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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Compression;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A set of static utility methods used by the JDBC Suite, and various default values and error message strings
* that can be shared across classes.
class Utils
private static final Pattern KEYSPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("USE (\\w+);?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
private static final Pattern SELECT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:SELECT|DELETE)\\s+.+\\s+FROM\\s+(\\w+).*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
private static final Pattern UPDATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("UPDATE\\s+(\\w+)\\s+.*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public static final String PROTOCOL = "jdbc:cassandra:";
public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost";
public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 9160;
public static final ConsistencyLevel DEFAULT_CONSISTENCY = ConsistencyLevel.ONE;
public static final String KEY_VERSION = "version";
public static final String KEY_CONSISTENCY = "consistency";
public static final String TAG_DESCRIPTION = "description";
public static final String TAG_USER = "user";
public static final String TAG_PASSWORD = "password";
public static final String TAG_DATABASE_NAME = "databaseName";
public static final String TAG_SERVER_NAME = "serverName";
public static final String TAG_PORT_NUMBER = "portNumber";
public static final String TAG_ACTIVE_CQL_VERSION = "activeCqlVersion";
public static final String TAG_CQL_VERSION = "cqlVersion";
public static final String TAG_BUILD_VERSION = "buildVersion";
public static final String TAG_THRIFT_VERSION = "thriftVersion";
public static final String TAG_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = "consistencyLevel";
protected static final String WAS_CLOSED_CON = "method was called on a closed Connection";
protected static final String WAS_CLOSED_STMT = "method was called on a closed Statement";
protected static final String WAS_CLOSED_RSLT = "method was called on a closed ResultSet";
protected static final String NO_INTERFACE = "no object was found that matched the provided interface: %s";
protected static final String NO_TRANSACTIONS = "the Cassandra implementation does not support transactions";
protected static final String NO_SERVER = "no Cassandra server is available";
protected static final String ALWAYS_AUTOCOMMIT = "the Cassandra implementation is always in auto-commit mode";
protected static final String BAD_TIMEOUT = "the timeout value was less than zero";
protected static final String SCHEMA_MISMATCH = "schema does not match across nodes, (try again later)";
protected static final String NOT_SUPPORTED = "the Cassandra implementation does not support this method";
protected static final String NO_GEN_KEYS = "the Cassandra implementation does not currently support returning generated keys";
protected static final String NO_BATCH = "the Cassandra implementation does not currently support this batch in Statement";
protected static final String NO_MULTIPLE = "the Cassandra implementation does not currently support multiple open Result Sets";
protected static final String NO_VALIDATOR = "Could not find key validator for: %s.%s";
protected static final String NO_COMPARATOR = "Could not find key comparator for: %s.%s";
protected static final String NO_RESULTSET = "No ResultSet returned from the CQL statement passed in an 'executeQuery()' method";
protected static final String NO_UPDATE_COUNT = "No Update Count was returned from the CQL statement passed in an 'executeUpdate()' method";
protected static final String NO_CF = "no column family reference could be extracted from the provided CQL statement";
protected static final String BAD_KEEP_RSET = "the argument for keeping the current result set : %s is not a valid value";
protected static final String BAD_TYPE_RSET = "the argument for result set type : %s is not a valid value";
protected static final String BAD_CONCUR_RSET = "the argument for result set concurrency : %s is not a valid value";
protected static final String BAD_HOLD_RSET = "the argument for result set holdability : %s is not a valid value";
protected static final String BAD_FETCH_DIR = "fetch direction value of : %s is illegal";
protected static final String BAD_AUTO_GEN = "auto key generation value of : %s is illegal";
protected static final String BAD_FETCH_SIZE = "fetch size of : %s rows may not be negative";
protected static final String MUST_BE_POSITIVE = "index must be a positive number less or equal the count of returned columns: %s";
protected static final String VALID_LABELS = "name provided was not in the list of valid column labels: %s";
protected static final String NOT_TRANSLATABLE = "column was stored in %s format which is not translatable to %s";
protected static final String NOT_BOOLEAN = "string value was neither 'true' nor 'false' : %s";
protected static final String HOST_IN_URL = "Connection url must specify a host, e.g., jdbc:cassandra://localhost:9170/Keyspace1";
protected static final String HOST_REQUIRED = "a 'host' name is required to build a Connection";
protected static final String BAD_KEYSPACE = "Keyspace names must be composed of alphanumerics and underscores (parsed: '%s')";
protected static final String URI_IS_SIMPLE = "Connection url may only include host, port, and keyspace, consistency and version option, e.g., jdbc:cassandra://localhost:9170/Keyspace1?version=3.0.0&consistency=ONE";
protected static final String NOT_OPTION = "Connection url only supports the 'version' and 'consistency' options";
protected static final String FORWARD_ONLY = "Can not position cursor with a type of TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY";
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utils.class);
* Use the Compression object method to deflate the query string
* @param queryStr An un-compressed CQL query string
* @param compression The compression object
* @return A compressed string
public static ByteBuffer compressQuery(String queryStr, Compression compression)
byte[] data = queryStr.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
Deflater compressor = new Deflater();
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (!compressor.finished())
int size = compressor.deflate(buffer);
byteArray.write(buffer, 0, size);
compressor.end(); //clean up after the Deflater
logger.trace("Compressed query statement {} bytes in length to {} bytes", data.length, byteArray.size());
return ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray.toByteArray());
* Parse a URL for the Cassandra JDBC Driver
* The URL must start with the Protocol: "jdbc:cassandra:"
* The URI part(the "Subname") must contain a host and an optional port and optional keyspace name
* ie. "//localhost:9160/Test1"
* @param url The full JDBC URL to be parsed
* @return A list of properties that were parsed from the Subname
* @throws SQLException
public static final Properties parseURL(String url) throws SQLException
Properties props = new Properties();
if (!(url == null))
props.setProperty(TAG_PORT_NUMBER, "" + DEFAULT_PORT);
String rawUri = url.substring(PROTOCOL.length());
URI uri = null;
uri = new URI(rawUri);
catch (URISyntaxException e)
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(e);
String host = uri.getHost();
if (host == null) throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(HOST_IN_URL);
props.setProperty(TAG_SERVER_NAME, host);
int port = uri.getPort() >= 0 ? uri.getPort() : DEFAULT_PORT;
props.setProperty(TAG_PORT_NUMBER, "" + port);
String keyspace = uri.getPath();
if ((keyspace != null) && (!keyspace.isEmpty()))
if (keyspace.startsWith("/")) keyspace = keyspace.substring(1);
if (!keyspace.matches("[a-zA-Z]\\w+"))
throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String.format(BAD_KEYSPACE, keyspace));
props.setProperty(TAG_DATABASE_NAME, keyspace);
if (uri.getUserInfo() != null)
throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(URI_IS_SIMPLE);
String query = uri.getQuery();
if ((query != null) && (!query.isEmpty()))
Map params = parseQueryPart(query);
if (params.containsKey(KEY_VERSION) )
if (params.containsKey(KEY_CONSISTENCY) )
// String[] items = query.split("&");
// if (items.length != 1) throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(URI_IS_SIMPLE);
// String[] option = query.split("=");
// if (!option[0].equalsIgnoreCase("version")) throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(NOT_OPTION);
// if (option.length!=2) throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(NOT_OPTION);
// props.setProperty(TAG_CQL_VERSION, option[1]);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("URL : '{}' parses to: {}", url, props);
return props;
* Create a "Subname" portion of a JDBC URL from properties.
* @param props A Properties file containing all the properties to be considered.
* @return A constructed "Subname" portion of a JDBC URL in the form of a CLI (ie: //myhost:9160/Test1?version=3.0.0 )
* @throws SQLException
public static final String createSubName(Properties props)throws SQLException
// make keyspace always start with a "/" for URI
String keyspace = props.getProperty(TAG_DATABASE_NAME);
// if keyspace is null then do not bother ...
if (keyspace != null)
if (!keyspace.startsWith("/")) keyspace = "/" + keyspace;
String host = props.getProperty(TAG_SERVER_NAME);
if (host==null)throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(HOST_REQUIRED);
// construct a valid URI from parts...
URI uri;
uri = new URI(
props.getProperty(TAG_PORT_NUMBER)==null ? DEFAULT_PORT : Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(TAG_PORT_NUMBER)),
catch (Exception e)
throw new SQLNonTransientConnectionException(e);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Subname : '{}' created from : {}",uri.toString(), props);
return uri.toString();
* Determine the current keyspace by inspecting the CQL string to see if a USE statement is provided; which would change the keyspace.
* @param cql A CQL query string
* @param current The current keyspace stored as state in the connection
* @return the provided keyspace name or the keyspace from the contents of the CQL string
public static String determineCurrentKeyspace(String cql, String current)
String ks = current;
Matcher isKeyspace = KEYSPACE_PATTERN.matcher(cql);
if (isKeyspace.matches()) ks =;
return ks;
* Determine the current column family by inspecting the CQL to find a CF reference.
* @param cql A CQL query string
* @return The column family name from the contents of the CQL string or null in none was found
public static String determineCurrentColumnFamily(String cql)
String cf = null;
Matcher isSelect = SELECT_PATTERN.matcher(cql);
if (isSelect.matches()) cf =;
Matcher isUpdate = UPDATE_PATTERN.matcher(cql);
if (isUpdate.matches()) cf =;
return cf;
// Utility method
* Utility method to pack bytes into a byte buffer from a list of ByteBuffers
* @param buffers A list of ByteBuffers representing the elements to pack
* @param elements The count of the elements
* @param size The size in bytes of the result buffer
* @return The packed ByteBuffer
protected static ByteBuffer pack(List buffers, int elements, int size)
ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 + size);
for (ByteBuffer bb : buffers)
return (ByteBuffer)result.flip();
protected static String makeQueryString(Properties props)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String version = (props.getProperty(TAG_CQL_VERSION));
String consistency = (props.getProperty(TAG_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL));
if (consistency!=null) sb.append(KEY_CONSISTENCY).append("=").append(consistency);
if (version!=null)
if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append("&");
return (sb.length()==0) ? null : sb.toString().trim();
protected static Map parseQueryPart(String query) throws SQLException
Map params = new HashMap();
for (String param : query.split("&"))
String pair[] = param.split("=");
String key = URLDecoder.decode(pair[0], "UTF-8").toLowerCase();
String value = "";
if (pair.length > 1) value = URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], "UTF-8");
params.put(key, value);
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(e);
return params;