org.apache.camel.component.cxf.jaxrs.SimpleCxfRsBinding Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.cxf.jaxrs;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.DataSource;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultAttachment;
import org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.InputStreamDataSource;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Multipart;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.URITemplate;
import org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange;
import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList;
* A CXF RS Binding which maps method parameters as Camel IN headers and the payload as the IN message body.
* It replaces the default behaviour of creating a MessageContentsList, which requires the route to process the contents low-level.
* The mapping from CXF to Camel is performed as follows:
* - JAX-RS Parameter types (@QueryParam, @HeaderParam, @CookieParam, @FormParam, @PathParam, @MatrixParam) are all transferred
* as IN message headers.
* - If a request entity is clearly identified (for example, because it's the only parameter without an annotation), it's
* set as the IN message body. Otherwise, the original {@link MessageContentsList} is preserved as the message body.
* - If Multipart is in use, binary parts are mapped as Camel IN message attachments, while any others are mapped as IN message headers for convenience.
* These classes are considered binary: Attachment, DataHandler, DataSource, InputStream. Additionally, the original {@link MessageContentsList} is
* preserved as the message body.
* For example, the following JAX-RS method signatures are supported, with the specified outcomes:
* public Response doAction(BusinessObject request);
* Request payload is placed in IN message body, replacing the original {@link MessageContentsList}.
* public Response doAction(BusinessObject request, @HeaderParam("abcd") String abcd, @QueryParam("defg") String defg);
* Request payload placed in IN message body, replacing the original {@link MessageContentsList}.
* Both request params mapped as IN message headers with names abcd and defg.
* public Response doAction(@HeaderParam("abcd") String abcd, @QueryParam("defg") String defg);
* Both request params mapped as IN message headers with names abcd and defg.
* The original {@link MessageContentsList} is preserved, even though it only contains the 2 parameters.
* public Response doAction(@Multipart(value="body1", type="application/json") BusinessObject request, @Multipart(value="image",
* type="image/jpeg") DataHandler image);
* The first parameter is transferred as a POJO in a header named body1, while the second parameter gets injected as an
* attachment with name image. The MIME type is observed by the CXF stack. The IN message body is the original
* {@link MessageContentsList} handed over from CXF.
* public Response doAction(InputStream abcd);
* The InputStream is unwrapped from the {@link MessageContentsList} and preserved as the IN message body.
* public Response doAction(DataHandler abcd);
* The DataHandler is unwrapped from the {@link MessageContentsList} and preserved as the IN message body.
public class SimpleCxfRsBinding extends DefaultCxfRsBinding {
/** The JAX-RS annotations to be injected as headers in the IN message */
private static final Set> HEADER_ANNOTATIONS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
new HashSet>(Arrays.asList(new Class>[] {
private static final Set> BINARY_ATTACHMENT_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
new HashSet>(Arrays.asList(new Class>[] {
private static final Class>[] NO_PARAMETER_TYPES = null;
private static final Object[] NO_PARAMETERS = null;
/** Caches the Method to Parameters associations to avoid reflection with every request */
private Map methodSpecCache = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public void populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest(Exchange cxfExchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange,
Method method, Object[] paramArray) {
super.populateExchangeFromCxfRsRequest(cxfExchange, camelExchange, method, paramArray);
Message in = camelExchange.getIn();
bindHeadersFromSubresourceLocators(cxfExchange, camelExchange);
MethodSpec spec = methodSpecCache.get(method);
if (spec == null) {
spec = MethodSpec.fromMethod(method);
methodSpecCache.put(method, spec);
bindParameters(in, paramArray, spec.paramNames, spec.numberParameters);
bindBody(in, paramArray, spec.entityIndex);
if (spec.multipart) {
transferMultipartParameters(paramArray, spec.multipartNames, spec.multipartTypes, in);
public Object populateCxfRsResponseFromExchange(org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange, Exchange cxfExchange) throws Exception {
Object base = super.populateCxfRsResponseFromExchange(camelExchange, cxfExchange);
return buildResponse(camelExchange, base);
* Builds the response for the client.
* Always returns a JAX-RS {@link Response} object, which gives the user a better control on the response behaviour.
* If the message body is already an instance of {@link Response}, we reuse it and just inject the relevant HTTP headers.
* @param camelExchange
* @param base
* @return
protected Object buildResponse(org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange, Object base) {
Message m = camelExchange.hasOut() ? camelExchange.getOut() : camelExchange.getIn();
ResponseBuilder response;
// if the body is different to Response, it's an entity; therefore, check
if (base instanceof Response) {
response = Response.fromResponse((Response) base);
} else {
int status = m.getHeader(org.apache.camel.Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, Status.OK.getStatusCode(), Integer.class);
response = Response.status(status);
// avoid using the request MessageContentsList as the entity; it simply doesn't make sense
if (base != null && !(base instanceof MessageContentsList)) {
// Compute which headers to transfer by applying the HeaderFilterStrategy, and transfer them to the JAX-RS Response
Map headersToPropagate = filterCamelHeadersForResponseHeaders(m.getHeaders(), camelExchange);
for (Entry entry : headersToPropagate.entrySet()) {
response.header(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Filters the response headers that will be sent back to the client.
* The {@link DefaultCxfRsBinding} doesn't filter the response headers according to the {@link HeaderFilterStrategy},
* so we handle this task in this binding.
protected Map filterCamelHeadersForResponseHeaders(Map headers,
org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange) {
Map answer = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) {
if (getHeaderFilterStrategy().applyFilterToCamelHeaders(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), camelExchange)) {
// skip content-length as the simple binding with Response will set correct content-length based
// on the entity set as the Response
if ("content-length".equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) {
answer.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString());
return answer;
* Transfers path parameters from the full path (including ancestor subresource locators) into Camel IN Message Headers.
protected void bindHeadersFromSubresourceLocators(Exchange cxfExchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange) {
MultivaluedMap pathParams = (MultivaluedMap)
// return immediately if we have no path parameters
if (pathParams == null || (pathParams.size() == 1 && pathParams.containsKey(URITemplate.FINAL_MATCH_GROUP))) {
Message m = camelExchange.getIn();
for (Entry> entry : pathParams.entrySet()) {
// skip over the FINAL_MATCH_GROUP which stores the entire path
if (URITemplate.FINAL_MATCH_GROUP.equals(entry.getKey())) {
m.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(0));
* Binds JAX-RS parameter types (@HeaderParam, @QueryParam, @MatrixParam, etc.) to the exchange.
* @param in
* @param paramArray
* @param paramNames
* @param numberParameters
protected void bindParameters(Message in, Object[] paramArray, String[] paramNames, int numberParameters) {
if (numberParameters == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
if (paramNames[i] != null) {
in.setHeader(paramNames[i], paramArray[i]);
* Binds the message body.
* @param in
* @param paramArray
* @param singleBodyIndex
protected void bindBody(Message in, Object[] paramArray, int singleBodyIndex) {
if (singleBodyIndex == -1) {
private void transferMultipartParameters(Object[] paramArray, String[] multipartNames, String[] multipartTypes, Message in) {
for (int i = 0; i < multipartNames.length; i++) {
if (multipartNames[i] == null || paramArray[i] == null) {
if (BINARY_ATTACHMENT_TYPES.contains(paramArray[i].getClass())) {
transferBinaryMultipartParameter(paramArray[i], multipartNames[i], multipartTypes[i], in);
} else {
in.setHeader(multipartNames[i], paramArray[i]);
private void transferBinaryMultipartParameter(Object toMap, String parameterName, String multipartType, Message in) {
org.apache.camel.Attachment dh = null;
if (toMap instanceof Attachment) {
dh = createCamelAttachment((Attachment) toMap);
} else if (toMap instanceof DataSource) {
dh = new DefaultAttachment((DataSource) toMap);
} else if (toMap instanceof DataHandler) {
dh = new DefaultAttachment((DataHandler) toMap);
} else if (toMap instanceof InputStream) {
dh = new DefaultAttachment(new InputStreamDataSource((InputStream) toMap, multipartType == null ? "application/octet-stream" : multipartType));
if (dh != null) {
in.addAttachmentObject(parameterName, dh);
private DefaultAttachment createCamelAttachment(Attachment attachment) {
DefaultAttachment camelAttachment = new DefaultAttachment(attachment.getDataHandler());
for (String name : attachment.getHeaders().keySet()) {
for (String value : attachment.getHeaderAsList(name)) {
camelAttachment.addHeader(name, value);
return camelAttachment;
protected static class MethodSpec {
private boolean multipart;
private int numberParameters;
private int entityIndex = -1;
private String[] paramNames;
private String[] multipartNames;
private String[] multipartTypes;
* Processes this method definition and extracts metadata relevant for the binding process.
* @param method The Method to process.
* @return A MethodSpec instance representing the method metadata relevant to the Camel binding process.
public static MethodSpec fromMethod(Method method) {
MethodSpec answer = new MethodSpec();
Annotation[][] annotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
int paramCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;
answer.paramNames = new String[paramCount];
answer.multipartNames = new String[paramCount];
answer.multipartTypes = new String[paramCount];
// remember the names of parameters to be bound to headers and/or attachments
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
// if the parameter has no annotations, let its array element remain = null
for (Annotation a : annotations[i]) {
// am I a header?
if (HEADER_ANNOTATIONS.contains(a.annotationType())) {
try {
answer.paramNames[i] = (String) a.annotationType().getMethod("value", NO_PARAMETER_TYPES).invoke(a, NO_PARAMETERS);
} catch (Exception e) { }
// am I multipart?
if (Multipart.class.equals(a.annotationType())) {
Multipart multipart = (Multipart) a;
answer.multipart = true;
answer.multipartNames[i] = multipart.value();
answer.multipartTypes[i] = multipart.type();
// if we are not multipart and the number of detected JAX-RS parameters (query, headers, etc.) is less than the number of method parameters
// there's one parameter that will serve as message body
if (!answer.multipart && answer.numberParameters < method.getParameterTypes().length) {
for (int i = 0; i < answer.paramNames.length; i++) {
if (answer.paramNames[i] == null) {
answer.entityIndex = i;
return answer;
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