org.apache.camel.spi.BacklogDebugger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.spi;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.NamedNode;
import org.apache.camel.NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.StatefulService;
import org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch;
* A {@link org.apache.camel.spi.Debugger} that has easy debugging functionality which can be used from JMX with
* {@link}.
* This implementation allows setting breakpoints (with or without a condition) and inspect the {@link Exchange} dumped
* in XML in {@link BacklogTracerEventMessage} format. There is operations to resume suspended breakpoints to continue
* routing the {@link Exchange}. There is also step functionality, so you can single step a given {@link Exchange}.
* This implementation will only break the first {@link Exchange} that arrives to a breakpoint. If Camel routes using
* concurrency then sub-sequent {@link Exchange} will continue to be routed, if their breakpoint already holds a
* suspended {@link Exchange}.
public interface BacklogDebugger extends StatefulService {
* The name of the OS environment variable that contains the value of the flag indicating whether the
* {@code BacklogDebugger} should suspend processing the messages and wait for a debugger to attach or not.
* The name of the system property that contains the value of the flag indicating whether the
* {@code BacklogDebugger} should suspend processing the messages and wait for a debugger to attach or not.
String SUSPEND_MODE_SYSTEM_PROP_NAME = "org.apache.camel.debugger.suspend";
* Special breakpoint id token to automatically add breakpoint for every route.
String BREAKPOINT_ALL_ROUTES = "_all_routes_";
* Allows to pre-configure breakpoints (node ids) to use with debugger on startup. Multiple ids can be separated by
* comma. Use special value _all_routes_ to add a breakpoint for the first node for every route, in other words this
* makes it easy to debug from the beginning of every route without knowing the exact node ids.
String getInitialBreakpoints();
* Allows to pre-configure breakpoints (node ids) to use with debugger on startup. Multiple ids can be separated by
* comma. Use special value _all_routes_ to add a breakpoint for the first node for every route, in other words this
* makes it easy to debug from the beginning of every route without knowing the exact node ids.
void setInitialBreakpoints(String initialBreakpoints);
* The debugger logging level to use when logging activity.
String getLoggingLevel();
* The debugger logging level to use when logging activity.
void setLoggingLevel(String level);
* To enable the debugger
void enableDebugger();
* To disable the debugger
void disableDebugger();
* Whether the debugger is enabled
boolean isEnabled();
* Whether the debugger is standby.
* If a debugger is in standby then the tracer is activated during startup and are ready to be enabled manually via
* JMX or calling the enableDebugger method.
boolean isStandby();
* Whether the debugger is standby.
* If a debugger is in standby then the tracer is activated during startup and are ready to be enabled manually via
* JMX or calling the enableDebugger method.
void setStandby(boolean standby);
* Does the node have a breakpoint
boolean hasBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Whether the debugger should suspend on startup, and wait for a remote debugger to attach. This is what the IDEA
* and VSCode tooling is using.
void setSuspendMode(boolean suspendMode);
* Whether the debugger should suspend on startup, and wait for a remote debugger to attach. This is what the IDEA
* and VSCode tooling is using.
boolean isSuspendMode();
* Is the debugger currently in single step mode
boolean isSingleStepMode();
* Attach the debugger which will resume the message processing in case the suspend mode is enabled. Do
* nothing otherwise.
void attach();
* Detach the debugger which will suspend the message processing in case the suspend mode is enabled. Do
* nothing otherwise.
void detach();
* Adds a breakpoint for the given node
void addBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Adds a conditional breakpoint for the given node
void addConditionalBreakpoint(String nodeId, String language, String predicate);
* Removes the breakpoint
void removeBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Remove all breakpoints
void removeAllBreakpoints();
* Gets all the breakpoint (node ids)
Set getBreakpoints();
* Resume the breakpoint
void resumeBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Resume the breakpoint in step mode
void resumeBreakpoint(String nodeId, boolean stepMode);
* Updates the message body at the given breakpoint
void setMessageBodyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, Object body);
* Updates the message body at the given breakpoint
void setMessageBodyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, Object body, Class> type);
* Removes the message body (set as null) at the given breakpoint
void removeMessageBodyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Sets the message header at the given breakpoint
void setMessageHeaderOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String headerName, Object value)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Sets the message header at the given breakpoint
void setMessageHeaderOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String headerName, Object value, Class> type)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Sets the exchange property at the given breakpoint
void setExchangePropertyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String exchangePropertyName, Object value)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Updates the exchange property at the given breakpoint
void setExchangePropertyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String exchangePropertyName, Object value, Class> type)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Removes the message header at the given breakpoint
void removeMessageHeaderOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String headerName);
* Removes the exchange property at the given breakpoint
void removeExchangePropertyOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String exchangePropertyName);
* Updates/adds the variable (uses same type as old variableName value) on the suspended breakpoint at the given
* node id
void setExchangeVariableOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String variableName, Object value)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Updates/adds the variable (with a new type) on the suspended breakpoint at the given node id
void setExchangeVariableOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String variableName, Object value, Class> type)
throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException;
* Removes the variable on the suspended breakpoint at the given node id
void removeExchangeVariableOnBreakpoint(String nodeId, String variableName);
* Fallback Timeout in seconds (300 seconds as default) when block the message processing in Camel. A timeout used
* for waiting for a message to arrive at a given breakpoint.
long getFallbackTimeout();
* Fallback Timeout in seconds (300 seconds as default) when block the message processing in Camel. A timeout used
* for waiting for a message to arrive at a given breakpoint.
void setFallbackTimeout(long fallbackTimeout);
* To resume all suspended breakpoints.
void resumeAll();
* To start single step mode from a suspended breakpoint at the given node. Then invoke {@link #step()} to step to
* next node in the route.
void stepBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* To start single step mode from the current suspended breakpoint. Then invoke {@link #step()} to step to next node
* in the route.
void stepBreakpoint();
* To step to next node when in single step mode.
void step();
* Gets node ids for all current suspended exchanges at breakpoints
Set getSuspendedBreakpointNodeIds();
* Gets the exchanged suspended at the given breakpoint id or null if there is none at that id.
* @param id node id for the breakpoint
* @return the suspended exchange or null if there isn't one suspended at the given breakpoint.
Exchange getSuspendedExchange(String id);
* Gets the trace event for the suspended exchange at the given breakpoint id or null if there is none at that id.
* @param id node id for the breakpoint
* @return the trace event or null if there isn't one suspended at the given breakpoint.
BacklogTracerEventMessage getSuspendedBreakpointMessage(String id);
* Disables a breakpoint
void disableBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* Enables a breakpoint
void enableBreakpoint(String nodeId);
* In single step mode, then when the exchange is created and completed, then simulate a breakpoint at start and
* end, that allows to suspend and watch the incoming/complete exchange at the route (you can see message body as
* response, failed exception etc).
void setSingleStepIncludeStartEnd(boolean singleStepIncludeStartEnd);
* In single step mode, then when the exchange is created and completed, then simulate a breakpoint at start and
* end, that allows to suspend and watch the incoming/complete exchange at the route (you can see message body as
* response, failed exception etc).
boolean isSingleStepIncludeStartEnd();
* To limit the message body to a maximum size in the traced message. Use 0 or negative value to use unlimited size.
int getBodyMaxChars();
* To limit the message body to a maximum size in the traced message. Use 0 or negative value to use unlimited size.
void setBodyMaxChars(int bodyMaxChars);
* Whether to include the message body of stream based messages. If enabled then beware the stream may not be
* re-readable later. See more about Stream Caching.
boolean isBodyIncludeStreams();
* Whether to include the message body of stream based messages. If enabled then beware the stream may not be
* re-readable later. See more about Stream Caching.
void setBodyIncludeStreams(boolean bodyIncludeStreams);
* Whether to include the message body of file based messages. The overhead is that the file content has to be read
* from the file.
boolean isBodyIncludeFiles();
* Whether to include the message body of file based messages. The overhead is that the file content has to be read
* from the file.
void setBodyIncludeFiles(boolean bodyIncludeFiles);
* Whether to include the exchange properties in the traced message
boolean isIncludeExchangeProperties();
* Whether to include the exchange properties in the traced message
void setIncludeExchangeProperties(boolean includeExchangeProperties);
* Whether to include the exchange variables in the traced message
boolean isIncludeExchangeVariables();
* Whether to include the exchange variables in the traced message
void setIncludeExchangeVariables(boolean includeExchangeVariables);
* Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
boolean isIncludeException();
* Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
void setIncludeException(boolean includeException);
* To dump the debugged messages from the give node id in XML format.
String dumpTracedMessagesAsXml(String nodeId);
* To dump the debugged messages from the give node id in JSon format.
String dumpTracedMessagesAsJSon(String nodeId);
* Number of breakpoint that has been hit
long getDebugCounter();
* Rests the debug counter
void resetDebugCounter();
* Callback invoked before hitting a breakpoint
StopWatch beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, NamedNode definition);
* Callback invoked after a breakpoint
void afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, NamedNode definition, long timeTaken);