org.alephium.serde.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2018 The Alephium Authors
// This file is part of the alephium project.
// The library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the library. If not, see .
package org.alephium
import java.math.BigInteger
import{InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, UnknownHostException}
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import akka.util.ByteString
import org.alephium.util._
package object serde {
import Serde._
type SerdeResult[T] = Either[SerdeError, T]
def serdeImpl[T](implicit serde: Serde[T]): Serde[T] = serde
def serdeImpl[T0, T1](implicit serde0: Serde[T0], serde1: Serde[T1]): Serde[(T0, T1)] =
def serialize[T](input: T)(implicit serializer: Serializer[T]): ByteString =
def deserialize[T](input: ByteString)(implicit deserializer: Deserializer[T]): SerdeResult[T] =
def _deserialize[T](
input: ByteString
)(implicit deserializer: Deserializer[T]): SerdeResult[Staging[T]] =
implicit val boolSerde: Serde[Boolean] = BoolSerde
implicit val byteSerde: Serde[Byte] = ByteSerde
implicit val intSerde: Serde[Int] = IntSerde
implicit val u32Serde: Serde[U32] = U32Serde
implicit val i256Serde: Serde[I256] = I256Serde
implicit val u256Serde: Serde[U256] = U256Serde
implicit val bytestringSerde: Serde[ByteString] = ByteStringSerde
implicit val stringSerde: Serde[String] =
ByteStringSerde.xmap(_.utf8String, ByteString.fromString)
implicit def optionSerde[T](implicit serde: Serde[T]): Serde[Option[T]] =
new OptionSerde[T](serde)
implicit def eitherSerde[A, B](implicit serdeA: Serde[A], serdeB: Serde[B]): Serde[Either[A, B]] =
new EitherSerde[A, B](serdeA, serdeB)
def fixedSizeSerde[T: ClassTag](size: Int)(implicit serde: Serde[T]): Serde[AVector[T]] =
Serde.fixedSizeSerde[T](size, serde)
implicit def avectorSerializer[T](implicit serializer: Serializer[T]): Serializer[AVector[T]] =
new AVectorSerializer[T](serializer)
implicit def avectorDeserializer[T: ClassTag](implicit
deserializer: Deserializer[T]
): Deserializer[AVector[T]] =
new AVectorDeserializer[T](deserializer)
implicit val boolAVectorSerde: Serde[AVector[Boolean]] = avectorSerde[Boolean]
implicit val byteAVectorSerde: Serde[AVector[Byte]] = avectorSerde[Byte]
implicit val intAVectorSerde: Serde[AVector[Int]] = avectorSerde[Int]
implicit val i256AVectorSerde: Serde[AVector[I256]] = avectorSerde[I256]
implicit val u256AVectorSerde: Serde[AVector[U256]] = avectorSerde[U256]
implicit def avectorSerde[T: ClassTag](implicit serde: Serde[T]): Serde[AVector[T]] =
implicit def arraySeqSerde[T: ClassTag](implicit serde: Serde[T]): Serde[ArraySeq[T]] =
dynamicSizeSerde[ArraySeq[T], T](serde, ArraySeq.newBuilder)
implicit val bigIntegerSerde: Serde[BigInteger] =
avectorSerde[Byte].xmap(vc => new BigInteger(vc.toArray), bi => AVector.unsafe(bi.toByteArray))
* Note: only ipv4 and ipv6 addresses are supported in the following serdes
* addresses based on hostnames are not supported
implicit val inetAddressSerde: Serde[InetAddress] = bytestringSerde
.xfmap(bs => createInetAddress(bs), ia => ByteString.fromArrayUnsafe(ia.getAddress))
def createInetAddress(bs: ByteString): SerdeResult[InetAddress] = {
try Right(InetAddress.getByAddress(bs.toArray))
catch { case e: UnknownHostException => Left(SerdeError.wrongFormat(e.getMessage)) }
implicit val inetSocketAddressSerde: Serde[InetSocketAddress] =
tuple2[InetAddress, Int].xfmap(
{ case (address, port) => createSocketAddress(address, port) },
sAddress => (sAddress.getAddress, sAddress.getPort)
def createSocketAddress(inetAddress: InetAddress, port: Int): SerdeResult[InetSocketAddress] = {
try Right(new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port))
catch { case e: IllegalArgumentException => Left(SerdeError.wrongFormat(e.getMessage)) }
implicit val serdeTS: Serde[TimeStamp] = TimeStampSerde