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org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZooKeeperGroup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups

import org.apache.zookeeper._
import org.linkedin.zookeeper.tracker._
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import org.linkedin.zookeeper.client.LifecycleListener
import collection.JavaConversions._
import java.util.{LinkedHashMap, Collection}
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.{ConnectionLossException, NoNodeException}
import scala.Predef._
import scala.Some



* * @author Hiram Chirino */ object ZooKeeperGroupFactory { def create(zk: ZKClient, path: String):ZooKeeperGroup = new ZooKeeperGroup(zk, path) def members(zk: ZKClient, path: String):LinkedHashMap[String, Array[Byte]] = ZooKeeperGroup.members(zk, path) } /** * * @author Hiram Chirino */ object ZooKeeperGroup { def members(zk: ZKClient, path: String):LinkedHashMap[String, Array[Byte]] = { var rc = new LinkedHashMap[String, Array[Byte]] zk.getAllChildren(path).sortWith((a,b)=> a < b).foreach { node => try { if( node.matches("""0\d+""") ) { rc.put(node, zk.getData(path+"/"+node)) } else { None } } catch { case e:Throwable => e.printStackTrace } } rc } } /** * * @author Hiram Chirino */ class ZooKeeperGroup(val zk: ZKClient, val root: String) extends LifecycleListener with ChangeListenerSupport { var tree = new ZooKeeperTreeTracker[Array[Byte]](zk, new ZKByteArrayDataReader, root, 1) var rebuildTree = false val joins = HashMap[String, Int]() var members = new LinkedHashMap[String, Array[Byte]] private def member_path_prefix = root + "/0" zk.registerListener(this) create(root) var treeEventHandler = new NodeEventsListener[Array[Byte]]() { def onEvents(events: Collection[NodeEvent[Array[Byte]]]): Unit = { if( !closed ) fire_cluster_change; } } tree.track(treeEventHandler) fire_cluster_change @volatile var closed = false def close = this.synchronized { closed = true joins.foreach { case (path, version) => try { if( zk.isConnected ) { zk.delete(member_path_prefix + path, version) } } catch { case x:NoNodeException => // Already deleted. } } joins.clear tree.destroy zk.removeListener(this) } def connected = zk.isConnected def onConnected() = { this.synchronized { // underlying ZooKeeperTreeTracker isn't rebuilding itself after // the loss of the session, so we need to destroy/rebuild it on // reconnect. if (rebuildTree) { tree.destroy tree = new ZooKeeperTreeTracker[Array[Byte]](zk, new ZKByteArrayDataReader, root, 1) tree.track(treeEventHandler) } else { rebuildTree = true } } fireConnected() } def onDisconnected() = { this.members = new LinkedHashMap() fireDisconnected() } def join(data:Array[Byte]=null): String = this.synchronized { val id = zk.createWithParents(member_path_prefix, data, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL).stripPrefix(member_path_prefix) joins.put(id, 0) id } def update(path:String, data:Array[Byte]=null): Unit = this.synchronized { joins.get(path) match { case Some(ver) => try { val stat = zk.setData(member_path_prefix + path, data, ver) joins.put(path, stat.getVersion) } catch { case e:NoNodeException => joins.remove(path) throw e; } case None => throw new NoNodeException("Has not joined locally: "+path) } } def leave(path:String): Unit = this.synchronized { joins.remove(path).foreach { case version => try { zk.delete(member_path_prefix + path, version) } catch { case x: NoNodeException => // Already deleted. case x: ConnectionLossException => // disconnected } } } private def fire_cluster_change: Unit = { this.synchronized { val t = tree.getTree.toList.filterNot { x => // don't include the root node, or nodes that don't match our naming convention. (x._1 == root) || !x._1.stripPrefix(root).matches("""/0\d+""") } this.members = new LinkedHashMap() t.sortWith((a,b)=> a._1 < b._1 ).foreach { x=> this.members.put(x._1.stripPrefix(member_path_prefix), x._2.getData) } } fireChanged() } private def create(path: String, count : java.lang.Integer = 0): Unit = { try { if (zk.exists(path, false) != null) { return } try { // try create given path in persistent mode zk.createOrSetWithParents(path, "", CreateMode.PERSISTENT) } catch { case ignore: KeeperException.NodeExistsException => } } catch { case ignore : KeeperException.SessionExpiredException => { if (count > 20) { // we tried enought number of times throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create path " + path, ignore) } // try to create path with increased counter value create(path, count + 1) } } } }

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