org.apache.activemq.spring.SpringSslContext.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Puts together an ActiveMQ OSGi bundle
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LOG Lorg/slf4j/Logger; keyStoreType Ljava/lang/String; trustStoreType secureRandomAlgorithm keyStoreAlgorithm trustStoreAlgorithm keyStore
trustStore keyStoreKeyPassword keyStorePassword trustStorePassword crlPath ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this -Lorg/apache/activemq/spring/SpringSslContext;
postConstruct ex Ljava/lang/Exception;
StackMapTable ? RuntimeVisibleAnnotations Ljavax/annotation/PostConstruct; afterPropertiesSet
Exceptions createSecureRandom ()Ljava/security/SecureRandom; createTrustManagers ()Ljava/util/Collection;
pkixParams *Ljava/security/cert/PKIXBuilderParameters; crlList Ljava/util/Collection; ks Ljava/security/KeyStore; tmf #Ljavax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory; initialized Z LocalVariableTypeTable 1Ljava/util/Collection<+Ljava/security/cert/CRL;>; Signature 6()Ljava/util/Collection; createKeyManagers !Ljavax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory; 4()Ljava/util/Collection; createTrustManagerKeyStore ()Ljava/security/KeyStore; is Ljava/io/InputStream;
createKeyManagerKeyStore getTrustStoreType ()Ljava/lang/String; getKeyStoreType getKeyStore setKeyStore (Ljava/lang/String;)V
setTrustStore getKeyStoreAlgorithm setKeyStoreAlgorithm keyAlgorithm getTrustStoreAlgorithm setTrustStoreAlgorithm trustAlgorithm getKeyStoreKeyPassword setKeyStoreKeyPassword keyPassword getKeyStorePassword setKeyStorePassword getTrustStorePassword setTrustStorePassword
trustPassword setKeyStoreType keyType setTrustStoreType trustType getSecureRandomAlgorithm setSecureRandomAlgorithm
setCrlPath loadCRL resource &Lorg/springframework/core/io/Resource; 3()Ljava/util/Collection<+Ljava/security/cert/CRL;>;
SourceFile W X jks K L M L SHA1PRNG N L
? O L P L e X java/lang/Exception java/lang/RuntimeException W | k j k g h ? ? java/util/ArrayList W V L PKIX ? k (java/security/cert/PKIXBuilderParameters W !
Collection 0java/security/cert/CollectionCertStoreParameters W"#$%& ,javax/net/ssl/CertPathTrustManagerParameters W'() I J java/lang/StringBuilder WRevocation checking is only supported with 'trustStoreAlgorithm="PKIX"'. Ignoring CRL: *+, ?-. ?(/01234 ? ?5 S L T L67(89: R L;<=>?@ U LAB C X Q L X.509DEFG +org/apache/activemq/spring/SpringSslContextHIJ %org/apache/activemq/broker/SslContext &java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException java/security/KeyStore !javax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory javax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory [C java/io/InputStream java/lang/Throwable java/net/MalformedURLException $org/springframework/core/io/Resource getDefaultAlgorithm (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V keyManagers Ljava/util/List; java/util/List addAll (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z
trustManagers secureRandom Ljava/security/SecureRandom; java/security/SecureRandom getInstance 0(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/SecureRandom; (I)V 7(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory; java/lang/String equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z <(Ljava/security/KeyStore;Ljava/security/cert/CertSelector;)V setRevocationEnabled (Z)V (Ljava/util/Collection;)V java/security/cert/CertStore Z(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/security/cert/CertStoreParameters;)Ljava/security/cert/CertStore; addCertStore !(Ljava/security/cert/CertStore;)V *(Ljava/security/cert/CertPathParameters;)V init +(Ljavax/net/ssl/ManagerFactoryParameters;)V append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString org/slf4j/Logger warn (Ljava/security/KeyStore;)V getTrustManagers ()[Ljavax/net/ssl/TrustManager; java/util/Arrays asList %([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List; 5(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory; toCharArray ()[C (Ljava/security/KeyStore;[C)V getKeyManagers ()[Ljavax/net/ssl/KeyManager; ,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/KeyStore; org/apache/activemq/spring/Utils resourceFromString :(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/springframework/core/io/Resource; getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream; load (Ljava/io/InputStream;[C)V close %java/security/cert/CertificateFactory ;(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/cert/CertificateFactory; generateCRLs -(Ljava/io/InputStream;)Ljava/util/Collection; org/slf4j/LoggerFactory getLogger %(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger; ! F H ? I J K L M L N L O L P L Q L R L S L T L U L V L W X Y c %*? *? *? *? *? ? *? ?
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