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import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

 * Failure detection protocol based on sockets. Failure detection is ring-based. Each member creates a
 * server socket and announces its address together with the server socket's address in a multicast.

* A pinger thread will be started when the membership goes above 1 and will be stopped when it drops below * 2. The pinger thread connects to its neighbor on the right and waits until the socket is closed. When * the socket is closed by the monitored peer in an abnormal fashion (IOException), the neighbor will be * suspected. *

* The main feature of this protocol is that no ping messages need to be exchanged between any 2 peers, as failure * detection relies entirely on TCP sockets. The advantage is that no activity will take place between 2 peers as long * as they are alive (i.e. have their server sockets open). The disadvantage is that hung servers or crashed routers * will not cause sockets to be closed, therefore they won't be detected. *

* The costs involved are 2 additional threads: one that monitors the client side of the socket connection * (to monitor a peer) and another one that manages the server socket. However, those threads will be idle as long as * both peers are running. * @author Bela Ban May 29 2001 */ @MBean(description="Failure detection protocol based on sockets connecting members") public class FD_SOCK extends Protocol implements Runnable { protected static final int NORMAL_TERMINATION=9; protected static final int ABNORMAL_TERMINATION=-1; /* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */ @LocalAddress @Property(description="The NIC on which the ServerSocket should listen on. " + "The following special values are also recognized: GLOBAL, SITE_LOCAL, LINK_LOCAL and NON_LOOPBACK", systemProperty={Global.BIND_ADDR},writable=false) protected InetAddress bind_addr; @Property(description="Use \"external_addr\" if you have hosts on different networks, behind " + "firewalls. On each firewall, set up a port forwarding rule (sometimes called \"virtual server\") to " + "the local IP (e.g. of the host then on each host, set \"external_addr\" TCP transport " + "parameter to the external (public IP) address of the firewall.", systemProperty=Global.EXTERNAL_ADDR,writable=false) protected InetAddress external_addr; @Property(description="Used to map the internal port (bind_port) to an external port. Only used if > 0", systemProperty=Global.EXTERNAL_PORT,writable=false) protected int external_port; @Property(name="bind_interface", converter=PropertyConverters.BindInterface.class, description="The interface (NIC) which should be used by this transport", dependsUpon="bind_addr") protected String bind_interface_str=null; @Property(description="Timeout for getting socket cache from coordinator") protected long get_cache_timeout=1000; @Property(description="Max number of elements in the cache until deleted elements are removed") protected int cache_max_elements=200; @Property(description="Max age (in ms) an element marked as removed has to have until it is removed") protected long cache_max_age=10000; @Property(description="Interval for broadcasting suspect messages") protected long suspect_msg_interval=5000; @Property(description="Number of attempts coordinator is solicited for socket cache until we give up") protected int num_tries=3; @Property(description="Start port for server socket. Default value of 0 picks a random port") protected int start_port; @Property(description="Start port for client socket. Default value of 0 picks a random port") protected int client_bind_port; @Property(description="Number of ports to probe for start_port and client_bind_port") protected int port_range=50; @Property(description="Whether to use KEEP_ALIVE on the ping socket or not. Default is true") protected boolean keep_alive=true; @Property(description="Max time in millis to wait for ping Socket.connect() to return") protected int sock_conn_timeout=1000; /* --------------------------------------------- JMX ------------------------------------------------------ */ protected int num_suspect_events; protected final BoundedList suspect_history=new BoundedList<>(20); /* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */ protected volatile List

members=new ArrayList<>(11); // volatile eliminates the lock protected final Set
suspected_mbrs=new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); protected final List
pingable_mbrs=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); protected volatile boolean srv_sock_sent; // has own socket been broadcast yet ? /** Used to rendezvous on GET_CACHE and GET_CACHE_RSP */ protected final Promise> get_cache_promise=new Promise<>(); protected volatile boolean got_cache_from_coord; // was cache already fetched ? protected Address local_addr; // our own address protected ServerSocket srv_sock; // server socket to which another member connects to monitor me protected ServerSocketHandler srv_sock_handler; // accepts new connections on srv_sock protected IpAddress srv_sock_addr; // pair of server_socket:port protected Address ping_dest; // address of the member we monitor protected Socket ping_sock; // socket to the member we monitor protected InputStream ping_input; // input stream of the socket to the member we monitor @GuardedBy("this") protected volatile Thread pinger_thread; // listens on ping_sock, suspects member if socket is closed /** Cache of member addresses and their ServerSocket addresses */ protected LazyRemovalCache cache; protected final Promise ping_addr_promise=new Promise<>(); // to fetch the ping_addr for ping_dest protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock(); // for access to ping_sock, ping_input protected TimeScheduler timer; protected final BroadcastTask bcast_task=new BroadcastTask(); // to transmit SUSPECT message (until view change) protected volatile boolean regular_sock_close; // used by interruptPingerThread() when new ping_dest is computed protected volatile boolean shuttin_down; protected boolean log_suspected_msgs=true; public FD_SOCK() { } @ManagedAttribute(description="Member address") public String getLocalAddress() {return local_addr != null? local_addr.toString() : "null";} @ManagedAttribute(description="List of cluster members") public String getMembers() {return Util.printListWithDelimiter(members, ",");} @ManagedAttribute(description="List of pingable members of a cluster") public String getPingableMembers() {return pingable_mbrs.toString();} @ManagedAttribute(description="List of currently suspected members") public String getSuspectedMembers() {return suspected_mbrs.toString();} @ManagedAttribute(description="The number of currently suspected members") public int getNumSuspectedMembers() {return suspected_mbrs.size();} @ManagedAttribute(description="Ping destination") public String getPingDest() {return ping_dest != null? ping_dest.toString() : "null";} @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of suspect event generated") public int getNumSuspectEventsGenerated() {return num_suspect_events;} @ManagedAttribute(description="Whether the node crash detection monitor is running") public boolean isNodeCrashMonitorRunning() {return isPingerThreadRunning(); } public boolean isLogSuspectedMessages() { return log_suspected_msgs; } public void setLogSuspectedMessages(boolean log_suspected_msgs) { this.log_suspected_msgs=log_suspected_msgs; } @ManagedOperation(description="Print suspect history") public String printSuspectHistory() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(String suspect: suspect_history) sb.append(suspect).append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } @ManagedOperation public String printCache() { return cache.printCache(); } /*@ManagedOperation public void clearCache() { cache.clear(false); }*/ @ManagedOperation(description="Starts node crash monitor if member count > 1 and monitor is not running") public boolean startNodeCrashMonitor() { if(members.size() > 1) { if(startPingerThread()) { log.warn("Node crash detection manually started, was not running for some reason."); return true; } log.debug("Node crash detection is already running."); } else log.debug("Single node cluster, no need for node crash detection."); return false; } public void init() throws Exception { cache=new LazyRemovalCache<>(cache_max_elements, cache_max_age); shuttin_down=false; srv_sock_handler=new ServerSocketHandler(); timer=getTransport().getTimer(); if(timer == null) throw new Exception("timer is null"); } public void start() throws Exception { shuttin_down=false; super.start(); } public void stop() { shuttin_down=true; pingable_mbrs.clear(); stopPingerThread(); stopServerSocket(true); // graceful close bcast_task.removeAll(); suspected_mbrs.clear(); } public void resetStats() { super.resetStats(); num_suspect_events=0; suspect_history.clear(); } public Object up(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.MSG: Message msg=(Message) evt.getArg(); FdHeader hdr=(FdHeader)msg.getHeader(; if(hdr == null) break; // message did not originate from FD_SOCK layer, just pass up switch(hdr.type) { case FdHeader.SUSPECT: if(hdr.mbrs != null) { log.trace("%s: received SUSPECT message from %s: suspects=%s", local_addr, msg.getSrc(), hdr.mbrs); suspect(hdr.mbrs); } break; case FdHeader.UNSUSPECT: if(hdr.mbrs != null) { log.trace("%s: received UNSUSPECT message from %s: mbrs=%s", local_addr, msg.getSrc(), hdr.mbrs); for(Address tmp: hdr.mbrs) unsuspect(tmp); } break; // If I have the sock for 'hdr.mbr', return it. Otherwise look it up in my cache and return it case FdHeader.WHO_HAS_SOCK: if(local_addr != null && local_addr.equals(msg.getSrc())) return null; // don't reply to WHO_HAS bcasts sent by me ! if(hdr.mbr == null) return null; log.trace("%s: who-has-sock %s", local_addr, hdr.mbr); // 1. Try my own address, maybe it's me whose socket is wanted if(local_addr != null && local_addr.equals(hdr.mbr) && srv_sock_addr != null) { sendIHaveSockMessage(msg.getSrc(), local_addr, srv_sock_addr); // unicast message to msg.getSrc() return null; } // 2. If I don't have it, maybe it is in the cache IpAddress addr=cache.get(hdr.mbr); if(addr != null) sendIHaveSockMessage(msg.getSrc(), hdr.mbr, addr); // ucast msg break; // Update the cache with the addr:sock_addr entry (if on the same host) case FdHeader.I_HAVE_SOCK: if(hdr.mbr == null || hdr.sock_addr == null) return null; // if(!cache.containsKey(hdr.mbr)) cache.add(hdr.mbr, hdr.sock_addr); // update the cache log.trace("%s: i-have-sock: %s --> %s (cache is %s)", local_addr, hdr.mbr, hdr.sock_addr, cache); if(ping_dest != null && hdr.mbr.equals(ping_dest)) ping_addr_promise.setResult(hdr.sock_addr); break; // Return the cache to the sender of this message case FdHeader.GET_CACHE: msg=new Message(msg.getSrc()).setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL) .putHeader(, new FdHeader(FdHeader.GET_CACHE_RSP)).setBuffer(marshal(cache)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); break; case FdHeader.GET_CACHE_RSP: Map cachedAddrs=unmarshal(msg.getRawBuffer(),msg.getOffset(),msg.getLength()); if(cachedAddrs != null) get_cache_promise.setResult(cachedAddrs); break; } return null; case Event.CONFIG: Map config=(Map)evt.getArg(); if(bind_addr == null) bind_addr=(InetAddress)config.get("bind_addr"); if(external_addr == null) external_addr=(InetAddress)config.get("external_addr"); if(external_port <= 0) { Object val=config.get("external_port"); if(val != null) external_port=(Integer)val; } break; } return up_prot.up(evt); // pass up to the layer above us } public Object down(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.UNSUSPECT: broadcastUnuspectMessage((Address)evt.getArg()); break; case Event.CONNECT: case Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER: case Event.CONNECT_USE_FLUSH: case Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER_USE_FLUSH: shuttin_down=false; Object ret=down_prot.down(evt); try { startServerSocket(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to start server socket", e); } return ret; case Event.DISCONNECT: shuttin_down=true; stopServerSocket(true); // graceful close break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr=(Address) evt.getArg(); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: View v=(View) evt.getArg(); final List
new_mbrs=v.getMembers(); members=new_mbrs; // volatile write will ensure all reads after this see the new membership suspected_mbrs.retainAll(new_mbrs); cache.keySet().retainAll(new_mbrs); // remove all entries in 'cache' which are not in the new membership bcast_task.adjustSuspectedMembers(new_mbrs); pingable_mbrs.clear(); pingable_mbrs.addAll(new_mbrs); if(new_mbrs.size() > 1) { Address tmp_ping_dest=determinePingDest(); boolean hasNewPingDest = tmp_ping_dest != null && !tmp_ping_dest.equals(ping_dest); if(hasNewPingDest) { interruptPingerThread(false); // allows the thread to use the new socket startPingerThread(); // in case it wasn't running; only starts if not yet running } } else { ping_dest=null; stopPingerThread(); } break; default: return down_prot.down(evt); } return down_prot.down(evt); } /** * Runs as long as there are 2 members and more. Determines the member to be monitored and fetches its * server socket address (if n/a, sends a message to obtain it). The creates a client socket and listens on * it until the connection breaks. If it breaks, emits a SUSPECT message. It the connection is closed regularly, * nothing happens. In both cases, a new member to be monitored will be chosen and monitoring continues (unless * there are fewer than 2 members). */ public void run() { // 1. Broadcast my own addr:sock to all members so they can update their cache if(!srv_sock_sent && srv_sock_addr != null) { sendIHaveSockMessage(null, local_addr, srv_sock_addr); srv_sock_sent=true; } // 2. Get the addr:pid cache from the coordinator (only if not already fetched) if(!got_cache_from_coord) { getCacheFromCoordinator(); got_cache_from_coord=true; } log.trace("%s: pinger_thread started", local_addr); while(pingable_mbrs != null && !pingable_mbrs.isEmpty()) { regular_sock_close=false; ping_dest=determinePingDest(); // gets the neighbor to our right log.debug("%s: ping_dest is %s, pingable_mbrs=%s", local_addr, ping_dest, pingable_mbrs); if(ping_dest == null || !isPingerThreadRunning()) break; IpAddress ping_addr=fetchPingAddress(ping_dest); if(ping_addr == null) { log.trace("%s: socket address for %s could not be fetched, retrying", local_addr, ping_dest); Util.sleep(1000); continue; } if(!setupPingSocket(ping_addr) && isPingerThreadRunning()) { // covers use cases #7 and #8 in ManualTests.txt log.debug("%s: could not create socket to %s (pinger thread is %s)", local_addr, ping_dest, isPingerThreadRunning()? "running" : "not running"); broadcastSuspectMessage(ping_dest); pingable_mbrs.remove(ping_dest); continue; } log.trace("%s: ping_dest=%s, ping_sock=%s, cache=%s", local_addr, ping_dest, ping_sock, cache); // at this point ping_input must be non-null, otherwise setupPingSocket() would have thrown an exception try { if(ping_input != null) { int; switch(c) { case NORMAL_TERMINATION: log.debug("%s: peer %s closed socket gracefully", local_addr, ping_dest); pingable_mbrs.remove(ping_dest); break; case ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: // -1 means EOF handleSocketClose(null); break; default: break; } } } catch(IOException ex) { // we got here when the peer closed the socket --> suspect peer and then continue handleSocketClose(ex); } catch(Throwable catch_all_the_rest) { log.error("exception", catch_all_the_rest); } } log.trace("%s: pinger thread terminated", local_addr); } protected synchronized boolean isPingerThreadRunning() { return pinger_thread != null; } /* ----------------------------------- Private Methods -------------------------------------- */ protected void suspect(Set
suspects) { if(suspects == null) return; suspects.remove(local_addr); final List
eligible_mbrs=new ArrayList<>(); for(Address suspect: suspects) suspect_history.add(String.format("%s: %s", new Date(), suspect)); suspected_mbrs.addAll(suspects); eligible_mbrs.addAll(this.members); eligible_mbrs.removeAll(suspected_mbrs); // Check if we're coord, then send up the stack if(local_addr != null && !eligible_mbrs.isEmpty()) { Address first=eligible_mbrs.get(0); if(local_addr.equals(first)) { log.debug("%s: suspecting %s", local_addr, suspected_mbrs); for(Address suspect: suspected_mbrs) { up_prot.up(new Event(Event.SUSPECT, suspect)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.SUSPECT, suspect)); } } } } protected void unsuspect(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; suspected_mbrs.remove(mbr); bcast_task.removeSuspectedMember(mbr); } protected void handleSocketClose(Exception ex) { teardownPingSocket(); // make sure we have no leftovers if(!regular_sock_close) { // only suspect if socket was not closed regularly (by interruptPingerThread()) log.debug("%s: peer %s closed socket (%s)", local_addr, ping_dest, (ex != null ? ex.toString() : "eof")); broadcastSuspectMessage(ping_dest); pingable_mbrs.remove(ping_dest); } else { log.debug("%s: socket to %s was closed gracefully", local_addr, ping_dest); regular_sock_close=false; } } /** * Does *not* need to be synchronized on pinger_mutex because the caller (down()) already has the mutex acquired */ protected synchronized boolean startPingerThread() { if(!isPingerThreadRunning()) { ThreadFactory factory=getThreadFactory(); pinger_thread=factory.newThread(this, "FD_SOCK pinger"); pinger_thread.setDaemon(true); pinger_thread.start(); return true; } return false; } /** * Interrupts the pinger thread. The Thread.interrupt() method doesn't seem to work under Linux with JDK 1.3.1 * (JDK 1.2.2 had no problems here), therefore we close the socket (setSoLinger has to be set !) if we are * running under Linux. This should be tested under Windows. (Solaris 8 and JDK 1.3.1 definitely works).

* Oct 29 2001 (bela): completely removed Thread.interrupt(), but used socket close on all OSs. This makes this * code portable and we don't have to check for OSs.

*/ protected synchronized void interruptPingerThread(boolean sendTerminationSignal) { if(isPingerThreadRunning()) { regular_sock_close=true; if (sendTerminationSignal) { sendPingTermination(); // PATCH by Bruce Schuchardt ( } teardownPingSocket(); // will wake up the pinger thread. less elegant than Thread.interrupt(), but does the job } } protected synchronized void stopPingerThread() { ping_addr_promise.setResult(null); get_cache_promise.setResult(null); interruptPingerThread(true); if(pinger_thread != null) { try { pinger_thread.join(Global.THREAD_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME); } catch(InterruptedException ignored) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } pinger_thread=null; } } // PATCH: send something so the connection handler can exit protected void sendPingTermination() { sendPingSignal(NORMAL_TERMINATION); } protected void sendPingSignal(int signal) { lock.lock(); try { if(ping_sock != null) { OutputStream out=ping_sock.getOutputStream(); out.write(signal); out.flush(); } } catch(Throwable t) { log.trace("%s: problem sending signal %s: %s", local_addr, signalToString(signal), t); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void startServerSocket() throws Exception { srv_sock=Util.createServerSocket(getSocketFactory(), "jgroups.fd_sock.srv_sock", bind_addr, start_port, start_port+port_range); // grab a random unused port above 10000 srv_sock_addr=new IpAddress(external_addr != null? external_addr : bind_addr, external_port > 0? external_port : srv_sock.getLocalPort()); if(local_addr != null) cache.add(local_addr, srv_sock_addr); if(srv_sock_handler != null) srv_sock_handler.start(); // won't start if already running } public void stopServerSocket(boolean graceful) { if(srv_sock_handler != null) srv_sock_handler.stop(graceful); } /** * Creates a socket to {@code dest}, and assigns it to ping_sock. Also assigns ping_input */ protected boolean setupPingSocket(IpAddress dest) { lock.lock(); try { SocketAddress destAddr=new InetSocketAddress(dest.getIpAddress(), dest.getPort()); ping_sock=getSocketFactory().createSocket("jgroups.fd.ping_sock"); ping_sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(bind_addr, client_bind_port)); ping_sock.setSoLinger(true, 1); ping_sock.setKeepAlive(keep_alive); Util.connect(ping_sock, destAddr, sock_conn_timeout); ping_input=ping_sock.getInputStream(); return true; } catch(Throwable ex) { if(!shuttin_down) log.warn("%s: creating the client socket to %s failed: %s", local_addr, dest, ex.getMessage()); return false; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void teardownPingSocket() { lock.lock(); try { if(ping_sock != null) { try { ping_sock.shutdownInput(); ping_sock.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { } } Util.close(ping_input); } finally { ping_sock=null; ping_input=null; lock.unlock(); } } /** * Determines coordinator C. If C is null and we are the first member, return. Else loop: send GET_CACHE message * to coordinator and wait for GET_CACHE_RSP response. Loop until valid response has been received. */ protected void getCacheFromCoordinator() { Address coord; int attempts=num_tries; get_cache_promise.reset(); while(attempts > 0 && isPingerThreadRunning()) { if((coord=determineCoordinator()) != null) { if(coord.equals(local_addr)) { // we are the first member --> empty cache return; } Message msg=new Message(coord).setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL) .putHeader(, new FdHeader(FdHeader.GET_CACHE)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); Map result=get_cache_promise.getResult(get_cache_timeout); if(result != null) { cache.addAll(result); log.trace("%s: got cache from %s: cache is %s", local_addr, coord, cache); return; } } --attempts; } } /** * Sends a SUSPECT message to all group members. Only the coordinator (or the next member in line if the coord * itself is suspected) will react to this message by installing a new view. To overcome the unreliability * of the SUSPECT message (it may be lost because we are not above any retransmission layer), the following scheme * is used: after sending the SUSPECT message, it is also added to the broadcast task, which will periodically * re-send the SUSPECT until a view is received in which the suspected process is not a member anymore. The reason is * that - at one point - either the coordinator or another participant taking over for a crashed coordinator, will * react to the SUSPECT message and issue a new view, at which point the broadcast task stops. */ protected void broadcastSuspectMessage(Address suspected_mbr) { if(suspected_mbr == null) return; log.debug("%s: suspecting %s", local_addr, suspected_mbr); // 1. Send a SUSPECT message right away; the broadcast task will take some time to send it (sleeps first) FdHeader hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.SUSPECT); hdr.mbrs=new HashSet<>(1); hdr.mbrs.add(suspected_mbr); Message suspect_msg=new Message().setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL).putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, suspect_msg)); // 2. Add to broadcast task and start latter (if not yet running). The task will end when // suspected members are removed from the membership bcast_task.addSuspectedMember(suspected_mbr); if(stats) { num_suspect_events++; suspect_history.add(String.format("%s: %s", new Date(), suspected_mbr)); } } protected void broadcastUnuspectMessage(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; log.debug("%s: unsuspecting %s", local_addr, mbr); // 1. Send a SUSPECT message right away; the broadcast task will take some time to send it (sleeps first) FdHeader hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.UNSUSPECT); hdr.mbrs=new HashSet<>(1); hdr.mbrs.add(mbr); Message suspect_msg=new Message().setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL).putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, suspect_msg)); } /** Sends or broadcasts a I_HAVE_SOCK response. If 'dst' is null, the reponse will be broadcast, otherwise it will be unicast back to the requester */ protected void sendIHaveSockMessage(Address dst, Address mbr, IpAddress addr) { Message msg=new Message(dst).setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL).setTransientFlag(Message.TransientFlag.DONT_LOOPBACK); FdHeader hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.I_HAVE_SOCK, mbr); hdr.sock_addr=addr; msg.putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } /** Attempts to obtain the ping_addr first from the cache, then by unicasting q request to {@code mbr}, then by multicasting a request to all members. */ protected IpAddress fetchPingAddress(final Address mbr) { IpAddress ret; if(mbr == null) return null; // 1. Try to get the server socket address from the cache if((ret=cache.get(mbr)) != null) return ret; if(!isPingerThreadRunning()) return null; // 2. Try to get the server socket address from mbr (or all, as fallback) ping_addr_promise.reset(); for(Address dest: Arrays.asList(mbr, null)) { Message msg=new Message(dest).setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL) .putHeader(, new FdHeader(FdHeader.WHO_HAS_SOCK, mbr)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); if((ret=ping_addr_promise.getResult(500)) != null) return ret; if(!isPingerThreadRunning()) return null; } return null; } protected Address determinePingDest() { if(pingable_mbrs == null || local_addr == null) return null; Address next=Util.pickNext(pingable_mbrs, local_addr); return Objects.equals(local_addr, next) ? null : next; } public static Buffer marshal(LazyRemovalCache addrs) { final ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(512); try { int size=addrs != null? addrs.size() : 0; out.writeInt(size); if(size > 0) { for(Map.Entry> entry: addrs.entrySet()) { Address key=entry.getKey(); IpAddress val=entry.getValue().getVal(); Util.writeAddress(key, out); Util.writeStreamable(val, out); } } return out.getBuffer(); } catch(Exception ex) { return null; } } protected Map unmarshal(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { if(buffer == null) return null; DataInput in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buffer, offset, length); HashMap addrs=null; try { int size=in.readInt(); if(size > 0) { addrs=new HashMap<>(size); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { Address key=Util.readAddress(in); IpAddress val=(IpAddress)Util.readStreamable(IpAddress.class, in); addrs.put(key, val); } } return addrs; } catch(Exception ex) { log.error("%s: failed reading addresses from message: %s", local_addr, ex); return null; } } protected Address determineCoordinator() { List

tmp=members; return !tmp.isEmpty()? tmp.get(0) : null; } protected static String signalToString(int signal) { switch(signal) { case NORMAL_TERMINATION: return "NORMAL_TERMINATION"; case ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: return "ABNORMAL_TERMINATION"; default: return "n/a"; } } /* ------------------------------- End of Private Methods ------------------------------------ */ public static class FdHeader extends Header { public static final byte SUSPECT = 10; public static final byte UNSUSPECT = 11; public static final byte WHO_HAS_SOCK = 12; public static final byte I_HAVE_SOCK = 13; public static final byte GET_CACHE = 14; // sent by joining member to coordinator public static final byte GET_CACHE_RSP = 15; // sent by coordinator to joining member in response to GET_CACHE protected byte type=SUSPECT; protected Address mbr; // set on WHO_HAS_SOCK (requested mbr), I_HAVE_SOCK protected IpAddress sock_addr; // set on I_HAVE_SOCK protected Set
mbrs; // set on SUSPECT (list of suspected members) public FdHeader() { } public FdHeader(byte type) { this.type=type; } public FdHeader(byte type, Address mbr) { this.type=type; this.mbr=mbr; } public FdHeader(byte type, Address mbr, IpAddress sock_addr) { this.type=type; this.mbr=mbr; this.sock_addr=sock_addr; } public FdHeader(byte type, Set
mbrs) { this.type=type; this.mbrs=mbrs; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(type2String(type)); if(mbr != null) sb.append(", mbr=").append(mbr); if(sock_addr != null) sb.append(", sock_addr=").append(sock_addr); if(mbrs != null) sb.append(", mbrs=").append(mbrs); return sb.toString(); } public static String type2String(byte type) { switch(type) { case SUSPECT: return "SUSPECT"; case UNSUSPECT: return "UNSUSPECT"; case WHO_HAS_SOCK: return "WHO_HAS_SOCK"; case I_HAVE_SOCK: return "I_HAVE_SOCK"; case GET_CACHE: return "GET_CACHE"; case GET_CACHE_RSP: return "GET_CACHE_RSP"; default: return "unknown type (" + type + ')'; } } public int size() { int retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE; // type retval+=Util.size(mbr); // use of Util.size(Address) with IpAddress overestimates size by one byte. // replace: retval+=Util.size(sock_addr); with the following: int ipaddr_size = 0 ; ipaddr_size += Global.BYTE_SIZE ; // presence byte if (sock_addr != null) ipaddr_size += sock_addr.size(); // IpAddress size retval += ipaddr_size ; retval+=Global.INT_SIZE; // mbrs size if(mbrs != null) for(Address m: mbrs) retval+=Util.size(m); return retval; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeByte(type); Util.writeAddress(mbr, out); Util.writeStreamable(sock_addr, out); int size=mbrs != null? mbrs.size() : 0; out.writeInt(size); if(size > 0) { for(Address address: mbrs) { Util.writeAddress(address, out); } } } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { type=in.readByte(); mbr=Util.readAddress(in); sock_addr=(IpAddress)Util.readStreamable(IpAddress.class, in); int size=in.readInt(); if(size > 0) { if(mbrs == null) mbrs=new HashSet<>(); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) mbrs.add(Util.readAddress(in)); } } } /** * Handles the server-side of a client-server socket connection. Waits until a client connects, and then loops * until that client closes the connection. Note that there is no new thread spawned for the listening on the * client socket, therefore there can only be 1 client connection at the same time. Subsequent clients attempting * to create a connection will be blocked until the first client closes its connection. This should not be a problem * as the ring nature of the FD_SOCK protocol always has only 1 client connect to its right-hand-side neighbor. */ protected class ServerSocketHandler implements Runnable { protected Thread acceptor; /** List */ protected final List clients=new LinkedList<>(); protected String getName() { return acceptor != null? acceptor.getName() : null; } protected ServerSocketHandler() { start(); } protected void start() { if(acceptor == null) { acceptor=getThreadFactory().newThread(this, "FD_SOCK acceptor"); acceptor.setDaemon(true); acceptor.start(); } } protected void stop(boolean graceful) { if(acceptor != null && acceptor.isAlive()) Util.close(srv_sock); // this will terminate thread, peer will receive SocketException (socket close) synchronized(clients) { for(ClientConnectionHandler handler: clients) { handler.stopThread(graceful); } clients.clear(); } acceptor=null; } /** Only accepts 1 client connection at a time (saving threads) */ public void run() { Socket client_sock; while(acceptor != null && srv_sock != null) { try { client_sock=srv_sock.accept(); log.trace("%s: accepted connection from %s:%s", local_addr, client_sock.getInetAddress(), client_sock.getPort()); client_sock.setKeepAlive(keep_alive); ClientConnectionHandler client_conn_handler=new ClientConnectionHandler(client_sock, clients); Thread t = getThreadFactory().newThread(client_conn_handler, "FD_SOCK client connection handler"); t.setDaemon(true); synchronized(clients) { clients.add(client_conn_handler); } t.start(); } catch(IOException io_ex2) { break; } } acceptor=null; } } /** Handles a client connection; multiple client can connect at the same time */ protected static class ClientConnectionHandler implements Runnable { Socket client_sock=null; InputStream in; final Object mutex=new Object(); final List clients; protected ClientConnectionHandler(Socket client_sock, List clients) { this.client_sock=client_sock; this.clients=clients; } protected void stopThread(boolean graceful) { synchronized(mutex) { if(client_sock != null) { try { if(graceful) { OutputStream out=client_sock.getOutputStream(); out.write(NORMAL_TERMINATION); out.flush(); } closeClientSocket(); } catch(Throwable t) { } } } } protected void closeClientSocket() { synchronized(mutex) { Util.close(client_sock); client_sock=null; } } public void run() { try { synchronized(mutex) { if(client_sock == null) return; in=client_sock.getInputStream(); } int b; do {; } while(b != ABNORMAL_TERMINATION && b != NORMAL_TERMINATION); } catch(IOException ex) { } finally { Socket sock=client_sock; // PATCH: avoid race condition causing NPE if (sock != null && !sock.isClosed()) closeClientSocket(); synchronized(clients) { clients.remove(this); } } } } /** * Task that periodically broadcasts a list of suspected members to the group. Goal is not to lose * a SUSPECT message: since these are bcast unreliably, they might get dropped. The BroadcastTask makes * sure they are retransmitted until a view has been received which doesn't contain the suspected members * any longer. Then the task terminates. */ protected class BroadcastTask implements Runnable { final Set
suspects=new HashSet<>(); Future future; /** Adds a suspected member. Starts the task if not yet running */ protected void addSuspectedMember(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; if(!members.contains(mbr)) return; synchronized(suspects) { if(suspects.add(mbr)) startTask(); } } protected void removeSuspectedMember(Address suspected_mbr) { if(suspected_mbr == null) return; synchronized(suspects) { if(suspects.remove(suspected_mbr) && suspects.isEmpty()) stopTask(); } } protected void removeAll() { synchronized(suspects) { suspects.clear(); stopTask(); } } protected void startTask() { if(future == null || future.isDone()) { try { future=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, suspect_msg_interval, suspect_msg_interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch(RejectedExecutionException e) { log.warn("%s: task %s was rejected as timer thread pool is shutting down", local_addr, this); } } } protected void stopTask() { if(future != null) { future.cancel(false); future=null; } } /** * Removes all elements from suspected_mbrs that are not in the new membership */ protected void adjustSuspectedMembers(List
new_mbrship) { if(new_mbrship == null || new_mbrship.isEmpty()) return; synchronized(suspects) { boolean modified=suspects.retainAll(new_mbrship); if(modified) log.trace("%s: adjusted suspected_mbrs: %s", local_addr, suspects); if(suspects.isEmpty()) stopTask(); } } public void run() { log.trace("%s: broadcasting SUSPECT message (suspected_mbrs=%s)", local_addr, suspects); FdHeader hdr; synchronized(suspects) { if(suspects.isEmpty()) { stopTask(); return; } hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.SUSPECT); hdr.mbrs=new HashSet<>(suspects); } Message suspect_msg=new Message().setFlag(Message.Flag.INTERNAL).putHeader(id, hdr); // mcast SUSPECT to all members down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, suspect_msg)); } public String toString() { return FD_SOCK.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + getClass().getSimpleName(); } } }

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