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org.anvilpowered.anvil.base.registry.BaseConfigurationService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A cross-platform database API / ORM / entity framework with useful services for minecraft plugins
* Anvil - AnvilPowered
* Copyright (C) 2020
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.anvilpowered.anvil.base.registry;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.ConfigurationOptions;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.commented.CommentedConfigurationNode;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.loader.ConfigurationLoader;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.ObjectMappingException;
import org.anvilpowered.anvil.api.registry.ConfigurationService;
import org.anvilpowered.anvil.api.registry.Key;
import org.anvilpowered.anvil.api.registry.Keys;
import org.anvilpowered.anvil.api.registry.RegistryScope;
import org.anvilpowered.anvil.api.registry.RegistryScoped;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Service to load and save data from a config file
* @author Cableguy20
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "UnstableApiUsage"})
public class BaseConfigurationService extends BaseRegistry implements ConfigurationService {
protected ConfigurationLoader configLoader;
private CommentedConfigurationNode rootConfigurationNode;
* Maps Keys to their verification function
private final Map, Map, Function>> verificationMap;
* Maps ConfigKeys to configuration node names
private final Map, String> nodeNameMap;
* Maps ConfigKeys to configuration node descriptions
private final Map, String> nodeDescriptionMap;
private boolean configValuesEdited;
private boolean isWithDataStore = false;
private ConfigurationOptions options;
public BaseConfigurationService(ConfigurationLoader configLoader) {
this.configLoader = configLoader;
verificationMap = new HashMap<>();
nodeNameMap = new HashMap<>();
nodeDescriptionMap = new HashMap<>();
protected void setOptions(@Nullable ConfigurationOptions options) {
this.options = options;
protected void withCore() {
setName(Keys.SERVER_NAME, "");
setDescription(Keys.SERVER_NAME, "\nServer name");
private void withDataStoreCore0() {
setName(Keys.DATA_DIRECTORY, "datastore.dataDirectory");
setName(Keys.DATA_STORE_NAME, "datastore.dataStoreName");
setDescription(Keys.DATA_DIRECTORY, "\nDirectory for extra data" +
"\nPlease note that it is not recommended to change this value from the original");
setDescription(Keys.DATA_STORE_NAME, "\nDetermines which storage option to use");
protected void withDataStoreCore() {
if (isWithDataStore) return;
isWithDataStore = true;
protected void withDataStore() {
if (isWithDataStore) return;
isWithDataStore = true;
setName(Keys.USE_SHARED_CREDENTIALS, "datastore.anvil.useSharedCredentials");
setName(Keys.USE_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT, "datastore.anvil.useSharedEnvironment");
setDescription(Keys.USE_SHARED_CREDENTIALS, "\nWhether to use Anvil's shared credentials."
+ "\nIf enabled, the following datastore settings will be inherited from Anvil's config (Requires useSharedEnvironment)"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.authDb"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.connectionString"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.password"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.username"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.useAuth"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.useConnectionString"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.useSrv"
+ "\nPlease note: If this is enabled, the values for above settings in this config file have no effect"
setDescription(Keys.USE_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT, "\nWhether to use Anvil's shared environment."
+ "\nIf enabled, the following datastore settings will be inherited from Anvil's config"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.hostname"
+ "\n\t- mongodb.port"
+ "\nPlease note: If this is enabled, the values for above settings in this config file have no effect"
protected void withMongoDB() {
setName(Keys.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING, "datastore.mongodb.connectionString");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_HOSTNAME, "datastore.mongodb.hostname");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_PORT, "datastore.mongodb.port");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_DBNAME, "datastore.mongodb.dbname");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_USERNAME, "datastore.mongodb.username");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_PASSWORD, "datastore.mongodb.password");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_AUTH_DB, "datastore.mongodb.authDb");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_USE_AUTH, "datastore.mongodb.useAuth");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_USE_SRV, "datastore.mongodb.useSrv");
setName(Keys.MONGODB_USE_CONNECTION_STRING, "datastore.mongodb.useConnectionString");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING, "\n(Advanced) You will probably not need to use this." +
"\nCustom MongoDB connection string that will used instead of the connection info and credentials below" +
"\nWill only be used if useConnectionString=true");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_HOSTNAME, "\nMongoDB hostname");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_PORT, "\nMongoDB port");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_DBNAME, "\nMongoDB database name");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_USERNAME, "\nMongoDB username");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_PASSWORD, "\nMongoDB password");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_AUTH_DB, "\nMongoDB database to use for authentication");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_USE_AUTH, "\nWhether to use authentication (username/password) for MongoDB connection");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_USE_SRV, "\nWhether to interpret the MongoDB hostname as an SRV record");
setDescription(Keys.MONGODB_USE_CONNECTION_STRING, "\n(Advanced) You will probably not need to use this." +
"\nWhether to use the connection string provided instead of the normal connection info and credentials" +
"\nOnly use this if you know what you are doing!" +
"\nPlease note that this plugin will inherit both useConnectionString and connectionString from" +
"\nAnvil if and only if useSharedEnvironment and useSharedCredentials are both true");
protected void withRedis() {
setName(Keys.REDIS_HOSTNAME, "datastore.redis.hostname");
setName(Keys.REDIS_PORT, "datastore.redis.port");
setName(Keys.REDIS_PASSWORD, "datastore.redis.password");
setName(Keys.REDIS_USE_AUTH, "datastore.redis.useAuth");
setDescription(Keys.REDIS_HOSTNAME, "\nRedis hostname");
setDescription(Keys.REDIS_PORT, "\nRedis Port");
setDescription(Keys.REDIS_PASSWORD, "\nRedis password");
setDescription(Keys.REDIS_USE_AUTH, "\nWhether to use authentication (password) for Redis connection");
protected void withProxyMode() {
setName(Keys.PROXY_MODE, "server.proxyMode");
setDescription(Keys.PROXY_MODE, "\nEnable this if your server is running behind a proxy"
+ "\nIf true, this setting disables the join and chat listeners"
+ "\nto prevent conflicts with the proxy's listeners.");
protected void withDefault() {
protected void withAll() {
protected void setVerification(Key key,
Map, Function> verification) {
(Map, Function>) (Object) verification);
protected void setName(Key> key, String name) {
nodeNameMap.put(key, name);
protected void setDescription(Key> key, String description) {
nodeDescriptionMap.put(key, description);
public void set(Key key, T value) {
super.set(key, value);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void remove(Key key) {
configValuesEdited = true;
public void transform(Key key, BiFunction super Key, ? super T, ? extends T> transformer) {
super.transform(key, transformer);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void transform(Key key, Function super T, ? extends T> transformer) {
super.transform(key, transformer);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void addToCollection(Key extends Collection> key, T value) {
super.addToCollection(key, value);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void removeFromCollection(Key extends Collection> key, T value) {
super.removeFromCollection(key, value);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void putInMap(Key extends Map> key, K mapKey, T mapValue) {
super.putInMap(key, mapKey, mapValue);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void removeFromMap(Key extends Map> key, K mapKey) {
super.removeFromMap(key, mapKey);
configValuesEdited = true;
public void load(RegistryScope registryScope) {
final int ordinal = registryScope.ordinal();
if (ordinal <= RegistryScope.DEFAULT.ordinal()) {
public boolean save() {
if (configValuesEdited) {
for (Map.Entry, String> entry : nodeNameMap.entrySet()) {
CommentedConfigurationNode node = fromString(entry.getValue());
try {
setNodeValue(node, entry.getKey());
} catch (ObjectMappingException e) {
logger.error("Unable to set config value for " + entry.getKey(), e);
try {;
configValuesEdited = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
private CommentedConfigurationNode fromString(String name) {
String[] path = name.split("[.]");
CommentedConfigurationNode node = rootConfigurationNode;
for (String s : path) {
node = node.getNode(s);
return node;
private void setNodeDefault(CommentedConfigurationNode node, Key key) throws ObjectMappingException {
T def = getDefault(key);
node.setValue(key.getType(), def);
set(key, def);
private void setNodeValue(CommentedConfigurationNode node, Key key) throws ObjectMappingException {
node.setValue(key.getType(), getOrDefault(key));
private void loadConfig() {
try {
if (options == null) {
rootConfigurationNode = configLoader.load();
} else {
rootConfigurationNode = configLoader.load(options);
} catch (IOException e) {
int updatedCount = 0;
for (Map.Entry, String> entry : nodeNameMap.entrySet()) {
Key> key = entry.getKey();
CommentedConfigurationNode node = fromString(entry.getValue());
if (node.isVirtual()) {
try {
setNodeDefault(node, key);
} catch (ObjectMappingException e) {
} else {
boolean[] modified = {false};
initConfigValue(key, node, modified);
if (modified[0]) {
if (node.isVirtual() || !node.getComment().isPresent()) {
if (updatedCount > 0) {
try {;
configValuesEdited = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
private T initConfigValue(Key key, CommentedConfigurationNode node, boolean[] modified) {
return initConfigValue(key, key.getType(), node, modified);
* @param typeToken {@link TypeToken} of node to parse. Pass a {@link Key} to save that value to the registry
* @param node {@link CommentedConfigurationNode} to get value from
private T initConfigValue(@Nullable Key key, TypeToken typeToken, CommentedConfigurationNode node, boolean[] modified) {
// it ain't pretty but it works
if (key != null && typeToken.isSubtypeOf(List.class)) {
// *** unwrap list *** //
try {
Method getMethod = List.class.getMethod("get", int.class);
Invokable extends T, ?> invokable = typeToken.method(getMethod);
T list = (T) verify(verificationMap.get(key), node.getList(invokable.getReturnType()), node, modified);
set(key, list);
return list;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalArgumentException | ObjectMappingException e) {
return null;
} else if (typeToken.isSubtypeOf(Map.class)) {
// *** unwrap map *** //
try {
Method getMethod = Map.class.getMethod("get", Object.class);
Invokable, ?> invokable = typeToken.method(getMethod);
TypeToken> subType = invokable.getReturnType();
Map result = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry, ? extends CommentedConfigurationNode> entry : node.getChildrenMap().entrySet()) {
// here comes the recursion
result.put(entry.getValue().getKey(), initConfigValue(null, subType, entry.getValue(), modified));
if (key != null) {
T map = (T) verify(verificationMap.get(key), result, node, modified);
set(key, map);
return (T) result;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
return null;
} else if (key != null) {
try {
T value = node.getValue(typeToken);
set(key, (T) verify(verificationMap.get(key), value, node, modified));
return value;
} catch (ClassCastException | ObjectMappingException e) {
return null;
} else {
try {
return node.getValue(typeToken);
} catch (ObjectMappingException e) {
return null;
private T verify(Map, Function> verificationMap, T value, CommentedConfigurationNode node, boolean[] modified) {
if (verificationMap == null) return value; // if there is no verification function defined
T result = value;
for (Map.Entry, Function> entry : verificationMap.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().test(result)) {
modified[0] = true;
result = entry.getValue().apply(result);
if (modified[0]) {
return result;