org.alephium.protocol.vm.VM.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright 2018 The Alephium Authors
// This file is part of the alephium project.
// The library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the library. If not, see .
package org.alephium.protocol.vm
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.util.ByteString
import org.alephium.protocol.config.{GroupConfig, NetworkConfig}
import org.alephium.protocol.model._
import org.alephium.util.{AVector, EitherF, OptionF, U256}
sealed abstract class VM[Ctx <: StatelessContext](
ctx: Ctx,
frameStack: Stack[Frame[Ctx]],
operandStack: Stack[Val]
) {
def execute(obj: ContractObj[Ctx], methodIndex: Int, args: AVector[Val]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
execute(obj, methodIndex, args, None)
def executeWithOutputs(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
methodIndex: Int,
args: AVector[Val]
): ExeResult[AVector[Val]] = {
var outputs: AVector[Val] = AVector.ofCapacity(0)
val returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit] = returns => { outputs = returns; Right(()) }
execute(obj, methodIndex, args, Some(returnTo)).map(_ => outputs)
def startNonPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
ctx: Ctx,
method: Method[Ctx],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[Ctx]]
def startPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
ctx: Ctx,
balanceState: MutBalanceState,
method: Method[Ctx],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[Ctx]]
protected def startPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
ctx: Ctx,
method: Method[Ctx],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[Ctx]] = {
ctx.getInitialBalances().flatMap { balances =>
def startFrame(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
ctx: Ctx,
methodIndex: Int,
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnToOpt: Option[AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]]
): ExeResult[Frame[Ctx]] = {
for {
method <- obj.getMethod(methodIndex)
_ <- if (method.isPublic) okay else failed(ExternalPrivateMethodCall)
frame <- {
val returnTo = returnToOpt.getOrElse(VM.noReturnTo)
if (method.usePreapprovedAssets) {
startPayableFrame(obj, ctx, method, args, operandStack, returnTo)
} else {
startNonPayableFrame(obj, ctx, method, args, operandStack, returnTo)
} yield frame
private def execute(
obj: ContractObj[Ctx],
methodIndex: Int,
args: AVector[Val],
returnToOpt: Option[AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]]
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
for {
startFrame <- startFrame(obj, ctx, methodIndex, args, operandStack, returnToOpt)
_ <- frameStack.push(startFrame)
_ <- executeFrames()
} yield ()
private def executeFrames(): ExeResult[Unit] = { match {
case Some(topFrame) =>
executeCurrentFrame(topFrame) match {
case Right(_) => executeFrames()
case error => error
case None => Right(())
private def executeCurrentFrame(currentFrame: Frame[Ctx]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
for {
newFrameOpt <- currentFrame.execute()
_ <- newFrameOpt match {
case Some(frame) => frameStack.push(frame)
case None => postFrame(currentFrame)
} yield ()
private def postFrame(currentFrame: Frame[Ctx]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
for {
_ <- frameStack.pop()
_ <- match {
case Some(previousFrame) => switchBackFrame(currentFrame, previousFrame)
case None => completeLastFrame(currentFrame)
} yield ()
protected def switchBackFrame(currentFrame: Frame[Ctx], nextFrame: Frame[Ctx]): ExeResult[Unit]
protected def completeLastFrame(lastFrame: Frame[Ctx]): ExeResult[Unit]
object VM {
val noReturnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit] = returns =>
if (returns.nonEmpty) failed(NonEmptyReturnForMainFunction) else okay
def checkCodeSize(
initialGas: GasBox,
codeBytes: ByteString,
hardFork: HardFork
): ExeResult[GasBox] = {
val maximalCodeSize = {
if (hardFork.isRhoneEnabled()) { maximalCodeSizeRhone }
else if (hardFork.isLemanEnabled()) { maximalCodeSizeLeman }
else { maximalCodeSizePreLeman }
if (codeBytes.length > maximalCodeSize) {
failed(CodeSizeTooLarge(codeBytes.length, maximalCodeSize))
} else {
def checkFieldSize(initialGas: GasBox, fields: Iterable[Val]): ExeResult[GasBox] = {
val estimatedSize = fields.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.estimateByteSize())
if (estimatedSize >= maximalFieldSize) {
} else {
def checkContractAttoAlphAmounts(
outputs: Iterable[TxOutput],
hardFork: HardFork
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
val minimalStorageDeposit = minimalContractStorageDeposit(hardFork)
val contractOutputWithoutEnoughAlphOpt = outputs.find {
case output: ContractOutput => output.amount < minimalStorageDeposit
case _ => false
if (hardFork.isLemanEnabled()) {
contractOutputWithoutEnoughAlphOpt match {
case Some(output) =>
failed(LowerThanContractMinimalBalance(Address.from(output.lockupScript), output.amount))
case None =>
} else {
final class StatelessVM(
ctx: StatelessContext,
frameStack: Stack[Frame[StatelessContext]],
operandStack: Stack[Val]
) extends VM(ctx, frameStack, operandStack) {
protected def switchBackFrame(
currentFrame: Frame[StatelessContext],
nextFrame: Frame[StatelessContext]
): ExeResult[Unit] = Right(())
def startNonPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[StatelessContext],
ctx: StatelessContext,
method: Method[StatelessContext],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[StatelessContext]] =
Frame.stateless(ctx, obj, method, args, operandStack, returnTo)
def startPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[StatelessContext],
ctx: StatelessContext,
balanceState: MutBalanceState,
method: Method[StatelessContext],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[StatelessContext]] = failed(ExpectNonPayableMethod)
protected def completeLastFrame(lastFrame: Frame[StatelessContext]): ExeResult[Unit] = Right(())
final class StatefulVM(
val ctx: StatefulContext,
frameStack: Stack[Frame[StatefulContext]],
operandStack: Stack[Val]
) extends VM(ctx, frameStack, operandStack) {
def startNonPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[StatefulContext],
ctx: StatefulContext,
method: Method[StatefulContext],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[StatefulContext]] =
Frame.stateful(ctx, None, None, obj, method, args, operandStack, returnTo)
def startPayableFrame(
obj: ContractObj[StatefulContext],
ctx: StatefulContext,
balanceState: MutBalanceState,
method: Method[StatefulContext],
args: AVector[Val],
operandStack: Stack[Val],
returnTo: AVector[Val] => ExeResult[Unit]
): ExeResult[Frame[StatefulContext]] =
Frame.stateful(ctx, None, Some(balanceState), obj, method, args, operandStack, returnTo)
protected[vm] def switchBackFrame(
currentFrame: Frame[StatefulContext],
previousFrame: Frame[StatefulContext]
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
if (ctx.getHardFork().isLemanEnabled()) {
switchBackFrameSinceLeman(currentFrame, previousFrame)
} else {
switchBackFramePreLeman(currentFrame, previousFrame)
private def wrap(resultOpt: Option[Unit]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
resultOpt match {
case Some(_) => okay
case None => failed(BalanceErrorWhenSwitchingBackFrame)
protected def switchBackFrameSinceLeman(
currentFrame: Frame[StatefulContext],
previousFrame: Frame[StatefulContext]
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
(currentFrame.balanceStateOpt, previousFrame.balanceStateOpt) match {
case (None, _) => okay
case (Some(currentBalances), None) =>
wrap(for {
_ <- mergeBack(ctx.outputBalances, currentBalances.remaining, isApproved = false)
_ <- mergeBack(ctx.outputBalances, currentBalances.approved, isApproved = true)
} yield ())
case (Some(currentBalances), Some(previousBalances)) =>
wrap(for {
_ <- mergeBack(previousBalances.remaining, currentBalances.remaining, isApproved = false)
_ <- mergeBack(previousBalances.remaining, currentBalances.approved, isApproved = true)
} yield ())
protected def switchBackFramePreLeman(
currentFrame: Frame[StatefulContext],
previousFrame: Frame[StatefulContext]
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
if (currentFrame.method.usesAssetsFromInputs()) {
wrap(for {
currentBalances <- currentFrame.balanceStateOpt
previousBalances <- previousFrame.balanceStateOpt
_ <- mergeBack(previousBalances.remaining, currentBalances.remaining, isApproved = false)
_ <- mergeBack(previousBalances.remaining, currentBalances.approved, isApproved = true)
} yield ())
} else {
@inline private def shouldKeepContractBalances(
hardFork: HardFork,
isApproved: Boolean,
lockupScript: LockupScript
): Boolean = {
hardFork.isRhoneEnabled() && !isApproved && lockupScript.isInstanceOf[LockupScript.P2C]
protected def mergeBack(
previous: MutBalances,
current: MutBalances,
isApproved: Boolean
): Option[Unit] = {
val hardFork = ctx.getHardFork()
OptionF.foreach(current.all) { case (lockupScript, balancesPerLockup) =>
if (balancesPerLockup.scopeDepth <= 0) {
if (shouldKeepContractBalances(hardFork, isApproved, lockupScript)) {
} else {
ctx.outputBalances.add(lockupScript, balancesPerLockup)
} else {
previous.add(lockupScript, balancesPerLockup)
protected def completeLastFrame(lastFrame: Frame[StatefulContext]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
for {
_ <- ctx.updateContractStates()
_ <- cleanBalances(lastFrame)
_ <- ctx
.removeOutdatedContractAssets() // this must run after cleanBalances so that unused inputs are removed
} yield ()
private def cleanBalances(lastFrame: Frame[StatefulContext]): ExeResult[Unit] = {
val hardFork = ctx.getHardFork()
if (lastFrame.method.usesAssetsFromInputs()) {
val resultOpt = for {
balances <- lastFrame.balanceStateOpt
_ <- ctx.outputBalances.merge(balances.approved)
_ <- ctx.outputBalances.merge(balances.remaining)
} yield ()
for {
_ <- resultOpt match {
case Some(_) => okay
case None => failed(InvalidBalances)
_ <- reimburseGas(hardFork)
_ <- outputGeneratedBalances(ctx.outputBalances)
_ <- ctx.checkAllAssetsFlushed()
} yield ()
} else {
if (ctx.getHardFork().isLemanEnabled()) {
for {
_ <- reimburseGas(hardFork)
_ <- outputGeneratedBalances(ctx.outputBalances)
_ <- ctx.checkAllAssetsFlushed()
} yield ()
} else {
def reimburseGas(hardFork: HardFork): ExeResult[Unit] = {
if (hardFork.isRhoneEnabled() && ctx.gasFeePaid > U256.Zero) {
val totalGasFee = ctx.txEnv.gasFeeUnsafe
val gasFeePaid = ctx.gasFeePaid
assume(totalGasFee >= gasFeePaid) // This should always be true, so we check with assume
ctx.txEnv.prevOutputs.headOption match {
case Some(firstInput) =>
.addAlph(firstInput.lockupScript, gasFeePaid)
case None =>
} else {
private def outputGeneratedBalances(outputBalances: MutBalances): ExeResult[Unit] = {
for {
_ <- ctx.outputRemainingContractAssetsForRhone()
_ <- EitherF.foreachTry(outputBalances.all) { case (lockupScript, balances) =>
lockupScript match {
case l: LockupScript.P2C if !ctx.assetStatus.contains(l.contractId) =>
case _ =>
balances.toTxOutput(lockupScript, ctx.getHardFork()).flatMap { outputs =>
outputs.foreachE(output => ctx.generateOutput(output))
} yield ()
object StatelessVM {
final case class AssetScriptExecution(gasRemaining: GasBox)
def runAssetScript(
blockEnv: BlockEnv,
txEnv: TxEnv,
initialGas: GasBox,
script: StatelessScript,
args: AVector[Val]
networkConfig: NetworkConfig,
groupConfig: GroupConfig
): ExeResult[AssetScriptExecution] = {
val context = StatelessContext(blockEnv, txEnv, initialGas)
val obj = script.toObject
execute(context, obj, args)
private def default(ctx: StatelessContext): StatelessVM = {
new StatelessVM(
def execute(
context: StatelessContext,
obj: ContractObj[StatelessContext],
args: AVector[Val]
): ExeResult[AssetScriptExecution] = {
val vm = default(context)
vm.execute(obj, 0, args).map(_ => AssetScriptExecution(context.gasRemaining))
def executeWithOutputs(
context: StatelessContext,
obj: ContractObj[StatelessContext],
args: AVector[Val]
): ExeResult[AVector[Val]] = {
val vm = default(context)
vm.executeWithOutputs(obj, 0, args)
object StatefulVM {
final case class TxScriptExecution(
gasBox: GasBox,
contractInputs: AVector[ContractOutputRef],
contractPrevOutputs: AVector[ContractOutput],
generatedOutputs: AVector[TxOutput]
// scalastyle:off parameter.number
def runTxScript(
worldState: WorldState.Staging,
blockEnv: BlockEnv,
tx: TransactionAbstract,
preOutputs: AVector[AssetOutput],
script: StatefulScript,
gasRemaining: GasBox,
txIndex: Int
networkConfig: NetworkConfig,
logConfig: LogConfig,
groupConfig: GroupConfig
): ExeResult[TxScriptExecution] = {
val context = StatefulContext(blockEnv, tx, gasRemaining, worldState, preOutputs, txIndex)
runTxScript(context, script)
// scalastyle:on parameter.number
def runTxScript(
context: StatefulContext,
script: StatefulScript
): ExeResult[TxScriptExecution] = {
for {
_ <- execute(context, script.toObject, AVector.empty)
result <- prepareResult(context)
} yield result
// scalastyle:off parameter.number
def runTxScriptMockup(
worldState: WorldState.Staging,
blockEnv: BlockEnv,
tx: TransactionAbstract,
preOutputs: AVector[AssetOutput],
script: StatefulScript,
gasRemaining: GasBox
networkConfig: NetworkConfig,
logConfig: LogConfig,
groupConfig: GroupConfig
): ExeResult[TxScriptExecution] = {
val context = StatefulContext(blockEnv, tx, gasRemaining, worldState, preOutputs, 0)
runTxScriptMockup(context, script)
// scalastyle:on parameter.number
def runTxScriptMockup(
context: StatefulContext,
script: StatefulScript
): ExeResult[TxScriptExecution] = {
for {
_ <- execute(context, script.toObject, AVector.empty)
} yield prepareResultMockup(context)
private def prepareResultMockup(context: StatefulContext): TxScriptExecution = {
def runTxScriptWithOutputsTestOnly(
context: StatefulContext,
script: StatefulScript
): ExeResult[(AVector[Val], TxScriptExecution)] = {
for {
outputs <- executeWithOutputs(context, script.toObject, AVector.empty)
result <- prepareResult(context)
} yield (outputs, result)
def runCallerContractWithOutputsTestOnly(
context: StatefulContext,
contract: StatefulContract,
contractId: ContractId
): ExeResult[(AVector[Val], TxScriptExecution)] = {
for {
outputs <- executeWithOutputs(
contract.toHalfDecoded().toObjectUnsafeTestOnly(contractId, AVector.empty, AVector.empty),
result <- prepareResult(context)
} yield (outputs, result)
private def prepareResult(context: StatefulContext): ExeResult[TxScriptExecution] = {
for {
_ <- checkRemainingSignatures(context)
_ <- VM.checkContractAttoAlphAmounts(context.generatedOutputs, context.getHardFork())
} yield {
def checkRemainingSignatures(context: StatefulContext): ExeResult[Unit] = {
if (context.txEnv.signatures.isEmpty) {
} else {
private[vm] def default(ctx: StatefulContext): StatefulVM = {
new StatefulVM(ctx, Stack.ofCapacity(frameStackMaxSize), Stack.ofCapacity(opStackMaxSize))
def execute(
context: StatefulContext,
obj: ContractObj[StatefulContext],
args: AVector[Val]
): ExeResult[Unit] = {
val vm = default(context)
val results = vm.execute(obj, 0, args)
def executeWithOutputs(
context: StatefulContext,
obj: ContractObj[StatefulContext],
args: AVector[Val],
methodIndex: Int
): ExeResult[AVector[Val]] = {
val vm = default(context)
vm.executeWithOutputs(obj, methodIndex, args)
def executeWithOutputs(
context: StatefulContext,
obj: ContractObj[StatefulContext],
args: AVector[Val]
): ExeResult[AVector[Val]] = {
val results = executeWithOutputs(context, obj, args, 0)
private def maybeShowDebug(context: StatefulContext): Unit = {
val networkId = context.networkConfig.networkId
if (networkId.networkType != NetworkId.MainNet) {
context.worldState.nodeIndexesState.logState.getNewLogs().foreach { logStates =>
logStates.states.foreach { logState =>
if (logState.index == debugEventIndex.v.v.intValue().toByte) {
logState.fields.headOption.foreach {
case Val.ByteVec(bytes) =>
s"> Contract @ ${Address.contract(logStates.contractId).toBase58} - ${bytes.utf8String}\n"
case _ => ()
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