org.apache.brooklyn.policy.enricher.RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.brooklyn.policy.enricher;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.AttributeSensor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.EnricherSpec;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.Sensor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.SensorEvent;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher;
import org.apache.brooklyn.enricher.stock.YamlRollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.JavaClassNames;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
* Transforms {@link Sensor} data into a rolling average based on a time window.
* All values within the window are weighted or discarded based on the timestamps associated with
* them (discards occur when a new value is added or an average is requested)
* This will not extrapolate figures - it is assumed a value is valid and correct for the entire
* time period between it and the previous value. Normally, the average attribute is only updated
* when a new value arrives so it can give a fully informed average, but there is a danger of this
* going stale.
* When an average is requested, it is likely there will be a segment of the window for which there
* isn't a value. Instead of extrapolating a value and providing different extrapolation techniques,
* the average is reported with a confidence value which reflects the fraction of the time
* window for which the values were valid.
* Consumers of the average may ignore the confidence value and just use the last known average.
* They could multiply the returned value by the confidence value to get a decay-type behavior as
* the window empties. A third alternative is to, at a certain confidence threshold, report that
* the average is no longer meaningful.
* The default average when no data has been received is 0, with a confidence of 0
* TODO this may end up being deprecated in favour of near-duplicate code in YAML-friendly {@link YamlRollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher},
* marking as @Beta in 0.7.0 timeframe
@Catalog(name="Rolling Mean in Time Window", description="Transforms a sensor's data into a rolling average "
+ "based on a time window.")
public class RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher extends AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher {
public static ConfigKey CONFIDENCE_REQUIRED_TO_PUBLISH = ConfigKeys.newDoubleConfigKey("confidenceRequired",
"Minimum confidence level (ie period covered) required to publish a rolling average", 0.8d);
public static class ConfidenceQualifiedNumber {
final Double value;
final double confidence;
public ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(Double value, double confidence) {
this.value = value;
this.confidence = confidence;
public String toString() {
return ""+value+" ("+(int)(confidence*100)+"%)";
private final LinkedList values = new LinkedList();
private final LinkedList timestamps = new LinkedList();
volatile ConfidenceQualifiedNumber lastAverage = new ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(0d,0d);
Duration timePeriod;
public RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher() { // for rebinding
* @deprecated since 0.12.0; use {@link EnricherSpec}
public RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher(Entity producer, AttributeSensor source,
AttributeSensor target, Duration timePeriod) {
super(producer, source, target);
this.timePeriod = Preconditions.checkNotNull(timePeriod, "timePeriod");
public void init() {
if (uniqueTag == null && source != null && target != null) {
uniqueTag = JavaClassNames.simpleClassName(getClass())+":"+source.getName()+"/"+timePeriod+"->"+target.getName();
public void onEvent(SensorEvent event) {
onEvent(event, event.getTimestamp());
public void onEvent(SensorEvent event, long eventTime) {
if (eventTime>0) {
ConfidenceQualifiedNumber average = getAverage(eventTime, 0);
if (average.confidence > getConfig(CONFIDENCE_REQUIRED_TO_PUBLISH)) {
// without confidence, we might publish wildly varying estimates,
// causing spurious resizes, so allow it to be configured, and
// by default require a high value
// TODO would be nice to include timestamp, etc
entity.sensors().set((AttributeSensor)target, average.value);
@Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0; not used except in groovy tests; use the 2-arg method */
public ConfidenceQualifiedNumber getAverage() {
return getAverage(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0);
@Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0; not used except in groovy tests; use the 2-arg method */
public ConfidenceQualifiedNumber getAverage(long fromTimeExact) {
return getAverage(fromTimeExact, 0);
public ConfidenceQualifiedNumber getAverage(long fromTime, long graceAllowed) {
if (timestamps.isEmpty()) {
return lastAverage = new ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(lastAverage.value, 0.0d);
long firstTimestamp = -1;
Iterator ti = timestamps.iterator();
while (ti.hasNext()) {
firstTimestamp =;
if (firstTimestamp>0) break;
if (firstTimestamp<=0) {
// no values with reasonable timestamps
return lastAverage = new ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(values.get(values.size()-1).doubleValue(), 0.0d);
long lastTimestamp = timestamps.get(timestamps.size()-1);
long now = fromTime;
if (lastTimestamp > fromTime - graceAllowed) {
// without this, if the computation takes place X seconds after the publish,
// we treat X seconds as time for which we have no confidence in the data
now = lastTimestamp;
long windowStart = Math.max(now-timePeriod.toMilliseconds(), firstTimestamp);
long windowEnd = Math.max(now-timePeriod.toMilliseconds(), lastTimestamp);
Double confidence = ((double)(windowEnd - windowStart)) / timePeriod.toMilliseconds();
if (confidence <= 0.0000001d) {
// not enough timestamps in window
double lastValue = values.get(values.size()-1).doubleValue();
return lastAverage = new ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(lastValue, 0.0d);
long start = windowStart;
long end;
double weightedAverage = 0.0d;
Iterator valuesIter = values.iterator();
Iterator timestampsIter = timestamps.iterator();
while (valuesIter.hasNext()) {
// Ignores null and out-of-date values (and also values that are received out-of-order, but that shouldn't happen!)
Number val =;
Long timestamp =;
if (val!=null && timestamp >= start) {
end = timestamp;
weightedAverage += ((end - start) / (confidence * timePeriod.toMilliseconds())) * val.doubleValue();
start = timestamp;
return lastAverage = new ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(weightedAverage, confidence);
* Discards out-of-date values, but keeps at least one value.
private void pruneValues(long now) {
// keep one value from before the period, so that we can tell the window's start time
while(timestamps.size() > 1 && timestamps.get(1) < (now - timePeriod.toMilliseconds())) {