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schema.artemis-configuration.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy



                  Node name. If set, it will be used in topology notifications.

                  This defines the prefix which we will use to parse System properties for the configuration. Default=

                  Artemis uses internal queues and addresses for implementing certain behaviours.  These queues and addresses
                  will be prefixed by default with "$.activemq.internal" to avoid naming clashes with user namespacing.
                  This can be overridden by setting this value to a valid Artemis address.

                  This enables making AMQP subscription queue names, match core queue names, for better interoperability between protocols.
                  Note: Enabling this to an existing broker if pre-existing amqp durable subscriptions already existed will require
                  clients to re-subscribe and to clean up old subscription names.

                  If true then the ActiveMQ Artemis Server will make use of any Protocol Managers that are in available
                  on the classpath. If false then only the core protocol will be available, unless in Embedded mode
                  where users can inject their own Protocol Managers.

                  that means the server will use fdatasync to confirm writes on the disk.

                  true means that the server will use the file based journal for persistence.

                  Maximum number of threads to use for the scheduled thread pool

                  Maximum number of threads to use for the thread pool. -1 means 'no limits'.

                  true means that graceful shutdown is enabled

                  how long (in ms) to wait for clients to disconnect before shutting down the server

                  true means that security is enabled

                  how long (in ms) to wait before invalidating an entry in the authentication or authorization cache

                  how large to make the authentication cache

                  how large to make the authorization cache

                  how long (in ms) to wait to acquire a file lock on the journal

                  true means that the server supports wild card routing

                  the name of the management address to send management messages to. It is prefixed with "jms.queue" so
                  that JMS clients can send messages to it.

                  the name of the address that consumers bind to receive management notifications

                  Cluster username. It applies to all cluster configurations.

                  Cluster password. It applies to all cluster configurations.

                  Class name and its parameters for the Decoder used to decode the masked password. Ignored if
                  mask-password is false. The format of this property is a full qualified class name optionally followed
                  by key/value pairs.

                  This option controls whether passwords in server configuration need be masked. If set to "true" the
                  passwords are masked.

                  DEPRECATED: the name of the factory class to use for log delegation

                  true means that the management API is available via JMX

                  the JMX domain used to registered ActiveMQ Artemis MBeans in the MBeanServer

                  Whether or not to use the broker name in the JMX properties

                  true means that message counters are enabled

                  the sample period (in ms) to use for message counters

                  how many days to keep message counter history

                  if set, this will override how long (in ms) to keep a connection alive without receiving a ping. -1
                  disables this setting.

                  how often (in ms) to check connections for ttl violation

                  how often (in ms) to check the configuration file for modifications

                  the namespace to use for looking up address settings for temporary queues

                  should certain incoming packets on the server be handed off to a thread from the thread pool for
                  processing or should they be handled on the remoting thread?

                  how long (in ms) before a transaction can be removed from the resource manager after create time

                  how often (in ms) to scan for timeout transactions

                  how often (in ms) to scan for expired messages

                  DEPRECATED: the priority of the thread expiring messages

                  how often (in ms) to scan for addresses and queues that need to be deleted

                  the size of the cache for pre-creating message ID's

                  true means that ID's are persisted to the journal

                  a list of <class-name/> elements with the names of classes to use for intercepting incoming
                  remoting packets

                  a list of <class-name/> elements with the names of classes to use for intercepting outgoing
                  remoting packets

                  True means that the delivery count is persisted before delivery. False means that this only happens
                  after a message has been cancelled.

                  true means that the server will add the name of the validated user to messages it sends

                  true means that the server will not allow any message that doesn't have a validated user, in JMS this is JMSXUserID

                  a list of remoting connectors configurations to create

                  a list of remoting acceptors to create

                  a list of broadcast groups to create

                  a list of discovery groups to create
                           a discovery group specification element

                  a list of diverts to use

                  a list of pre configured queues to create
                                    address for the queue
                                    user to associate for creating the queue
                                    whether the queue is durable (persistent)
                                 unique name of this queue

                  a list of bridges to create

                  a list of federations to create

                  The HA policy of this server

                  a list of cluster connections

                  A list of connections the broker will make towards other servers.
                  Currently the only connection type supported is amqpConnection

                  A list of balancers

                  Message Group configuration

                  the directory to store paged messages in

                  the directory to store the persisted bindings to

                  true means that the server will create the bindings directory on start up

                  The max number of concurrent reads allowed on paging

                  Whether the whole page is read while getting message after page cache is evicted.

                  the directory to store the journal files in

                  the directory to store journal-retention message in and rention configuraion.
                              This configures the period type to use on limit. By default it is DAYS.
                              The amount of time used to keep files.
                              Size (in bytes) before we starting removing files from the retention area.
                              this is an extra protection on top of the period.
                              Notice we first remove files based on period and if you're using more storage then you
                              configured we start removing older files.
                              By default this is unlimited (not filled).
                              Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.
                  the directory to store the node manager lock file

                  true means that the journal directory will be created

                  the type of journal to use

                  The timeout (in nanoseconds) used to flush internal buffers on the journal. The exact default value
                  depend on whether the journal is ASYNCIO or NIO.

                  The size in bytes used by the device. This is usually translated as fstat/st_blksize
                  And this is a way to bypass the value returned as st_blksize.

                  The size (in bytes) of the internal buffer on the journal. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb",
                  "GB", etc.

                  if true wait for transaction data to be synchronized to the journal before returning response to

                  if true wait for non transaction data to be synced to the journal before returning response to client.

                  Whether to log messages about the journal write rate

                  The size (in bytes) of each journal file. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  how many journal files to pre-create

                  how many journal files to pre-create

                  The percentage of live data on which we consider compacting the journal

                  The minimal number of data files before we can start compacting

                  the maximum number of write requests that can be in the AIO queue at any one time. Default is 500 for
                  AIO and 1 for NIO.

                  the length of time in seconds to wait when opening a new Journal file before timing out and failing

                  Interval to log server specific information (e.g. memory usage etc)

                  Size (in bytes) before all addresses will enter into their Full Policy configured upon messages being
                  produced. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  Max percentage of disk usage before the system blocks or fails clients.

                  how often (in ms) to scan the disks for full disks.

                  Percentage of available memory which will trigger a warning log

                  frequency to sample JVM memory in ms (or -1 to disable memory sampling)

                  the directory to store large messages

                  The Store Type used by the server

                  should analyze response time on critical paths and decide for broker log, shutdown or halt.

                  The default timeout used on analyzing timeouts on the critical path.

                  The timeout here will be defaulted to half critical-analyzer-timeout, calculation happening at runtime

                  Should the server log, be shutdown or halted upon critical analysis failure.

                  The timeout (in nanoseconds) used to sync pages. The exact default value
                  depend on whether the journal is ASYNCIO or NIO.

                  a list of security settings

                                 a permission to add to the matched addresses
                                             the type of permission
                                             a comma-separated list of roles to apply the permission to
                                    pattern for matching security roles against addresses; can use wildcards
                                 a plugin
                                             the name of the setting
                                             the value for the setting
                                    the name of the plugin class to instantiate
                                 the name of the external role
                                 the comma delimited name of the internal role(s)

                  a list of broker-plugins
                              a broker plugin
                                    properties to configure a plugin
                                 the name of the broker plugin class to instantiate

                     DEPRECATED: use metrics instead. A metrics plugin
                           properties to configure a plugin
                        the name of the metrics plugin class to instantiate

                     metrics configuration
                           whether or not to report JVM memory metrics

                           whether or not to report JVM thread metrics

                           whether or not to report JVM GC metrics

                           whether or not to report Netty pool metrics

                              a metrics plugin
                                    properties to configure a plugin
                                 the name of the metrics plugin class to instantiate

                  a list of address settings

                  a list of resource limit settings



                  A comma separated list of IPs to be used to validate if the broker should be kept up

                  A comma separated list of URLs to be used to validate if the broker should be kept up

                  A frequency in milliseconds to how often we should check if the network is still up

                  A timeout used in milliseconds to be used on the ping.

                  The network interface card name to be used to validate the address.

                  The ping command used to ping IPV4 addresses.

                  The ping command used to ping IPV6 addresses.

                  parameters to configure wildcard address matching format

            local bind address that the datagram socket is bound to

            local port to which the datagram socket is bound to

                     a local address to which the datagram socket is bound
                     a local port to which the datagram socket is bound
                     multicast address to which the data will be broadcast

                     UDP port number used for broadcasting

                     period in milliseconds between consecutive broadcasts

                     Name of JGroups configuration file. If specified, the server uses JGroups for broadcasting.

                     Name of JGroups Channel. If specified, the server uses the named channel for broadcasting.


                  a unique name for the broadcast group

                     Multicast IP address of the group to listen on
                     UDP port number of the multi cast group

                     Name of a JGroups configuration file. If specified, the server uses JGroups for discovery.

                     Name of a JGroups Channel. If specified, the server uses the named channel for discovery.

                     Period the discovery group waits after receiving the last broadcast from a particular server before
                     removing that servers connector pair entry from its list.

                     time to wait for an initial broadcast to give us at least one node in the cluster

                  a unique name for the discovery group


            unlimited sequence of <class-name/>
                  the fully qualified name of the interceptor class

               Key of a configuration parameter
               Value of a configuration parameter

                  name of queue that this bridge consumes from

                  address to forward to. If omitted original address is used

                  whether this bridge supports fail-over


                  optional name of transformer class

                  optional transformer configuration

                  Any message larger than this size (in bytes) is considered a large message (to be sent in
                  chunks). Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  The period (in milliseconds) a bridge's client will check if it failed to receive a ping from the
                  server. -1 disables this check.

                  how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client. This should
                  be greater than the ping period.

                  period (in ms) between successive retries

                  multiplier to apply to successive retry intervals

                  Limit to the retry-interval growth (due to retry-interval-multiplier)

                  maximum number of initial connection attempts, -1 means 'no limits'

                  maximum number of retry attempts, -1 means 'no limits'

                  DEPRECATED: This setting has no impact, but it's being left here to avoid XML parsing errors for users
                  who still have it set. Failover on shutdown is controlled via the ha-policy set on the *broker* to
                  which the bridge connects.

                  should duplicate detection headers be inserted in forwarded messages?

                  Once the bridge has received this many bytes, it sends a confirmation. Supports byte notation like
                  "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  Producer flow control. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  username, if unspecified the cluster-user is used

                  password, if unspecified the cluster-password is used

                  Upon reconnection this configures the number of time the same node on the topology will be retried
                  before resetting the server locator and using the initial connectors

                  how should the routing-type on the bridged messages be set?

                  Number of concurrent workers, more workers can help increase throughput on high latency networks.
                  Defaults to 1

                           name of discovery group used by this bridge

               unique name for this bridge


                        Name of the transport connector reference to use for the new upstream connection
                        back to this broker.



                  whether this connection supports fail-over

                  whether this connection supports fail-over

                  if there is a downstream and upstream connection configured for the same broker then
                  the same connection will be shared as long as both stream configs set this flag to true

                  how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client

                  How long to wait for a reply

                  period (in ms) between successive retries

                  multiplier to apply to the retry-interval

                  Maximum value for retry-interval

                  How many attempts should be made to connect initially

                  How many attempts should be made to reconnect after failure

                  The period (in milliseconds) used to check if the federation connection has failed to receive pings from
                  another server

                  How long to wait for a reply if in the middle of a fail-over. -1 means wait forever.

                           name of discovery group used by this connection
               username, if unspecified the federated user is used
               password, if unspecified the federated password is used
               unique name for this upstream







                  optional name of transformer class
                  properties to configure the transformer class

                  optional name of transformer class
                  properties to configure the transformer class

                  key for the property
                  value for the property




                  the optional target key
                  the filter for the target key
                  the filter to get the local target
                  the time period for a cache entry to remain active
                  the policy configuration
                  the pool configuration
               a unique name for the broker balancer


                  properties to configure a policy
               the name of the policy

                  the username to access the targets
                  the password to access the targets
                  the period (in milliseconds) used to check if a target is ready
                  the minimum number of ready targets
                  the timeout (in milliseconds) used to get the minimum number of ready targets
                  true means that the local target is enabled
                     the name of a cluster connection
                           name of discovery group used by this bridge

               uri of the amqp connection
               should the broker connection be started when the server is started.
               How many attempts should be made to reconnect after failure
               period (in ms) between successive retries
               User name used to connect. If not defined it will try an anonymous connection.
               Password used to connect. If not defined it will try an anonymous connection.

               name of the amqp connection

               address expression to match addresses
               This is the exact queue name to be used.
            This will determine that queues are mirrored towards this next broker.
            All events will be send towards this AMQP connection acting like a replica.

               Should mirror acknowledgements towards the other server
               Should mirror queue creation events for addresses and queues.
               Should mirror queue deletion events for addresses and queues.
               This property will determine if the mirror will use a durable queue or not as a Store and Forward Queue.
               This is true by default.


               uri of the cluster connection
               name of the cluster connection

                  name of the address this cluster connection applies to

                  Name of the connector reference to use.

                  The period (in milliseconds) used to check if the cluster connection has failed to receive pings from
                  another server

                  how long to keep a connection alive in the absence of any data arriving from the client

                  Messages larger than this are considered large-messages. Supports byte notation like
                  "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  How long to wait for a reply

                  period (in ms) between successive retries

                  multiplier to apply to the retry-interval

                  Maximum value for retry-interval

                  How many attempts should be made to connect initially

                  How many attempts should be made to reconnect after failure

                  should duplicate detection headers be inserted in forwarded messages?

                  DEPRECATED: use message-load-balancing-type instead. Select STRICT to mimic
                  forward-when-no-consumers=true and ON_DEMAND to mimic forward-when-no-consumers=false.

                  how should messages be load balanced between servers in a cluster?

                  maximum number of hops cluster topology is propagated

                  The size (in bytes) of the window used for confirming data from the server connected to. Supports
                  byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  Producer flow control. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                  How long to wait for a reply if in the middle of a fail-over. -1 means wait forever.

                  how often the cluster connection will notify the cluster of its existence right after joining the
                  how many times this cluster connection will notify the cluster of its existence right after joining
                  the cluster

                  The connector to use for scaling down or when as backup in SCALE_DOWN mode

                           restricts cluster connections to the listed connector-ref's
                           name of discovery group used by this cluster-connection
               unique name for this cluster connection
               The URI for the cluster connection options

               unique name for this cluster connection
               The URI for the cluster connection options

                  an optional class name of a transformer

                  optional transformer configuration

                  whether this is an exclusive divert

                  the routing name for the divert

                  the address this divert will divert from

                  the forwarding address for the divert


                  how should the routing-type on the diverted messages be set?

               a unique name for the divert

                  Use a file based store for persisting journal, paging and large messages
                  Use a database for persisting journal, paging and large messages


                  The JDBC Driver class name
                  The JDBC Connection URL e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
                  The JDBC User to use for connecting to the database, NB this will only work with drivers where support
                  DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password). This can be encrypted.
                  The JDBC Password to use for connecting to the database, NB this will only work with drivers where support
                  DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password). This can be encrypted.
                  The DataSource class name
                  A list of options for the DataSource
                           A key-value pair option for the DataSource
                  The table name used to store message journal entries
                  The table name used to store bindings journal entries
                  The table name used to large message files
                  The table name used to large message files
                  The table name used to hold shared store data
                  The JDBC network connection timeout in milliseconds.
                  The period in milliseconds of the keep alive service of a JDBC lock.
                  The time in milliseconds a JDBC lock is considered valid without keeping it alive.
                  The JDBC jouranl sync period in milliseconds.

               Configuration option key
               Configuration option value

                  A live only server with no HA capabilities apart from scale down.
                  Configuration for a replicated server, either master, slave or colocated.
                  Configuration for a shared store server, either master, slave or colocated.

                  The distributed-primitive-manager class name
                  A list of options for the distributed-primitive-manager
                           A key-value pair option for the distributed-primitive-manager

                  A live server configured to replicate.
                  A backup server configured to replicate.
                  a replicated lives server that will allow requests to create colocated replicated backup servers.
                  A primary server configured to replicate.
                  A backup server configured to replicate.

                  If true then the server will request a backup on another node
                  How many times the live server will try to request a backup, -1 means for ever.
                  How long to wait for retries between attempts to request a backup server.
                  Whether or not this live server will accept backup requests from other live servers.
                  The offset to use for the Connectors and Acceptors when creating a new backup server.
                  the connectors that shouldn't have their ports offset, typically remote connectors or the
                  connector used in the cluster connection if scaling down
                  The configuration for the live replicated server.
                  The configuration for any slaves created.

                  If true then the server will request a backup on another node
                  How many times the live server will try to request a backup, -1 means for ever.
                  How long to wait for retries between attempts to request a backup server.
                  Whether or not this live server will accept backup requests from other live servers.
                  The offset to use for the Connectors and Acceptors when creating a new backup server.
                  The configuration for the live shared store server.
                  The configuration for any shared store backups created.

                  A shared store live server configuration.
                  A shared store backup server configuration.
                  A shared store colocated configuration

                  The scale down configuration of this live server.
                  used for replication, if set, (remote) backup servers will only pair with live servers with matching
                  Name of the cluster configuration to use for replication. This setting is only necessary in case you
                  configure multiple cluster connections. It is used by a replicating backups and by live servers that
                  may attempt fail-back.
                  Whether to check the cluster for a (live) server using our own server ID when starting
                  up. This option is only necessary for performing 'fail-back' on replicating
                  servers. Strictly speaking this setting only applies to live servers and not to
                  The amount of time to wait for the replica to acknowledge it has received all the necessary data from
                  the replicating server at the final step of the initial replication synchronization process.
                  Whether or not this live broker should vote to remain as live if replication is lost.
                  The quorum size used for voting after replication loss, -1 means use the current cluster size

                  If we start as a replica and lose connection to the master, how many times should we attempt to vote
                  for quorum before restarting
                  How long to wait (in milliseconds) between each vote
                  How long to wait (in seconds) for vote results
                  If we start as a replica how long to wait (in milliseconds) before trying to replicate again after failing to find a replica
                  used for replication, if set, (remote) backup servers will only pair with live servers with matching
                  Name of the cluster configuration to use for replication. This setting is only necessary in case you
                  configure multiple cluster connections. It is used by a replicating backups and by live servers that
                  may attempt fail-back.
                  This specifies how many times a replicated backup server can restart after moving its files on start.
                  Once there are this number of backup journal files the server will stop permanently after if fails
                  if provided then this backup will scale down rather than becoming live after fail over.
                  Will this server, if a backup, restart once it has been stopped because of failback or scaling down.
                  Whether a server will automatically stop when a another places a request to take over
                  its place. The use case is when a regular server stops and its backup takes over its
                  duties, later the main server restarts and requests the server (the former backup) to
                  stop operating.
                  DEPRECATED: if we have to start as a replicated server this is the delay to wait before fail-back
                  If we have to start as a replicated server this is the amount of time to wait for the replica to
                  acknowledge it has received all the necessary data from the replicating server at the final step
                  of the initial replication synchronization process.
                  If we have to start as a replicated server decide whether or not this live broker should vote to remain
                  as live if replication is lost.
                  If we have to start as a replicated server or we are a backup and lose connection to live, the quorum size
                  used for voting after replication loss, -1 means use the current cluster size
                  If we lose connection to the master, how many times should we attempt to vote for quorum before restarting
                  How long to wait (in milliseconds) between each vote
                  How long to wait (in milliseconds) before trying to replicate again after failing to find a replica
                  How long to wait (in seconds) for vote results
                  It's the manager used to manager distributed locks used for this type of replication.
                  used for replication, if set, (remote) backup servers will only pair with live servers with matching
                  Name of the cluster configuration to use for replication. This setting is only necessary in case you
                  configure multiple cluster connections. It is used by a replicating backups and by live servers that
                  may attempt fail-back.
                  The common identity to use for coordination that is shared across instances that will replicate.
                  The value will be used as the internal server nodeId and as the identity of entities in the
                  The amount of time to wait for the replica to acknowledge it has received all the necessary data from
                  the replicating server at the final step of the initial replication synchronization process.
                  If we start as a replica how long to wait (in milliseconds) before trying to replicate again after failing to find a replica
                  It's the manager used to manager distributed locks used for this type of replication.
                  used for replication, if set, (remote) backup servers will only pair with live servers with matching
                  Name of the cluster configuration to use for replication. This setting is only necessary in case you
                  configure multiple cluster connections. It is used by a replicating backups and by live servers that
                  may attempt fail-back.
                  This specifies how many times a replicated backup server can restart after moving its files on start.
                  Once there are this number of backup journal files the server will stop permanently after if fails
                  Whether a server will automatically stop when a another places a request to take over
                  its place. The use case is when a regular server stops and its backup takes over its
                  duties, later the main server restarts and requests the server (the former backup) to
                  stop operating.
                  If we have to start as a replicated server this is the amount of time to wait for the replica to
                  acknowledge it has received all the necessary data from the replicating server at the final step
                  of the initial replication synchronization process.
                  How long to wait (in milliseconds) before trying to replicate again after failing to find a replica
                  used for replication, if set, (remote) backup servers will only pair with live servers with matching
                  Name of the cluster configuration to use for replication. This setting is only necessary in case you
                  configure multiple cluster connections. It is used by a replicating backups and by live servers that
                  may attempt fail-back.
                  This specifies how many times a replicated backup server can restart after moving its files on start.
                  Once there are this number of backup journal files the server will stop permanently after if fails
                  if provided then this backup will scale down rather than becoming live after fail over.
                  Will this server, if a backup, restart once it has been stopped because of failback or scaling down.
                  DEPRECATED: delay to wait before fail-back occurs on (live's) restart
                  Will this backup server come live on a normal server shutdown
                  Will the master startup wait until it is activated
                  Whether a server will automatically stop when a another places a request to take over
                  its place. The use case is when a regular server stops and its backup takes over its
                  duties, later the main server restarts and requests the server (the former backup) to
                  stop operating.
                  DEPRECATED: delay to wait before fail-back occurs on (live's) restart
                  Will this backup server come live on a normal server shutdown
                  if provided then this backup will scale down rather than becoming live after fail over.
                  Will this server, if a backup, restart once it has been stopped because of failback or scaling down.
                  If true then the server will request a backup on another node
                  How many times the live server will try to request a backup, -1 means for ever.
                  How long to wait for retries between attempts to request a backup server.
                  Whether or not this live server will accept backup requests from other live servers.
                  The offset to use for the Connectors and Acceptors when creating a new backup server.
                  its possible that you only want a server to partake in scale down as a receiver, via a group.
                  In this case set scale-down to false
                  The scale down group to scale down to, a server will only scale down to a server within the same group
                           The discovery group to use for scale down, if not supplied then the scale-down-connectors or
                           invm connector will be used
                     A list of connectors to use for scaling down, if not supplied then the scale-down-discovery-group
                     first invm connector will be used

                  Each cluster should choose 1 node to have a LOCAL grouping handler and all the other nodes should have
                  REMOTE handlers
                  A reference to a cluster connection address
                  How long to wait for a decision
                  How long a group binding will be used, -1 means for ever. Bindings are removed after this wait
                  elapses. On the remote node this is used to determine how often you should re-query the main
                  coordinator in order to update the last time used accordingly.
                  How often the reaper will be run to check for timed out group bindings. Only valid for LOCAL handlers
               A name identifying this grouping-handler

               Complex type element to configure an address.
                     the address to send dead messages to

                     whether or not to automatically create the dead-letter-address and/or a corresponding queue
                     on that address when a message found to be undeliverable

                     the prefix to use for auto-created dead letter queues

                     the suffix to use for auto-created dead letter queues

                     the address to send expired messages to

                     whether or not to automatically create the expiry-address and/or a corresponding queue
                     on that address when a message is sent to a matching queue

                     the prefix to use for auto-created expiry queues

                     the suffix to use for auto-created expiry queues

                     Overrides the expiration time for messages using the default value for expiration time. "-1"
                     disables this setting.

                     Overrides the expiration time for messages using a lower value. "-1" disables this setting.

                     Overrides the expiration time for messages using a higher value. "-1" disables this setting.

                     the time (in ms) to wait before redelivering a cancelled message.

                     multiplier to apply to the "redelivery-delay"

                     factor by which to modify the redelivery delay slightly to avoid collisions

                     Maximum value for the redelivery-delay

                     how many times to attempt to deliver a message before sending to dead letter address

                     the maximum size (in bytes) for an address (-1 means no limits). This is used in PAGING, BLOCK and
                     FAIL policies. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb", "GB", etc.

                     used with the address full BLOCK policy, the maximum size (in bytes) an address can reach before
                     messages start getting rejected. Works in combination with max-size-bytes for AMQP protocol only.
                     Default = -1 (no limit).

                     The page size (in bytes) to use for an address. Supports byte notation like "K", "Mb",
                     "GB", etc.

                     Number of paging files to cache in memory to avoid IO during paging navigation

                     what happens when an address where "max-size-bytes" is specified becomes full

                     how many days to keep message counter history for this address

                     This is deprecated please use default-last-value-queue instead.

                     whether to treat the queues under the address as a last value queues by default

                     the property to use as the key for a last value queue by default

                     whether the queue should be non-destructive by default

                     whether to treat the queues under the address as exclusive queues by default

                     whether to rebalance groups when a consumer is added

                     whether to pause dispatch when rebalancing groups

                     number of buckets to use for grouping, -1 (default) is unlimited and uses the raw group, 0 disables message groups.

                     key used to mark a message is first in a group for a consumer

                     the default number of consumers needed before dispatch can start for queues under the address.

                     the default delay (in milliseconds) to wait before dispatching if number of consumers before
                     dispatch is not met for queues under the address.

                     how long (in ms) to wait after the last consumer is closed on a queue before redistributing

                     if there are no queues matching this address, whether to forward message to DLA (if it exists for
                     this address)

                     The minimum rate of message consumption allowed before a consumer is considered "slow."  Measurement
                     unit is defined by the slow-consumer-threshold-measurement-unit parameter.  By default this is

                     The units used to measure the slow consumer threshold.  Default is messages-per-second.

                     what happens when a slow consumer is identified

                     How often to check for slow consumers on a particular queue. Measured in seconds.

                     DEPRECATED: whether or not to automatically create JMS queues when a producer sends or a consumer connects to a

                     DEPRECATED: whether or not to delete auto-created JMS queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages

                     DEPRECATED: whether or not to automatically create JMS topics when a producer sends or a consumer subscribes to
                     a topic

                     DEPRECATED: whether or not to delete auto-created JMS topics when the last subscription is closed

                     whether or not to automatically create a queue when a client sends a message to or attempts to consume
                     a message from a queue

                     whether or not to delete auto-created queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages

                     whether or not to delete created queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages

                     how long to wait (in milliseconds) before deleting auto-created queues after the queue has 0

                     the message count the queue must be at or below before it can be evaluated to be auto deleted, 0 waits until empty queue (default) and -1 disables this check.

                      What to do when a queue is no longer in broker.xml.
                     OFF = will do nothing queues will remain,
                     FORCE = delete queues even if messages remaining.

                     whether or not to automatically create addresses when a client sends a message to or attempts to
                     consume a message from a queue mapped to an address that doesn't exist

                     whether or not to delete auto-created addresses when it no longer has any queues

                     how long to wait (in milliseconds) before deleting auto-created addresses after they no longer
                     have any queues

                     What to do when an address is no longer in broker.xml.
                     OFF = will do nothing addresses will remain,
                     FORCE = delete address and its queues even if messages remaining.

                     What to do when a divert is no longer in broker.xml.
                     OFF = will do nothing queues will remain,
                     FORCE = delete queues even if messages remaining.

                     how many message a management resource can browse, list or filter

                     the size limit of any message attribute value returned from a browse ,list or filter. Attribute values that exceed with be truncated

                     purge the contents of the queue once there are no consumers

                     the maximum number of consumers allowed on this queue at any one time

                     the routing-type used on auto-created queues

                     the routing-type used on auto-created addresses

                     the default window size for a consumer

                     the default ring-size value for any matching queue which doesn't have `ring-size` explicitly

                     the number of messages to preserve for future queues created on the matching address

                     whether or not to enable metrics for metrics plugins on the matching address

                     whether or not the broker should set its own timestamp on incoming messages to the matching address


                  pattern for matching settings against addresses; can use wildards

               Complex type element to configure resource limits for a particular user.
                     how many connections are allowed by the matched user (-1 means no limit, default is -1)

                     how many queues can be created by the matched user (-1 means no limit, default is -1)

                  the name of the user to whom the limits should be applied

               optional core filter expression (set through attribute)
                  optional core filter expression

                  Name of the factory class of the ConnectorService
               name of the connector service






                  a list of pre configured queues to create
                  a list of pre configured queues to create
               The address name to match incoming message addresses


            Complex type element to configure wildcard address format.
                  deprecated please use routing-enabled.
                  is wildcard addresses routing enabled.
                  wildcard address parts delimiter. Default '.'
                  wildcard address any words character. Default '#'
                  wildcard address single word character. Default '*'

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