org.apache.baremaps.flatgeobuf.GeometryConversions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.baremaps.flatgeobuf;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.baremaps.flatgeobuf.generated.Geometry;
import org.apache.baremaps.flatgeobuf.generated.GeometryType;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.*;
* This code has been adapted from FlatGeoBuf (BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License).
* Copyright (c) 2018, Björn Harrtell
public class GeometryConversions {
private static final String UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_TYPE = "Unknown geometry type";
private GeometryConversions() {
// Prevent instantiation
public static GeometryOffsets writeGeometryPart(
FlatBufferBuilder builder,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry,
int geometryType) {
GeometryOffsets go = new GeometryOffsets();
if (geometry == null) {
return go;
if (geometryType == GeometryType.MultiLineString) {
int end = 0;
MultiLineString mls = (MultiLineString) geometry;
if (mls.getNumGeometries() > 1) {
go.ends = new long[mls.getNumGeometries()];
for (int i = 0; i < mls.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
end += mls.getGeometryN(i).getNumPoints();
go.ends[i] = end;
} else if (geometryType == GeometryType.Polygon) {
Polygon p = (Polygon) geometry;
go.ends = new long[p.getNumInteriorRing() + 1];
int end = p.getExteriorRing().getNumPoints();
go.ends[0] = end;
for (int i = 0; i < p.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) {
end += p.getInteriorRingN(i).getNumPoints();
go.ends[i + 1] = end;
} else if (geometryType == GeometryType.MultiPolygon) {
MultiPolygon mp = (MultiPolygon) geometry;
int numGeometries = mp.getNumGeometries();
GeometryOffsets[] gos = new GeometryOffsets[numGeometries];
for (int i = 0; i < numGeometries; i++) {
Polygon p = (Polygon) mp.getGeometryN(i);
gos[i] = writeGeometryPart(builder, p, GeometryType.Polygon);
go.gos = gos;
return go;
final int numPoints = geometry.getNumPoints();
// build the vector "manually", using a CoordinateSequenceFilter to avoid creating
// Coordinate arrays or any Coordinate at all, depending on the underlying
// CoordinateSequence implementation. Vector elements ought to be added in reverse order
Geometry.startXyVector(builder, 2 * numPoints);
ReverseXYCoordinateSequenceFilter filter = new ReverseXYCoordinateSequenceFilter(builder);
applyInReverseOrder(geometry, filter);
go.coordsOffset = builder.endVector();
if (filter.hasZ) {
Geometry.startZVector(builder, numPoints);
applyInReverseOrder(geometry, new OrdinateCoordinateSequenceFilter(builder, 2));
go.zOffset = builder.endVector();
} else {
go.zOffset = 0;
if (filter.hasM) {
Geometry.startMVector(builder, numPoints);
applyInReverseOrder(geometry, new OrdinateCoordinateSequenceFilter(builder, 3));
go.mOffset = builder.endVector();
} else {
go.mOffset = 0;
if (go.ends != null) {
go.endsOffset = Geometry.createEndsVector(builder, go.ends);
go.type = geometryType;
return go;
public static int writeGeometry(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry, byte geometryType) {
byte knownGeometryType = geometryType;
if (geometryType == GeometryType.Unknown) {
knownGeometryType = GeometryConversions.toGeometryType(geometry.getClass());
GeometryOffsets go =
GeometryConversions.writeGeometryPart(builder, geometry, knownGeometryType);
int geometryOffset;
if (go.gos != null && go.gos.length > 0) {
int[] partOffsets = new int[go.gos.length];
for (int i = 0; i < go.gos.length; i++) {
GeometryOffsets goPart = go.gos[i];
int partOffset = Geometry.createGeometry(builder, goPart.endsOffset,
goPart.coordsOffset, goPart.zOffset, goPart.mOffset, 0, 0, goPart.type, 0);
partOffsets[i] = partOffset;
int partsOffset = Geometry.createPartsVector(builder, partOffsets);
geometryOffset = Geometry.createGeometry(builder, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
geometryType == GeometryType.Unknown ? knownGeometryType : 0, partsOffset);
} else {
geometryOffset =
Geometry.createGeometry(builder, go.endsOffset, go.coordsOffset, go.zOffset, go.mOffset,
0, 0, geometryType == GeometryType.Unknown ? knownGeometryType : 0, 0);
return geometryOffset;
* Applies the {@code filter} to all {@link org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry#getGeometryN(int)
* subgeometries} in reverse order if it's a {@link GeometryCollection} or a {@link Polygon} (i.e.
* interior rings in reverse order first)
private static void applyInReverseOrder(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry,
CoordinateSequenceFilter filter) {
final int numGeometries = geometry.getNumGeometries();
if (numGeometries > 1) {
for (int i = numGeometries - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry sub = geometry.getGeometryN(i);
applyInReverseOrder(sub, filter);
} else if (geometry instanceof Polygon polygon) {
for (int i = polygon.getNumInteriorRing() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry hole = polygon.getInteriorRingN(i);
applyInReverseOrder(hole, filter);
applyInReverseOrder(polygon.getExteriorRing(), filter);
} else {
private static class OrdinateCoordinateSequenceFilter implements CoordinateSequenceFilter {
private FlatBufferBuilder builder;
private final int ordinateIndex;
OrdinateCoordinateSequenceFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder, int ordinateIndex) {
this.builder = builder;
this.ordinateIndex = ordinateIndex;
public @Override void filter(final CoordinateSequence seq, final int coordIndex) {
int reverseSeqIndex = seq.size() - coordIndex - 1;
builder.addDouble(seq.getOrdinate(reverseSeqIndex, ordinateIndex));
public @Override boolean isGeometryChanged() {
return false;
public @Override boolean isDone() {
return false;
private static class ReverseXYCoordinateSequenceFilter implements CoordinateSequenceFilter {
private FlatBufferBuilder builder;
boolean hasZ = false;
boolean hasM = false;
ReverseXYCoordinateSequenceFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder) {
this.builder = builder;
public @Override void filter(final CoordinateSequence seq, final int coordIndex) {
int reverseSeqIndex = seq.size() - coordIndex - 1;
double y = seq.getOrdinate(reverseSeqIndex, 1);
double x = seq.getOrdinate(reverseSeqIndex, 0);
if (!hasZ && seq.hasZ()) {
hasZ = true;
if (!hasM && seq.hasM()) {
hasM = true;
public boolean isHasZ() {
return hasZ;
public boolean isHasM() {
return hasM;
public @Override boolean isGeometryChanged() {
return false;
public @Override boolean isDone() {
return false;
public static org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry readGeometry(Geometry geometry,
int geometryType) {
GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
if (geometryType == GeometryType.MultiPolygon) {
int partsLength = geometry.partsLength();
Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[partsLength];
for (int i = 0; i < geometry.partsLength(); i++) {
polygons[i] = (Polygon) readGeometry(, GeometryType.Polygon);
return factory.createMultiPolygon(polygons);
int xyLength = geometry.xyLength();
Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[xyLength >> 1];
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < xyLength; i = i + 2) {
if (c < geometry.mLength()) {
coordinates[c++] = new CoordinateXYZM(geometry.xy(i), geometry.xy(i + 1),
(i >> 1) < geometry.zLength() ? geometry.z((i >> 1)) : Coordinate.NULL_ORDINATE,
(i >> 1) < geometry.mLength() ? geometry.m((i >> 1)) : Coordinate.NULL_ORDINATE);
} else {
coordinates[c++] = new Coordinate(geometry.xy(i), geometry.xy(i + 1),
(i >> 1) < geometry.zLength() ? geometry.z((i >> 1)) : Coordinate.NULL_ORDINATE);
IntFunction makePolygonWithRings = (int endsLength) -> {
LinearRing[] lrs = new LinearRing[endsLength];
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < endsLength; i++) {
int e = (int) geometry.ends(i);
Coordinate[] cs = Arrays.copyOfRange(coordinates, s, e);
lrs[i] = factory.createLinearRing(cs);
s = e;
LinearRing shell = lrs[0];
LinearRing[] holes = Arrays.copyOfRange(lrs, 1, endsLength);
return factory.createPolygon(shell, holes);
Supplier makePolygon = () -> {
int endsLength = geometry.endsLength();
if (endsLength > 1) {
return makePolygonWithRings.apply(endsLength);
} else {
return factory.createPolygon(coordinates);
switch (geometryType) {
case GeometryType.Unknown:
return null;
case GeometryType.Point:
if (coordinates.length > 0) {
return factory.createPoint(coordinates[0]);
} else {
return factory.createPoint();
case GeometryType.MultiPoint:
return factory.createMultiPointFromCoords(coordinates);
case GeometryType.LineString:
return factory.createLineString(coordinates);
case GeometryType.MultiLineString: {
int lengthLengths = geometry.endsLength();
if (lengthLengths < 2) {
return factory
.createMultiLineString(new LineString[] {factory.createLineString(coordinates)});
LineString[] lss = new LineString[lengthLengths];
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lengthLengths; i++) {
int e = (int) geometry.ends(i);
Coordinate[] cs = Arrays.copyOfRange(coordinates, s, e);
lss[i] = factory.createLineString(cs);
s = e;
return factory.createMultiLineString(lss);
case GeometryType.Polygon:
return makePolygon.get();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_TYPE);
public static Class> getGeometryClass(int geometryType) {
switch (geometryType) {
case GeometryType.Unknown:
return Geometry.class;
case GeometryType.Point:
return Point.class;
case GeometryType.MultiPoint:
return MultiPoint.class;
case GeometryType.LineString:
return LineString.class;
case GeometryType.MultiLineString:
return MultiLineString.class;
case GeometryType.Polygon:
return Polygon.class;
case GeometryType.MultiPolygon:
return MultiPolygon.class;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_TYPE);
public static byte toGeometryType(Class> geometryClass) {
if (geometryClass == org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry.class) {
return GeometryType.Unknown;
} else if (MultiPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.MultiPoint;
} else if (Point.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.Point;
} else if (MultiLineString.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.MultiLineString;
} else if (LineString.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.LineString;
} else if (MultiPolygon.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.MultiPolygon;
} else if (Polygon.class.isAssignableFrom(geometryClass)) {
return GeometryType.Polygon;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY_TYPE);
public static class GeometryOffsets {
private int coordsOffset;
private int zOffset;
private int mOffset;
private long[] ends = null;
private int[] lengths = null;
private int endsOffset = 0;
private int lengthsOffset = 0;
private int type = 0;
private GeometryOffsets[] gos = null;
public GeometryOffsets() {
// Default constructor
public int getCoordsOffset() {
return coordsOffset;
public int getzOffset() {
return zOffset;
public int getmOffset() {
return mOffset;
public long[] getEnds() {
return ends;
public int[] getLengths() {
return lengths;
public int getEndsOffset() {
return endsOffset;
public int getLengthsOffset() {
return lengthsOffset;
public int getType() {
return type;
public GeometryOffsets[] getGos() {
return gos;
public void setCoordsOffset(int coordsOffset) {
this.coordsOffset = coordsOffset;
public void setzOffset(int zOffset) {
this.zOffset = zOffset;
public void setmOffset(int mOffset) {
this.mOffset = mOffset;
public void setEnds(long[] ends) {
this.ends = ends;
public void setLengths(int[] lengths) {
this.lengths = lengths;
public void setEndsOffset(int endsOffset) {
this.endsOffset = endsOffset;
public void setLengthsOffset(int lengthsOffset) {
this.lengthsOffset = lengthsOffset;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public void setGos(GeometryOffsets[] gos) {
this.gos = gos;