alluxio.AbstractClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
* available at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
* either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.
package alluxio;
import alluxio.annotation.SuppressFBWarnings;
import alluxio.conf.AlluxioConfiguration;
import alluxio.conf.PropertyKey;
import alluxio.exception.ExceptionMessage;
import alluxio.exception.ServiceNotFoundException;
import alluxio.exception.runtime.AlluxioRuntimeException;
import alluxio.exception.runtime.FailedPreconditionRuntimeException;
import alluxio.exception.status.AlluxioStatusException;
import alluxio.exception.status.FailedPreconditionException;
import alluxio.exception.status.NotFoundException;
import alluxio.exception.status.UnauthenticatedException;
import alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException;
import alluxio.grpc.GetServiceVersionPRequest;
import alluxio.grpc.GrpcChannel;
import alluxio.grpc.GrpcChannelBuilder;
import alluxio.grpc.GrpcServerAddress;
import alluxio.grpc.ServiceType;
import alluxio.grpc.ServiceVersionClientServiceGrpc;
import alluxio.metrics.Metric;
import alluxio.metrics.MetricInfo;
import alluxio.metrics.MetricsSystem;
import alluxio.retry.RetryPolicy;
import alluxio.retry.RetryUtils;
import alluxio.util.CommonUtils;
import alluxio.util.SecurityUtils;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import io.grpc.Status;
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
* {@link AbstractClient} is the base class for all the grpc clients in alluxio.
* It provides framework methods for the grpc workflow like connection, version checking
* and automatic retrying for rpc calls.
* Concrete Child classes extend this class by filling in the missing component, like where
* to find the actual server address {@link AbstractClient#queryGrpcServerAddress}, and rpc
* callables to {@link AbstractClient#retryRPC(RpcCallable, Logger, String, String, Object...)}
* that carries actual logic.
public abstract class AbstractClient implements Client {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractClient.class);
private final Supplier mRetryPolicySupplier;
* Grpc Address of the remote server.
* This field is lazily initialized by {@link AbstractClient#queryGrpcServerAddress},
* and could only be null right after instantiation and before use.
protected GrpcServerAddress mServerAddress = null;
/** Underlying channel to the target service. */
protected GrpcChannel mChannel;
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC",
justification = "the error seems a bug in findbugs")
/* Used to query service version for the remote service type. */
protected ServiceVersionClientServiceGrpc.ServiceVersionClientServiceBlockingStub mVersionService;
protected boolean mAlwaysEnableTLS = false;
/** Is true if this client is currently connected. */
protected boolean mConnected = false;
* Is true if this client was closed by the user. No further actions are possible after the client
* is closed.
protected volatile boolean mClosed = false;
* Stores the actual remote service version, used to compare with expected local version.
protected long mServiceVersion;
/** Context of the client. */
protected ClientContext mContext;
/** If rpc call takes more than this duration, signal warning. */
private final long mRpcThreshold;
* Creates a new client base with default retry policy supplier.
* @param context information required to connect to Alluxio
protected AbstractClient(ClientContext context) {
this(context, RetryUtils::defaultClientRetry);
protected AbstractClient(ClientContext context, boolean alwaysEnableTLS) {
this(context, RetryUtils::defaultClientRetry);
mAlwaysEnableTLS = alwaysEnableTLS;
* Creates a new client base with specified retry policy supplier.
* @param context information required to connect to Alluxio
* @param retryPolicySupplier factory for retry policies to be used when performing RPCs
protected AbstractClient(ClientContext context, Supplier retryPolicySupplier) {
mContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(context, "context");
mRetryPolicySupplier = retryPolicySupplier;
mServiceVersion = Constants.UNKNOWN_SERVICE_VERSION;
mRpcThreshold = mContext.getClusterConf().getMs(PropertyKey.USER_LOGGING_THRESHOLD);
* @return the expected type of remote service
protected abstract ServiceType getRemoteServiceType();
* @return the actual remote service version
* @throws AlluxioStatusException if query rpc failed
protected long getRemoteServiceVersion() throws AlluxioStatusException {
// Calling directly as this method is subject to an encompassing retry loop.
try {
return mVersionService
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw AlluxioStatusException.fromThrowable(t);
* @return a string representing the specific service
protected abstract String getServiceName();
* @return the client service version
protected abstract long getServiceVersion();
* Checks that the service version is compatible with the client.
* @param clientVersion the client version
protected void checkVersion(long clientVersion) throws IOException {
if (mServiceVersion == Constants.UNKNOWN_SERVICE_VERSION) {
mServiceVersion = getRemoteServiceVersion();
if (mServiceVersion != clientVersion) {
throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION.getMessage(getServiceName(),
clientVersion, mServiceVersion));
* This method is called after the connection is made to the remote. Implementations should create
* internal state to finish the connection process.
protected void afterConnect() throws IOException {
// Empty implementation.
* This method is called before the connection is connected. Implementations should add any
* additional operations before the connection is connected.
* loading the cluster defaults
protected void beforeConnect()
throws IOException {
// Bootstrap once for clients
if (!isConnected()) {
* This method is called after the connection is disconnected. Implementations should clean up any
* additional state created for the connection.
protected void afterDisconnect() {
// Empty implementation.
* This method is called before the connection is disconnected. Implementations should add any
* additional operations before the connection is disconnected.
protected void beforeDisconnect() {
// Empty implementation.
* Connects with the remote server.
* @throws AlluxioRuntimeException network connection error
public synchronized void connectWithRuntimeException() {
if (mClosed) {
throw new FailedPreconditionRuntimeException("Failed to connect: client has been closed");
try {
} catch (AlluxioStatusException e) {
throw AlluxioRuntimeException.from(e);
protected GrpcChannel createChannel() throws AlluxioStatusException {
AlluxioConfiguration conf = mContext.getClusterConf();
return GrpcChannelBuilder
.newBuilder(mServerAddress, conf, mAlwaysEnableTLS)
* Connects with the remote.
public synchronized void connect() throws AlluxioStatusException {
if (mConnected) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mClosed, "Client is closed, will not try to connect.");
IOException lastConnectFailure = null;
RetryPolicy retryPolicy = mRetryPolicySupplier.get();
while (retryPolicy.attempt()) {
if (mClosed) {
throw new FailedPreconditionException("Failed to connect: client has been closed");
// Re-query the address in each loop iteration in case it has changed (e.g. master
// failover).
try {
mServerAddress = queryGrpcServerAddress();
} catch (UnavailableException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to determine {} rpc address ({}): {}",
getServiceName(), retryPolicy.getAttemptCount(), e.toString());
try {
LOG.debug("Alluxio client (version {}) is trying to connect with {} @ {}",
RuntimeConstants.VERSION, getServiceName(), mServerAddress);
// set up rpc group channel
mChannel = createChannel();
// Create stub for version service on host
mVersionService = ServiceVersionClientServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(mChannel);
mConnected = true;
LOG.debug("Alluxio client (version {}) is connected with {} @ {}", RuntimeConstants.VERSION,
getServiceName(), mServerAddress);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to connect ({}) with {} @ {}", retryPolicy.getAttemptCount(),
getServiceName(), mServerAddress, e);
lastConnectFailure = e;
if (e instanceof UnauthenticatedException) {
// If there has been a failure in opening GrpcChannel, it's possible because
// the authentication credential has expired. Re-login.
if (e instanceof NotFoundException) {
// service is not found in the server, skip retry
// Reaching here indicates that we did not successfully connect.
if (mChannel != null) {
if (mServerAddress == null) {
throw new UnavailableException(
String.format("Failed to determine address for %s after %s attempts", getServiceName(),
* Throw as-is if {@link UnauthenticatedException} occurred.
if (lastConnectFailure instanceof UnauthenticatedException) {
throw (AlluxioStatusException) lastConnectFailure;
if (lastConnectFailure instanceof NotFoundException) {
throw new NotFoundException(lastConnectFailure.getMessage(),
new ServiceNotFoundException(lastConnectFailure.getMessage(), lastConnectFailure));
throw new UnavailableException(
"Failed to connect to master (%s) after %s attempts."
+ "Please check if Alluxio master is currently running on \"%s\". Service=\"%s\"",
mServerAddress, retryPolicy.getAttemptCount(), mServerAddress, getServiceName()),
public synchronized void disconnect() {
if (mConnected) {
"The client channel should never be null when the client is connected");
LOG.debug("Disconnecting from the {} @ {}", getServiceName(), mServerAddress);
mConnected = false;
public synchronized boolean isConnected() {
return mConnected;
* Closes the connection with the remote permanently. This instance should be not be reused after
* closing.
public synchronized void close() {
mClosed = true;
* {@link AbstractClient} works with Grpc Servers.
* Child classes should only override this method to query the address
* of the grpc server they talk to. The conversion from {@link GrpcServerAddress}
* to more generic {@link SocketAddress} required by {@link Client#getRemoteSockAddress()}
* is handled by this class.
* @return the {@link GrpcServerAddress} of the remote server
* @throws UnavailableException if address can't be determined
protected abstract GrpcServerAddress queryGrpcServerAddress() throws UnavailableException;
public synchronized SocketAddress getRemoteSockAddress() throws UnavailableException {
if (mServerAddress == null) {
mServerAddress = queryGrpcServerAddress();
return mServerAddress.getSocketAddress();
public synchronized String getRemoteHostName() throws UnavailableException {
if (mServerAddress == null) {
mServerAddress = queryGrpcServerAddress();
return mServerAddress.getHostName();
* By default, return the same underlying address as
* {@link AbstractClient#getRemoteSockAddress()}.
* Child classes should override this implementation if they intend to have different
* address to fetch configuration.
* @return the remote address of the configuration server
* @throws UnavailableException if address cannot be determined
public synchronized InetSocketAddress getConfAddress() throws UnavailableException {
if (mServerAddress == null) {
mServerAddress = queryGrpcServerAddress();
SocketAddress sockAddress = mServerAddress.getSocketAddress();
if (sockAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
return (InetSocketAddress) sockAddress;
// We would reach here if a child's implementation provided a socket address
// that is not a TCP/IP socket, e.g. a block worker client that talks to
// a worker via Unix domain socket. But client configuration is only provided
// by meta master via a TCP/IP socket, so reaching here indicates a bug in
// the implementation of the child.
throw new UnavailableException("Remote is not an InetSockAddress");
* The RPC to be executed in {@link #retryRPC}.
* @param the return value of {@link #call()}
protected interface RpcCallable {
* The task where RPC happens.
* @return RPC result
* @throws StatusRuntimeException when any exception defined in gRPC happens
V call() throws StatusRuntimeException;
* Tries to execute an RPC defined as a {@link RpcCallable}. Metrics will be recorded based on
* the provided rpc name.
* If a {@link UnavailableException} occurs, a reconnection will be tried through
* {@link #connect()} and the action will be re-executed.
* @param type of return value of the RPC call
* @param rpc the RPC call to be executed
* @param logger the logger to use for this call
* @param rpcName the human-readable name of the RPC call
* @param description the format string of the description, used for logging
* @param args the arguments for the description
* @return the return value of the RPC call
* @throws AlluxioStatusException status exception
protected synchronized V retryRPC(RpcCallable rpc, Logger logger, String rpcName,
String description, Object... args) throws AlluxioStatusException {
return retryRPC(mRetryPolicySupplier.get(), rpc, logger, rpcName, description, args);
protected synchronized V retryRPC(RetryPolicy retryPolicy, RpcCallable rpc,
Logger logger, String rpcName, String description, Object... args)
throws AlluxioStatusException {
String debugDesc = logger.isDebugEnabled() ? String.format(description, args) : null;
// TODO(binfan): create RPC context so we could get RPC duration from metrics timer directly
long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("Enter: {}({})", rpcName, debugDesc);
try (Timer.Context ctx = MetricsSystem.timer(getQualifiedMetricName(rpcName)).time()) {
V ret = retryRPCInternal(retryPolicy, rpc, () -> {
return null;
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;
logger.debug("Exit (OK): {}({}) in {} ms", rpcName, debugDesc, duration);
if (duration >= mRpcThreshold) {
logger.warn("{}({}) returned {} in {} ms (>={} ms)",
rpcName, String.format(description, args),
CommonUtils.summarizeCollection(ret), duration, mRpcThreshold);
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;
logger.debug("Exit (ERROR): {}({}) in {} ms: {}",
rpcName, debugDesc, duration, e.toString());
if (duration >= mRpcThreshold) {
logger.warn("{}({}) exits with exception [{}] in {} ms (>={}ms)",
rpcName, String.format(description, args), e, duration, mRpcThreshold);
throw e;
private synchronized V retryRPCInternal(RetryPolicy retryPolicy, RpcCallable rpc,
Supplier onRetry) throws AlluxioStatusException {
Exception ex = null;
while (retryPolicy.attempt()) {
if (mClosed) {
throw new FailedPreconditionException("Client is closed");
try {
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
AlluxioStatusException se = AlluxioStatusException.fromStatusRuntimeException(e);
if (se.getStatusCode() == Status.Code.UNAVAILABLE
|| se.getStatusCode() == Status.Code.CANCELLED
|| se.getStatusCode() == Status.Code.UNAUTHENTICATED
|| se.getStatusCode() == Status.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED // for standby grpc enabled
|| e.getCause() instanceof UnresolvedAddressException) {
ex = se;
} else {
throw se;
LOG.debug("Rpc failed ({}): ", retryPolicy.getAttemptCount(), ex);
throw new UnavailableException(String.format("Failed after %d attempts: %s",
retryPolicy.getAttemptCount(), ex), ex);
// TODO(calvin): General tag logic should be in getMetricName
private String getQualifiedMetricName(String metricName) {
try {
if (SecurityUtils.isAuthenticationEnabled(mContext.getClusterConf())
&& mContext.getUserState().getUser() != null) {
return Metric.getMetricNameWithTags(metricName, MetricInfo.TAG_USER,
} else {
return metricName;
} catch (IOException e) {
return metricName;
// TODO(calvin): This should not be in this class
private String getQualifiedRetryMetricName(String metricName) {
return getQualifiedMetricName(metricName + "Retries");
// TODO(calvin): This should not be in this class
private String getQualifiedFailureMetricName(String metricName) {
return getQualifiedMetricName(metricName + "Failures");
public boolean isClosed() {
return mClosed;