sp2.sp2.sparqlify Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Sparqlify configuration for the SP2 Benchmark
* Changelog:
* 0.1 (current) Initial version
* @author Jörg Unbehauen
Prefix spy:
Prefix rdf:
Prefix rdfs:
Prefix foaf:
Prefix dc:
Prefix dcterms:
Prefix xsd:
Prefix rev:
Prefix swrc:
Prefix bench:
Create View view_article As
Construct {
?doc dc:title ?title .
?doc bench:abstract ?abstract .
?doc bench:booktitle ?booktitle .
?doc dc:publisher ?publisher.
?doc bench:cdrom ?cdrom .
?doc rdfs:seeAlso ?sa .
?doc swrc:month ?month .
?doc swrc:note ?note .
?doc swrc:pages ?pages .
?doc foaf:homepage ?hp .
?doc swrc:journal ?journal .
?doc rdf:type bench:Article .
?doc rdf:type foaf:Document .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/articles/", ?stringid))
?title = typedLiteral(?title, xsd:string)
?publisher = typedLiteral(?publisher, xsd:string)
?booktitle = typedLiteral(?booktitle, xsd:string)
?abstract = typedLiteral(?abstract, xsd:string)
?cdrom = typedLiteral(?cdrom, xsd:string)
?sa = typedLiteral(?seealso, xsd:string)
?month = typedLiteral(?mnth, xsd:integer)
?note = typedLiteral(?note, xsd:string)
?pages = typedLiteral(?pages, xsd:integer)
?hp = typedLiteral(?homepage, xsd:string)
?journal = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/journals/", ?venuedocstringid))
From v_pub_article
Create View view_inprocs As
Construct {
?doc dc:title ?title .
?doc bench:abstract ?abstract .
?doc bench:booktitle ?booktitle.
?doc bench:cdrom ?cdrom .
?doc rdfs:seeAlso ?sa .
?doc dcterms:issued ?issued .
?doc swrc:pages ?pages .
?doc foaf:homepage ?hp .
?doc dcterms:partOf ?proceed .
?doc rdf:type bench:Inproceedings .
?doc rdf:type foaf:Document .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/inprocs/", ?stringid))
?abstract = typedLiteral(?abstract, xsd:string)
?booktitle = typedLiteral(?booktitle, xsd:string)
?title = typedLiteral(?title, xsd:string)
?cdrom = typedLiteral(?cdrom, xsd:string)
?sa = typedLiteral(?seealso, xsd:string)
?issued = typedLiteral(?issued, xsd:integer)
?pages = typedLiteral(?pages, xsd:integer)
?hp = typedLiteral(?homepage, xsd:string)
// ?booktitle = typedLiteral(?booktitle, xsd:string)
?proceed = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/procs/", ?venuedocstringid))
From v_pub_inproc
Create View view_incolls As
Construct {
?doc dc:title ?title .
?doc rdfs:seeAlso ?sa .
?doc bench:booktitle ?booktitle .
?doc swrc:pages ?pages .
?doc foaf:homepage ?hp .
?doc rdf:type bench:Incollection .
?doc bench:cdrom ?cdrom .
?doc dcterms:issued ?issued .
?doc dc:publisher ?publisher.
?doc rdf:type foaf:Document .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/incolls/", ?stringid))
?publisher = typedLiteral(?publisher, xsd:string)
?title = typedLiteral(?title, xsd:string)
?booktitle = typedLiteral(?booktitle, xsd:string)
?pages = typedLiteral(?pages, xsd:integer)
?hp = typedLiteral(?homepage, xsd:string)
?issued = typedLiteral(?issued, xsd:integer)
?sa = typedLiteral(?seealso, xsd:string)
?cdrom = typedLiteral(?cdrom, xsd:string)
From v_pub_incoll
Create View view_journal As
Construct {
?doc dc:title ?title .
?doc swrc:number ?nr .
?doc swrc:volume ?volume .
?doc dcterms:issued ?issued .
?doc rdf:type bench:Journal .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/journals/", ?stringid))
?title = typedLiteral(?title, xsd:string)
?nr = typedLiteral(?nr, xsd:integer)
?volume = typedLiteral(?volume, xsd:integer)
?issued = typedLiteral(?issued, xsd:integer)
From v_venue_journal
Create View view_proceedings As
Construct {
?doc dc:title ?title .
?doc bench:booktitle ?booktitle .
?doc swrc:number ?nr .
?doc foaf:homepage ?hp .
?doc dc:publisher ?publisher .
?doc swrc:isbn ?isbn .
?doc swrc:volume ?volume .
?doc dcterms:issued ?issued .
?doc swrc:series ?series .
?doc rdf:type bench:Proceedings .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/procs/", ?stringid))
?title = typedLiteral(?title, xsd:string)
?booktitle = typedLiteral(?booktitle, xsd:string)
?nr = typedLiteral(?nr, xsd:integer)
?volume = typedLiteral(?volume, xsd:integer)
?issued = typedLiteral(?issued, xsd:integer)
?series = typedLiteral(?series, xsd:integer)
?publisher = typedLiteral(?publisher, xsd:string)
?isbn = typedLiteral(?isbn, xsd:string)
?hp = typedLiteral(?homepage, xsd:string)
From v_venue_proceedings
Create View view_person As
Construct {
?person foaf:name ?name .
?person rdf:type foaf:person.
} With
?person = uri(concat("http://localhost/persons/", ?stringid))
?name = typedLiteral(?name, xsd:string)
From v_person
Create View view_author As
Construct {
?doc dc:creator ?person .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/",?resourcepart,"/", ?stringid))
?person = uri(concat("http://localhost/persons/", ?stringid))
From v_author
Create View view_editor As
Construct {
?doc swrc:editor ?person .
} With
?doc = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/",?resourcepart,"/", ?stringid))
?person = uri(concat("http://localhost/persons/", ?stringid))
From v_author
Create View view_reference As
Construct {
?doc1 dcterms:references ?bag .
?bag ?bagno ?doc2 .
?bag rdf:type rdf:Bag.
} With
?doc1 = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/",?from_resourcepart,"/", ?from_stringid))
?doc2 = uri(concat("http://localhost/publications/",?to_resourcepart,"/", ?to_stringid))
?bagno = uri(concat("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_", ?refno))
?bag = uri(concat("http://localhost/referencelist/",?from_resourcepart,"/", ?from_stringid))
From v_reference
Create View view_constants As
Construct {
bench:Journal rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Proceedings rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Inproceedings rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Article rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Www rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:MastersThesis rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:PhDThesis rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Incollection rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
bench:Book rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Document.
} from publication
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