org.apache.accumulo.manager.upgrade.Upgrader10to11 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.accumulo.manager.upgrade;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants.ZTABLES;
import static org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants.ZTABLE_STATE;
import static org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.schema.MetadataSchema.RESERVED_PREFIX;
import static org.apache.accumulo.server.util.MetadataTableUtil.EMPTY_TEXT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchDeleter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.InstanceId;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Mutation;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Range;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.TableId;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Value;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.fate.zookeeper.ZooReaderWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.fate.zookeeper.ZooUtil;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.manager.state.tables.TableState;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.MetadataTable;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.schema.MetadataSchema;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.Authorizations;
import org.apache.accumulo.server.ServerContext;
import org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.store.PropStore;
import org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.store.PropStoreKey;
import org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.store.TablePropKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Upgrader10to11 implements Upgrader {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Upgrader10to11.class);
// Included for upgrade code usage any other usage post 3.0 should not be used.
private static final TableId REPLICATION_ID = TableId.of("+rep");
private static final Range REP_TABLE_RANGE =
new Range(REPLICATION_ID.canonical() + ";", true, REPLICATION_ID.canonical() + "<", true);
// copied from MetadataSchema 2.1 (removed in 3.0)
private static final Range REP_WAL_RANGE =
new Range(RESERVED_PREFIX + "repl", true, RESERVED_PREFIX + "repm", false);
public Upgrader10to11() {
public void upgradeZookeeper(final ServerContext context) {
log.info("upgrade of ZooKeeper entries");
var zrw = context.getZooReaderWriter();
var iid = context.getInstanceID();
// if the replication base path (../tables/+rep) assume removed or never existed.
if (!checkReplicationTableInZk(iid, zrw)) {
log.debug("replication table root node does not exist in ZooKeeper - nothing to do");
// if the replication table is online - stop. There could be data in transit.
if (!checkReplicationOffline(iid, zrw)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Replication table is not offline. Cannot continue with upgrade that will remove replication with replication active");
cleanMetaConfig(iid, context.getPropStore());
deleteReplicationTableZkEntries(zrw, iid);
public void upgradeRoot(final ServerContext context) {
log.info("upgrade root - skipping, nothing to do");
public void upgradeMetadata(final ServerContext context) {
log.info("upgrade metadata entries");
List replTableFiles = readReplFilesFromMetadata(context);
deleteReplTableFiles(context, replTableFiles);
List readReplFilesFromMetadata(final ServerContext context) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
try (Scanner scanner = context.createScanner(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : scanner) {
String f = entry.getKey()
} catch (TableNotFoundException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to read replication files from metadata", ex);
return results;
void deleteReplTableFiles(final ServerContext context, final List replTableFiles) {
// short circuit if there are no files
if (replTableFiles.isEmpty()) {
// write delete mutations
boolean haveFailures = false;
try (BatchWriter writer = context.createBatchWriter(MetadataTable.NAME)) {
for (String filename : replTableFiles) {
Mutation m = createDelMutation(filename);
log.debug("Adding delete marker for file: {}", filename);
} catch (MutationsRejectedException ex) {
log.debug("Failed to write delete marker {}", ex.getMessage());
haveFailures = true;
} catch (TableNotFoundException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to read replication files from metadata", ex);
if (haveFailures) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"deletes rejected adding deletion marker for replication file entries, check log");
private Mutation createDelMutation(String path) {
Mutation delFlag = new Mutation(new Text(MetadataSchema.DeletesSection.encodeRow(path)));
delFlag.put(EMPTY_TEXT, EMPTY_TEXT, MetadataSchema.DeletesSection.SkewedKeyValue.NAME);
return delFlag;
* remove +rep entries from metadata.
private void deleteReplMetadataEntries(final ServerContext context) {
try (BatchDeleter deleter =
context.createBatchDeleter(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY, 10)) {
deleter.setRanges(List.of(REP_TABLE_RANGE, REP_WAL_RANGE));
} catch (TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to remove replication info from metadata table", ex);
private boolean checkReplicationTableInZk(final InstanceId iid, final ZooReaderWriter zrw) {
try {
String path = buildRepTablePath(iid);
return zrw.exists(path);
} catch (KeeperException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("ZooKeeper error - cannot determine replication table status",
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("interrupted reading replication state from ZooKeeper", ex);
* To protect against removing replication information if replication is being used and possible
* active, check the replication table state in Zookeeper to see if it is ONLINE (active) or
* OFFLINE (inactive). If the state node does not exist, then the status is considered as OFFLINE.
* @return true if the replication table state is OFFLINE, false otherwise
private boolean checkReplicationOffline(final InstanceId iid, final ZooReaderWriter zrw) {
try {
String path = buildRepTablePath(iid) + ZTABLE_STATE;
byte[] bytes = zrw.getData(path);
if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) {
String status = new String(bytes, UTF_8);
return TableState.OFFLINE.name().equals(status);
return false;
} catch (KeeperException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("ZooKeeper error - cannot determine replication table status",
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("interrupted reading replication state from ZooKeeper", ex);
* Utility method to build the ZooKeeper replication table path. The path resolves to
* {@code /accumulo/INSTANCE_ID/tables/+rep}
static String buildRepTablePath(final InstanceId iid) {
return ZooUtil.getRoot(iid) + ZTABLES + "/" + REPLICATION_ID.canonical();
private void deleteReplicationTableZkEntries(ZooReaderWriter zrw, InstanceId iid) {
String repTablePath = buildRepTablePath(iid);
try {
zrw.recursiveDelete(repTablePath, ZooUtil.NodeMissingPolicy.SKIP);
} catch (KeeperException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"ZooKeeper error - failed recursive deletion on " + repTablePath, ex);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("interrupted deleting " + repTablePath + " from ZooKeeper",
private void cleanMetaConfig(final InstanceId iid, final PropStore propStore) {
PropStoreKey metaKey = TablePropKey.of(iid, MetadataTable.ID);
var p = propStore.get(metaKey);
var props = p.asMap();
List filtered = filterReplConfigKeys(props.keySet());
// add replication status formatter to remove list.
String v = props.get("table.formatter");
if (v != null && v.compareTo("org.apache.accumulo.server.replication.StatusFormatter") == 0) {
if (filtered.size() > 0) {
log.trace("Upgrade filtering replication iterators for id: {}", metaKey);
propStore.removeProperties(metaKey, filtered);
* Return a list of property keys that match replication iterator settings. This is specifically a
* narrow filter to avoid potential matches with user define or properties that contain
* replication in the property name (specifically table.file.replication which set hdfs block
* replication.)
private List filterReplConfigKeys(Set keys) {
String REPL_ITERATOR_PATTERN = "^table\\.iterator\\.(majc|minc|scan)\\.replcombiner$";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(" + REPL_ITERATOR_PATTERN + "|" + REPL_COLUMN_PATTERN + ")");
return keys.stream().filter(e -> p.matcher(e).find()).collect(Collectors.toList());
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