Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
"component": {
"kind": "component",
"name": "digitalocean",
"title": "DigitalOcean",
"description": "Manage Droplets and resources within the DigitalOcean cloud.",
"deprecated": false,
"firstVersion": "2.19.0",
"label": "cloud,management",
"javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanComponent",
"supportLevel": "Stable",
"groupId": "org.apache.camel",
"artifactId": "camel-digitalocean",
"version": "4.9.0",
"scheme": "digitalocean",
"extendsScheme": "",
"syntax": "digitalocean:operation",
"async": false,
"api": false,
"consumerOnly": false,
"producerOnly": true,
"lenientProperties": false,
"browsable": false,
"remote": true
"componentProperties": {
"lazyStartProducer": { "index": 0, "kind": "property", "displayName": "Lazy Start Producer", "group": "producer", "label": "producer", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": false, "description": "Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing." },
"autowiredEnabled": { "index": 1, "kind": "property", "displayName": "Autowired Enabled", "group": "advanced", "label": "advanced", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": true, "description": "Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc." }
"headers": {
"CamelDigitalOceanOperation": { "index": 0, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanOperations", "enum": [ "create", "update", "delete", "list", "ownList", "get", "listBackups", "listActions", "listNeighbors", "listSnapshots", "listKernels", "listAllNeighbors", "enableBackups", "disableBackups", "reboot", "powerCycle", "shutdown", "powerOn", "powerOff", "restore", "resetPassword", "resize", "rebuild", "rename", "changeKernel", "enableIpv6", "enablePrivateNetworking", "takeSnapshot", "transfer", "convert", "attach", "detach", "assign", "unassign", "tag", "untag" ], "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The operation to perform", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#OPERATION" },
"CamelDigitalOceanId": { "index": 1, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Integer or String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The id", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#ID" },
"CamelDigitalOceanType": { "index": 2, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanImageTypes", "enum": [ "distribution", "application" ], "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#TYPE" },
"CamelDigitalOceanName": { "index": 3, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The name", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#NAME" },
"CamelDigitalOceanNames": { "index": 4, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "List", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The names of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#NAMES" },
"CamelDigitalOceanRegion": { "index": 5, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The code name of the region aka DigitalOcean data centers", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#REGION" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDescription": { "index": 6, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The description", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DESCRIPTION" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletSize": { "index": 7, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The size of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_SIZE" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletImage": { "index": 8, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The image of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_IMAGE" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletSSHKeys": { "index": 9, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "List", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The keys of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_KEYS" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletEnableBackups": { "index": 10, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Boolean", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The flag to enable backups", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_ENABLE_BACKUPS" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletEnableIpv6": { "index": 11, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Boolean", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The flag to enable ipv6", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_ENABLE_IPV6" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletEnablePrivateNetworking": { "index": 12, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Boolean", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The flag to enable private networking", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_ENABLE_PRIVATE_NETWORKING" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletUserData": { "index": 13, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The user data of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_USER_DATA" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletVolumes": { "index": 14, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "List", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The volumes' identifier of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_VOLUMES" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletTags": { "index": 15, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "List", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The tags of the droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_TAGS" },
"CamelDigitalOceanDropletId": { "index": 16, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Integer", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The droplet identifier", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#DROPLET_ID" },
"CamelDigitalOceanImageId": { "index": 17, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Integer", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The id of the DigitalOcean public image or your private image", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#IMAGE_ID" },
"CamelDigitalOceanKernelId": { "index": 18, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Integer", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The kernel id to be changed for droplet", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#KERNEL_ID" },
"CamelDigitalOceanVolumeName": { "index": 19, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The name of the volume", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#VOLUME_NAME" },
"CamelDigitalOceanVolumeSizeGigabytes": { "index": 20, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "Integer or Double", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The size value in GB", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#VOLUME_SIZE_GIGABYTES" },
"CamelDigitalOceanFloatingIPAddress": { "index": 21, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The floating IP address", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#FLOATING_IP_ADDRESS" },
"CamelDigitalOceanKeyFingerprint": { "index": 22, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The SSH key fingerprint", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#KEY_FINGERPRINT" },
"CamelDigitalOceanKeyPublicKey": { "index": 23, "kind": "header", "displayName": "", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "javaType": "String", "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The public key", "constantName": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanHeaders#KEY_PUBLIC_KEY" }
"properties": {
"operation": { "index": 0, "kind": "path", "displayName": "Operation", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanOperations", "enum": [ "create", "update", "delete", "list", "ownList", "get", "listBackups", "listActions", "listNeighbors", "listSnapshots", "listKernels", "listAllNeighbors", "enableBackups", "disableBackups", "reboot", "powerCycle", "shutdown", "powerOn", "powerOff", "restore", "resetPassword", "resize", "rebuild", "rename", "changeKernel", "enableIpv6", "enablePrivateNetworking", "takeSnapshot", "transfer", "convert", "attach", "detach", "assign", "unassign", "tag", "untag" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "The operation to perform to the given resource." },
"page": { "index": 1, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Page", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": "1", "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Use for pagination. Force the page number." },
"perPage": { "index": 2, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Per Page", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": "25", "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Use for pagination. Set the number of item per request. The maximum number of results per page is 200." },
"resource": { "index": 3, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "producer", "label": "", "required": true, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.constants.DigitalOceanResources", "enum": [ "account", "actions", "blockStorages", "droplets", "mages", "snapshots", "keys", "regions", "sizes", "floatingIPs", "tags" ], "deprecated": false, "deprecationNote": "", "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "The DigitalOcean resource type on which perform the operation." },
"lazyStartProducer": { "index": 4, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Lazy Start Producer", "group": "producer (advanced)", "label": "producer,advanced", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": false, "description": "Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing." },
"digitalOceanClient": { "index": 5, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Digital Ocean Client", "group": "advanced", "label": "advanced", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "com.myjeeva.digitalocean.impl.DigitalOceanClient", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "To use a existing configured DigitalOceanClient as client" },
"httpProxyHost": { "index": 6, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Http Proxy Host", "group": "proxy", "label": "proxy", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Set a proxy host if needed" },
"httpProxyPassword": { "index": 7, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Http Proxy Password", "group": "proxy", "label": "proxy", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": true, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Set a proxy password if needed" },
"httpProxyPort": { "index": 8, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Http Proxy Port", "group": "proxy", "label": "proxy", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Set a proxy port if needed" },
"httpProxyUser": { "index": 9, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Http Proxy User", "group": "proxy", "label": "proxy", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": true, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Set a proxy host if needed" },
"oAuthToken": { "index": 10, "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "OAuth Token", "group": "security", "label": "security", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": true, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.digitalocean.DigitalOceanConfiguration", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "DigitalOcean OAuth Token" }
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