my $sql_publication_www="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"www"} . ",'Www');";
my $sql_publication_phd="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"phdthesis"} . ",'PhDThesis');";
my $sql_publication_masters="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication_type VALUES "
. "(" . $publication_types{"mastersthesis"} . ",'MastersThesis');";
### write tables (order matters)
print OUT "START TRANSACTION;\n" if ($db_type==$TYPE_MONET);
print OUT "$sql_document\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_type\n";
print OUT "$sql_venue_type\n";
print OUT "$sql_venue\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication\n";
print OUT "$sql_person\n";
print OUT "$sql_references\n";
print OUT "$sql_abstract\n";
print OUT "$sql_author\n";
print OUT "$sql_editor\n";
print OUT "$sql_repeat_document\n";
print OUT "$sql_repeat_publication\n";
print OUT "$sql_repeat_venue\n";
print OUT "\n";
### write default inserts
print OUT "$sql_venue_journal\n";
print OUT "$sql_venue_proceeding\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_article\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_inproceeding\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_book\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_incollection\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_www\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_phd\n";
print OUT "$sql_publication_masters\n";
print OUT "\n";
########### STEP 2: parse input file
### prefixes (for more efficient internal storage)
my %std_prefixes=(
"journal" => "http://localhost/publications/journals/",
"article" => "http://localhost/publications/articles/",
"incollection" => "http://localhost/publications/incolls/",
"inproceedings" => "http://localhost/publications/inprocs/",
"proceedings" => "http://localhost/publications/procs/",
"book" => "http://localhost/publications/books/",
"www" => "http://localhost/publications/wwws/",
"mastersthesis" => "http://localhost/publications/masters/",
"phdthesis" => "http://localhost/publications/phds/",
"misc" => "http://localhost/misc/");
&log("Main","Manually added standard prefixes");
### set up environment (for IDs), initially empty
my %publication_env=("ID_CTR" => 0);
my %venue_env=("ID_CTR" => 0);
my %doc_env=("ID_CTR" => 0);
my %blank_env=("ID_CTR" => 0);
my %venue_to_doc;
my %publication_to_doc;
### parse prefix section
my %prefixes=%std_prefixes; # will be extended
&log("Main","Parsing input file '$infile' now");
my $cnt=0;
my $initial=1;
while (my $line=) {
### process prefix sextion
if ($initial) {
if ($line!~/^\@prefix/) {
} else {
my @prefix=split(/ +/,$line);
my $short=$prefix[1];
my $long=$prefix[2];
$long=~s//; $long=~s/>//;
&log("Main","Extracted prefix '$short' -> '$long'");
### process data section
if (!$initial) {
my $result=&parseLine($line,\%prefixes);
my ($subject,$predicate,$object)=@$result;
#&log("Main","Processing the following tuple");
#&log("Main","subject=" . &toRDF($subject),1);
#&log("Main","predicate=" . &toRDF($predicate),1);
#&log("Main","object=" . &toRDF($object),1);
# ignore triples with "bench:..." subject
if ($subject->{"type"} eq "U" && $subject->{"prefix"} eq "bench") {
&log("Main","Ignoring " . $subject->{"value"} . " typing (not required)");
} elsif ($subject->{"type"} eq "U" && $subject->{"prefix"} eq "Misc") {
&log("Main","Ignoring UnknownDocument typing (not required)");
} else {
# if subject is fresh URI (never been used before)
my $id=&lookup($subject,\%publication_env,\%venue_env,
if (defined($id)) {
print OUT &createUpdateSQL($id,$subject,$predicate,$object,
\%publication_to_doc) . "\n";
} else {
# ... then this should be an rdf:type declaration
if ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "rdf" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "type" &&
!($object->{"prefix"} eq "rdf" &&
$object->{"value"} eq "Bag")) {
if ($subject->{"prefix"} eq "misc" &&
$subject->{"value"} eq "UnknownDocument") {
&log("Main","Ignoring UnknownDocument");
} else {
# we insert this node in the environment
my $id=&insert($subject,$object,\%publication_env,
print OUT &createInsertSQL($id,$subject,$predicate,$object,
\%publication_to_doc) . "\n";
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "rdf" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "type" &&
$object->{"prefix"} eq "rdf" &&
$object->{"value"} eq "Bag") {
# ignore this triple
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "rdf" &&
$predicate->{"value"}=~/^_[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
print OUT &createReferenceSQL($subject,$predicate,$object,
\%publication_env) . "\n";
} else {
&abort("Main","Expected type declaration for fresh URI");
&log("Main","$cnt triples processed") if ($cnt%10000==0);
&log("Main","Processing $#delay delayed editors");
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#delay;$i++) {
if ($delay[$i]=~/^INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES \((.*),(.*)\);$/) {
my $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ("
. $1 . "," . $blank_env{$2} . ");";
print OUT "$sql\n";
} else {
&abort("Main","Wrong format for delayed editor");
sub createExitSQL {
my $db_type=shift;
my $sql="";
if ($db_type==$TYPE_ORACLE) {
} elsif ($db_type==$TYPE_MONET) {
return $sql;
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_editor,\%editor_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_editor,\%editor_fk2);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_author,\%author_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_author,\%author_fk2);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_abstract,\%abstract_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_references,\%references_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_references,\%references_fk2);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_publication,\%publication_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_publication,\%publication_fk2);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_publication,\%publication_fk3);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_venue,\%venue_fk1);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL($tbl_venue,\%venue_fk2);
my %document_fk=(
"DEST" => $tbl_doc,
"fk_document" => "ID");
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL("Document_homepage",\%document_fk);
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL("Document_seeAlso",\%document_fk);
my %publication_fk=(
"DEST" => $tbl_publication,
"fk_publication" => "ID");
print OUT &createAlterTableSQL("Publication_cdrom",\%publication_fk);
my $exit_sql=&createExitSQL($db_type);
print OUT "$exit_sql";
########### Function library
sub createTableSQL {
my $table_name=shift;
my $fields=shift;
my $pkey=shift;
my $fkeys=shift;
my $sql="CREATE TABLE $table_name (";
my $i=0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$fields) {
$sql.="," if ($i++>0);
$sql.="$key " . $fields->{$key};
$sql.=",PRIMARY KEY($pkey)" if ($pkey);
# if (defined($fkeys)) {
# my @fkey_arr=@$fkeys;
# for (my $i=0;$i<=$#fkey_arr;$i++) {
# $sql.="," . &foreignKeySQL($fkey_arr[$i]);
# }
# }
return $sql;
sub createAlterTableSQL {
my $table_name=shift;
my $fkey=shift;
return "ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD " , &foreignKeySQL($fkey) . ";\n";
sub foreignKeySQL {
my $fk=shift;
my $dest="";
my $from="";
my $to="";
my $ctr=0;
foreach my $key (keys %$fk) {
if ($key eq "DEST") {
} else {
if ($ctr++>0) {
&abort("foreignKeySQL","Foreign Key creation failed!")
if ($dest eq "" || $from eq "" || $to eq "");
# build result string
return "FOREIGN KEY ($from) REFERENCES $dest($to)";
sub createRepeatTables {
my $base_table=shift;
my $base_key=shift;
my $base_key_datatype=shift;
my $fields=shift;
my $sql;
my $ctr=0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$fields) {
$sql.="\n" if ($ctr++>0);
$sql.="CREATE TABLE $base_table" . "_$key ";
$sql.="($base_key $base_key_datatype,$key $fields->{$key},";
$sql.="PRIMARY KEY($base_key,$key));";
return $sql;
sub parseLine {
my $line=shift;
my $prefixes=shift;
my @triple=split(/ +/,$line);
my %subject=&parseElement($triple[0],$prefixes);
my %predicate=&parseElement($triple[1],$prefixes);
my $tail;
for (my $i=2;$i<=$#triple;$i++) {
$tail.=" " if ($i>2);
my %object=&parseElement($tail,$prefixes);
my @result=(\%subject,\%predicate,\%object);
return \@result;
sub parseElement {
my $element=shift;
my $prefixes=shift;
my %elem;
################################################## parsing
# (1) special case: UnknownDocument
if ($element eq "") {
# (2) URI of the form
} elsif ($element=~/^<(.*)>$/) {
my $match=0;
foreach my $key (keys %$prefixes) {
my $cur_prefix=$prefixes->{$key};
if ($element=~/^<$cur_prefix(.*)>$/) {
if ($match!=1) {
&abort("parseElement","'$element' matches $match prefixes");
# (3) Literal of the form "some text"^^xsd::datatype
} elsif ($element=~/^"(.*)"\^\^xsd:(.*)$/) {
# (4) URI of the form prefix:value or blank node
} else {
my @spl=split(/:/,$element);
if ($spl[0] eq "_") {
} else {
# some consistency checks
# (a) type must be defined
&abort("parseElement","No type defined") if (!defined($elem{"type"}));
# (b) if prefix defined, it must be listed
&abort("parseElement","Undefined prefix '" . $elem{"prefix"} . "'")
if (!($elem{"prefix"} eq "") && !defined($prefixes->{$elem{"prefix"}}));
# (c) URI must have prefix and value defined, but no datatype
if ($elem{"type"} eq "U") {
&abort("parseElement","URI without prefix/value detected")
if ($elem{"prefix"} eq "" || $elem{"value"} eq "");
&abort("parseElement","URI with datatype detected")
if (defined($elem{"datatype"}));
# (d) Blank node must not value defined, but neither prefix nor datatype
if ($elem{"type"} eq "B") {
&abort("parseElement","Blank node without value detected")
if ($elem{"value"} eq "");
&abort("parseElement","Blank node with datatype/prefix detected")
if (defined($elem{"prefix"}) || defined($elem{"datatype"}));
# (e) Literal must have datatype defined, but no prefix
if ($elem{"type"} eq "L") {
&abort("parseElement","Literal without data type detected")
if ($elem{"datatype"} eq "");
&abort("parseElement","Literal with prefix detected")
if (defined($elem{"prefix"}));
# OK, all fine... so return the element
return %elem;
sub abort {
my $caller=shift;
my $message=shift;
print STDOUT "[$caller] ERROR: $message!\nABORTING!\n";
sub log {
my $caller=shift;
my $message=shift;
my $indent=shift;
if ($indent) {
print STDOUT "\t$message.\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "[$caller] $message.\n";
sub toRDF {
my $element=shift;
my $elem;
if ($element->{"type"} eq "U") {
$elem=$element->{"prefix"} . ":" . $element->{"value"};
} elsif ($element->{"type"} eq "B") {
$elem="_:" . $element->{"value"};
} elsif ($element->{"type"} eq "L") {
$elem="\"" . $element->{"value"} . "\"^^xsd:"
. $element->{"datatype"};
return $elem;
sub lookup {
my $elem=shift;
my $publication_env=shift;
my $venue_env=shift;
my $blank_env=shift;
my $doc_env=shift;
my $publication_types=shift;
my $venue_types=shift;
if ($elem->{"type"} eq "B" ||
($elem->{"prefix"} eq "person" && $elem->{"value"} eq "Paul_Erdoes")) {
return $blank_env->{$elem->{"value"}};
} elsif ($elem->{"type"} eq "U") {
if (defined($venue_types->{$elem->{"prefix"}})) {
return $venue_env->{$elem->{"value"}};
} elsif (defined($publication_types->{$elem->{"prefix"}})) {
return $publication_env->{$elem->{"value"}};
} elsif ($elem->{"prefix"} eq "misc" &&
$elem->{"value"} eq "UnknownDocument") {
&log("lookup","Ignoring UnknownDocument");
return undef;
&abort("lookup","Unexpected element " . &toRDF($elem)); #failure
sub insert {
my $subject=shift;
my $object=shift;
my $publication_env=shift;
my $venue_env=shift;
my $blank_env=shift;
my $doc_env=shift;
my $publication_types=shift;
my $venue_types=shift;
my $venue_to_doc=shift;
my $publication_to_doc=shift;
if (!($object->{"type"} eq "U")) {
&abort("insert","Unexpected object type " . $object->{"type"});
if ($subject->{"type"} eq "B" || $subject->{"prefix"} eq "person") {
# this is a person
if ($object->{"prefix"} eq "foaf" && $object->{"value"} eq "Person") {
return $blank_env->{$subject->{"value"}};
} else {
&abort("insert","Blank node must be a person");
} elsif ($subject->{"type"} eq "U") {
# consistency check
if (!($subject->{"prefix"} eq lc($object->{"value"}) &&
$object->{"prefix"} eq "bench")) {
&log("insert",&toRDF($subject) . " --- " . &toRDF($object) . "\n");
&abort("insert","Subject prefix and object value must coincide");
# lookup fresh id in environment and insert
if (defined($venue_types->{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
my $venue_id=$venue_env->{$subject->{"value"}};
my $doc_id=$doc_env->{$subject->{"value"}};
# add mapping to venue_to_doc hash
return $venue_id;
} elsif (defined($publication_types->{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
my $publication_id=$publication_env->{$subject->{"value"}};
my $doc_id=$doc_env->{$subject->{"value"}};
# add mapping to venue_to_doc hash
return $publication_id;
&abort("insert","Insertion failed");
sub createInsertSQL {
my $id=shift;
my $subject=shift;
my $predicate=shift;
my $object=shift;
my $venue_to_doc=shift;
my $publication_to_doc=shift;
my $sql;
if ($subject->{"type"} eq "B" ||
($subject->{"type"} eq "U" && $subject->{"prefix"} eq "person")) {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_person VALUES ($id,NULL,'"
. $subject->{"value"} . "');";
} elsif (defined($venue_types{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
my $docid=$venue_to_doc->{$id};
$sql.="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc VALUES ($docid,"
. $subject->{"value"} . "',NULL,NULL);\n";
$sql.="INSERT INTO $tbl_venue VALUES ($id,$docid,"
. $venue_types{$subject->{"prefix"}} . ");";
} elsif (defined($publication_types{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
my $docid=$publication_to_doc->{$id};
$sql.="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc VALUES ($docid,"
. $subject->{"value"} . "',NULL,NULL);\n";
$sql.="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication VALUES ($id,NULL,$docid,"
. $publication_types{$subject->{"prefix"}} . ",NULL,NULL);";
} else {
&abort("createInsertSQL","Undefined type '" . $subject->{"prefix"} . "'");
return $sql;
sub createUpdateSQL {
my $id=shift;
my $subject=shift;
my $predicate=shift;
my $object=shift;
my $publication_env=shift;
my $venue_env=shift;
my $blank_env=shift;
my $publication_types=shift;
my $venue_types=shift;
my $line_nr=shift;
my $venue_to_doc=shift;
my $publication_to_doc=shift;
my $sql;
if ($subject->{"type"} eq "B" ||
($subject->{"type"} eq "U" && $subject->{"prefix"} eq "person")) {
### update name table
if ($predicate->{"type"} eq "U" &&
$predicate->{"prefix"} eq "foaf" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "name") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_person SET name='" . $object->{"value"}
. "' WHERE ID=$id;";
} else {
&log("createUpdateSQL","WARNING: duplicate definition of "
. &toRDF($subject));
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Unhandled blank predicate");
} elsif (defined($venue_types{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
# get corresponding parent id
my $docid=$venue_to_doc->{$id};
if ($predicate->{"type"} eq "U") {
###################################### Common fields
###################################### (single)
### swrc:address
if ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "address") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET address='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:note
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "note") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET note='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:number
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "number") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET nr="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dc:title
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "title") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET title='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc: volume
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "volume") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET volume="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dcterms:issued
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dcterms" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "issued") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET issued="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### bench:booktitle
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "bench" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "booktitle") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET booktitle='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:isbn
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "isbn") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET isbn='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dc:publisher
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "publisher") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET publisher='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:series
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "series") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET series="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:month
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "month") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET mnth="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
###################################### Common fields
###################################### (multi)
### foaf:homepage
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "foaf" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "homepage") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc" . "_homepage VALUES ("
. "$docid,'" . $object->{"value"} . "');";
### rdfs:seeAlso
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "rdfs" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "seeAlso") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc" . "_seeAlso VALUES ("
. "$docid,'" . $object->{"value"} . "');";
###################################### Persons
### swrc:editor
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "editor") {
if ($object->{"prefix"} eq "person" &&
$object->{"value"} eq "Paul_Erdoes") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ("
. $docid . ",0);"; # Paul Erdoes has ID 0
} elsif (defined($blank_env->{$object->{"value"}})) {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ("
. $docid . ","
. $blank_env->{$object->{"value"}} . ");";
} else {
push(@delay,"INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ($docid,"
. $object->{"value"} . ");");
} else {
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Unhandled venue triple type "
. &toRDF($subject) . " - " . &toRDF($predicate)
. " - " . &toRDF($object));
} else {
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Non-URI predicate detected");
} elsif (defined($publication_types{$subject->{"prefix"}})) {
# get corresponding parent id
my $docid=$publication_to_doc->{$id};
if ($predicate->{"type"} eq "U") {
###################################### Common fields
###################################### (single)
### swrc:address
if ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "address") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET address='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:note
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "note") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET note='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:number
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "number") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET nr="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dc:title
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "title") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET title='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc: volume
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "volume") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET volume="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dcterms:issued
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dcterms" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "issued") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET issued="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### bench:booktitle
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "bench" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "booktitle") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET booktitle='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:isbn
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "isbn") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET isbn='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### dc:publisher
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "publisher") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET publisher='"
. $object->{"value"} . "' WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:series
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "series") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET series="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
### swrc:month
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "month") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_doc SET mnth="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$docid;";
###################################### Common fields
###################################### (multi)
### foaf:homepage
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "foaf" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "homepage") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc" . "_homepage VALUES ("
. "$docid,'" . $object->{"value"} . "');";
### rdfs:seeAlso
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "rdfs" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "seeAlso") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_doc" . "_seeAlso VALUES ("
. "$docid,'" . $object->{"value"} . "');";
###################################### Individual fields
###################################### (single)
### swrc:pages
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "pages") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_publication SET pages="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$id;";
### swrc:chapter
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "chapter") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_publication SET chapter="
. $object->{"value"} . " WHERE ID=$id;";
### swrc:journal
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "journal") {
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_publication SET fk_venue="
. $venue_env->{$object->{"value"}}
. " WHERE ID=$id;";
### dcterms:partOf
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dcterms" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "partOf") {
# this is exactly the same as swrc:journal
# (but links inproceedings to proceedins
# instead of articles to journals)
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_publication SET fk_venue="
. $venue_env->{$object->{"value"}}
. " WHERE ID=$id;";
###################################### Individual fields
###################################### (single)
### bench:cdrom
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "bench" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "cdrom") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_publication" . "_cdrom VALUES "
. "($id,'" . $object->{"value"} . "');";
###################################### Persons,
###################################### References,
###################################### Abstract
### dc:creator
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "creator") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_author VALUES ("
. $blank_env->{$object->{"value"}} . ",$id);";
###################################### Persons
### swrc:editor
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "swrc" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "editor") {
if ($object->{"prefix"} eq "person" &&
$object->{"value"} eq "Paul_Erdoes") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ("
. $docid . ",0);"; # Paul Erdoes has ID 0
} elsif (defined($blank_env->{$object->{"value"}})) {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ("
. $docid . ","
. $blank_env->{$object->{"value"}} . ");";
} else {
push(@delay,"INSERT INTO $tbl_editor VALUES ($docid,"
. $object->{"value"} . ");");
### dcterms:references
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "dcterms" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "references") {
### bench:abstract
} elsif ($predicate->{"prefix"} eq "bench" &&
$predicate->{"value"} eq "abstract") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_abstract VALUES ($id,'"
. $object->{"value"} . "');";
} else {
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Unhandled publication triple type "
. &toRDF($subject) . " - " . &toRDF($predicate)
. " - " . &toRDF($object));
} else {
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Non-URI predicate detected");
} else {
&abort("createUpdateSQL","Undefined type '" . $subject->{"prefix"} . "'");
return $sql;
sub createReferenceSQL {
my $subject=shift;
my $predicate=shift;
my $object=shift;
my $publication_types=shift;
my $publication_env=shift;
my $sql;
### consistency check
if (&toRDF($subject) eq $last_refblank) {
if ($object->{"value"} eq "UnknownDocument") {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_references VALUES ("
. "$last_refblank_id,NULL);";
} else {
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_references VALUES ("
. "$last_refblank_id,";
if (defined($publication_types->{$object->{"prefix"}})) {
} else {
&abort("createReferenceSQL","Reference to non-publication-type");
} else {
&abort("createReferenceSQL","Inconstistent reference");
return $sql;
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