org.apache.abdera.i18n.text.CharUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.abdera.i18n.text;
* General utilities for dealing with Unicode characters
public final class CharUtils {
private CharUtils() {
* True if the character is a valid unicode codepoint
public static boolean isValid(int c) {
return c >= 0x000000 && c <= 0x10ffff;
* True if the character is a valid unicode codepoint
public static boolean isValid(Codepoint c) {
return isValid(c.getValue());
* True if all the characters in chars are within the set [low,high]
public static boolean inRange(char[] chars, char low, char high) {
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
if (chars[i] < low || chars[i] > high)
return false;
return true;
* True if all the characters in chars are within the set [low,high]
public static boolean inRange(char[] chars, int low, int high) {
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
char n = chars[i];
Codepoint cp =
(isHighSurrogate(n) && i + 1 < chars.length && isLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1]))
? toSupplementary(n, chars[i++]) : new Codepoint(n);
int c = cp.getValue();
if (c < low || c > high)
return false;
return true;
* True if the codepoint is within the set [low,high]
public static boolean inRange(int codepoint, int low, int high) {
return codepoint >= low && codepoint <= high;
* Append the specified codepoint to the buffer, automatically handling surrogate pairs
public static void append(Appendable buf, Codepoint c) {
append(buf, c.getValue());
* Append the specified codepoint to the buffer, automatically handling surrogate pairs
public static void append(Appendable buf, int c) {
try {
if (isSupplementary(c)) {
} else
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Get the high surrogate for a particular unicode codepoint
public static char getHighSurrogate(int c) {
return (c >= 0x10000) ? (char)((0xD800 - (0x10000 >> 10)) + (c >> 10)) : 0;
* Get the low surrogate for a particular unicode codepoint
public static char getLowSurrogate(int c) {
return (c >= 0x10000) ? (char)(0xDC00 + (c & 0x3FF)) : (char)c;
* True if the specified char is a high surrogate
public static boolean isHighSurrogate(char c) {
return c <= '\uDBFF' && c >= '\uD800';
* True if the specified char is a low surrogate
public static boolean isLowSurrogate(char c) {
return c <= '\uDFFF' && c >= '\uDC00';
* True if the specified character is supplemental
public static boolean isSupplementary(int c) {
return c <= 0x10ffff && c >= 0x010000;
* True if the two chars represent a surrogate pair
public static boolean isSurrogatePair(char high, char low) {
return isHighSurrogate(high) && isLowSurrogate(low);
* Converts the high and low surrogate into a supplementary codepoint
public static Codepoint toSupplementary(char high, char low) {
if (!isHighSurrogate(high))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid High Surrogate");
if (!isLowSurrogate(low))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Low Surrogate");
return new Codepoint(((high - '\uD800') << 10) + (low - '\uDC00') + 0x010000);
* Return the codepoint at the given location, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static Codepoint codepointAt(String s, int i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF)
return new Codepoint(c);
if (isHighSurrogate(c)) {
if (s.length() != i) {
char low = s.charAt(i + 1);
if (isLowSurrogate(low))
return toSupplementary(c, low);
} else if (isLowSurrogate(c)) {
if (i >= 1) {
char high = s.charAt(i - 1);
if (isHighSurrogate(high))
return toSupplementary(high, c);
return new Codepoint(c);
* Return the codepoint at the given location, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static Codepoint codepointAt(CharSequence s, int i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF)
return new Codepoint(c);
if (isHighSurrogate(c)) {
if (s.length() != i) {
char low = s.charAt(i + 1);
if (isLowSurrogate(low))
return toSupplementary(c, low);
} else if (isLowSurrogate(c)) {
if (i >= 1) {
char high = s.charAt(i - 1);
if (isHighSurrogate(high))
return toSupplementary(high, c);
return new Codepoint(c);
* Insert a codepoint into the buffer, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static void insert(CharSequence s, int i, Codepoint c) {
insert(s, i, c.getValue());
* Insert a codepoint into the buffer, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static void insert(CharSequence s, int i, int c) {
if (!(s instanceof StringBuilder) && !(s instanceof StringBuffer)) {
insert(new StringBuilder(s), i, c);
} else {
if (i > 0 && i < s.length()) {
char ch = s.charAt(i);
boolean low = isLowSurrogate(ch);
if (low) {
if (low && isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(i - 1))) {
if (s instanceof StringBuffer)
((StringBuffer)s).insert(i, toString(c));
else if (s instanceof StringBuilder)
((StringBuilder)s).insert(i, toString(c));
* Set the character at a given location, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static void setChar(CharSequence s, int i, Codepoint c) {
setChar(s, i, c.getValue());
* Set the character at a given location, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static void setChar(CharSequence s, int i, int c) {
if (!(s instanceof StringBuilder) && !(s instanceof StringBuffer)) {
setChar(new StringBuilder(s), i, c);
} else {
int l = 1;
char ch = s.charAt(i);
boolean high = isHighSurrogate(ch);
boolean low = isLowSurrogate(ch);
if (high || low) {
if (high && (i + 1) < s.length() && isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(i + 1)))
else {
if (low && i > 0 && isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(i - 1))) {
if (s instanceof StringBuffer)
((StringBuffer)s).replace(i, i + l, toString(c));
else if (s instanceof StringBuilder)
((StringBuilder)s).replace(i, i + l, toString(c));
* Return the number of characters used to represent the codepoint (will return 1 or 2)
public static int length(Codepoint c) {
return c.getCharCount();
* Return the number of characters used to represent the codepoint (will return 1 or 2)
public static int length(int c) {
return new Codepoint(c).getCharCount();
* Return the total number of codepoints in the buffer. Each surrogate pair counts as a single codepoint
public static int length(CharSequence c) {
return length(CodepointIterator.forCharSequence(c));
* Return the total number of codepoints in the buffer. Each surrogate pair counts as a single codepoint
public static int length(char[] c) {
return length(CodepointIterator.forCharArray(c));
private static int length(CodepointIterator ci) {
int n = 0;
while (ci.hasNext()) {;
return n;
private static String supplementaryToString(int c) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
return buf.toString();
* Return the String representation of the codepoint, automatically dealing with surrogate pairs
public static String toString(int c) {
return (isSupplementary(c)) ? supplementaryToString(c) : String.valueOf((char)c);
public static final char LRE = 0x202A;
public static final char RLE = 0x202B;
public static final char LRO = 0x202D;
public static final char RLO = 0x202E;
public static final char LRM = 0x200E;
public static final char RLM = 0x200F;
public static final char PDF = 0x202C;
* Removes leading and trailing bidi controls from the string
public static String stripBidi(String s) {
if (s == null || s.length() <= 1)
return s;
if (isBidi(s.charAt(0)))
s = s.substring(1);
if (isBidi(s.charAt(s.length() - 1)))
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
return s;
* Removes bidi controls from within a string
public static String stripBidiInternal(String s) {
return s.replaceAll("[\u202A\u202B\u202D\u202E\u200E\u200F\u202C]", "");
private static String wrap(String s, char c1, char c2) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s);
if (buf.length() > 1) {
if (buf.charAt(0) != c1)
buf.insert(0, c1);
if (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) != c2)
return buf.toString();
* Wrap the string with the specified bidi control
public static String wrapBidi(String s, char c) {
switch (c) {
case RLE:
return wrap(s, RLE, PDF);
case RLO:
return wrap(s, RLO, PDF);
case LRE:
return wrap(s, LRE, PDF);
case LRO:
return wrap(s, LRO, PDF);
case RLM:
return wrap(s, RLM, RLM);
case LRM:
return wrap(s, LRM, LRM);
return s;
* True if the codepoint is a digit
public static boolean isDigit(Codepoint codepoint) {
return isDigit(codepoint.getValue());
* True if the codepoint is a digit
public static boolean isDigit(int codepoint) {
return CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, '0', '9');
* True if the codepoint is part of the ASCII alphabet (a-z, A-Z)
public static boolean isAlpha(Codepoint codepoint) {
return isAlpha(codepoint.getValue());
* True if the codepoint is part of the ASCII alphabet (a-z, A-Z)
public static boolean isAlpha(int codepoint) {
return CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'A', 'Z') || CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'a', 'z');
* True if isAlpha and isDigit both return true
public static boolean isAlphaDigit(Codepoint codepoint) {
return isAlphaDigit(codepoint.getValue());
* True if isAlpha and isDigit both return true
public static boolean isAlphaDigit(int codepoint) {
return isDigit(codepoint) || isAlpha(codepoint);
public static boolean isHex (int codepoint){
return isDigit(codepoint) || CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'a', 'f') || CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'A', 'F');
* True if the codepoint is a bidi control character
public static boolean isBidi(Codepoint codepoint) {
return isBidi(codepoint.getValue());
* True if the codepoint is a bidi control character
public static boolean isBidi(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == LRM || // Left-to-right mark
codepoint == RLM
|| // Right-to-left mark
codepoint == LRE
|| // Left-to-right embedding
codepoint == RLE
|| // Right-to-left embedding
codepoint == LRO
|| // Left-to-right override
codepoint == RLO
|| // Right-to-left override
codepoint == PDF; // Pop directional formatting
public static int get_index(int[] set, int value) {
int s = 0, e = set.length;
while (e - s > 8) {
int i = (e + s) >> 1;
s = set[i] <= value ? i : s;
e = set[i] > value ? i : e;
while (s < e) {
if (value < set[s])
return s == e ? -1 : s - 1;
* Treats the specified int array as an Inversion Set and returns true if the value is located within the set. This
* will only work correctly if the values in the int array are monotonically increasing
public static boolean invset_contains(int[] set, int value) {
int s = 0, e = set.length;
while (e - s > 8) {
int i = (e + s) >> 1;
s = set[i] <= value ? i : s;
e = set[i] > value ? i : e;
while (s < e) {
if (value < set[s])
return ((s - 1) & 1) == 0;
public static enum Profile {
NONE(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return true;
}), ALPHA(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isAlpha(codepoint);
}), ALPHANUM(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isAlphaDigit(codepoint);
}), FRAGMENT(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isFragment(codepoint);
}), IFRAGMENT(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_ifragment(codepoint);
}), PATH(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isPath(codepoint);
}), IPATH(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_ipath(codepoint);
}), IUSERINFO(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iuserinfo(codepoint);
}), USERINFO(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isUserInfo(codepoint);
}), QUERY(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isQuery(codepoint);
}), IQUERY(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iquery(codepoint);
}), SCHEME(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isScheme(codepoint);
}), PATHNODELIMS(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isPathNoDelims(codepoint);
}), IPATHNODELIMS(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_ipathnodelims(codepoint);
}), IPATHNODELIMS_SEG(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_ipathnodelims(codepoint) && codepoint != '@' && codepoint != ':';
}), IREGNAME(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iregname(codepoint);
}), IHOST (new Filter(){
public boolean accept(int codepoint){
return !is_ihost(codepoint);
}), IPRIVATE(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iprivate(codepoint);
}), RESERVED(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isReserved(codepoint);
}), IUNRESERVED(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iunreserved(codepoint);
}), UNRESERVED(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !isUnreserved(codepoint);
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_iunreserved(codepoint) && !isReserved(codepoint)
&& !is_iprivate(codepoint)
&& !isPctEnc(codepoint)
&& codepoint != '#';
}), AUTHORITY(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !is_regname(codepoint) && !isUserInfo(codepoint) && !isGenDelim(codepoint);
}), ASCIISANSCRLF(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 1, 9) && !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 14, 127);
}), PCT(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !CharUtils.isPctEnc(codepoint);
}), STD3ASCIIRULES(new Filter() {
public boolean accept(int codepoint) {
return !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x0000, 0x002C) && !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x002E, 0x002F)
&& !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x003A, 0x0040)
&& !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x005B, 0x0060)
&& !CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x007B, 0x007F);
private final Filter filter;
Profile(Filter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
public Filter filter() {
return filter;
public boolean check(int codepoint) {
return filter.accept(codepoint);
public static boolean isPctEnc(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == '%' || isDigit(codepoint)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'A', 'F')
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 'a', 'f');
public static boolean isMark(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == '-' || codepoint == '_'
|| codepoint == '.'
|| codepoint == '!'
|| codepoint == '~'
|| codepoint == '*'
|| codepoint == '\\'
|| codepoint == '\''
|| codepoint == '('
|| codepoint == ')';
public static boolean isUnreserved(int codepoint) {
return isAlphaDigit(codepoint) || codepoint == '-' || codepoint == '.' || codepoint == '_' || codepoint == '~';
public static boolean isReserved(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == '$' || codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == ','
|| codepoint == '/'
|| codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '?'
|| codepoint == '@'
|| codepoint == '['
|| codepoint == ']';
public static boolean isGenDelim(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == '#' || codepoint == '/'
|| codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == '?'
|| codepoint == '@'
|| codepoint == '['
|| codepoint == ']';
public static boolean isSubDelim(int codepoint) {
return codepoint == '!' || codepoint == '$'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '\''
|| codepoint == '('
|| codepoint == ')'
|| codepoint == '*'
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == ','
|| codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '\\';
public static boolean isPchar(int codepoint) {
return isUnreserved(codepoint) || codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == '@'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == '$'
|| codepoint == ',';
public static boolean isPath(int codepoint) {
return isPchar(codepoint) || codepoint == ';' || codepoint == '/' || codepoint == '%' || codepoint == ',';
public static boolean isPathNoDelims(int codepoint) {
return isPath(codepoint) && !isGenDelim(codepoint);
public static boolean isScheme(int codepoint) {
return isAlphaDigit(codepoint) || codepoint == '+' || codepoint == '-' || codepoint == '.';
public static boolean isUserInfo(int codepoint) {
return isUnreserved(codepoint) || isSubDelim(codepoint) || isPctEnc(codepoint);
public static boolean isQuery(int codepoint) {
return isPchar(codepoint) || codepoint == ';' || codepoint == '/' || codepoint == '?' || codepoint == '%';
public static boolean isFragment(int codepoint) {
return isPchar(codepoint) || codepoint == '/' || codepoint == '?' || codepoint == '%';
public static boolean is_ucschar(int codepoint) {
return CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, '\u00A0', '\uD7FF') || CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, '\uF900', '\uFDCF')
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, '\uFDF0', '\uFFEF')
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x10000, 0x1FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x20000, 0x2FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x30000, 0x3FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x40000, 0x4FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x50000, 0x5FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x60000, 0x6FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x70000, 0x7FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x80000, 0x8FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x90000, 0x9FFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xA0000, 0xAFFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xB0000, 0xBFFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xC0000, 0xCFFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xD0000, 0xDFFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xE1000, 0xEFFFD);
public static boolean is_iprivate(int codepoint) {
return CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, '\uE000', '\uF8FF') || CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFD)
|| CharUtils.inRange(codepoint, 0x100000, 0x10FFFD);
public static boolean is_iunreserved(int codepoint) {
return isAlphaDigit(codepoint) || isMark(codepoint) || is_ucschar(codepoint);
public static boolean is_ipchar(int codepoint) {
return is_iunreserved(codepoint) || isSubDelim(codepoint)
|| codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == '@'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == '$';
public static boolean is_ipath(int codepoint) {
return is_ipchar(codepoint) || codepoint == ';' || codepoint == '/' || codepoint == '%' || codepoint == ',';
public static boolean is_ipathnodelims(int codepoint) {
return is_ipath(codepoint) && !isGenDelim(codepoint);
public static boolean is_iquery(int codepoint) {
return is_ipchar(codepoint) || is_iprivate(codepoint)
|| codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == '/'
|| codepoint == '?'
|| codepoint == '%';
public static boolean is_ifragment(int codepoint) {
return is_ipchar(codepoint) || is_iprivate(codepoint)
|| codepoint == '/'
|| codepoint == '?'
|| codepoint == '%';
public static boolean is_iregname(int codepoint) {
return is_iunreserved(codepoint) || codepoint == '!'
|| codepoint == '$'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '\''
|| codepoint == '('
|| codepoint == ')'
|| codepoint == '*'
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == ','
|| codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '"';
public static boolean is_ipliteral (int codepoint){
return isHex(codepoint) || codepoint==':'
|| codepoint =='['
|| codepoint==']';
public static boolean is_ihost (int codepoint){
return is_iregname(codepoint) || is_ipliteral(codepoint);
public static boolean is_regname(int codepoint) {
return isUnreserved(codepoint) || codepoint == '!'
|| codepoint == '$'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '\''
|| codepoint == '('
|| codepoint == ')'
|| codepoint == '*'
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == ','
|| codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '"';
public static boolean is_iuserinfo(int codepoint) {
return is_iunreserved(codepoint) || codepoint == ';'
|| codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == '&'
|| codepoint == '='
|| codepoint == '+'
|| codepoint == '$'
|| codepoint == ',';
public static boolean is_iserver(int codepoint) {
return is_iuserinfo(codepoint) || is_iregname(codepoint)
|| isAlphaDigit(codepoint)
|| codepoint == '.'
|| codepoint == ':'
|| codepoint == '@'
|| codepoint == '['
|| codepoint == ']'
|| codepoint == '%'
|| codepoint == '-';
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified filter
public static void verify(CodepointIterator ci, Filter filter) throws InvalidCharacterException {
CodepointIterator rci = CodepointIterator.restrict(ci, filter);
while (rci.hasNext());
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified filter
public static void verify(CodepointIterator ci, Profile profile) throws InvalidCharacterException {
CodepointIterator rci = CodepointIterator.restrict(ci, profile.filter());
while (rci.hasNext());
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified profile
public static void verify(char[] s, Profile profile) throws InvalidCharacterException {
if (s == null)
verify(CodepointIterator.forCharArray(s), profile);
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified profile
public static void verify(String s, Profile profile) throws InvalidCharacterException {
if (s == null)
verify(CodepointIterator.forCharSequence(s), profile);
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified filter
public static void verifyNot(CodepointIterator ci, Filter filter) throws InvalidCharacterException {
CodepointIterator rci = ci.restrict(filter, false, true);
while (rci.hasNext());
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified profile
public static void verifyNot(CodepointIterator ci, Profile profile) throws InvalidCharacterException {
CodepointIterator rci = ci.restrict(profile.filter(), false, true);
while (rci.hasNext());
* Verifies a sequence of codepoints using the specified profile
public static void verifyNot(char[] array, Profile profile) throws InvalidCharacterException {
CodepointIterator rci = CodepointIterator.forCharArray(array).restrict(profile.filter(), false, true);
while (rci.hasNext());
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