Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Translation instructions.
# 1. Each message line is of the form key=value.
# Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key.
# 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in
# by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc.
# These must appear as is in the message, though the order
# may be changed to support proper language syntax.
# 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting
# message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive
# single quote characters.
# 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines
# and may contain translation instructions. They need not be
# translated unless your translated file, rather than this file,
# will serve as a base for other translators.
# Do not remove the following comment line. It is a variable used by a translation tool.
axisVersion=Apache Axis2 version: #axisVersion#
builtOn=Built on #today#
test01=This string is a test string 01.
faultProcessingNotSupported=User fault processing is not supported. The @WebFault faultbean is missing for {0}
exceptionDuringExceptionFlow=An exception occurred during exception processing. The exception is swallowed and is not propagated back to the caller.
serviceClientCreateError=The ServiceClient cannot be created.
cannotSetExcutorToNull=An attempt was made to set the Executor to a null value. This is not allowed.
getPortInvalidSEI=An attempt was made to call getPort with the {0} port and {1} service endpoint interface (SEI). However, this call is not allowed.
createDispatchFail0=Dispatch creation failed. The port QName cannot be null.
createDispatchFail1=Dispatch creation failed. The {0} port cannot be found. Verify that the port has been added to the service.
createDispatchFail2=Dispatch creation failed. The service cannot find Port data for the {0} port.
addPortDup=An attempt was made to add the {0} port to the ServiceDelegate. The port already exists.
addPortErr0=Only the SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, SOAP12HTTP_BINDING, SOAP11HTTP_MTOM_BINDING, SOAP12HTTP_MTOM_BINDING and HTTP_BINDING ports are supported at this time. The {0} port cannot be added to the ServiceDelegate.
addPortErr1=An attempt was made to add the {0} port with the {1} endpoint address, which is not valid, to the ServiceDelegate. This addition is not allowed.
addPortErr2=An attempt was made to add a port without a name to the ServiceDelegate object. This addition is not allowed.
serviceDelegateConstruct0=An attempt was made to construct the ServiceDelegate object with an service name that is not valid: {0}.
serviceDescErr0=The service class is not valid. The service QName cannot be null.
serviceDescErr1=The service class is not valid. The Service class {0} must be assignable to
serviceDescErr2=The service is not valid. The {0} service QName cannot be found in the WSDL file.
wsdlNotFoundErr=The WSDL file could not be found: {0}
wsdlException=The following WSDL exception occurred: {0}
portInfoErr0=The system cannot construct the port data. The {0} service name is not valid.
portInfoErr1=The system cannot construct the port data. The {0} port name is not valid.
portInfoErr2=The system cannot construct the port data. The {0} binding id is not valid.
# The key portInfoErr3 is not currently used.
# portInfoErr3=The system cannot construct the port data. The {0} service endpoint is not valid.
handlerChainErr1=The {0} handler should not directly implement the interface.
handlerChainErr2=The {0} handler must implement or
ICErr1=An internal error occurred. The invocation context is null.
ICErr2= An internal error occurred. The message context is null.
ICErr4=The system cannot perform an asynchronous invoke with a null callback.
ICCreateOpClientErr1=The system cannot create the OperationClient. The ServiceClient is null.
ICCreateOpClientErr2=The system cannot create the OperationClient. The operation qname is null.
proxyErr1=An attempt was made to invoke the {0} method, but this method is not available on the or {1} class.
proxyErr2=The @SOAPBinding annotation Style for the service endpoint interface (SEI) and the @SOAPBinding annotation Style for the method should be same.
proxyErr3=Operation Description was not set.
proxyPrivateMethod=Invalid method call. The method {0} is not a valid method.
proxyExcludedMethod=Invalid method call. The method {0} has been excluded using the @WebMethod(exclude=true) annotation.
proxyNullCallback=Invalid AsyncHandler object. The AsynchHandler cannot be null for an asynchronous callback invocation.
JAXWSMessageReceiverNoServiceClass=The service class cannot be found for this AxisService.
EndpointControllerErr2=The service class is not configured for this endpoint. Processing cannot continue.
EndpointControllerErr4=The {0} provider implementation class cannot be loaded due to an error. Processing cannot continue.
EndpointControllerErr5=A service implementation class cannot be found.
EndpointControllerErr6=The service is unable to load the {0} service implementation class.
BlockImplErr1=An internal error occurred. The {0} block object is already consumed. Processing cannot continue. Run with the debug option to determine where the block was first consumed.
XMLPartImplErr1=An internal error occurred. The XML part is already consumed. Processing cannot continue. Run with the debug option to determine where the block was first consumed.
XMLPartImplErr2=An internal error occurred. The content of the XML part cannot be determined.
RESTIsNotSupported=The REST protocol is not supported in this version of the system.
ProtocolIsNotKnown=The protocol has not been set. This error might indicate an internal error in the JAX-WS layer.
SourceNotSupported=The {0} class is not a supported extension of the javax.xml.transform.Source.
SourceMissingSupport=An internal error occurred. The code to make a copy of this javax.xml.transform.Source ({0}) is not supported in this version of the system.
resetReaderErr=An internal error occurred. The system cannot reset a XMLStreamReader that does not support the reset feature.
SAAJConverterErr1=The SOAPElement parent that was passed to the toSAAJ method is not attached to a SOAPEnvelope. Processing cannot continue.
SAAJConverterErr2=An unexpected XMLStreamReader event, {0}, occurred when converting an OM to a SOAPElement.
XMLSRErr1=The getProperty method was called with a null key argument.
XMLSRErr2=All of the events of the XMLStreamReader have been processed. There are no more events.
XMLSRErr3=The Require method failed. The system expected {0}, but found {1}.
XMLSRErr4=A failure occurred in the {0} method.
XMLSRErr5=The XMLStreamReader event, {0}, is not supported when processing a SOAPMessage.
InvalidProvider=The {0} Provider implementation is not valid. Only String, Source, and SOAPMessage are supported by the JAX-WS specification.
InvalidProviderCreate=The creation of the {0} provider instance failed.
JAXBWrapperErr1=An internal assertion error occurred. The JAXB object argument to the unwrap method is null.
JAXBWrapperErr2=An internal assertion error occurred. The child names argument to the unwrap method is null.
JAXBWrapperErr3=An internal assertion error occurred. The child objects or child names argument to the wrap method is null.
JAXBWrapperErr4=An internal assertion error occurred. The number of child objects does not match the number of child names in the wrap method.
JAXBWrapperErr6=An internal assertion error occurred. The {0} JAXB object does not have a {1} xml property.
JAXBSourceNamespaceErr=The DOMSource value must be Namespace Aware.
JavaBeanDispatcherErr1=A Java method was not found for the operation. If the WSDL operation name is different from the Java method name, make sure that the @WebMethod annotation name is present.
SOAP12WithSAAJ12Err=A SOAP 1.2 message cannot be rendered in an SAAJ 1.2 object model.
dispatchNullParamMessageMode=The parameter cannot be a null value for a Dispatch invocation using the MESSAGE mode.
dispatchNullParamHttpBinding=The parameter cannot be a null value for a Dispatch invocation using the XML/HTTP binding.
dispatchInvalidParam=The parameter for the Dispatch invocation was not valid.
dispatchInvalidType=Unsupported Dispatch Type, Dispatch can only be of the java.lang.String, javax.xml.transform.Source, javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage, javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope or type.
prepareRequestFail=An error occurred when the system was preparing the request message.
checkUserName=Error: The property was set, but no value was specified.
NoMaintainSessionProperty=Error: Maintain Session is enabled but none of the session properties (Cookies, Over-written URL) are returned.
NullValueForMaintainSessionProperty=Error: The value of the {0} Session property is NULL.
JAXBBlockFactoryErr1=An internal assertion error occurred. The context parameter of the JAXBBlockFactory.createFrom method should be a JAXBBlockContext object, but a {0} object was found.
WSDL4JWrapperErr1=Unable to read wsdl from relative path.
WebServiceContextInjectionImplErr1=A null service instance cannot be injected into the resource.
WebServiceContextInjectionImplErr3=A null service instance cannot be injected into the webservices context.
WebServiceContextInjectionImplErr6=The injection can happen using a method if the method name that starts with \"set\" returns a void, only has one parameter, and the type of this parameter is compatible with the resource.
ResourceInjectionFactoryErr1=An unknown resource type was found, Only a resource type can be injected.
EndpointLifecycleManagerImplErr1=EndpointLifecycleManager object is null.
ClassUtilsErr2={0} might not be a valid package because the encoding is unsupported.
ClassUtilsErr3=An IOException error was thrown when trying to get all of the resources for {0}
ClassUtilsErr4=An IOException error was thrown when trying to read the jar file.
MethodMarshallerUtilErr1=Empty Body Block Found in response Message for wsdl Operation defintion that expects an Output. Return type associated with SEI operation is not void, Body Block cannot be null.
SourceReadErr=A problem was encountered while reading the Source object. Please verify that your Source object is correct. The class of the Source object is {0}
JABGraphProblem=The system threw a StackOverflowError at the JAXB level. This usually means that your JAXB object has a circular reference. This is not supported by JAXB.
SchemaReaderErr1=Invlid wsdl Definition provided.
XSDListNotSupported=An attempt was made to marshal or unmarshal an xsd:list with a component type that is a {0}. This scenario is not supported for rpc/literal processing. Please use document/literal processing
dispatchBadDOMSource=An invalid DOMSource was encountered during Dispatch. Please use a DOMSource that contains a Node.
convertProblem=An internal error occurred during JAX-WS marshalling. An object of type {0} cannot be converted into the destination type of {1}
invalidPropValue=The value of property {0} was invalid. {1} does not match expected type {2}.
NullParamErr2=Input argument(s) in operation method {0} is null. This is not allowed for rpc/lit messages.
NullParamErr3=Return argument(s) in operation method {0} is null. This is not allowed for rpc/lit messages.
unknownHost=The host specified by the URL is unknown.
connectionRefused=An attempt to connect to the URL was refused.
urlStream=The WSDL file could not be located.
schemaImportError=An internal error occurred resolving imported schema {0} relative to parent document {1}
ExecutorShutdown=RejectedExcecutionException. The request is rejected because the Executor Service for the service is shutdown.
handlerChainNS=The @HandlerChain configuration file {0} in the class {1} could not be loaded.
hcConfigLoadFail=The @HandlerChain configuration file {0} in the class {1} could not be loaded due to the following error: {2}
serverSideAsync=The server-side SEI {0} contains the asynchronous method {1}. Asynchronous methods are not allowed for server-side artifacts.
onewayAsync=The async listener property was set. A one way invocation cannot be performed using an async response channel.
soapBindingUseEncoded=The SEI {0} contains method {1} with an unsupported SOAPBinding annotation value. SOAPBinding.Use field cannot be set to ENCODED.
soapBindingStyle=The SEI {0} contains method {1} with annotation SOAPBinding.Style set to RPC.
handlerSourceFail=Internal error. Multiple sources were supplied for the handler chain configuration information in the class {0}.
failureLogger=A {0} throwable was caught. The detail message is: {1}
clientConfigCtxtErr=Error getting Client Configuration Context : {0}
createServiceDescrErr=A ServiceDescription was not created for {0}
createSrvcDescrDBCMapErr=The ServiceDescription failed to validate due to the following errors -- Validation Phase 2 failure: {0}, Failing composite: {1}, Failing Service Description: {2}
regHandlerHeadersErr=Unable to add Parameter for header QNames to AxisService {0}. {1}
endpointDescriptionErr1=EndpointDescription: PortQName was null and could not be determined by runtime for class {0}; ServiceDescription: {1}
endpointDescriptionErr2=Caught {0} attempting to complete configuration on AxisService for ServiceDesription: {1}
endpointDescriptionErr3=EndpointDescription.EndpointDescription: parents DBC is null
endpointDescriptionErr4=EndpointDescription: Unable to add parameters to AxisService
endpointDescriptionErr5=Cannot add AxisService param: {0}
RespectBindingConfiguratorErr1=Client side RespectBindingConfiguration failed, EndpointDescription was NULL.
RespectBindingConfiguratorErr2=Client side RespectBindingConfiguration failed, EndpointDescriptionWSDL was NULL.
operationDescriptionErr1=OperationDescription: Unable to add parameters to AxisOperation
updateWithSEIErr1=Can not update an SEI on a dynamic port. PortQName: {0}
updateWithSEIErr2=EndpointDescription.updateWithSEI was passed a null SEI. PortQName: {0}
setupAxisServiceErr1=Unable to create AxisService for {0}
setupAxisServiceErr2=Exception when adding service parameters.
setupAxisServiceErr3=Exception when generating WSDL to create AxisService
bldAxisSrvcFromWSDLErr=The WSDL file could not be used due to an exception. The WSDL will be ignored and annotations will be used. Implementation class: {0}; WSDL Location: {1}; Exception Message: {2}
serviceDescErr3=WSDL Port not found for port {0}
generateWSDLErr=EndpointDescriptionImpl: WSDLException thrown when attempting to instantiate WSDL4JWrapper
handlerChainsTypeErr=EndpointDescriptionImpl.getHandlerChain: fileName: {0}; className: {1}
eiDescrImplErr=Unable to build AxisOperation for generic Provider; caught exception.
seiMethodsErr=SEI methods must be public.
seiProcessingErr=The seiClass is already set; reseting it is not supported.
seiNotFoundErr=EndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl: cannot find super class that was specified for this class.
clientAxisOprErr=Caught exception trying to create AxisOperation.
createAxisOprErr1=Could not setup Doc/Lit/Bare operation because input message is null.
createAxisOprErr2=Could not setup Doc/Lit/Bare operation because part namespace is empty.
createAxisOprErr3=Could not setup Doc/Lit/Bare operation because name is empty.
seiMethodErr=Can not set an SEI method once it has been set.
regMUHeadersErr=Unable to add Parameter for header QNames to AxisOperation {0} due to AxisFault {1}
genParamTypesErr=OperationDescriptionImpl.getParameterActualGenericType not supported for DBC.
updateEPDescrErr1=ServiceDescription.updateEndpointDescription: Cannot do a getPort on a port added via addPort(). PortQN: {0}
updateEPDescrErr2=ServiceDescription.updateEndpointDescription: Cannot do a getPort with a null SEI. PortQN: {0}
updateEPDescrErr3=ServiceDescription.updateEndpointDescription: Cannot do a getPort() specifying a different SEI than the previous getPort(). PortQN: {0}; current SEI: {1}; previous SEI: {2}
dbclIntegrityErr=Validation phase 1 failure: {0}; Failing composite: {1}
validateIntegrityErr1=Validation error: This is a Provider based endpoint that does not contain a WebServiceProvider annotation. Provider class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr2=Validation error: WebService annotation and WebServiceProvider annotation cannot coexist. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr3=Validation error: This is a Provider that does not specify a valid Provider interface. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr4=Validation error: Provider must have a public default constructor. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr5=Validation error: Provider must have a public invoke method. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr6=Validation error: ServiceMode annotation can only be specified for WebServiceProvider. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr7=Validation error: cannot find WSDL Definition specified by this WebService annotation. Implementation class: {0}; WSDL location: {1}
validateIntegrityErr8=Validation error: cannot find SEI specified by the WebService.endpointInterface. Implementaiton class: {0}; EndpointInterface: {1}
validateIntegrityErr9=Validation error: invalid annotations specified when WebService annotation specifies an endpoint interface. Implemntation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr10=Validation error: must not be specified when the bean specifies an endpoint interface. Implentation class: {0}; {1}
validateIntegrityErr11=Validation error: WebMethod annotations cannot exist on implentation when WebService.endpointInterface is set. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr12=Validation error: Improper usage: cannot invoke this method with an interface. Implementation class: {0}
validateIntegrityErr13=Validation error: Unsupported SOAPBinding annotation value. The ENCODED setting is not supported for SOAPBinding.Use. Implementation class: {0}
validatePIsErr1=Validation error: SOAPMessage and DataSource objects cannot be used when ServiceMode specifies PAYLOAD. Implementation class: {0}
validatePIsErr2=Validation error: SOAPMessage objects cannot be used with HTTP binding type. Implementation class: {0}
validatePIsErr3=Validation error: DataSource objects must be used with HTTP binding type. Implementation class: {0}
validateImplErr=Validation error: Implementation subclass does not implement method on specified interface. Implementation class: {0}; missing method name: {1}; endpointInterface: {2}
validateMethodParamErr1=Validation error: SEI indicates no parameters but implementation method specifies parameters: {0}; Implementation class: {1}; Method name: {2}; Endpoint Interface: {3}
validateMethodParamErr2=Validation error: SEI indicates parameters {0} but implementation method specifies no parameters; Implementation class: {1}; Method name: {2}; Endpoint Interface: {3}
validateMethodParamErr3=Validation error: The number of parameters on the SEI method ({0}) does not match the number of parameters on the implementation ({1}); Implementation class: {2}; Method name: {3}; Endpoint Interface: {4}
validateMethodRVErr1=Validation error: SEI indicates no return value but implementation method specifies return value: {0}; Implementation class: {1}; Method name: {2}; Endpoint Interface: {3}
validateMethodRVErr2=Validation error: SEI indicates return value {0} but implementation method specifies no return value; Implementation class: {1}; Method name: {2}; Endpoint Interface: {3}
validateMethodRVErr3=Validation error: SEI return value {0} does not match implementation method return value {1}; Implementation class: {2}; Method name: {3}; Endpoint Interface: {4}
validateMethodExceptionErr1=Validation error: Implementation method signature has more checked exceptions than SEI method signature (0): Implementation class: {0}; method name: {1}; endpointInterface: {2}
validateMethodExceptionErr2=Validation error: Implementation method signature has more checked exceptions ({0}) than SEI method signature ({1}): Implementation class: {2}; method name: {3}; endpointInterface: {4}
validateMethodExceptionErr3=Validation error: Implementation method signature throws exception {0} which is not declared on the SEI method signature: Implementation class: {1}; method name: {2}; endpointInterface: {3}
validateSEIErr1=Validation error: SEI does not contain a WebService annotation. Implementation class: {0}; SEI: {1}
validateSEIErr2=Validation error: SEI must not set a value for @WebService.endpointInterface. Implementation class: {0}; SEI: {1}; Invalid endpointInterface value: {2}
validateSEIErr3=Validation error: Unsupported SOAPBinding annotation value. The ENCODED setting is not supported for SOAPBinding.Use. Implementation class: {0}
createDispatchFail3=ServiceDescription.updateEndpointDescription: Can not specify an SEI when creating a Dispatch. PortQN: {0}
roleValidatioErr=The role of 'none' is not allowed.
threadClsLoaderErr=Attemping to use ClassLoader of type {0}, which is incompatible with current ClassLoader of type {1}
getErr=The task was cancelled.
getErr1=The client timed out while waiting for an asynchronous response.
processRespErr=null response.
addPropertiesErr=Unable to convert WSDL location URL to URI. URL: {0}; Service: {1}
invokeAsyncErr=A client outbound handler cause a message flow direction reversal. This case is not yet implemented.
cFaultMsgErr=We only support SOAP11 and SOAP12 for JAXWS handlers.
inputConvertionErr=Cannot convert from {0} to List.
inputConvertionErr1=Cannot convert from {0} to String.
pdElementErr=SWAREF and MTOM attachment parameters are not supported in this style/use.
msgFromMsgErr=Error occurred while creating the representation of the incoming message.
pTypeErr=Provider cannot have more than one Generic Types defined per JAX-WS Specification.
bFactoryErr=Unexpected Error. Unable to find BlockFactory for type: {0}
initErr=The implementor object cannot be null.
injectOnClsErr=WebServiceContext Injection on a Class is not supported.
oprDescrErr=No operation found. WSDL Operation name: {0}
oprDescrErr1=More than one operation found. Overloaded WSDL operations are not supported. WSDL Operation name: {0}
invokeErr=No dispatcher found.
nullMsgCtxErr=The MessageContext is null. This is an unexpected condition that occurred during application property migration.
portErr=Unable to getPort for port QName {0}
portErr1=Unable to load proxy classes.
pDescrErr=Null Descriptor. PropertyDescriptor not found.
pDescrErr2=No read Method found to read property Value from jaxbObject: {0}
noDataHandler=A data handler was not found for content id {0}
DescriptionBuilderErr1=Unable to create composite annotation {0} due to exception {1}
DescriptionBuilderErr2=Unable to create sparse annotation {0} from base annotation {1}
serviceDescErr4=Unable to access wsdlLocation {0}
serviceDescErr5=The dynamic port {0} can not specify a sparse composite.
serviceDescErr6=Can not specify a sparse composite when calling Service.createDispatch.
endpointDescErr1=AxisService does not contain a Service Description
convertUtils=Cannot convert from {0} to {1}. Check your application for mismatched classes.
serviceDelegateNoPort=Could not find the port for EndpointReference {0}
serviceDelegateProxyError=Unable to load proxy classes due to the following exception: {0}
soapMessageContextErr1=Illegal argument encountered. The qname argument for SOAPMessageContext.getHeaders is null.
soapMessageContextErr2=Illegal argument encountered. The jaxbcontext argument for SOAPMessageContext.getHeaders is null.
singleThreadedExecutorErr1=The Runnable command provided to the SingleThreadedExecutor was null. A non-null instance is required.
serviceDescriptionImplAddPortErr=An attempt was made to add a port with no ServiceDelegate.
serviceDescriptionImplValidationErr=Validation error: SEI and implementation parameters do not match. Parameter number {0} on the SEI is {1}. On the implementation it is {2}. The implementation class is {3}, the method name is {4}, and the endpoint interface name is {5}.
respectBindingNotSpecified=The RespectBinding feature was not specified.
createHandlerInstanceErr=The createHandlerInstance method was invoked without a Handler class.
destroyHandlerInstanceErr=The destroyHandlerInstance method was invoked without a Handler class.
endpointDescriptionValidation=There is a mismatch between the wsdl and annotation information. Please make sure both use the same binding namespace. The wsdl is {0}. The annotation is {1}.
loadHandlerChainErr=The following error occurred while loading the handler chain: {0}
endpointDescriptionValidationErrors=The Endpoint validation failed to validate due to the following errors: {0}
serviceNameMismatch=The service name of the endpoint reference {0} does not match the service name of the service client {1}.
updateEndpointError=The following error occurred while updating the endpoint: {0}
DBUClassNotFound=The class, {0}, could not be found with classloader {1}.
DBUClassNotFound2=The class, {0}, could not be found with the current classloader.
WSDLRelativeErr1=The relative location {0} could not be resolved. The parent location is {1}. The reported error is {2}
WSDLRelativeErr2=The relative location {0} could not be resolved. The parent location is {1}.
MissingServiceName=The service name {0} was not found in this wsdl {1}.
MissingPortName=The port name {0} was not found in this wsdl {1}.
FeatureNamespaceNotSupported=The namespace of this feature {0} is not supported.
AddressingEngagementError=The following error occurred while engaging the addressing module: {0}
NoWSAddressingFeatures=No WS-Addressing features were specified.
endpointQNameSetError= The endpoint qname {0} cannot be set before the service qname.
referenceParameterNullErr=The reference parameter must be set.
referencePropertyNullErr=The reference property must be set.
jaxbContextFailure=The JAXBContext could not be constructed due to the following error: {0}
endpointRefConstructionFailure2=Unable to create the submission endpoint reference due to the following error {0}
endpointRefConstructionFailure3=Unable to create the endpoint reference due to the following error {0}
endpointReferenceWriteError1=The transform Result object is null. The writeTo() method cannot continue.
mtomFeatureErr=The MTOMFeature was not specified.
mtomAnnotationErr=The @MTOM annotation was not specified.
bindingProviderErr1=BindingProvider has been cofigured for namespace {0}, but a request has been made for namespace {1}.
bindingMethodNotSupported=The method {0} is not supported for the current binding: {1}
webServiceContextErr1=The MessageContext object is not available.
invalidEndpointReference=An endpoint reference is invalid. The reported error is: {0}
dispatchNoEndpointReference=An attempt was made to perform a createDispatch without an endpoint reference.
dispatchNoEndpointReference2=An attempt was made to perform a getPort without an endpoint reference.
endpointDescriptionConstructionFailure=The createDispatch method was unable to create an endpoint description for endpoint reference {0}
invalidWSAnnotation=Invalid or unsupported WebServiceFeature annotation {0}
invalidWSFeature=Invalid or unsupported WebServiceFeature feature {0}
referenceParameterConstructionErr=A problem occured during the building of the reference parameter list. See the nested exception for details.
endpointUpdateError=An error occurred during the endpoint update
endpointRefCreationError=An error occurred during the creation of an endpoint reference.
mtomEnableErr=Unable to enable mtom.
missingInvocationController=An invocation controller object was not found.
unknownClassType=Unknown class type {0}
axisEndpointReferenceFactoryErr=Cannot create an endpoint reference because the service name is null, and the port name is set to {0}
axisEndpointReferenceFactoryErr2=Cannot create an endpoint reference because the address, service name, and/or port name are null.
dispatchInvalidTypeWithMode=Unsupported Dispatch Type: Dispatch type javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage cannot be used with messages in Payload mode.
serviceDelegateConstruct2=An attempt was made to construct the ServiceDelegate object with the {0} service and with WebServicesFeatures, but there are no standard features defined for service creation in the current specification.
MethodRetrieverWarning1=Public method {0} will be exposed as a Web Service operation per JAX-WS 2.2 tooling rules. If you intend to expose only operations that have @WebMethod annotation, set the manifest property ''LegacyWebmethod: true'' or set a JVM property ''jaxws.runtime.legacyWebMethod=true''.
generateWSDLNonSoap11=This implementation does not contain a WSDL definition and is not a SOAP 1.1 based binding. Per the JAXWS specification, a WSDL definition cannot be generated for this implementation. The implementation class name is {0}
faultProcessingExcludedExceptionProperties=Excluded exception properties processing failed. The reported error is: {0}.
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