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import java.util.Map;

 * A common superclass for all {@link Message} implementations. It contains functionality to manage headers, flags and
 * destination and source addresses.
 * @since  5.0
 * @author Bela Ban
public abstract class BaseMessage implements Message {
    protected Address           dest;
    protected Address           sender;
    protected volatile Header[] headers;
    protected volatile short    flags;
    protected volatile byte     transient_flags; // transient_flags is neither marshalled nor copied

    static final byte           DEST_SET         =  1;
    static final byte           SRC_SET          =  1 << 1;

    public BaseMessage() {

    * Constructs a message given a destination address
    * @param dest The Address of the receiver. If it is null, then the message is sent to the group. Otherwise, it is
    *             sent to a single member.
    public BaseMessage(Address dest) {

    public Address               getDest()                 {return dest;}
    public Message               setDest(Address new_dest) {dest=new_dest; return this;}
    public Address               getSrc()                  {return sender;}
    public Message               setSrc(Address new_src)   {sender=new_src; return this;}
    public int                   getNumHeaders()           {return Headers.size(this.headers);}
    public Map     getHeaders()              {return Headers.getHeaders(this.headers);}
    public String                printHeaders()            {return Headers.printHeaders(this.headers);}

     * Sets a number of flags in a message
     * @param flags The flag or flags
     * @return A reference to the message
    public Message setFlag(Flag... flags) {
        if(flags != null) {
            short tmp=this.flags;
            for(Flag flag : flags) {
                if(flag != null)
        return this;

     * Same as {@link #setFlag(Flag...)} except that transient flags are not marshalled
     * @param flags The flag
    public Message setFlag(TransientFlag... flags) {
        if(flags != null) {
            short tmp=this.transient_flags;
            for(TransientFlag flag : flags)
                if(flag != null)
        return this;

    public Message setFlag(short flag, boolean transient_flags) {
        short tmp=transient_flags? this.transient_flags : this.flags;
        return this;

     * Returns the internal representation of flags. Don't use this, as the internal format might change at any time !
     * This is only used by unit test code
     * @return
    public short getFlags(boolean transient_flags) {return transient_flags? this.transient_flags : flags;}

     * Clears a number of flags in a message
     * @param flags The flags
     * @return A reference to the message
    public Message clearFlag(Flag... flags) {
        if(flags != null) {
            short tmp=this.flags;
            for(Flag flag : flags)
                if(flag != null)
        return this;

    public Message clearFlag(TransientFlag... flags) {
        if(flags != null) {
            short tmp=this.transient_flags;
            for(TransientFlag flag : flags)
                if(flag != null)
        return this;

     * Checks if a given flag is set
     * @param flag The flag
     * @return Whether or not the flag is currently set
    public boolean isFlagSet(Flag flag) {
        return Util.isFlagSet(flags, flag);

    public boolean isFlagSet(TransientFlag flag) {
        return Util.isTransientFlagSet(transient_flags, flag);

    * Atomically checks if a given flag is set and - if not - sets it. When multiple threads
    * concurrently call this method with the same flag, only one of them will be able to set the
    * flag
    * @param flag
    * @return True if the flag could be set, false if not (was already set)
    public synchronized boolean setFlagIfAbsent(TransientFlag flag) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Copies the source- and destination addresses, flags and headers (if copy_headers is true).
* If copy_payload is set, then method {@link #copyPayload(Message)} of the subclass will be called, which is * responsible for copying the payload specific to that message type.
* Note that for headers, only the arrays holding references to the headers are copied, not the headers themselves ! * The consequence is that the headers array of the copy hold the *same* references as the original, so do *not* * modify the headers ! If you want to change a header, copy it and call {@link Message#putHeader(short,Header)} again. */ public Message copy(boolean copy_payload, boolean copy_headers) { BaseMessage retval=(BaseMessage)create().get(); retval.dest=dest; retval.sender=sender; retval.flags=this.flags; retval.transient_flags=this.transient_flags; retval.headers=copy_headers && headers != null? Headers.copy(this.headers) : createHeaders(Util.DEFAULT_HEADERS); if(copy_payload) copyPayload(retval); return retval; } /** Puts a header given an ID into the hashmap. Overwrites potential existing entry. */ public Message putHeader(short id, Header hdr) { if(id < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An ID of " + id + " is invalid"); if(hdr != null) hdr.setProtId(id); synchronized(this) { if(this.headers == null) this.headers=createHeaders(Util.DEFAULT_HEADERS); Header[] resized_array=Headers.putHeader(this.headers, id, hdr, true); if(resized_array != null) this.headers=resized_array; } return this; } public T getHeader(short id) { if(id <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("An ID of " + id + " is invalid. Add the protocol which calls " + "getHeader() to jg-protocol-ids.xml"); return Headers.getHeader(this.headers, id); } public T getPayload() {return getObject();} public Message setPayload(Object pl) {return setObject(pl);} public String toString() { return String.format("[%s to %s, %d bytes%s%s]", sender, dest == null? "" : dest, getLength(), flags > 0? ", flags=" + Util.flagsToString(flags) : "", transient_flags > 0? ", transient_flags=" + Util.transientFlagsToString(transient_flags) : ""); } public int serializedSize() { return size(); } public int size() { int retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE // leading byte + Global.SHORT_SIZE; // flags if(dest != null) retval+=Util.size(dest); if(sender != null) retval+=Util.size(sender); retval+=Global.SHORT_SIZE; // number of headers retval+=Headers.marshalledSize(this.headers); return retval; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { byte leading=0; if(dest != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, DEST_SET); if(sender != null) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, SRC_SET); // write the leading byte first out.write(leading); // write the flags (e.g. OOB, LOW_PRIO), skip the transient flags out.writeShort(flags); // write the dest_addr if(dest != null) Util.writeAddress(dest, out); // write the src_addr if(sender != null) Util.writeAddress(sender, out); // write the headers writeHeaders(this.headers, out, (short[])null); // finally write the payload writePayload(out); } public void writeToNoAddrs(Address src, DataOutput out, short... excluded_headers) throws IOException { byte leading=0; boolean write_src_addr=src == null || sender != null && !sender.equals(src); if(write_src_addr) leading=Util.setFlag(leading, SRC_SET); // write the leading byte first out.write(leading); // write the flags (e.g. OOB, LOW_PRIO) out.writeShort(flags); // write the src_addr if(write_src_addr) Util.writeAddress(sender, out); // write the headers writeHeaders(this.headers, out, excluded_headers); // finally write the payload writePayload(out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // 1. read the leading byte first byte leading=in.readByte(); // 2. the flags flags=in.readShort(); // 3. dest_addr if(Util.isFlagSet(leading, DEST_SET)) dest=Util.readAddress(in); // 4. src_addr if(Util.isFlagSet(leading, SRC_SET)) sender=Util.readAddress(in); // 5. headers int len=in.readShort(); if(this.headers == null || len > this.headers.length) this.headers=createHeaders(len); for(int i=0; i < len; i++) { short id=in.readShort(); Header hdr=readHeader(in).setProtId(id); this.headers[i]=hdr; } readPayload(in); } /** Copies the payload */ protected Message copyPayload(Message copy) { return copy; } protected static void writeHeaders(Header[] hdrs, DataOutput out, short ... excluded_headers) throws IOException { int size=Headers.size(hdrs, excluded_headers); out.writeShort(size); if(size > 0) { for(Header hdr : hdrs) { if(hdr == null) break; short id=hdr.getProtId(); if(Util.containsId(id, excluded_headers)) continue; out.writeShort(id); writeHeader(hdr, out); } } } protected static void writeHeader(Header hdr, DataOutput out) throws IOException { short magic_number=hdr.getMagicId(); out.writeShort(magic_number); hdr.writeTo(out); } protected static Header readHeader(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { short magic_number=in.readShort(); Header hdr=ClassConfigurator.create(magic_number); hdr.readFrom(in); return hdr; } protected static Header[] createHeaders(int size) { return size > 0? new Header[size] : new Header[3]; } }

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