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import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex;
import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
import net.fortytwo.sesametools.SailConnectionTripleSource;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.Namespace;
import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.NamespaceImpl;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.Dataset;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.TupleExpr;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.UpdateExpr;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.TripleSource;
import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.EvaluationStrategyImpl;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailException;
import org.openrdf.sail.helpers.SailBase;
import org.openrdf.sail.helpers.SailConnectionBase;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
* Connection to a PropertyGraphSail
* @author Joshua Shinavier (
class PropertyGraphSailConnection extends SailConnectionBase {
private static final Map namespaces = new HashMap();
static {
addNamespace("prop", PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS);
addNamespace("pgm", PropertyGraphSail.ONTOLOGY_NS);
addNamespace("vertex", PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX_NS);
addNamespace("edge", PropertyGraphSail.EDGE_NS);
addNamespace("rdf", RDF.NAMESPACE);
private final PropertyGraphSail.PropertyGraphContext context;
private boolean open = true;
private final ElementGenerator allVertexStatements;
private final ElementGenerator vertexIds;
private final ElementGenerator vertexProps;
private final ElementGenerator vertexTypes;
private final ElementGenerator allEdgeStatements;
// TODO: generator for predicate-specific statements
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator labels;
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator heads;
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator tails;
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator edgeTypes;
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator edgeIds;
private final FirstClassEdgeGenerator edgeProps;
private final RelationGenerator allInRelations;
private final RelationGenerator allOutRelations;
private final boolean firstClassEdges;
public PropertyGraphSailConnection(final SailBase sailBase,
final PropertyGraphSail.PropertyGraphContext context,
final boolean firstClassEdges) {
this.context = context;
this.firstClassEdges = firstClassEdges;
allVertexStatements = new VertexGenerator();
if (firstClassEdges) {
allEdgeStatements = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
((FirstClassEdgeGenerator) allEdgeStatements).setDoHead(true);
((FirstClassEdgeGenerator) allEdgeStatements).setDoTail(true);
((FirstClassEdgeGenerator) allEdgeStatements).setDoLabel(true);
allInRelations = null;
allOutRelations = null;
} else {
allEdgeStatements = new SimpleEdgeGenerator(null);
allInRelations = new RelationGenerator(null, true);
allOutRelations = new RelationGenerator(null, false);
vertexTypes = new VertexGenerator();
vertexIds = new VertexGenerator();
vertexProps = new VertexGenerator();
if (firstClassEdges) {
edgeTypes = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
labels = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
heads = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
tails = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
edgeIds = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
edgeProps = new FirstClassEdgeGenerator();
} else {
edgeTypes = null;
labels = null;
heads = null;
tails = null;
edgeIds = null;
edgeProps = null;
private static void addNamespace(final String prefix,
final String uri) {
Namespace n = new NamespaceImpl(prefix, uri);
namespaces.put(prefix, n);
protected boolean isOpenInternal() throws SailException {
return open;
protected void closeInternal() throws SailException {
open = false;
protected CloseableIteration extends BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> evaluateInternal(final TupleExpr query,
final Dataset dataset,
final BindingSet bindings,
final boolean includeInferred) throws SailException {
try {
TripleSource tripleSource = new SailConnectionTripleSource(this, context.valueFactory, includeInferred);
EvaluationStrategyImpl strategy = new EvaluationStrategyImpl(tripleSource, dataset);
return strategy.evaluate(query, bindings);
} catch (QueryEvaluationException e) {
throw new SailException(e);
public void executeUpdate(UpdateExpr updateExpr, Dataset dataset, BindingSet bindingSet, boolean b) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected CloseableIteration extends Resource, SailException> getContextIDsInternal() throws SailException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private boolean matchesNullContext(final Resource... contexts) {
if (0 == contexts.length) {
return true;
} else {
for (Resource c : contexts) {
if (null == c) {
return true;
return false;
protected CloseableIteration extends Statement, SailException> getStatementsInternal(final Resource subject,
final URI predicate,
final Value object,
final boolean includeInferred,
final Resource... contexts) throws SailException {
// Statements exist only in the default context.
if (!matchesNullContext(contexts)) {
return new StatementIteration();
// TODO: elements embedded in URIs
if (null == subject) {
if (null == object) {
if (null == predicate) { // ? ? ?
return getStatements_xxx();
} else { // ? p ?
return getStatements_xPx(predicate);
} else {
if (null == predicate) { // ? ? o
return getStatements_xxO(object);
} else { // ? p o
return getStatements_xPO(predicate, object);
} else {
if (null == object) {
if (null == predicate) { // s ? ?
return getStatements_Sxx(subject);
} else { // s p ?
return getStatements_SPx(subject, predicate);
} else {
if (null == predicate) { // s ? o
return getStatements_SxO(subject, object);
} else { // s p o
return getStatements_SPO(subject, predicate, object);
private CloseableIteration getStatements_xxx() throws SailException {
Iterator edgeIterator = context.graph.getEdges().iterator();
Iterator vertexIterator = context.graph.getVertices().iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, allEdgeStatements);
Source vertices = new Source(vertexIterator, allVertexStatements);
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
private CloseableIteration getStatements_Sxx(final Resource subject) throws SailException {
if (subject instanceof URI) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), allEdgeStatements);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), allVertexStatements);
if (firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Source s2 = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), allOutRelations);
return new StatementIteration(s, s2);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_SPx(final Resource subject,
final URI predicate) throws SailException {
if (subject instanceof URI) {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), labels);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), heads);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), tails);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgePropertiesWithKey(key, predicate));
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexPropertiesWithKey(key, predicate));
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null != v) {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), new RelationGenerator(label, false));
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_SxO(final Resource subject,
final Value object) throws SailException {
if (subject instanceof URI) {
Collection sources = new LinkedList();
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
Object val = literalToObject(object);
Vertex vObj = object instanceof URI ? vertexForURI((URI) object) : null;
// vertex id
if (null != val && null != v) {
if (v.getId().equals(val)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexIds);
// vertex type
if (null != v && object instanceof URI && ((URI) object).equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexTypes);
// vertex properties
if (null != val && null != v) {
Source vertices = new Source(
new SingleItemIterator(v),
vertexPropertiesWithValue(val, (Literal) object));
if (firstClassEdges) {
// edge id
if (null != val && null != e) {
if (e.getId().equals(val)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeIds);
// label
if (null != val && (val instanceof String)) {
if (null != e && e.getLabel().equals(val)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), labels);
// head
if (null != e && null != vObj && e.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(vObj)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), heads);
// tail
if (null != e && null != vObj && e.getVertex(Direction.OUT).equals(vObj)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), tails);
// edge type
if (null != e && object instanceof URI && ((URI) object).equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeTypes);
// edge properties
if (null != val && null != e) {
Source edges = new Source(
new SingleItemIterator(e),
edgePropertiesWithValue(val, (Literal) object));
} else {
if (null != v && null != vObj) {
Collection edges = new LinkedList();
for (Edge ev : v.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) {
if (ev.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(vObj)) {
if (edges.size() > 0) {
sources.add(new Source(edges.iterator(), allEdgeStatements));
if (sources.size() > 0) {
Source[] s = new Source[sources.size()];
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_SPO(final Resource subject,
final URI predicate,
final Value object) throws SailException {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
if (subject instanceof URI) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Object id = literalToObject(object);
if (null == id || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (e.getId().equals(id)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (v.getId().equals(id)) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Object label = literalToObject(object);
if (null == label || !(label instanceof String) || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e || !e.getLabel().equals(label)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), labels);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null == e || null == v || !e.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(v)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), heads);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null == e || null == v || !e.getVertex(Direction.OUT).equals(v)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), tails);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
Object val = literalToObject(object);
if (null == val || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source edges = new Source(
new SingleItemIterator(e),
edgePropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, val, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else {
Source vertices = new Source(
new SingleItemIterator(v),
vertexPropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, val, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Vertex vSubj = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex vObj = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null != vSubj && null != vObj) {
Collection edges = new LinkedList();
for (Edge ev : vSubj.getEdges(Direction.OUT, label)) {
if (ev.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(vObj)) {
if (edges.size() > 0) {
return new StatementIteration(new Source(edges.iterator(), allEdgeStatements));
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_xxO(final Value object) throws SailException {
if (object instanceof URI) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null == v) {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source vertices = new Source(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE) && firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source ins = new Source(v.getEdges(Direction.IN).iterator(), heads);
Source outs = new Source(v.getEdges(Direction.OUT).iterator(), tails);
return new StatementIteration(ins, outs);
} else {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), allInRelations);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
Object val = literalToObject(object);
if (null == val) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Collection sources = new LinkedList();
// id
Vertex v = context.graph.getVertex(val);
if (null != v) {
sources.add(new Source(new SingleItemIterator(v), vertexIds));
if (firstClassEdges) {
Edge e = context.graph.getEdge(val);
if (null != e) {
sources.add(new Source(new SingleItemIterator(e), edgeIds));
// label
if (firstClassEdges) {
// TODO: find matching edges faster using indices
if (val instanceof String) {
Source s = new Source(
matchingLabels((String) val, object));
// properties
// TODO: find matching vertices and edges faster using indices
Source vertices = new Source(
vertexPropertiesWithValue(val, (Literal) object));
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(
edgePropertiesWithValue(val, (Literal) object));
if (sources.size() > 0) {
Source[] s = new Source[sources.size()];
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_xPO(final URI predicate,
final Value object) throws SailException {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source s = new Source(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE) && firstClassEdges) {
Source s = new Source(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Object id = literalToObject(object);
if (null == id) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Vertex v = context.graph.getVertex(id);
Edge e = firstClassEdges ? context.graph.getEdge(id) : null;
if (null == v && null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Collection s = new LinkedList();
if (null != v) {
vertexIds.generate(v, s);
if (null != e) {
edgeIds.generate(e, s);
return new SimpleCloseableIteration(s.iterator());
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
// TODO: find edges faster using indices
Object label = literalToObject(object);
if (null == label || !(label instanceof String)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source edges = new Source(
matchingLabels((String) label, object));
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Vertex v = object instanceof URI
? vertexForURI((URI) object)
: null;
if (null == v) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Iterator edgeIterator = v.getEdges(Direction.IN).iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, heads);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Vertex v = object instanceof URI
? vertexForURI((URI) object)
: null;
if (null == v) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Iterator edgeIterator = v.getEdges(Direction.OUT).iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, tails);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
Object value = literalToObject(object);
if (null == value) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
// TODO: lookup matching vertices and edges faster using indices
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Source vertices = new Source(
vertexPropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, value, (Literal) object));
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(
edgePropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, value, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
if (!(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Vertex vObj = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null != vObj) {
Source s = new Source(new SingleItemIterator(vObj), new RelationGenerator(label, true));
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private CloseableIteration getStatements_xPx(final URI predicate) throws SailException {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
Source vertices = new Source(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexTypes);
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Source vertices = new Source(context.graph.getVertices().iterator(), vertexIds);
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(context.graph.getEdges().iterator(), edgeIds);
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Iterator edgeIterator = context.graph.getEdges().iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, labels);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Iterator edgeIterator = context.graph.getEdges().iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, heads);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Iterator edgeIterator = context.graph.getEdges().iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, tails);
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
// TODO: find elements faster using indices
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Source vertices = new Source(
vertexPropertiesWithKey(key, predicate));
if (firstClassEdges) {
Source edges = new Source(
edgePropertiesWithKey(key, predicate));
return new StatementIteration(vertices, edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Iterator edgeIterator = context.graph.getEdges().iterator();
Source edges = new Source(edgeIterator, new SimpleEdgeGenerator(label));
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
private boolean isPropertyPredicate(final URI predicate) {
return predicate.stringValue().startsWith(PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS);
private boolean isRelationPredicate(final URI predicate) {
return predicate.stringValue().startsWith(PropertyGraphSail.RELATION_NS);
private String labelForRelationPredicate(final URI predicate) {
return predicate.stringValue().substring(PropertyGraphSail.RELATION_NS.length());
private String keyFromPredicate(final URI predicate) {
return predicate.stringValue().substring(PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS.length());
protected long sizeInternal(final Resource... contexts) throws SailException {
if (!matchesNullContext(contexts)) {
return 0;
long count = 0;
for (Edge e : context.graph.getEdges()) {
if (firstClassEdges) {
count += 5 // type, id, label, head, tail
+ e.getPropertyKeys().size();
} else {
for (Vertex v : context.graph.getVertices()) {
count += 2 // type, id
+ v.getPropertyKeys().size();
return count;
protected void startTransactionInternal() throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void commitInternal() throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void rollbackInternal() throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void addStatementInternal(Resource resource, URI uri, Value value, Resource... resources) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void removeStatementsInternal(Resource resource, URI uri, Value value, Resource... resources) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void clearInternal(Resource... resources) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected CloseableIteration extends Namespace, SailException> getNamespacesInternal() throws SailException {
return new SimpleCloseableIteration(namespaces.values().iterator());
protected String getNamespaceInternal(final String prefix) throws SailException {
Namespace n = namespaces.get(prefix);
return null == n ? null : n.getName();
protected void setNamespaceInternal(String s, String s1) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void removeNamespaceInternal(String s) throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
protected void clearNamespacesInternal() throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
private static class SingleItemIterator implements Iterator {
private T item;
public SingleItemIterator(final T item) {
this.item = item;
public boolean hasNext() {
return null != item;
public T next() {
T tmp = item;
item = null;
return tmp;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private Vertex vertexForURI(final URI uri) {
String s = uri.stringValue();
return s.startsWith(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX_NS)
? context.graph.getVertex(idFromString(s.substring(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX_NS.length())))
: null;
private Edge edgeForURI(final URI uri) {
if (firstClassEdges) {
String s = uri.stringValue();
return s.startsWith(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE_NS)
? context.graph.getEdge(idFromString(s.substring(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE_NS.length())))
: null;
} else {
return null;
private Object literalToObject(final Value v) {
if (v instanceof Literal) {
Literal l = (Literal) v;
URI type = l.getDatatype();
if (null == type) {
return l.getLabel();
} else {
if (type.equals(XMLSchema.STRING)) {
return l.stringValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.LONG)) {
return l.longValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.INT)) {
return l.intValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.INTEGER)) {
return l.integerValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.BYTE)) {
return l.byteValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.BOOLEAN)) {
return l.booleanValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.SHORT)) {
return l.shortValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.FLOAT)) {
return l.floatValue();
} else if (type.equals(XMLSchema.DOUBLE)) {
return l.doubleValue();
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
private URI uriForVertex(final Vertex v) {
return context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX_NS + idToString(v.getId()));
private URI uriForEdge(final Edge e) {
return context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE_NS + idToString(e.getId()));
private Object idFromString(final String s) {
return s;
private String idToString(final Object id) {
return id.toString();
private static interface StatementGenerator {
void generate(T source, Collection results);
private abstract class ElementGenerator implements StatementGenerator {
protected boolean doId = false;
protected boolean doType = false;
protected boolean doProperties = false;
protected String[] properties = null;
public void setDoId(boolean doId) {
this.doId = doId;
public void setDoType(boolean doType) {
this.doType = doType;
public void setDoProperties(boolean doProperties) {
this.doProperties = doProperties;
public void setProperties(String[] properties) { = properties;
protected void generateCommon(final Element source,
final URI uri,
final Collection results) {
if (doProperties) {
if (null != properties) {
generatePropertyStatements(source, uri, results, properties);
} else {
generatePropertyStatements(source, uri, results);
if (doId) {
generateIdStatement(source, uri, results);
private class VertexGenerator extends ElementGenerator {
public void generate(Vertex source, Collection results) {
URI uri = uriForVertex(source);
if (doType) {
generateVertexTypeStatement(uri, results);
generateCommon(source, uri, results);
private class FirstClassEdgeGenerator extends ElementGenerator {
protected boolean doLabel;
protected boolean doHead;
protected boolean doTail;
public void setDoLabel(boolean doLabel) {
this.doLabel = doLabel;
public void setDoHead(boolean doHead) {
this.doHead = doHead;
public void setDoTail(boolean doTail) {
this.doTail = doTail;
public void generate(Edge source, Collection results) {
URI uri = uriForEdge(source);
generateCommon(source, uri, results);
if (doType) {
generateEdgeTypeStatement(uri, results);
if (doLabel) {
generateLabelStatement(source, uri, results);
if (doHead) {
URI headUri = uriForVertex(source.getVertex(Direction.IN));
generateHeadStatement(uri, headUri, results);
if (doTail) {
URI tailUri = uriForVertex(source.getVertex(Direction.OUT));
generateTailStatement(uri, tailUri, results);
private class SimpleEdgeGenerator extends ElementGenerator {
private final String label;
private SimpleEdgeGenerator(final String label) {
this.label = label;
public void generate(final Edge source,
final Collection results) {
if (null == label || source.getLabel().equals(label)) {
createEdgeStatement(source, results);
private class RelationGenerator extends ElementGenerator {
private final String label;
private final boolean inVsOut;
private RelationGenerator(final String label,
final boolean inVsOut) {
this.label = label;
this.inVsOut = inVsOut;
public void generate(final Vertex source,
final Collection results) {
if (inVsOut) {
if (null == label) {
for (Edge e : source.getEdges(Direction.IN)) {
createEdgeStatement(e, results);
} else {
for (Edge e : source.getEdges(Direction.IN, label)) {
createEdgeStatement(e, results);
} else {
if (null == label) {
for (Edge e : source.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) {
createEdgeStatement(e, results);
} else {
for (Edge e : source.getEdges(Direction.OUT, label)) {
createEdgeStatement(e, results);
private void createEdgeStatement(final Edge source,
final Collection results) {
URI headUri = uriForVertex(source.getVertex(Direction.IN));
URI tailUri = uriForVertex(source.getVertex(Direction.OUT));
URI predicate = context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.RELATION_NS + source.getLabel());
results.add(context.valueFactory.createStatement(tailUri, predicate, headUri));
private StatementGenerator matchingLabels(final String label,
final Value object) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Edge source, Collection results) {
if (source.getLabel().equals(label)) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForEdge(source), PropertyGraphSail.LABEL, object);
private StatementGenerator vertexPropertiesWithKey(final String key,
final URI pred) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Vertex source, Collection results) {
Object o = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != o) {
Literal object = toLiteral(o);
if (null != object) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForVertex(source), pred, object);
private StatementGenerator edgePropertiesWithKey(final String key,
final URI pred) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Edge source, Collection results) {
Object o = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != o) {
Literal object = toLiteral(o);
if (null != object) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForEdge(source), pred, object);
private StatementGenerator vertexPropertiesWithValue(final Object value,
final Literal object) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Vertex source, Collection results) {
for (String key : source.getPropertyKeys()) {
Object v = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != v && v.equals(value)) {
URI predicate = predicateForPropertyKey(key);
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForVertex(source), predicate, object);
private StatementGenerator edgePropertiesWithValue(final Object value,
final Literal object) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Edge source, Collection results) {
for (String key : source.getPropertyKeys()) {
Object v = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != v && v.equals(value)) {
URI predicate = predicateForPropertyKey(key);
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForEdge(source), predicate, object);
private StatementGenerator vertexPropertiesWithKeyAndValue(final String key,
final URI pred,
final Object value,
final Literal object) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Vertex source, Collection results) {
Object o = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != o && o.equals(value)) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForVertex(source), pred, object);
private StatementGenerator edgePropertiesWithKeyAndValue(final String key,
final URI pred,
final Object value,
final Literal object) {
return new StatementGenerator() {
public void generate(Edge source, Collection results) {
Object o = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != o && o.equals(value)) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForEdge(source), pred, object);
private URI predicateForPropertyKey(final String key) {
return context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS + key);
private void generateVertexTypeStatement(final URI uri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uri, RDF.TYPE, PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX);
private void generateEdgeTypeStatement(final URI uri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uri, RDF.TYPE, PropertyGraphSail.EDGE);
private void generatePropertyStatements(final Element e,
final URI uri,
final Collection results,
final String... keys) {
if (0 == keys.length) {
for (String k : e.getPropertyKeys()) {
Object v = e.getProperty(k);
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS + k),
} else {
for (String k : keys) {
Object v = e.getProperty(k);
if (null != v) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
context.valueFactory.createURI(PropertyGraphSail.PROPERTY_NS + k),
private void generateIdStatement(final Element e,
final URI uri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
private void generateLabelStatement(final Edge e,
final URI uri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
private void generateHeadStatement(final URI edgeUri,
final URI headUri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
private void generateTailStatement(final URI edgeUri,
final URI tailUri,
final Collection results) {
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(
private Literal toLiteral(final Object o) {
if (o instanceof String) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((String) o);
} else if (o instanceof Integer) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Integer) o);
} else if (o instanceof Long) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Long) o);
} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Boolean) o);
} else if (o instanceof Byte) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Byte) o);
} else if (o instanceof Short) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Short) o);
} else if (o instanceof Double) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Double) o);
} else if (o instanceof Float) {
return context.valueFactory.createLiteral((Float) o);
} else {
return null;
//throw new IllegalArgumentException("object has unsupported datatype: " + o);
private class Source {
private final Iterator iterator;
private final StatementGenerator generator;
public Source(final Iterator iterator,
final StatementGenerator generator) {
this.iterator = iterator;
this.generator = generator;
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public void generateNext(final Collection results) {
generator.generate(, results);
private class StatementIteration implements CloseableIteration {
private final Source[] sources;
private int i = -1;
private Collection buffer = new LinkedList();
private Iterator iter;
private Source currentSource;
public StatementIteration(final Source... sources) {
this.sources = sources;
private boolean advanceSource() {
if (i >= sources.length) {
return false;
} else {
currentSource = sources[i];
return true;
private void advanceBuffer() {
do {
if (null != currentSource && currentSource.hasNext()) {
iter = buffer.iterator();
} else if (!advanceSource()) {
iter = null;
} while (buffer.isEmpty());
public void close() throws SailException {
// Do nothing.
public boolean hasNext() throws SailException {
return null != iter;
public Statement next() throws SailException {
Statement s =;
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
return s;
public void remove() throws SailException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private class SimpleCloseableIteration implements CloseableIteration {
private final Iterator wrapped;
public SimpleCloseableIteration(Iterator wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public void close() throws E {
// Do nothing.
public boolean hasNext() throws E {
return wrapped.hasNext();
public T next() throws E {
public void remove() throws E {