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com.datatorrent.stram.StreamingContainerManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.datatorrent.stram;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableLong;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Clock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.SystemClock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.NotFoundException;

import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException;

import com.datatorrent.api.Attribute;
import com.datatorrent.api.AutoMetric;
import com.datatorrent.api.Component;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator.InputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator.OutputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.Stats.OperatorStats;
import com.datatorrent.api.StatsListener;
import com.datatorrent.api.StorageAgent;
import com.datatorrent.api.StreamCodec;
import com.datatorrent.api.StringCodec;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.Stateless;
import com.datatorrent.bufferserver.auth.AuthManager;
import com.datatorrent.bufferserver.util.Codec;
import com.datatorrent.common.experimental.AppData;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.AsyncFSStorageAgent;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.FSStorageAgent;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.NumberAggregate;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.Pair;
import com.datatorrent.stram.Journal.Recoverable;
import com.datatorrent.stram.StreamingContainerAgent.ContainerStartRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.AppDataSource;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.Checkpoint;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.ContainerContext;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.OperatorDeployInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StramEvent;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StramToNodeChangeLoggersRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StramToNodeGetPropertyRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StramToNodeStartRecordingRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.ContainerHeartbeat;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.ContainerHeartbeatResponse;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.ContainerStats;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.OperatorHeartbeat;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.StramToNodeRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.api.StreamingContainerUmbilicalProtocol.StreamingContainerContext;
import com.datatorrent.stram.engine.OperatorResponse;
import com.datatorrent.stram.engine.StreamingContainer;
import com.datatorrent.stram.engine.WindowGenerator;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalOperatorStatus;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan.InputPortMeta;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan.ModuleMeta;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan.OperatorMeta;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlan.OutputPortMeta;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.LogicalPlanConfiguration;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.Operators;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.Operators.PortContextPair;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.logical.requests.LogicalPlanRequest;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.OperatorStatus;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.OperatorStatus.PortStatus;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PTContainer;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PTOperator;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PTOperator.PTInput;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PTOperator.PTOutput;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PTOperator.State;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PhysicalPlan;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PhysicalPlan.PlanContext;
import com.datatorrent.stram.plan.physical.PlanModifier;
import com.datatorrent.stram.util.ConfigUtils;
import com.datatorrent.stram.util.FSJsonLineFile;
import com.datatorrent.stram.util.MovingAverage.MovingAverageLong;
import com.datatorrent.stram.util.SharedPubSubWebSocketClient;
import com.datatorrent.stram.util.WebServicesClient;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.ContainerInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.LogicalOperatorInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.OperatorAggregationInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.OperatorInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.PortInfo;
import com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.StreamInfo;

import net.engio.mbassy.bus.MBassador;
import net.engio.mbassy.bus.config.BusConfiguration;

 * Tracks topology provisioning/allocation to containers

* The tasks include
* Provisioning operators one container at a time. Each container gets assigned the operators, streams and its context
* Monitors run time operations including heartbeat protocol and node status
* Operator recovery and restart
* * @since 0.3.2 */ public class StreamingContainerManager implements PlanContext { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamingContainerManager.class); public static final String GATEWAY_LOGIN_URL_PATH = "/ws/v2/login"; public static final String BUILTIN_APPDATA_URL = "builtin"; public static final String CONTAINERS_INFO_FILENAME_FORMAT = "containers_%d.json"; public static final String OPERATORS_INFO_FILENAME_FORMAT = "operators_%d.json"; public static final String APP_META_FILENAME = "meta.json"; public static final String APP_META_KEY_ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"; public static final String APP_META_KEY_METRICS = "metrics"; public static final String EMBEDDABLE_QUERY_NAME_SUFFIX = ".query"; public static final Recoverable SET_OPERATOR_PROPERTY = new SetOperatorProperty(); public static final Recoverable SET_PHYSICAL_OPERATOR_PROPERTY = new SetPhysicalOperatorProperty(); public static final int METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE = 1000; private final FinalVars vars; private final PhysicalPlan plan; private final Clock clock; private SharedPubSubWebSocketClient wsClient; private FSStatsRecorder statsRecorder; private FSEventRecorder eventRecorder; protected final Map containerStopRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected final ConcurrentLinkedQueue containerStartRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); protected boolean forcedShutdown = false; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue eventQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final AtomicBoolean eventQueueProcessing = new AtomicBoolean(); private final HashSet pendingAllocation = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); protected String shutdownDiagnosticsMessage = ""; private long lastResourceRequest = 0; private final Map containers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final List> purgeCheckpoints = new ArrayList<>(); private Map> checkpointGroups; private final Map> shutdownOperators = new HashMap<>(); private CriticalPathInfo criticalPathInfo; private final ConcurrentMap reportStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final AtomicBoolean deployChangeInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(); private int deployChangeCnt; private MBassador eventBus; // event bus for publishing stram events private final Journal journal; private RecoveryHandler recoveryHandler; // window id to node id to end window stats private final ConcurrentSkipListMap> endWindowStatsOperatorMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap slowestUpstreamOp = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private long committedWindowId; // (operator id, port name) to timestamp private final Map, Long> operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final Map operatorLastEndWindowTimestamps = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private long lastStatsTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long currentEndWindowStatsWindowId; private long completeEndWindowStatsWindowId; private final ConcurrentHashMap rpcLatencies = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final AtomicLong nodeToStramRequestIds = new AtomicLong(1); private int allocatedMemoryMB = 0; private List appDataSources = null; private final Cache commandResponse = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(); private transient ExecutorService poolExecutor; private FileContext fileContext; //logic operator name to a queue of logical metrics. this gets cleared periodically private final Map>>> logicalMetrics = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); //logical operator name to latest logical metrics. private final Map> latestLogicalMetrics = Maps.newHashMap(); //logical operator name to latest counters. exists for backward compatibility. private final Map latestLogicalCounters = Maps.newHashMap(); private final LinkedHashMap completedContainers = new LinkedHashMap() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 201405281500L; @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { long expireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - 30 * 60 * 60; Iterator> iterator = entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry =; if (entry.getValue().finishedTime < expireTime) { iterator.remove(); } } return false; } }; private FSJsonLineFile containerFile; private FSJsonLineFile operatorFile; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static class EndWindowStats { long emitTimestamp = -1; HashMap dequeueTimestamps = new HashMap<>(); // input port name to end window dequeue time Object counters; Map metrics; } public static class CriticalPathInfo { long latency; final LinkedList path; public CriticalPathInfo() { this.path = new LinkedList<>(); } private CriticalPathInfo(long latency, LinkedList path) { this.latency = latency; this.path = path; } @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return new CriticalPathInfo(this.latency, (LinkedList)this.path.clone()); } } private static class SetOperatorProperty implements Recoverable { private final String operatorName; private final String propertyName; private final String propertyValue; private SetOperatorProperty() { this(null, null, null); } private SetOperatorProperty(String operatorName, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { this.operatorName = operatorName; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.propertyValue = propertyValue; } @Override public void read(final Object object, final Input in) throws KryoException { final StreamingContainerManager scm = (StreamingContainerManager)object; final String operatorName = in.readString(); final String propertyName = in.readString(); final String propertyValue = in.readString(); final OperatorMeta logicalOperator = scm.plan.getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorName); if (logicalOperator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator " + operatorName); } scm.setOperatorProperty(logicalOperator, propertyName, propertyValue); } @Override public void write(final Output out) throws KryoException { out.writeString(operatorName); out.writeString(propertyName); out.writeString(propertyValue); } } private static class SetPhysicalOperatorProperty implements Recoverable { private final int operatorId; private final String propertyName; private final String propertyValue; private SetPhysicalOperatorProperty() { this(-1, null, null); } private SetPhysicalOperatorProperty(int operatorId, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { this.operatorId = operatorId; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.propertyValue = propertyValue; } @Override public void read(final Object object, final Input in) throws KryoException { final StreamingContainerManager scm = (StreamingContainerManager)object; final int operatorId = in.readInt(); final String propertyName = in.readString(); final String propertyValue = in.readString(); final PTOperator o = scm.plan.getAllOperators().get(operatorId); if (o == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown physical operator " + operatorId); } scm.setPhysicalOperatorProperty(o, propertyName, propertyValue); } @Override public void write(final Output out) throws KryoException { out.writeInt(operatorId); out.writeString(propertyName); out.writeString(propertyValue); } } public StreamingContainerManager(LogicalPlan dag, Clock clock) { this(dag, false, clock); } public StreamingContainerManager(LogicalPlan dag) { this(dag, false, new SystemClock()); } public StreamingContainerManager(LogicalPlan dag, boolean enableEventRecording, Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; this.vars = new FinalVars(dag, clock.getTime()); poolExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); // setup prior to plan creation for event recording if (enableEventRecording) { this.eventBus = new MBassador<>(BusConfiguration.Default(1, 1, 1)); } this.plan = new PhysicalPlan(dag, this); this.journal = new Journal(this); init(enableEventRecording); } private StreamingContainerManager(CheckpointState checkpointedState, boolean enableEventRecording) { this.vars = checkpointedState.finals; this.clock = new SystemClock(); poolExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); this.plan = checkpointedState.physicalPlan; this.eventBus = new MBassador<>(BusConfiguration.Default(1, 1, 1)); this.journal = new Journal(this); init(enableEventRecording); } private void init(boolean enableEventRecording) { setupWsClient(); setupRecording(enableEventRecording); setupStringCodecs(); try { Path file = new Path(this.vars.appPath); URI uri = file.toUri(); Configuration config = new YarnConfiguration(); fileContext = uri.getScheme() == null ? FileContext.getFileContext(config) : FileContext.getFileContext(uri, config); saveMetaInfo(); String fileName = String.format(CONTAINERS_INFO_FILENAME_FORMAT, plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID)); this.containerFile = new FSJsonLineFile(fileContext, new Path(this.vars.appPath, fileName), FsPermission.getDefault()); this.containerFile.append(getAppMasterContainerInfo()); fileName = String.format(OPERATORS_INFO_FILENAME_FORMAT, plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID)); this.operatorFile = new FSJsonLineFile(fileContext, new Path(this.vars.appPath, fileName), FsPermission.getDefault()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } } public Journal getJournal() { return journal; } public final ContainerInfo getAppMasterContainerInfo() { ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(); = System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.CONTAINER_ID.toString()); String nmHost = System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.NM_HOST.toString()); String nmPort = System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.NM_PORT.toString()); String nmHttpPort = System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT.toString()); ci.state = "ACTIVE"; ci.jvmName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); ci.numOperators = 0; YarnConfiguration conf = new YarnConfiguration(); if (nmHost != null) { if (nmPort != null) { = nmHost + ":" + nmPort; } if (nmHttpPort != null) { String nodeHttpAddress = nmHost + ":" + nmHttpPort; if (allocatedMemoryMB == 0) { String url = ConfigUtils.getSchemePrefix(conf) + nodeHttpAddress + "/ws/v1/node/containers/" +; WebServicesClient webServicesClient = new WebServicesClient(); try { String content = webServicesClient.process(url, String.class, new WebServicesClient.GetWebServicesHandler()); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(content); int totalMemoryNeededMB = json.getJSONObject("container").getInt("totalMemoryNeededMB"); if (totalMemoryNeededMB > 0) { allocatedMemoryMB = totalMemoryNeededMB; } else { LOG.warn("Could not determine the memory allocated for the streaming application master. Node manager is reporting {} MB from {}", totalMemoryNeededMB, url); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Could not determine the memory allocated for the streaming application master", ex); } } ci.containerLogsUrl = ConfigUtils.getSchemePrefix(conf) + nodeHttpAddress + "/node/containerlogs/" + + "/" + System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.USER.toString()); ci.rawContainerLogsUrl = ConfigUtils.getRawContainerLogsUrl(conf, nodeHttpAddress, plan.getLogicalPlan().getAttributes().get(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ID),; } } ci.memoryMBAllocated = allocatedMemoryMB; ci.memoryMBFree = ((int)(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / (1024 * 1024))); ci.lastHeartbeat = -1; ci.startedTime = startTime; ci.finishedTime = -1; return ci; } public void updateRPCLatency(String containerId, long latency) { if (vars.rpcLatencyCompensationSamples > 0) { MovingAverageLong latencyMA = rpcLatencies.get(containerId); if (latencyMA == null) { final MovingAverageLong val = new MovingAverageLong(vars.rpcLatencyCompensationSamples); latencyMA = rpcLatencies.putIfAbsent(containerId, val); if (latencyMA == null) { latencyMA = val; } } latencyMA.add(latency); } } private void setupRecording(boolean enableEventRecording) { if (this.vars.enableStatsRecording) { statsRecorder = new FSStatsRecorder(); statsRecorder.setBasePath(this.vars.appPath + "/" + LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_STATS); statsRecorder.setup(); } if (enableEventRecording) { eventRecorder = new FSEventRecorder(plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ID)); eventRecorder.setBasePath(this.vars.appPath + "/" + LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_EVENTS); eventRecorder.setWebSocketClient(wsClient); eventRecorder.setup(); eventBus.subscribe(eventRecorder); } } private void setupStringCodecs() { Map, Class>> codecs = this.plan.getLogicalPlan().getAttributes().get(Context.DAGContext.STRING_CODECS); StringCodecs.loadConverters(codecs); } private void setupWsClient() { String gatewayAddress = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS); boolean gatewayUseSsl = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.GATEWAY_USE_SSL); String gatewayUserName = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.GATEWAY_USER_NAME); String gatewayPassword = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.GATEWAY_PASSWORD); int timeout = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.PUBSUB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); if (gatewayAddress != null) { try { wsClient = new SharedPubSubWebSocketClient((gatewayUseSsl ? "wss://" : "ws://") + gatewayAddress + "/pubsub", timeout); if (gatewayUserName != null && gatewayPassword != null) { wsClient.setLoginUrl((gatewayUseSsl ? "https://" : "http://") + gatewayAddress + GATEWAY_LOGIN_URL_PATH); wsClient.setUserName(gatewayUserName); wsClient.setPassword(gatewayPassword); } wsClient.setup(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot establish websocket connection to {}", gatewayAddress, ex); } } } public void teardown() { if (eventBus != null) { eventBus.shutdown(); } if (eventRecorder != null) { eventRecorder.teardown(); } if (statsRecorder != null) { statsRecorder.teardown(); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(containerFile); IOUtils.closeQuietly(operatorFile); if (poolExecutor != null) { poolExecutor.shutdown(); } } public void subscribeToEvents(Object listener) { if (eventBus != null) { eventBus.subscribe(listener); } } public PhysicalPlan getPhysicalPlan() { return plan; } public long getCommittedWindowId() { return committedWindowId; } public boolean isGatewayConnected() { return wsClient != null && wsClient.isConnectionOpen(); } public SharedPubSubWebSocketClient getWsClient() { return wsClient; } private String convertAppDataUrl(String url) { if (BUILTIN_APPDATA_URL.equals(url)) { return url; } /*else if (url != null) { String messageProxyUrl = this.plan.getLogicalPlan().getAttributes().get(Context.DAGContext.APPLICATION_DATA_MESSAGE_PROXY_URL); if (messageProxyUrl != null) { StringBuilder convertedUrl = new StringBuilder(messageProxyUrl); convertedUrl.append("?url="); try { convertedUrl.append(URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF-8")); return convertedUrl.toString(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LOG.warn("URL {} cannot be encoded", url); } } } */ LOG.warn("App Data URL {} cannot be converted for the client.", url); return url; } private final Object appDataSourcesLock = new Object(); public List getAppDataSources() { synchronized (appDataSourcesLock) { if (appDataSources == null) { appDataSources = new ArrayList<>(); operators: for (LogicalPlan.OperatorMeta operatorMeta : plan.getLogicalPlan().getAllOperators()) { Map inputStreams = operatorMeta.getInputStreams(); Map outputStreams = operatorMeta.getOutputStreams(); String queryOperatorName = null; String queryUrl = null; String queryTopic = null; boolean hasEmbeddedQuery = false; //Discover embeddable query connectors if (operatorMeta.getOperator() instanceof AppData.Store) { AppData.Store store = (AppData.Store)operatorMeta.getOperator(); AppData.EmbeddableQueryInfoProvider embeddableQuery = store.getEmbeddableQueryInfoProvider(); if (embeddableQuery != null) { hasEmbeddedQuery = true; queryOperatorName = operatorMeta.getName() + EMBEDDABLE_QUERY_NAME_SUFFIX; queryUrl = embeddableQuery.getAppDataURL(); queryTopic = embeddableQuery.getTopic(); } } //Discover separate query operators LOG.debug("Looking at operator {} {}", operatorMeta.getName(), Thread.currentThread().getId()); for (Map.Entry entry : inputStreams.entrySet()) { LogicalPlan.InputPortMeta portMeta = entry.getKey(); if (portMeta.isAppDataQueryPort()) { if (queryUrl == null) { OperatorMeta queryOperatorMeta = entry.getValue().getSource().getOperatorMeta(); if (queryOperatorMeta.getOperator() instanceof AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider) { if (!hasEmbeddedQuery) { AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider queryOperator = (AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider)queryOperatorMeta.getOperator(); queryOperatorName = queryOperatorMeta.getName(); queryUrl = queryOperator.getAppDataURL(); queryTopic = queryOperator.getTopic(); } else { LOG.warn("An embeddable query connector and the {} query operator were discovered. The query operator will be ignored and the embeddable query connector will be used instead.", operatorMeta.getName()); } } } else { LOG.warn("Multiple query ports found in operator {}. Ignoring the App Data Source.", operatorMeta.getName()); continue operators; } } } for (Map.Entry entry : outputStreams.entrySet()) { LogicalPlan.OutputPortMeta portMeta = entry.getKey(); LOG.debug("Looking at port {} {}", portMeta.getPortName(), Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (portMeta.isAppDataResultPort()) { AppDataSource appDataSource = new AppDataSource(); appDataSource.setType(AppDataSource.Type.DAG); appDataSource.setOperatorName(operatorMeta.getName()); appDataSource.setPortName(portMeta.getPortName()); if (queryOperatorName == null) { LOG.warn("There is no query operator for the App Data Source {}.{}. Ignoring the App Data Source.", operatorMeta.getName(), portMeta.getPortName()); continue; } appDataSource.setQueryOperatorName(queryOperatorName); appDataSource.setQueryTopic(queryTopic); appDataSource.setQueryUrl(convertAppDataUrl(queryUrl)); List sinks = entry.getValue().getSinks(); if (sinks.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("There is no result operator for the App Data Source {}.{}. Ignoring the App Data Source.", operatorMeta.getName(), portMeta.getPortName()); continue; } if (sinks.size() > 1) { LOG.warn("There are multiple result operators for the App Data Source {}.{}. Ignoring the App Data Source.", operatorMeta.getName(), portMeta.getPortName()); continue; } OperatorMeta resultOperatorMeta = sinks.get(0).getOperatorWrapper(); if (resultOperatorMeta.getOperator() instanceof AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider) { AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider resultOperator = (AppData.ConnectionInfoProvider)resultOperatorMeta.getOperator(); appDataSource.setResultOperatorName(resultOperatorMeta.getName()); appDataSource.setResultTopic(resultOperator.getTopic()); appDataSource.setResultUrl(convertAppDataUrl(resultOperator.getAppDataURL())); AppData.AppendQueryIdToTopic queryIdAppended = resultOperator.getClass().getAnnotation(AppData.AppendQueryIdToTopic.class); if (queryIdAppended != null && queryIdAppended.value()) { appDataSource.setResultAppendQIDTopic(true); } } else { LOG.warn("Result operator for the App Data Source {}.{} does not implement the right interface. Ignoring the App Data Source.", operatorMeta.getName(), portMeta.getPortName()); continue; } LOG.debug("Adding appDataSource {} {}", appDataSource.getName(), Thread.currentThread().getId()); appDataSources.add(appDataSource); } } } } } return appDataSources; } public Map> getLatestLogicalMetrics() { return latestLogicalMetrics; } /** * Check periodically that deployed containers phone home. * Run from the master main loop (single threaded access). */ public void monitorHeartbeat() { long currentTms = clock.getTime(); // look for resource allocation timeout if (!pendingAllocation.isEmpty()) { // look for resource allocation timeout if (lastResourceRequest + plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS) < currentTms) { String msg = String.format("Shutdown due to resource allocation timeout (%s ms) waiting for %s containers", currentTms - lastResourceRequest, pendingAllocation.size()); LOG.warn(msg); for (PTContainer c : pendingAllocation) { LOG.warn("Waiting for resource: {}m priority: {} {}", c.getRequiredMemoryMB(), c.getResourceRequestPriority(), c); } shutdownAllContainers(msg); this.forcedShutdown = true; } else { for (PTContainer c : pendingAllocation) { LOG.debug("Waiting for resource: {}m {}", c.getRequiredMemoryMB(), c); } } } // monitor currently deployed containers for (StreamingContainerAgent sca : containers.values()) { PTContainer c = sca.container; if (!pendingAllocation.contains(c) && c.getExternalId() != null) { if (sca.lastHeartbeatMillis == 0) { //LOG.debug("{} {} {}", c.getExternalId(), currentTms - sca.createdMillis, this.vars.heartbeatTimeoutMillis); // container allocated but process was either not launched or is not able to phone home if (currentTms - sca.createdMillis > 2 * this.vars.heartbeatTimeoutMillis) {"Container {}@{} startup timeout ({} ms).", c.getExternalId(),, currentTms - sca.createdMillis); containerStopRequests.put(c.getExternalId(), c.getExternalId()); } } else { if (currentTms - sca.lastHeartbeatMillis > this.vars.heartbeatTimeoutMillis) { if (!isApplicationIdle()) { // request stop (kill) as process may still be hanging around (would have been detected by Yarn otherwise)"Container {}@{} heartbeat timeout ({} ms).", c.getExternalId(),, currentTms - sca.lastHeartbeatMillis); containerStopRequests.put(c.getExternalId(), c.getExternalId()); } } } } } // events that may modify the plan processEvents(); committedWindowId = updateCheckpoints(false); calculateEndWindowStats(); if (this.vars.enableStatsRecording) { recordStats(currentTms); } } private void recordStats(long currentTms) { try { statsRecorder.recordContainers(containers, currentTms); statsRecorder.recordOperators(getOperatorInfoList(), currentTms); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Exception caught when recording stats", ex); } } private void calculateEndWindowStats() { if (!endWindowStatsOperatorMap.isEmpty()) { Set allCurrentOperators = plan.getAllOperators().keySet(); if (endWindowStatsOperatorMap.size() > this.vars.maxWindowsBehindForStats) { LOG.warn("Some operators are behind for more than {} windows! Trimming the end window stats map", this.vars.maxWindowsBehindForStats); while (endWindowStatsOperatorMap.size() > this.vars.maxWindowsBehindForStats) { LOG.debug("Removing incomplete end window stats for window id {}. Collected operator set: {}. Complete set: {}", endWindowStatsOperatorMap.firstKey(), endWindowStatsOperatorMap.get(endWindowStatsOperatorMap.firstKey()).keySet(), allCurrentOperators); endWindowStatsOperatorMap.remove(endWindowStatsOperatorMap.firstKey()); } } //logicalMetrics.clear(); int numOperators = allCurrentOperators.size(); Long windowId = endWindowStatsOperatorMap.firstKey(); while (windowId != null) { Map endWindowStatsMap = endWindowStatsOperatorMap.get(windowId); Set endWindowStatsOperators = endWindowStatsMap.keySet(); aggregateMetrics(windowId, endWindowStatsMap); criticalPathInfo = findCriticalPath(); if (allCurrentOperators.containsAll(endWindowStatsOperators)) { if (endWindowStatsMap.size() < numOperators) { if (windowId < completeEndWindowStatsWindowId) { LOG.debug("Disregarding stale end window stats for window {}", windowId); endWindowStatsOperatorMap.remove(windowId); } else { break; } } else { endWindowStatsOperatorMap.remove(windowId); currentEndWindowStatsWindowId = windowId; } } else { // the old stats contains operators that do not exist any more // this is probably right after a partition happens. LOG.debug("Stats for non-existent operators detected. Disregarding end window stats for window {}", windowId); endWindowStatsOperatorMap.remove(windowId); } windowId = endWindowStatsOperatorMap.higherKey(windowId); } } } private void aggregateMetrics(long windowId, Map endWindowStatsMap) { Collection logicalOperators = getLogicalPlan().getAllOperators(); //for backward compatibility for (OperatorMeta operatorMeta : logicalOperators) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Context.CountersAggregator aggregator = operatorMeta.getValue(OperatorContext.COUNTERS_AGGREGATOR); if (aggregator == null) { continue; } Collection physicalOperators = plan.getAllOperators(operatorMeta); List counters = Lists.newArrayList(); for (PTOperator operator : physicalOperators) { EndWindowStats stats = endWindowStatsMap.get(operator.getId()); if (stats != null && stats.counters != null) { counters.add(stats.counters); } } if (counters.size() > 0) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Object aggregate = aggregator.aggregate(counters); latestLogicalCounters.put(operatorMeta.getName(), aggregate); } } for (OperatorMeta operatorMeta : logicalOperators) { AutoMetric.Aggregator aggregator = operatorMeta.getMetricAggregatorMeta() != null ? operatorMeta.getMetricAggregatorMeta().getAggregator() : null; if (aggregator == null) { continue; } Collection physicalOperators = plan.getAllOperators(operatorMeta); List metricPool = Lists.newArrayList(); for (PTOperator operator : physicalOperators) { EndWindowStats stats = endWindowStatsMap.get(operator.getId()); if (stats != null && stats.metrics != null) { PhysicalMetricsContextImpl physicalMetrics = new PhysicalMetricsContextImpl(operator.getId(), stats.metrics); metricPool.add(physicalMetrics); } } if (metricPool.isEmpty()) { //nothing to aggregate continue; } Map lm = aggregator.aggregate(windowId, metricPool); if (lm != null && lm.size() > 0) { Queue>> windowMetrics = logicalMetrics.get(operatorMeta.getName()); if (windowMetrics == null) { windowMetrics = new LinkedBlockingQueue>>(METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public boolean add(Pair> longMapPair) { if (remainingCapacity() <= 1) { remove(); } return super.add(longMapPair); } }; logicalMetrics.put(operatorMeta.getName(), windowMetrics); } LOG.debug("Adding to logical metrics for {}", operatorMeta.getName()); windowMetrics.add(new Pair<>(windowId, lm)); Map oldValue = latestLogicalMetrics.put(operatorMeta.getName(), lm); if (oldValue == null) { try { saveMetaInfo(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Cannot save application meta info to DFS. App data sources will not be available.", ex); } } } } } /** * This method is for saving meta information about this application in HDFS -- the meta information that generally * does not change across multiple attempts */ private void saveMetaInfo() throws IOException { Path file = new Path(this.vars.appPath, APP_META_FILENAME + "." + System.nanoTime()); try (FSDataOutputStream os = fileContext.create(file, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), Options.CreateOpts.CreateParent.createParent())) { JSONObject top = new JSONObject(); JSONObject attributes = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry, Object> entry : this.plan.getLogicalPlan().getAttributes().entrySet()) { attributes.put(entry.getKey().getSimpleName(), entry.getValue()); } JSONObject autoMetrics = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry> entry : latestLogicalMetrics.entrySet()) { autoMetrics.put(entry.getKey(), new JSONArray(entry.getValue().keySet())); } top.put(APP_META_KEY_ATTRIBUTES, attributes); top.put(APP_META_KEY_METRICS, autoMetrics); os.write(top.toString().getBytes()); } catch (JSONException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Path origPath = new Path(this.vars.appPath, APP_META_FILENAME); fileContext.rename(file, origPath, Options.Rename.OVERWRITE); } public Queue>> getWindowMetrics(String operatorName) { return logicalMetrics.get(operatorName); } private CriticalPathInfo findCriticalPath() { CriticalPathInfo result = null; List leafOperators = plan.getLeafOperators(); Map cache = new HashMap<>(); for (PTOperator leafOperator : leafOperators) { CriticalPathInfo cpi = findCriticalPathHelper(leafOperator, cache); if (result == null || result.latency < cpi.latency) { result = cpi; } } return result; } private CriticalPathInfo findCriticalPathHelper(PTOperator operator, Map cache) { CriticalPathInfo cpi = cache.get(operator); if (cpi != null) { return cpi; } PTOperator slowestUpstreamOperator = slowestUpstreamOp.get(operator); if (slowestUpstreamOperator != null) { cpi = findCriticalPathHelper(slowestUpstreamOperator, cache); try { cpi = (CriticalPathInfo)cpi.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } else { cpi = new CriticalPathInfo(); } cpi.latency += operator.stats.getLatencyMA(); cpi.path.addLast(operator.getId()); cache.put(operator, cpi); return cpi; } public int processEvents() { for (PTOperator o : reportStats.keySet()) { List stats = o.stats.listenerStats.poll(); if (stats != null) { // append into single list List moreStats; while ((moreStats = o.stats.listenerStats.poll()) != null) { stats.addAll(moreStats); } } o.stats.lastWindowedStats = stats; o.stats.operatorResponses = null; if (!o.stats.responses.isEmpty()) { o.stats.operatorResponses = new ArrayList<>(); StatsListener.OperatorResponse operatorResponse; while ((operatorResponse = o.stats.responses.poll()) != null) { o.stats.operatorResponses.add(operatorResponse); } } if (o.stats.lastWindowedStats != null) { // call listeners only with non empty window list if (o.statsListeners != null) { plan.onStatusUpdate(o); } } reportStats.remove(o); } if (!this.shutdownOperators.isEmpty()) { synchronized (this.shutdownOperators) { Iterator>> it = shutdownOperators.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry> windowAndOpers =; if (windowAndOpers.getKey().longValue() <= this.committedWindowId || checkDownStreamOperators(windowAndOpers)) {"Removing inactive operators at window {} {}", Codec.getStringWindowId(windowAndOpers.getKey()), windowAndOpers.getValue()); for (PTOperator oper : windowAndOpers.getValue()) { plan.removeTerminatedPartition(oper); } it.remove(); } } } } if (!eventQueue.isEmpty()) { for (PTOperator oper : plan.getAllOperators().values()) { if (oper.getState() != PTOperator.State.ACTIVE) { LOG.debug("Skipping plan updates due to inactive operator {} {}", oper, oper.getState()); return 0; } } } int count = 0; Runnable command; while ((command = this.eventQueue.poll()) != null) { eventQueueProcessing.set(true); try {; count++; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle error LOG.error("Failed to execute {}", command, e); } eventQueueProcessing.set(false); } if (count > 0) { try { checkpoint(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to checkpoint state.", e); } } return count; } private boolean checkDownStreamOperators(Map.Entry> windowAndOpers) { // Check if all downStream operators are at higher window Ids, then operator can be removed from dag Set downStreamOperators = getPhysicalPlan().getDependents(windowAndOpers.getValue()); for (PTOperator oper : downStreamOperators) { long windowId = oper.stats.currentWindowId.get(); if (windowId < windowAndOpers.getKey().longValue()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Schedule container restart. Called by Stram after a container was terminated * and requires recovery (killed externally, or after heartbeat timeout).
* Recovery will resolve affected operators (within the container and * everything downstream with respective recovery checkpoint states). * Dependent operators will be undeployed and buffer server connections reset prior to * redeploy to recovery checkpoint. * * @param containerId */ public void scheduleContainerRestart(String containerId) { StreamingContainerAgent cs = this.getContainerAgent(containerId); if (cs == null || cs.shutdownRequested) { // the container is no longer used / was released by us return; }"Initiating recovery for {}@{}", containerId,; cs.container.setState(PTContainer.State.KILLED); cs.container.bufferServerAddress = null; cs.container.setResourceRequestPriority(-1); cs.container.setAllocatedMemoryMB(0); cs.container.setAllocatedVCores(0); // resolve dependencies UpdateCheckpointsContext ctx = new UpdateCheckpointsContext(clock, false, getCheckpointGroups()); for (PTOperator oper : cs.container.getOperators()) { updateRecoveryCheckpoints(oper, ctx); } includeLocalUpstreamOperators(ctx); // redeploy cycle for all affected operators"Affected operators {}", ctx.visited); deploy(Collections.emptySet(), ctx.visited, Sets.newHashSet(cs.container), ctx.visited); } /** * Transitively add operators that are container local to the dependency set. * (All downstream operators were traversed during checkpoint update.) * * @param ctx */ private void includeLocalUpstreamOperators(UpdateCheckpointsContext ctx) { Set newOperators = Sets.newHashSet(); // repeat until no more local upstream operators are found do { newOperators.clear(); for (PTOperator oper : ctx.visited) { for (PTInput input : oper.getInputs()) { if (input.source.source.getContainer() == oper.getContainer()) { if (!ctx.visited.contains(input.source.source)) { newOperators.add(input.source.source); } } } } if (!newOperators.isEmpty()) { for (PTOperator oper : newOperators) { updateRecoveryCheckpoints(oper, ctx); } } } while (!newOperators.isEmpty()); } public void removeContainerAgent(String containerId) { LOG.debug("Removing container agent {}", containerId); StreamingContainerAgent containerAgent = containers.remove(containerId); if (containerAgent != null) { // record operator stop for this container for (PTOperator oper : containerAgent.container.getOperators()) { StramEvent ev = new StramEvent.StopOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), containerId); recordEventAsync(ev); } containerAgent.container.setFinishedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); containerAgent.container.setState(PTContainer.State.KILLED); completedContainers.put(containerId, containerAgent.getContainerInfo()); } } public Collection getCompletedContainerInfo() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(completedContainers.values()); } public static class ContainerResource { public final String containerId; public final String host; public final int memoryMB; public final int vCores; public final int priority; public final String nodeHttpAddress; public ContainerResource(int priority, String containerId, String host, int memoryMB, int vCores, String nodeHttpAddress) { this.containerId = containerId; = host; this.memoryMB = memoryMB; this.vCores = vCores; this.priority = priority; this.nodeHttpAddress = nodeHttpAddress; } /** * @return String */ @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE) .append("containerId", this.containerId) .append("host", .append("memoryMB", this.memoryMB) .toString(); } } /** * Assign operators to allocated container resource. * * @param resource * @param bufferServerAddr * @return streaming container agent */ public StreamingContainerAgent assignContainer(ContainerResource resource, InetSocketAddress bufferServerAddr) { PTContainer container = null; // match container waiting for resource for (PTContainer c : pendingAllocation) { if (c.getState() == PTContainer.State.NEW || c.getState() == PTContainer.State.KILLED) { if (c.getResourceRequestPriority() == resource.priority) { container = c; break; } } } if (container == null) { LOG.debug("No container matching allocated resource {}", resource); LOG.debug("Containers waiting for allocation {}", pendingAllocation); return null; } pendingAllocation.remove(container); container.setState(PTContainer.State.ALLOCATED); if (container.getExternalId() != null) {"Removing container agent {}", container.getExternalId()); this.containers.remove(container.getExternalId()); } container.setExternalId(resource.containerId); =; container.bufferServerAddress = bufferServerAddr; if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { byte[] token = AuthManager.generateToken(); container.setBufferServerToken(token); } container.nodeHttpAddress = resource.nodeHttpAddress; container.setAllocatedMemoryMB(resource.memoryMB); container.setAllocatedVCores(resource.vCores); container.setStartedTime(-1); container.setFinishedTime(-1); writeJournal(container.getSetContainerState()); StreamingContainerAgent sca = new StreamingContainerAgent(container, newStreamingContainerContext(container), this); containers.put(resource.containerId, sca); LOG.debug("Assigned container {} priority {}", resource.containerId, resource.priority); return sca; } private StreamingContainerContext newStreamingContainerContext(PTContainer container) { try { int bufferServerMemory = 0; Iterator operatorIterator = container.getOperators().iterator(); while (operatorIterator.hasNext()) { bufferServerMemory +=; } LOG.debug("Buffer Server Memory {}", bufferServerMemory); // the logical plan is not to be serialized via RPC, clone attributes only StreamingContainerContext scc = new StreamingContainerContext(plan.getLogicalPlan().getAttributes().clone(), null); scc.attributes.put(ContainerContext.IDENTIFIER, container.getExternalId()); scc.attributes.put(ContainerContext.BUFFER_SERVER_MB, bufferServerMemory); scc.attributes.put(ContainerContext.BUFFER_SERVER_TOKEN, container.getBufferServerToken()); scc.startWindowMillis = this.vars.windowStartMillis; return scc; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot clone DAG attributes", ex); } } public StreamingContainerAgent getContainerAgent(String containerId) { StreamingContainerAgent cs = containers.get(containerId); if (cs == null) { LOG.warn("Trying to get unknown container {}", containerId); } return cs; } public Collection getContainerAgents() { return this.containers.values(); } private void processOperatorDeployStatus(final PTOperator oper, OperatorHeartbeat ohb, StreamingContainerAgent sca) { OperatorHeartbeat.DeployState ds = null; if (ohb != null) { ds = ohb.getState(); } LOG.debug("heartbeat {} {}/{} {}", oper, oper.getState(), ds, oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); switch (oper.getState()) { case ACTIVE: // Commented out the warning below because it's expected when the operator does something // quickly and goes out of commission, it will report SHUTDOWN correctly whereas this code // is incorrectly expecting ACTIVE to be reported. //LOG.warn("status out of sync {} expected {} remote {}", oper, oper.getState(), ds); // operator expected active, check remote status if (ds == null) { sca.deployOpers.add(oper); } else { switch (ds) { case SHUTDOWN: // schedule operator deactivation against the windowId // will be processed once window is committed and all dependent operators completed processing long windowId = oper.stats.currentWindowId.get(); if (ohb.windowStats != null && !ohb.windowStats.isEmpty()) { windowId = ohb.windowStats.get(ohb.windowStats.size() - 1).windowId; } LOG.debug("Operator {} deactivated at window {}", oper, windowId); synchronized (this.shutdownOperators) { Set deactivatedOpers = this.shutdownOperators.get(windowId); if (deactivatedOpers == null) { this.shutdownOperators.put(windowId, deactivatedOpers = new HashSet<>()); } deactivatedOpers.add(oper); } sca.undeployOpers.add(oper.getId()); slowestUpstreamOp.remove(oper); // record operator stop event recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.StopOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId())); break; case FAILED: processOperatorFailure(oper); sca.undeployOpers.add(oper.getId()); slowestUpstreamOp.remove(oper); recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.StopOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId())); break; case ACTIVE: default: break; } } break; case PENDING_UNDEPLOY: if (ds == null) { // operator no longer deployed in container recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.StopOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId())); oper.setState(State.PENDING_DEPLOY); sca.deployOpers.add(oper); } else { // operator is currently deployed, request undeploy sca.undeployOpers.add(oper.getId()); slowestUpstreamOp.remove(oper); } break; case PENDING_DEPLOY: if (ds == null) { // operator to be deployed sca.deployOpers.add(oper); } else { // operator was deployed in container PTContainer container = oper.getContainer(); LOG.debug("{} marking deployed: {} remote status {}", container.getExternalId(), oper, ds); oper.setState(PTOperator.State.ACTIVE); oper.stats.lastHeartbeat = null; // reset on redeploy oper.stats.lastWindowIdChangeTms = clock.getTime(); recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.StartOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), container.getExternalId())); } break; default: //LOG.warn("Unhandled operator state {} {} remote {}", oper, oper.getState(), ds); if (ds != null) { // operator was removed and needs to be undeployed from container sca.undeployOpers.add(oper.getId()); slowestUpstreamOp.remove(oper); recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.StopOperatorEvent(oper.getName(), oper.getId(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId())); } } } private void processOperatorFailure(PTOperator oper) { // count failure transitions *->FAILED, applies to initialization as well as intermittent failures if (oper.getState() == PTOperator.State.ACTIVE) { oper.setState(PTOperator.State.INACTIVE); oper.failureCount++; oper.getOperatorMeta().getStatus().failureCount++; LOG.warn("Operator failure: {} count: {}", oper, oper.failureCount); Integer maxAttempts = oper.getOperatorMeta().getValue(OperatorContext.RECOVERY_ATTEMPTS); if (maxAttempts == null || oper.failureCount <= maxAttempts) { // restart entire container in attempt to recover operator // in the future a more sophisticated recovery strategy could // involve initial redeploy attempt(s) of affected operator in // existing container or sandbox container for just the operator LOG.error("Initiating container restart after operator failure {}", oper); containerStopRequests.put(oper.getContainer().getExternalId(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); } else { String msg = String.format("Shutdown after reaching failure threshold for %s", oper); LOG.warn(msg); shutdownAllContainers(msg); forcedShutdown = true; } } else { // should not get here LOG.warn("Failed operator {} {} {} to be undeployed by container", oper, oper.getState()); } } /** * process the heartbeat from each container. * called by the RPC thread for each container. (i.e. called by multiple threads) * * @param heartbeat * @return heartbeat response */ @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") public ContainerHeartbeatResponse processHeartbeat(ContainerHeartbeat heartbeat) { long currentTimeMillis = clock.getTime(); final StreamingContainerAgent sca = this.containers.get(heartbeat.getContainerId()); if (sca == null || sca.container.getState() == PTContainer.State.KILLED) { // could be orphaned container that was replaced and needs to terminate LOG.error("Unknown container {}", heartbeat.getContainerId()); ContainerHeartbeatResponse response = new ContainerHeartbeatResponse(); response.shutdown = true; return response; } //LOG.debug("{} {} {}", new Object[]{sca.container.containerId, sca.container.bufferServerAddress, sca.container.getState()}); if (sca.container.getState() == PTContainer.State.ALLOCATED) { // capture dynamically assigned address from container if (sca.container.bufferServerAddress == null && heartbeat.bufferServerHost != null) { sca.container.bufferServerAddress = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(heartbeat.bufferServerHost, heartbeat.bufferServerPort);"Container {} buffer server: {}", sca.container.getExternalId(), sca.container.bufferServerAddress); } final long containerStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); sca.container.setState(PTContainer.State.ACTIVE); sca.container.setStartedTime(containerStartTime); sca.container.setFinishedTime(-1); sca.jvmName = heartbeat.jvmName; poolExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { containerFile.append(sca.getContainerInfo()); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot write to container file"); } for (PTOperator ptOp : sca.container.getOperators()) { try { JSONObject operatorInfo = new JSONObject(); operatorInfo.put("name", ptOp.getName()); operatorInfo.put("id", ptOp.getId()); operatorInfo.put("container", sca.container.getExternalId()); operatorInfo.put("startTime", containerStartTime); operatorFile.append(operatorInfo); } catch (IOException | JSONException ex) { LOG.warn("Cannot write to operator file: ", ex); } } } }); } sca.containerStackTrace = heartbeat.stackTrace; if (heartbeat.restartRequested) { LOG.error("Container {} restart request", sca.container.getExternalId()); containerStopRequests.put(sca.container.getExternalId(), sca.container.getExternalId()); } sca.memoryMBFree = heartbeat.memoryMBFree; sca.gcCollectionCount = heartbeat.gcCollectionCount; sca.gcCollectionTime = heartbeat.gcCollectionTime; sca.undeployOpers.clear(); sca.deployOpers.clear(); if (!this.deployChangeInProgress.get()) { sca.deployCnt = this.deployChangeCnt; } Set reportedOperators = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(sca.container.getOperators().size()); for (OperatorHeartbeat shb : heartbeat.getContainerStats().operators) { long maxEndWindowTimestamp = 0; reportedOperators.add(shb.nodeId); PTOperator oper = this.plan.getAllOperators().get(shb.getNodeId()); if (oper == null) {"Heartbeat for unknown operator {} (container {})", shb.getNodeId(), heartbeat.getContainerId()); sca.undeployOpers.add(shb.nodeId); continue; } if (shb.requestResponse != null) { for (StatsListener.OperatorResponse obj : shb.requestResponse) { if (obj instanceof OperatorResponse) { // This is to identify platform requests commandResponse.put((Long)obj.getResponseId(), obj.getResponse()); LOG.debug(" Got back the response {} for the request {}", obj, obj.getResponseId()); } else { // This is to identify user requests oper.stats.responses.add(obj); } } } //LOG.debug("heartbeat {} {}/{} {}", oper, oper.getState(), shb.getState(), oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); if (!(oper.getState() == PTOperator.State.ACTIVE && shb.getState() == OperatorHeartbeat.DeployState.ACTIVE)) { // deploy state may require synchronization processOperatorDeployStatus(oper, shb, sca); } oper.stats.lastHeartbeat = shb; List statsList = shb.getOperatorStatsContainer(); if (!statsList.isEmpty()) { long tuplesProcessed = 0; long tuplesEmitted = 0; long totalCpuTimeUsed = 0; int statCount = 0; long maxDequeueTimestamp = -1; oper.stats.recordingId = null; final OperatorStatus status = oper.stats; status.statsRevs.checkout(); for (Map.Entry entry : status.inputPortStatusList.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().recordingId = null; } for (Map.Entry entry : status.outputPortStatusList.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().recordingId = null; } for (ContainerStats.OperatorStats stats : statsList) { if (stats == null) { LOG.warn("Operator {} statistics list contains null element", shb.getNodeId()); continue; } /* report checkpoint-ed WindowId status of the operator */ if (stats.checkpoint instanceof Checkpoint) { if (oper.getRecentCheckpoint() == null || oper.getRecentCheckpoint().windowId < stats.checkpoint.getWindowId()) { addCheckpoint(oper, (Checkpoint)stats.checkpoint); if (stats.checkpointStats != null) { status.checkpointStats = stats.checkpointStats; status.checkpointTimeMA.add(stats.checkpointStats.checkpointTime); } oper.failureCount = 0; } } oper.stats.recordingId = stats.recordingId; /* report all the other stuff */ // calculate the stats related to end window EndWindowStats endWindowStats = new EndWindowStats(); // end window stats for a particular window id for a particular node Collection ports = stats.inputPorts; if (ports != null) { Set currentInputPortSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(ports.size()); for (ContainerStats.OperatorStats.PortStats s : ports) { currentInputPortSet.add(; PortStatus ps = status.inputPortStatusList.get(; if (ps == null) { ps = PortStatus(); ps.portName =; status.inputPortStatusList.put(, ps); } ps.totalTuples += s.tupleCount; ps.recordingId = s.recordingId; tuplesProcessed += s.tupleCount; endWindowStats.dequeueTimestamps.put(, s.endWindowTimestamp); Pair operatorPortName = new Pair<>(oper.getId(),; Long lastEndWindowTimestamp = operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.get(operatorPortName); if (lastEndWindowTimestamp == null) { lastEndWindowTimestamp = lastStatsTimestamp; } long portElapsedMillis = Math.max(s.endWindowTimestamp - lastEndWindowTimestamp, 0); //LOG.debug("=== PROCESSED TUPLE COUNT for {}: {}, {}, {}, {}", operatorPortName, s.tupleCount, portElapsedMillis, operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.get(operatorPortName), lastStatsTimestamp); ps.tuplesPMSMA.add(s.tupleCount, portElapsedMillis); ps.bufferServerBytesPMSMA.add(s.bufferServerBytes, portElapsedMillis); ps.queueSizeMA.add(s.queueSize); operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.put(operatorPortName, s.endWindowTimestamp); if (maxEndWindowTimestamp < s.endWindowTimestamp) { maxEndWindowTimestamp = s.endWindowTimestamp; } if (s.endWindowTimestamp > maxDequeueTimestamp) { maxDequeueTimestamp = s.endWindowTimestamp; } } // need to remove dead ports, for unifiers Iterator> it = status.inputPortStatusList.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry =; if (!currentInputPortSet.contains(entry.getKey())) { it.remove(); } } } ports = stats.outputPorts; if (ports != null) { Set currentOutputPortSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(ports.size()); for (ContainerStats.OperatorStats.PortStats s : ports) { currentOutputPortSet.add(; PortStatus ps = status.outputPortStatusList.get(; if (ps == null) { ps = PortStatus(); ps.portName =; status.outputPortStatusList.put(, ps); } ps.totalTuples += s.tupleCount; ps.recordingId = s.recordingId; tuplesEmitted += s.tupleCount; Pair operatorPortName = new Pair<>(oper.getId(),; Long lastEndWindowTimestamp = operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.get(operatorPortName); if (lastEndWindowTimestamp == null) { lastEndWindowTimestamp = lastStatsTimestamp; } long portElapsedMillis = Math.max(s.endWindowTimestamp - lastEndWindowTimestamp, 0); //LOG.debug("=== EMITTED TUPLE COUNT for {}: {}, {}, {}, {}", operatorPortName, s.tupleCount, portElapsedMillis, operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.get(operatorPortName), lastStatsTimestamp); ps.tuplesPMSMA.add(s.tupleCount, portElapsedMillis); ps.bufferServerBytesPMSMA.add(s.bufferServerBytes, portElapsedMillis); operatorPortLastEndWindowTimestamps.put(operatorPortName, s.endWindowTimestamp); if (maxEndWindowTimestamp < s.endWindowTimestamp) { maxEndWindowTimestamp = s.endWindowTimestamp; } } if (ports.size() > 0) { endWindowStats.emitTimestamp = ports.iterator().next().endWindowTimestamp; } // need to remove dead ports, for unifiers Iterator> it = status.outputPortStatusList.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry =; if (!currentOutputPortSet.contains(entry.getKey())) { it.remove(); } } } // for output operator, just take the maximum dequeue time for emit timestamp. // (we don't know the latency for output operators because they don't emit tuples) if (endWindowStats.emitTimestamp < 0) { endWindowStats.emitTimestamp = maxDequeueTimestamp; } if (status.currentWindowId.get() != stats.windowId) { status.lastWindowIdChangeTms = currentTimeMillis; status.currentWindowId.set(stats.windowId); } totalCpuTimeUsed += stats.cpuTimeUsed; statCount++; if (oper.getOperatorMeta().getValue(OperatorContext.COUNTERS_AGGREGATOR) != null) { endWindowStats.counters = stats.counters; } if (oper.getOperatorMeta().getMetricAggregatorMeta() != null && oper.getOperatorMeta().getMetricAggregatorMeta().getAggregator() != null) { endWindowStats.metrics = stats.metrics; } if (stats.windowId > currentEndWindowStatsWindowId) { Map endWindowStatsMap = endWindowStatsOperatorMap.get(stats.windowId); if (endWindowStatsMap == null) { endWindowStatsMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); Map endWindowStatsMapPrevious = endWindowStatsOperatorMap.putIfAbsent(stats.windowId, endWindowStatsMap); if (endWindowStatsMapPrevious != null) { endWindowStatsMap = endWindowStatsMapPrevious; } } endWindowStatsMap.put(shb.getNodeId(), endWindowStats); if (!oper.getInputs().isEmpty()) { long latency = Long.MAX_VALUE; long adjustedEndWindowEmitTimestamp = endWindowStats.emitTimestamp; MovingAverageLong rpcLatency = rpcLatencies.get(oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); if (rpcLatency != null) { adjustedEndWindowEmitTimestamp += rpcLatency.getAvg(); } PTOperator slowestUpstream = null; for (PTInput input : oper.getInputs()) { PTOperator upstreamOp = input.source.source; if (upstreamOp.getOperatorMeta().getOperator() instanceof Operator.DelayOperator) { continue; } EndWindowStats ews = endWindowStatsMap.get(upstreamOp.getId()); long portLatency; if (ews == null) { // This is when the operator is likely to be behind too many windows. We need to give an estimate for // latency at this point, by looking at the number of windows behind int widthMillis = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS); portLatency = (upstreamOp.stats.currentWindowId.get() - oper.stats.currentWindowId.get()) * widthMillis; } else { MovingAverageLong upstreamRPCLatency = rpcLatencies.get(upstreamOp.getContainer().getExternalId()); portLatency = adjustedEndWindowEmitTimestamp - ews.emitTimestamp; if (upstreamRPCLatency != null) { portLatency -= upstreamRPCLatency.getAvg(); } } if (portLatency < 0) { portLatency = 0; } if (latency > portLatency) { latency = portLatency; slowestUpstream = upstreamOp; } } status.latencyMA.add(latency); slowestUpstreamOp.put(oper, slowestUpstream); } Set allCurrentOperators = plan.getAllOperators().keySet(); int numOperators = plan.getAllOperators().size(); if (allCurrentOperators.containsAll(endWindowStatsMap.keySet()) && endWindowStatsMap.size() == numOperators) { completeEndWindowStatsWindowId = stats.windowId; } } } status.totalTuplesProcessed.add(tuplesProcessed); status.totalTuplesEmitted.add(tuplesEmitted); OperatorMeta logicalOperator = oper.getOperatorMeta(); LogicalOperatorStatus logicalStatus = logicalOperator.getStatus(); if (!oper.isUnifier()) { logicalStatus.totalTuplesProcessed += tuplesProcessed; logicalStatus.totalTuplesEmitted += tuplesEmitted; } long lastMaxEndWindowTimestamp = operatorLastEndWindowTimestamps.containsKey(oper.getId()) ? operatorLastEndWindowTimestamps.get(oper.getId()) : lastStatsTimestamp; if (maxEndWindowTimestamp >= lastMaxEndWindowTimestamp) { double tuplesProcessedPMSMA = 0.0; double tuplesEmittedPMSMA = 0.0; if (statCount != 0) { //LOG.debug("CPU for {}: {} / {} - {}", oper.getId(), totalCpuTimeUsed, maxEndWindowTimestamp, lastMaxEndWindowTimestamp); status.cpuNanosPMSMA.add(totalCpuTimeUsed, maxEndWindowTimestamp - lastMaxEndWindowTimestamp); } for (PortStatus ps : status.inputPortStatusList.values()) { tuplesProcessedPMSMA += ps.tuplesPMSMA.getAvg(); } for (PortStatus ps : status.outputPortStatusList.values()) { tuplesEmittedPMSMA += ps.tuplesPMSMA.getAvg(); } status.tuplesProcessedPSMA.set(Math.round(tuplesProcessedPMSMA * 1000)); status.tuplesEmittedPSMA.set(Math.round(tuplesEmittedPMSMA * 1000)); } else { //LOG.warn("This timestamp for {} is lower than the previous!! {} < {}", oper.getId(), // maxEndWindowTimestamp, lastMaxEndWindowTimestamp); } operatorLastEndWindowTimestamps.put(oper.getId(), maxEndWindowTimestamp); status.listenerStats.add(statsList); this.reportStats.put(oper, oper); status.statsRevs.commit(); } if (lastStatsTimestamp < maxEndWindowTimestamp) { lastStatsTimestamp = maxEndWindowTimestamp; } } sca.lastHeartbeatMillis = currentTimeMillis; for (PTOperator oper : sca.container.getOperators()) { if (!reportedOperators.contains(oper.getId())) { processOperatorDeployStatus(oper, null, sca); } } ContainerHeartbeatResponse rsp = getHeartbeatResponse(sca); if (heartbeat.getContainerStats().operators.isEmpty() && isApplicationIdle()) {"requesting idle shutdown for container {}", heartbeat.getContainerId()); rsp.shutdown = true; } else { if (sca.shutdownRequested) {"requesting shutdown for container {}", heartbeat.getContainerId()); rsp.shutdown = true; } } List requests = rsp.nodeRequests != null ? rsp.nodeRequests : new ArrayList(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue operatorRequests = sca.getOperatorRequests(); while (true) { StramToNodeRequest r = operatorRequests.poll(); if (r == null) { break; } requests.add(r); } rsp.nodeRequests = requests; rsp.committedWindowId = committedWindowId; rsp.stackTraceRequired = sca.stackTraceRequested; sca.stackTraceRequested = false; return rsp; } private ContainerHeartbeatResponse getHeartbeatResponse(StreamingContainerAgent sca) { ContainerHeartbeatResponse rsp = new ContainerHeartbeatResponse(); if (this.deployChangeInProgress.get() || sca.deployCnt != this.deployChangeCnt) { LOG.debug("{} deferred requests due to concurrent plan change.", sca.container.toIdStateString()); rsp.hasPendingRequests = true; return rsp; } if (!sca.undeployOpers.isEmpty()) { rsp.undeployRequest = Lists.newArrayList(sca.undeployOpers); rsp.hasPendingRequests = (!sca.deployOpers.isEmpty()); return rsp; } Set deployOperators = sca.deployOpers; if (!deployOperators.isEmpty()) { // deploy once all containers are running and no undeploy operations are pending. for (PTContainer c : getPhysicalPlan().getContainers()) { if (c.getState() != PTContainer.State.ACTIVE) { LOG.debug("{} waiting for container activation {}", sca.container.toIdStateString(), c.toIdStateString()); rsp.hasPendingRequests = true; return rsp; } for (PTOperator oper : c.getOperators()) { if (oper.getState() == PTOperator.State.PENDING_UNDEPLOY) { LOG.debug("{} waiting for undeploy {} {}", sca.container.toIdStateString(), c.toIdStateString(), oper); rsp.hasPendingRequests = true; return rsp; } } } LOG.debug("{} deployable operators: {}", sca.container.toIdStateString(), deployOperators); List deployList = sca.getDeployInfoList(deployOperators); if (deployList != null && !deployList.isEmpty()) { rsp.deployRequest = deployList; rsp.nodeRequests = Lists.newArrayList(); for (PTOperator o : deployOperators) { rsp.nodeRequests.addAll(o.deployRequests); } } rsp.hasPendingRequests = false; return rsp; } return rsp; } private boolean isApplicationIdle() { if (eventQueueProcessing.get()) { return false; } for (StreamingContainerAgent sca : this.containers.values()) { if (sca.hasPendingWork()) { // container may have no active operators but deploy request pending return false; } for (PTOperator oper : sca.container.getOperators()) { if (!oper.stats.isIdle()) { return false; } } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("StatementWithEmptyBody") void addCheckpoint(PTOperator node, Checkpoint checkpoint) { synchronized (node.checkpoints) { if (!node.checkpoints.isEmpty()) { Checkpoint lastCheckpoint = node.checkpoints.getLast(); // skip unless checkpoint moves if (lastCheckpoint.windowId != checkpoint.windowId) { if (lastCheckpoint.windowId > checkpoint.windowId) { // list needs to have max windowId last LOG.warn("Out of sequence checkpoint {} last {} (operator {})", checkpoint, lastCheckpoint, node); ListIterator li = node.checkpoints.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext() && < checkpoint.windowId) { //continue; } if (li.previous().windowId != checkpoint.windowId) { li.add(checkpoint); } } else { node.checkpoints.add(checkpoint); } } } else { node.checkpoints.add(checkpoint); } } } public static class UpdateCheckpointsContext { public final MutableLong committedWindowId = new MutableLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); public final Set visited = new LinkedHashSet<>(); public final Set blocked = new LinkedHashSet<>(); public final long currentTms; public final boolean recovery; public final Map> checkpointGroups; public UpdateCheckpointsContext(Clock clock) { this(clock, false, Collections.>emptyMap()); } public UpdateCheckpointsContext(Clock clock, boolean recovery, Map> checkpointGroups) { this.currentTms = clock.getTime(); this.recovery = recovery; this.checkpointGroups = checkpointGroups; } } /** * Compute checkpoints required for a given operator instance to be recovered. * This is done by looking at checkpoints available for downstream dependencies first, * and then selecting the most recent available checkpoint that is smaller than downstream. * * @param operator Operator instance for which to find recovery checkpoint * @param ctx Context into which to collect traversal info */ public void updateRecoveryCheckpoints(PTOperator operator, UpdateCheckpointsContext ctx) { if (operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId < ctx.committedWindowId.longValue()) { ctx.committedWindowId.setValue(operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId); } if (operator.getState() == PTOperator.State.ACTIVE && (ctx.currentTms - operator.stats.lastWindowIdChangeTms) > operator.stats.windowProcessingTimeoutMillis) { // if the checkpoint is ahead, then it is not blocked but waiting for activation (state-less recovery, at-most-once) if (ctx.committedWindowId.longValue() >= operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId) { LOG.warn("Marking operator {} blocked committed window {}, recovery window {}, current time {}, last window id change time {}, window processing timeout millis {}", operator, Codec.getStringWindowId(ctx.committedWindowId.longValue()), Codec.getStringWindowId(operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId), ctx.currentTms, operator.stats.lastWindowIdChangeTms, operator.stats.windowProcessingTimeoutMillis); ctx.blocked.add(operator); } } // the most recent checkpoint eligible for recovery based on downstream state Checkpoint maxCheckpoint = Checkpoint.INITIAL_CHECKPOINT; Set checkpointGroup = ctx.checkpointGroups.get(operator.getOperatorMeta()); if (checkpointGroup == null) { checkpointGroup = Collections.singleton(operator.getOperatorMeta()); } // find intersection of checkpoints that group can collectively move to TreeSet commonCheckpoints = new TreeSet<>(new Checkpoint.CheckpointComparator()); synchronized (operator.checkpoints) { commonCheckpoints.addAll(operator.checkpoints); } Set groupOpers = new HashSet<>(checkpointGroup.size()); boolean pendingDeploy = operator.getState() == PTOperator.State.PENDING_DEPLOY; if (checkpointGroup.size() > 1) { for (OperatorMeta om : checkpointGroup) { Collection operators = plan.getAllOperators(om); for (PTOperator groupOper : operators) { synchronized (groupOper.checkpoints) { commonCheckpoints.retainAll(groupOper.checkpoints); } // visit all downstream operators of the group ctx.visited.add(groupOper); groupOpers.add(groupOper); pendingDeploy |= operator.getState() == PTOperator.State.PENDING_DEPLOY; } } // highest common checkpoint if (!commonCheckpoints.isEmpty()) { maxCheckpoint = commonCheckpoints.last(); } } else { // without logical grouping, treat partitions as independent // this is especially important for parallel partitioning ctx.visited.add(operator); groupOpers.add(operator); maxCheckpoint = operator.getRecentCheckpoint(); if (ctx.recovery && maxCheckpoint.windowId == Stateless.WINDOW_ID && operator.isOperatorStateLess()) { long currentWindowId = WindowGenerator.getWindowId(ctx.currentTms, this.vars.windowStartMillis, this.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS)); maxCheckpoint = new Checkpoint(currentWindowId, 0, 0); } } // DFS downstream operators for (PTOperator groupOper : groupOpers) { for (PTOperator.PTOutput out : groupOper.getOutputs()) { for (PTOperator.PTInput sink : out.sinks) { PTOperator sinkOperator =; if (groupOpers.contains(sinkOperator)) { continue; // downstream operator within group } if (!ctx.visited.contains(sinkOperator)) { // downstream traversal updateRecoveryCheckpoints(sinkOperator, ctx); } // recovery window id cannot move backwards // when dynamically adding new operators if (sinkOperator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId >= operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId) { maxCheckpoint = Checkpoint.min(maxCheckpoint, sinkOperator.getRecoveryCheckpoint()); } if (ctx.blocked.contains(sinkOperator)) { if (sinkOperator.stats.getCurrentWindowId() == operator.stats.getCurrentWindowId()) { // downstream operator is blocked by this operator ctx.blocked.remove(sinkOperator); } } } } } // find the common checkpoint that is <= downstream recovery checkpoint if (!commonCheckpoints.contains(maxCheckpoint)) { if (!commonCheckpoints.isEmpty()) { maxCheckpoint = Objects.firstNonNull(commonCheckpoints.floor(maxCheckpoint), maxCheckpoint); } } for (PTOperator groupOper : groupOpers) { // checkpoint frozen during deployment if (!pendingDeploy || ctx.recovery) { // remove previous checkpoints Checkpoint c1 = Checkpoint.INITIAL_CHECKPOINT; LinkedList checkpoints = groupOper.checkpoints; synchronized (checkpoints) { if (!checkpoints.isEmpty() && (checkpoints.getFirst()).windowId <= maxCheckpoint.windowId) { c1 = checkpoints.getFirst(); Checkpoint c2; while (checkpoints.size() > 1 && ((c2 = checkpoints.get(1)).windowId) <= maxCheckpoint.windowId) { checkpoints.removeFirst(); //LOG.debug("Checkpoint to delete: operator={} windowId={}", operator.getName(), c1); this.purgeCheckpoints.add(new Pair<>(groupOper, c1.windowId)); c1 = c2; } } else { if (ctx.recovery && checkpoints.isEmpty() && groupOper.isOperatorStateLess()) { LOG.debug("Adding checkpoint for stateless operator {} {}", groupOper, Codec.getStringWindowId(maxCheckpoint.windowId)); c1 = groupOper.addCheckpoint(maxCheckpoint.windowId, this.vars.windowStartMillis); } } } //LOG.debug("Operator {} checkpoints: commit {} recent {}", new Object[] {operator.getName(), c1, operator.checkpoints}); groupOper.setRecoveryCheckpoint(c1); } else { LOG.debug("Skipping checkpoint update {} during {}", groupOper, groupOper.getState()); } } } public long windowIdToMillis(long windowId) { int widthMillis = plan.getLogicalPlan().getValue(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS); return WindowGenerator.getWindowMillis(windowId, this.vars.windowStartMillis, widthMillis); } public long getWindowStartMillis() { return this.vars.windowStartMillis; } private Map> getCheckpointGroups() { if (this.checkpointGroups == null) { this.checkpointGroups = new HashMap<>(); LogicalPlan dag = this.plan.getLogicalPlan(); dag.resetNIndex(); LogicalPlan.ValidationContext vc = new LogicalPlan.ValidationContext(); for (OperatorMeta om : dag.getRootOperators()) { this.plan.getLogicalPlan().findStronglyConnected(om, vc); } for (Set checkpointGroup : vc.stronglyConnected) { for (OperatorMeta om : checkpointGroup) { this.checkpointGroups.put(om, checkpointGroup); } } } return checkpointGroups; } /** * Visit all operators to update current checkpoint based on updated downstream state. * Purge older checkpoints that are no longer needed. */ private long updateCheckpoints(boolean recovery) { UpdateCheckpointsContext ctx = new UpdateCheckpointsContext(clock, recovery, getCheckpointGroups()); for (OperatorMeta logicalOperator : plan.getLogicalPlan().getRootOperators()) { //LOG.debug("Updating checkpoints for operator {}", logicalOperator.getName()); List operators = plan.getOperators(logicalOperator); if (operators != null) { for (PTOperator operator : operators) { updateRecoveryCheckpoints(operator, ctx); } } } purgeCheckpoints(); for (PTOperator oper : ctx.blocked) { String containerId = oper.getContainer().getExternalId(); if (containerId != null) {"Blocked operator {} container {} time {}ms", oper, oper.getContainer().toIdStateString(), ctx.currentTms - oper.stats.lastWindowIdChangeTms); this.containerStopRequests.put(containerId, containerId); } } return ctx.committedWindowId.longValue(); } private BufferServerController getBufferServerClient(PTOperator operator) { BufferServerController bsc = new BufferServerController(operator.getLogicalId()); bsc.setToken(operator.getContainer().getBufferServerToken()); InetSocketAddress address = operator.getContainer().bufferServerAddress; StreamingContainer.eventloop.connect(address.isUnresolved() ? new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostName(), address.getPort()) : address, bsc); return bsc; } private void purgeCheckpoints() { for (Pair p : purgeCheckpoints) { final PTOperator operator = p.getFirst(); if (!operator.isOperatorStateLess()) { final long windowId = p.getSecond(); Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { operator.getOperatorMeta().getValue(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT).delete(operator.getId(), windowId); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to purge checkpoint for operator {} for windowId {}", operator, windowId, ex); } } }; poolExecutor.submit(r); } // delete stream state when using buffer server for (PTOperator.PTOutput out : operator.getOutputs()) { if (!out.isDownStreamInline()) { if (operator.getContainer().bufferServerAddress == null) { // address should be null only for a new container, in which case there should not be a purge request // TODO: logging added to find out how we got here LOG.warn("purge request w/o buffer server address source {} container {} checkpoints {}", out, operator.getContainer(), operator.checkpoints); continue; } for (InputPortMeta ipm : out.logicalStream.getSinks()) { StreamCodec streamCodecInfo = StreamingContainerAgent.getStreamCodec(ipm); Integer codecId = plan.getStreamCodecIdentifier(streamCodecInfo); // following needs to match the concat logic in StreamingContainer String sourceIdentifier = Integer.toString(operator.getId()).concat(Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR).concat(out.portName).concat(Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR).concat(codecId.toString()); // delete everything from buffer server prior to new checkpoint BufferServerController bsc = getBufferServerClient(operator); try { bsc.purge(null, sourceIdentifier, operator.checkpoints.getFirst().windowId - 1); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOG.warn("Failed to purge {} {}", bsc.addr, sourceIdentifier, re); } } } } } purgeCheckpoints.clear(); } /** * Mark all containers for shutdown, next container heartbeat response * will propagate the shutdown request. This is controlled soft shutdown. * If containers don't respond, the application can be forcefully terminated * via yarn using forceKillApplication. * * @param message */ public void shutdownAllContainers(String message) { this.shutdownDiagnosticsMessage = message;"Initiating application shutdown: {}", message); for (StreamingContainerAgent cs : this.containers.values()) { cs.shutdownRequested = true; } } private Map> groupByContainer(Collection operators) { Map> m = new HashMap<>(); for (PTOperator node : operators) { List nodes = m.get(node.getContainer()); if (nodes == null) { nodes = new ArrayList<>(); m.put(node.getContainer(), nodes); } nodes.add(node); } return m; } private void requestContainer(PTContainer c) { ContainerStartRequest dr = new ContainerStartRequest(c); containerStartRequests.add(dr); pendingAllocation.add(dr.container); lastResourceRequest = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (PTOperator operator : c.getOperators()) { operator.setState(PTOperator.State.INACTIVE); } } @Override public void deploy(Set releaseContainers, Collection undeploy, Set startContainers, Collection deploy) { try { this.deployChangeInProgress.set(true); Map> undeployGroups = groupByContainer(undeploy); // stop affected operators (exclude new/failed containers) // order does not matter, remove all operators in each container in one sweep for (Map.Entry> e : undeployGroups.entrySet()) { // container may already be in failed or pending deploy state, notified by RM or timed out PTContainer c = e.getKey(); if (!startContainers.contains(c) && !releaseContainers.contains(c) && c.getState() != PTContainer.State.KILLED) { LOG.debug("scheduling undeploy {} {}", e.getKey().getExternalId(), e.getValue()); for (PTOperator oper : e.getValue()) { oper.setState(PTOperator.State.PENDING_UNDEPLOY); } } } // start new containers for (PTContainer c : startContainers) { requestContainer(c); } // (re)deploy affected operators // can happen in parallel after buffer server for recovered publishers is reset Map> deployGroups = groupByContainer(deploy); for (Map.Entry> e : deployGroups.entrySet()) { if (!startContainers.contains(e.getKey())) { // to reset publishers, clean buffer server past checkpoint so subscribers don't read stale data (including end of stream) for (PTOperator operator : e.getValue()) { for (PTOperator.PTOutput out : operator.getOutputs()) { if (!out.isDownStreamInline()) { for (InputPortMeta ipm : out.logicalStream.getSinks()) { StreamCodec streamCodecInfo = StreamingContainerAgent.getStreamCodec(ipm); Integer codecId = plan.getStreamCodecIdentifier(streamCodecInfo); // following needs to match the concat logic in StreamingContainer String sourceIdentifier = Integer.toString(operator.getId()).concat(Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR).concat(out.portName).concat(Component.CONCAT_SEPARATOR).concat(codecId.toString()); if (operator.getContainer().getState() == PTContainer.State.ACTIVE) { // TODO: unit test - find way to mock this when testing rest of logic if (operator.getContainer().bufferServerAddress.getPort() != 0) { BufferServerController bsc = getBufferServerClient(operator); // reset publisher (stale operator may still write data until disconnected) // ensures new subscriber starting to read from checkpoint will wait until publisher redeploy cycle is complete try { bsc.reset(null, sourceIdentifier, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to reset buffer server {} {}", sourceIdentifier, ex); } } } } } } } } // add to operators that we expect to deploy LOG.debug("scheduling deploy {} {}", e.getKey().getExternalId(), e.getValue()); for (PTOperator oper : e.getValue()) { // operator will be deployed after it has been undeployed, if still referenced by the container if (oper.getState() != PTOperator.State.PENDING_UNDEPLOY) { oper.setState(PTOperator.State.PENDING_DEPLOY); } } } // stop containers that are no longer used for (PTContainer c : releaseContainers) { if (c.getExternalId() == null) { continue; } StreamingContainerAgent sca = containers.get(c.getExternalId()); if (sca != null) { LOG.debug("Container marked for shutdown: {}", c); // container already removed from plan // TODO: monitor soft shutdown sca.shutdownRequested = true; } } } finally { this.deployChangeCnt++; this.deployChangeInProgress.set(false); } } @Override public void recordEventAsync(StramEvent ev) { if (eventBus != null) { eventBus.publishAsync(ev); } } @Override public void dispatch(Runnable r) { this.eventQueue.add(r); } public OperatorInfo getOperatorInfo(int operatorId) { PTOperator o = this.plan.getAllOperators().get(operatorId); return o == null ? null : fillPhysicalOperatorInfo(o); } public List getOperatorInfoList() { List infoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (PTContainer container : this.plan.getContainers()) { for (PTOperator operator : container.getOperators()) { infoList.add(fillPhysicalOperatorInfo(operator)); } } return infoList; } public LogicalOperatorInfo getLogicalOperatorInfo(String operatorName) { OperatorMeta operatorMeta = getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorName); if (operatorMeta == null) { return null; } return fillLogicalOperatorInfo(operatorMeta); } public ModuleMeta getModuleMeta(String moduleName) { return getModuleMeta(moduleName, getLogicalPlan()); } private ModuleMeta getModuleMeta(String moduleName, LogicalPlan dag) { for (ModuleMeta m : dag.getAllModules()) { if (m.getFullName().equals(moduleName)) { return m; } ModuleMeta res = getModuleMeta(moduleName, m.getDag()); if (res != null) { return res; } } return null; } public List getLogicalOperatorInfoList() { List infoList = new ArrayList<>(); Collection allOperators = getLogicalPlan().getAllOperators(); for (OperatorMeta operatorMeta : allOperators) { infoList.add(fillLogicalOperatorInfo(operatorMeta)); } return infoList; } public OperatorAggregationInfo getOperatorAggregationInfo(String operatorName) { OperatorMeta operatorMeta = getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorName); if (operatorMeta == null) { return null; } return fillOperatorAggregationInfo(operatorMeta); } public static long toWsWindowId(long windowId) { // until console handles -1 return windowId < 0 ? 0 : windowId; } private OperatorInfo fillPhysicalOperatorInfo(PTOperator operator) { OperatorInfo oi = new OperatorInfo(); oi.container = operator.getContainer().getExternalId(); = operator.getContainer().host; = Integer.toString(operator.getId()); = operator.getName(); oi.className = operator.getOperatorMeta().getOperator().getClass().getName(); oi.status = operator.getState().toString(); if (operator.isUnifier()) { oi.unifierClass = operator.getUnifierClass().getName(); } oi.logicalName = operator.getOperatorMeta().getName(); OperatorStatus os = operator.stats; oi.recordingId = os.recordingId; oi.totalTuplesProcessed = os.totalTuplesProcessed.get(); oi.totalTuplesEmitted = os.totalTuplesEmitted.get(); oi.tuplesProcessedPSMA = os.tuplesProcessedPSMA.get(); oi.tuplesEmittedPSMA = os.tuplesEmittedPSMA.get(); oi.cpuPercentageMA = os.cpuNanosPMSMA.getAvg() / 10000; oi.latencyMA = os.latencyMA.getAvg(); oi.failureCount = operator.failureCount; oi.recoveryWindowId = toWsWindowId(operator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId); oi.currentWindowId = toWsWindowId(os.currentWindowId.get()); if (os.lastHeartbeat != null) { oi.lastHeartbeat = os.lastHeartbeat.getGeneratedTms(); } if (os.checkpointStats != null) { oi.checkpointTime = os.checkpointStats.checkpointTime; oi.checkpointStartTime = os.checkpointStats.checkpointStartTime; } oi.checkpointTimeMA = os.checkpointTimeMA.getAvg(); for (PortStatus ps : os.inputPortStatusList.values()) { PortInfo pinfo = new PortInfo(); = ps.portName; pinfo.type = "input"; pinfo.totalTuples = ps.totalTuples; pinfo.tuplesPSMA = Math.round(ps.tuplesPMSMA.getAvg() * 1000); pinfo.bufferServerBytesPSMA = Math.round(ps.bufferServerBytesPMSMA.getAvg() * 1000); pinfo.queueSizeMA = ps.queueSizeMA.getAvg(); pinfo.recordingId = ps.recordingId; oi.addPort(pinfo); } for (PortStatus ps : os.outputPortStatusList.values()) { PortInfo pinfo = new PortInfo(); = ps.portName; pinfo.type = "output"; pinfo.totalTuples = ps.totalTuples; pinfo.tuplesPSMA = Math.round(ps.tuplesPMSMA.getAvg() * 1000); pinfo.bufferServerBytesPSMA = Math.round(ps.bufferServerBytesPMSMA.getAvg() * 1000); pinfo.recordingId = ps.recordingId; oi.addPort(pinfo); } oi.counters = os.getLastWindowedStats().size() > 0 ? os.getLastWindowedStats().get(os.getLastWindowedStats().size() - 1).counters : null; oi.metrics = os.getLastWindowedStats().size() > 0 ? os.getLastWindowedStats().get(os.getLastWindowedStats().size() - 1).metrics : null; return oi; } private LogicalOperatorInfo fillLogicalOperatorInfo(OperatorMeta operator) { LogicalOperatorInfo loi = new LogicalOperatorInfo(); = operator.getName(); loi.className = operator.getOperator().getClass().getName(); loi.totalTuplesEmitted = operator.getStatus().totalTuplesEmitted; loi.totalTuplesProcessed = operator.getStatus().totalTuplesProcessed; loi.failureCount = operator.getStatus().failureCount; loi.status = new HashMap<>(); loi.partitions = new TreeSet<>(); loi.unifiers = new TreeSet<>(); loi.containerIds = new TreeSet<>(); loi.hosts = new TreeSet<>(); Collection physicalOperators = getPhysicalPlan().getAllOperators(operator); NumberAggregate.LongAggregate checkpointTimeAggregate = new NumberAggregate.LongAggregate(); for (PTOperator physicalOperator : physicalOperators) { OperatorStatus os = physicalOperator.stats; if (physicalOperator.isUnifier()) { loi.unifiers.add(physicalOperator.getId()); } else { loi.partitions.add(physicalOperator.getId()); // exclude unifier, not sure if we should include it in the future loi.tuplesEmittedPSMA += os.tuplesEmittedPSMA.get(); loi.tuplesProcessedPSMA += os.tuplesProcessedPSMA.get(); // calculate maximum latency for all partitions long latency = calculateLatency(physicalOperator); if (latency > loi.latencyMA) { loi.latencyMA = latency; } checkpointTimeAggregate.addNumber(os.checkpointTimeMA.getAvg()); } loi.cpuPercentageMA += os.cpuNanosPMSMA.getAvg() / 10000; if (os.lastHeartbeat != null && (loi.lastHeartbeat == 0 || loi.lastHeartbeat > os.lastHeartbeat.getGeneratedTms())) { loi.lastHeartbeat = os.lastHeartbeat.getGeneratedTms(); } long currentWindowId = toWsWindowId(os.currentWindowId.get()); if (loi.currentWindowId == 0 || loi.currentWindowId > currentWindowId) { loi.currentWindowId = currentWindowId; } MutableInt count = loi.status.get(physicalOperator.getState().toString()); if (count == null) { count = new MutableInt(); loi.status.put(physicalOperator.getState().toString(), count); } count.increment(); if (physicalOperator.getRecoveryCheckpoint() != null) { long recoveryWindowId = toWsWindowId(physicalOperator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId); if (loi.recoveryWindowId == 0 || loi.recoveryWindowId > recoveryWindowId) { loi.recoveryWindowId = recoveryWindowId; } } PTContainer container = physicalOperator.getContainer(); if (container != null) { String externalId = container.getExternalId(); if (externalId != null) { loi.containerIds.add(externalId); loi.hosts.add(; } } } if (physicalOperators.size() > 0 && checkpointTimeAggregate.getAvg() != null) { loi.checkpointTimeMA = checkpointTimeAggregate.getAvg().longValue(); loi.counters = latestLogicalCounters.get(operator.getName()); loi.autoMetrics = latestLogicalMetrics.get(operator.getName()); } return loi; } private OperatorAggregationInfo fillOperatorAggregationInfo(OperatorMeta operator) { OperatorAggregationInfo oai = new OperatorAggregationInfo(); Collection physicalOperators = getPhysicalPlan().getAllOperators(operator); if (physicalOperators.isEmpty()) { return null; } = operator.getName(); for (PTOperator physicalOperator : physicalOperators) { if (!physicalOperator.isUnifier()) { OperatorStatus os = physicalOperator.stats; oai.latencyMA.addNumber(os.latencyMA.getAvg()); oai.cpuPercentageMA.addNumber(os.cpuNanosPMSMA.getAvg() / 10000); oai.tuplesEmittedPSMA.addNumber(os.tuplesEmittedPSMA.get()); oai.tuplesProcessedPSMA.addNumber(os.tuplesProcessedPSMA.get()); oai.currentWindowId.addNumber(os.currentWindowId.get()); oai.recoveryWindowId.addNumber(toWsWindowId(physicalOperator.getRecoveryCheckpoint().windowId)); if (os.lastHeartbeat != null) { oai.lastHeartbeat.addNumber(os.lastHeartbeat.getGeneratedTms()); } oai.checkpointTime.addNumber(os.checkpointTimeMA.getAvg()); } } return oai; } private long calculateLatency(PTOperator operator) { long latency = operator.stats.latencyMA.getAvg(); long maxUnifierLatency = 0; for (PTOutput output : operator.getOutputs()) { for (PTInput input : output.sinks) { if ( { long thisUnifierLatency = calculateLatency(; if (maxUnifierLatency < thisUnifierLatency) { maxUnifierLatency = thisUnifierLatency; } } } } return latency + maxUnifierLatency; } public List getStreamInfoList() { List infoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (PTContainer container : this.plan.getContainers()) { for (PTOperator operator : container.getOperators()) { List outputs = operator.getOutputs(); for (PTOutput output : outputs) { StreamInfo si = new StreamInfo(); si.logicalName = output.logicalStream.getName(); si.source.operatorId = String.valueOf(operator.getId()); si.source.portName = output.portName; si.locality = output.logicalStream.getLocality(); for (PTInput input : output.sinks) { StreamInfo.Port p = new StreamInfo.Port(); p.operatorId = String.valueOf(; if ( { p.portName = StreamingContainer.getUnifierInputPortName(input.portName, operator.getId(), output.portName); } else { p.portName = input.portName; } si.sinks.add(p); } infoList.add(si); } } } return infoList; } private static class RecordingRequestFilter implements Predicate { static final Set MATCH_TYPES = Sets.newHashSet(StramToNodeRequest.RequestType.START_RECORDING, StramToNodeRequest.RequestType.STOP_RECORDING, StramToNodeRequest.RequestType.SYNC_RECORDING); @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable StramToNodeRequest input) { return input != null && MATCH_TYPES.contains(input.getRequestType()); } } private class SetOperatorPropertyRequestFilter implements Predicate { final String propertyKey; SetOperatorPropertyRequestFilter(String key) { this.propertyKey = key; } @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable StramToNodeRequest input) { if (input == null) { return false; } if (input instanceof StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest) { return ((StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest)input).getPropertyKey().equals(propertyKey); } return false; } } private void updateOnDeployRequests(PTOperator p, Predicate superseded, StramToNodeRequest newRequest) { // filter existing requests List cloneRequests = new ArrayList<>(p.deployRequests.size()); for (StramToNodeRequest existingRequest : p.deployRequests) { if (!superseded.apply(existingRequest)) { cloneRequests.add(existingRequest); } } // add new request, if any if (newRequest != null) { cloneRequests.add(newRequest); } p.deployRequests = Collections.unmodifiableList(cloneRequests); } private StreamingContainerAgent getContainerAgentFromOperatorId(int operatorId) { PTOperator oper = plan.getAllOperators().get(operatorId); if (oper != null) { StreamingContainerAgent sca = containers.get(oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); if (sca != null) { return sca; } } // throw exception that propagates to web client throw new NotFoundException("Operator ID " + operatorId + " not found"); } public void startRecording(String id, int operId, String portName, long numWindows) { StreamingContainerAgent sca = getContainerAgentFromOperatorId(operId); StramToNodeStartRecordingRequest request = new StramToNodeStartRecordingRequest(); request.setOperatorId(operId); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(portName)) { request.setPortName(portName); } request.setNumWindows(numWindows); request.setId(id); sca.addOperatorRequest(request); PTOperator operator = plan.getAllOperators().get(operId); if (operator != null) { // restart on deploy updateOnDeployRequests(operator, new RecordingRequestFilter(), request); } } public void stopRecording(int operId, String portName) { StreamingContainerAgent sca = getContainerAgentFromOperatorId(operId); StramToNodeRequest request = new StramToNodeRequest(); request.setOperatorId(operId); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(portName)) { request.setPortName(portName); } request.setRequestType(StramToNodeRequest.RequestType.STOP_RECORDING); sca.addOperatorRequest(request); PTOperator operator = plan.getAllOperators().get(operId); if (operator != null) { // no stop on deploy, but remove existing start updateOnDeployRequests(operator, new RecordingRequestFilter(), null); } } public void syncStats() { statsRecorder.requestSync(); } public void syncEvents() { eventRecorder.requestSync(); } public void stopContainer(String containerId) { this.containerStopRequests.put(containerId, containerId); } public Recoverable getSetOperatorProperty(String operatorName, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { return new SetOperatorProperty(operatorName, propertyName, propertyValue); } public Recoverable getSetPhysicalOperatorProperty(int operatorId, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { return new SetPhysicalOperatorProperty(operatorId, propertyName, propertyValue); } public void setOperatorProperty(String operatorName, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { OperatorMeta logicalOperator = plan.getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorName); if (logicalOperator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator " + operatorName); } writeJournal(new SetOperatorProperty(operatorName, propertyName, propertyValue)); setOperatorProperty(logicalOperator, propertyName, propertyValue); } private void setOperatorProperty(OperatorMeta logicalOperator, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { Map properties = Collections.singletonMap(propertyName, propertyValue); LogicalPlanConfiguration.setOperatorProperties(logicalOperator.getOperator(), properties); List operators = plan.getOperators(logicalOperator); for (PTOperator o : operators) { StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest request = new StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest(); request.setOperatorId(o.getId()); request.setPropertyKey(propertyName); request.setPropertyValue(propertyValue); addOperatorRequest(o, request); // re-apply to checkpointed state on deploy updateOnDeployRequests(o, new SetOperatorPropertyRequestFilter(propertyName), request); } // should probably not record it here because it's better to get confirmation from the operators first. // but right now, the operators do not give confirmation for the requests. so record it here for now. recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.SetOperatorPropertyEvent(logicalOperator.getName(), propertyName, propertyValue)); } /** * Set property on a physical operator. The property change is applied asynchronously on the deployed operator. * * @param operatorId * @param propertyName * @param propertyValue */ public void setPhysicalOperatorProperty(int operatorId, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { PTOperator o = this.plan.getAllOperators().get(operatorId); if (o == null) { return; } writeJournal(new SetPhysicalOperatorProperty(operatorId, propertyName, propertyValue)); setPhysicalOperatorProperty(o, propertyName, propertyValue); } private void setPhysicalOperatorProperty(PTOperator o, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { String operatorName = o.getName(); StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest request = new StramToNodeSetPropertyRequest(); request.setOperatorId(o.getId()); request.setPropertyKey(propertyName); request.setPropertyValue(propertyValue); addOperatorRequest(o, request); updateOnDeployRequests(o, new SetOperatorPropertyRequestFilter(propertyName), request); // should probably not record it here because it's better to get confirmation from the operators first. // but right now, the operators do not give confirmation for the requests. so record it here for now. recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.SetPhysicalOperatorPropertyEvent(operatorName, o.getId(), propertyName, propertyValue)); } @Override public void addOperatorRequest(PTOperator oper, StramToNodeRequest request) { StreamingContainerAgent sca = getContainerAgent(oper.getContainer().getExternalId()); // yarn may not assigned resource to the container yet if (sca != null) { sca.addOperatorRequest(request); } } /** * Send requests to change logger levels to all containers * * @param changedLoggers loggers that were changed. */ public void setLoggersLevel(Map changedLoggers) { LOG.debug("change logger request"); StramToNodeChangeLoggersRequest request = new StramToNodeChangeLoggersRequest(); request.setTargetChanges(changedLoggers); for (StreamingContainerAgent stramChildAgent : containers.values()) { stramChildAgent.addOperatorRequest(request); } } public FutureTask getPhysicalOperatorProperty(int operatorId, String propertyName, long waitTime) { PTOperator o = this.plan.getAllOperators().get(operatorId); StramToNodeGetPropertyRequest request = new StramToNodeGetPropertyRequest(); request.setOperatorId(operatorId); request.setPropertyName(propertyName); addOperatorRequest(o, request); RequestHandler task = new RequestHandler(); task.requestId = nodeToStramRequestIds.incrementAndGet(); task.waitTime = waitTime; request.requestId = task.requestId; FutureTask future = new FutureTask<>(task); dispatch(future); return future; } public Attribute.AttributeMap getApplicationAttributes() { LogicalPlan lp = getLogicalPlan(); try { return lp.getAttributes().clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot clone DAG attributes", ex); } } public Attribute.AttributeMap getOperatorAttributes(String operatorId) { OperatorMeta logicalOperator = plan.getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorId); if (logicalOperator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid operatorId " + operatorId); } try { return logicalOperator.getAttributes().clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot clone operator attributes", ex); } } public Attribute.AttributeMap getPortAttributes(String operatorId, String portName) { OperatorMeta logicalOperator = plan.getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorId); if (logicalOperator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid operatorId " + operatorId); } Operators.PortMappingDescriptor portMap = new Operators.PortMappingDescriptor(); Operators.describe(logicalOperator.getOperator(), portMap); PortContextPair> inputPort = portMap.inputPorts.get(portName); if (inputPort != null) { InputPortMeta portMeta = logicalOperator.getMeta(inputPort.component); try { return portMeta.getAttributes().clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot clone port attributes", ex); } } else { PortContextPair> outputPort = portMap.outputPorts.get(portName); if (outputPort != null) { OutputPortMeta portMeta = logicalOperator.getMeta(outputPort.component); try { return portMeta.getAttributes().clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot clone port attributes", ex); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid port name " + portName); } } public LogicalPlan getLogicalPlan() { return plan.getLogicalPlan(); } /** * Asynchronously process the logical, physical plan and execution layer changes. * Caller can use the returned future to block until processing is complete. * * @param requests * @return future * @throws Exception */ public FutureTask logicalPlanModification(List requests) throws Exception { // delegate processing to dispatch thread FutureTask future = new FutureTask<>(new LogicalPlanChangeRunnable(requests)); dispatch(future); //"Scheduled plan changes: {}", requests); return future; } private class LogicalPlanChangeRunnable implements java.util.concurrent.Callable { final List requests; private LogicalPlanChangeRunnable(List requests) { this.requests = requests; } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { // clone logical plan, for dry run and validation"Begin plan changes: {}", requests); LogicalPlan lp = plan.getLogicalPlan(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); LogicalPlan.write(lp, bos); bos.flush(); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); lp =; PlanModifier pm = new PlanModifier(lp); for (LogicalPlanRequest request : requests) { LOG.debug("Dry run plan change: {}", request); request.execute(pm); } lp.validate(); // perform changes on live plan pm = new PlanModifier(plan); for (LogicalPlanRequest request : requests) { request.execute(pm); // record an event for the request. however, we should probably record these when we get a confirmation. recordEventAsync(new StramEvent.ChangeLogicalPlanEvent(request)); } pm.applyChanges(StreamingContainerManager.this);"Plan changes applied: {}", requests); return null; } } public CriticalPathInfo getCriticalPathInfo() { return criticalPathInfo; } private void checkpoint() throws IOException { if (recoveryHandler != null) { LOG.debug("Checkpointing state"); DataOutputStream out = recoveryHandler.rotateLog(); journal.setOutputStream(out); // checkpoint the state CheckpointState cs = new CheckpointState(); cs.finals = this.vars; cs.physicalPlan = this.plan;; } } @Override public void writeJournal(Recoverable operation) { try { if (journal != null) { journal.write(operation); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to write to journal " + operation, e); } } /** * Get the instance for the given application. If the application directory contains a checkpoint, the state will be restored. * * @param rh * @param dag * @param enableEventRecording * @return instance of {@link StreamingContainerManager} * @throws IOException */ public static StreamingContainerManager getInstance(RecoveryHandler rh, LogicalPlan dag, boolean enableEventRecording) throws IOException { try { CheckpointState checkpointedState = (CheckpointState)rh.restore(); StreamingContainerManager scm; if (checkpointedState == null) { scm = new StreamingContainerManager(dag, enableEventRecording, new SystemClock()); } else { // find better way to support final transient members PhysicalPlan plan = checkpointedState.physicalPlan; plan.getLogicalPlan().setAttribute(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, dag.getAttributes().get(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID)); scm = new StreamingContainerManager(checkpointedState, enableEventRecording); for (Field f : plan.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.getType() == PlanContext.class) { f.setAccessible(true); try { f.set(plan, scm); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to set " + f, e); } f.setAccessible(false); } } DataInputStream logStream = rh.getLog(); scm.journal.replay(logStream); logStream.close(); // restore checkpoint info plan.syncCheckpoints(scm.vars.windowStartMillis, scm.clock.getTime()); scm.committedWindowId = scm.updateCheckpoints(true); // at this point the physical plan has been fully restored // populate container agents for existing containers for (PTContainer c : plan.getContainers()) { if (c.getExternalId() != null) { LOG.debug("Restore container agent {} for {}", c.getExternalId(), c); StreamingContainerAgent sca = new StreamingContainerAgent(c, scm.newStreamingContainerContext(c), scm); scm.containers.put(c.getExternalId(), sca); } else { LOG.debug("Requesting new resource for {}", c.toIdStateString()); scm.requestContainer(c); } } } scm.recoveryHandler = rh; scm.checkpoint(); return scm; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read checkpointed state", e); } } private static class FinalVars implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3827310557521807024L; private final long windowStartMillis; private final int heartbeatTimeoutMillis; private final String appPath; private final int maxWindowsBehindForStats; private final boolean enableStatsRecording; private final int rpcLatencyCompensationSamples; private FinalVars(LogicalPlan dag, long tms) { Attribute.AttributeMap attributes = dag.getAttributes(); /* try to align to it to please eyes. */ windowStartMillis = tms - (tms % 1000); if (attributes.get(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_PATH) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not set: " + LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_PATH); } this.appPath = attributes.get(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_PATH); if (attributes.get(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS) == null) { attributes.put(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS, 500); } if (attributes.get(LogicalPlan.CHECKPOINT_WINDOW_COUNT) == null) { attributes.put(LogicalPlan.CHECKPOINT_WINDOW_COUNT, 30000 / attributes.get(LogicalPlan.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS)); } this.heartbeatTimeoutMillis = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); this.maxWindowsBehindForStats = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.STATS_MAX_ALLOWABLE_WINDOWS_LAG); this.enableStatsRecording = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.ENABLE_STATS_RECORDING); this.rpcLatencyCompensationSamples = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.RPC_LATENCY_COMPENSATION_SAMPLES); } private FinalVars(FinalVars other, LogicalPlan dag) { this.windowStartMillis = other.windowStartMillis; this.heartbeatTimeoutMillis = other.heartbeatTimeoutMillis; this.maxWindowsBehindForStats = other.maxWindowsBehindForStats; this.enableStatsRecording = other.enableStatsRecording; this.appPath = dag.getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_PATH); this.rpcLatencyCompensationSamples = other.rpcLatencyCompensationSamples; } } /** * The state that can be saved and used to recover the manager. */ static class CheckpointState implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3827310557521807024L; private FinalVars finals; private PhysicalPlan physicalPlan; /** * Modify previously saved state to allow for re-launch of application. */ public void setApplicationId(LogicalPlan newApp, Configuration conf) { LogicalPlan lp = physicalPlan.getLogicalPlan(); String appId = newApp.getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ID); String oldAppId = lp.getValue(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ID); if (oldAppId == null) { throw new AssertionError("Missing original application id"); } lp.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_ID, appId); lp.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.APPLICATION_PATH, newApp.assertAppPath()); lp.setAttribute(Context.DAGContext.LIBRARY_JARS, newApp.getValue(Context.DAGContext.LIBRARY_JARS)); lp.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.ARCHIVES, newApp.getValue(LogicalPlan.ARCHIVES)); this.finals = new FinalVars(finals, lp); StorageAgent sa = lp.getValue(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT); if (sa instanceof AsyncFSStorageAgent) { // replace the default storage agent, if present AsyncFSStorageAgent fssa = (AsyncFSStorageAgent)sa; if (fssa.path.contains(oldAppId)) { fssa = new AsyncFSStorageAgent(fssa.path.replace(oldAppId, appId), conf); lp.setAttribute(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT, fssa); } } else if (sa instanceof FSStorageAgent) { // replace the default storage agent, if present FSStorageAgent fssa = (FSStorageAgent)sa; if (fssa.path.contains(oldAppId)) { fssa = new FSStorageAgent(fssa.path.replace(oldAppId, appId), conf); lp.setAttribute(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT, fssa); } } } } public interface RecoveryHandler { /** * Save snapshot. * * @param state * @throws IOException */ void save(Object state) throws IOException; /** * Restore snapshot. Must get/apply log after restore. * * @return snapshot * @throws IOException */ Object restore() throws IOException; /** * Backup log. Call before save. * * @return output stream * @throws IOException */ DataOutputStream rotateLog() throws IOException; /** * Get input stream for log. Call after restore. * * @return input stream * @throws IOException */ DataInputStream getLog() throws IOException; } private class RequestHandler implements Callable { /* * The unique requestId of the request */ public long requestId; /* * The maximum time this thread will wait for the response */ public long waitTime = 5000; @Override @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileInLoop") public Object call() throws Exception { Object obj; long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + waitTime; while ((obj = commandResponse.getIfPresent(requestId)) == null && expiryTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) { Thread.sleep(100); LOG.debug("Polling for a response to request with Id {}", requestId); } if (obj != null) { commandResponse.invalidate(requestId); return obj; } return null; } } @VisibleForTesting protected Collection>> getLogicalMetrics(String operatorName) { if (logicalMetrics.get(operatorName) != null) { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(logicalMetrics.get(operatorName)); } return null; } @VisibleForTesting protected Object getLogicalCounter(String operatorName) { return latestLogicalCounters.get(operatorName); } }