org.allenai.pipeline.Workflow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.allenai.pipeline
import org.allenai.common.Resource
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
/** DAG representation of the execution of a set of Producers.
case class Workflow(nodes: Map[String, Node], links: Iterable[Link]) {
def sourceNodes() = nodes.filter {
case (nodeId, node) =>
!links.exists(link => link.toId == nodeId)
def sinkNodes() = nodes.filter {
case (nodeId, node) =>
!links.exists(link => link.fromId == nodeId)
/** Represents a Producer instance with PipelineRunnerSupport */
case class Node(
info: CodeInfo,
params: Map[String, String],
outputPath: Option[URI]
/** Represents dependency between Producer instances */
case class Link(fromId: String, toId: String, name: String)
object Workflow {
private type PRS = PipelineRunnerSupport // Reduce line length
def forPipeline(steps: PRS*): Workflow = {
def findNodes(s: PRS): Iterable[PRS] =
Seq(s) ++ s.signature.dependencies.flatMap(t => findNodes(t._2))
val nodeList = for {
step <- steps
stepInfo <- findNodes(step)
sig = stepInfo.signature
codeInfo = stepInfo.codeInfo
} yield {
(, Node(codeInfo, sig.parameters, stepInfo.outputLocation))
def findLinks(s: PRS): Iterable[(PRS, PRS, String)] = { case (name, dep) => (dep, s, name) } ++
s.signature.dependencies.flatMap(t => findLinks(t._2))
val nodes = nodeList.toMap
val links = (for {
step <- steps
(from, to, name) <- findLinks(step)
} yield Link(,, name)).toSet
Workflow(nodes, links)
implicit val jsFormat = {
import CodeInfo._
implicit val nodeFormat = jsonFormat3(Node)
implicit val linkFormat = jsonFormat3(Link)
private def link(uri: URI) = uri.getScheme match {
case "s3" => new"http", s"${uri.getHost}", uri.getPath,
case _ => uri.toString
private val DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 40
private val LHS_MAX_SIZE = 15
private def limitLength(s: String, maxLength: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) =
if (s.size < maxLength) {
} else {
val leftSize = math.min(LHS_MAX_SIZE, maxLength / 3)
val rightSize = maxLength - leftSize
s"${s.take(leftSize)}...${s.drop(s.size - rightSize)}"
def renderHtml(w: Workflow): String = {
val sourceNodes = w.sourceNodes()
val sinkNodes = w.sinkNodes()
// Collect nodes with output paths to be displayed in the upper-left.
val outputNodeLinks = for {
(id, Node(info, params, outputPath)) <- w.nodes.toList
path <- outputPath
} yield {
val addNodes =
for ((id, Node(info, params, outputPath)) <- w.nodes) yield {
// Params show up as line items in the pipeline diagram node.
val paramsText = {
case (key, value) =>
// A link is like a param but it hyperlinks somewhere.
val links =
// An optional link to the source data. => s"""new Link("${link(uri)}","v${info.buildId}")""") ++
// An optional link to the output data. => s"""new Link("${link(uri)}","output")""")
val clazz = sourceNodes match {
case _ if sourceNodes contains id => "sourceNode"
case _ if sinkNodes contains id => "sinkNode"
case _ => ""
val linksText = links.mkString(",")
s""" g.setNode("$id", {
| class: "$clazz",
| labelType: "html",
| label: generateStepContent("${info.className}",
| [$paramsText],
| [$linksText])
| });""".stripMargin
val addEdges =
for (Link(from, to, name) <- w.links) yield {
s""" g.setEdge("$from", "$to", {label: "$name"}); """
val resourceName = "pipelineSummary.html"
val resourceUrl = this.getClass.getResource(resourceName)
require(resourceUrl != null, s"Could not find resource: ${resourceName}")
val template = Resource.using(Source.fromURL(resourceUrl)) { source =>
val outputNodeHtml ="" + _ + " ").mkString("", "\n", "
template.format(outputNodeHtml, addNodes.mkString("\n\n"), addEdges.mkString("\n\n"))