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org.apache.brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing.BalancingStrategy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Represents an abstract algorithm for optimally balancing worker "items" among several "containers" based on the workloads
* of the items, and corresponding high- and low-thresholds on the containers.
* TODO: extract interface, provide default implementation
* TODO: remove legacy code comments
public class BalancingStrategy {
// FIXME Bad idea to use MessageFormat.format in this way; if toString of entity contains
// special characters interpreted by MessageFormat, then it will all break!
// This is a modified version of the watermark elasticity policy from Monterey v3.
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BalancingStrategy.class);
private static final int MAX_MIGRATIONS_PER_BALANCING_NODE = 20; // arbitrary (Splodge)
private static final boolean BALANCE_COLD_PULLS_IN_SAME_RUN_AS_HOT_PUSHES = false;
private final String name;
private final BalanceablePoolModel model;
private final PolicyUtilForPool helper;
// private boolean loggedColdestTooHigh = false;
// private boolean loggedHottestTooLow = false;
public BalancingStrategy(String name, BalanceablePoolModel model) { = name;
this.model = model;
this.helper = new PolicyUtilForPool(model);
public String getName() {
return name;
public void rebalance() {
public int getMaxMigrationsPerBalancingNode() {
public BalanceablePoolModel getDataProvider() {
return model;
// This was the entry point for the legacy policy.
private void checkAndApplyOn(final Collection dirtyNodesSupplied) {
Collection dirtyNodes = dirtyNodesSupplied;
// if (startTime + FORCE_ALL_NODES_IF_DELAYED_FOR_MILLIS < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
// Set allNodes = new LinkedHashSet();
// allNodes.addAll(dirtyNodes);
// dirtyNodes = allNodes;
// allNodes.addAll(getDataProvider().getPoolContents());
// if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
// LOG.debug("policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" running after delay ("+
// TimeUtils.makeTimeString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)+", analysing all nodes: "+
// dirtyNodes);
// }
// nodeFinder.optionalCachedNodesWithBacklogDetected.clear();
// boolean gonnaGrow = growPool(dirtyNodes);
// getDataProvider().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
boolean gonnaGrow = false;
Set nonFrozenDirtyNodes = new LinkedHashSet(dirtyNodes);
// boolean gonnaShrink = false;
// if (!gonnaGrow && !DONT_SHRINK_UNLESS_BALANCED) {
// gonnaShrink = shrinkPool(nonFrozenDirtyNodes);
// getDataProvider().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
// }
if (getDataProvider().getPoolSize() >= 2) {
boolean didBalancing = false;
for (NodeType a : nonFrozenDirtyNodes) {
didBalancing |= balanceItemsOnNodesInQuestion(a, gonnaGrow);
// getMutator().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
if (didBalancing) {
// if (!gonnaGrow && DONT_SHRINK_UNLESS_BALANCED) {
// gonnaShrink = shrinkPool(nonFrozenDirtyNodes);
// getDataProvider().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
// }
// if (gonnaGrow || gonnaShrink)
// //don't log 'doing nothing' message
// return;
// if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
// double poolTotal = getDataProvider().getPoolPredictedWorkrateTotal();
// int poolSize = getDataProvider().getPoolPredictedSize();
// LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" did nothing; pool workrate is {0,number,#.##} x {1} nodes",
// 1.0*poolTotal/poolSize, poolSize));
// }
protected boolean balanceItemsOnNodesInQuestion(NodeType questionedNode, boolean gonnaGrow) {
double questionedNodeTotalWorkrate = getDataProvider().getTotalWorkrate(questionedNode);
boolean balanced = balanceItemsOnHotNode(questionedNode, questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, gonnaGrow);
// getMutator().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
balanced |= balanceItemsOnColdNode(questionedNode, questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, gonnaGrow);
// getMutator().waitForAllTransitionsComplete();
if (balanced)
return true;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing "+questionedNode+"; " +
"its workrate {0,number,#.##} is acceptable (or cannot be balanced)", questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
return false;
protected boolean balanceItemsOnHotNode(NodeType node, double nodeWorkrate, boolean gonnaGrow) {
double originalNodeWorkrate = nodeWorkrate;
int migrationCount = 0;
int iterationCount = 0;
Set itemsMoved = new LinkedHashSet();
Set nodesChecked = new LinkedHashSet();
// if (nodeFinder.config.COUNT_BACKLOG_AS_EXTRA_WORKRATE) {
// int backlog = nodeFinder.getBacklogQueueLength(questionedNode);
// if (backlog>0) {
// Level l = backlog>1000 ? Level.INFO : backlog>10 ? Level.FINE : Level.FINER;
// if (LOG.isLoggable(l)) {
// LOG.log( l, MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" detected queue at node "+questionedNode+", " +
// "inflating workrate {0,number,#.##} + "+backlog, questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
// }
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate += backlog;
// }
// }
Double highThreshold = model.getHighThreshold(node);
if (highThreshold == -1) {
// node presumably has been removed; TODO log
return false;
while (nodeWorkrate > highThreshold && migrationCount < getMaxMigrationsPerBalancingNode()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" considering balancing hot node "+node+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); iteration "+iterationCount, nodeWorkrate) );
// move from hot node, to coldest
NodeType coldNode = helper.findColdestContainer(nodesChecked);
if (coldNode == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing hot node "+node+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); no coldest node available", nodeWorkrate) );
if (coldNode.equals(node)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing hot node "+node+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); it is also the coldest modifiable node", nodeWorkrate) );
double coldNodeWorkrate = getDataProvider().getTotalWorkrate(coldNode);
boolean emergencyLoadBalancing = coldNodeWorkrate < nodeWorkrate*2/3;
double coldNodeHighThreshold = model.getHighThreshold(coldNode);
if (coldNodeWorkrate >= coldNodeHighThreshold && !emergencyLoadBalancing) {
//don't balance if all nodes are approx equally hot (and very hot)
//for now, stop warning if it is a recurring theme!
// Level level = loggedColdestTooHigh ? Level.FINER : Level.INFO;
// LOG.log(level, MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" not balancing hot node "+questionedNode+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}); coldest node "+coldNode+" has workrate {1,number,#.##} also too high"+
// (loggedColdestTooHigh ? "" : " (future cases will be logged at finer)"),
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, coldNodeWorkrate) );
// loggedColdestTooHigh = true;
double poolLowWatermark = Double.MAX_VALUE; // TODO
if (gonnaGrow && (coldNodeWorkrate >= poolLowWatermark && !emergencyLoadBalancing)) {
//if we're growing the pool, refuse to balance unless the cold node is indeed very cold, or hot node very hot
//for now, stop warning if it is a recurring theme!
// Level level = loggedColdestTooHigh ? Level.FINER : Level.INFO;
// LOG.log(level, MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" not balancing hot node "+questionedNode+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}); coldest node "+coldNode+" has workrate {1,number,#.##} also too high to accept while pool is growing" +
// (loggedColdestTooHigh ? "" : " (future cases will be logged at finer)"),
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, coldNodeWorkrate) );
// loggedColdestTooHigh = true;
String questionedNodeName = getDataProvider().getName(node);
String coldNodeName = getDataProvider().getName(coldNode);
Location coldNodeLocation = getDataProvider().getLocation(coldNode);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing hot node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+node+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), " +
"considering target "+coldNodeName+" ("+coldNode+", workrate {1,number,#.##})",
nodeWorkrate, coldNodeWorkrate) );
double idealSizeToMove = (nodeWorkrate - coldNodeWorkrate) / 2;
//if the 'ideal' amount to move would cause cold to be too hot, then reduce ideal amount
if (idealSizeToMove + coldNodeWorkrate > coldNodeHighThreshold)
idealSizeToMove = coldNodeHighThreshold - coldNodeWorkrate;
double maxSizeToMoveIdeally = Math.min(
nodeWorkrate/2 + 0.00001,
//permit it to exceed node high if there is no alternative (this is 'max' not 'ideal'),
//so long as it still gives a significant benefit
// getConfiguration().nodeHighWaterMark - coldNodeWorkrate,
(nodeWorkrate - coldNodeWorkrate)*0.9);
double maxSizeToMoveIfNoSmallButLarger = nodeWorkrate*3/4;
Map questionedNodeItems = getDataProvider().getItemWorkrates(node);
if (questionedNodeItems == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing hot node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+node+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), abandoned; " +
"item report for " + questionedNodeName + " unavailable",
ItemType itemToMove = findBestItemToMove(questionedNodeItems, idealSizeToMove, maxSizeToMoveIdeally,
maxSizeToMoveIfNoSmallButLarger, itemsMoved, coldNodeLocation);
if (itemToMove == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing hot node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+node+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), ending; " +
"no suitable segment found " +
"(ideal transition item size {1,number,#.##}, max {2,number,#.##}, " +
"moving to coldest node "+coldNodeName+" ("+coldNode+", workrate {3,number,#.##}); available items: {4}",
nodeWorkrate, idealSizeToMove, maxSizeToMoveIdeally, coldNodeWorkrate, questionedNodeItems) );
double itemWorkrate = questionedNodeItems.get(itemToMove);
// if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
// LOG.fine( MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" balancing hot node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}, too high), transitioning " + itemToMove +
// " to "+coldNodeName+" (workrate {1,number,#.##}, now += {2,number,#.##})",
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, coldNodeWorkrate, segmentRate) );
nodeWorkrate -= itemWorkrate;
coldNodeWorkrate += itemWorkrate;
moveItem(itemToMove, node, coldNode);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (iterationCount == 0) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing if hot finished at node "+node+"; " +
"workrate {0,number,#.##} not hot",
originalNodeWorkrate) );
else if (itemsMoved.isEmpty()) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing finished at hot node "+node+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); no way to improve it",
originalNodeWorkrate) );
} else {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing finished at hot node "+node+"; " +
"workrate from {0,number,#.##} to {1,number,#.##} (report now says {2,number,#.##}) " +
"by moving off {3}",
) );
return !itemsMoved.isEmpty();
protected boolean balanceItemsOnColdNode(NodeType questionedNode, double questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, boolean gonnaGrow) {
// Abort if the node has pending adjustments.
Map items = getDataProvider().getItemWorkrates(questionedNode);
if (items == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); workrate breakdown unavailable (probably reverting)",
questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
return false;
for (ItemType item : items.keySet()) {
if (!model.isItemMoveable(item)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); at least one item ("+item+") is in flux",
questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
return false;
double originalQuestionedNodeTotalWorkrate = questionedNodeTotalWorkrate;
int numMigrations = 0;
Set itemsMoved = new LinkedHashSet();
Set nodesChecked = new LinkedHashSet();
int iters = 0;
Location questionedLocation = getDataProvider().getLocation(questionedNode);
double lowThreshold = model.getLowThreshold(questionedNode);
while (questionedNodeTotalWorkrate < lowThreshold) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" considering balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); iteration "+iters, questionedNodeTotalWorkrate));
// move from cold node, to hottest
NodeType hotNode = helper.findHottestContainer(nodesChecked);
if (hotNode == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); no hottest node available", questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
if (hotNode.equals(questionedNode)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); it is also the hottest modfiable node", questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
double hotNodeWorkrate = getDataProvider().getTotalWorkrate(hotNode);
double hotNodeLowThreshold = model.getLowThreshold(hotNode);
double hotNodeHighThreshold = model.getHighThreshold(hotNode);
boolean emergencyLoadBalancing = false; //doesn't apply to cold
if (hotNodeWorkrate == -1 || hotNodeLowThreshold == -1 || hotNodeHighThreshold == -1) {
// hotNode presumably has been removed; TODO log
if (hotNodeWorkrate <= hotNodeLowThreshold && !emergencyLoadBalancing) {
//don't balance if all nodes are too low
//for now, stop warning if it is a recurring theme!
// Level level = loggedHottestTooLow ? Level.FINER : Level.INFO;
// LOG.log(level, MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}); hottest node "+hotNode+" has workrate {1,number,#.##} also too low" +
// (loggedHottestTooLow ? "" : " (future cases will be logged at finer)"),
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, hotNodeWorkrate) );
// loggedHottestTooLow = true;
if (gonnaGrow && (hotNodeWorkrate <= hotNodeHighThreshold && !emergencyLoadBalancing)) {
//if we're growing the pool, refuse to balance unless the hot node is quite hot
//again, stop warning if it is a recurring theme!
// Level level = loggedHottestTooLow ? Level.FINER : Level.INFO;
// LOG.log(level, MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" not balancing cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}); hottest node "+hotNode+" has workrate {1,number,#.##} also too low to accept while pool is growing"+
// (loggedHottestTooLow ? "" : " (future cases will be logged at finer)"),
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, hotNodeWorkrate) );
// loggedHottestTooLow = true;
String questionedNodeName = getDataProvider().getName(questionedNode);
String hotNodeName = getDataProvider().getName(hotNode);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing cold node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+questionedNode+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), " +
"considering source "+hotNodeName+" ("+hotNode+", workrate {1,number,#.##})",
questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, hotNodeWorkrate) );
double idealSizeToMove = (hotNodeWorkrate - questionedNodeTotalWorkrate) / 2;
//if the 'ideal' amount to move would cause cold to be too hot, then reduce ideal amount
double targetNodeHighThreshold = model.getHighThreshold(questionedNode);
if (idealSizeToMove + questionedNodeTotalWorkrate > targetNodeHighThreshold)
idealSizeToMove = targetNodeHighThreshold - questionedNodeTotalWorkrate;
double maxSizeToMoveIdeally = Math.min(
//allow to swap order, but not very much (0.9 was allowed when balancing high)
(hotNodeWorkrate - questionedNodeTotalWorkrate)*0.6);
double maxSizeToMoveIfNoSmallButLarger = questionedNodeTotalWorkrate*3/4;
Map hotNodeItems = getDataProvider().getItemWorkrates(hotNode);
if (hotNodeItems == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing cold node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+questionedNode+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), " +
"excluding hot node "+hotNodeName+" because its item report unavailable",
ItemType itemToMove = findBestItemToMove(hotNodeItems, idealSizeToMove, maxSizeToMoveIdeally,
maxSizeToMoveIfNoSmallButLarger, itemsMoved, questionedLocation);
if (itemToMove == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing cold node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
"("+questionedNode+", workrate {0,number,#.##}), " +
"excluding hot node "+hotNodeName+" because it has no appilcable items " +
"(ideal transition item size {1,number,#.##}, max {2,number,#.##}, " +
"moving from hot node "+hotNodeName+" ("+hotNode+", workrate {3,number,#.##}); available items: {4}",
questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, idealSizeToMove, maxSizeToMoveIdeally, hotNodeWorkrate, hotNodeItems) );
double segmentRate = hotNodeItems.get(itemToMove);
// if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
// LOG.fine( MessageFormat.format(
// "policy "+getDataProvider().getAbbr()+" balancing cold node "+questionedNodeName+" " +
// "(workrate {0,number,#.##}, too low), transitioning " + itemToMove +
// " from "+hotNodeName+" (workrate {1,number,#.##}, now -= {2,number,#.##})",
// questionedNodeTotalWorkrate, hotNodeWorkrate, segmentRate) );
questionedNodeTotalWorkrate += segmentRate;
hotNodeWorkrate -= segmentRate;
moveItem(itemToMove, hotNode, questionedNode);
if (++numMigrations >= getMaxMigrationsPerBalancingNode()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (iters == 0) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing if cold finished at node "+questionedNode+"; " +
"workrate {0,number,#.##} not cold",
originalQuestionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
else if (itemsMoved.isEmpty()) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing finished at cold node "+questionedNode+" " +
"(workrate {0,number,#.##}); no way to improve it",
originalQuestionedNodeTotalWorkrate) );
} else {
LOG.debug( MessageFormat.format(
"policy "+getDataProvider().getName()+" balancing finished at cold node "+questionedNode+"; " +
"workrate from {0,number,#.##} to {1,number,#.##} (report now says {2,number,#.##}) " +
"by moving in {3}",
itemsMoved) );
return !itemsMoved.isEmpty();
protected void moveItem(ItemType item, NodeType oldNode, NodeType newNode) {
model.onItemMoved(item, newNode);
* "Best" is defined as nearest to the targetCost, without exceeding maxCost, unless maxCostIfNothingSmallerButLarger > 0
* which does just that (useful if the ideal and target are estimates and aren't quite right, typically it will take
* something larger than maxRate but less than half the total rate, which is only possible when the estimates don't agree)
protected ItemType findBestItemToMove(Map costsPerItem, double targetCost, double maxCost,
double maxCostIfNothingSmallerButLarger, Set excludedItems, Location locationIfKnown) {
ItemType closestMatch = null;
ItemType smallestMoveable = null, largest = null;
double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE, smallestC = Double.MAX_VALUE, largestC = Double.MIN_VALUE;
boolean exclusions = false;
for (Entry entry : costsPerItem.entrySet()) {
ItemType item = entry.getKey();
Double cost = entry.getValue();
if (cost == null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Item ''{0}'' has null workrate: skipping", item));
if (!model.isItemMoveable(item)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Item ''{0}'' cannot be moved: skipping", item));
if (cost < 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Item ''{0}'' subject to recent adjustment: skipping", item));
if (excludedItems.contains(item)) {
exclusions = true;
if (cost < 0) { // FIXME: already tested above
exclusions = true;
if (cost <= 0) { // FIXME: overlaps previous condition
if (largest == null || cost > largestC) {
largest = item;
largestC = cost;
if (!model.isItemMoveable(item)) { // FIXME: already tested above
if (locationIfKnown != null && !model.isItemAllowedIn(item, locationIfKnown)) {
if (smallestMoveable == null || cost < smallestC) {
smallestMoveable = item;
smallestC = cost;
if (cost > maxCost) {
double diff = Math.abs(targetCost - cost);
if (closestMatch == null || diff < minDiff) {
closestMatch = item;
minDiff = diff;
if (closestMatch != null)
return closestMatch;
if (smallestC < maxCostIfNothingSmallerButLarger && smallestC < largestC && !exclusions)
return smallestMoveable;
return null;