alluxio.master.file.FileSystemMaster Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is
* available at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
* either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership.
package alluxio.master.file;
import alluxio.AlluxioURI;
import alluxio.Configuration;
import alluxio.Constants;
import alluxio.collections.PrefixList;
import alluxio.exception.AccessControlException;
import alluxio.exception.AlluxioException;
import alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException;
import alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException;
import alluxio.exception.ExceptionMessage;
import alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyCompletedException;
import alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException;
import alluxio.exception.InvalidFileSizeException;
import alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException;
import alluxio.exception.PreconditionMessage;
import alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext;
import alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatExecutor;
import alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatThread;
import alluxio.master.AbstractMaster;
import alluxio.master.MasterContext;
import alluxio.master.block.BlockId;
import alluxio.master.block.BlockMaster;
import alluxio.master.file.async.AsyncPersistHandler;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.FileSystemMasterView;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectoryIdGenerator;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeFile;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeLockList;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodePathPair;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeTree;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.PersistenceState;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.TempInodePathForChild;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.TempInodePathForDescendant;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.TtlBucket;
import alluxio.master.file.meta.TtlBucketList;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CompleteFileOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CreateDirectoryOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CreateFileOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.CreatePathOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.LoadMetadataOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.MountOptions;
import alluxio.master.file.options.SetAttributeOptions;
import alluxio.master.journal.AsyncJournalWriter;
import alluxio.master.journal.Journal;
import alluxio.master.journal.JournalOutputStream;
import alluxio.master.journal.JournalProtoUtils;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.AddMountPointEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.AsyncPersistRequestEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.CompleteFileEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.DeleteFileEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.DeleteMountPointEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.InodeDirectoryEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.InodeDirectoryIdGeneratorEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.InodeFileEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.InodeLastModificationTimeEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.PersistDirectoryEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.ReinitializeFileEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.RenameEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.SetAttributeEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.File.StringPairEntry;
import alluxio.proto.journal.Journal.JournalEntry;
import alluxio.thrift.CommandType;
import alluxio.thrift.FileSystemCommand;
import alluxio.thrift.FileSystemCommandOptions;
import alluxio.thrift.FileSystemMasterClientService;
import alluxio.thrift.FileSystemMasterWorkerService;
import alluxio.thrift.PersistCommandOptions;
import alluxio.thrift.PersistFile;
import alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem;
import alluxio.util.IdUtils;
import alluxio.wire.BlockInfo;
import alluxio.wire.BlockLocation;
import alluxio.wire.FileBlockInfo;
import alluxio.wire.FileInfo;
import alluxio.wire.WorkerInfo;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
* The master that handles all file system metadata management.
@NotThreadSafe // TODO(jiri): make thread-safe (c.f. ALLUXIO-1664)
public final class FileSystemMaster extends AbstractMaster {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Constants.LOGGER_TYPE);
* Locking in the FileSystemMaster
* Individual paths are locked in the inode tree. In order to read or write any inode, the path
* must be locked. A path is locked via one of the lock methods in {@link InodeTree}, such as
* {@link InodeTree#lockInodePath(AlluxioURI, InodeTree.LockMode)} or
* {@link InodeTree#lockFullInodePath(AlluxioURI, InodeTree.LockMode)}. These lock methods return
* an {@link LockedInodePath}, which represents a locked path of inodes. These locked paths
* ({@link LockedInodePath}) must be unlocked. In order to ensure a locked
* {@link LockedInodePath} is always unlocked, the following paradigm is recommended:
* try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
* ...
* }
* Method Conventions in the FileSystemMaster
* All of the flow of the FileSystemMaster follow a convention. There are essentially 4 main
* types of methods:
* (A) public api methods
* (B) private (or package private) methods that journal
* (C) private (or package private) internal methods
* (D) private FromEntry methods used to replay entries from the journal
* (A) public api methods:
* These methods are public and are accessed by the RPC and REST APIs. These methods lock all
* the required paths, and also perform all permission checking.
* (A) cannot call (A)
* (A) can call (B)
* (A) can call (C)
* (A) cannot call (D)
* (B) private (or package private) methods that journal:
* These methods perform the work from the public apis, and also asynchronously write to the
* journal (for write operations). The names of these methods are suffixed with "AndJournal".
* (B) cannot call (A)
* (B) can call (B)
* (B) can call (C)
* (B) cannot call (D)
* (C) private (or package private) internal methods:
* These methods perform the rest of the work, and do not do any journaling. The names of these
* methods are suffixed by "Internal".
* (C) cannot call (A)
* (C) cannot call (B)
* (C) can call (C)
* (C) cannot call (D)
* (D) private FromEntry methods used to replay entries from the journal:
* These methods are used to replay entries from reading the journal. This is done on start, as
* well as for standby masters.
* (D) cannot call (A)
* (D) cannot call (B)
* (D) can call (C)
* (D) cannot call (D)
/** Handle to the block master. */
private final BlockMaster mBlockMaster;
/** This manages the file system inode structure. This must be journaled. */
private final InodeTree mInodeTree;
/** This manages the file system mount points. */
private final MountTable mMountTable;
/** This maintains inodes with ttl set, for the for the ttl checker service to use. */
private final TtlBucketList mTtlBuckets = new TtlBucketList();
/** This generates unique directory ids. This must be journaled. */
private final InodeDirectoryIdGenerator mDirectoryIdGenerator;
/** This checks user permissions on different operations. */
private final PermissionChecker mPermissionChecker;
/** List of paths to always keep in memory. */
private final PrefixList mWhitelist;
/** The handler for async persistence. */
private final AsyncPersistHandler mAsyncPersistHandler;
* The service that checks for inode files with ttl set. We store it here so that it can be
* accessed from tests.
private Future> mTtlCheckerService;
* The service that detects lost files. We store it here so that it can be accessed from tests.
private Future> mLostFilesDetectionService;
* @param baseDirectory the base journal directory
* @return the journal directory for this master
public static String getJournalDirectory(String baseDirectory) {
return PathUtils.concatPath(baseDirectory, Constants.FILE_SYSTEM_MASTER_NAME);
* Creates a new instance of {@link FileSystemMaster}.
* @param blockMaster the {@link BlockMaster} to use
* @param journal the journal to use for tracking master operations
public FileSystemMaster(BlockMaster blockMaster, Journal journal) {
super(journal, 2);
mBlockMaster = blockMaster;
mDirectoryIdGenerator = new InodeDirectoryIdGenerator(mBlockMaster);
mMountTable = new MountTable();
mInodeTree = new InodeTree(mBlockMaster, mDirectoryIdGenerator, mMountTable);
// TODO(gene): Handle default config value for whitelist.
Configuration conf = MasterContext.getConf();
mWhitelist = new PrefixList(conf.getList(Constants.MASTER_WHITELIST, ","));
mAsyncPersistHandler =
AsyncPersistHandler.Factory.create(MasterContext.getConf(), new FileSystemMasterView(this));
mPermissionChecker = new PermissionChecker(mInodeTree);
public Map getServices() {
Map services = new HashMap<>();
new FileSystemMasterClientService.Processor<>(
new FileSystemMasterClientServiceHandler(this)));
new FileSystemMasterWorkerService.Processor<>(
new FileSystemMasterWorkerServiceHandler(this)));
return services;
public String getName() {
public void processJournalEntry(JournalEntry entry) throws IOException {
Message innerEntry = JournalProtoUtils.unwrap(entry);
if (innerEntry instanceof InodeFileEntry || innerEntry instanceof InodeDirectoryEntry) {
try {
} catch (AccessControlException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof InodeLastModificationTimeEntry) {
InodeLastModificationTimeEntry modTimeEntry = (InodeLastModificationTimeEntry) innerEntry;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(modTimeEntry.getId(),
InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof PersistDirectoryEntry) {
PersistDirectoryEntry typedEntry = (PersistDirectoryEntry) innerEntry;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(typedEntry.getId(),
InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof CompleteFileEntry) {
try {
completeFileFromEntry((CompleteFileEntry) innerEntry);
} catch (InvalidPathException | InvalidFileSizeException | FileAlreadyCompletedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof SetAttributeEntry) {
try {
setAttributeFromEntry((SetAttributeEntry) innerEntry);
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof DeleteFileEntry) {
deleteFromEntry((DeleteFileEntry) innerEntry);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof RenameEntry) {
renameFromEntry((RenameEntry) innerEntry);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof InodeDirectoryIdGeneratorEntry) {
mDirectoryIdGenerator.initFromJournalEntry((InodeDirectoryIdGeneratorEntry) innerEntry);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof ReinitializeFileEntry) {
resetBlockFileFromEntry((ReinitializeFileEntry) innerEntry);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof AddMountPointEntry) {
try {
mountFromEntry((AddMountPointEntry) innerEntry);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException | InvalidPathException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof DeleteMountPointEntry) {
try {
unmountFromEntry((DeleteMountPointEntry) innerEntry);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (innerEntry instanceof AsyncPersistRequestEntry) {
try {
long fileId = ((AsyncPersistRequestEntry) innerEntry).getFileId();
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
// NOTE: persistence is asynchronous so there is no guarantee the path will still exist
} catch (AlluxioException e) {
// It's possible that rescheduling the async persist calls fails, because the blocks may no
// longer be in the memory
} else {
throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.UNEXPECTED_JOURNAL_ENTRY.getMessage(innerEntry));
public void streamToJournalCheckpoint(JournalOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
public void start(boolean isLeader) throws IOException {
if (isLeader) {
// Only initialize root when isLeader because when initializing root, BlockMaster needs to
// write journal entry, if it is not leader, BlockMaster won't have a writable journal.
// If it is standby, it should be able to load the inode tree from leader's checkpoint.
String defaultUFS = MasterContext.getConf().get(Constants.UNDERFS_ADDRESS);
try {
mMountTable.add(new AlluxioURI(MountTable.ROOT), new AlluxioURI(defaultUFS),
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException | InvalidPathException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to mount the default UFS " + defaultUFS);
// Call super.start after mInodeTree is initialized because mInodeTree is needed to write
// a journal entry during super.start. Call super.start before calling
// getExecutorService() because the super.start initializes the executor service.
if (isLeader) {
mTtlCheckerService = getExecutorService().submit(
new HeartbeatThread(HeartbeatContext.MASTER_TTL_CHECK, new MasterInodeTtlCheckExecutor(),
mLostFilesDetectionService = getExecutorService().submit(new HeartbeatThread(
HeartbeatContext.MASTER_LOST_FILES_DETECTION, new LostFilesDetectionHeartbeatExecutor(),
* Returns the file id for a given path. If the given path does not exist in Alluxio, the method
* attempts to load it from UFS.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#READ} permission of the path.
* @param path the path to get the file id for
* @return the file id for a given path, or -1 if there is no file at that path
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public long getFileId(AlluxioURI path) throws AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
// This is WRITE locked, since loading metadata is possible.
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.READ, inodePath);
flushCounter = loadMetadataIfNotExistAndJournal(inodePath,
mInodeTree.ensureFullInodePath(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.READ);
return inodePath.getInode().getId();
} catch (InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException e) {
return IdUtils.INVALID_FILE_ID;
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Returns the {@link FileInfo} for a given file id. This method is not user-facing but supposed
* to be called by other internal servers (e.g., block workers and web UI servers).
* @param fileId the file id to get the {@link FileInfo} for
* @return the {@link FileInfo} for the given file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
// Currently used by Lineage Master and WebUI
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public FileInfo getFileInfo(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
return getFileInfoInternal(inodePath);
* Returns the {@link FileInfo} for a given path.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#READ} permission on the path.
* @param path the path to get the {@link FileInfo} for
* @return the {@link FileInfo} for the given file id
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if the file path is not valid
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
// TODO(peis): Add an option not to load metadata.
public FileInfo getFileInfo(AlluxioURI path)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
// This is WRITE locked, since loading metadata is possible.
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.READ, inodePath);
flushCounter = loadMetadataIfNotExistAndJournal(inodePath,
mInodeTree.ensureFullInodePath(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.READ);
return getFileInfoInternal(inodePath);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to get the {@link FileInfo} for
* @return the {@link FileInfo} for the given inode
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
private FileInfo getFileInfoInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
AlluxioURI uri = inodePath.getUri();
FileInfo fileInfo = inode.generateClientFileInfo(uri.toString());
if (inode instanceof InodeFile) {
try {
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
MountTable.Resolution resolution;
try {
resolution = mMountTable.resolve(uri);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
AlluxioURI resolvedUri = resolution.getUri();
// Only set the UFS path if the path is nested under a mount point.
if (!uri.equals(resolvedUri)) {
return fileInfo;
* @param fileId the file id
* @return the persistence state for the given file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
// Internal facing, currently used by Lineage master
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public PersistenceState getPersistenceState(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
return inodePath.getInode().getPersistenceState();
* Returns a list {@link FileInfo} for a given path. If the given path is a file, the list only
* contains a single object. If it is a directory, the resulting list contains all direct children
* of the directory.
* This operation requires users to have
* {@link FileSystemAction#READ} permission on the path, and also
* {@link FileSystemAction#EXECUTE} permission on the path if it is a directory.
* @param path the path to get the {@link FileInfo} list for
* @param loadDirectChildren whether to load the direct children if path is a directory if its
* direct children have not beed loaded before
* @return the list of {@link FileInfo}s
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid
// TODO(peis): Create GetFileInfoListOptions and add an option not to load metadata.
public List getFileInfoList(AlluxioURI path, boolean loadDirectChildren)
throws AccessControlException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
// This is WRITE locked, since loading metadata is possible.
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.READ, inodePath);
LoadMetadataOptions loadMetadataOptions =
Inode> inode = null;
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory() && ((InodeDirectory) inode).isDirectChildrenLoaded()) {
flushCounter = loadMetadataIfNotExistAndJournal(inodePath, loadMetadataOptions);
mInodeTree.ensureFullInodePath(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.READ);
inode = inodePath.getInode();
List ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
TempInodePathForDescendant tempInodePath = new TempInodePathForDescendant(inodePath);
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.EXECUTE, inodePath);
for (Inode> child : ((InodeDirectory) inode).getChildren()) {
try {
// the path to child for getPath should already be locked.
tempInodePath.setDescendant(child, mInodeTree.getPath(child));
} finally {
} else {
return ret;
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* @return a read-only view of the file system master
public FileSystemMasterView getFileSystemMasterView() {
return new FileSystemMasterView(this);
* Completes a file. After a file is completed, it cannot be written to.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the path.
* @param path the file path to complete
* @param options the method options
* @throws BlockInfoException if a block information exception is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if an invalid file size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public void completeFile(AlluxioURI path, CompleteFileOptions options)
throws BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
InvalidFileSizeException, FileAlreadyCompletedException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
// Even readonly mount points should be able to complete a file, for UFS reads in CACHE mode.
flushCounter = completeFileAndJournal(inodePath, options);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Completes a file. After a file is completed, it cannot be written to.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to complete
* @param options the method options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws BlockInfoException if a block information exception is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if an invalid file size is encountered
private long completeFileAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, CompleteFileOptions options)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, BlockInfoException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException, InvalidFileSizeException {
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (!inode.isFile()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
InodeFile fileInode = (InodeFile) inode;
List blockIdList = fileInode.getBlockIds();
List blockInfoList = mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(blockIdList);
if (!fileInode.isPersisted() && blockInfoList.size() != blockIdList.size()) {
throw new BlockInfoException("Cannot complete a file without all the blocks committed");
// Iterate over all file blocks committed to Alluxio, computing the length and verify that all
// the blocks (except the last one) is the same size as the file block size.
long inMemoryLength = 0;
long fileBlockSize = fileInode.getBlockSizeBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < blockInfoList.size(); i++) {
BlockInfo blockInfo = blockInfoList.get(i);
inMemoryLength += blockInfo.getLength();
if (i < blockInfoList.size() - 1 && blockInfo.getLength() != fileBlockSize) {
throw new BlockInfoException(
"Block index " + i + " has a block size smaller than the file block size ("
+ fileInode.getBlockSizeBytes() + ")");
// If the file is persisted, its length is determined by UFS. Otherwise, its length is
// determined by its memory footprint.
long length = fileInode.isPersisted() ? options.getUfsLength() : inMemoryLength;
completeFileInternal(fileInode.getBlockIds(), inodePath, length, opTimeMs);
CompleteFileEntry completeFileEntry = CompleteFileEntry.newBuilder()
return appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setCompleteFile(completeFileEntry).build());
* @param blockIds the block ids to use
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to complete
* @param length the length to use
* @param opTimeMs the operation time (in milliseconds)
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if an invalid file size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file has already been completed
void completeFileInternal(List blockIds, LockedInodePath inodePath, long length,
long opTimeMs)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, InvalidFileSizeException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException {
InodeFile inode = inodePath.getInodeFile();
if (inode.isPersisted()) {
// Commit all the file blocks (without locations) so the metadata for the block exists.
long currLength = length;
for (long blockId : inode.getBlockIds()) {
long blockSize = Math.min(currLength, inode.getBlockSizeBytes());
mBlockMaster.commitBlockInUFS(blockId, blockSize);
currLength -= blockSize;
* @param entry the entry to use
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if an invalid file size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file has already been completed
private void completeFileFromEntry(CompleteFileEntry entry)
throws InvalidPathException, InvalidFileSizeException, FileAlreadyCompletedException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(entry.getId(), InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
completeFileInternal(entry.getBlockIdsList(), inodePath, entry.getLength(),
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Creates a file (not a directory) for a given path.
* This operation requires {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent of this path.
* @param path the file to create
* @param options method options
* @return the file id of the create file
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block information in encountered
* @throws IOException if the creation fails
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
* option is false
public long createFile(AlluxioURI path, CreateFileOptions options)
throws AccessControlException, InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
BlockInfoException, IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = createFileAndJournal(inodePath, options);
return inodePath.getInode().getId();
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Creates a file (not a directory) for a given path.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the file to create
* @param options method options
* @return the file id of the create file
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block information in encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
* option is false
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if the creation fails
private long createFileAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, CreateFileOptions options)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException,
InvalidPathException, IOException {
InodeTree.CreatePathResult createResult = createFileInternal(inodePath, options);
long counter = journalCreatePathResult(createResult);
return counter;
* @param inodePath the path to be created
* @param options method options
* @return {@link InodeTree.CreatePathResult} with the path creation result
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
* @throws BlockInfoException if invalid block information is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
* option is false
InodeTree.CreatePathResult createFileInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
CreateFileOptions options)
throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, BlockInfoException, IOException,
FileDoesNotExistException {
InodeTree.CreatePathResult createResult = mInodeTree.createPath(inodePath, options);
// If the create succeeded, the list of created inodes will not be empty.
List> created = createResult.getCreated();
InodeFile inode = (InodeFile) created.get(created.size() - 1);
if (mWhitelist.inList(inodePath.getUri().toString())) {
MasterContext.getMasterSource().incDirectoriesCreated(created.size() - 1);
return createResult;
* Reinitializes the blocks of an existing open file.
* @param path the path to the file
* @param blockSizeBytes the new block size
* @param ttl the ttl
* @return the file id
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the path does not exist
// Used by lineage master
public long reinitializeFile(AlluxioURI path, long blockSizeBytes, long ttl)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
long id = mInodeTree.reinitializeFile(inodePath, blockSizeBytes, ttl);
ReinitializeFileEntry reinitializeFile = ReinitializeFileEntry.newBuilder()
flushCounter = appendJournalEntry(
return id;
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* @param entry the entry to use
private void resetBlockFileFromEntry(ReinitializeFileEntry entry) {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(new AlluxioURI(entry.getPath()), InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mInodeTree.reinitializeFile(inodePath, entry.getBlockSizeBytes(), entry.getTtl());
} catch (InvalidPathException | FileDoesNotExistException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Gets a new block id for the next block of a given file to write to.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the path as
* this API is called when creating a new block for a file.
* @param path the path of the file to get the next block id for
* @return the next block id for the given file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if the given path is not valid
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public long getNewBlockIdForFile(AlluxioURI path)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
return inodePath.getInodeFile().getNewBlockId();
* @return the number of files and directories
public int getNumberOfPaths() {
return mInodeTree.getSize();
* @return the number of pinned files and directories
public int getNumberOfPinnedFiles() {
return mInodeTree.getPinnedSize();
* Deletes a given path.
* This operation requires user to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE}
* permission on the parent of the path.
* @param path the path to delete
* @param recursive if true, will delete all its children
* @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException if recursive is false and the file is a nonempty directory
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid
public void delete(AlluxioURI path, boolean recursive)
throws IOException, FileDoesNotExistException, DirectoryNotEmptyException,
InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = deleteAndJournal(inodePath, recursive);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Deletes a given path.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the path to delete
* @param recursive if true, will delete all its children
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException if recursive is false and the file is a nonempty directory
private long deleteAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean recursive)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, IOException,
DirectoryNotEmptyException {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
long fileId = inode.getId();
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
deleteInternal(inodePath, recursive, false, opTimeMs);
DeleteFileEntry deleteFile = DeleteFileEntry.newBuilder()
return appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setDeleteFile(deleteFile).build());
* @param entry the entry to use
private void deleteFromEntry(DeleteFileEntry entry) {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(entry.getId(), InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
deleteInternal(inodePath, entry.getRecursive(), true, entry.getOpTimeMs());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Convenience method for avoiding {@link DirectoryNotEmptyException} when calling
* {@link #deleteInternal(LockedInodePath, boolean, boolean, long)}.
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to delete
* @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
* @param opTimeMs the time of the operation
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
* @throws InvalidPathException if the fileId is for the root directory
* @throws IOException if an I/O error is encountered
private void deleteRecursiveInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean replayed, long opTimeMs)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, IOException, InvalidPathException {
try {
deleteInternal(inodePath, true, replayed, opTimeMs);
} catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"deleteInternal should never throw DirectoryNotEmptyException when recursive is true", e);
* Implements file deletion.
* @param inodePath the file {@link LockedInodePath}
* @param recursive if the file id identifies a directory, this flag specifies whether the
* directory content should be deleted recursively
* @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
* @param opTimeMs the time of the operation
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error is encountered
* @throws InvalidPathException if the specified path is the root
* @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException if recursive is false and the file is a nonempty directory
private void deleteInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean recursive, boolean replayed,
long opTimeMs) throws FileDoesNotExistException, IOException, DirectoryNotEmptyException,
InvalidPathException {
// TODO(jiri): A crash after any UFS object is deleted and before the delete operation is
// journaled will result in an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode == null) {
if (inode.isDirectory() && !recursive && ((InodeDirectory) inode).getNumberOfChildren() > 0) {
// inode is nonempty, and we don't want to delete a nonempty directory unless recursive is
// true
throw new DirectoryNotEmptyException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_NONEMPTY_DIRECTORY_NONRECURSIVE,
if (mInodeTree.isRootId(inode.getId())) {
// The root cannot be deleted.
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_ROOT_DIRECTORY.getMessage());
List> delInodes = new ArrayList>();
try (InodeLockList lockList = mInodeTree.lockDescendants(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
TempInodePathForDescendant tempInodePath = new TempInodePathForDescendant(inodePath);
// We go through each inode, removing it from it's parent set and from mDelInodes. If it's a
// file, we deal with the checkpoints and blocks as well.
for (int i = delInodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Inode> delInode = delInodes.get(i);
// the path to delInode for getPath should already be locked.
AlluxioURI alluxioUriToDel = mInodeTree.getPath(delInode);
tempInodePath.setDescendant(delInode, alluxioUriToDel);
// TODO(jiri): What should the Alluxio behavior be when a UFS delete operation fails?
// Currently, it will result in an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
if (!replayed && delInode.isPersisted()) {
try {
// If this is a mount point, we have deleted all the children and can unmount it
// TODO(calvin): Add tests (ALLUXIO-1831)
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(alluxioUriToDel)) {
} else {
// Delete the file in the under file system.
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(alluxioUriToDel);
String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
if (!ufs.exists(ufsUri)) {
LOG.warn("Deleted file does not exist in the underfs: {}", ufsUri);
} else if (!ufs.delete(ufsUri, true)) {
LOG.error("Failed to delete {} from the under file system", ufsUri);
throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_FAILED_UFS.getMessage(ufsUri));
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
if (delInode.isFile()) {
// Remove corresponding blocks from workers and delete metadata in master.
mBlockMaster.removeBlocks(((InodeFile) delInode).getBlockIds(), true /* delete */);
mInodeTree.deleteInode(tempInodePath, opTimeMs);
* Gets the {@link FileBlockInfo} for all blocks of a file. If path is a directory, an exception
* is thrown.
* This operation requires the client user to have {@link FileSystemAction#READ} permission on the
* the path.
* @param path the path to get the info for
* @return a list of {@link FileBlockInfo} for all the blocks of the given path
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist or path is a directory
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path of the given file is invalid
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public List getFileBlockInfoList(AlluxioURI path)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.READ, inodePath);
List ret = getFileBlockInfoListInternal(inodePath);
return ret;
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to get the info for
* @return a list of {@link FileBlockInfo} for all the blocks of the given inode
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path of the given file is invalid
private List getFileBlockInfoListInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException {
InodeFile file = inodePath.getInodeFile();
List blockInfoList = mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(file.getBlockIds());
List ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockInfo blockInfo : blockInfoList) {
ret.add(generateFileBlockInfo(inodePath, blockInfo));
return ret;
* Generates a {@link FileBlockInfo} object from internal metadata. This adds file information to
* the block, such as the file offset, and additional UFS locations for the block.
* @param inodePath the file the block is a part of
* @param blockInfo the {@link BlockInfo} to generate the {@link FileBlockInfo} from
* @return a new {@link FileBlockInfo} for the block
* @throws InvalidPathException if the mount table is not able to resolve the file
private FileBlockInfo generateFileBlockInfo(LockedInodePath inodePath, BlockInfo blockInfo)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException {
InodeFile file = inodePath.getInodeFile();
FileBlockInfo fileBlockInfo = new FileBlockInfo();
fileBlockInfo.setUfsLocations(new ArrayList());
// The sequence number part of the block id is the block index.
long offset = file.getBlockSizeBytes() * BlockId.getSequenceNumber(blockInfo.getBlockId());
if (fileBlockInfo.getBlockInfo().getLocations().isEmpty() && file.isPersisted()) {
// No alluxio locations, but there is a checkpoint in the under storage system. Add the
// locations from the under storage system.
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(inodePath.getUri());
String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
List locs;
try {
locs = ufs.getFileLocations(ufsUri, fileBlockInfo.getOffset());
} catch (IOException e) {
return fileBlockInfo;
if (locs != null) {
for (String loc : locs) {
return fileBlockInfo;
* Returns whether the inodeFile is fully in memory or not. The file is fully in memory only if
* all the blocks of the file are in memory, in other words, the in memory percentage is 100.
* @return true if the file is fully in memory, false otherwise
private boolean isFullyInMemory(InodeFile inode) {
return getInMemoryPercentage(inode) == 100;
* @return absolute paths of all in memory files
public List getInMemoryFiles() {
List ret = new ArrayList();
getInMemoryFilesInternal(mInodeTree.getRoot(), new AlluxioURI(AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR), ret);
return ret;
private void getInMemoryFilesInternal(Inode> inode, AlluxioURI uri,
List inMemoryFiles) {
try {
AlluxioURI newUri = uri.join(inode.getName());
if (inode.isFile()) {
if (isFullyInMemory((InodeFile) inode)) {
} else {
// This inode is a directory.
Set> children = ((InodeDirectory) inode).getChildren();
for (Inode> child : children) {
getInMemoryFilesInternal(child, newUri, inMemoryFiles);
} finally {
* Gets the in-memory percentage of an Inode. For a file that has all blocks in memory, it returns
* 100; for a file that has no block in memory, it returns 0. Returns 0 for a directory.
* @param inode the inode
* @return the in memory percentage
private int getInMemoryPercentage(Inode> inode) {
if (!inode.isFile()) {
return 0;
InodeFile inodeFile = (InodeFile) inode;
long length = inodeFile.getLength();
if (length == 0) {
return 100;
long inMemoryLength = 0;
for (BlockInfo info : mBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(inodeFile.getBlockIds())) {
if (isInTopStorageTier(info)) {
inMemoryLength += info.getLength();
return (int) (inMemoryLength * 100 / length);
* @return true if the given block is in the top storage level in some worker, false otherwise
private boolean isInTopStorageTier(BlockInfo blockInfo) {
for (BlockLocation location : blockInfo.getLocations()) {
if (mBlockMaster.getGlobalStorageTierAssoc().getOrdinal(location.getTierAlias()) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates a directory for a given path.
* This operation requires the client user to have
* {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent of the path.
* @param path the path of the directory
* @param options method options
* @throws InvalidPathException when the path is invalid, please see documentation on
* {@link InodeTree#createPath(LockedInodePath, CreatePathOptions)} for more details
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException when there is already a file at path
* @throws IOException if a non-Alluxio related exception occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
* option is false
public void createDirectory(AlluxioURI path, CreateDirectoryOptions options)
throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException, AccessControlException,
FileDoesNotExistException {
LOG.debug("createDirectory {} ", path);
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = createDirectoryAndJournal(inodePath, options);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Creates a directory for a given path.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} of the directory
* @param options method options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException when there is already a file at path
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
* option is false
* @throws InvalidPathException when the path is invalid, please see documentation on
* {@link InodeTree#createPath(LockedInodePath, CreatePathOptions)} for more details
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws IOException if a non-Alluxio related exception occurs
private long createDirectoryAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, CreateDirectoryOptions options)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
AccessControlException, IOException {
InodeTree.CreatePathResult createResult = createDirectoryInternal(inodePath, options);
long counter = journalCreatePathResult(createResult);
return counter;
* Implementation of directory creation for a given path.
* @param inodePath the path of the directory
* @param options method options
* @return an {@link alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeTree.CreatePathResult} representing the
* modified inodes and created inodes during path creation
* @throws InvalidPathException when the path is invalid, please see documentation on
* {@link InodeTree#createPath(LockedInodePath, CreatePathOptions)} for more details
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException when there is already a file at path
* @throws IOException if a non-Alluxio related exception occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
private InodeTree.CreatePathResult createDirectoryInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
CreateDirectoryOptions options) throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
IOException, AccessControlException, FileDoesNotExistException {
try {
return mInodeTree.createPath(inodePath, options);
} catch (BlockInfoException e) {
// Since we are creating a directory, the block size is ignored, no such exception should
// happen.
return null;
* Journals the {@link InodeTree.CreatePathResult}. This does not flush the journal.
* Synchronization is required outside of this method.
* @param createResult the {@link InodeTree.CreatePathResult} to journal
* @return the flush counter for journaling
private long journalCreatePathResult(InodeTree.CreatePathResult createResult) {
long counter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
for (Inode> inode : createResult.getModified()) {
InodeLastModificationTimeEntry inodeLastModificationTime =
counter = appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder()
boolean createdDir = false;
for (Inode> inode : createResult.getCreated()) {
counter = appendJournalEntry(inode.toJournalEntry());
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
createdDir = true;
if (createdDir) {
// At least one directory was created, so journal the state of the directory id generator.
counter = appendJournalEntry(mDirectoryIdGenerator.toJournalEntry());
for (Inode> inode : createResult.getPersisted()) {
PersistDirectoryEntry persistDirectory = PersistDirectoryEntry.newBuilder()
counter = appendJournalEntry(
return counter;
* Renames a file to a destination.
* This operation requires users to have
* {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent of the src path, and
* {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent of the dst path.
* @param srcPath the source path to rename
* @param dstPath the destination path to rename the file to
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
public void rename(AlluxioURI srcPath, AlluxioURI dstPath) throws FileAlreadyExistsException,
FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
// Both src and dst paths should lock WRITE_PARENT, to modify the parent inodes for both paths.
try (InodePathPair inodePathPair = mInodeTree
.lockInodePathPair(srcPath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE_PARENT, dstPath,
InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE_PARENT)) {
LockedInodePath srcInodePath = inodePathPair.getFirst();
LockedInodePath dstInodePath = inodePathPair.getSecond();
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, srcInodePath);
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, dstInodePath);
flushCounter = renameAndJournal(srcInodePath, dstInodePath);
LOG.debug("Renamed {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Renames a file to a destination.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param srcInodePath the source path to rename
* @param dstInodePath the destination path to rename the file to
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
private long renameAndJournal(LockedInodePath srcInodePath, LockedInodePath dstInodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, FileAlreadyExistsException,
IOException {
if (!srcInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
Inode> srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
// Renaming path to itself is a no-op.
if (srcInodePath.getUri().equals(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
// Renaming the root is not allowed.
if (srcInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.ROOT_CANNOT_BE_RENAMED.getMessage());
if (dstInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_ROOT.getMessage());
// Renaming across mount points is not allowed.
String srcMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(srcInodePath.getUri());
String dstMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri());
if ((srcMount == null && dstMount != null) || (srcMount != null && dstMount == null)
|| (srcMount != null && dstMount != null && !srcMount.equals(dstMount))) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ACROSS_MOUNTS.getMessage(
srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
// Renaming onto a mount point is not allowed.
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
// Renaming a path to one of its subpaths is not allowed. Check for that, by making sure
// srcComponents isn't a prefix of dstComponents.
if (PathUtils.hasPrefix(dstInodePath.getUri().getPath(), srcInodePath.getUri().getPath())) {
throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_SUBDIRECTORY.getMessage(
srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
// Get the inodes of the src and dst parents.
Inode> srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
if (!srcParentInode.isDirectory()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
Inode> dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
if (!dstParentInode.isDirectory()) {
throw new InvalidPathException(
// Make sure destination path does not exist
if (dstInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
// Now we remove srcInode from it's parent and insert it into dstPath's parent
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
renameInternal(srcInodePath, dstInodePath, false, opTimeMs);
List> persistedInodes = propagatePersistedInternal(srcInodePath, false);
RenameEntry rename = RenameEntry.newBuilder()
return appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setRename(rename).build());
* Implements renaming.
* @param srcInodePath the path of the rename source
* @param dstInodePath the path to the rename destionation
* @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
* @param opTimeMs the time of the operation
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error is encountered
void renameInternal(LockedInodePath srcInodePath, LockedInodePath dstInodePath, boolean replayed,
long opTimeMs) throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
Inode> srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
AlluxioURI srcPath = srcInodePath.getUri();
AlluxioURI dstPath = dstInodePath.getUri();
LOG.debug("Renaming {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
// If the source file is persisted, rename it in the UFS.
if (!replayed && srcInode.isPersisted()) {
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(srcPath);
String ufsSrcUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
String ufsDstUri = mMountTable.resolve(dstPath).getUri().toString();
String parentUri = new AlluxioURI(ufsDstUri).getParent().toString();
if (!ufs.exists(parentUri) && !ufs.mkdirs(parentUri, true)) {
throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.FAILED_UFS_CREATE.getMessage(parentUri));
if (!ufs.rename(ufsSrcUri, ufsDstUri)) {
throw new IOException(
ExceptionMessage.FAILED_UFS_RENAME.getMessage(ufsSrcUri, ufsDstUri));
// TODO(jiri): A crash between now and the time the rename operation is journaled will result in
// an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
InodeDirectory srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
InodeDirectory dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
* @param entry the entry to use
private void renameFromEntry(RenameEntry entry) {
// Determine the srcPath and dstPath
AlluxioURI srcPath;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(entry.getId(), InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
srcPath = inodePath.getUri();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
AlluxioURI dstPath = new AlluxioURI(entry.getDstPath());
// Both src and dst paths should lock WRITE_PARENT, to modify the parent inodes for both paths.
try (InodePathPair inodePathPair = mInodeTree
.lockInodePathPair(srcPath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE_PARENT, dstPath,
InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE_PARENT)) {
LockedInodePath srcInodePath = inodePathPair.getFirst();
LockedInodePath dstInodePath = inodePathPair.getSecond();
renameInternal(srcInodePath, dstInodePath, true, entry.getOpTimeMs());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Propagates the persisted status to all parents of the given inode in the same mount partition.
* @param inodePath the inode to start the propagation at
* @param replayed whether the invocation is a result of replaying the journal
* @return list of inodes which were marked as persisted
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
private List> propagatePersistedInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean replayed)
throws FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (!inode.isPersisted()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List> inodes = inodePath.getInodeList();
// Traverse the inodes from target inode to the root.
// Skip the first, to not examine the target inode itself.
inodes = inodes.subList(1, inodes.size());
List> persistedInodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Inode> handle : inodes) {
// the path is already locked.
AlluxioURI path = mInodeTree.getPath(handle);
if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(path)) {
// Stop propagating the persisted status at mount points.
if (handle.isPersisted()) {
// Stop if a persisted directory is encountered.
if (!replayed) {
return persistedInodes;
* Journals the list of persisted inodes returned from
* {@link #propagatePersistedInternal(LockedInodePath, boolean)}. This does not flush the journal.
* @param persistedInodes the list of persisted inodes to journal
* @return the flush counter for journaling
private long journalPersistedInodes(List> persistedInodes) {
long counter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
for (Inode> inode : persistedInodes) {
PersistDirectoryEntry persistDirectory =
counter = appendJournalEntry(
return counter;
* Frees or evicts all of the blocks of the file from alluxio storage. If the given file is a
* directory, and the 'recursive' flag is enabled, all descendant files will also be freed.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#READ} permission on the path.
* @param path the path to free
* @param recursive if true, and the file is a directory, all descendants will be freed
* @return true if the file was freed
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws InvalidPathException if the given path is invalid
public boolean free(AlluxioURI path, boolean recursive)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkPermission(FileSystemAction.READ, inodePath);
return freeInternal(inodePath, recursive);
* Implements free operation.
* @param inodePath inode of the path to free
* @param recursive if true, and the file is a directory, all descendants will be freed
* @return true if the file was freed
private boolean freeInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean recursive)
throws FileDoesNotExistException {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory() && !recursive && ((InodeDirectory) inode).getNumberOfChildren() > 0) {
// inode is nonempty, and we don't want to free a nonempty directory unless recursive is
// true
return false;
List> freeInodes = new ArrayList<>();
try (InodeLockList lockList = mInodeTree.lockDescendants(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
// We go through each inode.
for (int i = freeInodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Inode> freeInode = freeInodes.get(i);
if (freeInode.isFile()) {
// Remove corresponding blocks from workers.
mBlockMaster.removeBlocks(((InodeFile) freeInode).getBlockIds(), false /* delete */);
return true;
* Gets the path of a file with the given id.
* @param fileId the id of the file to look up
* @return the path of the file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException raise if the file does not exist
// Currently used by Lineage Master
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public AlluxioURI getPath(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
// the path is already locked.
return mInodeTree.getPath(inodePath.getInode());
* @return the set of inode ids which are pinned
public Set getPinIdList() {
return mInodeTree.getPinIdSet();
* @return the ufs address for this master
public String getUfsAddress() {
return MasterContext.getConf().get(Constants.UNDERFS_ADDRESS);
* @return the white list
public List getWhiteList() {
return mWhitelist.getList();
* @return all the files lost on the workers
public List getLostFiles() {
Set lostFiles = new HashSet<>();
for (long blockId : mBlockMaster.getLostBlocks()) {
// the file id is the container id of the block id
long containerId = BlockId.getContainerId(blockId);
long fileId = IdUtils.createFileId(containerId);
return new ArrayList<>(lostFiles);
* Reports a file as lost.
* @param fileId the id of the file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
// Currently used by Lineage Master
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public void reportLostFile(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
try (
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
LOG.warn("Reported file is a directory {}", inode);
List blockIds = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (FileBlockInfo fileBlockInfo : getFileBlockInfoListInternal(inodePath)) {
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {"Failed to get file info {}", fileId, e);
mBlockMaster.reportLostBlocks(blockIds);"Reported file loss of blocks {}. Alluxio will recompute it: {}", blockIds, fileId);
* Loads metadata for the object identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the path
* and its parent path if path is a file, or @link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the
* parent path if path is a directory.
* @param path the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param options the load metadata options
* @return the file id of the loaded path
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block size is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if there is no UFS path
* @throws InvalidPathException if invalid path is encountered
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if invalid file size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public long loadMetadata(AlluxioURI path, LoadMetadataOptions options)
throws BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
InvalidFileSizeException, FileAlreadyCompletedException, IOException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = loadMetadataAndJournal(inodePath, options);
return inodePath.getInode().getId();
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Loads metadata for the object identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param options the load metadata options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if there is no UFS path
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if invalid file size is encountered
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
private long loadMetadataAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, LoadMetadataOptions options)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, BlockInfoException,
FileAlreadyCompletedException, InvalidFileSizeException,
AccessControlException, IOException {
AlluxioURI path = inodePath.getUri();
MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(path);
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
try {
if (!ufs.exists(ufsUri.toString())) {
// The root is special as it is considered as PERSISTED by default.
// We try to load root once. If it doesn't exist, do not try it again.
if (path.isRoot()) {
InodeDirectory inode = (InodeDirectory) inodePath.getInode();
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
throw new FileDoesNotExistException(
if (ufs.isFile(ufsUri.toString())) {
return loadFileMetadataAndJournal(inodePath, resolution, options);
} else {
long counter = loadDirectoryMetadataAndJournal(inodePath, options);
InodeDirectory inode = (InodeDirectory) inodePath.getInode();
if (!inode.isDirectChildrenLoaded() && options.isLoadDirectChildren()) {
String[] files = ufs.list(ufsUri.getPath());
LoadMetadataOptions loadMetadataOptions = LoadMetadataOptions.defaults();
for (String file : files) {
if (PathUtils.isTemporaryFileName(file) || inode.getChild(file) != null) {
TempInodePathForChild tempInodePath = new TempInodePathForChild(inodePath, file);
counter = loadMetadataAndJournal(tempInodePath, loadMetadataOptions);
return counter;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
* Loads metadata for the file identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio.
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param resolution the UFS resolution of path
* @param options the load metadata options
* @return the file id of the loaded file
* @throws BlockInfoException if an invalid block size is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if there is no UFS path
* @throws InvalidPathException if invalid path is encountered
* @throws InvalidFileSizeException if invalid file size is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyCompletedException if the file is already completed
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
private long loadFileMetadataAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
MountTable.Resolution resolution, LoadMetadataOptions options)
throws IOException, BlockInfoException, FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException,
AccessControlException, FileAlreadyCompletedException, InvalidFileSizeException {
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
AlluxioURI ufsUri = resolution.getUri();
UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
long ufsBlockSizeByte = ufs.getBlockSizeByte(ufsUri.toString());
long ufsLength = ufs.getFileSize(ufsUri.toString());
// Metadata loaded from UFS has no TTL set.
CreateFileOptions createFileOptions =
try {
long counter = createFileAndJournal(inodePath, createFileOptions);
CompleteFileOptions completeOptions = CompleteFileOptions.defaults().setUfsLength(ufsLength);
counter = AsyncJournalWriter
.getFlushCounter(counter, completeFileAndJournal(inodePath, completeOptions));
return counter;
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
LOG.error("FileAlreadyExistsException seen unexpectedly.", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Loads metadata for the directory identified by the given path from UFS into Alluxio. This does
* not actually require looking at the UFS path.
* It is a no-op if the directory exists and is persisted.
* @param inodePath the path for which metadata should be loaded
* @param options the load metadata options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs *
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the path does not exist
private long loadDirectoryMetadataAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
LoadMetadataOptions options)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException, IOException {
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
if (inodePath.getInode().isPersisted()) {
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
CreateDirectoryOptions createDirectoryOptions = CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults()
try {
return createDirectoryAndJournal(inodePath, createDirectoryOptions);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// This should not happen.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Loads metadata for the path if it is (non-existing || (persisted && load direct children is
* set).
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to load the metadata for
* @param options the load metadata options
// TODO(peis): Add a unit test for this function.
private long loadMetadataIfNotExistAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath,
LoadMetadataOptions options) {
boolean inodeExists = inodePath.fullPathExists();
boolean loadDirectChildren = false;
if (inodeExists) {
try {
Inode inode = inodePath.getInode();
loadDirectChildren =
inode.isDirectory() && inode.isPersisted() && options.isLoadDirectChildren();
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
// This should never happen.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (!inodeExists || loadDirectChildren) {
try {
return loadMetadataAndJournal(inodePath, options);
} catch (Exception e) {
// NOTE, this may be expected when client tries to get info (e.g. exisits()) for a file
// existing neither in Alluxio nor UFS.
LOG.debug("Failed to load metadata for path from UFS: {}", inodePath.getUri());
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
* Mounts a UFS path onto an Alluxio path.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent
* of the Alluxio path.
* @param alluxioPath the Alluxio path to mount to
* @param ufsPath the UFS path to mount
* @param options the mount options
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the path to be mounted already exists
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if the permission check fails
public void mount(AlluxioURI alluxioPath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, MountOptions options)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(alluxioPath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = mountAndJournal(inodePath, ufsPath, options);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Mounts a UFS path onto an Alluxio path.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the Alluxio path to mount to
* @param ufsPath the UFS path to mount
* @param options the mount options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the path to be mounted already exists
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if the permission check fails
private long mountAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, MountOptions options)
throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException, AccessControlException {
// Check that the Alluxio Path does not exist
if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
// TODO(calvin): Add a test to validate this (ALLUXIO-1831)
throw new InvalidPathException(
mountInternal(inodePath, ufsPath, false /* not replayed */, options);
boolean loadMetadataSuceeded = false;
try {
// This will create the directory at alluxioPath
loadMetadataSuceeded = true;
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
// This exception should be impossible since we just mounted this path
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
} finally {
if (!loadMetadataSuceeded) {
// Exception will be propagated from loadDirectoryMetadataAndJournal
// For proto, build a list of String pairs representing the properties map.
Map properties = options.getProperties();
List protoProperties = new ArrayList<>(properties.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : properties.entrySet()) {
AddMountPointEntry addMountPoint =
return appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setAddMountPoint(addMountPoint).build());
* @param entry the entry to use
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the mount point already exists
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs
private void mountFromEntry(AddMountPointEntry entry)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
AlluxioURI alluxioURI = new AlluxioURI(entry.getAlluxioPath());
AlluxioURI ufsURI = new AlluxioURI(entry.getUfsPath());
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockInodePath(alluxioURI, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mountInternal(inodePath, ufsURI, true /* replayed */, new MountOptions(entry));
* Updates the mount table with the specified mount point. The mount options may be updated during
* this method.
* @param inodePath the Alluxio mount point
* @param ufsPath the UFS endpoint to mount
* @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
* @param options the mount options (may be updated)
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the mount point already exists
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs
private void mountInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, boolean replayed,
MountOptions options)
throws FileAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
AlluxioURI alluxioPath = inodePath.getUri();
if (!replayed) {
// Check that the ufsPath exists and is a directory
UnderFileSystem ufs = UnderFileSystem.get(ufsPath.toString(), MasterContext.getConf());
if (!ufs.exists(ufsPath.toString())) {
throw new IOException(
if (ufs.isFile(ufsPath.toString())) {
throw new IOException(
// Check that the alluxioPath we're creating doesn't shadow a path in the default UFS
String defaultUfsPath = MasterContext.getConf().get(Constants.UNDERFS_ADDRESS);
UnderFileSystem defaultUfs = UnderFileSystem.get(defaultUfsPath, MasterContext.getConf());
if (defaultUfs.exists(PathUtils.concatPath(defaultUfsPath, alluxioPath.getPath()))) {
throw new IOException(
// Configure the ufs properties, and update the mount options with the configured properties.
// Add the mount point. This will only succeed if we are not mounting a prefix of an existing
// mount and no existing mount is a prefix of this mount.
mMountTable.add(alluxioPath, ufsPath, options);
* Unmounts a UFS path previously mounted path onto an Alluxio path.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the parent
* of the Alluxio path.
* @param alluxioPath the Alluxio path to unmount, must be a mount point
* @return true if the UFS path was successfully unmounted, false otherwise
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the path to be mounted does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws AccessControlException if the permission check fails
public boolean unmount(AlluxioURI alluxioPath)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException, AccessControlException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (
LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(alluxioPath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkParentPermission(FileSystemAction.WRITE, inodePath);
flushCounter = unmountAndJournal(inodePath);
if (flushCounter != AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Unmounts a UFS path previously mounted path onto an Alluxio path.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the Alluxio path to unmount, must be a mount point
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the path to be mounted does not exist
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
private long unmountAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, IOException {
if (unmountInternal(inodePath.getUri())) {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
// Use the internal delete API, setting {@code replayed} to true to prevent the delete
// operations from being persisted in the UFS.
long fileId = inode.getId();
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
deleteRecursiveInternal(inodePath, true /* replayed */, opTimeMs);
DeleteFileEntry deleteFile =
DeleteMountPointEntry deleteMountPoint =
return appendJournalEntry(
return AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
* @param entry the entry to use
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
private void unmountFromEntry(DeleteMountPointEntry entry) throws InvalidPathException {
AlluxioURI alluxioURI = new AlluxioURI(entry.getAlluxioPath());
if (!unmountInternal(alluxioURI)) {
LOG.error("Failed to unmount {}", alluxioURI);
* @param uri the Alluxio mount point to remove from the mount table
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
* @throws InvalidPathException if an invalied path is encountered
private boolean unmountInternal(AlluxioURI uri) throws InvalidPathException {
return mMountTable.delete(uri);
* Resets a file. It first free the whole file, and then reinitializes it.
* @param fileId the id of the file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid for the id of the file
// Currently used by Lineage Master
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public void resetFile(long fileId)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
// TODO(yupeng) check the file is not persisted
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
// free the file first
InodeFile inodeFile = inodePath.getInodeFile();
freeInternal(inodePath, false);
* Sets the file attribute.
* This operation requires users to have {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the path. In
* addition, the client user must be a super user when setting the owner, and must be a super user
* or the owner when setting the group or permission.
* @param path the path to set attribute for
* @param options attributes to be set, see {@link SetAttributeOptions}
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
* @throws InvalidPathException if the given path is invalid
public void setAttribute(AlluxioURI path, SetAttributeOptions options)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException, InvalidPathException {
// for chown
boolean rootRequired = options.getOwner() != null;
// for chgrp, chmod
boolean ownerRequired =
(options.getGroup() != null) || (options.getPermission() != Constants.INVALID_PERMISSION);
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
mPermissionChecker.checkSetAttributePermission(inodePath, rootRequired, ownerRequired);
flushCounter = setAttributeAndJournal(inodePath, options, rootRequired, ownerRequired);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
* Sets the file attribute.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to set attribute for
* @param options attributes to be set, see {@link SetAttributeOptions}
* @param rootRequired indicates whether it requires to be the superuser
* @param ownerRequired indicates whether it requires to be the owner of this path
* @throws InvalidPathException if the given path is invalid
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
private long setAttributeAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, SetAttributeOptions options,
boolean rootRequired, boolean ownerRequired)
throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException {
Inode> targetInode = inodePath.getInode();
long opTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (options.isRecursive() && targetInode.isDirectory()) {
try (InodeLockList lockList = mInodeTree
.lockDescendants(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
List> inodeChildren = lockList.getInodes();
for (Inode> inode : inodeChildren) {
// the path to inode for getPath should already be locked.
try (LockedInodePath childPath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(mInodeTree.getPath(inode),
InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
// TODO(gpang): a better way to check permissions
.checkSetAttributePermission(childPath, rootRequired, ownerRequired);
TempInodePathForDescendant tempInodePath = new TempInodePathForDescendant(inodePath);
for (Inode> inode : inodeChildren) {
// the path to inode for getPath should already be locked.
tempInodePath.setDescendant(inode, mInodeTree.getPath(inode));
List> persistedInodes = setAttributeInternal(tempInodePath, opTimeMs, options);
journalSetAttribute(tempInodePath, opTimeMs, options);
List> persistedInodes = setAttributeInternal(inodePath, opTimeMs, options);
return journalSetAttribute(inodePath, opTimeMs, options);
* @param inodePath the file path to use
* @param opTimeMs the operation time (in milliseconds)
* @param options the method options
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if path does not exist
private long journalSetAttribute(LockedInodePath inodePath, long opTimeMs,
SetAttributeOptions options) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
SetAttributeEntry.Builder builder =
if (options.getPinned() != null) {
if (options.getTtl() != null) {
if (options.getPersisted() != null) {
if (options.getOwner() != null) {
if (options.getGroup() != null) {
if (options.getPermission() != Constants.INVALID_PERMISSION) {
return appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setSetAttribute(builder).build());
* Schedules a file for async persistence.
* @param path the id of the file for persistence
* @throws AlluxioException if scheduling fails
public void scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path) throws AlluxioException {
long flushCounter = AsyncJournalWriter.INVALID_FLUSH_COUNTER;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(path, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
flushCounter = scheduleAsyncPersistenceAndJournal(inodePath);
} finally {
// finally runs after resources are closed (unlocked).
// NOTE: persistence is asynchronous so there is no guarantee the path will still exist
* Schedules a file for async persistence.
* Writes to the journal.
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} of the file for persistence
* @return the flush counter for journaling
* @throws AlluxioException if scheduling fails
private long scheduleAsyncPersistenceAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath)
throws AlluxioException {
long fileId = inodePath.getInode().getId();
// write to journal
AsyncPersistRequestEntry asyncPersistRequestEntry =
return appendJournalEntry(
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} of the file to schedule asynchronous
* persistence for
* @throws AlluxioException if scheduling fails
private void scheduleAsyncPersistenceInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath) throws AlluxioException {
* Instructs a worker to persist the files.
* Needs {@link FileSystemAction#WRITE} permission on the list of files.
* @param workerId the id of the worker that heartbeats
* @param persistedFiles the files that persisted on the worker
* @return the command for persisting the blocks of a file
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
* @throws InvalidPathException if the file path corresponding to the file id is invalid
* @throws AccessControlException if permission checking fails
public FileSystemCommand workerHeartbeat(long workerId, List persistedFiles)
throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, AccessControlException {
for (long fileId : persistedFiles) {
// Permission checking for each file is performed inside setAttribute
setAttribute(getPath(fileId), SetAttributeOptions.defaults().setPersisted(true));
// get the files for the given worker to persist
List filesToPersist = mAsyncPersistHandler.pollFilesToPersist(workerId);
if (!filesToPersist.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Sent files {} to worker {} to persist", filesToPersist, workerId);
FileSystemCommandOptions options = new FileSystemCommandOptions();
options.setPersistOptions(new PersistCommandOptions(filesToPersist));
return new FileSystemCommand(CommandType.Persist, options);
* @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to use
* @param opTimeMs the operation time (in milliseconds)
* @param options the method options
* @return list of inodes which were marked as persisted
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException
private List> setAttributeInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, long opTimeMs,
SetAttributeOptions options)
throws FileDoesNotExistException {
List> persistedInodes = Collections.emptyList();
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (options.getPinned() != null) {
mInodeTree.setPinned(inodePath, options.getPinned(), opTimeMs);
if (options.getTtl() != null) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(inode.isFile(), PreconditionMessage.TTL_ONLY_FOR_FILE);
long ttl = options.getTtl();
InodeFile file = (InodeFile) inode;
if (file.getTtl() != ttl) {
if (options.getPersisted() != null) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(inode.isFile(), PreconditionMessage.PERSIST_ONLY_FOR_FILE);
Preconditions.checkArgument(((InodeFile) inode).isCompleted(),
InodeFile file = (InodeFile) inode;
// TODO(manugoyal) figure out valid behavior in the un-persist case
if (!file.isPersisted()) {
persistedInodes = propagatePersistedInternal(inodePath, false);
if (options.getOwner() != null) {
if (options.getGroup() != null) {
if (options.getPermission() != Constants.INVALID_PERMISSION) {
return persistedInodes;
* @param entry the entry to use
* @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
private void setAttributeFromEntry(SetAttributeEntry entry) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
SetAttributeOptions options = SetAttributeOptions.defaults();
if (entry.hasPinned()) {
if (entry.hasTtl()) {
if (entry.hasPersisted()) {
if (entry.hasOwner()) {
if (entry.hasGroup()) {
if (entry.hasPermission()) {
options.setPermission((short) entry.getPermission());
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(entry.getId(), InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
setAttributeInternal(inodePath, entry.getOpTimeMs(), options);
// Intentionally not journaling the persisted inodes from setAttributeInternal
* @return a list of {@link WorkerInfo} objects representing the workers in Alluxio
public List getWorkerInfoList() {
return mBlockMaster.getWorkerInfoList();
* This class represents the executor for periodic inode ttl check.
private final class MasterInodeTtlCheckExecutor implements HeartbeatExecutor {
* Constructs a new {@link MasterInodeTtlCheckExecutor}.
public MasterInodeTtlCheckExecutor() {}
public void heartbeat() {
Set expiredBuckets = mTtlBuckets.getExpiredBuckets(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (TtlBucket bucket : expiredBuckets) {
for (InodeFile file : bucket.getFiles()) {
AlluxioURI path = null;
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(file.getId(), InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
path = inodePath.getUri();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception trying to clean up {} for ttl check: {}", file.toString(),
if (path != null) {
try {
// public delete method will lock the path, and check WRITE permission required at
// parent of file
delete(path, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception trying to clean up {} for ttl check: {}", file.toString(),
public void close() {
// Nothing to clean up
* Lost files periodic check.
private final class LostFilesDetectionHeartbeatExecutor implements HeartbeatExecutor {
* Constructs a new {@link LostFilesDetectionHeartbeatExecutor}.
public LostFilesDetectionHeartbeatExecutor() {}
public void heartbeat() {
for (long fileId : getLostFiles()) {
// update the state
try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree
.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
Inode> inode = inodePath.getInode();
if (inode.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.PERSISTED) {
} catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
LOG.error("Exception trying to get inode from inode tree: {}", e.toString());
public void close() {
// Nothing to clean up