alluxio.master.file.DefaultFileSystemMaster Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
* available at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
* either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.
package alluxio.master.file;
import alluxio.AlluxioURI;
import alluxio.ClientContext;
import alluxio.Constants;
import alluxio.Server;
import alluxio.client.WriteType;
import alluxio.client.job.JobMasterClient;
import alluxio.client.job.JobMasterClientPool;
import alluxio.clock.SystemClock;
import alluxio.collections.Pair;
import alluxio.collections.PrefixList;
import alluxio.conf.PropertyKey;
import alluxio.conf.ServerConfiguration;
import alluxio.exception.AccessControlException;
import alluxio.exception.AlluxioException;
import alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException;
import alluxio.exception.ConnectionFailedException;
import alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException;
import alluxio.exception.ExceptionMessage;
import alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyCompletedException;
import alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException;
import alluxio.exception.InvalidFileSizeException;
import alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException;
import alluxio.exception.PreconditionMessage;
import alluxio.exception.UnexpectedAlluxioException;
import alluxio.exception.status.FailedPreconditionException;
import alluxio.exception.status.InvalidArgumentException;
import alluxio.exception.status.NotFoundException;
import alluxio.exception.status.PermissionDeniedException;
import alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException;
import alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException;
import alluxio.file.options.DescendantType;
import alluxio.grpc.CompleteFilePOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.DeletePOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.GrpcService;
import alluxio.grpc.GrpcUtils;
import alluxio.grpc.LoadDescendantPType;
import alluxio.grpc.LoadMetadataPOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.LoadMetadataPType;
import alluxio.grpc.MountPOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.ServiceType;
import alluxio.grpc.SetAclAction;
import alluxio.grpc.SetAttributePOptions;
import alluxio.grpc.TtlAction;
import alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext;
import alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatThread;
import alluxio.master.CoreMaster;
import alluxio.master.CoreMasterContext;
import alluxio.master.ProtobufUtils;
import alluxio.master.audit.AsyncUserAccessAuditLogWriter;
import alluxio.master.audit.AuditContext;
import alluxio.master.block.BlockId;
import alluxio.master.block.BlockMaster;
import alluxio.master.block.DefaultBlockMaster;
import alluxio.master.file.activesync.ActiveSyncManager;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.CheckConsistencyContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.CompleteFileContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateDirectoryContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.CreateFileContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.DeleteContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.FreeContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.GetStatusContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.ListStatusContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.LoadMetadataContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.MountContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.RenameContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.SetAclContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.SetAttributeContext;
import alluxio.master.file.contexts.WorkerHeartbeatContext;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.FileSystemMasterView;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectoryIdGenerator;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectoryView;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeFile;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeLockManager;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodePathPair;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeTree;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeTree.LockPattern;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePathList;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.LockingScheme;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.PersistenceState;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.UfsAbsentPathCache;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.UfsBlockLocationCache;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.UfsSyncPathCache;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.UfsSyncUtils;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.options.MountInfo;
import alluxio.master.journal.DelegatingJournaled;
import alluxio.master.journal.JournaledGroup;
import alluxio.master.journal.JournalContext;
import alluxio.master.journal.Journaled;
import alluxio.master.journal.checkpoint.CheckpointName;
import alluxio.master.metastore.DelegatingReadOnlyInodeStore;
import alluxio.master.metastore.InodeStore;
import alluxio.master.metastore.ReadOnlyInodeStore;
import alluxio.master.metrics.TimeSeriesStore;
import alluxio.metrics.MasterMetrics;
import alluxio.metrics.MetricsSystem;
import alluxio.metrics.TimeSeries;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.AddSyncPointEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.NewBlockEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.RemoveSyncPointEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.RenameEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.SetAclEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeFileEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.UpdateInodeFileEntry.Builder;
import alluxio.proto.journal.Journal.JournalEntry;
import alluxio.resource.CloseableResource;
import alluxio.resource.LockResource;
import alluxio.retry.CountingRetry;
import alluxio.retry.RetryPolicy;
import alluxio.underfs.Fingerprint;
import alluxio.underfs.Fingerprint.Tag;
import alluxio.underfs.MasterUfsManager;
import alluxio.underfs.UfsFileStatus;
import alluxio.underfs.UfsManager;
import alluxio.underfs.UfsMode;
import alluxio.underfs.UfsStatus;
import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem;
import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystemConfiguration;
import alluxio.underfs.options.ListOptions;
import alluxio.util.CommonUtils;
import alluxio.util.IdUtils;
import alluxio.util.ModeUtils;
import alluxio.util.SecurityUtils;
import alluxio.util.UnderFileSystemUtils;
import alluxio.util.executor.ExecutorServiceFactories;
import alluxio.util.executor.ExecutorServiceFactory;
import alluxio.util.interfaces.Scoped;
import alluxio.util.proto.ProtoUtils;
import alluxio.wire.BlockInfo;
import alluxio.wire.BlockLocation;
import alluxio.wire.CommandType;
import alluxio.wire.FileBlockInfo;
import alluxio.wire.FileInfo;
import alluxio.wire.FileSystemCommand;
import alluxio.wire.FileSystemCommandOptions;
import alluxio.wire.MountPointInfo;
import alluxio.wire.PersistCommandOptions;
import alluxio.wire.PersistFile;
import alluxio.wire.SyncPointInfo;
import alluxio.wire.UfsInfo;
import alluxio.wire.WorkerInfo;
import alluxio.worker.job.JobMasterClientContext;
import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import io.grpc.ServerInterceptors;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
* The master that handles all file system metadata management.
@NotThreadSafe // TODO(jiri): make thread-safe (c.f. ALLUXIO-1664)
public final class DefaultFileSystemMaster extends CoreMaster
implements FileSystemMaster, DelegatingJournaled {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultFileSystemMaster.class);
private static final Set> DEPS = ImmutableSet.of(BlockMaster.class);
/** The number of threads to use in the {@link #mPersistCheckerPool}. */
private static final int PERSIST_CHECKER_POOL_THREADS = 128;
* Locking in DefaultFileSystemMaster
* Individual paths are locked in the inode tree. In order to read or write any inode, the path
* must be locked. A path is locked via one of the lock methods in {@link InodeTree}, such as
* {@link InodeTree#lockInodePath(AlluxioURI, LockMode)} or
* {@link InodeTree#lockFullInodePath(AlluxioURI, LockMode)}. These lock methods return
* an {@link LockedInodePath}, which represents a locked path of inodes. These locked paths
* ({@link LockedInodePath}) must be unlocked. In order to ensure a locked
* {@link LockedInodePath} is always unlocked, the following paradigm is recommended:
* try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, LockPattern.READ)) {
* ...
* }
* When locking a path in the inode tree, it is possible that other concurrent operations have
* modified the inode tree while a thread is waiting to acquire a lock on the inode. Lock
* acquisitions throw {@link InvalidPathException} to indicate that the inode structure is no
* longer consistent with what the caller original expected, for example if the inode
* previously obtained at /pathA has been renamed to /pathB during the wait for the inode lock.
* Methods which specifically act on a path will propagate this exception to the caller, while
* methods which iterate over child nodes can safely ignore the exception and treat the inode
* as no longer a child.
* JournalContext, BlockDeletionContext, and RpcContext
* RpcContext is an aggregator for various contexts which get passed around through file system
* master methods.
* Currently there are two types of contexts that get passed around: {@link JournalContext} and
* {@link BlockDeletionContext}. These contexts are used to register work that should be done when
* the context closes. The journal context tracks journal entries which need to be flushed, while
* the block deletion context tracks which blocks need to be deleted in the {@link BlockMaster}.
* File system master journal entries should be written before blocks are deleted in the block
* master, so journal context should always be closed before block deletion context. In order to
* ensure that contexts are closed and closed in the right order, the following paradign is
* recommended:
* try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext()) {
* // access journal context with rpcContext.getJournalContext()
* // access block deletion context with rpcContext.getBlockDeletionContext()
* ...
* }
* When used in conjunction with {@link LockedInodePath} and {@link AuditContext}, the usage
* should look like
* try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
* LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(...);
* FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext = createAuditContext(...)) {
* ...
* }
* NOTE: Because resources are released in the opposite order they are acquired, the
* {@link JournalContext}, {@link BlockDeletionContext}, or {@link RpcContext} resources should be
* always created before any {@link LockedInodePath} resources to avoid holding an inode path lock
* while waiting for journal IO.
* User access audit logging in the FileSystemMaster
* User accesses to file system metadata should be audited. The intent to write audit log and the
* actual writing of the audit log is decoupled so that operations are not holding metadata locks
* waiting on the audit log IO. In particular {@link AsyncUserAccessAuditLogWriter} uses a
* separate thread to perform actual audit log IO. In order for audit log entries to preserve
* the order of file system operations, the intention of auditing should be submitted to
* {@link AsyncUserAccessAuditLogWriter} while holding locks on the inode path. That said, the
* {@link AuditContext} resources should always live within the scope of {@link LockedInodePath},
* i.e. created after {@link LockedInodePath}. Otherwise, the order of audit log entries may not
* reflect the actual order of the user accesses.
* Resources are released in the opposite order they are acquired, the
* {@link AuditContext#close()} method is called before {@link LockedInodePath#close()}, thus
* guaranteeing the order.
* Method Conventions in the FileSystemMaster
* All of the flow of the FileSystemMaster follow a convention. There are essentially 4 main
* types of methods:
* (A) public api methods
* (B) private (or package private) internal methods
* (A) public api methods:
* These methods are public and are accessed by the RPC and REST APIs. These methods lock all
* the required paths, and also perform all permission checking.
* (A) cannot call (A)
* (A) can call (B)
* (B) private (or package private) internal methods:
* These methods perform the rest of the work. The names of these
* methods are suffixed by "Internal". These are typically called by the (A) methods.
* (B) cannot call (A)
* (B) can call (B)
/** Handle to the block master. */
private final BlockMaster mBlockMaster;
/** This manages the file system inode structure. This must be journaled. */
private final InodeTree mInodeTree;
/** Store for holding inodes. */
private final ReadOnlyInodeStore mInodeStore;
/** This manages inode locking. */
private final InodeLockManager mInodeLockManager;
/** This manages the file system mount points. */
private final MountTable mMountTable;
/** This generates unique directory ids. This must be journaled. */
private final InodeDirectoryIdGenerator mDirectoryIdGenerator;
/** This checks user permissions on different operations. */
private final PermissionChecker mPermissionChecker;
/** List of paths to always keep in memory. */
private final PrefixList mWhitelist;
/** A pool of job master clients. */
private final JobMasterClientPool mJobMasterClientPool;
/** Set of file IDs to persist. */
private final Map mPersistRequests;
/** Map from file IDs to persist jobs. */
private final Map mPersistJobs;
/** The manager of all ufs. */
private final MasterUfsManager mUfsManager;
/** This caches absent paths in the UFS. */
private final UfsAbsentPathCache mUfsAbsentPathCache;
/** This caches block locations in the UFS. */
private final UfsBlockLocationCache mUfsBlockLocationCache;
/** This caches paths which have been synced with UFS. */
private final UfsSyncPathCache mUfsSyncPathCache;
/** The {@link JournaledGroup} representing all the subcomponents which require journaling. */
private final JournaledGroup mJournaledGroup;
/** List of strings which are blacklisted from async persist. */
private final List mPersistBlacklist;
/** Thread pool which asynchronously handles the completion of persist jobs. */
private java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor mPersistCheckerPool;
private ActiveSyncManager mSyncManager;
/** Log writer for user access audit log. */
private AsyncUserAccessAuditLogWriter mAsyncAuditLogWriter;
/** Stores the time series for various metrics which are exposed in the UI. */
private TimeSeriesStore mTimeSeriesStore;
private AccessTimeUpdater mAccessTimeUpdater;
* Creates a new instance of {@link DefaultFileSystemMaster}.
* @param blockMaster a block master handle
* @param masterContext the context for Alluxio master
public DefaultFileSystemMaster(BlockMaster blockMaster, CoreMasterContext masterContext) {
this(blockMaster, masterContext,
* Creates a new instance of {@link DefaultFileSystemMaster}.
* @param blockMaster a block master handle
* @param masterContext the context for Alluxio master
* @param executorServiceFactory a factory for creating the executor service to use for running
* maintenance threads
public DefaultFileSystemMaster(BlockMaster blockMaster, CoreMasterContext masterContext,
ExecutorServiceFactory executorServiceFactory) {
super(masterContext, new SystemClock(), executorServiceFactory);
mBlockMaster = blockMaster;
mDirectoryIdGenerator = new InodeDirectoryIdGenerator(mBlockMaster);
mUfsManager = masterContext.getUfsManager();
mMountTable = new MountTable(mUfsManager, getRootMountInfo(mUfsManager));
mInodeLockManager = new InodeLockManager();
InodeStore inodeStore = masterContext.getInodeStoreFactory().apply(mInodeLockManager);
mInodeStore = new DelegatingReadOnlyInodeStore(inodeStore);
mInodeTree = new InodeTree(inodeStore, mBlockMaster,
mDirectoryIdGenerator, mMountTable, mInodeLockManager);
// TODO(gene): Handle default config value for whitelist.
mWhitelist = new PrefixList(ServerConfiguration.getList(PropertyKey.MASTER_WHITELIST, ","));
mPersistBlacklist = ServerConfiguration.isSet(PropertyKey.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_BLACKLIST)
? ServerConfiguration.getList(PropertyKey.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_BLACKLIST, ",")
: Collections.emptyList();
mPermissionChecker = new DefaultPermissionChecker(mInodeTree);
mJobMasterClientPool = new JobMasterClientPool(JobMasterClientContext
mPersistRequests = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<>();
mPersistJobs = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<>();
mUfsAbsentPathCache = UfsAbsentPathCache.Factory.create(mMountTable);
mUfsBlockLocationCache = UfsBlockLocationCache.Factory.create(mMountTable);
mUfsSyncPathCache = new UfsSyncPathCache();
mSyncManager = new ActiveSyncManager(mMountTable, this);
mTimeSeriesStore = new TimeSeriesStore();
mAccessTimeUpdater = new AccessTimeUpdater(this, mInodeTree, masterContext.getJournalSystem());
// The mount table should come after the inode tree because restoring the mount table requires
// that the inode tree is already restored.
ArrayList journaledComponents = new ArrayList() {
mJournaledGroup = new JournaledGroup(journaledComponents, CheckpointName.FILE_SYSTEM_MASTER);
Metrics.registerGauges(this, mUfsManager);
private static MountInfo getRootMountInfo(MasterUfsManager ufsManager) {
try (CloseableResource resource = ufsManager.getRoot().acquireUfsResource()) {
String rootUfsUri = ServerConfiguration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS);
boolean shared = resource.get().isObjectStorage()
&& ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_OBJECT_STORE_MOUNT_SHARED_PUBLICLY);
Map rootUfsConf =
MountPOptions mountOptions = MountContext
return new MountInfo(new AlluxioURI(MountTable.ROOT),
new AlluxioURI(rootUfsUri), IdUtils.ROOT_MOUNT_ID, mountOptions);
public Map getServices() {
Map services = new HashMap<>();
services.put(ServiceType.FILE_SYSTEM_MASTER_CLIENT_SERVICE, new GrpcService(ServerInterceptors
.intercept(new FileSystemMasterClientServiceHandler(this), new ClientIpAddressInjector())));
new GrpcService(new FileSystemMasterJobServiceHandler(this)));
new GrpcService(new FileSystemMasterWorkerServiceHandler(this)));
return services;
public String getName() {
public Set> getDependencies() {
return DEPS;
public Journaled getDelegate() {
return mJournaledGroup;
public void start(Boolean isPrimary) throws IOException {
if (isPrimary) {"Starting fs master as primary");
InodeDirectory root = mInodeTree.getRoot();
if (root == null) {
try (JournalContext context = createJournalContext()) {
} else if (!ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.MASTER_SKIP_ROOT_ACL_CHECK)) {
// For backwards-compatibility:
// Empty root owner indicates that previously the master had no security. In this case, the
// master is allowed to be started with security turned on.
String serverOwner = SecurityUtils.getOwner(mMasterContext.getUserState());
if (SecurityUtils.isSecurityEnabled(
&& !root.getOwner().isEmpty() && !root.getOwner().equals(serverOwner)) {
// user is not the previous owner
throw new PermissionDeniedException(ExceptionMessage.PERMISSION_DENIED.getMessage(String
.format("Unauthorized user on root. inode owner: %s current user: %s",
root.getOwner(), serverOwner)));
// Initialize the ufs manager from the mount table.
for (String key : mMountTable.getMountTable().keySet()) {
if (key.equals(MountTable.ROOT)) {
MountInfo mountInfo = mMountTable.getMountTable().get(key);
UnderFileSystemConfiguration ufsConf =
mUfsManager.addMount(mountInfo.getMountId(), mountInfo.getUfsUri(), ufsConf);
// Startup Checks and Periodic Threads.
// Rebuild the list of persist jobs (mPersistJobs) and map of pending persist requests
// (mPersistRequests)
long persistInitialIntervalMs =
long persistMaxIntervalMs =
long persistMaxWaitMs =
for (Long id : mInodeTree.getToBePersistedIds()) {
Inode inode = mInodeStore.get(id).get();
if (inode.isDirectory()
|| !inode.asFile().isCompleted() // When file is completed it is added to persist reqs
|| inode.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.TO_BE_PERSISTED
|| inode.asFile().getShouldPersistTime() == Constants.NO_AUTO_PERSIST) {
InodeFile inodeFile = inode.asFile();
if (inodeFile.getPersistJobId() == Constants.PERSISTENCE_INVALID_JOB_ID) {
new alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer(
} else {
AlluxioURI path;
try {
path = mInodeTree.getPath(inodeFile);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to determine path for inode with id {}", id, e);
addPersistJob(id, inodeFile.getPersistJobId(),
path, inodeFile.getTempUfsPath());
if (ServerConfiguration
int blockIntegrityCheckInterval = (int) ServerConfiguration
if (blockIntegrityCheckInterval > 0) { // negative or zero interval implies disabled
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_BLOCK_INTEGRITY_CHECK,
new BlockIntegrityChecker(this), blockIntegrityCheckInterval,, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_TTL_CHECK,
new InodeTtlChecker(this, mInodeTree),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_TTL_CHECKER_INTERVAL_MS),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_LOST_FILES_DETECTION,
new LostFileDetector(this, mInodeTree),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
getExecutorService().submit(new HeartbeatThread(
new alluxio.master.file.replication.ReplicationChecker(mInodeTree, mBlockMaster,
mSafeModeManager, mJobMasterClientPool),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_REPLICATION_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_SCHEDULER,
new PersistenceScheduler(),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL_MS),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
mPersistCheckerPool =
new java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor(PERSIST_CHECKER_POOL_THREADS,
PERSIST_CHECKER_POOL_THREADS, 1, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES,
new LinkedBlockingQueue(),"Persist-Checker-%d", true));
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_CHECKER,
new PersistenceChecker(),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_CHECKER_INTERVAL_MS),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_METRICS_TIME_SERIES,
new TimeSeriesRecorder(),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.MASTER_METRICS_TIME_SERIES_INTERVAL),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
if (ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.MASTER_AUDIT_LOGGING_ENABLED)) {
mAsyncAuditLogWriter = new AsyncUserAccessAuditLogWriter();
if (ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_CLEANUP_ENABLED)) {
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_UFS_CLEANUP, new UfsCleaner(this),
(int) ServerConfiguration.getMs(PropertyKey.UNDERFS_CLEANUP_INTERVAL),, mMasterContext.getUserState()));
public void stop() throws IOException {
if (mAsyncAuditLogWriter != null) {
mAsyncAuditLogWriter = null;
public void close() throws IOException {
public void validateInodeBlocks(boolean repair) throws UnavailableException {
mBlockMaster.validateBlocks((blockId) -> {
long fileId = IdUtils.fileIdFromBlockId(blockId);
return mInodeTree.inodeIdExists(fileId);
}, repair);
public void cleanupUfs() {
for (Map.Entry mountPoint : mMountTable.getMountTable().entrySet()) {
MountInfo info = mountPoint.getValue();
if (info.getOptions().getReadOnly()) {
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
mUfsManager.get(info.getMountId()).acquireUfsResource()) {
} catch (UnavailableException | NotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("No UFS cached for {}", info, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed in cleanup UFS {}.", info, e);
public long getFileId(AlluxioURI path) throws AccessControlException, UnavailableException {
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, LockPattern.READ)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, inodePath);
loadMetadataIfNotExist(rpcContext, inodePath, LoadMetadataContext
return inodePath.getInode().getId();
} catch (InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException e) {
return IdUtils.INVALID_FILE_ID;
public FileInfo getFileInfo(long fileId)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException, UnavailableException {;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.READ)) {
return getFileInfoInternal(inodePath);
public FileInfo getFileInfo(AlluxioURI path, GetStatusContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException, IOException {;
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.READ, true);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("getFileInfo", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
if (syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE)) {
// If synced, do not load metadata.
// If the file already exists, then metadata does not need to be loaded,
// otherwise load metadata.
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
checkLoadMetadataOptions(context.getOptions().getLoadMetadataType(), inodePath.getUri());
loadMetadataIfNotExist(rpcContext, inodePath,
FileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfoInternal(inodePath);
Mode.Bits accessMode = Mode.Bits.fromProto(context.getOptions().getAccessMode());
if (context.getOptions().getUpdateTimestamps() && context.getOptions().hasAccessMode()
&& (accessMode.imply(Mode.Bits.READ) || accessMode.imply(Mode.Bits.WRITE))) {
inodePath.getInode(), opTimeMs);
return fileInfo;
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to get the {@link FileInfo} for
* @return the {@link FileInfo} for the given inode
private FileInfo getFileInfoInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, UnavailableException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
AlluxioURI uri = inodePath.getUri();
FileInfo fileInfo = inode.generateClientFileInfo(uri.toString());
if (fileInfo.isFolder()) {
if (inode.isFile()) {
try {
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
MountTable.Resolution resolution;
try {
resolution = mMountTable.resolve(uri);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
AlluxioURI resolvedUri = resolution.getUri();
return fileInfo;
public PersistenceState getPersistenceState(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.READ)) {
return inodePath.getInode().getPersistenceState();
public void listStatus(AlluxioURI path, ListStatusContext context,
ResultStream resultStream)
throws AccessControlException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException {;
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.READ);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("listStatus", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
DescendantType descendantType = context.getOptions().getRecursive() ? DescendantType.ALL
: DescendantType.ONE;
// Possible ufs sync.
if (syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, descendantType)) {
// If synced, do not load metadata.
DescendantType loadDescendantType;
if (context.getOptions().getLoadMetadataType() == LoadMetadataPType.NEVER) {
loadDescendantType = DescendantType.NONE;
} else if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
loadDescendantType = DescendantType.ALL;
} else {
loadDescendantType = DescendantType.ONE;
// load metadata for 1 level of descendants, or all descendants if recursive
LoadMetadataContext loadMetadataContext =
Inode inode;
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory()
&& context.getOptions().getLoadMetadataType() != LoadMetadataPType.ALWAYS) {
InodeDirectory inodeDirectory = inode.asDirectory();
boolean isLoaded = inodeDirectory.isDirectChildrenLoaded();
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
isLoaded = areDescendantsLoaded(inodeDirectory);
if (isLoaded) {
// no need to load again.
} else {
checkLoadMetadataOptions(context.getOptions().getLoadMetadataType(), inodePath.getUri());
loadMetadataIfNotExist(rpcContext, inodePath, loadMetadataContext);
inode = inodePath.getInode();
DescendantType descendantTypeForListStatus =
(context.getOptions().getRecursive()) ? DescendantType.ALL : DescendantType.ONE;
listStatusInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, auditContext, descendantTypeForListStatus,
resultStream, 0);
public List listStatus(AlluxioURI path, ListStatusContext context)
throws AccessControlException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
final List fileInfos = new ArrayList<>();
listStatus(path, context, (item) -> fileInfos.add(item));
return fileInfos;
* Lists the status of the path in {@link LockedInodePath}, possibly recursively depending on the
* descendantType. The result is returned via a list specified by statusList, in postorder
* traversal order.
* @param rpcContext the context for the RPC call
* @param currInodePath the inode path to find the status
* @param auditContext the audit context to return any access exceptions
* @param descendantType if the currInodePath is a directory, how many levels of its descendant
* should be returned
* @param resultStream the stream to receive individual results
* @param depth internal use field for tracking depth relative to root item
private void listStatusInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath currInodePath,
AuditContext auditContext, DescendantType descendantType, ResultStream resultStream,
int depth) throws FileDoesNotExistException, UnavailableException, AccessControlException,
InvalidPathException {
Inode inode = currInodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory() && descendantType != DescendantType.NONE) {
try {
// TODO(david): Return the error message when we do not have permission
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.EXECUTE, currInodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
if (descendantType == DescendantType.ALL) {
} else {
throw e;
mAccessTimeUpdater.updateAccessTime(rpcContext.getJournalContext(), inode,
DescendantType nextDescendantType = (descendantType == DescendantType.ALL)
? DescendantType.ALL : DescendantType.NONE;
// This is to generate a parsed child path components to be passed to lockChildPath
String [] childComponentsHint = null;
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
if (childComponentsHint == null) {
String[] parentComponents = PathUtils.getPathComponents(currInodePath.getUri().getPath());
childComponentsHint = new String[parentComponents.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(parentComponents, 0, childComponentsHint, 0, parentComponents.length);
// TODO(david): Make extending InodePath more efficient
childComponentsHint[childComponentsHint.length - 1] = child.getName();
try (LockedInodePath childInodePath =
currInodePath.lockChild(child, LockPattern.READ, childComponentsHint)) {
listStatusInternal(rpcContext, childInodePath, auditContext, nextDescendantType,
resultStream, depth + 1);
} catch (InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException e) {
LOG.debug("Path \"{0}\" is invalid, has been ignored.",
PathUtils.concatPath("/", childComponentsHint));
// Listing a directory should not emit item for the directory itself.
if (depth != 0 || inode.isFile()) {
* Checks the {@link LoadMetadataPType} to determine whether or not to proceed in loading
* metadata. This method assumes that the path does not exist in Alluxio namespace, and will
* throw an exception if metadata should not be loaded.
* @param loadMetadataType the {@link LoadMetadataPType} to check
* @param path the path that does not exist in Alluxio namespace (used for exception message)
private void checkLoadMetadataOptions(LoadMetadataPType loadMetadataType, AlluxioURI path)
throws FileDoesNotExistException {
if (loadMetadataType == LoadMetadataPType.NEVER || (loadMetadataType == LoadMetadataPType.ONCE
&& mUfsAbsentPathCache.isAbsent(path))) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(path));
private boolean areDescendantsLoaded(InodeDirectoryView inode) {
if (!inode.isDirectChildrenLoaded()) {
return false;
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inode)) {
if (child.isDirectory()) {
if (!areDescendantsLoaded(child.asDirectory())) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks to see if the entire path exists in Alluxio. Updates the absent cache if it does not
* exist.
* @param inodePath the path to ensure
private void ensureFullPathAndUpdateCache(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException {
boolean exists = false;
try {
exists = true;
} finally {
if (!exists) {
mUfsAbsentPathCache.process(inodePath.getUri(), inodePath.getInodeList());
public FileSystemMasterView getFileSystemMasterView() {
return new FileSystemMasterView(this);
public List checkConsistency(AlluxioURI path, CheckConsistencyContext context)
throws AccessControlException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.READ);
List inconsistentUris = new ArrayList<>();
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath parent =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("checkConsistency", path, null, parent.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, parent);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, parent, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ALL);
checkConsistencyRecursive(parent, inconsistentUris);
return inconsistentUris;
private void checkConsistencyRecursive(LockedInodePath inodePath,
List inconsistentUris) throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
try {
if (!checkConsistencyInternal(inodePath)) {
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
InodeDirectory inodeDir = inode.asDirectory();
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inodeDir)) {
try (LockedInodePath childPath = inodePath.lockChild(child, LockPattern.READ)) {
checkConsistencyRecursive(childPath, inconsistentUris);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.debug("Path \"{0}\" is invalid, has been ignored.",
* Checks if a path is consistent between Alluxio and the underlying storage.
* A path without a backing under storage is always consistent.
* A not persisted path is considered consistent if:
* 1. It does not shadow an object in the underlying storage.
* A persisted path is considered consistent if:
* 1. An equivalent object exists for its under storage path.
* 2. The metadata of the Alluxio and under storage object are equal.
* @param inodePath the path to check. This must exist and be read-locked
* @return true if the path is consistent, false otherwise
private boolean checkConsistencyInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath) throws InvalidPathException,
IOException {
Inode inode;
try {
inode = inodePath.getInode();
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // already checked existence when creating the inodePath
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
String ufsPath = resolution.getUri().getPath();
if (ufs == null) {
return true;
if (!inode.isPersisted()) {
return !ufs.exists(ufsPath);
UfsStatus ufsStatus;
try {
ufsStatus = ufs.getStatus(ufsPath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return !inode.isPersisted();
// TODO(calvin): Evaluate which other metadata fields should be validated.
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
return ufsStatus.isDirectory();
} else {
String ufsFingerprint = Fingerprint.create(ufs.getUnderFSType(), ufsStatus).serialize();
return ufsStatus.isFile()
&& (ufsFingerprint.equals(inode.asFile().getUfsFingerprint()));
public void completeFile(AlluxioURI path, CompleteFileContext context)
throws BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
InvalidFileSizeException, FileAlreadyCompletedException, AccessControlException,
UnavailableException {;
// No need to syncMetadata before complete.
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE);
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("completeFile", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Even readonly mount points should be able to complete a file, for UFS reads in CACHE mode.
completeFileInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
// Schedule async persistence if requested.
if (context.getOptions().hasAsyncPersistOptions()) {
scheduleAsyncPersistenceInternal(inodePath, ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext
.create(context.getOptions().getAsyncPersistOptionsBuilder()), rpcContext);
* Completes a file. After a file is completed, it cannot be written to.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to complete
* @param context the method context
private void completeFileInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
CompleteFileContext context)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, BlockInfoException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException, InvalidFileSizeException, UnavailableException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (!inode.isFile()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
InodeFile fileInode = inode.asFile();
List blockIdList = fileInode.getBlockIds();
List blockInfoList = mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(blockIdList);
if (!fileInode.isPersisted() && blockInfoList.size() != blockIdList.size()) {
throw new BlockInfoException("Cannot complete a file without all the blocks committed");
// Iterate over all file blocks committed to Alluxio, computing the length and verify that all
// the blocks (except the last one) is the same size as the file block size.
long inAlluxioLength = 0;
long fileBlockSize = fileInode.getBlockSizeBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < blockInfoList.size(); i++) {
BlockInfo blockInfo = blockInfoList.get(i);
inAlluxioLength += blockInfo.getLength();
if (i < blockInfoList.size() - 1 && blockInfo.getLength() != fileBlockSize) {
throw new BlockInfoException(
"Block index " + i + " has a block size smaller than the file block size (" + fileInode
.getBlockSizeBytes() + ")");
// If the file is persisted, its length is determined by UFS. Otherwise, its length is
// determined by its size in Alluxio.
long length = fileInode.isPersisted() ? context.getOptions().getUfsLength() : inAlluxioLength;
String ufsFingerprint = Constants.INVALID_UFS_FINGERPRINT;
if (fileInode.isPersisted()) {
UfsStatus ufsStatus = context.getUfsStatus();
// Retrieve the UFS fingerprint for this file.
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
AlluxioURI resolvedUri = resolution.getUri();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (ufsStatus == null) {
ufsFingerprint = ufs.getFingerprint(resolvedUri.toString());
} else {
ufsFingerprint = Fingerprint.create(ufs.getUnderFSType(), ufsStatus).serialize();
completeFileInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, length, context.getOperationTimeMs(),
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to complete
* @param length the length to use
* @param opTimeMs the operation time (in milliseconds)
* @param ufsFingerprint the ufs fingerprint
private void completeFileInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath, long length,
long opTimeMs, String ufsFingerprint)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, InvalidFileSizeException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException, UnavailableException {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
if (inode.isCompleted() && inode.getLength() != Constants.UNKNOWN_SIZE) {
throw new FileAlreadyCompletedException("File " + getName() + " has already been completed.");
if (length < 0 && length != Constants.UNKNOWN_SIZE) {
throw new InvalidFileSizeException(
"File " + inode.getName() + " cannot have negative length: " + length);
Builder entry = UpdateInodeFileEntry.newBuilder()
if (length == Constants.UNKNOWN_SIZE) {
// TODO(gpang): allow unknown files to be multiple blocks.
// If the length of the file is unknown, only allow 1 block to the file.
length = inode.getBlockSizeBytes();
int sequenceNumber = 0;
long remainingBytes = length;
while (remainingBytes > 0) {
entry.addSetBlocks(BlockId.createBlockId(inode.getBlockContainerId(), sequenceNumber));
remainingBytes -= Math.min(remainingBytes, inode.getBlockSizeBytes());
if (inode.isPersisted()) {
// Commit all the file blocks (without locations) so the metadata for the block exists.
long currLength = length;
for (long blockId : entry.getSetBlocksList()) {
long blockSize = Math.min(currLength, inode.getBlockSizeBytes());
mBlockMaster.commitBlockInUFS(blockId, blockSize);
currLength -= blockSize;
// The path exists in UFS, so it is no longer absent
// We could introduce a concept of composite entries, so that these two entries could
// be applied in a single call to applyAndJournal.
mInodeTree.updateInode(rpcContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
public FileInfo createFile(AlluxioURI path, CreateFileContext context)
throws AccessControlException, InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
BlockInfoException, IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {;
LockingScheme lockingScheme = createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(),
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("createFile", path, null, inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE);
if (context.isPersisted()) {
// Check if ufs is writable
checkUfsMode(path, OperationType.WRITE);
createFileInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
return getFileInfoInternal(inodePath);
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the path to be created
* @param context the method context
* @return the list of created inodes
List createFileInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
CreateFileContext context)
throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, BlockInfoException, IOException,
FileDoesNotExistException {
if (mWhitelist.inList(inodePath.getUri().toString())) {
// If the create succeeded, the list of created inodes will not be empty.
List created = mInodeTree.createPath(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
if (context.isPersisted()) {
// The path exists in UFS, so it is no longer absent. The ancestors exist in UFS, but the
// actual file does not exist in UFS yet.
return created;
public long getNewBlockIdForFile(AlluxioURI path) throws FileDoesNotExistException,
InvalidPathException, AccessControlException, UnavailableException {;
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE);
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("getNewBlockIdForFile", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
long blockId = mInodeTree.newBlock(rpcContext, NewBlockEntry.newBuilder()
return blockId;
public Map getMountTable() {
SortedMap mountPoints = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map.Entry mountPoint : mMountTable.getMountTable().entrySet()) {
mountPoints.put(mountPoint.getKey(), getDisplayMountPointInfo(mountPoint.getValue()));
return mountPoints;
public MountPointInfo getDisplayMountPointInfo(AlluxioURI path) throws InvalidPathException {
if (!mMountTable.isMountPoint(path)) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
return getDisplayMountPointInfo(mMountTable.getMountTable().get(path.toString()));
* Gets the mount point information for display from a mount information.
* @param mountInfo the mount information to transform
* @return the mount point information
private MountPointInfo getDisplayMountPointInfo(MountInfo mountInfo) {
MountPointInfo info = mountInfo.toDisplayMountPointInfo();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
mUfsManager.get(mountInfo.getMountId()).acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
try {
ufs.getSpace(info.getUfsUri(), UnderFileSystem.SpaceType.SPACE_TOTAL));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Cannot get total capacity of {}", info.getUfsUri(), e);
try {
ufs.getSpace(info.getUfsUri(), UnderFileSystem.SpaceType.SPACE_USED));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Cannot get used capacity of {}", info.getUfsUri(), e);
} catch (UnavailableException | NotFoundException e) {
// We should never reach here
LOG.error("No UFS cached for {}", info, e);
return info;
public long getInodeCount() {
return mInodeTree.getInodeCount();
public int getNumberOfPinnedFiles() {
return mInodeTree.getPinnedSize();
public void delete(AlluxioURI path, DeleteContext context)
throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException, DirectoryNotEmptyException,
InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {;
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("delete", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
List failedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, childPath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
if (failedChildren.size() > 0) {
throw new AccessControlException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_FAILED_DIR_CHILDREN
.getMessage(path, StringUtils.join(failedChildren, ",")));
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme,
context.getOptions().getRecursive() ? DescendantType.ALL : DescendantType.ONE);
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(path));
deleteInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
* Implements file deletion.
* This method does not delete blocks. Instead, it returns deleted inodes so that their blocks can
* be deleted after the inode deletion journal entry has been written. We cannot delete blocks
* earlier because the inode deletion may fail, leaving us with inode containing deleted blocks.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the file {@link LockedInodePath}
* @param deleteContext the method optitions
public void deleteInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
DeleteContext deleteContext) throws FileDoesNotExistException, IOException,
DirectoryNotEmptyException, InvalidPathException {
Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
// TODO(jiri): A crash after any UFS object is deleted and before the delete operation is
// journaled will result in an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode == null) {
boolean recursive = deleteContext.getOptions().getRecursive();
if (inode.isDirectory() && !recursive && mInodeStore.hasChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
// inode is nonempty, and we don't want to delete a nonempty directory unless recursive is
// true
throw new DirectoryNotEmptyException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_NONEMPTY_DIRECTORY_NONRECURSIVE,
if (mInodeTree.isRootId(inode.getId())) {
// The root cannot be deleted.
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_ROOT_DIRECTORY.getMessage());
// Inodes for which deletion will be attempted
List> inodesToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
// Add root of sub-tree to delete
inodesToDelete.add(new Pair<>(inodePath.getUri(), inodePath));
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
inodesToDelete.add(new Pair<>(mInodeTree.getPath(childPath.getInode()), childPath));
// Prepare to delete persisted inodes
UfsDeleter ufsDeleter = NoopUfsDeleter.INSTANCE;
if (!deleteContext.getOptions().getAlluxioOnly()) {
ufsDeleter = new SafeUfsDeleter(mMountTable, mInodeStore, inodesToDelete,
// Inodes to delete from tree after attempting to delete from UFS
List> revisedInodesToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
// Inodes that are not safe for recursive deletes
Set unsafeInodes = new HashSet<>();
// Alluxio URIs (and the reason for failure) which could not be deleted
List> failedUris = new ArrayList<>();
// We go through each inode, removing it from its parent set and from mDelInodes. If it's a
// file, we deal with the checkpoints and blocks as well.
for (int i = inodesToDelete.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Pair inodePairToDelete = inodesToDelete.get(i);
AlluxioURI alluxioUriToDelete = inodePairToDelete.getFirst();
Inode inodeToDelete = inodePairToDelete.getSecond().getInode();
String failureReason = null;
if (unsafeInodes.contains(inodeToDelete.getId())) {
failureReason = ExceptionMessage.DELETE_FAILED_DIR_NONEMPTY.getMessage();
} else if (inodeToDelete.isPersisted()) {
// If this is a mount point, we have deleted all the children and can unmount it
// TODO(calvin): Add tests (ALLUXIO-1831)
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(alluxioUriToDelete)) {
mMountTable.delete(rpcContext, alluxioUriToDelete, true);
} else {
if (!deleteContext.getOptions().getAlluxioOnly()) {
try {
checkUfsMode(alluxioUriToDelete, OperationType.WRITE);
// Attempt to delete node if all children were deleted successfully
ufsDeleter.delete(alluxioUriToDelete, inodeToDelete);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
// In case ufs is not writable, we will still attempt to delete other entries
// if any as they may be from a different mount point
failureReason = e.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
failureReason = e.getMessage();
if (failureReason == null) {
if (inodeToDelete.isFile()) {
long fileId = inodeToDelete.getId();
// Remove the file from the set of files to persist.
// Cancel any ongoing jobs.
PersistJob job = mPersistJobs.get(fileId);
if (job != null) {
revisedInodesToDelete.add(new Pair<>(alluxioUriToDelete, inodePairToDelete.getSecond()));
} else {
// Propagate 'unsafe-ness' to parent as one of its descendants can't be deleted
failedUris.add(new Pair<>(alluxioUriToDelete.toString(), failureReason));
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mSyncManager.resolveSyncPoint(inodePath.getUri());
if (resolution != null) {
mSyncManager.stopSyncInternal(inodePath.getUri(), resolution.getMountId());
// Delete Inodes
for (Pair delInodePair : revisedInodesToDelete) {
LockedInodePath tempInodePath = delInodePair.getSecond();
mInodeTree.deleteInode(rpcContext, tempInodePath, opTimeMs);
if (!failedUris.isEmpty()) {
Collection messages =
.map(pair -> String.format("%s (%s)", pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()))
throw new FailedPreconditionException(
ExceptionMessage.DELETE_FAILED_UFS.getMessage(StringUtils.join(messages, ", ")));
public List getFileBlockInfoList(AlluxioURI path)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException,
UnavailableException {;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, LockPattern.READ);
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("getFileBlockInfoList", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
List ret = getFileBlockInfoListInternal(inodePath);;
return ret;
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to get the info for
* @return a list of {@link FileBlockInfo} for all the blocks of the given inode
private List getFileBlockInfoListInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, UnavailableException {
InodeFile file = inodePath.getInodeFile();
List blockInfoList = mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(file.getBlockIds());
List ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockInfo blockInfo : blockInfoList) {
ret.add(generateFileBlockInfo(inodePath, blockInfo));
return ret;
* Generates a {@link FileBlockInfo} object from internal metadata. This adds file information to
* the block, such as the file offset, and additional UFS locations for the block.
* @param inodePath the file the block is a part of
* @param blockInfo the {@link BlockInfo} to generate the {@link FileBlockInfo} from
* @return a new {@link FileBlockInfo} for the block
private FileBlockInfo generateFileBlockInfo(LockedInodePath inodePath, BlockInfo blockInfo)
throws FileDoesNotExistException {
InodeFile file = inodePath.getInodeFile();
FileBlockInfo fileBlockInfo = new FileBlockInfo();
fileBlockInfo.setUfsLocations(new ArrayList<>());
// The sequence number part of the block id is the block index.
long offset = file.getBlockSizeBytes() * BlockId.getSequenceNumber(blockInfo.getBlockId());
if (fileBlockInfo.getBlockInfo().getLocations().isEmpty() && file.isPersisted()) {
// No alluxio locations, but there is a checkpoint in the under storage system. Add the
// locations from the under storage system.
long blockId = fileBlockInfo.getBlockInfo().getBlockId();
List locations = mUfsBlockLocationCache.get(blockId, inodePath.getUri(),
if (locations != null) {
return fileBlockInfo;
* Returns whether the inodeFile is fully in Alluxio or not. The file is fully in Alluxio only if
* all the blocks of the file are in Alluxio, in other words, the in-Alluxio percentage is 100.
* @return true if the file is fully in Alluxio, false otherwise
private boolean isFullyInAlluxio(InodeFile inode) throws UnavailableException {
return getInAlluxioPercentage(inode) == 100;
* Returns whether the inodeFile is fully in memory or not. The file is fully in memory only if
* all the blocks of the file are in memory, in other words, the in-memory percentage is 100.
* @return true if the file is fully in Alluxio, false otherwise
private boolean isFullyInMemory(InodeFile inode) throws UnavailableException {
return getInMemoryPercentage(inode) == 100;
public List getInAlluxioFiles() throws UnavailableException {
List files = new ArrayList<>();
LockedInodePath rootPath;
try {
rootPath =
mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR), LockPattern.READ);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
// Root should always exist.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = rootPath) {
getInAlluxioFilesInternal(inodePath, files);
return files;
public List getInMemoryFiles() throws UnavailableException {
List files = new ArrayList<>();
LockedInodePath rootPath;
try {
rootPath =
mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR), LockPattern.READ);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
// Root should always exist.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = rootPath) {
getInMemoryFilesInternal(inodePath, files);
return files;
* Adds in-Alluxio files to the array list passed in. This method assumes the inode passed in is
* already read locked.
* @param inodePath the inode path to search
* @param files the list to accumulate the results in
private void getInAlluxioFilesInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, List files)
throws UnavailableException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInodeOrNull();
if (inode == null) {
if (inode.isFile()) {
if (isFullyInAlluxio(inode.asFile())) {
} else {
// This inode is a directory.
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
try (LockedInodePath childPath = inodePath.lockChild(child, LockPattern.READ)) {
getInAlluxioFilesInternal(childPath, files);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
// Inode is no longer a child, continue.
* Adds in-memory files to the array list passed in. This method assumes the inode passed in is
* already read locked.
* @param inodePath the inode path to search
* @param files the list to accumulate the results in
private void getInMemoryFilesInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, List files)
throws UnavailableException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInodeOrNull();
if (inode == null) {
if (inode.isFile()) {
if (isFullyInMemory(inode.asFile())) {
} else {
// This inode is a directory.
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
try (LockedInodePath childPath = inodePath.lockChild(child, LockPattern.READ)) {
getInMemoryFilesInternal(childPath, files);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
// Inode is no longer a child, continue.
* Gets the in-memory percentage of an Inode. For a file that has all blocks in Alluxio, it
* returns 100; for a file that has no block in memory, it returns 0. Returns 0 for a directory.
* @param inode the inode
* @return the in memory percentage
private int getInMemoryPercentage(Inode inode) throws UnavailableException {
if (!inode.isFile()) {
return 0;
InodeFile inodeFile = inode.asFile();
long length = inodeFile.getLength();
if (length == 0) {
return 100;
long inMemoryLength = 0;
for (BlockInfo info : mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(inodeFile.getBlockIds())) {
if (isInTopStorageTier(info)) {
inMemoryLength += info.getLength();
return (int) (inMemoryLength * 100 / length);
* Gets the in-Alluxio percentage of an Inode. For a file that has all blocks in Alluxio, it
* returns 100; for a file that has no block in Alluxio, it returns 0. Returns 0 for a directory.
* @param inode the inode
* @return the in alluxio percentage
private int getInAlluxioPercentage(Inode inode) throws UnavailableException {
if (!inode.isFile()) {
return 0;
InodeFile inodeFile = inode.asFile();
long length = inodeFile.getLength();
if (length == 0) {
return 100;
long inAlluxioLength = 0;
for (BlockInfo info : mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(inodeFile.getBlockIds())) {
if (!info.getLocations().isEmpty()) {
inAlluxioLength += info.getLength();
return (int) (inAlluxioLength * 100 / length);
* @return true if the given block is in the top storage level in some worker, false otherwise
private boolean isInTopStorageTier(BlockInfo blockInfo) {
for (BlockLocation location : blockInfo.getLocations()) {
if (mBlockMaster.getGlobalStorageTierAssoc().getOrdinal(location.getTierAlias()) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
public long createDirectory(AlluxioURI path, CreateDirectoryContext context)
throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException, AccessControlException,
FileDoesNotExistException {
LOG.debug("createDirectory {} ", path);;
LockingScheme lockingScheme = createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(),
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("mkdir", path, null, inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE);
if (context.isPersisted()) {
checkUfsMode(path, OperationType.WRITE);
createDirectoryInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
return inodePath.getInode().getId();
* Implementation of directory creation for a given path.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the path of the directory
* @param context method context
* @return a list of created inodes
private List createDirectoryInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
CreateDirectoryContext context) throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
try {
List createResult = mInodeTree.createPath(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
InodeDirectory inodeDirectory = inodePath.getInode().asDirectory();
String ufsFingerprint = Constants.INVALID_UFS_FINGERPRINT;
if (inodeDirectory.isPersisted()) {
UfsStatus ufsStatus = context.getUfsStatus();
// Retrieve the UFS fingerprint for this file.
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
AlluxioURI resolvedUri = resolution.getUri();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (ufsStatus == null) {
ufsFingerprint = ufs.getFingerprint(resolvedUri.toString());
} else {
ufsFingerprint = Fingerprint.create(ufs.getUnderFSType(), ufsStatus).serialize();
mInodeTree.updateInode(rpcContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
if (context.isPersisted()) {
// The path exists in UFS, so it is no longer absent.
return createResult;
} catch (BlockInfoException e) {
// Since we are creating a directory, the block size is ignored, no such exception should
// happen.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void rename(AlluxioURI srcPath, AlluxioURI dstPath, RenameContext context)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
IOException, AccessControlException {;
LockingScheme srcLockingScheme = createLockingScheme(srcPath,
context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
LockingScheme dstLockingScheme = createLockingScheme(dstPath,
context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
InodePathPair inodePathPair = mInodeTree
.lockInodePathPair(srcLockingScheme.getPath(), srcLockingScheme.getPattern(),
dstLockingScheme.getPath(), dstLockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("rename", srcPath, dstPath, null)) {
LockedInodePath srcInodePath = inodePathPair.getFirst();
LockedInodePath dstInodePath = inodePathPair.getSecond();
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, srcInodePath);
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, dstInodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, srcInodePath, srcLockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE);
syncMetadata(rpcContext, dstInodePath, dstLockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE);
renameInternal(rpcContext, srcInodePath, dstInodePath, context);
LOG.debug("Renamed {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
private boolean shouldPersistPath(String path) {
for (String pattern : mPersistBlacklist) {
if (path.contains(pattern)) {
LOG.debug("Not persisting path {} because it is in {}: {}", path,
PropertyKey.Name.MASTER_PERSISTENCE_BLACKLIST, mPersistBlacklist);
return false;
return true;
* Renames a file to a destination.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param srcInodePath the source path to rename
* @param dstInodePath the destination path to rename the file to
* @param context method options
private void renameInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath srcInodePath,
LockedInodePath dstInodePath, RenameContext context) throws InvalidPathException,
FileDoesNotExistException, FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException, AccessControlException {
if (!srcInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
Inode srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
// Renaming path to itself is a no-op.
if (srcInodePath.getUri().equals(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
// Renaming the root is not allowed.
if (srcInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.ROOT_CANNOT_BE_RENAMED.getMessage());
if (dstInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_ROOT.getMessage());
// Renaming across mount points is not allowed.
String srcMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(srcInodePath.getUri());
String dstMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri());
if ((srcMount == null && dstMount != null) || (srcMount != null && dstMount == null) || (
srcMount != null && dstMount != null && !srcMount.equals(dstMount))) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ACROSS_MOUNTS
.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
// Renaming onto a mount point is not allowed.
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
// Renaming a path to one of its subpaths is not allowed. Check for that, by making sure
// srcComponents isn't a prefix of dstComponents.
if (PathUtils.hasPrefix(dstInodePath.getUri().getPath(), srcInodePath.getUri().getPath())) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_SUBDIRECTORY
.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
// Get the inodes of the src and dst parents.
Inode srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
if (!srcParentInode.isDirectory()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
Inode dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
if (!dstParentInode.isDirectory()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
// Make sure destination path does not exist
if (dstInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
// Now we remove srcInode from its parent and insert it into dstPath's parent
renameInternal(rpcContext, srcInodePath, dstInodePath, false, context);
// Check options and determine if we should schedule async persist. This is helpful for compute
// frameworks that use rename as a commit operation.
if (context.getPersist() && srcInode.isFile() && !srcInode.isPersisted()
&& shouldPersistPath(dstInodePath.toString())) {
LOG.debug("Schedule Async Persist on rename for File {}", srcInodePath);
mInodeTree.updateInode(rpcContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
long shouldPersistTime = srcInode.asFile().getShouldPersistTime();
long persistenceWaitTime = shouldPersistTime == Constants.NO_AUTO_PERSIST ? 0
: getPersistenceWaitTime(shouldPersistTime);
mPersistRequests.put(srcInode.getId(), new alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer(
// If a directory is being renamed with persist on rename, attempt to persist children
if (srcInode.isDirectory() && context.getPersist()
&& shouldPersistPath(dstInodePath.toString())) {
LOG.debug("Schedule Async Persist on rename for Dir: {}", dstInodePath);
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(srcInodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
Inode childInode = childPath.getInode();
// TODO(apc999): Resolve the child path legitimately
if (childInode.isFile() && !childInode.isPersisted()
&& shouldPersistPath(
childPath.toString().substring(srcInodePath.toString().length()))) {
LOG.debug("Schedule Async Persist on rename for Child File: {}", childPath);
mInodeTree.updateInode(rpcContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
long shouldPersistTime = childInode.asFile().getShouldPersistTime();
long persistenceWaitTime = shouldPersistTime == Constants.NO_AUTO_PERSIST ? 0
: getPersistenceWaitTime(shouldPersistTime);
mPersistRequests.put(childInode.getId(), new alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer(
* Implements renaming.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param srcInodePath the path of the rename source
* @param dstInodePath the path to the rename destination
* @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
* @param context method options
private void renameInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath srcInodePath,
LockedInodePath dstInodePath, boolean replayed, RenameContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {
// Rename logic:
// 1. Change the source inode name to the destination name.
// 2. Insert the source inode into the destination parent.
// 3. Do UFS operations if necessary.
// 4. Remove the source inode (reverting the name) from the source parent.
// 5. Set the last modification times for both source and destination parent inodes.
Inode srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
AlluxioURI srcPath = srcInodePath.getUri();
AlluxioURI dstPath = dstInodePath.getUri();
InodeDirectory srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
InodeDirectory dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
String srcName = srcPath.getName();
String dstName = dstPath.getName();
LOG.debug("Renaming {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
if (dstInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Destination path: " + dstPath + " already exists.");
mInodeTree.rename(rpcContext, RenameEntry.newBuilder()
// 3. Do UFS operations if necessary.
// If the source file is persisted, rename it in the UFS.
try {
if (!replayed && srcInode.isPersisted()) {
// Check if ufs is writable
checkUfsMode(srcPath, OperationType.WRITE);
checkUfsMode(dstPath, OperationType.WRITE);
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(srcPath);
// Persist ancestor directories from top to the bottom. We cannot use recursive create
// parents here because the permission for the ancestors can be different.
// inodes from the same mount point as the dst
Stack sameMountDirs = new Stack<>();
List dstInodeList = dstInodePath.getInodeList();
for (int i = dstInodeList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Since dstInodePath is guaranteed not to be a full path, all inodes in the incomplete
// path are guaranteed to be a directory.
InodeDirectory dir = dstInodeList.get(i).asDirectory();
if (dir.isMountPoint()) {
while (!sameMountDirs.empty()) {
InodeDirectory dir = sameMountDirs.pop();
if (!dir.isPersisted()) {
mInodeTree.syncPersistExistingDirectory(rpcContext, dir);
String ufsSrcPath = resolution.getUri().toString();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
String ufsDstUri = mMountTable.resolve(dstPath).getUri().toString();
boolean success;
if (srcInode.isFile()) {
success = ufs.renameRenamableFile(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri);
} else {
success = ufs.renameRenamableDirectory(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri);
if (!success) {
throw new IOException(
ExceptionMessage.FAILED_UFS_RENAME.getMessage(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri));
// The destination was persisted in ufs.
} catch (Throwable t) {
// On failure, revert changes and throw exception.
mInodeTree.rename(rpcContext, RenameEntry.newBuilder()
throw t;
* Propagates the persisted status to all parents of the given inode in the same mount partition.
* @param journalContext the journal context
* @param inodePath the inode to start the propagation at
* @return list of inodes which were marked as persisted
private void propagatePersistedInternal(Supplier journalContext,
LockedInodePath inodePath) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
List inodes = inodePath.getInodeList();
// Traverse the inodes from target inode to the root.
// Skip the first, to not examine the target inode itself.
inodes = inodes.subList(1, inodes.size());
List persistedInodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Inode ancestor : inodes) {
// the path is already locked.
AlluxioURI path = mInodeTree.getPath(ancestor);
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(path)) {
// Stop propagating the persisted status at mount points.
if (ancestor.isPersisted()) {
// Stop if a persisted directory is encountered.
mInodeTree.updateInode(journalContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
public void free(AlluxioURI path, FreeContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException,
UnexpectedAlluxioException, IOException {;
// No need to syncMetadata before free.
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE);
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("free", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(Mode.Bits.READ, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
freeInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
* Implements free operation.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath inode of the path to free
* @param context context to free method
private void freeInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath, FreeContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, UnexpectedAlluxioException,
IOException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory() && !context.getOptions().getRecursive()
&& mInodeStore.hasChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
// inode is nonempty, and we don't free a nonempty directory unless recursive is true
throw new UnexpectedAlluxioException(
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
List freeInodes = new ArrayList<>();
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath descedant : Iterables.concat(descendants,
Collections.singleton(inodePath))) {
Inode freeInode = descedant.getInodeOrNull();
if (freeInode != null && freeInode.isFile()) {
if (freeInode.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.PERSISTED) {
throw new UnexpectedAlluxioException(ExceptionMessage.CANNOT_FREE_NON_PERSISTED_FILE
if (freeInode.isPinned()) {
if (!context.getOptions().getForced()) {
throw new UnexpectedAlluxioException(ExceptionMessage.CANNOT_FREE_PINNED_FILE
SetAttributeContext setAttributeContext = SetAttributeContext
setAttributeSingleFile(rpcContext, descedant, true, opTimeMs, setAttributeContext);
// Remove corresponding blocks from workers.
mBlockMaster.removeBlocks(freeInode.asFile().getBlockIds(), false /* delete */);
public AlluxioURI getPath(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.READ)) {
// the path is already locked.
return mInodeTree.getPath(inodePath.getInode());
public Set getPinIdList() {
// return both the explicitly pinned inodes and not persisted inodes which should not be evicted
return Sets.union(mInodeTree.getPinIdSet(), mInodeTree.getToBePersistedIds());
public String getUfsAddress() {
return ServerConfiguration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS);
public UfsInfo getUfsInfo(long mountId) {
MountInfo info = mMountTable.getMountInfo(mountId);
if (info == null) {
return new UfsInfo();
MountPOptions options = info.getOptions();
return new UfsInfo().setUri(info.getUfsUri())
public List getWhiteList() {
return mWhitelist.getList();
public List getLostFiles() {
Set lostFiles = new HashSet<>();
for (long blockId : mBlockMaster.getLostBlocks()) {
// the file id is the container id of the block id
long containerId = BlockId.getContainerId(blockId);
long fileId = IdUtils.createFileId(containerId);
return new ArrayList<>(lostFiles);
* Loads metadata for the object identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio.
* This operation requires users to have WRITE permission on the path
* and its parent path if path is a file, or WRITE permission on the
* parent path if path is a directory.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param context the load metadata context
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if there is no UFS path
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if invalid file size is encountered
* @throws InvalidPathException if invalid path is encountered
private void loadMetadataInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
LoadMetadataContext context)
throws AccessControlException, BlockInfoException, FileAlreadyCompletedException,
FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidFileSizeException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
AlluxioURI path = inodePath.getUri();
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(path);
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (context.getUfsStatus() == null && !ufs.exists(ufsUri.toString())) {
// uri does not exist in ufs
InodeDirectory inode = inodePath.getInode().asDirectory();
mInodeTree.setDirectChildrenLoaded(rpcContext, inode);
boolean isFile;
if (context.getUfsStatus() != null) {
isFile = context.getUfsStatus().isFile();
} else {
isFile = ufs.isFile(ufsUri.toString());
if (isFile) {
loadFileMetadataInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, resolution, context);
} else {
loadDirectoryMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
if (context.getOptions().getLoadDescendantType() != LoadDescendantPType.NONE) {
ListOptions listOptions = ListOptions.defaults();
if (context.getOptions().getLoadDescendantType() == LoadDescendantPType.ALL) {
} else {
UfsStatus[] children = ufs.listStatus(ufsUri.toString(), listOptions);
// children can be null if the pathname does not denote a directory
// or if the we do not have permission to listStatus on the directory in the ufs.
if (children == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to loadMetadata because ufs can not listStatus at path "
+ ufsUri.toString());
Arrays.sort(children, Comparator.comparing(UfsStatus::getName));
for (UfsStatus childStatus : children) {
if (PathUtils.isTemporaryFileName(childStatus.getName())) {
AlluxioURI childURI = new AlluxioURI(
PathUtils.concatPath(inodePath.getUri(), childStatus.getName()));
if (mInodeTree.inodePathExists(childURI) && (childStatus.isFile()
|| context.getOptions().getLoadDescendantType() != LoadDescendantPType.ALL)) {
// stop traversing if this is an existing file, or an existing directory without
// loading all descendants.
try (LockedInodePath descendant = inodePath.lockDescendant(
inodePath.getUri().joinUnsafe(childStatus.getName()), LockPattern.READ)) {
LoadMetadataContext loadMetadataContext = LoadMetadataContext
try {
loadMetadataInternal(rpcContext, descendant, loadMetadataContext);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
"Failed to loadMetadata because file is not in ufs:"
+ " inodePath={}, options={}.",
descendant.getUri(), loadMetadataContext, e);
} catch (Exception e) {"Failed to loadMetadata: inodePath={}, options={}.", descendant.getUri(),
loadMetadataContext, e);
if (context.getOptions().getLoadDescendantType() == LoadDescendantPType.ALL
&& descendant.getInode().isDirectory()) {
mInodeTree.setDirectChildrenLoaded(rpcContext, descendant.getInode().asDirectory());
mInodeTree.setDirectChildrenLoaded(rpcContext, inodePath.getInode().asDirectory());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to loadMetadata: inodePath={}, context={}.", inodePath.getUri(),
context, e);
throw e;
* Loads metadata for the file identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio.
* This method doesn't require any specific type of locking on inodePath. If the path needs to be
* loaded, we will acquire a write-edge lock.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param resolution the UFS resolution of path
* @param context the load metadata context
private void loadFileMetadataInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
MountTable.Resolution resolution, LoadMetadataContext context)
throws BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException, InvalidFileSizeException, IOException {
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
long ufsBlockSizeByte;
long ufsLength;
AccessControlList acl = null;
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (context.getUfsStatus() == null) {
ufsLength = ((UfsFileStatus) context.getUfsStatus()).getContentLength();
long blockSize = ((UfsFileStatus) context.getUfsStatus()).getBlockSize();
ufsBlockSizeByte = blockSize != UfsFileStatus.UNKNOWN_BLOCK_SIZE
? blockSize : ufs.getBlockSizeByte(ufsUri.toString());
if (isAclEnabled()) {
Pair aclPair
= ufs.getAclPair(ufsUri.toString());
if (aclPair != null) {
acl = aclPair.getFirst();
// DefaultACL should be null, because it is a file
if (aclPair.getSecond() != null) {
LOG.warn("File {} has default ACL in the UFS", inodePath.getUri());
// Metadata loaded from UFS has no TTL set.
CreateFileContext createFileContext = CreateFileContext.defaults();
createFileContext.setWriteType(WriteType.THROUGH); // set as through since already in UFS
short ufsMode = context.getUfsStatus().getMode();
Mode mode = new Mode(ufsMode);
Long ufsLastModified = context.getUfsStatus().getLastModifiedTime();
if (resolution.getShared()) {
if (acl != null) {
if (ufsLastModified != null) {
try (LockedInodePath writeLockedPath = inodePath.lockFinalEdgeWrite()) {
createFileInternal(rpcContext, writeLockedPath, createFileContext);
CompleteFileContext completeContext =
if (ufsLastModified != null) {
completeFileInternal(rpcContext, writeLockedPath, completeContext);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// This may occur if a thread created or loaded the file before we got the write lock.
// The file already exists, so nothing needs to be loaded.
LOG.debug("Failed to load file metadata: {}", e.toString());
// Re-traverse the path to pick up any newly created inodes.
* Loads metadata for the directory identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio. This does
* not actually require looking at the UFS path.
* It is a no-op if the directory exists.
* This method doesn't require any specific type of locking on inodePath. If the path needs to be
* loaded, we will acquire a write-edge lock if necessary.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param context the load metadata context
private void loadDirectoryMetadata(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
LoadMetadataContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException, IOException {
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
CreateDirectoryContext createDirectoryContext = CreateDirectoryContext.defaults();
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
AccessControlList acl = null;
DefaultAccessControlList defaultAcl = null;
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (context.getUfsStatus() == null) {
Pair aclPair =
if (aclPair != null) {
acl = aclPair.getFirst();
defaultAcl = aclPair.getSecond();
String ufsOwner = context.getUfsStatus().getOwner();
String ufsGroup = context.getUfsStatus().getGroup();
short ufsMode = context.getUfsStatus().getMode();
Long lastModifiedTime = context.getUfsStatus().getLastModifiedTime();
Mode mode = new Mode(ufsMode);
if (resolution.getShared()) {
if (acl != null) {
if (defaultAcl != null) {
if (lastModifiedTime != null) {
try (LockedInodePath writeLockedPath = inodePath.lockFinalEdgeWrite()) {
createDirectoryInternal(rpcContext, writeLockedPath, createDirectoryContext);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// This may occur if a thread created or loaded the directory before we got the write lock.
// The directory already exists, so nothing needs to be loaded.
// Re-traverse the path to pick up any newly created inodes.
* Loads metadata for the path if it is (non-existing || load direct children is set).
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to load the metadata for
* @param context the load metadata context
private void loadMetadataIfNotExist(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
LoadMetadataContext context) {
Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.READ);
boolean inodeExists = inodePath.fullPathExists();
boolean loadDirectChildren = false;
if (inodeExists) {
try {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
loadDirectChildren = inode.isDirectory()
&& (context.getOptions().getLoadDescendantType() != LoadDescendantPType.NONE);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
// This should never happen.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (!inodeExists || loadDirectChildren) {
try {
loadMetadataInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
} catch (AlluxioException | IOException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to load metadata for path from UFS: {}", inodePath.getUri(), e);
private void prepareForMount(AlluxioURI ufsPath, long mountId, MountContext context)
throws IOException {
MountPOptions.Builder mountOption = context.getOptions();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
mUfsManager.get(mountId).acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
// Check that the ufsPath exists and is a directory
if (!ufs.isDirectory(ufsPath.toString())) {
throw new IOException(
if (UnderFileSystemUtils.isWeb(ufs)) {
private void updateMountInternal(Supplier journalContext,
LockedInodePath inodePath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, MountInfo mountInfo, MountContext context)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
long newMountId = IdUtils.createMountId();
// lock sync manager to ensure no sync point is added before the mount point is removed
try (LockResource r = new LockResource(mSyncManager.getSyncManagerLock())) {
List syncPoints = mSyncManager.getFilterList(mountInfo.getMountId());
if (syncPoints != null && !syncPoints.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Updating a mount point with ActiveSync enabled is not"
+ " supported. Please remove all sync'ed paths from the mount point and try again.");
AlluxioURI alluxioPath = inodePath.getUri();
// validate new UFS client before updating the mount table
mUfsManager.addMount(newMountId, new AlluxioURI(ufsPath.toString()),
prepareForMount(ufsPath, newMountId, context);
// old ufsClient is removed as part of the mount table update process
mMountTable.update(journalContext, alluxioPath, newMountId, context.getOptions().build());
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException | InvalidPathException | IOException e) {
// revert everything
throw e;
public void updateMount(AlluxioURI alluxioPath, MountContext context)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
IOException, AccessControlException {
LockingScheme lockingScheme = createLockingScheme(alluxioPath,
context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext = createAuditContext(
"updateMount", alluxioPath, null, inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
MountInfo mountInfo = mMountTable.getMountTable().get(alluxioPath.getPath());
if (mountInfo == null) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Failed to update mount properties for "
+ inodePath.getUri() + ". Please ensure the path is an existing mount point.");
updateMountInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, mountInfo.getUfsUri(), mountInfo, context);
public void mount(AlluxioURI alluxioPath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, MountContext context)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
IOException, AccessControlException {;
LockingScheme lockingScheme = createLockingScheme(alluxioPath,
context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("mount", alluxioPath, null, inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ONE);
mountInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, ufsPath, context);
* Mounts a UFS path onto an Alluxio path.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the Alluxio path to mount to
* @param ufsPath the UFS path to mount
* @param context the mount context
private void mountInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath, AlluxioURI ufsPath,
MountContext context) throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
FileDoesNotExistException, IOException, AccessControlException {
// Check that the Alluxio Path does not exist
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
// TODO(calvin): Add a test to validate this (ALLUXIO-1831)
throw new InvalidPathException(
long mountId = IdUtils.createMountId();
mountInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, ufsPath, mountId, context);
boolean loadMetadataSucceeded = false;
try {
// This will create the directory at alluxioPath
loadDirectoryMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, LoadMetadataContext
loadMetadataSucceeded = true;
} finally {
if (!loadMetadataSucceeded) {
mMountTable.delete(rpcContext, inodePath.getUri(), true);
* Updates the mount table with the specified mount point. The mount options may be updated during
* this method.
* @param journalContext the journal context
* @param inodePath the Alluxio mount point
* @param ufsPath the UFS endpoint to mount
* @param mountId the mount id
* @param context the mount context (may be updated)
private void mountInternal(Supplier journalContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
AlluxioURI ufsPath, long mountId, MountContext context)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
AlluxioURI alluxioPath = inodePath.getUri();
// Adding the mount point will not create the UFS instance and thus not connect to UFS
mUfsManager.addMount(mountId, new AlluxioURI(ufsPath.toString()),
try {
prepareForMount(ufsPath, mountId, context);
// Check that the alluxioPath we're creating doesn't shadow a path in the parent UFS
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(alluxioPath);
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
String ufsResolvedPath = resolution.getUri().getPath();
if (ufsResource.get().exists(ufsResolvedPath)) {
throw new IOException(
// Add the mount point. This will only succeed if we are not mounting a prefix of an existing
// mount.
mMountTable.add(journalContext, alluxioPath, ufsPath, mountId, context.getOptions().build());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
public void unmount(AlluxioURI alluxioPath) throws FileDoesNotExistException,
InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {;
// Unmount should lock the parent to remove the child inode.
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(alluxioPath, LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("unmount", alluxioPath, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
unmountInternal(rpcContext, inodePath);
* Unmounts a UFS path previously mounted onto an Alluxio path.
* This method does not delete blocks. Instead, it adds the to the passed-in block deletion
* context so that the blocks can be deleted after the inode deletion journal entry has been
* written. We cannot delete blocks earlier because the inode deletion may fail, leaving us with
* inode containing deleted blocks.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the Alluxio path to unmount, must be a mount point
private void unmountInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, IOException {
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
"Failed to unmount: Path " + inodePath.getUri() + " does not exist");
MountInfo mountInfo = mMountTable.getMountTable().get(inodePath.getUri().getPath());
if (mountInfo == null) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Failed to unmount " + inodePath.getUri() + ". Please ensure"
+ " the path is an existing mount point.");
if (!mMountTable.delete(rpcContext, inodePath.getUri(), true)) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Failed to unmount " + inodePath.getUri() + ". Please ensure"
+ " the path is an existing mount point and not root.");
try {
// Use the internal delete API, setting {@code alluxioOnly} to true to prevent the delete
// operations from being persisted in the UFS.
deleteInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, DeleteContext
} catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"We should never see this exception because %s should never be thrown when recursive "
+ "is true.",
public void setAcl(AlluxioURI path, SetAclAction action, List entries,
SetAclContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException, InvalidPathException, IOException {;
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, context.getOptions().getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_INODE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("setAcl", path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
mPermissionChecker.checkSetAttributePermission(inodePath, false, true, false);
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath child : descendants) {
mPermissionChecker.checkSetAttributePermission(child, false, true, false);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme,
context.getOptions().getRecursive() ? DescendantType.ALL : DescendantType.NONE);
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(path));
setAclInternal(rpcContext, action, inodePath, entries, context);
private void setAclInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, SetAclAction action, LockedInodePath inodePath,
List entries, SetAclContext context)
throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Check inputs for setAcl
switch (action) {
Set types =;
Set requiredTypes =
Sets.newHashSet(AclEntryType.OWNING_USER, AclEntryType.OWNING_GROUP,
// make sure the required entries are present
if (!requiredTypes.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.ACL_BASE_REQUIRED.getMessage(
String.join(", ",
case MODIFY: // fall through
case REMOVE:
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to do.
setAclRecursive(rpcContext, action, inodePath, entries, false, opTimeMs, context);
private void setUfsAcl(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInodeOrNull();
checkUfsMode(inodePath.getUri(), OperationType.WRITE);
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (ufs.isObjectStorage()) {
LOG.warn("SetACL is not supported to object storage UFS via Alluxio. "
+ "UFS: " + ufsUri + ". This has no effect on the underlying object.");
} else {
try {
List entries = new ArrayList<>(inode.getACL().getEntries());
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
ufs.setAclEntries(ufsUri, entries);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessControlException("Could not setAcl for UFS file: " + ufsUri);
private void setAclSingleInode(RpcContext rpcContext, SetAclAction action,
LockedInodePath inodePath, List entries, boolean replay, long opTimeMs)
throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
// Check that we are not removing an extended mask.
if (action == SetAclAction.REMOVE) {
for (AclEntry entry : entries) {
if ((entry.isDefault() && inode.getDefaultACL().hasExtended())
|| (!entry.isDefault() && inode.getACL().hasExtended())) {
if (entry.getType() == AclEntryType.MASK) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Deleting the mask for an extended ACL is not allowed. entry: " + entry);
// Check that we are not setting default ACL to a file
if (inode.isFile()) {
for (AclEntry entry : entries) {
if (entry.isDefault()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not set default ACL for a file");
mInodeTree.setAcl(rpcContext, SetAclEntry.newBuilder()
try {
if (!replay && inode.isPersisted()) {
} catch (InvalidPathException | AccessControlException e) {
LOG.warn("Setting ufs ACL failed for path: {}", inodePath.getUri(), e);
// TODO(david): revert the acl and default acl to the initial state if writing to ufs failed.
private void setAclRecursive(RpcContext rpcContext, SetAclAction action,
LockedInodePath inodePath, List entries, boolean replay, long opTimeMs,
SetAclContext context) throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
setAclSingleInode(rpcContext, action, inodePath, entries, replay, opTimeMs);
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
setAclSingleInode(rpcContext, action, childPath, entries, replay, opTimeMs);
public void setAttribute(AlluxioURI path, SetAttributeContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
SetAttributePOptions.Builder options = context.getOptions();;
// for chown
boolean rootRequired = options.hasOwner();
// for chgrp, chmod
boolean ownerRequired = (options.hasGroup()) || (options.hasMode());
// for other attributes
boolean writeRequired = !rootRequired && !ownerRequired;
if (options.hasOwner() && options.hasGroup()) {
try {
checkUserBelongsToGroup(options.getOwner(), options.getGroup());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(String.format("Could not update owner:group for %s to %s:%s. %s",
path.toString(), options.getOwner(), options.getGroup(), e.toString()), e);
String commandName;
boolean checkWritableMountPoint = false;
if (options.hasOwner()) {
commandName = "chown";
checkWritableMountPoint = true;
} else if (options.hasGroup()) {
commandName = "chgrp";
checkWritableMountPoint = true;
} else if (options.hasMode()) {
commandName = "chmod";
checkWritableMountPoint = true;
} else {
commandName = "setAttribute";
LockingScheme lockingScheme =
createLockingScheme(path, options.getCommonOptions(), LockPattern.WRITE_INODE);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext(commandName, path, null, inodePath.getInodeOrNull())) {
if (checkWritableMountPoint) {
// Force recursive sync metadata if it is a pinning and unpinning operation
boolean recursiveSync = options.hasPinned() || options.getRecursive();
// Possible ufs sync.
syncMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme,
recursiveSync ? DescendantType.ALL : DescendantType.ONE);
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(path));
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkSetAttributePermission(inodePath, rootRequired, ownerRequired,
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive()) {
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
mPermissionChecker.checkSetAttributePermission(childPath, rootRequired,
ownerRequired, writeRequired);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
setAttributeInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, context);
* Checks whether the owner belongs to the group.
* @param owner the owner to check
* @param group the group to check
* @throws FailedPreconditionException if owner does not belong to group
private void checkUserBelongsToGroup(String owner, String group)
throws IOException {
List groups = CommonUtils.getGroups(owner,;
if (groups == null || !groups.contains(group)) {
throw new FailedPreconditionException("Owner " + owner
+ " does not belong to the group " + group);
* Sets the file attribute.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to set attribute for
* @param context attributes to be set, see {@link SetAttributePOptions}
private void setAttributeInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
SetAttributeContext context)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException, IOException {
Inode targetInode = inodePath.getInode();
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (context.getOptions().getRecursive() && targetInode.isDirectory()) {
try (LockedInodePathList descendants = mInodeTree.getDescendants(inodePath)) {
for (LockedInodePath childPath : descendants) {
setAttributeSingleFile(rpcContext, childPath, true, opTimeMs, context);
setAttributeSingleFile(rpcContext, inodePath, true, opTimeMs, context);
public void scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path, ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext context)
throws AlluxioException, UnavailableException {
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE)) {
scheduleAsyncPersistenceInternal(inodePath, context, rpcContext);
private void scheduleAsyncPersistenceInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext context, RpcContext rpcContext)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
if (!inode.isCompleted()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
"Cannot persist an incomplete Alluxio file: " + inodePath.getUri());
if (shouldPersistPath(inodePath.toString())) {
mInodeTree.updateInode(rpcContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(inode.getId())
new alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer(
* Actively sync metadata, based on a list of changed files.
* @param path the path to sync
* @param changedFiles collection of files that are changed under the path to sync, if this is
* null, force sync the entire directory
* @param executorService executor to execute the parallel incremental sync
public void activeSyncMetadata(AlluxioURI path, Collection changedFiles,
ExecutorService executorService) throws IOException {
if (changedFiles == null) {"Start an active full sync of {}", path.toString());
} else {"Start an active incremental sync of {} files", changedFiles.size());
if (changedFiles != null && changedFiles.isEmpty()) {
Map statusCache;
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext()) {
statusCache = populateStatusCache(path, DescendantType.ALL);
if (changedFiles == null) {
LockingScheme lockingScheme = new LockingScheme(path, LockPattern.READ, true);
try (LockedInodePath inodePath =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern())) {
syncMetadataInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.ALL,
}"Ended an active full sync of {}", path.toString());
} else {
Set> callables = new HashSet<>();
for (AlluxioURI changedFile : changedFiles) {
callables.add(() -> {
LockingScheme lockingScheme = new LockingScheme(path, LockPattern.READ, true);
try (LockedInodePath changedFilePath =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(changedFile, lockingScheme.getPattern())) {
syncMetadataInternal(rpcContext, changedFilePath, lockingScheme, DescendantType.NONE,
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {"forceSyncMetadata processed an invalid path {}", changedFile.getPath());
return null;
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.warn("InvalidPathException during active sync {}", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.warn("InterruptedException during active sync {}", e);
}"Ended an active incremental sync of {} files", changedFiles.size());
public boolean recordActiveSyncTxid(long txId, long mountId) {
MountInfo mountInfo = mMountTable.getMountInfo(mountId);
if (mountInfo == null) {
return false;
AlluxioURI mountPath = mountInfo.getAlluxioUri();
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(mountPath, LockPattern.READ)) {
File.ActiveSyncTxIdEntry txIdEntry =
} catch (UnavailableException | InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception when recording activesync txid, path {}, exception {}",
mountPath, e);
return false;
return true;
private boolean syncMetadata(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
LockingScheme lockingScheme, DescendantType syncDescendantType) {
boolean result;
if (!lockingScheme.shouldSync()) {
return false;
try {
result = syncMetadataInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, lockingScheme,
syncDescendantType, populateStatusCache(inodePath.getUri(), syncDescendantType));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Sync metadata for path {} encountered exception {}", inodePath.getUri(),
return false;
return result;
private Map populateStatusCache(AlluxioURI path,
DescendantType syncDescendantType) {
Map statusCache = new HashMap<>();
try {
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(path);
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
ListOptions listOptions = ListOptions.defaults();
// statusCache stores uri to ufsstatus mapping that is used to construct fingerprint
listOptions.setRecursive(syncDescendantType == DescendantType.ALL);
try {
UfsStatus[] children = ufs.listStatus(ufsUri.toString(), listOptions);
if (children != null) {
for (UfsStatus childStatus : children) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("ListStatus failed as an preparation step for syncMetadata {}", path, e);
return statusCache;
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
return statusCache;
* Syncs the Alluxio metadata with UFS.
* This method expects that the last existing edge leading to inodePath has been write-locked.
* @param rpcContext the rpcContext
* @param inodePath the Alluxio inode path to sync with UFS
* @param lockingScheme the locking scheme used to lock the inode path
* @param syncDescendantType how to sync descendants
* @param statusCache a cache provided to the sync method which stores the UfsStatus of files
* @return true if the sync was performed successfully, false otherwise (including errors)
private boolean syncMetadataInternal(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
LockingScheme lockingScheme, DescendantType syncDescendantType,
Map statusCache)
throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
// The high-level process for the syncing is:
// 1. Find all Alluxio paths which are not consistent with the corresponding UFS path.
// This means the UFS path does not exist, or is different from the Alluxio metadata.
// 2. If only the metadata changed for a file or a directory, update the inode with
// new metadata from the UFS.
// 3. Delete any Alluxio path whose content is not consistent with UFS, or not in UFS. After
// this step, all the paths in Alluxio are consistent with UFS, and there may be additional
// UFS paths to load.
// 4. Load metadata from UFS.
Set pathsToLoad = new HashSet<>();
try {
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
// The requested path does not exist in Alluxio, so just load metadata.
} else {
SyncResult result =
syncInodeMetadata(rpcContext, inodePath, syncDescendantType, statusCache);
if (result.getDeletedInode()) {
// If the inode was deleted, then the inode path should reflect the delete.
pathsToLoad = result.getPathsToLoad();
} catch (InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException | AccessControlException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception encountered when syncing metadata for {}, exception is {}",
inodePath.getUri(), e);
return false;
} finally {
// Update metadata for all the mount points
for (String mountPoint : pathsToLoad) {
AlluxioURI mountPointUri = new AlluxioURI(mountPoint);
try {
if (PathUtils.hasPrefix(inodePath.getUri().getPath(), mountPointUri.getPath())) {
// one of the mountpoint is above the original inodePath, we start loading from the
// original inodePath. It is already locked. so we proceed to load metadata.
try {
loadMetadataInternal(rpcContext, inodePath,
mUfsSyncPathCache.notifySyncedPath(inodePath.getUri().getPath(), syncDescendantType);
} catch (Exception e) {
// This may be expected. For example, when creating a new file, the UFS file is not
// expected to exist.
LOG.debug("Failed to load metadata for path: {}", inodePath.getUri(), e);
} else {
try (LockedInodePath descendantPath =
inodePath.lockDescendant(mountPointUri, LockPattern.READ)) {
try {
loadMetadataInternal(rpcContext, descendantPath,
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to load metadata for mount point: {}", mountPointUri, e);
mUfsSyncPathCache.notifySyncedPath(mountPoint, syncDescendantType);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.warn("Tried to update metadata from an invalid path : {}", mountPointUri.getPath(), e);
try {
// Re-traverse to pick up newly created inodes on the path.
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (pathsToLoad.isEmpty()) {
mUfsSyncPathCache.notifySyncedPath(inodePath.getUri().getPath(), syncDescendantType);
return true;
ReadOnlyInodeStore getInodeStore() {
return mInodeStore;
* This class represents the result for a sync. The following are returned:
* - deleted: if true, the inode was already deleted as part of the syncing process
* - pathsToLoad: a set of paths that need to be loaded from UFS.
private static class SyncResult {
private boolean mDeletedInode;
private Set mPathsToLoad;
static SyncResult defaults() {
return new SyncResult(false, new HashSet<>());
SyncResult(boolean deletedInode, Set pathsToLoad) {
mDeletedInode = deletedInode;
mPathsToLoad = new HashSet<>(pathsToLoad);
boolean getDeletedInode() {
return mDeletedInode;
Set getPathsToLoad() {
return mPathsToLoad;
* Syncs an inode with the UFS.
* @param rpcContext the rpc context
* @param inodePath the Alluxio inode path to sync with UFS
* @param syncDescendantType how to sync descendants
* @param statusCache a pre-populated cache of ufs statuses that can be used to construct
* fingerprint
* @return the result of the sync, including if the inode was deleted, and if further load
* metadata is required
private SyncResult syncInodeMetadata(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
DescendantType syncDescendantType, Map statusCache)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {
Preconditions.checkState(inodePath.getLockPattern() == LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE);
// Set to true if the given inode was deleted.
boolean deletedInode = false;
// Set of paths to sync
Set pathsToLoad = new HashSet<>();
LOG.debug("Syncing inode metadata {}", inodePath.getUri());
// The options for deleting.
DeleteContext syncDeleteContext = DeleteContext.mergeFrom(
// The requested path already exists in Alluxio.
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode instanceof InodeFile && !inode.asFile().isCompleted()) {
// Do not sync an incomplete file, since the UFS file is expected to not exist.
return SyncResult.defaults();
Optional persistingLock = mInodeLockManager.tryAcquirePersistingLock(inode.getId());
if (!persistingLock.isPresent()) {
// Do not sync a file in the process of being persisted, since the UFS file is being
// written.
return SyncResult.defaults();
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
String ufsFingerprint;
Fingerprint ufsFpParsed;
UfsStatus cachedStatus = statusCache.get(inodePath.getUri());
if (cachedStatus == null) {
// TODO(david): change the interface so that getFingerprint returns a parsed fingerprint
ufsFingerprint = ufs.getFingerprint(ufsUri.toString());
ufsFpParsed = Fingerprint.parse(ufsFingerprint);
} else {
Pair aclPair
= ufs.getAclPair(ufsUri.toString());
if (aclPair == null || aclPair.getFirst() == null || !aclPair.getFirst().hasExtended()) {
ufsFpParsed = Fingerprint.create(ufs.getUnderFSType(), cachedStatus);
ufsFingerprint = ufsFpParsed.serialize();
} else {
ufsFpParsed = Fingerprint.create(ufs.getUnderFSType(), cachedStatus,
ufsFingerprint = ufsFpParsed.serialize();
boolean containsMountPoint = mMountTable.containsMountPoint(inodePath.getUri(), true);
UfsSyncUtils.SyncPlan syncPlan =
UfsSyncUtils.computeSyncPlan(inode, ufsFpParsed, containsMountPoint);
if (syncPlan.toUpdateMetaData()) {
// UpdateMetadata is used when a file or a directory only had metadata change.
// It works by calling SetAttributeInternal on the inodePath.
if (ufsFpParsed.isValid()) {
short mode = Short.parseShort(ufsFpParsed.getTag(Tag.MODE));
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
setAttributeSingleFile(rpcContext, inodePath, false, opTimeMs, SetAttributeContext
.setGroup(ufsFpParsed.getTag(Tag.GROUP)).setMode(new Mode(mode).toProto()))
if (syncPlan.toDelete()) {
try {
deleteInternal(rpcContext, inodePath, syncDeleteContext);
deletedInode = true;
} catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException | IOException e) {
// Should not happen, since it is an unchecked delete.
LOG.error("Unexpected error for unchecked delete.", e);
if (syncPlan.toLoadMetadata()) {
AlluxioURI mountUri = new AlluxioURI(mMountTable.getMountPoint(inodePath.getUri()));
if (syncPlan.toSyncChildren() && inode.isDirectory()
&& syncDescendantType != DescendantType.NONE) {
// maps children name to inode
Map inodeChildren = new HashMap<>();
for (Inode child : mInodeStore.getChildren(inode.asDirectory())) {
inodeChildren.put(child.getName(), child);
UfsStatus[] listStatus = ufs.listStatus(ufsUri.toString(),
// Iterate over UFS listings and process UFS children.
if (listStatus != null) {
for (UfsStatus ufsChildStatus : listStatus) {
if (!inodeChildren.containsKey(ufsChildStatus.getName()) && !PathUtils
.isTemporaryFileName(ufsChildStatus.getName())) {
// Ufs child exists, but Alluxio child does not. Must load metadata.
AlluxioURI mountUri = new AlluxioURI(mMountTable.getMountPoint(inodePath.getUri()));
// Iterate over Alluxio children and process persisted children.
for (Map.Entry inodeEntry : inodeChildren.entrySet()) {
if (!inodeEntry.getValue().isPersisted()) {
// Ignore non-persisted inodes.
// Technically we don't need to lock here since inodePath is already write-locked. We can
// improve this by implementing a way to traverse an inode path without locking.
try (LockedInodePath descendant = inodePath.lockDescendant(
inodePath.getUri().joinUnsafe(inodeEntry.getKey()), LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE)) {
// Recursively sync children
if (syncDescendantType != DescendantType.ALL) {
syncDescendantType = DescendantType.NONE;
SyncResult syncResult =
syncInodeMetadata(rpcContext, descendant, syncDescendantType, statusCache);
return new SyncResult(deletedInode, pathsToLoad);
public FileSystemCommand workerHeartbeat(long workerId, List persistedFiles,
WorkerHeartbeatContext context) throws IOException {
List persistedUfsFingerprints = context.getOptions().getPersistedFileFingerprintsList();
boolean hasPersistedFingerprints = persistedUfsFingerprints.size() == persistedFiles.size();
for (int i = 0; i < persistedFiles.size(); i++) {
long fileId = persistedFiles.get(i);
String ufsFingerprint = hasPersistedFingerprints ? persistedUfsFingerprints.get(i) :
try {
// Permission checking for each file is performed inside setAttribute
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException | AccessControlException | InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to set file {} as persisted, because {}", fileId, e);
// TODO(zac) Clean up master and worker code since this is taken care of by job service now.
// Worker should not persist any files. Instead, files are persisted through job service.
List filesToPersist = new ArrayList<>();
FileSystemCommandOptions commandOptions = new FileSystemCommandOptions();
commandOptions.setPersistOptions(new PersistCommandOptions(filesToPersist));
return new FileSystemCommand(CommandType.Persist, commandOptions);
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to use
* @param updateUfs whether to update the UFS with the attribute change
* @param opTimeMs the operation time (in milliseconds)
* @param context the method context
private void setAttributeSingleFile(RpcContext rpcContext, LockedInodePath inodePath,
boolean updateUfs, long opTimeMs, SetAttributeContext context)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
SetAttributePOptions.Builder protoOptions = context.getOptions();
if (protoOptions.hasPinned()) {
mInodeTree.setPinned(rpcContext, inodePath, context.getOptions().getPinned(),
context.getOptions().getPinnedMediaList(), opTimeMs);
UpdateInodeEntry.Builder entry = UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder().setId(inode.getId());
if (protoOptions.hasReplicationMax() || protoOptions.hasReplicationMin()) {
Integer replicationMax =
protoOptions.hasReplicationMax() ? protoOptions.getReplicationMax() : null;
Integer replicationMin =
protoOptions.hasReplicationMin() ? protoOptions.getReplicationMin() : null;
mInodeTree.setReplication(rpcContext, inodePath, replicationMax, replicationMin, opTimeMs);
// protoOptions may not have both fields set
if (protoOptions.hasCommonOptions()) {
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOpts = protoOptions.getCommonOptions();
TtlAction action = commonOpts.hasTtlAction() ? commonOpts.getTtlAction() : null;
Long ttl = commonOpts.hasTtl() ? commonOpts.getTtl() : null;
boolean modified = false;
if (ttl != null && inode.getTtl() != ttl) {
modified = true;
if (action != null && inode.getTtlAction() != action) {
modified = true;
if (modified) {
if (protoOptions.hasPersisted()) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(inode.isFile(), PreconditionMessage.PERSIST_ONLY_FOR_FILE);
// TODO(manugoyal) figure out valid behavior in the un-persist case
.checkArgument(protoOptions.getPersisted(), PreconditionMessage.ERR_SET_STATE_UNPERSIST);
if (!inode.asFile().isPersisted()) {
propagatePersistedInternal(rpcContext, inodePath);;
boolean ownerGroupChanged = (protoOptions.hasOwner()) || (protoOptions.hasGroup());
boolean modeChanged = protoOptions.hasMode();
// If the file is persisted in UFS, also update corresponding owner/group/permission.
if ((ownerGroupChanged || modeChanged) && updateUfs && inode.isPersisted()) {
if ((inode instanceof InodeFile) && !inode.asFile().isCompleted()) {
LOG.debug("Alluxio does not propagate chown/chgrp/chmod to UFS for incomplete files.");
} else {
checkUfsMode(inodePath.getUri(), OperationType.WRITE);
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
if (ufs.isObjectStorage()) {
LOG.debug("setOwner/setMode is not supported to object storage UFS via Alluxio. "
+ "UFS: " + ufsUri + ". This has no effect on the underlying object.");
} else {
String owner = null;
String group = null;
String mode = null;
if (ownerGroupChanged) {
try {
owner =
protoOptions.getOwner() != null ? protoOptions.getOwner() : inode.getOwner();
group =
protoOptions.getGroup() != null ? protoOptions.getGroup() : inode.getGroup();
ufs.setOwner(ufsUri, owner, group);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessControlException("Could not setOwner for UFS file " + ufsUri
+ " . Aborting the setAttribute operation in Alluxio.", e);
if (modeChanged) {
try {
mode = String.valueOf(protoOptions.getMode());
ufs.setMode(ufsUri, ModeUtils.protoToShort(protoOptions.getMode()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AccessControlException("Could not setMode for UFS file " + ufsUri
+ " . Aborting the setAttribute operation in Alluxio.", e);
// Retrieve the ufs fingerprint after the ufs changes.
String existingFingerprint = inode.getUfsFingerprint();
if (!existingFingerprint.equals(Constants.INVALID_UFS_FINGERPRINT)) {
// Update existing fingerprint, since contents did not change
Fingerprint fp = Fingerprint.parse(existingFingerprint);
fp.putTag(Fingerprint.Tag.OWNER, owner);
fp.putTag(Fingerprint.Tag.GROUP, group);
fp.putTag(Fingerprint.Tag.MODE, mode);
} else {
// Need to retrieve the fingerprint from ufs.
if (!context.getUfsFingerprint().equals(Constants.INVALID_UFS_FINGERPRINT)) {
// Only commit the set permission to inode after the propagation to UFS succeeded.
if (protoOptions.hasOwner()) {
if (protoOptions.hasGroup()) {
if (modeChanged) {
public List getSyncPathList() {
return mSyncManager.getSyncPathList();
private void startSyncAndJournal(RpcContext rpcContext, AlluxioURI uri)
throws InvalidPathException, IOException {
try (LockResource r = new LockResource(mSyncManager.getSyncManagerLock())) {
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(uri);
long mountId = resolution.getMountId();
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
if (!ufsResource.get().supportsActiveSync()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Active Syncing is not supported on this UFS type: "
+ ufsResource.get().getUnderFSType());
if (mSyncManager.isActivelySynced(uri)) {
throw new InvalidPathException("URI " + uri + " is already a sync point");
AddSyncPointEntry addSyncPoint =
mSyncManager.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, addSyncPoint);
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Start sync failed on {}", uri, e);
// revert state;
RemoveSyncPointEntry removeSyncPoint =
mSyncManager.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, removeSyncPoint);
mSyncManager.recoverFromStartSync(uri, resolution.getMountId());
throw e;
public void startSync(AlluxioURI syncPoint)
throws IOException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException, ConnectionFailedException {
LockingScheme lockingScheme = new LockingScheme(syncPoint, LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE, true);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("startSync", syncPoint, null,
inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
startSyncAndJournal(rpcContext, syncPoint);
private void stopSyncAndJournal(RpcContext rpcContext,
LockingScheme lockingScheme, LockedInodePath lockedInodePath)
throws IOException, InvalidPathException {
try (LockResource r = new LockResource(mSyncManager.getSyncManagerLock())) {
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mSyncManager.resolveSyncPoint(lockedInodePath.getUri());
if (resolution == null) {
throw new InvalidPathException(lockedInodePath.getUri() + " is not a sync point.");
AlluxioURI uri = lockedInodePath.getUri();
RemoveSyncPointEntry removeSyncPoint = File.RemoveSyncPointEntry.newBuilder()
mSyncManager.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, removeSyncPoint);
try {
long mountId = resolution.getMountId();
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Stop sync failed on {}", uri, e);
// revert state;
AddSyncPointEntry addSyncPoint =
mSyncManager.applyAndJournal(rpcContext, addSyncPoint);
mSyncManager.recoverFromStopSync(uri, resolution.getMountId());
throw e;
public void stopSync(AlluxioURI syncPoint)
throws IOException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
LockingScheme lockingScheme = new LockingScheme(syncPoint, LockPattern.WRITE_EDGE, false);
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath =
mInodeTree.lockInodePath(lockingScheme.getPath(), lockingScheme.getPattern());
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("stopSync", syncPoint, null,
inodePath.getParentInodeOrNull())) {
try {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(Mode.Bits.WRITE, inodePath);
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw e;
stopSyncAndJournal(rpcContext, lockingScheme, inodePath);
public List getWorkerInfoList() throws UnavailableException {
return mBlockMaster.getWorkerInfoList();
* @param fileId file ID
* @param jobId persist job ID
* @param persistenceWaitTime persistence initial wait time
* @param uri Alluxio Uri of the file
* @param tempUfsPath temp UFS path
private void addPersistJob(long fileId, long jobId, long persistenceWaitTime, AlluxioURI uri,
String tempUfsPath) {
alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer timer = mPersistRequests.remove(fileId);
if (timer == null) {
timer = new alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer(
mPersistJobs.put(fileId, new PersistJob(jobId, fileId, uri, tempUfsPath, timer));
private long getPersistenceWaitTime(long shouldPersistTime) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (shouldPersistTime >= currentTime) {
return shouldPersistTime - currentTime;
} else {
return 0;
* Periodically schedules jobs to persist files and updates metadata accordingly.
private final class PersistenceScheduler implements alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatExecutor {
private static final long MAX_QUIET_PERIOD_SECONDS = 64;
* Quiet period for job service flow control (in seconds). When job service refuses starting new
* jobs, we use exponential backoff to alleviate the job service pressure.
private long mQuietPeriodSeconds;
* Creates a new instance of {@link PersistenceScheduler}.
PersistenceScheduler() {
mQuietPeriodSeconds = 0;
public void close() {} // Nothing to clean up
* Updates the file system metadata to reflect the fact that the persist file request expired.
* @param fileId the file ID
private void handleExpired(long fileId) throws AlluxioException, UnavailableException {
try (JournalContext journalContext = createJournalContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE)) {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
switch (inode.getPersistenceState()) {
case LOST:
// fall through
// fall through
LOG.warn("File {} (id={}) persistence state is {} and will not be changed.",
inodePath.getUri(), fileId, inode.getPersistenceState());
mInodeTree.updateInode(journalContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
mInodeTree.updateInodeFile(journalContext, UpdateInodeFileEntry.newBuilder()
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unrecognized persistence state: " + inode.getPersistenceState());
* Attempts to schedule a persist job and updates the file system metadata accordingly.
* @param fileId the file ID
private void handleReady(long fileId) throws AlluxioException, IOException {
alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer timer = mPersistRequests.get(fileId);
// Lookup relevant file information.
AlluxioURI uri;
String tempUfsPath;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.READ)) {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
uri = inodePath.getUri();
switch (inode.getPersistenceState()) {
case LOST:
// fall through
// fall through
LOG.warn("File {} (id={}) persistence state is {} and will not be changed.",
inodePath.getUri(), fileId, inode.getPersistenceState());
tempUfsPath = inodePath.getInodeFile().getTempUfsPath();
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unrecognized persistence state: " + inode.getPersistenceState());
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(uri);
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
// If previous persist job failed, clean up the temporary file.
cleanup(ufsResource.get(), tempUfsPath);
// Generate a temporary path to be used by the persist job.
// If the persist destination is on object store, let persist job copy files to destination
// directly
if (ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.MASTER_UNSAFE_DIRECT_PERSIST_OBJECT_ENABLED)
&& ufsResource.get().isObjectStorage()) {
tempUfsPath = resolution.getUri().toString();
} else {
tempUfsPath = PathUtils.temporaryFileName(
System.currentTimeMillis(), resolution.getUri().toString());
alluxio.job.persist.PersistConfig config =
new alluxio.job.persist.PersistConfig(uri.getPath(), resolution.getMountId(), false,
// Schedule the persist job.
long jobId;
JobMasterClient client = mJobMasterClientPool.acquire();
try {
jobId =;
} finally {
mQuietPeriodSeconds /= 2;
mPersistJobs.put(fileId, new PersistJob(jobId, fileId, uri, tempUfsPath, timer));
// Update the inode and journal the change.
try (JournalContext journalContext = createJournalContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE)) {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
mInodeTree.updateInodeFile(journalContext, UpdateInodeFileEntry.newBuilder()
* {@inheritDoc}
* The method iterates through the set of files to be persisted (identified by their ID) and
* attempts to schedule a file persist job. Each iteration removes the file ID from the set
* of files to be persisted unless the execution sets the {@code remove} flag to false.
* @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted
public void heartbeat() throws InterruptedException {
// Process persist requests.
for (long fileId : mPersistRequests.keySet()) {
// Throw if interrupted.
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException("PersistenceScheduler interrupted.");
boolean remove = true;
alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer timer = mPersistRequests.get(fileId);
if (timer == null) {
// This could occur if a key is removed from mPersistRequests while we are iterating.
alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer.Result timerResult = timer.tick();
if (timerResult == alluxio.time.ExponentialTimer.Result.NOT_READY) {
// operation is not ready to be scheduled
AlluxioURI uri = null;
try {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.READ)) {
uri = inodePath.getUri();
try {
checkUfsMode(uri, OperationType.WRITE);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to schedule persist request for path {}: {}", uri, e.getMessage());
// Retry when ufs mode permits operation
remove = false;
switch (timerResult) {
case READY:
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized timer state: " + timerResult);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.warn("The file {} (id={}) to be persisted was not found : {}", uri, fileId,
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
} catch (UnavailableException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to persist file {}, will retry later: {}", uri, e.toString());
remove = false;
} catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) {
LOG.warn("The job service is busy, will retry later: {}", e.toString());
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
mQuietPeriodSeconds = (mQuietPeriodSeconds == 0) ? 1 :
Math.min(MAX_QUIET_PERIOD_SECONDS, mQuietPeriodSeconds * 2);
remove = false;
// End the method here until the next heartbeat. No more jobs should be scheduled during
// the current heartbeat if the job master is at full capacity.
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unexpected exception encountered when scheduling the persist job for file {} "
+ "(id={}) : {}", uri, fileId, e.getMessage());
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
} finally {
if (remove) {
* Periodically polls for the result of the jobs and updates metadata accordingly.
private final class PersistenceChecker implements alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatExecutor {
* Creates a new instance of {@link PersistenceChecker}.
PersistenceChecker() {}
public void close() {} // nothing to clean up
* Updates the file system metadata to reflect the fact that the persist job succeeded.
* NOTE: It is the responsibility of the caller to update {@link #mPersistJobs}.
* @param job the successful job
private void handleSuccess(PersistJob job) {
long fileId = job.getFileId();
String tempUfsPath = job.getTempUfsPath();
List blockIds = new ArrayList<>();
UfsManager.UfsClient ufsClient = null;
try (JournalContext journalContext = createJournalContext();
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, LockPattern.WRITE_INODE)) {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
ufsClient = mUfsManager.get(resolution.getMountId());
switch (inode.getPersistenceState()) {
case LOST:
// fall through
// fall through
LOG.warn("File {} (id={}) persistence state is {}. Successful persist has no effect.",
job.getUri(), fileId, inode.getPersistenceState());
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
String ufsPath = resolution.getUri().toString();
if (!ufsPath.equals(tempUfsPath)) {
// Make rename only when tempUfsPath is different from final ufsPath. Note that,
// on object store, we take the optimization to skip the rename by having
// tempUfsPath the same as final ufsPath.
if (!ufs.renameRenamableFile(tempUfsPath, ufsPath)) {
throw new IOException(
String.format("Failed to rename %s to %s.", tempUfsPath, ufsPath));
ufs.setOwner(ufsPath, inode.getOwner(), inode.getGroup());
ufs.setMode(ufsPath, inode.getMode());
mInodeTree.updateInodeFile(journalContext, UpdateInodeFileEntry.newBuilder()
mInodeTree.updateInode(journalContext, UpdateInodeEntry.newBuilder()
propagatePersistedInternal(journalContext, inodePath);;
// Save state for possible cleanup
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unrecognized persistence state: " + inode.getPersistenceState());
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException | InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.warn("The file {} (id={}) to be persisted was not found: {}", job.getUri(), fileId,
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
// Cleanup the temporary file.
if (ufsClient != null) {
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = ufsClient.acquireUfsResource()) {
cleanup(ufsResource.get(), tempUfsPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
"Unexpected exception encountered when trying to complete persistence of a file {} "
+ "(id={}) : {}",
job.getUri(), fileId, e.getMessage());
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
if (ufsClient != null) {
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = ufsClient.acquireUfsResource()) {
cleanup(ufsResource.get(), tempUfsPath);
mPersistRequests.put(fileId, job.getTimer());
// Cleanup possible staging UFS blocks files due to fast durable write fallback.
// Note that this is best effort
if (ufsClient != null) {
for (long blockId : blockIds) {
String ufsBlockPath = alluxio.worker.BlockUtils.getUfsBlockPath(ufsClient, blockId);
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = ufsClient.acquireUfsResource()) {
alluxio.util.UnderFileSystemUtils.deleteFileIfExists(ufsResource.get(), ufsBlockPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to clean up staging UFS block file {}", ufsBlockPath, e.getMessage());
public void heartbeat() throws InterruptedException {
boolean queueEmpty = mPersistCheckerPool.getQueue().isEmpty();
// Check the progress of persist jobs.
for (long fileId : mPersistJobs.keySet()) {
// Throw if interrupted.
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException("PersistenceChecker interrupted.");
final PersistJob job = mPersistJobs.get(fileId);
if (job == null) {
// This could happen if a key is removed from mPersistJobs while we are iterating.
// Cancel any jobs marked as canceled
switch (job.getCancelState()) {
// Send the message to cancel this job
JobMasterClient client = mJobMasterClientPool.acquire();
try {
} catch (alluxio.exception.status.NotFoundException e) {
LOG.warn("Persist job (id={}) for file {} (id={}) to cancel was not found: {}",
job.getId(), job.getUri(), fileId, e.getMessage());
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unexpected exception encountered when cancelling a persist job (id={}) for "
+ "file {} (id={}) : {}", job.getId(), job.getUri(), fileId, e.getMessage());
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
} finally {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized cancel state: " + job.getCancelState());
if (!queueEmpty) {
// There are tasks waiting in the queue, so do not try to schedule anything
long jobId = job.getId();
JobMasterClient client = mJobMasterClientPool.acquire();
try {
alluxio.job.wire.JobInfo jobInfo = client.getStatus(jobId);
switch (jobInfo.getStatus()) {
// fall through
case FAILED:
LOG.warn("The persist job (id={}) for file {} (id={}) failed: {}", jobId,
job.getUri(), fileId, jobInfo.getErrorMessage());
mPersistRequests.put(fileId, job.getTimer());
mPersistCheckerPool.execute(() -> handleSuccess(job));
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized job status: " + jobInfo.getStatus());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Exception encountered when trying to retrieve the status of a "
+ " persist job (id={}) for file {} (id={}): {}.", jobId, job.getUri(), fileId,
LOG.debug("Exception: ", e);
mPersistRequests.put(fileId, job.getTimer());
} finally {
private final class TimeSeriesRecorder implements alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatExecutor {
public void heartbeat() throws InterruptedException {
// TODO(calvin): Provide a better way to keep track of metrics collected as time series
MetricRegistry registry = MetricsSystem.METRIC_REGISTRY;
// % Alluxio space used
Long masterCapacityTotal = (Long) registry.getGauges()
Long masterCapacityUsed = (Long) registry.getGauges()
int percentAlluxioSpaceUsed =
(masterCapacityTotal > 0) ? (int) (100L * masterCapacityUsed / masterCapacityTotal) : 0;
mTimeSeriesStore.record("% Alluxio Space Used", percentAlluxioSpaceUsed);
// % UFS space used
Long masterUnderfsCapacityTotal =
(Long) registry.getGauges()
Long masterUnderfsCapacityUsed =
(Long) registry.getGauges()
int percentUfsSpaceUsed =
(masterUnderfsCapacityTotal > 0) ? (int) (100L * masterUnderfsCapacityUsed
/ masterUnderfsCapacityTotal) : 0;
mTimeSeriesStore.record("% UFS Space Used", percentUfsSpaceUsed);
public void close() {} // Nothing to clean up.
private static void cleanup(UnderFileSystem ufs, String ufsPath) {
final String errMessage = "Failed to delete UFS file {}.";
if (!ufsPath.isEmpty()) {
try {
if (!ufs.deleteExistingFile(ufsPath)) {
LOG.warn(errMessage, ufsPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn(errMessage, ufsPath, e);
public void updateUfsMode(AlluxioURI ufsPath, UfsMode ufsMode) throws InvalidPathException,
InvalidArgumentException, UnavailableException, AccessControlException {
// TODO(adit): Create new fsadmin audit context
try (RpcContext rpcContext = createRpcContext();
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
createAuditContext("updateUfsMode", ufsPath, null, null)) {
mUfsManager.setUfsMode(rpcContext, ufsPath, ufsMode);
* Check if the specified operation type is allowed to the ufs.
* @param alluxioPath the Alluxio path
* @param opType the operation type
private void checkUfsMode(AlluxioURI alluxioPath, OperationType opType)
throws AccessControlException, InvalidPathException {
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(alluxioPath);
try (CloseableResource ufsResource = resolution.acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
UfsMode ufsMode =
switch (ufsMode) {
throw new AccessControlException(ExceptionMessage.UFS_OP_NOT_ALLOWED.getMessage(opType,
resolution.getUri(), UfsMode.NO_ACCESS));
if (opType == OperationType.WRITE) {
throw new AccessControlException(ExceptionMessage.UFS_OP_NOT_ALLOWED.getMessage(opType,
resolution.getUri(), UfsMode.READ_ONLY));
// All operations are allowed
* The operation type. This class is used to check if an operation to the under storage is allowed
* during maintenance.
enum OperationType {
* Class that contains metrics for FileSystemMaster.
* This class is public because the counter names are referenced in
* {@link alluxio.web.WebInterfaceAbstractMetricsServlet}.
public static final class Metrics {
private static final Counter DIRECTORIES_CREATED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.DIRECTORIES_CREATED);
private static final Counter FILE_BLOCK_INFOS_GOT
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILE_BLOCK_INFOS_GOT);
private static final Counter FILE_INFOS_GOT
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILE_INFOS_GOT);
private static final Counter FILES_COMPLETED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILES_COMPLETED);
private static final Counter FILES_CREATED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILES_CREATED);
private static final Counter FILES_FREED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILES_FREED);
private static final Counter FILES_PERSISTED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FILES_PERSISTED);
private static final Counter NEW_BLOCKS_GOT
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.NEW_BLOCKS_GOT);
private static final Counter PATHS_DELETED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.PATHS_DELETED);
private static final Counter PATHS_MOUNTED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.PATHS_MOUNTED);
private static final Counter PATHS_RENAMED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.PATHS_RENAMED);
private static final Counter PATHS_UNMOUNTED
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.PATHS_UNMOUNTED);
// TODO(peis): Increment the RPCs OPs at the place where we receive the RPCs.
private static final Counter COMPLETE_FILE_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.COMPLETE_FILE_OPS);
private static final Counter CREATE_DIRECTORIES_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.CREATE_DIRECTORIES_OPS);
private static final Counter CREATE_FILES_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.CREATE_FILES_OPS);
private static final Counter DELETE_PATHS_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.DELETE_PATHS_OPS);
private static final Counter FREE_FILE_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.FREE_FILE_OPS);
private static final Counter GET_FILE_BLOCK_INFO_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.GET_FILE_BLOCK_INFO_OPS);
private static final Counter GET_FILE_INFO_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.GET_FILE_INFO_OPS);
private static final Counter GET_NEW_BLOCK_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.GET_NEW_BLOCK_OPS);
private static final Counter MOUNT_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.MOUNT_OPS);
private static final Counter RENAME_PATH_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.RENAME_PATH_OPS);
private static final Counter SET_ACL_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.SET_ACL_OPS);
private static final Counter SET_ATTRIBUTE_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.SET_ATTRIBUTE_OPS);
private static final Counter UNMOUNT_OPS
= MetricsSystem.counter(MasterMetrics.UNMOUNT_OPS);
* Register some file system master related gauges.
* @param master the file system master
* @param ufsManager the under filesystem manager
public static void registerGauges(
final FileSystemMaster master, final UfsManager ufsManager) {
() -> master.getInodeCount());
final String ufsDataFolder = ServerConfiguration.get(PropertyKey.MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS);
() -> {
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
ufsManager.getRoot().acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
return ufs.getSpace(ufsDataFolder, UnderFileSystem.SpaceType.SPACE_TOTAL);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Stream.empty();
() -> {
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
ufsManager.getRoot().acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
return ufs.getSpace(ufsDataFolder, UnderFileSystem.SpaceType.SPACE_USED);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Stream.empty();
() -> {
long ret = 0L;
try (CloseableResource ufsResource =
ufsManager.getRoot().acquireUfsResource()) {
UnderFileSystem ufs = ufsResource.get();
ret = ufs.getSpace(ufsDataFolder, UnderFileSystem.SpaceType.SPACE_FREE);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return ret;
private Metrics() {} // prevent instantiation
* Creates a {@link FileSystemMasterAuditContext} instance.
* @param command the command to be logged by this {@link AuditContext}
* @param srcPath the source path of this command
* @param dstPath the destination path of this command
* @param srcInode the source inode of this command
* @return newly-created {@link FileSystemMasterAuditContext} instance
private FileSystemMasterAuditContext createAuditContext(String command, AlluxioURI srcPath,
@Nullable AlluxioURI dstPath, @Nullable Inode srcInode) {
FileSystemMasterAuditContext auditContext =
new FileSystemMasterAuditContext(mAsyncAuditLogWriter);
if (mAsyncAuditLogWriter != null) {
String user = null;
String ugi = "";
try {
user = AuthenticatedClientUser.getClientUser(;
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
ugi = "N/A";
if (user != null) {
try {
String primaryGroup = CommonUtils.getPrimaryGroupName(user,;
ugi = user + "," + primaryGroup;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to get primary group for user {}.", user);
ugi = user + ",N/A";
AuthType authType =
ServerConfiguration.getEnum(PropertyKey.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, AuthType.class);
return auditContext;
private BlockDeletionContext createBlockDeletionContext() {
return new DefaultBlockDeletionContext(this::removeBlocks,
blocks -> blocks.forEach(mUfsBlockLocationCache::invalidate));
private void removeBlocks(List blocks) throws IOException {
if (blocks.isEmpty()) {
RetryPolicy retry = new CountingRetry(3);
IOException lastThrown = null;
while (retry.attempt()) {
try {
mBlockMaster.removeBlocks(blocks, true);
} catch (UnavailableException e) {
lastThrown = e;
throw new IOException("Failed to remove deleted blocks from block master", lastThrown);
* @return a context for executing an RPC
public RpcContext createRpcContext() throws UnavailableException {
return new RpcContext(createBlockDeletionContext(), createJournalContext());
private LockingScheme createLockingScheme(AlluxioURI path, FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions options,
LockPattern desiredLockMode) {
return createLockingScheme(path, options, desiredLockMode, false);
private LockingScheme createLockingScheme(AlluxioURI path, FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions options,
LockPattern desiredLockMode, boolean isGetFileInfo) {
// If client options didn't specify the interval, fallback to whatever the server has
// configured to prevent unnecessary syncing due to the default value being 0
long syncInterval = options.hasSyncIntervalMs() ? options.getSyncIntervalMs() :
boolean shouldSync =
mUfsSyncPathCache.shouldSyncPath(path.getPath(), syncInterval, isGetFileInfo);
return new LockingScheme(path, desiredLockMode, shouldSync);
private boolean isAclEnabled() {
return ServerConfiguration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.SECURITY_AUTHORIZATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED);
public List getTimeSeries() {
return mTimeSeriesStore.getTimeSeries();
public AlluxioURI reverseResolve(AlluxioURI ufsUri) throws InvalidPathException {
MountTable.ReverseResolution resolution = mMountTable.reverseResolve(ufsUri);
if (resolution == null) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ufsUri.toString() + " is not a valid ufs uri");
return resolution.getUri();